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The Problem
Faced with stiffer economic competition and worried about the skills of the
future work forces, the government lead by the President of the Philippines and
his Department of Education Secretary are trying to connect education from
preschool through post secondary so that more students are prepared for further
study and work.
In October 5, 2010, the recent program on Philippine Education as part of
President Benigno Noynoy Aquino IIIs Educational Reform Program was the
instituting of the K 12 Education Plan. From his 10 point Educational agenda he
12 Years Basic Education Cycle
I will expand the basic education cycle,
from a 10 year cycle to a globally
comparable 12 years, for our public
school children. At present, those who can
afford basic education get into the best
universities and the best jobs after graduation.
Universal preschooling for all public schools
children will have preschool as their
introduction to formal schooling by 2016,
and we will make this available to all
children regardless of income.
The Pnoy Administration believes that adding more years to basic
education in the Philippines could help solve the problems of unemployment,
keep with global standards, and help Pilipino students to have more time to
choose the career that best suits their skills.

Psychologically speaking, the short education program affects human

development of the Pilipino children. A Pilipino is legally a child before he or she
turns 18 years old. Psychologists and educators say that children under 18 are
generally not emotionally prepared for entrepreneurship or employment or higher
education disciplines. Commonly, Grade six pupils graduate at the age ranging
from 11-13 years old, and fourth year high school students graduates at the
range of 15-17 years old. Therefore, these learners are still considered children
and they are not capable to handle serious situations like decision making and
work task. In the Philippines, there is a harvesting practice which is called, Hinog
sa Bunga, meaning a fruit which was taken from the trunk of the tree. The
ripened fruits which were taken from the trunk of the tree are more sweet and
tasty compared to fruits which were taken ahead of time.
The goal of the K 12 Basic Education Program is to create a functional
basic education system that will produce productive and responsible citizens
equipped with the essential competencies and skills for both life long learning
and employment. This program will enhance the basic education system to full
functionality to fulfill the basic learning needs of students. This is in line with the
agenda of the President Aquino of having quality education as a long term
solution to poverty, in order to achieve these goals. The program has the
following twin objectives: To give every student as opportunity to receive quality
education based on an enhanced and decongested curriculum that is
internationally recognized and comparable; Develop a curriculum that is rational
and focus on excellence; Produce a pool of highly qualified and adequately

trained teachers; Achieve high academic standards, especially in Mathematics,

Science and English at all levels; Produce graduates who are globally
competitive and whose credential are recognized internationally; To change
public perception that high school education is just a preparation for college;
rather, it should allow one to take advantage of opportunities for gainful career or
employment and/or self employment in a rapidly changing and increasingly








competencies that will allow them to be productive members of the society or

pursue higher education; through coordination between the academic and
business sectors, to change industry hiring practices into account the enhance
skills and competencies of K 12 graduates (Source: Discussion Paper, 2010)
The goal of implementing the K 12 Basic Education Program is to create
a functional basic system that will produce productive and responsible citizens
equipped with the essential learning and employment. This is in line with the
agenda of the President Aquino of having quality education as a long term
solution to poverty.
The K 12 Education vision from the Department of Education (DepEd,
Every graduate of the Enhanced K-12 Basic Education
Program is an empowered individual who has learned
through a program that is rooted on sound
principles and geared towards excellence.

Truly, the implementation of K 12 program of the Department of

Education. Is a great help to every students. But, some which has a noble
purpose for every Pilipino pupil or student. But then, some parents were not
convinced of this program. From their own view this is another burden on the part
of the students and parents. It will add to the financial problem of the family, and
the advantage of implementing this program are for the people who wants to
continue studying or work abroad because the curriculum is almost parallel to
another country. This is some of the problems that this study is going to focus on
and to hear the sentiments of the parents regarding the implementation of K 12
Rationale of the Study
The Sta. Maria High School, specifically the parents of the Grade VII
students encounter problems in the implementation of K 12 program, they all
have different reactions and opinions about the said program.
There are some parents viewing this program in negative which is this will
be another burden of the students, this will add to the financial expenses of the
parents, and some parents view the program positively and think that this will
help the learners choose and decide the career which best suits to their skills.
Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to determine the reaction of the parents of the Grade VII
students in Sta. Maria High School about the implementation of the K 12

