Echinococcus Granulosus
Echinococcus Granulosus
Echinococcus Granulosus
Invited Review
School of Veterinary and Life Sciences, Murdoch University, Murdoch, WA 6150, Australia
Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Locked Bag 588, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2678, Australia
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 11 June 2014
Received in revised form 19 July 2014
Accepted 21 July 2014
Available online 11 August 2014
Hostparasite interface
Domestic hosts
a b s t r a c t
The introduction of Echinococcus to Australia over 200 years ago and its establishment in sheep rearing
areas of the country inicted a serious medical and economic burden on the country. This resulted in
an investment in both basic and applied research aimed at learning more about the biology and life cycle
of Echinococcus. This research served to illustrate the uniqueness of the parasite in terms of developmental biology and ecology, and the value of Echinococcus as a model system in a broad range of research,
from fundamental biology to theoretical control systems. These studies formed the foundation for an
international, diverse and ongoing research effort on the hydatid organisms encompassing stem cell
biology, gene regulation, strain variation, wildlife diseases and models of transmission dynamics. We
describe the development, nature and diversity of this research, and how it was initiated in Australia
but subsequently has stimulated much international and collaborative research on Echinococcus.
2014 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Echinococcus remains a major cause of zoonotic diseases of
public health and economic signicance (Jenkins et al., 2005b;
Budke et al., 2006; Davidson et al., 2012; Hegglin and Deplazes,
2013). Despite advances in control strategies, clinical management
and vaccine development, the parasite continues to thrive in countries throughout the world.
Hydatid disease, cystic and alveolar, is a typical cyclozoonosis
that can be perpetuated in nature in wild animal cycles without impacting on public health but with human interference
(Thompson, 2013), directly or accidentally, with spillover to
domestic cycles can lead to severe clinical disease and death. It is
also an important cause of economic losses to livestock industries,
particularly Echinococcus granulosus in sheep and cattle (Table 1).
It is now well known that Echinococcus has a two-host life cycle
with a sexual stage in the intestine of a carnivore denitive host
and a unique, cystic larval stage in the tissues of non-carnivorous
mammals and omnivores (Thompson, 1995). It is interesting that
much of the research that revealed the unique features of the parasites way of life were undertaken in Australia. This is not a coincidence and relates to the impact Echinococcus had on a developing
Tel.: +61 8 9360 2466; fax: +61 8 9310 4144 (R.C.A. Thompson). Tel./fax: +61 02
6933 4179 (D.J. Jenkins).
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (R.C.A. Thompson), djjenkins@ (D.J. Jenkins).
agricultural society following early European settlement of a continent with huge temperate areas perfect to exploit for raising
It was the upsurge in sheep farming at the end of the 19th
century, with expanding exports to Europe, that contributed to
the serious and largely undocumented human health problem that
existed during the late 19th and early 20th centuries (Gemmell,
1990). During the rst half of the 20th century, there was a high
incidence of cystic hydatid disease in Australia, and to a lesser
extent alveolar hydatid disease, either contracted in Australia
(E. granulosus) or in migrants from endemic areas overseas
(E. granulosus and Echinococcus multilocularis) (Dew, 1935). There
was thus a need for regular surgical intervention. It was surgeons
such as Harold Dew who had an interest in the basic biology of
the parasite and who published in international journals such as
the British Journal of Surgery and British Medical Journal that
led to widespread recognition of the research being undertaken
on hydatid disease in Australia. This was enhanced by Dews contributions in the literature (Dew, 1953) and at conferences to the
debate raging at the time on whether cystic and alveolar hydatid
disease were caused by the same or different species of Echinococcus (dualists versus monists) as well as his collaboration with
researchers in Europe such as Flix Dv.
Dew recognised the developmental differences of the two
stages in the life cycle and studied the metacestode stage of
the cystic and alveolar forms (Fig. 1) in depth, both in human
cases and animals (Dew, 1922, 1925, 1928, 1935). He thus
0020-7519/ 2014 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.C.A. Thompson, D.J. Jenkins / International Journal for Parasitology 44 (2014) 865877
Table 1
Current taxonomy of Echinococcus spp.
