Hydrofoil P72039
Hydrofoil P72039
Hydrofoil P72039
ESSS, ITC INTERNATIONAL TRADE CENTER - Rua do Rocio, 423 10 andar conj.1001/1002,
Vila Olmpia CEP: 04552-000 So Paulo SP Brazil Phone: + (55) (11) 3017-5191
Keywords: Mixing, Solids Suspension, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Stirred Tank, Optimization.
The project of chemical processes and equipments is a task that demands a significant
experimental support and a great number of prototypes and tests. Aiming at reducing the
development time, ANSYS-CFX tools have been successfully coupled to modeFRONTIER so as
to lead to an optimal design of a high efficiency impeller for flow-controlled, low viscosity
The analysis of impeller shape performance was carried out with the SST (Shear-Stress
Transport) model coupled with the streamline curvature turbulence model. This model combines
the advantages from the and models, ensuring proper relation between turbulent stress
and turbulent kinetic energy and allowing accurate and robust prediction of the impeller blade flow
separation. The Multiple Frames of Reference and the Frozen Rotor Frame Change model were
used in order to investigate the rotor/stator interaction inside the mixing vessel.
A robust stochastic algorithm was used for the automatic multi-objective constrained
shape design process. The multi-objective function has seven design variables, two nonlinear
constraints, and two objective functions. Simultaneous increase of the pumping impeller capacity
and mixing vessel homogeneity were achieved using this method.
becomes a link between the CAE tools (ICEM and CFX), performing the optimization procedure
by modifying the value assigned to the input variables, and monitoring the outputs.
In the following sections, a brief introduction of the CFD model is considered and a
description of the employed numerical tools is also given. Then the coupling of the models within
the commercial program (modeFRONTIER) is discussed.
+ (U ) = 0
Eq. 1
( U )
+ (U U ) = p + + S m
Eq. 2
= U + (U )T U
Eq. 3
Eq. 4
SCor = 2 U
Eq. 5
Scfg = ( r )
Eq. 6
Where r is the location vector and is the relative frame velocity (i.e., the rotating frame
velocity for a rotating frame of reference).
Parameter Value
Tank diameter
T = 1m
H= T = 1m
Bottom clearance
C=H/4 = 0.25m
This new hydrofoil impeller has been designed to maximize solid dispersion in stirred
vessels at the lowest possible power consumption.
Low-speed airfoils
Rotary wing
Most of the published experimental works for rotary wings are for helicopter rotors, with
the hovering maneuver being somewhat similar to the mode of operation of impellers in stirred
vessels, particularly because the wake shed from the rotor is reminiscent of the coaxial helical
vortices shed by the impeller blades and subsequently flowing downstream.
Interesting experimental data for helicopter rotors in hovers is provided by Caradonna
and Tung (1981) and Branum and Tung (1997). The latter is particularly a comprehensive study
and offers rotor geometry descriptions and detailed surface pressure data tables.
These studies are valuable when validating rotary wing prediction codes because of the
lack of similar information available for wind turbines and the similarity in flow generated by
hovering helicopter rotors.
Possible validation data is also provided by Wolfe and Ochs (1997). They report on that
study a comparison for the predictions of commercially available CFD codes with wind tunnel
tests of two common airfoil sections. Cp vs. chord data are provided for S809 and NACA0012
airfoils at various angles of attack and Reynolds number ranging from 1 x106 to 5x106.
Other examples of techniques to solve numerically the full Navier-Stokes equations are
provided by Hsiao and Pauley (1999) for marine propeller flows and Xu and Sankar (2000) for
flows of wind turbines. Conlisk (1997) offers a recent review for the aerodynamic of helicopter
rotors which also serves as a general introduction to rotary wing aerodynamics.
Airfoil selection
The criteria adopted for the airfoil selection in this study are high lift at low angle of
attach, high Clmax, gentle stall characteristics, relative low coefficient of moment, sufficiently low
drag, easy manufacturability and good operations at low Reynolds number.
