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Psychologically Controlling Teaching

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Journal of Educational Psychology

2012, Vol. 104, No. 1, 108 120

2011 American Psychological Association

0022-0663/11/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0025742

Psychologically Controlling Teaching:

Examining Outcomes, Antecedents, and Mediators
Bart Soenens

Eline Sierens

Ghent University

Catholic University of Leuven

Maarten Vansteenkiste

Filip Dochy and Luc Goossens

Ghent University

Catholic University of Leuven

Psychologically controlling teaching (PCT) refers to the use of intrusive behaviors that pressure students
to act, think, and feel in particular ways. The goal of the present research was to examine the dynamics
involved in PCT. Study 1 examined self-regulated learning and achievement outcomes of PCT, whereas
Study 2 examined antecedents (i.e., individual and environmental pressures). In Study 1, we found that
PCT was related negatively to students use of self-regulation strategies, which, in turn, was positively
related to academic achievement. Students relative autonomy for studying played an intervening role in
these associations. Findings of Study 2 revealed that both pressure from above (i.e., a pressuring school
environment) and pressure from within (i.e., teachers low relative autonomy for teaching) were related
to PCT, whereas pressure from below (i.e., students low relative autonomy for studying) was not. These
associations could be accounted for by depersonalization, one component of teacher burnout. The
discussion focuses on how PCT represents one aspect of the dark side of teaching, which is
understudied in educational psychology.
Keywords: psychological control, teaching style, motivation, self-determination

Most of you scored poorly on the last test, and in the last few
days, you have been behaving like little children. I am disappointed in this class. Such a statement is indicative for teachers use of psychological control. Psychologically controlling
teaching (PCT) refers to the use of intrusive and sometimes
subtle behaviors that pressure students to act, think, and feel in
particular ways. Common to these intrusive behaviors (including guilt induction, shaming, and expression of disappointment)
is that they convey a conditionally approving attitude from
teachers toward students. In this article, we introduce PCT in
the teaching literature, drawing on Barbers work in the parenting literature (Barber, 1996; Barber & Harmon, 2002) and
self-determination theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 2000; Vansteenkiste, Niemiec, & Soenens, 2010).

Psychological Control: From Parenting to Teaching

Historically, the concept of parental psychological control was
discovered in a rather inductive, bottom-up fashion. Through
large-scale factor analyses, early scholars in the domain of parenting identified a number of highly correlated parenting strategies
such as guilt induction, shaming, and love withdrawal and referred
to this set of strategies as psychological control (Schaefer, 1965).
During the past two decades, the concept of parental psychological
control has been examined intensively (Barber & Harmon, 2002;
Soenens & Vansteenkiste, 2010). Also, scholars have attempted to
provide a more precise and encompassing definition of psychological control. Parental psychological control has been defined by
Barber (1996, p. 3297) as
. . . a rather insidious type of control that potentially inhibits or intrudes upon psychological development through manipulation and
exploitation of the parent child bond (e.g., love-withdrawal and guilt
induction), negative, affect-laden expressions and criticisms (e.g.,
disappointment and shame), and excessive personal control (e.g.,
possessiveness, protectiveness).

This article was published Online First October 3, 2011.

Bart Soenens, Department of Developmental, Personality, and Social
Psychology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; Eline Sierens and Luc
Goossens, Center for School Psychology and Child & Adolescent Development, Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; Maarten Vansteenkiste, Department of Developmental, Personality, and Social Psychology, Ghent University; Filip Dochy, Center for Research on Teaching and
Training, Catholic University of Leuven.
Eline Sierens is now at Artevelde Hogeschool Ghent, Belgium.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Bart
Soenens, Department of Developmental, Social, and Personality Psychology, Henri Dunantlaan 2, Ghent B-9000, Belgium. E-mail: Bart
[email protected]

Parental psychological control essentially involves a conditionally approving attitude toward children, where parents withdraw
love and appeal to feelings of guilt and shame when children fail
to succeed at parentally valued tasks (Assor, Roth, & Deci, 2004;
Barber & Xia, in press). Numerous studies have shown that psychologically controlling parenting is related to maladaptive developmental outcomes in children and adolescents and to internalizing problems in particular (Soenens, Luyckx, Vansteenkiste,
Duriez, & Goossens, 2008). In the academic domain, psycholog108


ical control has been found to relate to maladaptive learning

strategies (Vansteenkiste, Zhou, Lens, & Soenens, 2005) and to
low academic achievement (Aunola & Nurmi, 2004).
It has been argued that the use of psychological control is not
unique to parents and that other socialization figures, including
teachers, might also engage in psychological control (Barber &
Olsen, 1997). Specifically, psychologically controlling teaching
(PCT) would be apparent when teachers use their own opinion and
values as an exclusive frame of reference and ignore their students
perspective. Using intrusive tactics such as guilt induction, shaming, and expression of disappointment, teachers would try to
motivate learners to comply with their frame of reference. Similar
to psychologically controlling parents display of conditional regard, psychologically controlling teachers would show reduced
concern and involvement when students fail to reach teacherimposed standards. Although teachers may sometimes use these
intrusive behaviors in a deliberate and intentional fashion, such as
when they want to prompt attention in the class, at other times they
may engage in these behaviors impulsively, for instance, when
they experience distress or pressure themselves. The overall aim of
the current research is to examine how PCT relates to features of
students and teachers functioning. To better understand how PCT
relates to other teaching dimensions and how it relates to motivational dynamics in both students and teachers, we draw from
self-determination theory.

Self-Determination Theory
Basic Psychological Needs
Self-determination theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 2000) is a broad
theory on motivation and personality development that has been
applied intensively in educational psychology (Niemiec & Ryan,
2009; Reeve, 2009; Vansteenkiste, Lens & Deci, 2006). At the
heart of SDT is the formulation of three basic psychological needs,
that is, the needs for autonomy (i.e., experiencing a sense of
volitional and psychological freedom), competence (i.e., experiencing personal effectiveness), and relatedness (i.e., experiencing
closeness and mutuality in interpersonal relationships). When satisfied, these needs would provide energy and foster well-being,
adjustment, and high-quality motivation. In contrast, thwarted
needs would deplete individuals energy and vitality and would
undermine their well-being and motivation.