Infectivity to
Echinococcus granulosus
Echinococcus equinus
Echinococcus ortleppi
Echinococcus canadensis
Echinococcus intermedius
Echinococcus felidis
Tasmanian sheep/G2
Probably not
Echinococcus shiquicus
Echinococcus vogeli
Echinococcus oligarthrus
Some isolate
None reported
None reported
Data from: Thompson et al. (1995), Thompson and McManus (2002), Jenkins et al. (2005b), Thompson (2008), and Carmena and Cardona (2014).
host tissue
adventitial layer
E. granulosus
laminated layer
germinal layer
protrusions of
germinal layer
E. multilocularis
R.C.A. Thompson, D.J. Jenkins / International Journal for Parasitology 44 (2014) 865877
2. Developmental biology
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2.4. Cytodifferentiation
Slais (1973) demonstrated that the post-oncospheral development of Echinococcus was initiated by the growth and division of
primary germinal cells, and Swiderski (1983) described ve pairs
of these cells in the posterior pole of the oncosphere. Observations
on the development of Echinococcus in vitro demonstrated that the
fundamental processes of germinal and somatic differentiation,
comprising cystic development, proglottisation, maturation,
growth and segmentation (strobilisation), can take place independently. This not only illustrated the complexity of cytodifferentiation but also the possible existence of several primitive cell lines.
However, to date all the evidence suggests that only one primitive
morphological cell type exists as a pool of uncommitted, undifferentiated multipotent germinal, or stem, cells in both the adult and
metacestode (Smyth, 1969; Gustafsson, 1976; Thompson et al.,
1990; Thompson, 1995; Koziol et al., 2014). The undifferentiated
germinal cells are a component of the syncytial germinal layer of
the metacestode and neck region of the adult cestode. Ultrastructural studies reveal unremarkable rounded cells of variable size
of approximately 4 lm diameter (Gustafsson, 1976; Mehlhorn
et al., 1983; Albani et al., 2010). Cell proliferation derives from
the continuous replicative activity of these dividing stem cells
located in the germinal layer or neck region of the adult tapeworm
(Gustafsson, 1976; Galindo et al., 2003). They have considerable
proliferative potential (Eckert et al., 1983; Mehlhorn et al., 1983;
Galindo et al., 2003; Martnez et al., 2005), and are the only proliferating cells in Echinococcus (Koziol et al., 2014). This is particularly
well illustrated by the capacity of the parasite for indenite perpetuation in the larval stage by passage of protoscoleces or germinal
layer material in rodents (secondary hydatidosis; Howell and
Smyth, 1995). In alveolar hydatid disease caused by the metacestode of E. multilocularis, the proliferating larval parasite has an
inltrative capacity to establish distant foci of infection due to
the distribution via blood or lymph of detached germinal cells
(Ali-Khan et al., 1983; Eckert et al., 1983; Mehlhorn et al., 1983;
Fig. 1).
Problems with host cell contamination dogged early attempts
to establish germinal cell lines of E. granulosus and E. multilocularis
(reviewed in Howell and Smyth, 1995). In addition, their isolation
from the germinal layer, and their in vitro propagation, could have
been hampered by the fact that the germinal layer is a syncytium.
However, the establishment and long-term perpetuation of Echinococcus germinal cells has now been achieved for both species
(Yamashita et al., 1997; Spiliotis and Brehm, 2009; Spiliotis et al.,
2008; Albani et al., 2010). The germinal cells behave similarly to
classical stem cells with the formation of cell aggregates and clusters with cavity formation, and there is cytological evidence of
transformation (Spiliotis et al., 2008; Albani et al., 2013).
Galindo et al. (2003) found evidence of the regionalisation of
DNA and protein synthesis in developing stages of Echinococcus,
although no morphological evidence has been found of different
primitive or germinal cell lines to explain the concept of heterogeneous morphogenesis (Smyth, 1969). However, such heterogeneity
has now been conrmed at the molecular level. Germinal cells are
in fact heterogeneous, with the existence of subpopulations with
different gene expression patterns (Koziol et al., 2014), thus conrming Smyths predictions.