Specifically, the study sought answers to the following questions:

1. What are the parents sources of information about K 12 program?
2. What are the parents reactions about the Implementation of the K 12
program when it comes to rationale?
3. What are the parents perception about the implementation of K 12
program in terms of:
3.1 personal
3.2 students welfare
4. What are the perceived problems of the parents regarding the
implementation of the K 12 program?
This study was premised on the following assumptions:
1. The parents sources of information about K 12 program are the media
and teachers.
2. There are both positive and negative reactions about the implementation
of K 12 program.
3. There are positive perception about the implementation of the K 12
program in terms of personal and students welfare.
4. There are few problems perceived by the parents regarding the full
implementation of K 12 program from the Grade VII parents of the
students of Sta. Maria High School, Iriga City.

Significance of the Study

Learning is the aspect of development that connotes modification of
behavior, skills and knowledge that results from practice and experience
which sought for quality education.

The generalization of this present study would be a great contribution to

the vast knowledge in relation to students achievements. Vital results of this
investigation could be highly significant and beneficial specifically to the
Students. They are the secondary student from Grade VII to Senior High
School. They are considered the second main concern in the educational
system next to the primary pupils which are the pupils from Grade 1 to Grade
VI. In this study, the findings of this research will inspire, enlightened and
become beneficial to the students of Sta. Maria High School.
Teachers. This refers to professional teacher who took the four year course
program of Bachelor of Science in Secondary and Elementary Education. In
this study, they are the instruments in the materialization of the government
educational programs. Through the implementation of K 12 programs many
schools will be hiring more teachers to cater the pupils needs.
School Administrators will be gaining insights as to what measures are
appropriate to help the teachers orient both students and teachers regarding
the K 12 program.
Sta. Maria High School. This is where the results of this study shall serve as
reference in the materialization of the Department of Education (DepEd)
program particularly the K 12.
Community for they also play a vital role in the development of every
learners. The school is part of the community so every parents of the learner

must know what the problems of the school are. So that they will understand
what is happening and what is the good solution to that problem.
External Stakeholders. This refers to the alumni, parents, local leaders,
retired teachers, youth leaders. They will be motivated to help and create a
community environment that supports childrens enjoyment of their right to
education and other rights.
Government Agencies who are concerned with the development of young
minds specially the Department of Education which continuously shapes the
countrys future. In this study, the agency is benefited for it will gain wisdom in
providing quality service to everybody particularly to the secondary students
through the realization of the K 12 program.
Researcher Herself. This refers to the student conducting the study. She will
find self fulfillment in this study. This study will help and inspire more the
researcher to be more innovative and carry out the programs of the
Department of Education (DepEd) that will be beneficial both to learners and
Future researchers should conduct a study on the effectiveness of
K 12 after the implementation of the program
Scope and Delimitation
The study focused on the reaction of the parents of the students of Grade
VII section I and II of Sta. Maria High School, Iriga City regarding the

implementation of K 12 program which is being implemented under

President Aquino administration.
This study is interested on how and where parents learn the information
about the K 12 program. It aims to recognize the parents reactions based
from the rationale.
This study would also like to know the parents perception about the K 12
program in terms of personal and students welfare.
Problems which perceived by the parents in regards to the implementation
of K -12 program were enumerated. This research study is limited or focuses
only on the Grade VII section I and II of the school year 2012-2013. The
results of the study may also be a basis for other similar study.
Locale of the Study
The setting of this study is in Sta. Maria High School, Iriga City, through
the guidance of Dr. Concepcion I. De la Rama, Language Research
Sta. Maria High School is situated at Barangay Sta. Maria, Iriga City. It is
along the secondary national road with good classification of road, accessible
to all types of land transportation.
Sta. Maria High School was built on 1999 headed by only one Teacher-inCharge and four volunteer teachers. This school starts as Perpetual Help

