A Tectonic Model For The Spatial Occurrence of Porphyry Copper and Polymetallic Vein Deposits-Applications To
A Tectonic Model For The Spatial Occurrence of Porphyry Copper and Polymetallic Vein Deposits-Applications To
A Tectonic Model For The Spatial Occurrence of Porphyry Copper and Polymetallic Vein Deposits-Applications To
On the cover: View of the Assarel porphyry copper deposit, the largest open-pit mine in Bulgaria.
Production is more than 10 million metric tons per year of ore, from which 180,000 metric tons of
copper concentrate is extracted (0.45 percent copper, 2.5 grams per metric ton gold). The mine
is located in the Panagyurishte area, which is within the central Srednogorie region of central
Bulgaria. The snow-covered Stara Planina Mountains in the background are seen 40 kilometers to
the south.This area is famous for the discovery in the 1950s of a fabulous gold treasure dating to
2,500 B.C., and the region has a rich mining history since before Thracian time. The mine is located
near the headwaters of the Luda Yana River, which flows into the Maritsa River, which then flows
southward across Bulgaria and Greece, into the Aegean Sea. Photograph by Lawrence J. Drew.
Suggested citation:
Drew, L.J., A tectonic model for the spatial occurrence of porphyry copper and polymetallic vein depositsApplications to central Europe: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 20055272, 36 p.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Drew, Lawrence J.
A tectonic model for the spatial occurrence of porphyry copper and polymetallic vein deposits : applications to central
Europe / by Lawrence J. Drew.
p. cm. (Scientific investigations report ; 2005-5272)
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 1-411-30960-X
1. PorphyryEurope, Central. 2. CopperEurope, Central. 3. Sediments (Geology)Europe, Central.
4. Hydrothermal depositsEurope, Central. 5. Geology, StratigraphicCretaceous. 6. Geology,
StratigraphicMiocene. 7. GeologyEurope, Central. I. Title.
QE462.P6D74 2006
The Tectonic Deposit Occurrence Model...................................................................................................2
Emplacement of a Porphyry Stock and Deposition of Porphyry Mineralization.........................2
Deposition of Polymetallic Veins.........................................................................................................6
Association Between Strike-Slip Faulting and Magmatism in Convergent-Margin
Magmatic Arcs.......................................................................................................................10
Orogenic Collapse, Strike-Slip Faulting, and Basin Development...............................................11
Application of the Model to Certain Ore Fields in Central Europe........................................................12
Late Cretaceous OrogenBanat-Timok-Srednogorie Region....................................................12
Establishing the Sense of Shear in the Orogen..............................................................................15
The Rift Model for the Orogen...........................................................................................................15
Application of the Model....................................................................................................................15
Relative Probability of Occurrence of Undiscovered Resources in Porphyry Copper
and Polymetallic Vein Deposits............................................................................................19
Porphyry Copper and Associated Deposits in Serbia...................................................................20
Porphyry Copper in the Banat Region, Romania............................................................................24
Gravitational Collapse and Escape Tectonics........................................................................24
Middle Miocene Porphyry Copper and Polymetallic Vein Deposits in Romania and Slovakia........... 27
Apuseni Mountains, Romania...................................................................................................27
Central Slovakian Volcanic Field..............................................................................................29
References Cited..........................................................................................................................................32
1. Map showing three regions where porphyry copper deposits occur in central
2. Diagram showing strike-slip fault duplex structures along an active tectonic-plate
3. Diagram showing strain features developed in the principal deformation zone of a
strike-slip fault system..................................................................................................................3
4. Diagram showing the possible relation between deformation at the surface,
intermediate, and at the brittle-ductile transition in a strike-slip fault zone........................4
5. Diagrams showing areas of tensional and shear fracturing between the tips of two
interacting master strike-slip faults in a right-lateral system................................................5
6. Schematic cross section through a hypothetical granodiorite porphyry stock and
associated dikes at three progressive stages of their solidification....................................5
7. Diagram showing the possible evolution of an extensional fault duplex.............................6
8. Diagram of tensional and shear fracturing in and near a strike-slip fault duplex..............7
9. Diagram of a strike-slip fault duplex showing the region most favorable for the
tensional fracturing with maximum fluid flow...........................................................................7
10. Diagrams showing cross sections through positive and negative flower structures.......7
11. Cross section through the Larga porphyry copper deposit, Apuseni Mountains,
12. Diagram showing the extensional-shear mesh of a brittle fracture within a strikeslip duplex.......................................................................................................................................9
13. Schematic diagram showing movement on a strike-slip fault...............................................9
14. Map of the summit region of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii...........................................................9
15. Diagram showing shear fractures and zones of extension filled by basaltic dikes ........10
16. Diagrams showing examples of mineralized strike-slip fault duplexes.............................11
17. Model for kinematics and heat distribution in a contractional magmatic arc..................12
18. Map showing location of study areas......................................................................................13
19. Tectonic model for the late Tertiary evolution of the Carpathian-Pannonian area..........14
20. Schematic reconstruction of subduction of the Vardar Ocean under the
