Emotional Intelligence

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The key takeaways from the document are that emotional intelligence involves understanding one's own and other people's emotions to build successful relationships. It has four domains - self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.

The four domains of emotional intelligence are self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. Self-awareness and self-management are internal skills while social awareness and relationship management are external skills.

Self-awareness is understanding one's own tendencies, emotional reactions, fears, etc. It is the foundation for developing other aspects of emotional intelligence. Having self-awareness allows one to better understand how they operate in different situations.

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Emotional Intelligence

Pre-Assessment: Emotional Intelligence

Mind Mapping
Consider the term below. Without thinking or editing, write down the ideas, concepts,
examples, contradictions, and theories that come to mind. Do not array them in any
systematic or orderly manner. Scatter them about the page. Now, draw lines between your
additions, indicating that there is a relationship between the terms. If something causes
something else, indicate this with an arrow. Relationships may be reciprocalboth cause
each otherrequiring arrows at both ends. Indicate the strength of the relationship by
darkening and thickening the lines; stronger relationships have darker and thicker lines.
Most important: There is no right answer. Do not compare with your classmates. What
you have is a mind map, your mental representation of the topic. Review to determine if
anything has changed following this chapter.

Emotional intelligence

What Are the Domains of Emotional Intelligence?

Desired Educational Outcomes

Describe emotional intelligence.

Describe the four domains of emotional intelligence.
Discuss emotional hijackings.
Discuss why emotional intelligence is important.

Desired Personal Outcome

Acquire an enhanced personal level of emotional intelligence.

What Is Emotional Intelligence?

motional intelligence is the ability to understand your own and

other peoples emotions, and craft a functional behavior that is suitable
to the context. Emotional intelligence does not require that emotions be
suppressed or denied; rather, emotions are used to achieve objectives. Some
people are better at understanding themselves and the needs of others, and
building successful and productive relationships. These people are emotionally intelligent. Emotional intelligence is the social lubrication that facilitates relationships between people.
The idea of emotional intelligence emerged from research on multiple
intelligences suggesting that people vary not just in their cognitive abilities, the traditional idea of intelligence, but also on other dimensions, such
as musical, spatial, kinesthetic, and intra- and interpersonal understanding.
Whether it is really intelligence or actually a skill that can be learned
is debatable. For our purposes, emotional intelligence is viewed as a skill.
From this perspective, levels of emotional intelligence are not fixed, but can
be improved on.

What Are the Domains of Emotional


motional intelligence has four domains or core skills: selfawareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. The first two skills, self-awareness and self-management, are



chapter 2 z Emotional Intelligence

primarily about the individual; they are internal. The second two skills,
social awareness and relationship management, are about the individuals
relationship to the world; they are external.

What Is Self-Awareness?
Self-awareness is the ability to understand who you are. What are your tendencies; what are your emotional reactions to certain circumstances? What type of
people upset you? Which challenges energize you, and which intimidate you?
What are you afraid of? The potential number of things you can learn about
yourself is unlimited, as experience reveals unfathomed aspects of yourself.
The level of self-awareness that is appropriate does not require plumbing the
inner depths of your soul and subconscious. Instead, ask yourself in an objective way: Do you understand how you operate in the world? Self-awareness is
the foundation on which other aspects of emotional intelligence are built.

What Is Self-Management?
Self-management is what you do, or do not do, that is appropriate to the
context. Context is key. Behaviors appropriate to a student graduation party
are ill-advised at a company Christmas party. Self-management requires
monitoring your behaviors in specific, discrete circumstances as well as your
entrenched tendencies. Self-management requires sublimating your immediate emotional needs for your longer term success. It is difficult to react
appropriately in all circumstances; often you will get it wrong. Effective selfmanagement requires self-correction, the quicker the better. A self-managed
person is the CEO of the self.

What Is Social Awareness?