Based on these criteria, four possible airfoils were selected and used as root and tip
blade airfoil parameters, as shown in Figure 3:
Drela DAE11
Selig S1223
Eppler E387
Below it is shown an estimation of the near wall mesh spacing requirements (y), based
on simple modifications of the correlations for a flat plate, in terms of Reynolds number, running
length, and a y+ target value.
U = D
= Angular Velocity
D = Impeller Diameter
Eq. 7
Re L =
Eq. 8
cf = 0.025 Re x1 / 7
Eq. 9
where x is the distance along the Impeller Streamwise from the leading edge.
y + =
Eq. 10
y being the mesh spacing between the wall and the first node away from it.
u 2
cf = 2 2 = 2
Eq. 11
y = y +
cf U
y = Ly + 80 Re1x/ 14
Eq. 12
Re L
Eq. 13
Re x = C Re L
Eq. 14
y = Ly + 80 Re L13 / 14
Eq. 15
A good mesh should have a minimum number of mesh points inside the boundary layer
in order for the turbulence model to work properly. So, an estimation of the boundary layer
thickness and the wall normal expansion ratio has been used in order to determine the number of
nodes on the boundary layer in the direction normal to the wall.
The boundary layer thickness
Re = 0.14 Re
= 0.14 L Re6x / 7
Re L
Since the boundary layer for a blunt body does not start with zero thickness at the
stagnation point for Re x , it is safe to assume that Re is some fraction of Re L . Assuming that it
is around 25%:
Eq. 18
= 0.035L Re L1 / 7
By the use of the sum of n terms of a geometric progression definition for the boundary
layer thickness and also for the first layer thickness and the wall normal expansion ratio, the
number of nodes in the boundary layer is given by:
Eq. 19
y q n 1
= 0.035L Re L1 / 7 =
q 1
Were q is the wall normal expansion ratio and n is the boundary layer nodes. So n can
be determined by:
Eq. 20
1 / 7
( )
ln 0.035 L Re L q 1 + 1
n = round
ln (q )
Respecting these requirements, a tetrahedral mesh was generated by ICEM CFD taking
the full advantage of the object oriented unstructured meshing technology. The surface mesh was
generated using the Octree approach. The volume mesh was generated by the advanced front
and inflation methods and a powerful smoothing algorithm was chosen in order to provide high
element quality.
As described above it is very important to solve the boundary layer precisely on the
numerical simulations. The accuracy of calculation has been improved by arranging thin prism
layers near the wall. ICEM CFD Prism was used in order to generate a good prism boundary
layer near the walls. The mesh generated is shown in Figure 4.
Impeller Mesh
Optimizer: The optimizer is started and computes a new set of design variables. Afterwards
it is turned to a waiting state.
Geometry and Grid generation: Getting the signal that the new design variables are
available, the grid generation tool (ICEM CFX), becomes active and creates the new geometry
and the corresponding numerical grid.
Flow simulation: Np calculation: Getting the signal that the new grid is available, the flow
solver computes the flow field and estimates de Pumping Number - Nq. This simulation is made
using a steady state approach.
New rotation computation: With the Nq, impeller diameter and fluid density, a new rotation
velocity is calculated in order to conserve the power consumption. This computation is described
in the next section (Power Consumption Conservation).
Steady state flow simulation: With the new rotation velocity, a new steady state simulation
was computed in order to determine a starting value for the next step that will determine the solid
Transient solid dispersion: Estimates the solid distribution in the stirred vessel.
Post process results: In this step CFX Post computes the output variables and objective
functions for the new geometry, and writes them in an output ASCII file of modeFRONTIER.
Test of optimizer convergence: The optimizer decides by a given criteria if the current
value of the objective function should be accepted as optimum. If yes, the procedure is finished, if
not, the procedure is repeated from step (1).
Geometry Generation
Mesh Generation
Solve Np
New rotation
to keep P/V
Solve P/V
Solid Suspension
Post Process
Np, Nq, Variance, etc
With the blade torque and initial rotation velocity, calculate the Power consumption: P = .