2.5. Hostparasite interface
2.5.1. Denitive host
Observations that contact of the scolex with a proteinaceous
base stimulated strobilate development in E. granulosus led to
studies on the nature of the interface both in vitro and in vivo,
and the discovery of the rostellar gland which comprises a modied group of tegumental cells situated in the apical rostellum
(Smyth, 1964; Smyth et al., 1969; Thompson et al., 1979;
Thompson and Eckert, 1983; Fig. 2). The rostellar gland releases
secretory material by a holocrine process into the interface
between parasite and host (Thompson et al., 1979). The origin
and site of synthesis of the secretion has still to be determined,
although large amounts occur in both the perinuclear and distal
cytoplasm of the tegument as well as in the tegumental nuclei
(Thompson et al., 1979; Herbaut et al., 1988). The secretion is proteinaceous, containing cystine and lipid. It is not known if there are
one or more proteins secreted but Siles-Lucas et al. (2000) demonstrated that the secretion contains a regulatory protein (14-3-3)
that is released into the hostparasite interface.
The rostellar gland of Echinococcus is seemingly unique to
Echinococcus. Although rostellar secretions have been described
in larval T. crassiceps (Krasnoshchekov and Pluzhnnikov, 1981),
no gland has been described. Rostellar glands have been described
in other adult cestodes, particularly proteocephalids, but their
function is also unclear and structurally they are different to the
rostellar gland in Echinococcus (McCullough and Fairweather,
1989; Zdrsk and Nebesrov, 2003). There is clearly a need for
more studies on the interface of attached adult cyclophyllidean
cestodes (Pospekhova and Bondarenko, 2014).
This intimate association of the rostellar gland and its
secretions suggests a role(s) that enhances the hostparasite
relationship in favour of the parasite, which may be regulatory,
nutritional and/or protective. The relationship between rostellar
gland activity and localised humoral and cellular reactions
(Deplazes et al., 1993) is not known but such localised reactions
demonstrate stimulation of host immune effector mechanisms.
The secretory molecules would seem to be obvious candidates
for exploitation in vaccine studies since a focus on prophylaxis of
the denitive host may be more attractive than the intermediate
host, particularly for the control of E. multilocularis, from both commercial and practical perspectives. As pointed out by Heath (1995)
the scolex is in intimate contact with the systemic circulation even
in the Peyers patches and would appear to maintain its privileged
integrity by suppression of cytotoxic and effector cell activity in
the region of the scolex.
The few studies on denitive host vaccines do not seem to have
targeted rostellar gland secretions and have produced results
which are controversial and open to contrasting interpretation
(Zhang et al., 2006; Petavy et al., 2008; Torgerson, 2009;
Kouguchi et al., 2013). The studies by Petavy et al. (2008) demonstrated a strong inammatory response in the intestine of vaccinated compared with infected controls but did not show if this
was localised to where worms were situated. More recently,
Kouguchi et al. (2013) used a surface glycoprotein from E. multilocularis as a vaccine in dogs which induced signicant protection
when administered via a mucosal route and demonstrated antibodies raised by their vaccine on the surface of the suckers, rostella
and hooks. These results emphasise the importance of characterising the secretions produced by the rostellar gland of Echinococcus
which will contribute to the further development of vaccines
against the adult parasite. Unfortunately in vivo studies require
research on the denitive host, usually dogs, which is ethically
R.C.A. Thompson, D.J. Jenkins / International Journal for Parasitology 44 (2014) 865877
Fig. 2. Diagram illustrating adult Echinococcus in situ in the intestine, with suckers on the scolex grasping the epithelium at the base of the villi. Rostellum is deeply inserted
into a crypt of Lieberkhn (A, B) and extensibility of the apical rostellar region is shown in B. Rostellar gland with secretory material is anterior to the rostellar pad (r).
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epidemiological evidence has not only demonstrated distinct differences in intermediate host specicity but also that, unlike the
sheep strain (E. granulosus), the horse strain (Echinococcus equinus)
(Table 1) does not appear to be infective to humans (Thompson
and Lymbery, 1988, 1991).
The concept of host-adapted strains of E. granulosus led to studies on other forms of the parasite in other species of intermediate
hosts such as cattle, pigs, camels and cervids. These studies not
only conrmed the existence of a number of host-adapted life
cycles in different parts of the world but also provided additional
data on developmental differences between strains which may
impact on control (reviewed in Thompson and Lymbery, 1988;
Thompson et al., 1995; Thompson, 2008).