Rhodopian-Dacia blocks and docking with the Tisza block during the CampanianMaastrichtian...............................................................................................................................14
21. Sketch map showing the Timok-Srednogorie paleorift system in the Serbian and
Bulgarian part of the Banat-Timok-Srednogorie region.......................................................15
22. Composite satellite image of the west-central Srednogorie region, Bulgaria..................16
23. Satellite image showing the locations of the three largest porphyry copper
deposits in Bulgaria.....................................................................................................................17
24. Geologic map showing rock types and known porphyry copper deposits in the
west-central Srednogorie region, Bulgaria............................................................................18
25. Geologic map showing rock types, known porphyry copper deposits, and strikeslip faults in the central Srednogorie region, Bulgaria.........................................................18
26. Map showing relations between porphyry copper deposits and their hosting strikeslip fault duplexes in the west-central Srednogorie region, Bulgaria................................19
27. Map showing locations of porphyry copper deposits in the Timok magmatic zone,
28. Map and cross section of a positive flower structure of the Majdanpek porphyry
copper deposit.............................................................................................................................22
29. Tectonic map of the Timok magmatic zone, Serbia...............................................................23
30. Geologic map of the Banat region, Romania..........................................................................25
31. Map and diagrams of tectonic elements in the area of the Moldova Nou copper
deposit in the Banat region, Romania......................................................................................26
32. Diagram showing tectonic transport direction in the Carpathian-Pannonian region
during the middle Miocene........................................................................................................27
33. Map showing extension during the Karpatian-earliest Badenian......................................28
34. Map showing strike-slip faults formed in the study area during the late BadenianSarmatian......................................................................................................................................29
35. Map showing deposits in the Brad-Sacaramb and Zlatna basins, Apuseni
Mountains, Romania...................................................................................................................30
36. Map showing deposits in the Sacaramb-Hondol duplex in the Apuseni Mountains,
37. Map showing the pull-apart basins created by strike-slip faulting in the central
Slovakian volcanic field near Kremnica and Banksa Stiavnica, Slovakia.........................31
Conversion Factors
kilometer (km)
square kilometer (km2)
kilogram (kg)
To obtain
mile (mi)
pound avoirdupois (lb)
A structural-tectonic model, which was developed to
assess the occurrence of undiscovered porphyry copper deposits and associated polymetallic vein systems for the Mtra
Mountains, Hungary, has been expanded here and applied
to other parts of central Europe. The model explains how
granitoid stocks are emplaced and hydrothermal fluids flow
within local strain features (duplexes) within strike-slip fault
systems that develop in continental crust above subducting
plates. Areas of extension that lack shear at the corners and
along the edges of the fault duplexes are structural traps for the
granitoid stocks associated with porphyry copper deposits. By
contrast, polymetallic vein deposits are emplaced where shear
and extension are prevalent in the interior of the duplexes. This
model was applied to the Late Cretaceous-age porphyry copper
and polymetallic vein deposits in the Banat-Timok-Srednogorie region of Romania-Serbia-Bulgaria and the middle Miocene-age deposits in Romania and Slovakia. In the first area,
porphyry copper deposits are most commonly located at the
corners, and occasionally along the edges, of strike-slip fault
duplexes, and the few polymetallic vein deposits identified are
located at interior sites of the duplexes. In the second area, the
model accounts for the preferred sites of porphyry copper and
polymetallic vein deposits in the Apuseni Mountains (Romania) and central Slovakian volcanic field (Slovakia).
The purpose of this study is to present tectonic data and analyses relevant to the occurrence of porphyry copper and associated
polymetallic vein, skarn, and replacement deposits. The primary
goal is to develop a tectonic deposit occurrence model useful for
assessing the occurrence of undiscovered deposits in the porphyry
copper and related family of deposits. The model further quantifies
the assessment of the occurrence of undiscovered mineral resources
in porphyry and polymetallic vein deposits. A second goal is to
provide historical context for this recent research work. Some of the
ideas about the relation between structural geology and polymetal-
lic veins were elucidated before 1950. A third goal is to set out
instructional ideas for the use of the tectonic occurrence model to
assess undiscovered mineral resources.
Many porphyry copper and associated polymetallic vein
deposits occur in central Europe. These deposits have been well
described, and geologic maps of the area show tectonic and
geologic information that was useful for expanding and further
testing the tectonic deposit occurrence model. Three areas in central Europe were studied in detail (fig. 1). The first is the BanatTimok-Srednogorie region in Romania, Serbia, and Bulgaria,
where the porphyry copper and associated mineralization is Late
Cretaceous to Paleocene in age. The second area is the central
Slovakian volcanic field in Slovakia. The third area comprises the
Apuseni Mountains in Romania. The mineralization in the latter
two areas is middle Miocene in age. To avoid cumbersome repetition, the skarn and replacement deposits that belong to this family
are here included under the title polymetallic vein deposits.
The analytical framework used in this study is based on the
tectonics of porphyry-related stock emplacement and the formation of porphyry-style mineralization and associated polymetallic
veins, as described by Cox (1986). This framework is expanded
into a tectonic deposit occurrence model. The principal elements
considered in the model include (1) the association between
strike-slip faulting and the emplacement of porphyry stocks
(Seraphim and Hollister, 1976; Titley and Beane, 1981); (2) the
thermal regimes necessary for development of a mineralized porphyry stockwork (Burnham, 1979; Titley and Beane, 1981; Titley,
1990); and (3) the temporal transition from the deposition of a
porphyry stockwork to the formation of polymetallic veins.