Social awareness requires paying attention to the people and the world
around you. You have to look and listeneffectively. This requires that you
stop talking and stop listening to the internal dialogue in your head. Social
intelligence requires seeing people as they are, not as you would like them to
be. There is a tendency for all of us to seek confirmation of our own internal
beliefs. We do this by focusing on the things that confirm our beliefs and
ignoring disconfirming information. Socially aware people understand this
bias and understand it is what it is.

Why Is Emotional Intelligence Important?

What Is Relationship Management?

We all live in the shadow of one another. Relationships are the key to
everything. Relationship management builds on the three other emotional intelligence domains. Relationships build over time and take work.
They require give and take. Relationship management is a delicate balance
between doing things to preserve the relationship and doing things to preserve personal integrity.

What Are Emotional Hijackings?

motional hijackings, or flashpoints, are circumstances, people,

or objects that provoke uncontrolled emotional reactions. Road rage
following being cut off in traffic exemplifies an emotional hijacking. Lashing
out at someone if you feel belittled is another example. For some, a spider
on the wall elicits panic and fear out of proportion to the threat. Emotional
hijackings, or reacting without thinking, can be considered a form of emotional unintelligence. A significant aspect of emotional intelligence is understanding and managing emotional hijackings.

Why Is Emotional Intelligence


n their book Emotional Intelligence 2.0, Bradberry and Greaves

(2009) report the following findings:
Ninety percent of high performers in their jobs are also high in emotional intelligence.
Just 20 percent of low performers at work are high in emotional
Emotional intelligence is the single largest predictor of success at
Those high in emotional intelligence, on average, earn $29,000 more
than those low in emotional intelligence.



chapter 2 z Emotional Intelligence

These findings hold true across all industries, at all levels, and in all
countries of the world. These results are based on a sample of more than
500,000 individuals. The results speak for themselves regarding the impact
of emotional intelligence on career trajectory.
If these results are not sufficient to impress upon you the impact of
emotional intelligence, consider the following. As a pharmacy student, you
have self-selected and been selected into a group of individuals who on
average have an IQ in the neighborhood of 120. In other words, everyone
in pharmacy school is smart. Essentially, there is no significant variance in
the intelligence level of pharmacy students. Whats left to predict career
success: emotional intelligence. Thirty years from now those students highest in emotional intelligence will sit at the top of the career ladder, whereas
those less self-aware, unable to manage their emotions, who have difficulty
reading social situations, and are ill adept at relationships will be working
for their classmates. We acknowledge there is individual variation in this
prediction, but on average it will hold true.

What Are Some Examples of Emotional


he following situations capture aspects of emotional


Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. He
used the stigma of this public humiliation to fuel the anger that
drove his quest for basketball perfection and success.
Your 10-year-old son comes home with his first F grade on a paper.
Rather than lashing out in anger or disappointment, you try to
understand his embarrassment and shame. Although not condoning
his actions, you discuss the reason for the performance and how to
improve while conveying you still love him.
You witness a large man abusing his 9-year-old daughter in public.
You use the anger invoked by this injustice to intervene to protect
the child without escalating your response to a personal attack on
the abusive father.

Assignment: What Do the Practitioners/Others Say?

Emotional Intelligence at Work

he following is a sample scenario related to emotional intelligence

involving RPG (recent pharmacy graduate):

Having graduated 3 years ago with his Doctor of Pharmacy degree, nothing but good things had happened for RPG. He secured precisely the job
he wanted in a major healthcare setting. Each year his responsibilities have
increased. His performance has been exemplary on all counts. Coming in
to work today, RPG discovered that the technician responsible for mailing
IV medications from his department made a mistake in switching mailing
labels on two separate orders. Consequently, two patients would receive
their medications late. To correct this oversight, both orders had to be
reconstituted and delivered overnight at considerable expense. The original orders had to be picked up and destroyed because it was not clear that
the required storage conditions had been met. RPG was steaming; he was
frightened. His natural inclination was to burst into the department and
start yelling, not only at the responsible technician, but at all the staff. In his
mind, RPG thought there was no place for subtlety when peoples lives were
in the balance.

