82nd Fighter Group Newsletter #91, June 2015
82nd Fighter Group Newsletter #91, June 2015
82nd Fighter Group Newsletter #91, June 2015
Marc Buonaguidi
Steve Powell
John Netzer Parliman
Nancy Medley Manduano
Harley C. Vaughn
W.S. Will Hattendorf
George C. Marvin
John C. Hendrix
R.M. Monty Powers, Jr.
Donald T. Foley
John J. Kane
Leo Fisher
William T. Mason
Olen L. Medley
Richard Ostronik
R.E. Dick Gadbury (Emeritus)
G.L. Jerry Powell
Darren Buonaguidi
website: www.82ndFighterGroup.org
email: [email protected]
The 82nd Fighter Group Association is a non-profit, 501(c)(19) Organization
Presidents Report
By Marc Buonaguidi
Hope this newsletter finds you
well. It seems so long since the
group last met.
Bogey on Our Six
Many of you have been
contacted or may have heard
the accusations from former
Association member Terry
Massick accusing the
Association of misappropriation
of funds and pending litigation.
It is all false. I have spoken with
all the Association leadership,
checked the financial records,
and have found no indication of
any missing funds. I have also
spoken, more than once, with
the very professional and very
kind Detective in Florida with
whom Terry attempted to file a
claim. There is no pending legal
action against the Association.
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Schedule of Events
Wednesday, September 9:
3pm - 11pm: Registration and Hospitality Room - Hotel Suite
Thursday, September 10:
8:30am: Tour of Hill Air Force Base and Museum, lunch at the Landing included.
Note: Buses board at entrance to hotel at 7:00 am, depart at 7:30 am.
All must be pre-registered by August 9th to attend. Government issued photo identification required.
9am - 11pm: Registration and Hospitality Room - Hotel Suite
Friday, September 11:
9am - 11pm: Registration and Hospitality Room - Hotel Suite
10am - 11am: Executive Committee Meeting - location tbd.
6pm - 9pm: Pasta Reception - Hotel
Saturday, September 12:
9am - 11pm: Registration and Hospitality - Hotel Suite
9am - 10:30am: Annual Meeting - Hotel
6pm - 7pm: Cocktail Reception - Hotel
7pm - 10pm: Dinner/Program/Dance - Hotel
Sunday, September 13:
9am - 12 noon: Registration and Hospitality - Hotel Suite
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The hotel is a little more than 1 mile from the center of downtown where there is a plethora of
shopping, restaurants and yes, bars.
Four and a half blocks from the hotel is the nearest stop for the light rail system, TRAX. This is a Free
Fair Zone so you dont need to purchase passes to use TRAX to get into downtown. Just be warned, Salt
Lake City blocks are very large and 7 blocks equal 1 mile.
Another bit of info; Salt Lake City streets are generally listed in a grid system with Temple Square being
the center point. If you see an address that is 100 South 100 West, it is located 1 block south and 1
block west of the temple. The building number should be listed first and the street number second (if it
is done right). For example, our home is at 7132 South 2220 East, so the house number is 7132 and we
are about 71 blocks south of the temple and 22 blocks east of the temple.
If an address has a street name, there is no rhyme or reason on how they are named, get a coordinate
number and youll be good to go.
Temple Square. The LDS Temple and adjacent buildings and gardens. It is open every day and you can
take a tour or just wander around. Remember, if you give them your address, they will come to visit
The Family History Library: 39 N West Temple St. Open Monday 8am-5pm, Tue-Fri 8am-9pm, Sat 9am5pm, closed Sunday. A group visit can be arranged but you can go in individually and they will have
someone explain how to get started with your genealogy research and set you lose.
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir rehearses on Thursday evening from 7:30 9:30pm in the Tabernacle at
Temple Square. Entrance is free and you can come and go freely.
The local Farmers Market is every Saturday morning at Pioneer Park. 400 South 300 West Salt Lake City
sightseeing tours are available. They leave from the Visitor Center at 90 S West Temple frequently.
Clark Planetarium. 110 South 400
West City Creek Shopping Center. Between West Temple and State Street and 100 South and South
Temple. www.shopcitycreekcenter.com
Gateway Shopping Center. Between 200 South and North Temple and 500 West and 400 West.
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Treasurers Report
The financial statement above shows we had to subsidize the reunion expenses with the operating account.
This has been happening for at least the last four years, though this is the largest deficit so far. Mary
Buonaguidi, our conference coordinator, assures us that this is not uncommon with other military
organizations she works with and that our costs are also in line with these other organizations. We pass
through our fixed costs like the meals, event entrance fees and transportation directly to the attendees. Other
costs like hospitality room food and beverage, pins, printing and copying, band, etc. are paid for through the
registration fees. As reunion attendance continues to decrease, this discretionary amount decreases. The
Executive Committee decided four years ago that reunions would not be a revenue generator and that we
would continue to have quality events with music at the banquet and a well-stocked hospitality room. We
have certainly met that goal and will continue in that direction. Tulsa was a wonderful reunion and we are
looking forward to an equally wonderful event in Salt Lake City.
Our current Operating Account balance as of 4/30/15 is $10,309.91.
Respectfully Submitted,
Keeping in Touch
Messages from Members & Inquiries
Newsletter 91
Joan Farnham sent a nice note with her dues saying how much she and Everett (96 th) enjoyed the Association
and the newsletter.
Thomas Welsh, son of TR Welsh, 96th pilot, is building a replica of his father's P-38 and would like any
identifying colors and marks as it would have flown out of Foggia. Hank Phillips and John Kane have already
responded. If you have information for Tom, you may contact him at [email protected].
Don Rudy, brother of Lt. James R. Rudy and brother in law of Dorothy, is looking for information. His brother
flew with the 95th Fighter Squadron on a mission to Foggia, Italy on August 25, 1943. His section (4 planes)
attacked the Foggia #3 airfield led by Lt. Hodgson at tree level. Attacked from above, Jim and two others were
shot down. On fire, Jim crash landed in a plowed field and stopped short of a farm house. The farmer took him
prisoner until the Luftwaffe arrived. He was a POW for two years at Stalag Luft III. I would like to learn the
location of that airfield and if anyone in the area remembers that event. Did a local newspaper record the
attack? Is there a WWII museum in the area? Any information you might have on this would be greatly
appreciated. Or, if you could direct me to plausible sources would likewise be great.
mailto:[email protected]
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Keeping in Touch
Messages from Members & Inquiries
Newsletter 91
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Roy Norris
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