Teachers Interpersonal Style

One important factor involved in processes of need satisfaction
and need frustration is the interpersonal style used by socialization
figures, including teachers. Parallel to the distinction between the
three needs, SDT distinguishes between three dimensions of teaching style that would affect students need satisfaction and subsequent motivation and adjustment (Grolnick, Deci, & Ryan, 1997;
Reeve, 2009). First, involvement pertains to teachers engagement
in a warm and supportive style of communication and to teachers
capacity to respond adequately to students distress. Involvement
is contrasted with a cold, distant, and aloof teacher orientation.
Second, structure refers to the provision of clear instructions in the
classroom and the communication of realistic goals and expectations for behavior and learning. Structure also involves giving


positive feedback and providing adequate help during the learning

process. Structure is contrasted with a chaotic class climate. Third,
and essential to the topic of this research, autonomy support refers
to teachers promotion of volitional functioning and teachers
fostering of a sense of initiative and interest in students. Key
autonomy-supportive practices include taking the students frame
of reference, demonstrating intrinsic interest in the learning material, providing choices and opportunities for initiative, and communicating a meaningful rationale when choice is limited (Assor
& Kaplan, 2001; Deci, Eghrari, Patrick, & Leone, 1994).
In SDT, autonomy support is contrasted with a controlling
interpersonal style, that is, a style where teachers ignore the
students perspective and pressure the students to think, act, or feel
in particular ways (Deci et al., 1994; Grolnick, 2003; Reeve,
2009). According to SDT, a controlling style can be expressed in
at least two different ways, that is, as internally or externally
controlling (Ryan, 1982; Soenens & Vansteenkiste, 2010). Internally controlling teaching refers to triggering internally pressuring
forces in learners by appealing to students feelings of guilt,
shame, anxiety, and self-worth. Activating those internal pressures
often happens in a covert and subtle way. Externally controlling
teaching refers to activating a sense of external obligation in
students by using rather overtly controlling strategies, such as
punishments, pressuring rewards, and explicitly controlling language, like you must (Vansteenkiste, Simons, Lens, Soenens, &
Matos, 2005).
When framed from the SDT perspective, PCT clearly represents
an autonomy-suppressing and controlling teaching strategy. It is
relatively less clear, however, whether PCT is fully equivalent to
the concept of an internally controlling style in particular (Soenens
& Vansteenkiste, 2010). At the definitional level, PCT seems to be
a somewhat broader construct than internally controlling teaching.
According to Barbers (1996) definition, psychological control
involves an intrusive and manipulative parental orientation. In
theory, such an orientation might be expressed in both internally
controlling practices (such as guilt induction) and in relatively
more externally controlling practices (such as explicit and harsh
criticism). At the level of assessment, however, psychological
control is typically operationalized in terms of mainly internally
controlling practices such as guilt induction, shaming, and love
withdrawal. As such, the measure of PCT largely fits SDTs
concept of internally controlling teaching.
In sum, from the perspective of SDT, PCT is largely incompatible with teacher autonomy support and with need-supportive
teaching in general (Grolnick, 2003; Vansteenkiste, Zhou, et al.,
2005). It is particularly interesting to examine psychological control in the teaching context because SDT-based research on teaching style has tended to focus on the adaptive side of each of the
teaching dimensions and their beneficial effects on students learning (but see, for example, Deci, Schwartz, Sheinman, & Ryan,
1981). An examination of the concept of PCT may provide an
opportunity to address the relatively neglected dark side of

Consequences of Teaching Style

According to SDT, students perceptions of their teachers as
need-supportive or need-frustrating (including perceptions of
teachers as being psychologically controlling) have important ram-



ifications for their motivational orientation and subsequent learning strategies and achievement (Niemiec & Ryan, 2009; Vansteenkiste, Zhou, et al., 2005). In SDT, the quality of motivation is
conceptualized in terms of the degree to which motivation is
autonomous (vs. relatively more controlled) in nature. Autonomously motivated students learn in a self-endorsed or volitional
fashion because of the perceived value (i.e., identified regulation)
or because of the inherent satisfaction (i.e., intrinsic motivation) of
the learning activity (Ryan & Connell, 1989). In contrast, students
with a controlled motivation learn to meet external (e.g., rewards,
external regulation) or internal (e.g., feelings of guilt, introjected
regulation) pressures (Ryan, Connell, & Grolnick, 1992). Several
studies demonstrated that an autonomous, relative to a controlled,
study motivation is associated positively with students use of
effective and thorough strategies of self-regulated learning such as
time management and deep-level cognitive processing (Vansteenkiste, Sierens, Soenens, Luyckx, & Lens, 2009) and grades (Black
& Deci, 2000).
Whereas need-supportive teaching would foster a relatively
more autonomous motivation in students, need-frustrating teaching is thought to relate negatively to relative autonomy for studying (Niemiec & Ryan, 2009). Consistent with this hypothesis,
research has indeed shown positive associations between teacher
autonomy support and autonomous (relative to controlled) motives
for studying (Vansteenkiste, Zhou, et al., 2005). Few studies,
however, have examined how student perceptions of autonomysuppressing teacher practices relate to students quality of motivation. Herein, we propose that perceived PCT, as it represents a
feature of need-frustrating teaching, would relate negatively to
autonomous (relative to controlled) motivation for studying and to
subsequent self-regulated learning strategies and grades.

Antecedents of Teaching Style

In addition to providing an analysis of the consequences of
need-thwarting teaching (including PCT), SDT offers a theoretical
perspective on the antecedents of teaching style. Specifically with
regard to controlling teaching, it is argued that pressuring features
in teachers own functioning and interpersonal environment increase the likelihood of engagement in a controlling teaching style.
Such need-frustrating features and pressures might deplete teachers energy. As a consequence, they may fail to engage in a
vitalizing and autonomy-supportive style and instead look for
shortcuts to make the students comply with the teachers agenda.
This would be reflected in the use of controlling practices and
psychological control in particular.
We distinguish three sources of pressure similar to the sources
discerned in the parenting and SDT literature: pressure from
above, from within, and from below (Grolnick, 2003). Within the
teaching context, pressure from above refers to pressure from the
environment, in particular from parents, colleagues, and principals.
Such pressure can be characterized, for example, by frequent
evaluations and forced conformity to colleagues teaching methods
(Pelletier, Seguin-Levesque, & Legault, 2002). Pressure from
within and pressure from below refer to stressful conditions in the
functioning of teachers themselves and of their students, respectively. One important feature of pressure from within is teachers
own motivational orientation. Much like students motivation for
school can be more or less autonomous (vs. controlled) in nature,

teachers differ in how autonomously (vs. controlled) they are

motivated to do their work. Similarly, teachers may perceive their
students as high or low on quality of motivation, and a perception
of low-quality motivation in students may represent another source
of pressure for teachers.
Various studies have examined associations between these pressures and teaching style, thereby typically focusing on one particular source of pressure. For example, Roth, Assor, KanatMaymon, and Kaplan (2007) demonstrated, using multilevel
modeling, that teachers self-reported autonomous, relative to their
controlled, reasons for teaching was positively associated with
child-reported perceptions of autonomy-supportive teaching. Few
studies, however, examined the combined effects of the three
forms of pressure, with the exception of Taylor, Ntoumanis, and
Standage (2008). These authors found that perceived job pressure
(pressure from above), teachers autonomous causality orientation
(low pressure from within), and perceptions of students relative
autonomy (low pressure from below) were all related to teachers
use of adaptive motivational strategies. In this research, we further
examined whether the three types of perceived pressure would
yield a significant relation with the maladaptive teaching dimension of PCT. It was expected that the exposure to any of these
pressuring sources would prompt teachers to act in a psychologically controlling way.