Carranza and Hale (2002) introduce a statistical basis for
the assessment of porphyry copper deposits using tectonic elements, such as strike-slip faulting. Their conclusions support
quantitative mineral resource assessments. The methods used
here, by contrast, focus on building the tectonic and geologic
reasoning to move from the description of the occurrence of
past discoveries to the use of structural and tectonic data to
forecast the probable location of undiscovered deposits. This
progression from investigation and description to forecasting
using a geologic based model, can, hopefully, be achieved
through a synthesis of tectonic principles and geologic data.
The goal is to move the field of resource assessment from its
A Tectonic Model for Porphyry Copper and Polymetallic Vein Deposits in Central Europe
Central Slovakian
volcanic field
(middle Miocene)
50 kilometers
Area of
figure 37
Apuseni Mountains
(middle Miocene)
Area of
figure 34
Area of
figure 18
Banat-Timok-Srednogorie region
(Late Cretaceous-Paleocene)
Figure 1. Location of three regions (the Banat-Timok-Srednogorie region, the Apuseni Mountains, and the central
Slovakian volcanic field) where porphyry copper deposits occur in central Europe. Modified from Borco (1994) and Fodor
and others (1999).
subjective basis heavily weighted in expert judgment (qualitative) toward a more objective basis (quantitative).
Tosdal and Richards (2001) provide a useful compilation and
summary describing the tectonic setting of porphyry copper deposits. Their results provide a broad framework for viewing porphyry
deposits within convergent margin settings ranging from orthogonal compression to extension and the more common intermediate
stress conditions of transpression to transtension. They argue that
conditions are favorable for the development of porphyry copper
deposits in certain ranges or phases of transpression to transtension. When compressive stress is locally relaxed, magmatic stocks
are emplaced. They also noted that fault jogs may generate areas
of extension that could serve as optimum loci for the ascent of
magma and potential development of porphyry copper mineralization. These ideas are similar to those developed and expanded on
by Berger and Drew (1997), Berger and others (1999), Drew and
others (1999a,b), and Drew and Berger (2001, 2002).
Volcanic arc
Fault duplex
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
plate. .
. . Oceanic
.. . . . . . .. ... . ... . ... . . . .
. ..
. . .
. . . . . .. .
.. . .
. .. . . .
Continental plate
Fault duplex
~7 kilometers
Negative flower
Stress-strain ellipsoid
showing extensional
En echelon
antithetic faults
En echelon
Figure 3. Some of the strain features developed in the principal deformation zone (PDZ) of a strike-slip
fault system. Modified from Harding and others (1985).
A Tectonic Model for Porphyry Copper and Polymetallic Vein Deposits in Central Europe
Figure 4. Possible relation between deformation at the surface, intermediate, and at the brittleductile transition in a strike-slip fault zone. Modified from Swanson (1989).
Area of tensional
Area of shear
Area of shear
Area of shear
Area of tensional
and shear fracturing
Shear fracture
Tensional fracture
Figure 5. Areas of tensional and shear fracturing between the tips of two interacting master strike-slip
faults in a right-lateral system. A, Compressional duplex; B, Extensional duplex. Modified from Segall and
Pollard (1980). 1, maximum principal stress; 3, minimum principal stress.
Distance, in kilometers
Distance, in kilometers
1000 C
Pressure, in kilobars
Depth, in kilometers
1000 C
Depth, in kilometers
Depth, in kilometers
1000 C
Distance, in kilometers
Volcanic remnant
Solidified granodiorite
Host rock
H2O-saturated crystalline
carapace of granodiorite
Mineralized stockwork
1000 C
Granodioritic magma
Figure 6. Schematic cross section through a hypothetical granodiorite porphyry stock and associated dikes at three
progressive stages of their solidification. Modified from Burnham (1979).
Pressure, in kilobars
Pressure, in kilobars
A Tectonic Model for Porphyry Copper and Polymetallic Vein Deposits in Central Europe
the melt becomes more hydrous, pressure rises in the magma,
and boiling occurs (fig. 6A). These processes are accompanied
by volume changes that cause fracturing of the recently solidified carapace and associated deposition of quartz, potassium
feldspar, and copper and iron sulfides (fig. 6B). After release
of the pressure, the system is resealed by the deposition of
quartz and feldspar. With further solidification, the hydration
cycle repeats, the newly deposited carapace is fractured, and
an additional assemblage of gangue and sulfide minerals is
deposited (fig. 6C). All of these reactions occur during the
period when the column of magma is in a stable tectonic configuration as discussed above.
We can gain additional insight into the location of these
porphyry copper and polymetallic vein deposits within a
duplex from model studies by Rogers (1980), Segall and Pollard (1980), and Connolly and Cosgrove (1999). Empirically,
in extensional duplexes the corners and edges appear to be the
preferred sites of porphyry emplacement.