High School Annex (PHHS Annex). This has one building and thirty-eight (38)
When this school was built in Barangay Sta. Maria, it becomes easier on
the part of the parents to send their childrens in school. All of the students
become thrifty because it lessens their expenses because of fare on going to
school in far Barangay. All the teachers pursue to give quality education
though they only have few students. But all of the sacrifices of the teachers
become fruitful when the school was become popular in the City because of
the high achievement of the schools to the Division Achievement Test and
National Achievement Test and even in different competition.
On the year 2006 with the use of the DepEd Order #5,s.1989 at 1994 by
Virtue of Government Permit (R-B) No. 0002.,Series 2006 the Sta. Maria High
School was recognized as an individual school in the Iriga City Division.
After a couple of years, during the term of Mrs. Felicitas E. Embestro (x)
as the Officer in Charge (OIC) the population of Sta. Maria High School had
increased and construction of buildings as another room was built. They also
produce their own office, school library. At present the school has nine (9)
rooms which composed of principals office, computer laboratory, two section
for grade VII, one for second year, two for third year and one room for the
fourth year students.
The present status of Sta. Maria High School is commendable in terms of
performance and achievements as an output of educational competitions


among schools / students within the City Division. The scholastic records of
the school reveal the both curricular and co curricular achievements are
very much efficient, and that is through the leadership of the former Officer-inCharge of the school Mrs. Felicitas E. Embestro (x).
After Mrs. Felicitas E. Embestros term, her successor was Mrs. Munet A.
Moraa as a Teacher-in-Charge and now continuing the legacy and pursuing
to improve more the education as well as the environment of the school for a
better product and produce an ideal graduate.

4th Year

2nd Year

3rd Year


Grade 7 B
Gulayan sa

3rd Year A

Grade 7-A



s Office

Definition of Terms
For the purpose of clarification, the important terms used in this study
have been defined.
The following terms are:


K 12. Letter K refers to kindergarten and 12 refers to the additional two (2)
years in the basic education. It is the additional years after fourth years in
secondary schooling.
Rationale. Denote the underlying principle of a certain program. In this study it
refers to the basis of the creation of K 12 program.
Profile.Refers to the respondents sex, age, address, and parents occupation.
Parents.Refers to the mother and father or guardian of the students from Sta.
Maria High School.
Grade VII Students. Refer to the learners who are enrolled in seventh grade
level as a new level on K 12 program implemented by the government in Sta.
Maria High School and nationwide.
Reaction. Connotes to an immediate feedback for an issue such as the K 12
program. This is the main focus of this study, to know the different reactions of
the parents on K 12 implementation.
Perception. Refers to what is conceived to be true which is subjective. It refers
to the specific perception of the parents in regard to the K 12 program which is
implemented by the Department of Education.
Sources. Refers to the basis and foundation where the K 12 program was
been known to the parents of Grade VII students. This can be through media
such as television, radio, newspaper, journals and non-media such as forum.


Programs. Refer to the listing of the order of the pertinent activities or plan by
the Department of Education which is essentials for the development of the
department as well as the learners.
Academic Performance. Refers to the academic achievement of the pupils as
evidenced by test results or marks given by the teacher based from the criteria
such as: periodical test, written outputs, and participation or recitation.
Comprehension. Refers to the capability of understanding or perceiving
something particularly about the additional program implemented by the
Department of Education.
Theories. Are principles or idea made in writing that is applicable in different
times and individuals for this is what is expected to happen.
Analysis. This refers to the breaking down of ideas into small particles to be
studied critically.

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature and Studies


This chapter must compose of related literatures and studies and related
readings. The researcher has gone through intensive readings of materials, both
printed and downloaded through internet which has a great significance to
problem during the course of thesis writing.
This chapter also shows and discuss the Synthesis-of-the-State-of-the-Art,
Gap bridged of the study as well as Theoretical and Conceptual Framework.

Related Studies
Marston (2011) conducted a related study about the Perception of
Students and Parents involved in Primary to Secondary School Transition
Programs. Transition programs, of different formats and complexities, based on
both Australian and international research, have been introduced in some
schools to facilitate transition. The aims of this research were to investigate and
compare the perceptions of students, parents and teachers involved in several of
these programs and to examine the extent to which transition programs can
alleviate issues associated with transition between primary and secondary
schools. Although executive staff and teachers also provided valuable
information and perceptions.
This study is related to the researchers study for this also focuses on the
perception of parents but differ because it focuses on both the perception of
students and parents regarding the transition programs from primary to
secondary school.