The Present Set of Studies

We present the results of two studies intended to address two
broad aims. First, we aimed at developing a self-report measure of
perceived PCT and demonstrating its reliability and validity. Second, we wanted to study the dynamics of perceived PCT by
examining both outcomes (Study 1) and antecedents (Study 2) of
perceived PCT. Specifically, we hypothesized that perceived PCT
will be negatively associated with students autonomous motivation and self-regulated learning (Study 1, outcomes) and will be
positively related to rigid and controlling forces in teachers own
functioning and working climate (Study 2, antecedents). The hypothesis that controlling dynamics would be involved in PCT fits
with SDT, which maintains that both teachers and students will
function in a more controlled and dysfunctional fashion when
encountering pressuring events or persons (Deci & Ryan, 2000).

Study 1: Psychologically Controlling Teaching and

Students Motivation and Learning
The first goal of Study 1 was to develop and validate a measure
of perceived PCT. To externally validate our scale, we examined
associations between perceived PCT and a well-validated measure
of dimensions of need-supportive teaching, that is, involvement,
structure, and autonomy support (Skinner & Belmont, 1993). The
second goal of Study 1 was to examine associations between
perceived PCT and students motivation, learning, and performance. On the basis of SDT, we hypothesized that PCT would
relate negatively to autonomous (vs. controlled) motives for studying as well as to strategies of self-regulated learning and grades.
Self-regulated learning (SRL) has been defined as a set of
proactive and self-focused processes in which students constructively monitor their learning toward the completion of academic
tasks (Zimmerman, 2008). In our study, as in many other studies


(e.g., Case, Harris, & Graham, 1992), we concentrated on the

cognitive and meta-cognitive components of SRL. Cognitive strategies comprise deep-level cognitive strategies such as critical
thinking and summarizing. Students who use deep-level processing avoid simply memorizing the learning material by repetition,
but want to master the learning material thoroughly (Rozendaal,
Minnaert, & Boekaerts, 2005). Meta-cognitive strategies refer to
planning, organizing, and self-monitoring ones learning process
(Winne, 1995). We hypothesized that perceived PCT would be
negatively related to both types of self-regulatory capacities. Because a lack of self-regulatory capacities represents a risk factor
for low academic achievement (Pintrich & De Groot, 1990), we
also examined whether perceived PCT is related to lower school
achievement through its negative association with self-regulation
strategies. Finally, we hypothesized that associations between perceived PCT and SRL (and subsequent grades) would be mediated
by students quality of motivation (i.e., autonomous vs. controlled).

Participants and procedure.
The sample comprised 533
adolescents (11th and 12th grade; 41.2% boys) from nine secondary schools from the academic track in Flanders (Belgium). Participants mean age was 16.9 years (SD 0.7 years). The questionnaires were administered during a class period of 50 min,
with the first author being present to answer questions. One or two
teachers were also present during the administration of the surveys.
Students permission to participate in the study and for researchers
to scrutinize their exam scores was obtained through a procedure
of passive informed consent. Specifically, the researcher orally
explained the purpose of the study and the necessity to use students exam scores. Confidential treatment of the data was guaranteed. All students were told they could refuse participation and
deny permission for their exam scores to be used in the study by
filling out a form. None of the students chose to do so. A total of 511
exam scores were provided by the school board 1 month later.
Measures. All questionnaires in Study 1 and Study 2 were
translated from English to Dutch, the participants mother tongue,
using the guidelines of the International Test Commission
(Hambleton, 1994). All scales used a 5-point Likert-type scale,
ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), unless


otherwise indicated. Scale scores were computed as the means of

items. Means and standard deviations for all study variables are
provided in Table 1.
Psychologically controlling teaching. A group of scholars
experienced with research on psychological control (i.e., the first
three authors) selected seven items from two frequently used and
validated scales, that is, the Psychological Control ScaleYouth
Self-Report (PCSYSR; Barber, 1996) and the Psychological Control Scale of the Childs Report of Parental Behavior Inventory
(CRPBI; Schaefer, 1965). Five items were almost literally taken
over, but the socialization figure referred to was changed from
parents to teachers (e.g., My teachers often interrupt me). Two
items were slightly adjusted to tap PCT (e.g., My teachers clearly
show that I have hurt their feelings when I have failed to live up
to their expectations). The resulting scale and its descriptive
statistics can be found in Table 2. Information about the psychometric characteristics of this scale is provided in the Results
Autonomy support, structure, and involvement.
teaching dimensions were measured using the short form of the
Teacher as Social Context Questionnaire (TASC; Belmont, Skinner, Wellborn, & Connell, 1988). The TASC comprises subscales
for Autonomy Support (eight items; e.g., My teachers give me a
lot of choices about how I do my schoolwork; .71), Structure
(eight items; e.g., If I cant solve a problem, my teachers show me
different ways to try to; .70), and Involvement (eight items;
e.g., My teachers really care about me; .83).
Relative autonomy for studying. To assess students academic motivation, we used an adapted, Dutch version (16 items;
Vansteenkiste et al., 2009) of the Self-Regulation Questionnaire
Academic initially introduced by Ryan and Connell (1989). The
measure consists of four subscales, representing four different
types of motivation for studying, that is, external regulation (four
items, e.g., Studying is what Im supposed to do; .82),
introjected regulation (four items, e.g., I will feel bad about
myself if I do not study; .72), identified regulation (four
items, e.g., It is personally important to me; .79), and
intrinsic motivation (four items, e.g., I enjoy studying; .90).
Similar to the procedure used in previous research (Soenens &
Vansteenkiste, 2005), after assigning a weight to the four types of
motivation according to their degree of autonomythat is, exter-

Table 1
Correlations Among and Means, Standard Deviations, and Gender Differences for Study Variables in Study 1 (N 503)

Relative autonomy
Critical thinking
Meta-cognitive self-regulation
Time and study environment
Academic achievement





.22 .05
.15 .27 .14
2.28 0.71
2.50 0.73
.22 1.80 3.36 2.26 3.16
.52 .53
3.18 0.60
3.12 0.62
.20 .04
3.08 0.84
2.90 0.87
2.78 0.74
2.94 0.78
3.19 0.49
3.14 0.49
3.10 0.66
3.00 0.65
66.47 7.16 65.15 7.13







Note. PCT psychologically controlling teaching.

df (1, 524) for the SRL variables; df (1, 526) for PCT; df (1, 528) for relative autonomy for studying; df (1, 509) for academic achievement.

p .05. p .01.



Table 2
Descriptive Statistics of the Psychologically Controlling Teaching Items: Student Report
Student responses (Study 1)

Teacher responses (Study 2)

Item: My teachers . . .