In the initial stage of an extensional duplexs development (fig. 5B), the tips of the master faults do not overlap. In
the compressional duplex, the area where tensional fracturing
can occur is limited to a relatively small area at the tips of the
two master faults (fig. 5A). Although a compressional duplex
(fig. 5A) can be favorable for porphyry emplacement, we
usually find porphyry copper deposits in extensional duplexes
(fig. 5B). This is most likely a consequence of the fact that in
well-documented strike-slip fault systems the sense of stepping is predominantly releasing and, therefore, favorable for
the formation of extensional duplexes (Parkinson and Dooley,
The results of the modeling of extensional duplexes
suggest that tensional fracturing occurs within a much larger
area than that occurring in compressional duplexes because it
is associated with shear (fig. 5B). These results of Segall and
Pollard (1980) suggest that even with no fault overlap there
may be many sites in the intra-tip area that are favorable for
the emplacement of porphyry stocks. Rogers (1980) modeled the evolution of extensional fault duplexes and pull-apart
basins at various degrees of overlap (fig. 7). As the degree of
overlap increases, the area of tensional fracturing (the intra-tip
area), where sedimentary basins occur, is subsequently rotated
and separated into two basins that migrate spatially. The areas
of normal faulting are under extension, volcanic rocks and
magmatic stocks are emplaced, and volcaniclastic and other
sediments are deposited. Multiple sites may exist in the duplex
for porphyry copper systems to form during the progressive
evolution of strike-slip fault duplexes.
More recently, Connolly and Cosgrove (1999) have
expanded the earlier research of Rogers (1980) and have
included a brief discussion of the application of their study to
the occurrence of mineral deposits. Their principal focus, like
that of Rogers, was on building a model to aid in petroleum
exploration. Their study shows that when the overstep is twice
the distance between the master strike-slip faults (fig. 7D;
Rogers, 1980), tensional fracturing is pervasive (fig. 8). This
area has the map pattern of an annulus whose outer bound-
Strike-slip faultArrows
show relative movement
Strike-slip faultArrows
show relative movement
Shear fracture
Tensional fracture
Lateral margin favorable for the
emplacement of porphyry deposits
Area of
fluid flow
Area of maximum
fluid flow
Strike-slip faultArrows
show relative movement
Shear fracture
Tensional fracture
A Tectonic Model for Porphyry Copper and Polymetallic Vein Deposits in Central Europe
Volcanic rocks of
Paleocene age
Sedimentary rocks
of Mesozoic age
Porphyry copper
Hanes polymetallic
vein deposit
.. . .
. .
.. . .. . +
. +
. .. .. + +
+ +
.. ..
. . + +
Figure 11. Cross section through the Larga porphyry copper deposit, Apuseni Mountains, Romania,
showing the crosscutting and other spatially associated polymetallic veins. Modified from Borco (1994).
structure that we call today a strike-slip fault duplex. McKinstry (1948) labeled the structure a cymoid loop and connected
it to a set of horsetail veins that are common terminations of a
duplex structure.
McKinstry (1948) modeled a fault that had right-lateral
and right-stepping movement that changed its strike in a
clockwise manner and then reoriented itself back to the main
strike direction (fig. 13A). This type of slip along a fault creates a favorable opening for the deposition of ore minerals,
whereas the opposite movement is unfavorable for ore deposition (fig. 13B). McKinstry came very close to recognizing the
alternating tensional and shear segments of the extensionalshear mesh that was later developed by Hill (1977) as the
mechanism that localizes dikes in dike swarms and by Sibson
(1986, 1987, 1989) as the mechanism that traps the ore shoots
in polymetallic veins. Additionally, McKinstry anticipated
later models of the mechanical behavior of the mesh. For
example, areas of favorable permeability (fig. 13B) correlate
with the fault duplex basin and negative flower structures
(figs. 3, 10B), and areas of unfavorable permeability (fig. 13B)
correlate with compressional structures and positive flower
structures (figs. 3, 10A).
Our current understanding of the mechanics of the
extensional-shear mesh had its origin in the study of earthquakes associated with strike-slip fault duplexes (Hill, 1977).
Swarms of dikes are commonly found in the eroded volcanic
Strike-slip faultArrows
show relative movement
Potential fracture
Zone of extension (ore shoot)
Normal faultBar and ball
on downthrown side
Strike-slip faultArrows
show relative movement
Zone of extension
Shear fracture
Zone of compression
1 kilometer
st R
1923' N.
ae f
15515' W.
Normal faultBall and bar on downthrown side
Unspecified fault
10 A Tectonic Model for Porphyry Copper and Polymetallic Vein Deposits in Central Europe
Zone of extension
Shear fracture
the mesh closes and traps the magma as dikes. When the next
earthquake occurs, this cycle is repeated.
In summary, once the reaction containment vessel
(fig. 6) is breached by throughgoing brittle fracturing in an
extensional-shear mesh, the hydrothermal system is open to
nonmagmatic sources of zinc, lead, and other components
that have been leached by incoming meteoric waters from the
rocks surrounding the porphyry stock. The hydrothermal fluid
is trapped in the extensional-shear mesh as vein ore during
repeated cycling of the seismic pumping system triggered by
earthquakes. To be effective at trapping ore, the mesh must
be sealed except during those brief moments of geologic time
when energy from an earthquake has opened it and allowed
hydrothermal fluid to enter.
Sibson (1987) used two deposits to demonstrate the
important role that the extensional-shear mesh has played
in hosting ore bodies. The first is the Chuquicamata copper
deposit in Chile (fig. 16A), which is usually considered to be
the worlds largest porphyry copper deposit. Instead of being
hosted in the normal porphyry setting (fig. 6), the granodiorite
and quartz porphyry stock and porphyry ore at Chuquicamata fill the entire fault duplex (fig. 16A). This is a variation
of the tectonic occurrence model where only the corners and
edges are the preferred sites for the porphyry deposits. Hollister (1974, 1978) noted that Chuquicamata is an excellent
example of a porphyry copper stockwork developed in a set
Ore zone
500 meters
Strike-slip faultArrows show relative
movement; dashed where inferred;
queried where uncertain
300 meters
Figure 16. Examples of mineralized strike-slip fault duplexes. A, Map view of Chuquicamata, Chile;
B, Martha lode system on the #9 level, Waihi, New Zealand. Modified from Sibson (1987).
