The Ophiolitic Molasse Unit of Ikaria Island 1 PDF
The Ophiolitic Molasse Unit of Ikaria Island 1 PDF
The Ophiolitic Molasse Unit of Ikaria Island 1 PDF
Abstract: Ikaria Island can be divided generally into two composite tectonic units, namely
the lower and upper. The lower unit comprises paragneiss basement with local orthogneiss
bodies that is overlain by a platform-type marble sequence, passing upward into a sequence
of intercalated schist and marble that is intruded by Miocene granites. The upper unit has not
experienced Alpine high-pressure metamorphism, and is restricted to the central (Kefa la unit)
and northeastern (Faros area) parts of the island, which host ophiolitic associations similar to
those found in the upper unit of several Cycladic islands. The Faros area consists of an
Oligocene-Early Miocene age ophiolitic molasse unit (conglomerates and olistostromes), rich
in ophiolitic clasts, which are similar to diorite and amphibolite rocks of the Kefala unit, and
probably were derived from Late Cretaceous oceanic crust. Furthermore, olistolites and/or
rifted recrystallised carbonate blocks that are similar to those of the Kefala unit overlie the
upper parts of the molasse unit, which elsewhere is discordantly succeeded by Lower
Pliocene marine formations. Therefore, the tectonic emplacement of the upper unit is
assigned to the Late Miocene. The origin and provenance of the molasse unit is probably the
present Cretan Basin. Thus, in its northwestern part, the molasse unit is related to the EoceneMiocene molasse of the Meso-Hellenic trough of continental Greece, to the northeast passes
into the SW Anatolian Late Oligocene-Early Miocene molasse basin of Turkey.
Ikaria Island lies in the east-central part of the Aegean Sea and occupies the
northeastern part of the Cycladic Archipelago. The dominant morphological feature is an
oblong NE-SWtrending crest with fusiform-shape.
Ikaria occupies a transitional geotectonic position between the Attic-Cycladic
Crystalline Complex and the Pelagonian Zone (sensu lato) to the west, and the Menderes
Massif to the east (Renz 1940; Brunn 1956; Ktenas 1969; Aubouin et al. 1976; Robertson &
Dixon 1984; Bozkurt & Oberh.nsli 2001). Furthermore, the island belongs to the median
tectono- metamorphic belt of the Hellenides (D.rr et al. 1978; Papanikolaou 1978, 1984,
1988), which is characterised by Alpine and pre-Alpine tectonic units.
The island consists of a gneissic basement that is overlain by a sequence of multiple
intercalations of schist and marble, which is intruded by granite. It was mapped, for the first
time, by Ktenas (1969), and its geological and tectonic structure completed by Papanikolaou
(1978). Thereafter, a Miocene age was ascribed to the granite intrusion (Altherr et al. 1982;
Schliestedt et al. 1987).
The upper tectonic unit, which is found on several Cycladic islands (Jansen 1973,
1977; Ang.lier et al. 1978; D.rr et al. 1978; R.esler 1978; Papanikolaou 1979; Dermitzakis &
Papanikolaou 1980; Robert 1982; Reinecke et al. 1982; Altherr et al. 1994; Patzak et al.
1994) as well as on Crete (Seidel et al. 1981), comprises unmetamorphosed or weakly
metamorphosed rocks (ultramafic, gabbroic, basaltic relicts, associated with various
Mesozoic and Tertiary age limestones) and also occurs on Ikaria Island. It concerns the
Kefala locality, with an Upper Triassic limestone (Papanikolaou 1978) overlying a Upper
Cretaceous diorite-bearing amphibolite (Altherr et al. 1994), and the Faros area, which is
composed by an ophiolitic molasse unit that is overlain by recrystallised carbonate rocks.
The aim of this research was to study (1) the upper tectonic unit of the island, which
consists of an ophiolitic molasse with overlying carbonate formations, and (2) their
separation from the post-Miocene deposits of the Plio-Quaternary deposits. This ophiolitic
olistostrome of the molassic formation, which herein is examined for the first time, was
hitherto confused as being, on the whole, Plio-Quaternary sediments transgressively
deposited on the metamorphic basement of the island.
The term ophiolitic molasse used in this study refers a sedimentary formation that
comprises conglomerates and olistostromes. These rocks were deposited in a terrestrial and/or
shallow- marine environment and resulted from post-orogenic uplift and reworking of mainly
ophiolites and medium- to low-grade metasediments. Since this unit is devoid of Cycladic
metamorphic and granitoid rocks, R.esler (1978) ascribed an age corresponding to the OligoMiocene conglomerates. This formation, as a superficial nappe, tectonically overlay the
Cycladic metamorphic rocks and the Miocene granitic bodies during the Late Miocene
(Jansen 1973, 1977; Ang.lier 1977, 1979; Dermitzakis & Papanikolaou 1980; Faure et al.