1. Are always trying to change me.

2. Clearly show that I have hurt their feelings when I have failed
to live up to their expectations.
3. Are less friendly with me, if I do not see things their way.
4. Are strict with me if I have disappointed them.
5. Make me feel guilty when I dissatisfied them.
6. Avoid talking with me when I have disappointed them.
7. Often interrupt me.













Note. The teacher report of the Psychologically Controlling Teaching Questionnaire is analogous to the student report. For example, one item from the
teacher report version is I always try to change my students.

nal regulation 2; introjected regulation 1; identified regulation 1; and intrinsic motivation 2we summed these
weighted scores to create an index of relative autonomy for studying ( .78; see, e.g., Niemiec et al., 2006, for this procedure).
Deep-level cognitive strategy use. Participants were administered three scales from the Motivated Strategies for Learning
Questionnaire (MSLQ; Pintrich, Smith, Garcia, & McKeachie,
1991), namely, Elaboration (six items, e.g., When reading for
classes, I try to relate the material to what I already know;
.56), Organization (four items, e.g., I make simple charts, diagrams, or tables to help me organize course material; .67),
and Critical Thinking (5 items, e.g., I treat the course material as
a starting point and try to develop my own ideas about it;
.75). Rather than tapping into participants use of deep-level cognitive learning strategies for a specific course, as is commonly
done, we assessed participants deep-level learning in general.
Meta-cognitive strategy use. We measured students use of
meta-cognitive strategies using the subscales for Meta-Cognitive
Self-Regulation (12 items; e.g., Before I study new course material thoroughly, I often skim it to see how it is organized) and
Time and Study Environment (eight items; e.g., I usually study in
a place where I can concentrate on my course work) of the
MSLQ. These items also pertained to participants use of metacognitive strategy use in general rather than with respect to a
specific course. The subscales had a Cronbachs alpha of .65
(Meta-Cognitive Self-Regulation) and .70 (Time and Study Environment).
Academic performance. Academic performance was measured by students overall grades at the end of the first semester
(December), which were obtained through the school board.
Grades ranged between 41% and 88%, with a mean of 66.47%
(SD 7.17).
Plan of analysis. We examined the proposed model in which
PCT relates to motivation, SRL, and achievement using structural
equation modeling with latent variables (LISREL 8.7; Jreskog &
Srbom, 1996). In line with Holmbecks (1997) recommendations,
we tested the following models: (a) direct-effects models, (b)
full-mediation models, and (c) partial-mediation models. Full mediation is demonstrated when the addition of a direct path in the
third model does not improve fit compared with the second model.
This three-step approach was used to test different portions of our
hypothesized model (see Figure 1). Assessment of model fit was

based on multiple criteria: the root-mean-square error of approximation (RMSEA), the comparative fit index (CFI), and the standardized root-mean-square residual (SRMR). A RMSEA of .08 or
below (Hu & Bentler, 1999), a CFI value .90 (Byrne, 1994), and
a small SRMR value (.06; Quintana & Maxwell, 1999) indicate
acceptable fit to the data.

Preliminary analyses. Initial analyses focused on the psychometric characteristics of the newly developed instrument and
associations with related constructs.
Reliability and validity of the PCT ScaleStudent Report.
To ensure the adequacy of the PCT Scale as a measure of perceived teacher psychological control, we investigated (a) the factorial validity and the internal consistency and (b) the external
validity of the scale by calculating zero-order correlations with
more adaptive teaching dimensions, that is, perceived autonomy
support, structure, and involvement.
To examine the factorial validity of the PCT Scale, we subjected
items to a principal component analysis. This analysis revealed one
clear factor, accounting for 46% of the variance, with all item
loadings above 0.58 (eigenvalue of 3.20). Cronbachs alpha was
.80. PCT was significantly negatively related to autonomy support
(r .44, p .01), structure (r .38, p .01), and involvement (r .29, p .01). PCT and autonomy support were more
strongly negatively related than PCT and involvement (Fisher z
3.92, p .001) and PCT and autonomy support were somewhat
more strongly related than PCT and structure (Fisher z 1.67,
p .09).
Correlational analyses and descriptive statistics. Correlation coefficients among the study variables are presented in Table
1. PCT was significantly negatively related to students relative
autonomy for studying, to the two meta-cognitive strategy use
subscales, and to academic achievement. Unexpectedly, PCT was
unrelated to the use of deep-level cognitive strategies. Further,
students relative autonomy for studying was significantly positively related to all SRL strategies, except for elaboration, and to
academic achievement. Finally, the two meta-cognitive strategy
use subscales, but not the deep-level cognitive strategy use subscales, were significantly positively related to students academic




Parcel 1




SelfThinking Regulation


Cognitive Strategies
R = .07

Parcel 3

Parcel 2






Parcel 1

Students Relative
R = .11

Parcel 2


Parcel 3

R = .11




Parcel 4


R = .34



.47 .81

Time &


Figure 1. Final model of outcomes of psychologically controlling teaching. For reasons of clarity, the effects
of gender are not shown. p .001.

Next, we examined gender differences because boys and girls

have been found to differ in various study variables, such as
motivation (Vallerand & Bissonnette, 1992) and meta-cognitive
strategy use (Vrugt & Oort, 2008). The multivariate analysis of
variance (MANOVA) with gender as the between-subjects variable and the self-regulated learning scales as dependent variables
was significant, Wilks .89; F(5, 519) 12.52; p .001,
2 .11. Follow-up univariate analyses (see Table 1) revealed
that female, relative to male, students scored higher on organization, elaboration, time and study environment, and meta-cognitive
self-regulation and lower on critical thinking. Univariate ANOVAs
on the remaining variables indicated that girls scored lower on
perceived PCT and higher on relative autonomy for studying and
academic achievement. Because of these gender differences, we
included gender as a control variable in all subsequent analyses.
Primary analyses. The primary analyses checked whether
the constructs in the model were measured adequately and whether
the expected associations held among these constructs.
Measurement model. We estimated a measurement model to
assess whether the indicators represented the latent constructs
properly. We used parcels as indicators of the latent constructs
PCT (three parcels) and relative autonomy for studying (four
parcels) by randomly assigning their respective items to one of
the parcel groupings (Little, Cunningham, Shahar, & Widaman,
2002). The subscales critical thinking, elaboration, and organization were used as indicators of the latent construct deep-level
cognitive strategy use, whereas meta-cognitive self-regulation and
time and study environment were used as indicators of the latent
construct meta-cognitive strategy use. In addition, gender and
academic performance were each represented as a latent variable
with a single indicator, the error variance of which was set to 0.
The measurement model with six latent variables represented by
14 indicators approached the criteria for acceptable fit, 2(64)
318.34; RMSEA .09; CFI .93; SRMR .07. After a cross-