12 A Tectonic Model for Porphyry Copper and Polymetallic Vein Deposits in Central Europe
Deformed zone
Direction of subduction
Thermally weakened
deformed zone
Thrust faultSawteeth on
upper plate
Strike-slip faultArrows
show relative movement
50 kilometers
45 N.
Area of
figure 27
Area of
figures 2426
Figure 18. Location of study areas in the Banat region (Romania), the Timok magmatic zone (Serbia), and a part
of the central Srednogorie region (Bulgaria). See figure 1 for location. Compiled and modified from Codarcea and
Rileanu (1968), Yugoslavia Federal Geological Institute (1970), Bulgarian Institute of Academy of Sciences (1973),
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (1977), Bogdanov (1983), and Jankovi (1990).
Table 1. Tonnages and grades of porphyry copper deposits of the Banat-Timok-Srednogorie region.
[Data from Singer and others (2002)]
Name of deposit
Banat region, Romania
Moldova Nou
Timok magmatic zone, Serbia
Velki Krivelj
Srednogorie region, Bulgaria
in million metric tons
in percent
14 A Tectonic Model for Porphyry Copper and Polymetallic Vein Deposits in Central Europe
East European Platform
Bohemian promontory
Alcapa block
Moesian promontory
Dacia blo
pian b
Direction of tectonic transport
Extensional basinBar and
ball on downthrown side
Figure 19. Tectonic model for the late Tertiary evolution of the Carpathian-Pannonian
area. Extensional basins and thinned crust shown diagrammatically with tectonic blocks
dissected and exploded at the Mid-Hungarian Line, a major transcurrent fault. The
Alcapa block is composed of the eastern Alps (Austria), northern and central Carpathian
Mountains (Slovakia and northern Hungary), and the northern Pannonian basin (Hungary).
The Tisza block is located in southern Hungary; the Dacia block is located in Romania; and
the Rhodopian block is located in Bulgaria. Modified from Csontos and Nagymarosy (1998).
Moesian promontory
Dacia block
Banat region
Area of
Area of
figure 27
Timok region
Area of
figure 24
Srednogorie region
oceanic plate
Strike-slip faultArrow, where shown, indicates
relative movement; dashed where inferred
Direction of block movement
SubductionSawteeth on upper plate
Figure 20. Schematic reconstruction of subduction of the Vardar Ocean under the Rhodopian-Dacia blocks and docking with
the Tisza block during the Campanian-Maastrichtian (8070 Ma). Modified from Willingshofer (2000) and Ciobanu and others
(2002). The Banat-Timok-Srednogorie regions and the Black Sea are shown in their relative positions. Geology of the study
areas compiled and modified from Codarcea and Rileanu (1968), Yugoslavia Federal Geological Institute (1970), Bulgarian
Institute of Academy of Sciences (1973), Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (1977), Bogdanov (1983), and Jankovi (1990).
50 kilometers
Late Cretaceous volcanic
and sedimentary rocks
Figure 21. Sketch map showing the Timok-Srednogorie paleorift system in the Serbian and Bulgarian part of the BanatTimok-Srednogorie region. Modified from Antonijevi and others (1974).
16 A Tectonic Model for Porphyry Copper and Polymetallic Vein Deposits in Central Europe
lic vein deposits. In addition, where possible, Landsat and
ASTER satellite images were used to identify structural features and sites of hydrothermal alteration. The satellite images
also were used as a base for compiling tectonic, geologic, and
mineral deposit occurrence data from a variety of sources.
Most of the maps for the region show many faults but rarely
indicate the sense of movement. As mentioned above, the
right-lateral sense of movement on the strike-slip faults was
generally predicted based on the overall right sense of shear
in the orogen. In 1998 and 1999, when this compilation was
completed, no database existed with the latitudes and longitudes of the known mineral deposits and occurrences.
The west-central Srednogorie area, Bulgaria, is used
here to illustrate how this compilation was conducted (figs.
2224). On this composite image (fig. 22), northwest-trending
linear features are interpreted as faults that are associated with
green to pink changes in color. Elliptically shaped sedimentary
basins range in color from pink to blue. In figure 23, the locations of the three largest porphyry copper deposits in Bulgaria
are shown in relation to strike-slip faults transferred from the
1:1,000,000-scale map published by the Bulgarian Institute of
Moesian promontory
Area of
Area of
figure 23
20 kilometers
Figure 22. Landsat Thematic Mapper 7 composite image of the west-central Srednogorie region, Bulgaria.
Spectral bands are red (band 7), green (band 4), and blue (band 2).
Figure 23. Satellite image showing the locations of the three largest porphyry copper deposits in Bulgaria (table 1) and their
relation to the strike-slip faults in the region. Faults are transferred from the 1:1,000,000-scale geologic map of Bulgaria (Bulgarian
Institute of Academy of Sciences, 1973). The sense of movement on the faults (right lateral) is from Ivanov and others (2002).
