Developing Bus Rapid Transit System in India
Developing Bus Rapid Transit System in India
Developing Bus Rapid Transit System in India
Research Scholar
Faculty of Science
D.E.I, Dayalbagh. Agra
[email protected]
Womens Polytechnique
Dayalbagh, Agra
[email protected]
Faculty of Science
D.E.I, Dayalbagh, Agra
[email protected]
Faculty of Engg.
D.E.I, Dayalbagh, Agra
[email protected]
Corresponding Author
Madhuri Jain
71, Yamuna Vihar Phase II
Karamyogi Enclave
Kamlanagar Agra 282005
Urban transport is a nightmare in India though most urban residents take it as a fait accompli. Indian
cities, of all sizes, face a crisis of urban transport. Despite investments in road infrastructure, and plans for
land use and transport development, all cities face the ever increasing problems of congestion, traffic
accidents, air, and noise pollution. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is growing in popularity throughout the
world. The reasons is its passenger and developer attractiveness, its high performance and quality, and its
ability to be built quickly, incrementally, and economically. BRT also provides sufficient transport
capacity to meet demands even in the largest metropolitan regions. This paper summarizes key trends
transport system and travel behavior of India , and the issues to be considered for the development of
BRTS to mitigate Indian transportation crisis.
Keywords: Transportation system, Transportation Problems, BRTS
India is the 2nd largest country in the world, measured by population and arable land and is expected to
become the 3rd largest economy in the world by 2025, just behind US and China. In terms of growth it is
the second fastest growing major economy in the world. Transportation in India is a large and varied
sector of the economy. The share of Indian transportation investments in total public investment declined
during the period from the early 1950s to the early 1980s; real public transportation investment also
declined during much of that period because of the need for funds in the rest of the economy.
Zhang et al [10] developed a modal split model maximizing spatial welfare and constrained by travel
money budget and time budget. This approach was different from the general econometric -based
approach used in most existing macro transport studies and deal with the cost and speed of transport
modes as important variables explicitly. Patnaik et al [6] developed a set of regression models that
estimated arrival times for buses traveling between two points along a route. The data applied for
developing the proposed model were collected by Automatic Passenger Counters installed on buses
operated by a transit agency in the northeast region of the United States. Baltes [2] presented a statistical
analysis of the data from two on-board customer surveys conducted in 2001 of the BRT Systems in
Miami and Orlando, Florida. Yedla and Shrestha [9] examined the impact of BRTS including various
qualitative criteria for the selection of alternative transportation options in Delhi. Singh [8] provided a
reliable data set of land-based passenger traffic volumes in India, estimated the long-term trends in
motorized traffic volume and modal split and also estimated the level and growth of energy demand and
CO2 emission from the passenger transport sector.
Badami and Haider [1] explored the factors that contribute to and affect efforts to improve this situation,
based on an analysis of the financial and operational performance of the public bus transit service in the
four metropolitan centres and four secondary cities during the 1990s. Kathuria [3] investigate d whether
the enactment of policy instruments and the efforts have led to commensurate fall in air pollution in
Delhi. The analysis showed that the imposition had not resulted in concomitant improvement in ambient
air quality. Rabl [7] presented a life cycle assessment comparing diesel buses with buses fueled by natural
gas. The data for the emission of pollutants were based on the MEET Project of the European
Commission (EC), supplemented by data measured for diesel and gas buses in Paris. Mukherjee et al [5]
studied work exposure of drivers and conductors of special state buses in Kolkata, India to noise, heat,
respirable dust and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Equivalent noise exposures of drivers at work
and in-bus noise were evaluated using a precision noise level meter. Mohan and Tiwari [ 4] discussed the
issues concerning public transport, safety and the environment and illustrated that unless the needs of
non-motorised modes of traffic are met it would be almost impossible to design any sustainable
transportation system for urban areas.
Indian cities face transport crisis characterized by levels of congestion, noise, pollution, traffic fatalities
and injuries, and inequity far exceeding those in most European and North American cities. Indias
transport crisis has been exacerbated by the extremely rapid growth of Indias largest cities in a context of
low incomes, limited and outdated transport infrastructure, rampant suburban sprawl, sharply rising motor
vehicle ownership and use, deteriorating bus services, a wide range of motorized and non-motorized
transport modes sharing roadways, and inadequate as well as uncoordinated land use and transport
planning. This paper summarizes key trends of transport system and travel behavior of India , and the
issues to be considered for the development of BRTS to mitigate Indian transportation crisis.