loading of meta-cognitive self-regulation on deep-level cognitive

strategy use was added, the fit of the revised model, 2(63)
291.17; RMSEA .08; CFI .94; SRMR .04, improved
considerably, 2(1) 27.17, p .001. Adding this cross-loading
seemed logical because meta-cognitive self-regulation and deeplevel cognitive strategy use share a cognitive focus. Moreover, the
modification did not substantially change the correlations among
the latent factors, as indicated by the nonsignificant chi-square test,
2(15) 20.31, p .05. Factor loadings ranged from .47 to .99
(mean lambda .74) and were all significant (p .001).
Structural model. To examine the association between PCT
and academic achievement, we tested a direct effects model including only PCT as a direct predictor of achievement, 2(4)
3.80; RMSEA .00; CFI 1.00; SRMR .02. The direct path
from PCT to achievement was significantly negative, .12,
p .05. In a next model, we added deep-level cognitive and
meta-cognitive strategy use as mediators in the relation between
PCT and achievement. In this model, PCT was only indirectly
related to achievement through the SRL strategies, 2(27)
140.13; RMSEA .09; CFI .93; SRMR .07. Results showed
that PCT was negatively related to meta-cognitive strategy use,
.38, p .001, but unrelated to deep-level cognitive strategies, .03, p .05. Further, whereas meta-cognition was
positively related to achievement, .31, p .001, deep-level
cognitive strategies was unrelated to achievement, .05, p
.05. To examine whether the relation between PCT and achievement is fully mediated by meta-cognitive strategy use, we added a
direct path from PCT to achievement, thus testing a partial mediation model, 2(26) 139.54; RMSEA .09; CFI .93;
SRMR .07. The fit of this model was not significantly better
than the fit of the full mediation model, 2(1) 0.59, p .05,
and the direct path from PCT to achievement was no longer
significant, .02, p .05, suggesting that the initial relation
between PCT and achievement was fully mediated by students



use of meta-cognitive strategies. The Sobel test (Sobel, 1982)

indicated that the indirect effect of PCT to achievement (through
meta-cognitive strategy use) was significant, z 4.01, p .001.
Next, we examined whether students relative autonomy for
studying would mediate the negative path from PCT to SRL
strategies and to meta-cognitive strategy use in particular. We first
tested a model in which PCT was only indirectly related to SRL
through relative autonomy for studying (i.e., a full mediation
model). Next the fit of the full mediation model, 2(67) 309.61;
RMSEA .08; CFI .93; SRMR .07, was compared with the
fit of a partial mediation model, in which a direct path was added
from PCT to meta-cognitive strategy use. There was no need to
examine whether there was a remaining direct pathway to deeplevel cognitive strategy use because PCT was unrelated to deeplevel cognitive strategy use in the direct effects model. The fit of
the partial model, 2(66) 293.20; RMSEA .08; CFI .94;
SRMR .06, was significantly better than the fit of the full
mediation model, 2(1) 16.41, p .001, and the path from
PCT to meta-cognitive strategy use remained significantly negative, .26, p .001. Accordingly, the association between
PCT and meta-cognitive strategy use was partially mediated by
students relative autonomy for studying, and the partial mediation
model was retained as the final best fitting model. This model is
displayed graphically in Figure 1. For the sake of clarity, paths
from gender to each of the latent constructs were not included.
Gender (dummy coded with 0 male and 1 female) was
significantly related to PCT, .36, p .001, and academic
achievement, .14, p .01, with female participants scoring
lower on PCT and higher on achievement.
As shown in Figure 1, perceived PCT was related negatively to
students relative autonomy for studying, which in turn was related
positively to deep-level cognitive strategy use and meta-cognitive
strategy use. Only meta-cognitive strategy use was, in turn, related
positively to achievement. In addition to its indirect association
through relative autonomy for studying, PCT also had a direct and
negative association with meta-cognitive strategy use. The Sobel
testing indicated that the indirect effects of PCT over relative
autonomy for studying to deep-level cognitive and meta-cognitive
strategy use were both significant, z 3.47, p .001, and z
4.28, p .001, respectively.

Summary of Study 1
Study 1 yielded three important findings. First, the PCT scale
proved to be a reliable and valid instrument. Principal component
analysis on the PCT items yielded one clear factor, Cronbachs
alpha of the PCT scale was high, and the scale was significantly
negatively related to dimensions of need supportive to teaching,
and in particular to autonomy support. Second, as expected, higher
PCT was associated with lower SRL and achievement outcomes.
Third, students relative autonomy was found to mediate some of
these associations. PCT was negatively related to relative autonomy for studying, which in turn was positively related to students
use of deep-level cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies. Metacognitive strategy use, in turn, was significantly positively related
to academic performance. In addition, PCT continued to be significantly and negatively related to meta-cognitive strategy use
above and beyond its indirect relation through students relative
autonomy for studying.

Study 2: Sources of Psychologically Controlling

Because of the maladaptive pattern of correlates of PCT, it
becomes imperative to explore its antecedents. Therefore, in Study
2, we aimed to examine the role of environmental and dispositional
sources of pressure in the prediction of PCT and the potential
explanatory role of teacher burnout in these associations. Specifically, we examined the role of three sources of pressure, that is,
perceived pressure from people in the school environment (such as
parents, colleagues, and principals), teachers own quality of motivation for teaching, and teachers perceptions of students quality
of motivation. It was expected that each of these pressuring
sources would relate to PCT and that these associations would be
mediated by teacher burn-out.
Burnout is defined as a state characterized by frustration as a
result of a perceived discrepancy between what teachers are doing
and their expected effects on their students (Friedman, 1995). The
key aspects of burnout represent feelings of emotional exhaustion,
which refers to being overextended, and depersonalization, which
refers to the adoption of a cynical and deindividuating attitude
toward others (Maslach, Schaufeli, & Leiter, 2001). Herein, we
hypothesized that the encounter of pressuring sources would drain
teachers energy and, as a result, would be associated with emotional exhaustion. Additionally, teachers who are exposed to pressuring sources might adopt a depersonalizing attitude toward their
colleagues, students, and students parents to cope with the pressuring atmosphere of their working situation. These predictions are
consistent with previous research showing that organizational
pressure (pressure from above; Levesque, Zuehlke, Stanek, &
Ryan, 2004); teacher characteristics, such as maladaptive perfectionism (pressure from within; Stoeber & Rennert, 2008) and
teachers relative autonomy for teaching (Roth et al., 2007); and
negative student behavior, such as disrespect (Friedman, 1995), are
associated with features of burnout.
In sum, when teachers feel emotionally drained, they would
have less energy available to stay attuned to their students wishes.
Moreover, the adoption of a depersonalizing attitude would lower
teachers threshold to act in a controlling way vis-a`-vis their
students. Therefore, we hypothesized that greater emotional exhaustion and depersonalization would be related to higher levels of
PCT and would mediate the relationships between perceived pressures and PCT.