18 A Tectonic Model for Porphyry Copper and Polymetallic Vein Deposits in Central Europe
Tertiary basin fill
Late Cretaceous volcanic rocks
Late Cretaceous intrusive rocks
Mid-Cretaceous to Archean rocks
20 kilometers
Figure 24. Geologic map showing rock types and known porphyry copper deposits in the west-central Srednogorie region, Bulgaria.
Modified from Bulgarian Institute of Academy of Sciences (1973), Bogdanov (1983), Bayraktarov (1994), and Strashimirov and others (2002).
Tertiary basin fill
Late Cretaceous volcanic rocks
Late Cretaceous intrusive rocks
Mid-Cretaceous to Archean rocks
20 kilometers
Figure 25. Geologic map showing rock types, known porphyry copper deposits, and strike-slip faults in the central Srednogorie region,
Bulgaria. The major porphyry copper deposits are associated with small Late Cretaceous intrusive stocks (not shown) whereas most of the
minor porphyry copper deposits and occurrences are associated with larger intrusive bodies (shown). Modified from Bulgarian Institute of
Academy of Sciences (1973), Bogdanov (1983), Bayraktarov (1994), Ivanov and others (2002), and Strashimirov and others (2002).
Strike-slip faultArrow shows
relative movement; dashed
where covered or inferred
she ar-Yav
ar z ori
one tsa
20 kilometers
Higher prob
of occurre
shear zone
Lower prob
of occurre
Figure 26. Map showing relations between porphyry copper deposits and their hosting strike-slip fault duplexes (shaded gray) in the westcentral Srednogorie region, Bulgaria. Interpretation of additional faults based on geologic data from maps and satellite images. The numbered
duplexes are discussed in text. Inset map shows interpretation of strike-slip duplex formation and the relative probabilities of occurrence of
porphyry copper and polymetallic vein deposits relative to the location of the Iskar-Yavoritsa shear zone (see text for discussion).
20 A Tectonic Model for Porphyry Copper and Polymetallic Vein Deposits in Central Europe
Using the tectonic deposit occurrence model presented
here with additional tectonic analysis, the study area can
be divided into subareas with different levels of probability
for the occurrence of undiscovered porphyry copper and
polymetallic vein deposits (fig. 26; Ivanov and others, 2002).
Duplexes near the Iskar-Yavoritsa shear zone seem to contain only minor porphyry copper deposits and occurrences.
The major porphyry copper deposits are associated with Late
Cretaceous intrusive stocks (not shown) that are very small in
areal extent (several square kilometers). The minor porphyry
copper deposits and occurrences are associated with large
plutons, for example, in the vicinity of duplex 3 (figs. 25, 26).
Near the Iskar-Yavoritsa shear zone in the vicinity of duplex
3, a large Late Cretaceous granitoid body is exposed that has
a long arching extension that terminates in the Iskar-Yavoritsa shear zone near the southern edge of duplex 4 (figs. 25,
26). This pattern of intrusion probably reflects emplacement
under the influence of a devitoric stress field; that is, 1
3. The development of porphyry copper deposits requires a
stable extensional stress field such as exists in the vicinity
of the corners and edges of duplexes where tensional fracturing occurs (lower mean stress) and where 1 = 3. Under these
conditions a porphyry stock repeatedly undergoes cycles of
crystallization, fracturing of the encapsulating silica carapace,
and emplacement of the ore minerals and silica and related
gange minerals to form a major porphyry copper deposit (fig.
6). Such stable conditions generally are not maintained in the
vicinity of a major shear zone.
The minor porphyry copper deposits (Popovo Dere, Tsar
Assen, and Vlaykoro Mountains) located in duplex 4a (fig. 26)
are associated with two northwest-trending granitoid bodies, suggestive of emplacement under devitoric stress. These
deposits are interspersed with polymetallic vein deposits and
concentrated along the edges of the duplex. If the model is
correct, then the vein systems were deposited after the minor
porphyry copper deposits. The porphyry copper deposits
would have been deposited in an earlier extensional environment when the far-field stress was temporally nullified. This
extensional environment would have been followed by an
extensional-shear environment when the stress in the far field
returned to being dominant. These polymetallic vein deposits
may crosscut the porphyry deposits and (or) be located in
an extensional-shear mesh between or outside the porphyry
Duplex 5 (fig. 26) is bounded on the north and south by
strike-slip faults and probably contains a complex of smaller
duplexes. Two polymetallic vein deposits occur in the middle
of the duplex. No deposits or occurrences have been described
from within duplex 2. This basin is bounded to the south by
the Iskar-Yavoritsa shear zone making it doubtful that any
significant porphyry copper or polymetallic vein deposits were
formed. Even if deposits were formed, recent tectonic movement may have downdropped them into the basin, where they
would be covered by sediments.
With the exception of the Chelopech polymetallic vein
deposit (fig. 26), which is currently the largest gold-producing
Danube Riv
Area of
figure 28
Veliki Krivelj
20 kilometers
Figure 27. Porphyry copper deposits in the Timok magmatic zone (a strike-slip fault duplex) in Serbia. See figure 18 for location.
Modified from Yugoslavia Federal Geological Institute (1970), Jankovi (1990), and Karamata and others (1997). Porphyry copper and vein
deposit locations from Kozelj and Jelenkovic (2001).