Nartates (2011) conducted a study about the Effects of Broken Homes

among Early Teenagers to their Academic Performance this studies cited by the
researchers have also shown that the countrys education program is equivalent
to the 12-year education cycle followed abroad except that it is being completed
in only 10 years. These researches analyze and study what will be the effects of
the K+12 educational systems to the country, parents, and students.
This study becomes related to my study in the sense that it is concerned
on the effects of K 12 program to the parents. The only difference is that this
study is focused on the effects of K 12 program to the students whose parents
are working abroad, and how it affect to their academic performance.

Manalo (2012) conducted a study about the Enhanced K 12 program as

Perceived by the Parents of Grade Six Pupils at Baao District, Baao Camarines
Sur, School Year 2011-2012, this study id related to the researchers study
because this focus on the perception of parents and reactions on K -12
implementation only differ on the respondents because this study has a wider
respondents than the researchers study.

Zellman (2012) conducted a study about the implementation of the K 12

Education Reform in Qatars Schools, this study is a reform of education for a
new era , because it views education as the key to the nation's economic and
social progress. This study, one of a number of RAND studies that trace and


document the reform process in Qatar, was designed to assess progress made in
the first years of the K12 reform's implementation in Qatar's schools and the
perception of the parents on the Implementation of the K 12 program.
This study has a relation to the researchers study because it also get the
perception of the parents on the K 12 implementation.

Tan (2011) conducted a study on the Most Perceived Problems on K 12

Implementation of the Students Luzon Elementary School,Tagkawayan Quezon.
This study is related to the researchers study as it also focus on the
problems perceived about the K 12 program which affects the students
performance and parents perception.

Related Readings
The operation of our educational system revolves around laws legislated
by congress. The primary source of these laws is the 1987 constitution. A
separate Article of education is provided in the 1987 constitution. It prescribes
that the state shall assign the highest budgetary priority to education and ensures
that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best available talents
through adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and
fulfillment. (Nolledo:1992).
Article XIV of the constitution which focused on education in which section
I states that the state shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to


quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make
such education accessible to all.
The K 12 Program
We are the last country in Asia and one of only three countries in the
world with a 10-year pre-university program (source: SEAMEO Innotech 2011)
The Department of Education has formally launched its K-12 program,
which adds 2 years to basic education in the country.
This means that aside from kindergarten, 6 years of elementary, and 4
years of high school, students will have to undergo an additional 2 years of study
in senior high school.
Education Secretary Armin Luistro (2011) says the additional 2 years will
help students decide what course they will take in college.
It will also help high school students to be given a chance to specialize in
science and technology, music and arts, agriculture, fisheries, sports, business
entrepreneurship, and others.
K-12 aims to make basic education sufficient enough so that anyone who
graduates can be gainfully employed and have a productive life. K 12 will look
at the possibility of specialized education such as a high school or community,
which will focus on the arts or agriculture.
Education Secretary Bro. Armin Luistro said that the proposal will make high
school graduates employable, making tertiary education unnecessary to get a


job. That proposal of Department of Education to add two more years to basic
education drew mixed reactions in the Senate.
Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile (2011), expressed support to the DepEds K
12 as he agrees with the proposal because the country needs to increase its
competitiveness at the international level. He said:
We are underrated by other countries,
our educational system. It is painful
for others. But for the country
we have to do it.
To implement the program, the DepEd has to work with Congress to
amend the existing law, Batas Pambansa 232 or the Education Act of 1982,
which states that the basic formal education is a 10-year program. Senate
education committee head Senator Edgardo Angara (2010) had earlier said that
they have created technical working groups (TWG) to study the proposal and call
for a wider consultation regarding the matter.
The Reactions about K 12 program
Senator opposes proposed DepEd K-12 program. Senate Majority Floor
Leader Vicente "Tito" Sotto explained why he opposed the proposal of the
Department of Education (DepEd) to amend the law on the countrys basic
education to increase the number of school years to 12 from the present 10yearprogram.
"I oppose the addition of two years to
basic education. There is no clear benefit
to adding two years to basic education,"
Sotto said in a privilege speech at the Senate. He added that the national budget
can't even provide sufficient funds to maintain the present number of years of