Participants and procedure. Teachers voluntarily participated in this study during a faculty meeting or in the staff rooms
of six secondary schools offering the academic track. They were
informed that participation involved filling out a survey on their
job conditions and interactions with students. The teachers were
asked to send this questionnaire to the principal researcher of this
study by regular mail. Three weeks after the initial invitation to
participation, a reminder together with the survey were mailed to
the nonrespondents. Out of the sample consisting of 488 Dutchspeaking Belgian teachers, 317 (65%) completed the questionnaire. Their age ranged from 21 to 61 years, with a mean of 40
years (SD 10.4 years); 62.8% were women. The mean number
of years of teaching experience was 16.8 (SD 10.6 years); 40.4%


of the teachers had obtained a college degree (not at a university),

whereas 59.6% had a university degree.
Measures. Self-report measures were used to assess psychologically controlling teaching, its presumed sources, and burnout.
Psychologically controlling teaching.
Teachers assessed
their own perceptions of their PCT with the PCT ScaleTeacher
Self-Report. The seven items used in Study 1 were slightly reworded to assess PCT from teachers own perspective (e.g., I
avoid looking at my students if they have disappointed me).
Cronbachs alpha was .74. A principal component analysis indicated that all items loaded on a single factor with a minimum
loading of .46, explaining 40.1% of the variance.
Pressure from above. We used an abbreviated version of the
Constraints at Work Scale (Pelletier et al., 2002) to measure
pressure exerted by colleagues, parents, and school principals.
Specifically, we selected the items that most directly tapped into
pressure versus sense of choice. The resulting subscale consisted
of seven items. Cronbachs alpha was .62. A sample item reads,
In this school, I have to conform to my colleagues teaching
methods. Ratings were made on a 7-point Likert scale, ranging
from 1 (not at all true) to 7 (completely true).
Pressure from withinRelative autonomy for teaching.
The same items that were used in Study 1 to assess students
motivation were used to assess teachers motivation for teaching.
However, the stem of this scale was reworded to: I am motivated
to teach well because . . . The reliabilities of the different motivational subtypes (i.e., external, introjected, identified, and intrinsic motivation) were satisfactory, ranging between .70 and .90. An
index of relative autonomy for teaching was constructed in the
same way as in Study 1. Cronbachs alpha was .83.
Pressure from belowRelative autonomy for studying.
To tap into teachers perceived motivation for studying of their
students, we used the same items as in Study 1, although the stem
of this scale was reworded to read, My students are motivated to
learn because . . . The reliabilities of the motivation subtypes
were satisfactory, ranging between .73 and .88. The teacherperceived relative autonomy index for studying had an alpha of
Burnout. Participants completed the subscales for Emotional
Exhaustion and Depersonalization of the widely used and validated Maslach Burnout InventoryEducators Survey (MBIES;
Kokkinos, 2006; Maslach & Jackson, 1986). Emotional exhaustion
assesses participants feelings of tiredness (nine items; e.g., I feel


emotionally drained from my work; .91), whereas Depersonalization assesses the development of an impersonal attitude
towards the teaching job and students (five items; e.g., I feel I
treat some students as if they were impersonal objects; .66).

Preliminary analyses. Correlations among the study variables can be found in Table 3. We included years of teaching
experience in the analyses because past research has shown differences related to teaching experience in our study variables, such
as relationships with students (Pianta, Hamre, & Stuhlman, 2003).
Constraints at work and teachers relative autonomous motivation
were significantly negatively related. No other correlations among
the hypothesized antecedent variables were significant. Constraints
at work and teachers (but not students) relative autonomous
motivation were significantly related to PCT. The three variables
reflecting hypothesized antecedents were significantly related to
both emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, while both of
them were positively interrelated and positively associated with
PCT. Years of teaching experience was negatively correlated with
constraints at work, but positively related to teachers perceived
relative autonomous motivation in students.
Because past research has shown gender differences for several
of the study variables, such as burnout (Grayson & Alvarez, 2008),
we examined mean differences. We inspected gender differences
using a MANOVA analysis treating gender as between-subjects
variable and the sources of pressure as outcome variables. An
overall significant effect was found, Wilks .96; F(3, 305)
3.97; p .01, 2 .04. Follow-up univariate analyses revealed
that female teachers scored higher on perceived constraints at work
than male teachers. A MANOVA with the burnout components as
dependent variables also yielded an overall significant effect,
Wilks .97; F(2, 314) 3.97; p .01, 2 .04. Follow-up
univariate analyses revealed that female teachers scored lower on
depersonalization than male teachers. A univariate ANOVA on
PCT indicated that female teachers scored lower than male teachers. The results are shown in Table 3. Because of the effects of
gender and teaching experience, we included them as control
variables in the primary analyses.
Primary analyses. The actual analyses checked whether the
constructs in the model were measured adequately and whether the
expected associations held among these constructs.

Table 3
Correlations, Means, Standard Deviations, and Gender Differences for Study Variables in Study 2 (N 317)








Constraints at work (pressure from above)

.22 .10
3.06 0.87
2.90 0.93
3.16 0.83 6.64
Relative autonomy teacher (low pressure from within)
.08 .37 .33 .28
6.98 3.12
6.62 3.19
7.15 3.10 2.10
Relative autonomy students (low pressure from below)
.14 .13 .09
1.76 2.76 1.57 2.67 1.91 2.80 1.14

Emotional exhaustion
1.92 0.81
1.91 0.86
1.93 0.79 0.09
1.41 0.50
1.51 0.57
1.34 0.45 8.84
Psychologically controlling teaching
1.97 0.58
2.06 0.59
1.92 0.57 4.21

df (1, 308) for constraints at work, relative autonomy teacher, and relative autonomy students; df (1, 316) for emotional exhaustion and
depersonalization; df (1, 314) for psychologically controlling teaching.

p .05. p .01.



teachers relative autonomous motivation with PCT were reduced

to nonsignificance, s .17 and .11, respectively, both ps
.05. This indicates that associations between the antecedents and
PCT, if any, were full mediated by the dimensions of burnout.
Further testifying to the intervening role of the burnout dimensions, Sobel tests indicated that the indirect effects of constraints at
work and teachers relative autonomous motivation over depersonalization to PCT were significant, z 3.14, p .01 and z
4.39, p .001, respectively.
Figure 2 graphically displays all structural paths in the full
mediation model. For the sake of clarity, paths from gender and
years of teaching experience to each of the latent constructs were
not included. Gender (dummy coded with 0 male and 1
female) was significantly related to constraints at work, .18,
p .05, and depersonalization, .28, p .01, with women
reporting more constraints at work and less depersonalization.
Years of teaching experience was related negatively to constraints
at work, .20, p .01. As shown in Figure 2, both constraints at work and low teacher relative autonomy were related to
depersonalization, which in turn was related positively to PCT.
Low teacher relative autonomy was also related to emotional
exhaustion but emotional exhaustion was not related to PCT.