22 A Tectonic Model for Porphyry Copper and Polymetallic Vein Deposits in Central Europe
Highly silicified bodies (quartz-rich cores) of Late
Cretaceous age associated with small intrusive
stocks with the highest grade copper
Andesite of Late Cretaceous age containing
porphyry copper mineralization
1 kilometer
Figure 28. Map and schematic cross section illustrating a positive flower structure of the Majdanpek porphyry copper deposit.
Compiled and modified from Starostin (1970) and Jankovi and others (1980).
Undifferentiated rocks of
Mid-Cretaceous and older age
Veliki Krivelj
Valja Strz
Dome cored by
Proterozoic rocks
44 N.
20 kilometers
Figure 29. Tectonic map of the Timok magmatic zone (strike-slip fault duplex modified from Milovanovic, 1968), Serbia. Mapped rock
units differ from those shown in figure 27 by the delineation of the Tertiary sediments and by not identifying the unaltered andesite. This
map is used here because it emphasizes the structural geology of the duplex. Areas of the duplex designated by the letters A, B, and C
(see text for discussion).
24 A Tectonic Model for Porphyry Copper and Polymetallic Vein Deposits in Central Europe
From the discussion above we conclude that the Timok
magmatic zone is an extensional strike-slip duplex with a
right-lateral, right-step sense of movement (figs. 27, 28).
Note that two of the three major porphyry copper deposits are
located along the eastern side of the duplex, while the four
porphyry copper occurrences are located toward either side of
the duplex (fig. 27). In contrast, the polymetallic vein deposits
appear concentrated in the interior of the duplex. This configuration is consistent with the tectonic deposit occurrence model
as described here (figs. 216).
The pattern of the faults in the duplex is best shown on a
map by Milovanovic (1968), to which has been added a few
additional faults proposed here by the author (fig. 29). The
resulting duplex is composite in character with successive segments interpreted to have developed in a southern and possibly
southwestern direction as stress was successively transferred
from the series of strike-slip faults (see figures 27, 29). The
initial opening of the Timok duplex was in the trough of a syncline where the rocks in the axial region had been weakened
during previous regional deformation (figs. 27, 29).
The initial extension in the Timok fault duplex was in
the small duplex in its northern part (area A in figure 29). The
master fault on the southwestern margin of this duplex has
been inferred by the author. The next duplexes to form may
have been near the Bor and Veliki Krivelj porphyry deposits
(areas B and C, respectively, in figure 29), although the order
and timing of the development of these individual duplexes
is not known. The Majdanpek deposit has been dated at 904
Ma, the Bor deposit at 794 Ma, and the Veliki Krivelj deposit
at 766 Ma (Ciobanu and others, 2002). These age dates support the idea that the duplex opened and magma ascended in at
least two stages progressing toward the south. The porphyry
copper occurrence at Valja Strz on the western side of the
Timok duplex has been dated at 784 Ma.
5 kilometers
45 N.
Area of
figure 31
Figure 30. Geologic map of the Banat region, Romania. Modified from Codarcea (1967), Codarcea and Dimitrescu (1967),
Codarcea and Rileanu (1968), Nastaseanu and Maier (1972), Maier and others (1973), and Nastaseanu and others (1975). See
figure 18 for location.
26 A Tectonic Model for Porphyry Copper and Polymetallic Vein Deposits in Central Europe
Granitoid rocks of Late Cretaceous to
Paleocene age
Rocks of Cretaceous or older age
Skarn mineralization and alteration
Small granitoid stocks and dikes
Thrust faultSawteeth on upper plate
Strike-slip faultArrows show relative
Moldova Nou
porphyry copper
2 kilometers
Figure 31. Tectonic elements in the area of the Moldova Nou copper deposit in the Banat region, Romania. Modified
from Nastaseanu and Maier (1972). See figure 30 for location. 1, maximum principal stress; 2, intermediate principal
stress; 3, minimum principal stress; PDZ, principal deformation zone; R, synthetic shear fracture; P, antithetic shear
fracture. A, Map view of the duplex hosting the Moldova Nou porphyry copper deposit. B, Stress-strain ellipsoid
showing the sense of thrusting and folding during Upper Cretaceous transpression. C, Stress-strain ellipsoid showing
the sense of principal extension during orogenic collapse. D, Stress-strain ellipsoid showing reversal of the sense of
shear from right lateral to left lateral as a consequence of orogenic collapse. E, Interpretation of the Moldova Nou
duplex as a left-lateral extensional duplex.
tra ins
M unta
Eastern Alps
Volcanic rocks of middle Miocene age
Thrust faultSawteeth on upper plate
Strike-slip faultArrows show relative
movement; dashed where inferred
Direction of tectonic transport
100 kilometers
Figure 32. Schematic diagram showing tectonic transport direction in the Carpathian-Pannonian
region during the middle Miocene and location of middle Miocene volcanic rocks. Modified from
Csontos and others (1992) and Rumpler and Horvth (1988).