basic education, but now the DepEd wants to add more to it. According to him,
adding two years to basic education will further increase our budget deficit. We
need quality education, not quantity of years in education. We need more
schools, not more years in school.
Kabataan Partylist Rep. Raymond Palatino called this move by Education
Secretary Armin Luistro a "delusions of grandeur". He said that in a povertystricken country like the Philippines, the implementation of the K+12 was a
"question of survival", especially for parents who could barely send their children
to school. He added that this new education plan will not address the escalating
number of out-of-school youths, nor lift the employment rate, because the real
problem is the low employment opportunities.

Senators Chiz Escudero was also against the implementation of the K+12
Education plan. Escudero pointed out that it is not in the length of educational
years, but the quality of education a student can acquire. And this has to begin by
training teachers to be competitive, create more classrooms and improve
learning facilities, and provide budget for textbooks.

Perceived Problems on K 12 Implementation

Many parents disapprove of the proposed K - 12 Education system by the
Department of Education, as it is means additional burden for both parents and


students, even more so for the marginalized sector of the community. There are
some issues raised by different individual on this matter which are the possibility
of Additional 2 years = added cost to parents, DepEd lacks of educational
resources such as classroom and teachers and some parents cant wait to have
their children start working.
Nograles (2010), son of former House Speaker Prospero Nograles, also
noted that the governments public school system does not have enough
classrooms, teachers and well-equipped educational facilities which are required
for the effective implementation of the proposal. The younger Nograles said:
The reality on the ground is that some
schools even have to divide their classes to
morning and afternoon sessions to accommodate
more students We need to modernize our public school
system first before we could even consider expanding the
cycle of our basic education system.

He added that with the current 10-year basic education cycle, schools
even lack teachers who will provide quality education as higher salaries
encourage them to pursue work abroad. He said:
Once we are assured that there are
no longer classrooms under the trees, then
we are ready to have a 12 year basic
education cycle.


This study is similar with the study of Manalo (2012) entitled the Enhanced
K 12 Program as Perceived by the Parents of Gade Six Pupils of Baao District,
Baao Camarines Sur, wherein it is similar to the fact that they are all concerned
about the perception of the parents and the perceived problem regarding the new
program of the Department of Education which is the K -12 program.

The Gap Bridged by the Study

Grade Seven students as a new grade on the new curriculum which is the
K 12 program are one of the most affected individual regarding the
implementation of the program. This study is focused more on the perceived
problems of the parents regarding the K 12 implementation.
K 12 program as perceived by the parents is somehow called a burden
and it added more on financial problem of the family.
The Philippines is the only country in the world that still follows a 10 year
basic education cycle. And so Last October 2010, President Noynoy Aquino
proposed the Kindergarten plus 12 on the K-12 program to catch up with the rest
of world having a 12 year basic education cycle. However, with all the issues
on education the country is still has, parents expressed their opinions on the


President Aquinos plan of strengthening the Philippine education system through

the K -12 program.
It is a must to hear the parents opinions regarding the K 12 program as
they are one of the stakeholders of schools and a respected parents of the
students who are involved on loving and caring for the future of their children.

Theoretical Framework
Education is one of the ways to change life, change values, and change
fate of ones individual. K 12 program is part of the proposed educational
reforms of the Philippines present President which shifts Philippine Basic
Education system to twelve years plus kinder from the current ten years. The
theoretical framework has a stars to symbolize the students who is the center of
K 12 program.
This study was anchored on the point of view and theories of the following
well-known authorities which are closely relevant to the researchers study.