Measurement model. We evaluated a measurement model

including six latent constructs, that is, constraints at work, teachers relative autonomous motivation, teacher-perceived relative
autonomous study motivation in students, emotional exhaustion,
depersonalization, and PCT. Three to four parcels were used as
indicators of each of these constructs. Gender and years of teaching experience were each represented as a latent variable with a
single indicator. The measurement model provided an excellent fit
to the data, 2(183) 274.05; RMSEA .04; CFI .98;
SRMR .05. Examination of factor loadings, ranging from .39 to
.92 (mean .82), indicated that they were all significant.
Structural model. To verify the relative contribution of each
hypothesized antecedent of PCT, we tested a direct effects model,
2(91) 152.81; RMSEA .05; CFI .98; SRMR .05.
Whereas constraints at work was related positively to PCT,
.27, p .001, teachers relative autonomous motivation was
related negatively to PCT, .28, p .001. In line with the
correlations, the path from teacher-perceived relative autonomous
study motivation in students to PCT was not significant, .10,
p .05.
Next, the burnout components were included in the model as
intervening variables in the relations between perceived pressures
and PCT. We first tested a full mediation model, in which the
antecedents were only indirectly related to PCT through the burnout components, 2(186) 282.82; RMSEA .04; CFI .98;
SRMR .05. Next, we compared this model with a partial
mediation model, in which we allowed direct paths from both
constraints at work and teachers relative autonomous motivation
to PCT. Note that in this model, we did not allow a direct path
from teacher-perceived relative autonomous study motivation in
students to PCT because this path was not significant in the direct
effects model. Although the fit of the partial mediation model,
2(184) 275.98; RMSEA .04; CFI .98; SRMR .05, was
slightly better than the fit of the full mediation model, 2(2)
6.84, p .05, the direct associations of constraints at work and

Summary of Study 2
The relations between perceived pressure from above (as indexed by constraints at work) and pressure from within (as indexed
by low relative autonomy for teaching) and PCT were mediated by
depersonalization. Pressure from below, as indexed by students
low relative autonomy for learning, was not related to PCT.
Further, pressure from within was the only source of pressure that
was significantly related to emotional exhaustion. Emotional exhaustion was not related to PCT, indicating that it did not function
as an intervening variable in the relationships between different
sources of perceived pressures and PCT.

Parcel 1
Parcel 2


Constraints at

Parcel 1


Parcel 3

Parcel 2


Parcel 3
R = .19

Parcel 1
Parcel 2
Parcel 3


Autonomy for



Parcel 4

Parcel 3



.57 .73


Students Relative
Autonomy for

Parcel 1


Parcel 2

Parcel 1
Parcel 2



Parcel 2


R = .33

Parcel 1

R = .35

Parcel 3

Parcel 4

Figure 2. Final model of antecedents of psychologically controlling teaching. For reasons of clarity, effects of
gender and years of teaching experience are not shown. p .05. p .01. p .001.

Parcel 3


General Discussion
The present studies applied the construct of psychological control, which involves the communication of a conditionally approving attitude through intrusive and manipulative practices (including shaming and expression of disappointment) to the teaching
context. Specifically, we examined associations between PCT and
a number of hypothesized antecedents, mediators, and outcomes.
Validity and reliability analyses show that PCT can be assessed as
a reliable and unidimensional factor that correlates negatively with
adaptive teaching dimensions, that is, autonomy support, structure,
and involvement. The remaining part of the discussion is organized
around two important sets of findings, that is, (a) the hypothesized
outcomes and (b) the hypothesized antecedents of PCT. Across the
two studies, we aimed to test the SDT-based notion that controlling
teaching, and PCT in particular, relates to a controlled orientation
in the functioning of both teachers and students.

Outcomes of Psychologically Controlling Teaching

Through structural equation modeling, our first study demonstrated negative associations between PCT and (a) important components of SRL, that is, deep-level cognitive and meta-cognitive
strategy use and (b) academic achievement. Our findings further
indicated that the association between PCT and meta-cognitive
strategy use was partially mediated by students low relative
autonomy for studying. Low use of meta-cognitive strategies was,
in turn, related to lower academic performance. Together, these
findings are consistent with the idea that PCT undermines students autonomous motivation to learn and instead fosters a controlled regulation of study activities (Vansteenkiste, Simons, et al.,
2005). This low-quality type of motivation would in turn deplete
students energy and vitality that are needed to adequately selfregulate their learning process (De Bilde, Vansteenkiste, & Lens,
2011). The direct relationship between PCT and meta-cognitive
strategy use possibly indicates that PCT is a strong and direct
source of stress, reducing the energy needed for meta-cognitive
strategy use.
With regard to the self-regulatory learning strategies, it is interesting to note that meta-cognitive strategy use was significantly
related to academic achievement, whereas deep-level cognitive
strategy use was not. These findings are in line with the results of
previous research showing stronger relations between metacognitive strategy use and performance than between cognitive
strategy use and performance (Wolters & Pintrich, 1998). Furthermore, the positive association found between meta-cognitive strategy use and academic performance is consistent with investigations showing that the promotion of self-regulated learning
increases academic performance (Lane et al., 2008).

Antecedents of Psychologically Controlling Teaching

Another aim was to identify factors associated with teachers
PCT. In doing so, we examined the role of three sources of
pressure in relation to PCT. Results indicated that perceived pressure from above, as indexed by teacher-perceived constraints at
work, and perceived pressure from within, as measured by teachers controlled relative to their autonomous motivation for teaching, but not perceived pressure from below, as measured by


