The document summarizes a $10,000 grant awarded to Todd County by the Initiative Foundation to address challenges of an aging population. Verna Toenyan helped secure the grant and a committee will use the funds for leadership training and community discussions. The goal is to create a shared vision and plan. Minnesota Public Radio will also focus attention on Todd County. The grant will help bring citizens together to discuss both opportunities and challenges of an aging community.
The document summarizes a $10,000 grant awarded to Todd County by the Initiative Foundation to address challenges of an aging population. Verna Toenyan helped secure the grant and a committee will use the funds for leadership training and community discussions. The goal is to create a shared vision and plan. Minnesota Public Radio will also focus attention on Todd County. The grant will help bring citizens together to discuss both opportunities and challenges of an aging community.
The document summarizes a $10,000 grant awarded to Todd County by the Initiative Foundation to address challenges of an aging population. Verna Toenyan helped secure the grant and a committee will use the funds for leadership training and community discussions. The goal is to create a shared vision and plan. Minnesota Public Radio will also focus attention on Todd County. The grant will help bring citizens together to discuss both opportunities and challenges of an aging community.
The document summarizes a $10,000 grant awarded to Todd County by the Initiative Foundation to address challenges of an aging population. Verna Toenyan helped secure the grant and a committee will use the funds for leadership training and community discussions. The goal is to create a shared vision and plan. Minnesota Public Radio will also focus attention on Todd County. The grant will help bring citizens together to discuss both opportunities and challenges of an aging community.
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Thursday, February 18, 2010
Volume 97; Number 36
A community newspaper serving Browerville, MN and surrounding areas. USPS 067-560
75¢ County’s Local and regional science fair winners Initiative Foundation Grant will focus on needs of aging population Verna Toenyan played an By Rin Porter important role in helping Under the leadership of Round Prairie Todd County secure a resident Verna Toenyan and a committee Initiative Foundation Grant. of dedicated volunteers, Todd County has become the recipient of a $10,000 Healthy and tell the stories we think are important. Communities Partnership (HCP) grant They will work with local media to get a Above: Left to right, 6th Grade Research: Grand Champion: Josiah Cole - The Digestive from the Initiative Foundation, based in feel for the cities and townships that make System, 5th Grade Experiment: 2nd: Bryce Irsfeld - Left, Right, or Mixed Dominant, 4th Grade Little Falls. up the county, then strike out on their own. Experiment: 1st: Joe Fink - Rock Polishing The grant will bring a year of leader- Dan Frank, Initiative Foundation pro- ship team training and discussion opportu- gram manager for community develop- nities to county residents to help them ment, said in a telephone interview, “This plan for the future. The focus of the grant is the first time we’ve selected a project is on our aging population, and the oppor- that focuses on the aging population. It’s a tunities and challenges that aging brings big issue. As we look down the road, we to everyone. need to think about what this will mean for Todd County was one of four commu- our future. We all have a stake in it. nities selected to receive the grant and Aging is not always a negative thing. Yes, training in 2010. Since 1999, HCP has it means having certain services available helped more than 80 Central Minnesota for people, but it also means identifying communities to created a shared commu- what older people do particularly well. nity vision and plan for the future. Everyone needs to have this conversation The other three communities selected ... so that we can make our communities for 2010 HCP grants are the City of better.” Brainerd, the City of Eden Valley, and The first public information meeting Baldwin Township in Sherburne County. about the grant and the radio stories is Each has a different approach to its grant. taking place on Feb. 17 at the Browerville Todd County’s grant funds will be used Community Center. Daylong team train- to bring Todd County citizens together to ing sessions will be held in March, April, create a common vision for a future that August, and September 2010. A commu- will be affected by an aging population nity meeting to report on progress will be County residents will focus on both assets held one year later, in September 2011. and challenges, and create a plan to work HOW THE GRANT GOT STARTED Above: Left to right, 4th Grade Research: Honorable Mention: Hannah Lindquist - Multiple together for the common good. In a telephone interview, Verna Sclerosis, Nate Petermeier - Spontaneous Combustion, 4th Grade Research: 2nd: Harrison In addition, Minnesota Public Radio will Toenyan explained how the grant got sub- Christensen - Strokes and Heart Attacks. See inside pages for the entire Science Fair group concentrate radio broadcast attention on mitted. “Last fall,” she said, “we were dis- and much more students news and photos. Todd County and three other communities, cussing in Eagle Bend about senior serv- sending reporters and writers here to find ices, and about the ‘silver tsunami’ that’s coming and how we are not prepared to lems and chronic diseases. The local Services supervisors, and others to get meet the future.” health care system must prepare to care their opinions about it. She spoke to peo- The “silver tsunami” is a term coined in for many more people, perhaps in new ple at the Initiative Foundation, and a Lenders unite to keep 2002 by Mary Finn Maples, Professor of ways. meeting was held in Little Falls to explain Counseling and Educational Psychology Toenyan, who is the Todd County the process of the HCP. The group decid- Larson Boat Company at the University of Nevada at Reno. It Coordinator of Aging, said her Eagle ed to go ahead, and prepared the applica- refers to the Baby Boomer generation – Bend senior discussion group was con- tion for the grant, recruited a team, and in Little Falls the 76 million people who began celebrat- cerned about the silver tsunami from submitted their application. ing their 60th birthdays in 2006. many perspectives. In their view, aging The Initiative Foundation HCP grant One week after the announcement that Brunswick Corp. will close its Crestliner and According to AARP, Maples wrote in a affects everything: children, the work they received is a five-year grant, and will Triton boat plants, Little Falls residents are receiving some positive news. 2007 article, each day in the U.S., 8,000 force, transportation, health care, educa- prepare the team to work with additional Four central Minnesota lenders and the Minnesota Department of Employment and people turn 60. tion, and so forth. They felt that Todd funders and do additional projects after Economic Development (DEED) have approved a financing package to J&D According to research reported by the County was a strong county with out- the first year of training is completed. Acquisitions in Hopkins to keep the Larson Boat Company’s manufacturing facility Alliance for Aging Research, by the year standing senior services in 2009, but was WHAT THE GRANT WILL ACCOM- open. 2030, almost one out of every five not looking ahead. PLISH “Without hesitation I’m overwhelmed by the community support,” said Irwin Jacobs, Americans (72 million people) will be 65 The senior discussion group was inter- Toenyan, Frank, and the leadership J&D Acquisitions partner. “I’m optimistic about the fact that we’ll be able to grow our years or older. Individual life expectancy ested in applying for a grant, and Toenyan team want as many Todd County citizens businesses now, but in order to do that we Continued on page 20. is increasing, but an increasing proportion contacted the Todd County Board, County need the employees’ support by building the of seniors over 65 suffer from health prob- Administrator Nate Burkett, her Social Continued on page 20.