1991), as is the case of several outcrops belonging to the upper unit of the Cyclades that have
not experienced Alpine high-pressure metamorphism. The upper unit was emplaced from
south to north by gravity sliding due to ductile or brittle and ductile extensional event, which
is explained by collapse of the Aegean crust during Miocene granitoid intrusions (Faure &
Bonneau 1988; Faure et al. 1991; Lee & Lister 1992; Boronkay & Doutsos 1994; Jolivet et al.
Geological setting
Taking into account the existing geological data (Ktenas 1969; Papanikolaou 1978),
as well as those of recent geological re-mapping at a scale of 1:50,000 (Photiades 2002), the
island of Ikaria consists of two units (Figure1). These units are characterised by the absence
of any preservable relicts of Eocene high-pressure (HP)/lowtemperature (LT) metamorphic
event that are well known from several other islands of the Aegean Sea (Altherr et al. 1979,
1982; Andriessen et al. 1979; Maluski et al. 1981, 1987; Henjes-Kunst & Kreuzer 1982;
Wijbrans & McDougall 1988).
The Triassic (inferred) marble passes upward into a sequence of intercalated schist
and marble, up to 300- mthick. The lower stratigraphic members consist of intercalations of
amphibolitic and micaceous schists, which contain epidote-bearing greenschist lenses within
microcrystalline bedded marble. Toward the upper part of this unit, calcshist, phyllitic schist
and phyllite with marble intercalations, locally containing quartzitic nodules predominate.
Locally, this unit is unconformably overlain by a restricted dolomitic horizon.
Furthermore, the platform-type marble and the overlying schist-marble sequence are
considered to be homologous with the Mesozoic series rocks of the Cyclades that have been
dated on the basis of sparse palaeontological evidence (Cayeux 1911; N.gris 1915;
Anastopoulos 1963; D.rr et al. 1978; D.rr & Flugel 1979; Maluski et al. 1987; Melidonis
1980). Additionally, zircon ages obtained from several Mesozoic-series rocks of the Cyclades
are dominantly of Triassic-Jurassic age (Keay 1998).
The whole lower unit has been affected by amphibolite- facies metamorphic
conditions of Barroviantype, with a maximum temperature of 500 C, during the Late
Oligocene (Altherr et al. 1982). Subsequently, this unit was variably affected by retrogress ive
greenschistfacies metamorphism during the intrusion, in the Miocene, of the Raches and
Xylosyrtis granites, which crop out in the western and eastern parts of the island,
In particular, the Raches granite is mainly by I-type leucogranite, and occupies the
western half of the island. Potassium- Ar and Rb-Sr dates on biotite (between 8 and 9 Ma), as
well as a fission-track date of 7 Ma on apatite, are interpreted by Altherr et al. (1982) as
cooling ages related to uplift. The age of the Raches granite is estimated to be about 18 Ma
(Schliestedt et al. 1987). This granite is intensely deformed in the form of orthogneiss and is
characterized by typical S-C mylonitic fabrics, indicating top-to-the-north to top-to-the-NE
shear extensional movement (Faure & Bonneau 1988; Faure et al. 1991; Papanikolaou et al.
1991), which has been associated with continuous brittle deformation from the Early
Miocene to the present (Boronkay & Doutsos 1994; Jolivet et al. 1994).
In the eastern part of the island, the small S-type Xylosyrtis granite of Miocene age
(21-10 Ma) (Altherr et al. 1982; Schliestedt et al. 1987) has northeast- verging structure.
Furthermore, between the gneiss basement and the overlying formations, evidence for the
metamorphic hiatus postulated by Papanikolaou (1978), and ascribed to the so-called tectonic
Messaria unit, was not observed. Consequently, it is inferred that this unit is a unified
lithological succession, and was affected by the same metamorphic events.
components, at the Faros locality there are also few scattered pebble-sized rocks of white
nummulitic limestone (Nummulites sp.), typically of Early Tertiary age.
