The Effect of Hybrid Nanoparticle Additives On Epoxy-Nanocomposite Behavior and Morphology

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The Effect of Hybrid Nanoparticle Additives on EpoxyNanocomposite Behavior and Morphology

Susannah Jahren, Ferdinand Mannle, Joachim Moe Graff, Kjell Olafsen

SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Forskningsveien 1, 0314 Oslo, Norway
Received 9 February 2010; accepted 20 August 2010
DOI 10.1002/app.33259
Published online 11 February 2011 in Wiley Online Library (
ABSTRACT: Amine modified polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS-NH2) was used to modify sodium
montmorillonite (MMT) nanoclays for improved dispersion in epoxy resin. The dispersion of the clay particles
was inspected using scanning electron microscopy, energy
dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-Ray diffraction and
the thermal properties compared using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravametric analysis.
The introduction of the amine-POSS was found to have a
positive effect on the dispersion of the MMT clays and
prevented agglomeration. The absence of clay agglomer-

ates lead to an increase in glass transition temperature (Tg)

from 44 C in the samples with the untreated clay up to
54 C in the samples with 10% additional POSS-NH2. The
addition of POSS-NH2 initial increase of the weight loss
(Td 5%) but slowed down the rate of degradation due to
the formation of an inert silica layer and eventually leadC 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J
ing to an increased charyield. V


the clay surface to improve the dispersion, but using

such surfactants often has a detrimental effect on
thermal properties.8
Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS-NH2)
nanoparticles (Fig. 1) are organic-inorganic hybrids
with the empirical formula R(SiO1.5)n where n is an
even number and R the organic chain. Significant
property enhancements have been found for some
epoxy-POSS systems.9,10 Additionally it has been
reported that POSS can positively affect the dispersion of MMT nanoclays in various polymer systems.1,812 Being silicate based the POSS family of
materials also impart good thermal stability.
In this study, a commercial DGEBA epoxy resin
was used, cured as standard with a diamine curing
agent. Additional Na-MMT clay were added with
varying amounts of POSS-NH2 and characterized for
the effects of the nano-additives on the thermal
properties and morphologies of the resulting nanocomposites.

Nanocomposites of epoxy resin materials are a popular material choice for the engineering industry due
to their unique organic-inorganic characteristics and
enhanced physical properties such as improved thermal stability, dielectric breakdown strength, tensile
strength, hardness, and many other attributes.16
Montmorillonite (MMT) clay is a popular nano-additive because it is readily available, environmentally
friendly and low cost, but its efficacy as a nanocomposite constituent is dependant on the dispersion of
the clay in the epoxy matrix. Poor dispersion can
result in agglomeration and worse rather than
improved properties. MMT clays consist of stacked
silicate layers with a typical thickness of 10 A
which unmodified are hydrophilic and tend to form
self-assembled multilayer intercalated structures
which have a tendency to agglomerate.4 To create a
well-dispersed exfoliated structure, the MMT clay
needs to be treated to reduce its polarity and make
it compatible with most polymer matrices. Surface
treatment can be used to open up the interlayer
space allowing more movement of polymer in
between the layers and improve the miscibility of
the clay and the epoxy matrix.7 Organic ammonium
has been used to create a cation exchange effect on

Correspondence to: S. Jahren (

Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 120, 32123216 (2011)

C 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


Appl Polym Sci 120: 32123216, 2011

Key words: epoxy; nanocomposites; POSS; montmorillonite; structure-property relations

Clay nanopacticles Cloisite 15A, were obtained from
Southern Clay Products and the Hunstman CY219
DGEBA based epoxy resin and HY5160 curing agent
were used as the matrix. The hybrid organic/inorganic POSS-NH2 nanoparticles (hereafter described
as POSS) were produced our laboratories via a process described previously.13



A Summary of the Thermal Properties

Ref epoxy
3% Clay
3% Clay 1% POSS
3 % Clay 3% POSS
3% Clay 10% POSS
10% POSS

( C)a

Td 5%
( C)b

Td 50%
( C)c

yield %d





was repeated twice at 10 C min1 under nitrogen

atmosphere. The gas flow rate was 40 mL/min. The
Tg was measured during the second heating ramp.
X-ray diffraction (XRD)
XRD spectra were collected on a 5000 X-ray diffractometer with monochromatic CuKa radiation
over the Theta range of 2 to 12 .