Cognitive Development Theory by Jean Piaget(1980). He was a French

speaking Swiss theorist who posited that children learn through actively
constructing knowledge through hands-on experience. He suggested that the


adults role in helping the child learn was to provide appropriate materials for the
child to interact and construct.
Theory of Constructivism is generally attributed to Jean Piaget (1980),
who articulated mechanism by which knowledge is internalized by learners. He
suggested that through processes of accommodation and assimilation,
individuals construct new knowledge from their experiences. When individual
assimilate, they incorporate the new experience into an already existing
framework without changing that framework. This may occur when individual
experiences are aligned with their internal representations of the world, but may
also occur as a failure to change a faulty understanding. In contrast, when
individuals experiences contradict their internal representations, they may
change their perceptions of the experiences to fit their internal representations.
According to the theory, accommodation is the process of reframing ones mental
experiences. Accommodation can be understood as the mechanism by which
failure leads to learning; when we act on the expectation that the world operates
in one way and it violates our expectations, we often fail, but by accommodating
this new experience and reframing our model of the way the world works, we
learn from the experience of failure or failure of others.
Motivation Theory by Abraham Maslow (1943), according to these,
Maslow subsequently extended the idea to include hi9s observations of humans
innate curiosity. Maslow said on his theory that through the curiosity of the
human they become motivated to do things on their own way. They are being


motivated to finish and work harder. His theories are parallel to other theories of
human development psychology, some of which focus on describing the stages
of growth in humans.
Researchers Theory (2012). The reaction of the parents in K 12
programs will be a best solution to all the problems to be encountered of this
program which will lead to a better and effective implementation of the K 12
Development Theory

Constructivist Theory

Motivation Theory

(Piaget 1980)

(Maslow 1943)

(Piaget, 1980)


Researchers Theory:


Determining the parents reactions,

perception, sources of information and
problems on K 12 implementation
which can lead to a effective
implementation of the program



Sources of

Figure 2
Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

The focus of this study was undertaken by the following conceptual

framework shown in Figure III which has a three part process: the input, process
and output.
Input This are the Department of Education Orders, Legal Basis, Related
Literatures and Theories.

Process In the research process, this includes the parents sources of

information about K 12 program, parents reaction about the implementation of
the program. How do the parents perceived the K 12 program in terms of
personal and students welfare, and the parents perceived problem regarding the
implementation of the program.


Output this study identified the parents reaction of K 12 implementation and

the problems encountered in implementing this program which can be used to
improve for the better implementation of the K 12 program.



Legal bases:
1987 constitution
of the Philippines

1. Gaining information about

parents sources of information
on K 12 program.

DepEd Orders

Parents, teachers
and students

2. Determining the parents

reaction on K 12


3. Drawing out parents

perception about the K 12
programs in terms of personal
Related Literatures and and students welfare.
4. Determining the perceived
problems regarding the
implementation of the program.




Effective Implementation of
K 12 Program


Research Design and Methodology

This chapter contains the research design and the methodology used in
the conduct of this study. It incorporated the sampling technique, sources of data,
the research subjects, population of the study, the instrument utilized to gather
data, as well as the statistical tools employed in processing the data. This
chapter is showing how the researcher came to the necessary data for this study,
and how these data were analyzed, interpreted and presented in the easiest way

Research Design
This study utilized the descriptive survey in order to achieve the purpose
of this study which is to determine and describe the thoughts and feelings of
parents of Grade VII students from Sta. Maria High School, Iriga City. It is
descriptive in a sense that the data obtained were analyzed and described.
The researcher used her survey questionnaire as her instrument. Based on the
result of the survey conducted, she was able to determine the details of this
study. Graphs and other figures were also used to provide clearer understanding
of the data presented as answers to the problem of the study.


Sampling Technique
The researcher has 35 parents of the Grade VII students of Sta. Maria
High School as her respondents. She believes that having 35 Grade VII parents
as her respondents will somehow provide adequate data to be interpreted for this
The unrestricted random sampling was used by the researcher because
there had been no restriction imposed to those who were tested; every member
of the class has an equal chance of inclusion in the sample.
The Respondents
This study involved a total of 35 parents of the Grade VII students of Sta.
Maria High School.
Table 1
The Respondents


Number of Grade VII

Percentage (%)

Students Parents




It is reflected in Table 1 the number of respondents of this study who are

the Grade VII parents of Sta. Maria High School, Iriga City, School year 20122013. There are 35 total numbers of parents as respondents. 15 or 42.9 percent
are males and 20 or 57.1 percent are females.
In this section, it could be seen that there are more females than males
whos been a part of the sample.
Research Instruments
The researcher prepared a questionnaire to determine the views of the
Grade Seven (VII) parents regarding the implementation of K 12 program. This
can be determined based from the indicators such as the respondents profile,
preparedness of parents in terms of emotional and financial aspect.
The research subjects were asked to choose their preferred response by
checking the number option based on their personal feelings and perception
along the given area.
The questionnaire had questions that relates to the study and these
questions were answered consequently.
Data Gathering Procedure
The researcher has followed certain procedures in the conduct of this
1. Choose a certain title. It is a must that we choose a title for our study and
defend it to the panelist until it was approved.