Subsequent molecular characterisation of host-adapted strains
of Echinococcus, coupled with molecular epidemiological studies in
endemic areas, has conrmed their genetic and morphological distinctness and revealed phylogenetic relationships which support a
robust, meaningful taxonomy based on a previously suggested
nomenclature (Table 1; Bowles et al., 1994; Thompson et al., 1995,
2006; Cruz-Reyes et al., 2007; Harandi et al., 2002; Thompson and
McManus, 2002; Lavikainen et al., 2003; Jenkins et al., 2005a;
Romig et al., 2006; Moks et al., 2008; Thompson, 2008; Huttner
et al., 2009; Saarma et al., 2009; Nakao et al., 2013). Interestingly,
the nomenclature used for these species conforms to that proposed
by observational parasitologists in the 1920s1960s, before molecular tools were available to conrm their morphological descriptions and epidemiological observations (Thompson et al., 1995;
Thompson and McManus, 2002; Thompson, 2008).
Data generated in studies on wildlife in Australia have worldwide relevance, an example being the work of Barnes (Barnes
et al., 2007a,b, 2008, 2011) investigating the health impacts and
growth rate of hydatid cysts in macropodids. Barnes showed that
hydatid cysts have a major impact on respiration capacity in macropods, indicating infected animals to be more susceptible to predation by wild dogs. This work complements and validates the
studies of Mech (1966) and Jolly and Messier (2004) in the USA
with respect to the impact of hydatid disease on moose (Alces
alces), rendering infected animals more susceptible to predation
by wolves (Canis lupus). Another good example is the study on
the encroachment of E. granulosus-infected foxes (Vulpes vulpes)
and wild dogs into urban areas in Australia and associated public
health implications (Jenkins and Craig, 1992; Jenkins et al.,
2008). These studies complement and support work undertaken
in Europe with the encroachment into urban centres of foxes
infected with E. multilocularis (Deplazes et al., 2004) and studies
in Alberta, Canada on E. multilocularis in urban coyotes (Canis
latrans) (Catalano et al., 2012).
Australian native wildlife species evolved in isolation from
E. granulosus; consequently, they were highly susceptible to infection with this new parasite and wildlife species were soon acting as
a major sylvatic reservoir for the perpetuation of E. granulosus in
Australia (Durie and Riek, 1952), a situation that prevails today
(Jenkins and Morris, 2003).
Initially, transmission of E. granulosus to macropodids occurred
through accidental consumption of eggs spread in the environment
by the dogs of colonists. Infection in dingoes eventuated through
predation of sheep on the recently established sheep farms. However, it would not have been long before the dingoes themselves
began to spread eggs throughout their territories, exposing an ever
increasing population of macropodids to infection with hydatid
disease. Transmission of E. granulosus to wildlife from domestic
R.C.A. Thompson, D.J. Jenkins / International Journal for Parasitology 44 (2014) 865877
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they cannot be regarded as an important component of the E. granulosus life cycle in Australia.
3.6. Factors contributing to the transmission success of E. granulosus in
Australian wildlife
Hydatid disease of macropodids is almost exclusively conned
to the lungs, causing major respiratory impairment (Jenkins and
Morris, 2003; Barnes et al., 2007a,b, 2008, 2011) that may lead to
the death of the host (Johnson et al., 1998; Barnes et al., 2008).
Why hydatid infection in macropods should be mainly conned
to the lungs is unclear, however, this is also seen with hydatid
infection in cervids (Schantz et al., 1995). Hydatid-infected macropodids are rendered highly susceptible to predation by dingoes, a
similar situation to that with the interaction of wolves and hydatid-infected moose (A. alces) in the USA (Mech, 1966; Jolly and
Messier, 2004). In addition, cysts in macropodids develop quickly,
becoming fertile (containing protoscoleces) in 89 months (Barnes
et al., 2007a), compared with sheep where the earliest time to fertility is approximately 2 years (Slias, 1980). The increased susceptibility of hydatid-infected macropodids to predation by wild dogs
means that wild dogs are catching and consuming a disproportionately large number of infected animals which is likely to be a major
contribution to the high worm burdens seen in many wild dogs.