Urban transport problems of India
1. Population Growth
The most important factor common to India is population growth. The total urban population of India
burgeoned over the past three decades, rising from 109 million in 1971 to 160 million in 1981 (C47%),
217 million in 1991 (C36%), and 285 million in 2001 (C31%) (Office of the Registrar General of India).
Urban population of India is growing at an average rate of around 3 percent per annum (Figure 1).
Assuming a decadal increase of around 37%, Indias urban population is expected to be around 540
million during 2021. In terms of percentage of total population, the urban population has gone up from
17% in 1951 to 29% in 2001 and is expected to increase up to around 37% by the year 2021 (Figure 2).
Consequently, the number and size of cities have also increased considerably.
Not Ava.
Not Ava.
Not Ava.
There are no reliable time -trend data on modal split distributions, but the statistics on vehicle fleet sizes in
Figure 3 shows the extremely rapid growth of motorcycle ownership, and private car ownership. This has
resulted in increasingly congested roadways that slow down buses, increase bus operating costs, and
further discourage public transport use. In figure others includes tractors, trailers, motorized threewheelers (passenger vehicles) such as auto rickshaws etc.
forced sharing of narrow, crowded rights of way by both motorized, non-motorized vehicles,
pedestrians, animals, and street vendors;
overcrowding of buses, auto-rickshaws, and even motorcycles.
Table 2: Number of vehicles, population and road traffic fatalities in India
cause of congestion is the rapid increase in travel demand, especially of motorized travel, compared to the
very slow growth in transport infrastructure.
6. Pollution
Noise, air, and water pollution are all serious problems in Indian cities, and transport sources contribute to
all three kinds. The most comprehensive statistics are shown in Table 3 for air pollution. Most prominent
among them is the high level of air pollution caused by motor vehicles. Suspended Particulate Matter
(SPM) levels in the six major metropolises is well above the National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
Nitrogen oxides and Sulphur dioxide are currently within limits but could cross acceptable levels unless
kept under control.
Table 3: Air Pollution in Indian cities
SO 2 (gm/cu.m)
NO 2 (gm/cu.m)
1998 2003 1993
1998 2003
15.60 12.20 30.10
35.10 43.30
47.20 18.0
39.70 75.50
15.90 7.70
14.70 18.70
41.60 10.80 28.40 44.90
22.10 19.50
Ambient Air
quality Std
Source: Central Pollution Control Board (
SPM (gm/cu.m)
In Figure 4, levels of air pollution concentrations are highest for suspended particulate matter (SPM) and
respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM), which exceed World Health Organization air quality
standards, as well as offic ial Indian government standards, for all of the cities shown (Ministry of
Petroleum and Natural Gas, 2002). Indeed, for Indias three largest cities, SPM and RSPM levels are three
to four times higher than the WHOs maximum acceptable levels, and among the highest in the world,
indicating a very severe health hazard (World Health Organization, 2000). While levels of CO, NOx, and
Sox are generally considered moderate to low in most Indian cities, ozone levels have been increasing in
virtually all Indian cities, causing a range of respiratory illnesses and irritation.
Figure 4 Air Pollution Levels in Indian Cities Source: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, 2002
rubber-tired light rail transit (LRT), but with greater operating flexibility and potentially lower capital and
operating costs.
Acting as a Pathfinder: BRT systems, allow operators to validate passenger demand for a higher level of
service, thus reducing the risk of service failure. BRT provides an opportunity to partly replicate service
and operational characteristics of
a higher mode. If prerequisite thresholds of demand for the higher mode are
developed, then its introduction will be better assured of success.
Garnering Political/Community Support: BRT provides the opportunity to develop a high-quality mass
transit system in a stepwise, incremental manner. Lower-cost investments can be made in the system
accordingly. Time should be allowed for the benefits of the improvement to accrue and rider ship to
respond. From a community standpoint, this is a fiscally responsible approach. The BRT system is seen
as a logical step forwardby enhancing what is already in existence, without overextending the financial
means of the community.