students controlled relative to their autonomous motivation for

studying, were associated with PCT. These findings are consistent
with research reporting relations between perceived pressure from
authorities and teachers own use of pressure (Deci, Spiegel, Ryan,
Koestner, & Kauffman, 1982) and between personal characteristics and motivation in teachers and their behavior toward students
(Boggiano, Barrett, Weiher, McClelland, & Lusk, 1987; Roth et
al., 2007).
Furthermore, we found that depersonalization played a mediating role in the relations between pressures from above and within
and PCT. So, it seems that pressure from above and pressure from
within distract teachers from students personal wants and desires,
presumably because they foster an objectifying stance towards
students (Moller & Deci, 2010; Vansteenkiste, Mouratidis, &
Lens, 2010). This attitude of depersonalization might lower teachers threshold for adopting a controlling attitude toward students as
they are reduced to objects that can be pushed around. Although
emotional exhaustion was positively correlated with PCT, it did
not play a unique mediating role in the relation between the
sources of pressures and PCT. Possibly, emotional exhaustion is
relatively more strongly related to intrapsychic problems such as
internal distress and somatic complaints (Jackson, Schwab, &
Schuler, 1986; Leung & Lee, 2006). In contrast, depersonalization
may yield relatively more relational costs, as expressed, for instance, in a controlling interpersonal style (Moller & Deci, 2010).
Some results were not in line with our predictions. First, pressure from below, defined as teachers beliefs about students
quality of motivation, was not uniquely related to the use of PCT,
nor was it related to burnout. These findings were not in line with
some previous studies on pressure from below (Taylor & Ntoumanis, 2007). A possible explanation for this lack of association
may be that teachers do not really suffer from a controlled motivation in their students. Students with a controlled orientation may
still be compliant and obedient, such that the teachers authority is
not immediately threatened. We speculate that students who display rebellious reactions, show apathy, or achieve poorly do induce PCT because these behaviors involve a stronger and more
immediate threat to teachers capacities. Second, there was no
significant path from pressure from above to emotional exhaustion,
whereas there was a significantly positive path from pressure from
within to emotional exhaustion. It is possible that pressure from
above, which refers to an interpersonal experience, is especially
important in developing interpersonal attitudes, like depersonalization, whereas experiences of pressure in ones own functioning
is detrimental to both intrapersonal and interpersonal functioning.

Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research

The current research has some limitations. First, our focus is
limited by primarily relying on self-report data. To avoid possible
response bias and thereby to validate our results, multiple informants, such as external observers, and behavioral measures are
needed. In developing an observational coding scheme, future
research could rely on Barber (1996) who assessed parental psychological control in videotaped family problem-solving tasks. In
our view, the examination of associations between objective
teacher use of psychological control and subjective perceptions of
psychological control is not only important to demonstrate construct validity. Such research also could contribute to a number of



important and substantive research questions. For instance, do

students experience objective expressions of psychological control
similarly? Or are some students more sensitive to expressions of
psychological control than others? It could be hypothesized, for
instance, that students motivational orientation might moderate
these associations such that students with a controlled orientation
are more likely to subjectively experience even mild expressions
of psychological control as strongly pressuring and intrusive. As
such, an important direction for future research is to examine
personal (and perhaps also sociocultural variables) that may moderate associations between objective teacher behavior and subjective perceptions of psychological control.
Second, the cross-sectional nature of our studies does not allow
us to examine reciprocal relations between the concepts we studied. For that purpose, longitudinal research is recommended. Further, for causality statements, experimental research is recommended (see Vansteenkiste, Simons, et al., 2005, for an example).
Third, we would like to raise three issues related to the generalizability of our findings. First, students frame of reference in
Study 1 for responding to the measures was devoid of context.
Therefore, to internally validate our findings, investigators conducting future research should ask students to respond to the
instruments with reference to a particular course. Considering
different courses (e.g., math, chemistry, and language learning),
one could examine whether the structural relationships among the
study variables are similar across courses or rather course specific.
Second, although the return rate of 65% in Study 2 was rather high,
it leaves open the question as to how representative of secondary
school teachers the sample is. Third, the involvement of only
secondary school students and teachers from the academic track
limits the generalizability of our findings to the educational system
as a whole. Given the obvious work and organizational differences
between educational levels, it may be important to replicate the
present findings with kindergarten, elementary school, or college
students and teachers. Moreover, we encourage future researchers
to replicate the findings in countries outside of Europe, such as the
United States. Such external validation seems necessary due to the
contextual differences between countries, such as the system of
high-stakes testing in the United States, which clearly represents
pressure from above and is absent in the European context.
Finally, we propose two important additional avenues of study.
First, due to the partial mediating role of students relative autonomy for studying (Study 1), future researchers could focus on other
possible mediators, such as need satisfaction in students. Second,
our study is a first step toward elucidating the dynamics involved
in PCT. It would be instructive for future research to more thoroughly explore the relation between PCT and other teaching dimensions, such as autonomy support, structure, and external control, and to look for unique effects of these teaching dimensions on
students learning, well-being, and performance. Of particular
interest is an examination of associations between PCT and SDTbased measures of internally controlling teaching. Roth, Assor,
Niemiec, Ryan, and Deci (2009) have recently argued that internally controlling socialization may involve both the use of negative conditional regard (i.e., withdrawing love when children do
not meet standards) and positive conditional regard (i.e., showing
more love than usual when children do meet standards). Although
the concept of PCT entails features of negative conditional regard,
it does not capture the use of positive conditional regard. As such,

future researchers would do well to compare the educational

outcomes and antecedents of both psychological control and positive conditional regard.

Practical Implications
Given the harmful correlates of PCT, from an applied perspective, it is important for teachers to refrain from PCT. To modify
psychologically controlling teacher behavior, teachers can be provided with information about what behaviors constitute PCT and
their effects on adolescent learning and achievement. To the extent
that teachers wish to positively influence their students learning,
they can be advised to teach in an autonomy-supportive fashion,
for instance, by explaining the relevance of learning strategies
(Reeve, 2009). It is equally important that pressure on and control
of teachers is reduced, as indicated by the results of Study 2. To
avoid the development of an objectifying attitude toward students,
which seems to catalyze the use of PCT, it is desirable that the
entire educational community and the general public recognize
the complexity, responsibilities, and stresses that are inherent in
the teaching profession so that the pressure from above on teachers
is reduced. To achieve this aim, principals could create an
autonomy-supportive climate in which teachers have a say in
various decisions, a rationale is provided when staff involvement
in decisions is limited, and teachers are offered opportunities for
self-direction and self-initiative. At the intraindividual level, increasing teachers pleasure and importance of their teaching might
be important because teachers motivation relates significantly to
the use of a psychologically controlling stance. Perhaps, it is better
for teachers who primarily teach for controlled reasons to reorient
themselves in their professional career and to choose a job that lies
more in line with their values and interests.

By introducing psychological control as a dimension of teaching
style, our aim was to contribute to both research on parental
psychological control and SDT-based research in educational psychology. Developmental research on parental psychological control has convincingly shown its negative ramifications for childrens and adolescents general well-being and adjustment. Few
studies, however, have examined the implications of parental
psychological control for educational and learning outcomes (see
Aunola & Nurmi, 2004; Vansteenkiste, Simons, et al., 2005;
Vansteenkiste, Zhou, et al., 2005 for exceptions). This research
contributes to the literature by showing that perceived teacher
psychological control is related to a nomological network of maladaptive motivational and learning outcomes in adolescents. At the
same time, this research adds to SDT-based research on teaching
style by highlighting one important feature of need-frustrating
teaching. There is increasing recognition that experiences of need
frustration do not simply reflect a lack of need satisfaction and that
it is important to identify the specific dynamics involved in needfrustrating interpersonal styles, including psychological control
(Bartholomew, Ntoumanis, Ryan, Bosch, & Thogerson-Ntoumani,
in press).

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Received August 18, 2009

Revision received July 7, 2011
Accepted July 7, 2011

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