With the power consumption, fluid density, initial rotation velocity and impeller diameter,
calculate the Power Number: Np =
.N 3 .D 5
With the Power Number, impeller diameter, fluid density and the desired Power consumption,
a new rotational speed is calculated and used in the step 5 of the optimization procedure:
N =3
.D 5 .Np
Minimum Value
Maximum Value
Discrete /
Impeller diameter
Root chord
Tip chord
20 degrees
70 degrees
30 degrees
95 degrees
Root profile
Tip profile
2.5.3. Constraints
Constraint handling is an integral part of any general parameter optimization method. In
order to restrict the solution to a restricted area, only two of the defined constraints relate
specifically to the creation of realistic impeller blades in the optimization problem:
s2 =
1 n
Ci C
n 1 i =1
Eq. 21
Numerical results
In the following sections it is given a description of the grid requirements and then a
discussion of the preliminary investigations of the design space is also given. These sections
propose a strategy to reduce computational errors and minimize the computational time required
to optimize and design the Low Shear Hydrofoil prototype.
Optimization results
It is important to mention that the computational requirements for one optimization step
takes approximately 5.2 hours of computing time on a two processor AMD Athlon MP 2800+
machine, 2 GB RAM. The optimization process was configured so as to guarantee the
robustness of the calculation. The optimization method arrived at some very interesting results
and it required only fifteen generations of thirty individuals (450 optimization cycles), resulting in
about 98 days of computing time.
The performed evaluations allowed for a establishment of a general tendency and for
the definition of the influence of each of the parameters on the estimated values. Furthermore,
the solid concentration variance was reduced by 48.5% and the pumping effectiveness increased
by 410.2%, when compared to the performance of a standard pitched blade impeller (45 degrees
constant Tip Chord Angle PTB45).
The initial pitched blade impeller (Constant Tip Chord Angle 45 degrees), has a low
discard angle and a weak solid suspension. The pumping effectiveness is very low due to some
radial velocity discharge angle of the PTB45. This flow is generated by a boundary layer
separation and there is a blade stall due the high tip chord angle.
The velocity vector plot, the solid concentration distribution, the velocity distribution and
the 3D streamlines are shown in Figure 9 .
The multi-objective optimization procedure for an optimal impeller design contains many
innovative elements, especially if consideration of the small number of generated prototypes is
It is believed that the incorporation of parameterization refinements such as tip
construction and smoothness on the impeller surface helped in achieving better results.
Nevertheless, the main objective of this research was both to show that an optimization process
is viable for determining optimal designs and a brief outline of the method has been presented.
This work also indicated the advantages of coupling Computational Fluid Dynamics and
Multi-Objective Design Optimization methods.
The authors would like to thank all colleagues of ESSS and Esteco who help in the
development of this work and also provide the software licenses used in this project.
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Appendix 1 - Documentation
Throughout this article, dimensions are given in terms of the fundamental magnitudes of
length (L), mass (M), time (T). This section lists symbols used in this paper, their meaning,
dimensions and, where applicable, their values. Dimensionless quantities are denoted by 1. The
values of physical constants (or their default values) are also given.
p, pstat
k- Turbulence model constant
k- Turbulence model constant
k- Turbulence model constant
Constant used for near-wall modelling
Gravity vector
Turbulence kinetic energy per unit mass
Shear production of turbulence
Static (thermodynamic) Pressure
Reference pressure
Total pressure
Modified Pressure
Reynolds Number
Location vector
Momentum source
Turbulent Schmidt Number, t / t
Vector of velocity Ux,y,z
L T-2
L2 T-2
M L-1 T-3
M L-1 T-2
M L-1 T-2
M L-1 T-2
M L-1 T-2
M L-2T-2
L T-1
Velocity magnitude
Fluctuating velocity component in
b l
fl dissipation rate
Bulk viscosity
Von Karman constant
Molecular (dynamic) viscosity
Turbulent viscosity
Effective viscosity, +t
Turbulence model constant for the k
k- Turbulence
model constant
k- Turbulence model constant
Shear stress or sub-grid scale stress
M l
l velocity
L T-1
L T-1
L2 T-3
M L-1 T-1
M L-1 T-1
M L-1 T-1
M L-1 T-1
M L-3
M L-1 T-2
Power Consumption
Rotational speed
Power Number
Pumping Number
Impeller Diameter
Tank diameter
Bottom clearance
Height of the liquid