The matrix of the molasse unit consists of wellcemented to loose, sandy, pelitic to
argillaceous and calcareous fine- to coarse-grained sandstone. The clastic grains are rounded
to subangular, with diameters up to 5 mm, and comprise quartz, alkali feldspar, plagioclase,
biotite, muscovite, chlorite, chromite, and opaque minerals, as well as various ophiolitic rock
The ophiolitic clasts are characterised by hydrothermal metamorphism at greenschistfacies conditions, typified by minerals such as prehnite, actinolite, tremolite, chlorite, albite
and magnetite. All of these sea- floor hydrothermal alterations took place during the
circulation of high-temperature fluids in the oceanic crust. The banded amphibolite blocks are
probably derived from the metamorphic sole, which locally underlie ophiolite slices and
originate by overthrusting of the still- hot ophiolite.
At the Faros locality (Figures 2 & 3) in particular, the basal parts of the ophiolitic
molasse, apart from calcite and quartz veins, comprise a broken conglomeratic deposit with a
pervasively sheared matrix and, therefore, exhibit a m.lange character. The multiply bounded
fracture and shear surfaces of conglomerate are especially due to Middle to Late Miocene
(ductile and brittle) extensional deformations (Ang.lier 1977, 1979; Boronkay & Doutsos
1994). Moreover, the broken formation acquired a northward-preferred orientation, and the
whole ophiolitic molasse is interpreted as an allochthonous unit, characterised by an ophiolite
olistostrome, rich mainly in ophiolitic constituents of various dimensions. In addition, there
also occur, in lower proportions, medium- to low- grade metasediments.
In the Yaliskari area on the northern side of the island (Figure 1), a very limited
ophiolitic molasse outcrop overlies deformed granite that occupies a graben bordered by
NNEtrending high-angle normal faults. The contact between the deformed granite and the
ophiolitic conglomerate separates a domain which has been affected by ductile and then
brittle deformation. This relationship can be observed, both in the top-to-the- north sense of
shear in the ductile domain on the granite below the ophiolitic conglomerate, and by the
north-dipping normal fault with tilted ophiolitic conglomerate, which is covered by Lower
Pliocene sediments. This contact is also characterised by hydrothermal quartz, carbonate and
iron precipitations within extensional veins, shear bands and fractures. Such hydrothermal
precipitations are also found in the granite, where iron-rich concentrations are limited to
ductile shear bands.
Figure 1 : Geotectonic position of the Cyclades archipelago with a simp lified geological map
of Ikaria island (modified from Photiades, in press). 1 Quaternary deposits; 2
Pleistocene deposits; 3 Lower Pliocene marine deposits; 4 upper tectonic unit
(ophiolitic molasse and recrystallised carbonates). Lower unit: 5 schistmarble formation and marble type-platform sequence; 6 gneiss; 7a Miocene
Raches granite, 7b Miocene Xylosyrtis granite; 8 thrust; 9 tectonic contact
(thrust and/or low-angle normal fault); 10 high-angle normal fault; 11
recumbent synclinal axis; 12 recumbent anticlinal axis; 13 anticlinal axis; 14
strike and dip of beds and schistosity planes.
Figure 2 : Detailed geological map of Faros peninsula in Ikaria island (see Figure 1 for
location of the studied area). Lower unit: 1 gneissic basement, 2 marble typeplatform sequence, 3 schist and marble formations; Upper unit: 4a ophiolitic
molasse, 4b olistolites and/or rifted recrystallised carbonate blocks; 5 Lower
Pliocene marine deposits; 6 Pleistocene massive brecciaconglomerate terrace
deposits; 7 alluvial and coastal deposits; 8 tectonic contact (thrust and /or lowangle normal fault); 9 high-angle normal fault; 10 anticlinal axis; 11 strike
and dip of beds and schistosity planes.
As can be seen in Figure 3, these clastic sequences tectonically overlie the Mesozoic
metamorphic series of the lower unit, and also the intensely deformed Miocene granite.
Despite subsequent tectonic emplacement, rather significant sedimentary features were
observed at different levels of the Faros sequence. The lower part of the olistostrome is
dominated by a clast-supported conglomerate, and the upper part is matrix-supported
conglomerate, interbedded with coarse- and fine- grained sandstone, some of which is very
shallow-channeled and locally characterized by fining- upwards sequences. These
Kefala Area
In the Kefala area, however, the ophiolitic rocks appear as tectonically wedged
amphibolite and hornblendebearing diorite rocks associated with schistose volcanic rocks and
red mudstone. The radiometric ages reported for the hornblende-bearing diorite and
amphibolite are 80.567.4 Ma and 84.42.4 Ma, respectively, representing a Late Cretaceous
age (Altherr et al. 1994). It is evident that these hydrothermally altered and tectonically
imbricated rocks are similar to those of the Faros area.