How would you recommend RPG handle the situation?

Assignment: What Do the Practitioners/

Others Say?

e prepared to discuss emotional intelligence based on any one of

the following:
A discussion with your colleagues, or others, on how they feel and
what they know about emotional intelligence
An article on emotional intelligence, either from the research literature or any other source
A movie/television program/YouTube video about emotional
A book on emotional intelligence (literary, historical, psychological,
or any other source)


chapter 2 z Emotional Intelligence



How Would You Rate Your Emotional Intelligence?

Ask yourself the following questions, assigning a rating from poor to good.
If possible, ask someone else close to you to answer the questions on your
behalf. That external perspective will help prevent self-reporting bias. Rate
yourself from 1 to 10 on these points, with 1 being poor and 10 being good.
1. How good are you at understanding others from their perspective?
2. How sensitive are you about the feelings of others? _____
3. Do you easily make friends? _____
4. Are you willing to express your emotions to others? _____
5. Are you good at solving conflicts? _____
If you (and others) consistently rate you on the high end of the scale,
youre lucky: it sounds as if you have a high EQ. If not, you should put some
effort into the further development of this crucial part of human functioning.
Source: Kets de Vries, M. (2001). The leadership mystique. London: Pearson Education.

Emotional Type

All of us have a particular style of relating to our emotions and to the

world. This is the filterthrough which we see the world. Understanding
our type helps us understand how webehave. Our emotional type is due
to inborn temperament and parental influence. No single type is superior
to another. Understanding your emotional type is a key element to developing your emotional intelligence. It is a key aspect of self-awareness, but
only a beginning. Emotional type can evolve over time. Also, most of us
are combinations of several emotional types.

The Intellectual
Intellectuals live in their head. They are cerebral. The world is seen througha
rational filter. Intellectuals are at risk of being cut off from theiremotions. To
determine if you are an intellectual, consider the following:

Do I believe that I can think my way through to any solution?
When presented with a problem, do I immediately start analyzing the
pros and cons rather than noticing how I feel?
Am I uncomfortable when people get highly emotional?
Do I tend to get overly serious?
Do I distrust decisions made by the gut?
Do I prefer planning to being spontaneous?

The Empath
Empaths feel everything. They have a finely tuned antenna for emotions. For
the empath, intuition is the filter for their world. To determine if you might
be an empath, consider the following.
Have I been labeled as too emotional or overly sensitive?
If a friend is distraught, do I feel it too?
Are my feelings easily hurt?
Am I emotionally drained by crowds and require time alone to revive?
Do my nerves get frayed by noise, smells, or excessive talk?
Do I prefer taking my own car places so that I can leave when I please?
Do I overeat to cope with emotional stress?
Am I afraid of becoming engulfed by intimate relationships?

The Rock
Rocks are emotionally strong. They are practical. They are cool. They care
about your pain but maintain their boundary. They like life on an even
keel but will deal with lifes problems. Rocks internalize their emotions. To
determine if you are a rock, consider the following:
Is it easier to listen than to share my feelings?
Do I often feel like the most dependable person in the room?
Do people tend to come to me with their troubles?
Am I able to stay calm when others are upset?
Would I rather avoid introspection?
Am I generally satisfied with the status quo in relationships but o
are often trying to draw me out emotionally?



chapter 2 z Emotional Intelligence

The Gusher
Gushers are the opposite of rocks; they are intimately in tune with their
emotions and want to share them. They tend to be spontaneous and authentic. Gushers unload stress by verbalizing it. To determine if you are a gusher,
consider the following:
Is it easy for me to express my emotions?
Do I get anxious if I keep my feelings in?
When a problem arises, is my first impulse to pick up the phone?
Do I need to take a poll before finalizing a decision?
Are my friends often telling me, Too much information?
Do I have difficulty sensing other peoples emotional boundaries?
Source: Adapted from Orloff, J. (2009). Emotional freedom. New York, NY: Harmony.