Glass transition temperature.

5% degradation temperature.
50% degradation temperature.
Char yield at 800 C.


Nanocomposite preparation
The commercial epoxy and curing agent were used
in the recommended formula and any included
amine containing POSS was in addition to those in
the original system. To mix the components, the
hardener was heated to 40 C and POSS and clay
were added separately, and the mixture was stirred
mechanically for 30 min. The epoxy resin was then
added, and the stirring was continued for  15 min.
The composite mix was cast into a mould. Samples
were heat treated at room temperature for 12 h and
held at 60 C post curing for 24 h to enable the removal of residual solvents.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis were carried out
using a JEOL JSM-5900LV scanning electron microscope equipped with a OXFORD Isis spectrometer
with germanium detector. The fracture surface of the
cured resin nanocomposite was investigated with
SEM for morphological characterization. EDS mapping of silicon, carbon, and oxygen was carried out
over the same area as imaged.

SEM and EDS mapping were carried out on the fracture surface of each sample to inspect the fracture
mechanisms and determine if any agglomeration
was evident. The EDS inspection mapped the distribution of silicon, which is present in low amounts in
the epoxy and is a major constituent of the POSS
and clay nanoparticles.
The neat epoxy exhibits a smooth fracture surface
indicative of brittle fracture behavior typical of an
unfilled epoxy. The sample containing 10% POSS
without additional clay also exhibits the same
smooth fracture surface indicating that the POSS
was evenly distributed in the epoxy matrix.
The fracture surface (Fig. 2) of the samples containing clay has considerably different fractographic
features, it can be observed from the surface roughness that the crack propagation was deflected and
perturbed because of the presence of clay nanoparticle agglomerates. These agglomerates can be
observed in the EDS map of Si. Such crack deflection
would indicate an increase in fracture toughness of
a material. In some places, microvoids can be seen.
The clay agglomerates are likely to act as stress concentrator sites which could lead to de-bonding of the

Thermal analysis
Small samples were cut from the cast composites for
thermal analysis. Thermogravametric analysis (TGA)
was carried out on a Perkin Elmer TGA 7 instrument
under a nitrogen atmosphere at a heating rate of
20 C/min from 49 to 850 C. Sample mass was
between 12 and 17 mg. Selected samples were also
run at 10 C/min and showed no evidence of thermal
lag. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was carried out using a Perkin Elmer Pyris 1 to verify that
there was no residual unreacted matter and determine the glass transition temperature (Tg). Samples
of 45 mg were used in standard aluminium pans.
Heating from 20 to 200 C, followed by holding isothermally for 2 min and cooling from 200 to 20 C,

Figure 1 Chemical structure of POSS-NH2 monomer.

Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/app



In the sample containing clay and no POSS a reflection peak at 5.1 2y which is assigned to the (001)
basal plane indicating that the clay particles are
aligned in a layered intercalated structure within the
epoxy matrix. This is symptomatic of the agglomerates observed in the SEM. With the addition of
POSS to the epoxy nanoclay system, the reflection
peak reduces in intensity, indicating that the nanoclay is becoming increasingly dispersed in the matrix forming a more exfoliated structure (as shown
schematically in Fig. 4). The results show that the
addition of 3% POSS reduces the degree of intercalation, but the addition of 1% has a greater effect and
10% effectively creates an almost entirely exfoliated
structure. It can be noted that the peak position does
not significantly alter with addition of POSS indicating the d-spacing, and therefore the distance
between the platelets is largely unaffected. This
implies that the POSS functions improve the miscibility of the MMT clay layers rather than increasing
the interlayer distance.
DSC was used to measure the glass transition temperature of the samples after curing. The results
(shown in Fig. 5 and Table 1) show that the reference sample has a Tg around 49 C. Other articles14
have reported that the addition of clay restricts the
chain movement increasing the Tg, however in this
case the addition of 3% clay slightly reduced the Tg
of 46 C due to the poor distribution of the clay and
the resulting agglomerates acting in a small extant
as a plasticizer.15 The effect is even more pronounced with the addition of 1% POSS decreasing
the Tg to 28 C.
With addition of POSS to the system, we have
introduced an increased number of crosslinking sites

Figure 2 SEM images and energy dispersive spectroscopy mapping of facture surfaces of (a) neat epoxy, (b) epoxy 10% POSS (c) epoxy 3% MMT clay, (d) epoxy, 3%
MMT clay, 1% POSS, (e) epoxy, 3% MMT clay, 3% POSS,
(f) epoxy, 3% MMT clay, 10% POSS. All images are shown
at 200 magnification.

epoxy matrixclay interface or break up or delaminate the clay agglomerates, both of which would
lead to the formation of microvoids.
Figure 3 represents the XRD patterns of the samples
containing nanoclay and varying amounts of POSS.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/app

Figure 3 XRD spectra.