28 A Tectonic Model for Porphyry Copper and Polymetallic Vein Deposits in Central Europe
Sedimentary rocks of Paleozoic to Holocene age
Basin deposits of middle Miocene age
Volcanic rocks of middle Miocene age
Strike-slip faultArrows show relative movement
Normal faultBar and ball on downthrown side
Thrust faultSawteeth on upper plate
Mid-Hungarian Line
M puse
ou ni
b and ns
M pus
ou en
nt i
Area of figure 34
100 kilometers
Figure 33. Map showing extension during the Karpatian-earliest Badenian (1715 Ma). Modified from Fodor and
others (1999).
od b
Sedimentary rocks of
Paleozoic to Holocene age
Basin deposits of middle
Miocene age
Volcanic rocks of middle
Miocene age
Strike-slip faultArrow
shows relative movement
Normal faultBar and ball
on downthrown side
Transylvania basin
Area of figure 35
25 kilometers
Figure 34. Strike-slip faults formed in the study area during the late Badenian-Sarmatian
(1411 Ma). Modified from Ghiulescu and Socolescu (1941) and Fodor and others (1999).
30 A Tectonic Model for Porphyry Copper and Polymetallic Vein Deposits in Central Europe
Andesite of middle Miocene age
Hydrothermally altered rocks of middle Miocene age
Basin deposits of middle Miocene age
Rocks of Mesozoic and Paleozoic age
Porphyry copper deposit or occurrence
Polymetallic vein deposit in an extensional-shear mesh
Granitoid stock and related volcanic rocks
City or town
Zlatna basin
Area of
figure 36
Mures River
Brad-Sacaramb basin
5 kilometers
Figure 35. Map showing porphyry copper and polymetallic vein deposits, andesitic volcanic rocks, granitoid stocks,
alteration, and Tertiary sediments in the Brad-Sacaramb and Zlatna basins, Apuseni Mountains, Romania. Modified from
Ghiulescu and Socolescu (1941), Borco (1994), and Berbeleac and others (1995b). See figure 34 for location.
the town of Kremnica (fig. 37). This vein system has been
localized in the corner of the graben where the mesh expands
out into the basin. A slightly altered igneous stock containing low-grade sulfide minerals has been intersected in drill
holes near these veins (Jaroslav Lexa, Geological Survey of
Slovak Republic, oral commun., 2001). This weakly mineral-
Mures Ri
City or town
5 kilometers
Figure 36. Porphyry copper and polymetallic vein deposits in the Sacaramb-Hondol duplex in the Apuseni
Mountains, Romania. Deposits are Sacaramb (A), Hondol (B), Bolcana-Troija (C), Voia (D) , and Deva (E). Modified
from Ghiulescu and Socolescu (1941) and Berbeleac and others (1995a,b). See figure 35 for location.
Strike-slip faultArrow, where shown,
indicates relative movement
Porphyry copper deposit (16.416 Ma)
Banksa Stiavnica
5 kilometers
Figure 37. Map showing the pull-apart basins created by strike-slip faulting and the location of porphyry copper
and polymetallic vein deposits in the central Slovakian volcanic field near Kremnica and Banksa Stiavnica, Slovakia.
Modified from Marsina (1995) and Lexa and others (1999). See figure 1 for location.
32 A Tectonic Model for Porphyry Copper and Polymetallic Vein Deposits in Central Europe
tions by repeatedly opening and closing. This is documented
by comparing the vein systems in the Banska Stiavnica and
the Kremnica grabens. The mesh has opened outward into the
basin in a fanlike manner in the Kremnica graben, whereas it
is more closed in the Banksa Stiavnica graben (fig. 37).
A tectonic model useful for estimating the occurrence of
undiscovered deposits in the porphyry copper-polymetallic
vein family developed recently by Berger and Drew (1997),
Drew and others (1999a), Drew and Berger (2001, 2002), and
Drew (2003) has been expanded by using data associated with
such deposits in central Europe.
The model expands the regions favorable for extensional
and shear fracturing in strike-slip fault duplexes. Additionally, the new model can be used to isolate the potentially
mineralized duplexes (internal extensional basins) from the
many duplexes (external extensional basins) developed during
orogenic compression and collapse and in other extensional
tectonic regimes.
The model explains the occurrence of porphyry copper
and polymetallic vein deposits in the Late Cretaceous BanatTimok-Srednogorie orogen that extends for 1,500 km from
western Romania across Serbia and central Bulgaria. The
porphyry copper deposits discovered to date are located in the
corners and along the edges of the duplexes, and the polymetallic vein deposits are located nearby and more internal in the
duplexes from the porphyry deposits. Often the polymetallic
veins crosscut the porphyry stockwork.
Elsewhere in central Europe, the expanded model
explains the location of the Miocene-age porphyry copper and
polymetallic vein deposits equally well. In the central Slovakian volcanic field, the porphyry deposits, which are located
toward the corners of the duplexes, have ages of about 16
Ma, and the polymetallic veins, which have been deposited
more centrally in the duplexes, are younger (13.510.5 Ma).
In the Brad-Sacaramb basin, Apuseni Mountains, Romania,
the porphyry copper and polymetallic vein deposits are also
Miocene in age. Although the tectonic history of this region is
more complex, the model can account for the distribution of
Newly acquired ASTRA satellite data will add an important source of information as to the location of various types of
hydrothermal alteration, which when used in conjunction with
the tectonic data, should substantially enhance the process of
estimating the inventory of undiscovered resources.
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Lawrence J. DrewTectonic Model for Spatial Occurrence of Porphyry Copper in Central EuropeScientific Investigations Report 20055272