Finally, the recrystallised white-grey limestone and dolomite that overlie the
ophiolitic molasse unit in the Faros area occur also at the Kefala hillock, but there the contact
is tectonic. There, Papanikolaou (1978) mentions the existence of Megalontidae, accepts that
these carbonate rocks have a Late Triassic age, and that they are similar to those found on
Thymaena Island (Papanikolaou 1980), which is located to the east of Ikaria island.
Moreover, at the Faros, Panagia and Daimonopetra localities (Figures 2 & 3), as well
as in the Yaliskari area (on the Raches granite in the northwestern part of the island), the
ophiolitic olistostromal formations are overlain discordantly by an alternating sequence of
calcareous sandstone, marly sandstone and limestone (sparite, biosparite and oolitic
limestone), up to 25 m in thickness, which is rich in macrofossils, such as bivalves,
gastropods, ostracods, algae, echinoderm spicules and bryozoans. Ktenas (1927) also
mentions the presence of Cardiidae, such as Cardium (Limnocardium) bollenense MAYER,
Syndosmya alba WOOD and Venus ovata PENN. Furthermore, in all of the aforementioned
formations, significant percentages of tree pollen have been observed; in addition, there occur
pollen grains of herbaceous plants as well as marine phytoplankton, i.e.,
Hystrichosphaeridium sp., Achomospaera sp., Tuberculodinium vancampoae,
Cyclonephelium sp., Hystrichokolpoma sp., Spiniferites div fsp. Furthermore, a few
pteridophyte spores have also been observed (Chrysanthi Ioakim, pers. comm. 1998).
The presence of the Cardiidae and pollen associations suggests that the sequence was
deposited in a shallow littoral marine environment during the Early Pliocene. Finally, at the
Daimonopetra locality, above the Neogene formations, massive breccia-conglomerate terrace
deposits of Pleistocene age (Georgalas 1953) have developed discordantly and contain lithic
elements derived from the metamorphic basement.
Figure 3 : Lithostratigraphic schematic sections of upper unit in Ikaria island. 1 schist and
marble formation of the lower unit; 2 Miocene Raches granite; Upper unit: a
ophiolitic molasse with conglomerates and olistostromes, b conglomerate and
olistolite of recrystallised limestone and dolomite, c outlier or/and rifted
recrystallised carbonate blocks, d Lower Pliocene marine deposits, e
Pleistocene massive breccio-conglomerate terrace deposits.
The existence of molasse indicates that the following processes have operated: (a)
uplift, erosion and transport of mainly ophiolitic clasts, probably derived from Late
Cretaceous oceanic lithosphere, which have been partially reworked during their transport
with rocks of various provenance, such as nummulitic limestone, marble and schist, and
subsequently all were deposited in a continental and/or shallow- marine environment during
Oligo-Miocene time; (b) the thrusting and/or sedimentary sliding of Upper Triassic limestone
and recrystallised carbonate rocks onto top of the molasse formation; (c) tectonic
emplacement of the sequence (ophiolitic molasse and carbonate formation) onto the
metamorphic series and the coevally deformed Miocene granite during the Late Miocene; and
lastly (d) deposition of shallow-water transgressive sediments of Early Pliocene age.
In addition, this ophiolitic molasse unit is analogous to Cycladic molasse of
Oligocene-Early Miocene age on the islands of Paros, Naxos, Koufonisia, Makares and
Mykonos (Jansen 1973, 1977; Ang.lier et al. 1978; D.rr & Altherr 1979; R.esler 1978;
Dermitzakis & Papanikolaou 1980; Robert 1982; Faure & Bonneau 1988; Papanikolaou
1996). Due to the tectonic nature and the predominantly exotic pebble content of this unit,
Jansen (1973, 1977) postulated an allochthonous origin for this Miocene formation. This unit
was considered to have been moving by gravity sliding, due to a local uplift of the Aegean
domain, during Langhian-Tortonian (Ang.lier 1977, 1979; Dermitzakis & Papanikolaou
Consequently, the emplacement of the upper unit must have occurred in the Late
Miocene, and its sense of movement was from south to north, similar to that postulated for
Thymaena and Mykonos islands (Papanikolaou 1980; Faure & Bonneau 1988; D.rr & Altherr
1979; Faure et al. 1991). The origin and provenance of this unit was probably the present
Cretan Basin (Dermitzakis & Papanikolaou 1980; Papanikolaou 1988); in its northwestern
part, it is related to the Eocene-Miocene Meso-Hellenic trough of continental Greece (Brunn
1956), and to the northeast passes into the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene SW Anatolian
molasse basin of Kale-Tavas and Denizli in Turkey (Akg.n & S.zbilir 2001). Brunn et al.
(1976) previously noted their geodynamic resemblance.