Figure 4 Schematic illustration of the mechanism of dispersion. (a) Untreated nanoclay platelets form intercalcated
stacks, (b) surface treatment with POSS NH2 reduces the surface polarity, (c) the treated surface is more organophilic
and allows permeation of the epoxy matrix.

to the network, this would contribute greatly to a

stiffer network with a high Tg.16 However, the epoxy
system has only a limited number of reactive sites
meaning that at higher POSS concentrations the free
epoxy reactive sites will be saturated and the addition of more POSS will not effect the crosslinking
density further. This is demonstrated by the sample
with 10% POSS without clay, which despite the
manifold increase in amine groups in to the system
has only a marginal increase in Tg to 51 C. Whilst
also affecting the crosslinking density, the addition
of POSS is improving the clay dispersion and the
well dispersed clay nanoparticles retards chain
movement more effectively. Thus leading to a further increase in the network stiffness and Tg.
Thermogravimetric analysis was carried out on
each sample to measure the effect of nanoparticle
additives on the thermal stability of the epoxy matrix. The TGA weight loss plots are shown in Figure 6 and the summary of results in Table 1. The
addition of 3% clay did not make a discernable difference to the thermal stability of the material

Figure 5 DSC thermograms.

when compared with the neat epoxy giving Td 5%

307.5 and 313.9 C, respectively. However, the final
char yield was increased due to the additional clay
content from 5.41% for the neat epoxy and 10.24%
for the clay as we know from the product data
sheets that the cloisite clay is stable up to temperatures exceeding this test range. The sample containing 10% POSS does show initially poorer thermal
stability and a Td 5% of 220 C, significantly lower
than the reference sample. Although the initial thermal stability is worsened, the rate of degradation at
higher temperatures is actually slower than that of
the reference material resulting in a Td 50% which is
an improvement compared to the reference and the
epoxy clay system.
The addition of 1% POSS to the clay/epoxy matrix
increased Td 5% to 338.5 C and this could be due to
the increase in crosslink density. The higher char
yield is again due to the additional clay and silicate
from the POSS. The samples treated with 3 and 10%
POSS had a lower Td 5% at 277.7 and 259 C, respectively. This implies that the addition of POSS

Figure 6 Thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) curves.

Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/app



nanoparticles aids the thermal stability of the epoxy

clay systems.
When POSS degrades, it leaves an inert silica layer
which can form a protective layer on the surface of
the material preventing further oxidation of the
inner part of the matrix.4,17,18 Earlier reports19,20
have suggested that 10% POSS loadings were sufficient to form a silica layer that could cover the material surface thus explaining why the decomposition
of the 10% POSS occurred at the slowest rate.
The effect of amine-POSS on the morphology and
thermal properties of epoxy-clay nanocomposites
were investigated. Using SEM, EDS, and XRD, we
have determined that the NH2-POSS had a positive
effect on the dispersion of the nanoclay platelets in
the epoxy matrix. DSC revealed that with increasing
POSS content the Tg of the epoxy clay rises due to
the improved chain retardance from the better dispersed clay platelets. Furthermore, TGA revealed
that the addition of POSS had an effect on the thermal stability of the system, initially decreasing the
Td 5% but slowing down the rate of degradation due
to the formation of an inert silica layer, and eventually leading to an increased charyield.
The work described in this article has been performed in the
project Electrical Insulation Materials and Insulation Systems for Subsea High Voltage Power Equipment funded the
Research Council of Norway through the Petromaks program. Industrial partners in this project are: Deutsch, Nexans
Norway AS, StatoilHydro ASA, Total E&P Norge AS, and
Vetco Gray-Ge Oil and Gas.

Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/app

Thanks are due to Jest Beylich, Kjell Windsland for contributions to the experimental work.

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