What About the People You Know?

Take a few moments to consider the characteristics of some of the most

likeable and not likeable people you have met. Are there patterns in how
they conduct themselves? Would you assess one as more emotionally intelligent than the other? How effective are they in their career, their dealings
with other people? Note their characteristics in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1 Characteristics
Likeable Characteristics

Not Likeable Characteristics

What About Famous People?

With several of your classmates, consider people in the news, presidents,

celebrities, athletes, and the like. Think of your favorite reality-based program. Which of the people do you consider to be emotionally intelligent?

Based on their public behavior, appearances, and pronouncements, rate their
emotional intelligence. Does anyone come to mind that you would rate highly
on emotional intelligence? Is there anyone you would rate deficient in emotional intelligence?

Whats the Emotionally Intelligent Thing to Do?

With several of your classmates, discuss the emotionally intelligent

response to the following scenarios. Also, consider how not to handle these

The Dinner
You and your fiance planned a romantic weekend together to celebrate
the end of the semester. The only thing left to do before moving and taking
the job you want is graduation. The night before leaving you want to go out
for d
inner. There is considerable disagreement over the restaurant choice.
Following a lengthy discussion, you agree to the restaurant your fiance
prefers. U
nfortunately, the food, the service, and the ambience are terrible. As
you pay the rather expensive bill, you are fuming at the waste of money. What
do you advise?

The Grade
You always felt that your preceptor didnt really like you. You are not sure
why, but others noticed that the preceptor seemed aloof with you, whereas
with other students she was warm and giving. You just received your first
evaluation from the preceptor. You were graded as deficient on everything.
Even though you had some difficulties, and came to one presentation ill prepared, it was not likely you would be inadequate on all dimensions. You know
for a fact that the other clinical staff enjoyed working with you. This evaluation was personally hurtful, the first time something like this has happened
to you. It was a stress you did not need. You just found out your mother was
going in for tests following a course of treatment for breast cancer. What do
you advise?



chapter 2 z Emotional Intelligence

The Advice
Pharmacy school has been a struggle for younot because of intellectual deficiencies, but because much of your time was spent on school and
national organizations. You served as president of your class, your sorority, and several campus-wide initiatives. You really loved these activities.
You took to heart the recommendation that job prospects are enhanced by
demonstrating your commitment to the profession and your organizational
skills. As a result of these time commitments, you now find yourself in front
of the student standing committee petitioning for readmission to the program following your third deficiency. The committee says they will consider
reinstatement if you will drop all extracurricular activities and concentrate
on academics. You still believe you can do both, it will just take a small
adjustment in your time. What do you advise?

Based on your responses to the exercises, write a one-paragraph description

of yourself as it relates to emotional intelligence.

Whats Important to You in the


With several of your classmates discuss the idea/ideas most likely to effect
a change in your values, attitudes, or behaviors. Be succinctno more than
two sentences.


Bradberry, T., & Greaves, J. (2009). Emotional intelligence 2.0. San Diego,
CA: Talent Smart.
Kets de Vries, M. (2001). The leadership mystique. London: Pearson
Orloff, J. (2009). Emotional freedom. New York, NY: Harmony.

Suggested Readings

Suggested Readings

Cherniss, C. (2000, April 15). Emotional intelligence: What it is and why it

matters. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial
and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA.
Cote, S., & Miners, C. T. H. (2006). Emotional intelligence, cognitive intelligence, and job performance. Administrative Science Quarterly, 51, 128.
Gardner, H. (2004). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences.
New York, NY: Basic.
Lynn, A. (2005). The EQ difference. New York, NY: Amacom.
Mayer, J. D., Salovey, P., & Caruso, D. R. (2004). A further consideration
of the issues of emotional intelligence. Psychological Inquiry, 15(3),
Segal, J. (1997). Raising your emotional intelligence. New York, NY: Owl.


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