Within all wild dog populations surveyed, a proportion of the
sample has been wild dogs with worm burdens in excess of
100,000 E. granulosus (Jenkins and Morris, 1991, 2003; Jenkins
et al., 2008). These animals are the super spreaders of the population (Gemmell and Lawson, 1986), ensuring large numbers of
eggs being released into the environment. The home range of wild
dogs varies depending on the sex of the animal and availability of
food and water; in eastern Australia home ranges average approximately 100 km2 (Claridge et al., in press). Therefore large areas can
become contaminated with eggs from a single animal, but since
packs of wild dogs consisting of several animals usually occupy
these spaces (Claridge et al., in press), contamination of the environment with faeces can become heavy in areas used commonly
by a resident pack.
The longevity of eggs of E. granulosus in the environment is
thought to be several months to perhaps approximately 1 year,
so long as the environment is not too hot and dry (Eckert and
Deplazes, 2004). However, in a study in Argentina (Thevenet
et al., 2005), E. granulosus egg-laden dog faeces were left in the
environment for 41 months. After this time eggs were separated
from the faeces and fed to each of four sheep. Hydatid cysts developed in each of the sheep, suggesting that the longevity of eggs of
E. granulosus in Australia under optimal conditions may be longer
than 12 months. Studies reported in Gemmell (1958) revealed
the most important environmental conditions required for transmission for E. granulosus in Australia to be at least 25 mm of rain
for 6 months of the year with temperatures up to 30 C. Consequently, E. granulosus has become more prevalent in eastern Australia, in areas associated with the Great Dividing Range, and in
an elevated area of Western Australia (Thompson et al., 1988;
Jenkins and Macpherson, 2003) (Fig. 3).
3.7. Echinococcus granulosus in introduced wildlife species
3.7.1. Foxes
The rst creditable report of E. granulosus infection in foxes in
Australia was by Gemmell (1959a) where a single terminal
segment was recovered from the intestine of one of 41 animals
collected in New South Wales. Nevertheless, based on the available
experimental infection and survey data, Gemmell (1959a) felt that
Australian foxes were not acting as a denitive host for E. granulosus. More recently, E. granulosus have been recovered from a
R.C.A. Thompson, D.J. Jenkins / International Journal for Parasitology 44 (2014) 865877
Fig. 3. Map depicting areas of high, low, rare and no transmission of Echinococcus granulosus in Australia (red, high transmission; orange, low transmission; beige, rare
transmission; grey, no transmission). (Modied version of the map published by Jenkins and Macpherson (2003)).
3.8.2. Sheep
Hydatid disease prevalence data are not collected in Australian
abattoirs, but in Tasmania occurrence of infection in livestock is
monitored and traced back to the property of origin. Hydatid
disease still occurs periodically in Australian sheep, however
the prevalence has declined steadily during the last 30 years (D.J.
Jenkins, personal observations), no doubt a reection of the decline
of E. granulosus infection in rural domestic dogs (Jenkins et al.,
2014). Sheep populations now most at risk of contracting hydatid
disease are those grazed on pasture abutting national and state
parks and forests containing populations of wild dogs (Grainger
and Jenkins, 1996). These wild dogs periodically enter pastures to
predate on the sheep but whilst there also defecate, contaminating
the pasture with eggs of E. granulosus. Nothing recent has been
published regarding the prevalence of hydatid disease in mainland
sheep. The most up-to-date data have been collected by the
National Sheep Health Monitoring Program (Animal Health Australia, 2011,
Routine monitoring of slaughtered sheep for hydatid infection is
still undertaken in Tasmania. Since the declaration of provisional
eradication in 1996, there have been two reports of infection in
sheep; one in 2011 in sheep sent to a mainland abattoir for
slaughter (Jenkins et al., 2014) the other, more recently in 2013
(D.J. Jenkins, unpublished data) in a single animal, resident on a
property in the midlands area of Tasmania. Investigations have
shown this sheep was imported from South Australia so could have
become infected before arrival in Tasmania.
3.8.3. Cattle
High levels of hydatid disease in slaughtered cattle have been
reported, anecdotally, from abattoirs in south-eastern Queensland,
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