Seeing the benefits of BRT, the BRT system should be developed with following features:
1. Bus specifications
BRT vehicles should be designed to meet the functional requirements of the BRT systems. The BRT
system should endeavor to develop a unique identity whereby the look of its vehicles supports the overall
image of the operation.
To assist the mobility impaired
- Carefully consider platform connection (bus-mounted bridge: yes or no?)
- Space with fastening device for at least one wheelchair per bus
- Lifts where there is no level boarding (i.e. feeder buses)
- Signs reserving seats for pregnant women, the elderly and infirm
To assist the sight impaired
- Contrasting color schemes for stanchions, holding bars, doors
- Consider public address system to announce next station
- Specify good inside lighting
To assist the hearing impaired
- Specify lit signs to indicate next station
- Coordinate physical and operational planning of BRT
Bus entrances and interior design
Mixed (trunk and local services)
High-floor conventional - Sao Paulo
Low-floor manual ramps in Santiago
High (left door) and step-down (right door)
Color coded buses and stations
Feeder bus entrances
Minimize vertical distance
Handrail to ease exiting
Retractable step (or kneeler feature)
No turnstiles ins ide bus
Multiple door boarding and alighting
Interior bus design
Non-skid flooring
Priority seating
Wheelchair securement
Higher capacity bus
Stop request signals
Stanchions in contrasting colors
Public Space
Sidewalks and Paths
Intersections and Crossings
Pedestrian Grade Separations
Pedestrian Access Roads
2. Feeder line deployment and wheelchair access
Accessible feeder buses on one route at a time
Low-floor buses
Wheelchair assistance
Personal assistance
Wayside platforms
3. Trunk Line Stations
Gentle ramps to stations
Station entrances and exits
Good lighting
Station Assistants
Uniform station design
Seats and Supports
Sliding Doors
Visual Elements
Audible Elements
Tactile Ele ments
Features at Terminals
Added Information
Elevators in exceptional situations
4. The platform-bus gap
With bus-mounted bridges
Additional cost: $3,000 per bus (Quito)
Additional time for automatic deployment of bridge: 5 sec. per station (Quito)
Without bus-mounted bridges
Examples: BRTS in Colombia, Mexico
Maximum permissible gap: 10 cm
Careful bus docking at stations
Front-door entry for wheelchairs
Importance of station assistants
5. Access to feeder line bus stops
Prioritizing selected bus stops
Designate formal stops Bogot
Identify stops with highest passenger volumes
Select those that have accessible links with neighborhood
Bus stop access features
As the population continues to grow , the demand for motorized vehicles will increase as well. The
increasing number of vehicles on the road will emit thousands of tons of pollutants into the atmosphere
each year, affecting not only the city, but the entire globe. India has implemented numerous policies
regarding vehicular emissions, but these have had little, if any, affect on the quality of the air. This
requires planning a system, which is affordable, reliable and efficient from the user as well as operators
perspectives. A Bus Rapid Transit System offers an opportunity for creating a system capable of meeting
multiple needs of users and operators which combines facilities, equipment, service and intelligent
transportation system (ITS) elements into a permanently integrated system with a quality image and
unique identity.
1. Badami M.G. and Haider M., (2007), An analysis of public bus transit performance in Indian cities,
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2. Baltes M.R., (2003), The Importance Customers Place on Specific Service Elements of Bus Rapid
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4. Mohan D. and Tiwari G., (1999), Sustainable Transport Systems Linkages between Environmental
Issues, Public Transport, Non-Motorized Transport and Safety, Economic and Political Weekly,
XXXIV (25), 1580-1596.
5. Mukherjee A.K., Bhattacharya S.K., Ahmed S., Roy S.K., Roychowdhury A. and Sen S., (2003),
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6. Patnaik J., Chien S., and Bladikas A., (2004), Estimation of Bus Arrival Times Using APC Data,
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7. Rabl A., (2002), Environmental benefits of natural gas for buses, Transportation Research Part D,
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9. Yedla S. and Shrestha R.M., (2003), Multi-criteria approach for the selection of alternative options
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