2. Securing permit to conduct the study. The permit to conduct the study was
requested and filed to the office of the school principal.
3. Preparation of the Instruments. Questionnaire is a principal tool in
gathering the data. The first draft of the instrument was made in
coordination with the adviser so that the survey tool is reliable and valid.
4. Administering the Questionnaire. The researcher personally distributed the
questionnaire to the respondents in Sta. Maria High School during a
classroom meeting.

Here, a clear explanation of the purpose and

objectives of the study was been indicated. Confidentiality was given in

order to assure cooperation and to avoid inhibitions from the respondents
in accomplishing the questionnaire.
5. Validating the Instrument. After the distribution is the validation of the
questionnaire. It is analyzed and interpreted through the data gathered
and formulate the conclusions and recommendations of this study.
Statistical Treatment of Data.
The formula used:
P = F/N x 100
P = Percentage
F = Frequency
N = Total Number of Respondents
100 = Constant Number


The Reaction of the Parents of the Grade VII Students of Sta.

Maria High School, Iriga City on the Implementation of K 12
School Year 2012 2013

This chapter represents an analysis and interpretation of the data obtained

in the study. Its findings were based on the data gathered through the
questionnaires retrieved from the respondents. Those data were then analyzed
to be presented, discussed and interpreted according to the perimeters of this
research to answer the problem sought for this study.
The topics discussed in this chapter were arranged as follows.
1. What are the parents sources of information about the K 12 program.
2. What is the parents reaction about the implementation of the K 12
program, along:
2.1 Rationale
3. What is the parents perception about the implementation of K -12
program, in terms of:
3.1 Personal
3.2 Students Welfare
4. What are the perceived problems of the parents regarding the
implementation of K 12 program.
The following were the findings based from the study:
Parents Sources of Information about
The Implementation of K 12 Program


The K -12 program was one of the latest programs of the Department of
Education. Since this is new, many Pilipino particularly parents were asking and
wondering what it is all about. In this study, nine (9) sources of information were
presented, as a means of information needed by the parents were enumerated.
The data from the Table 2 were about sources of information of the K 12
program. These were, Television, (4.54); Newspapers and magazines, (3.71);
Books, (2.37); Radio, (1.37); Internet, (1.14); PTA Meetings, (5); Friends and
Relatives, (3.05); Teachers and School Administrators, (4.68); Orientation
Conferences (4.94).
The foregoing data implied that the source of information of the parents
about K 12 program came from PTA Meetings, and Orientation Conferences.
Parents from Barangay Sta. Maria dont have an access of internet. Therefore
they rely on the people who will discuss information such as the K 12 program.
These people are usually in Department of Education who are knowledgeable
regarding the K 12 program.
Table 2
The Parents Sources of Information about the K 12 Program.





2. Newspaper and magazines



3. Books
4. Radio




1. Television



PTA Meetings
Friends and Relatives
Teachers & School

9. Orientation Conferences







Very Much True (VMT)

Much True (MT)
True (T)
Slightly True (ST)
Not at all true (NT)

The Parents Reaction about the K 12 Program

The students parents among other people are the one who are mostly
concerned about the implementation of the K 12 program. The right to express
their opinions were been exercised by the parents from Sta. Maria High School.
Different reactions from positive to negative were been expressed.
Rationale.The current educational system does not possess the basic
competencies. The K 12 program will pave way to a generation of graduates
who are equipped not only with knowledge but also with skills which will be
relevant as they go on with their daily life experiences for futures sustainable
Table 3 shows the parents reactions about the K 12 program in terms of


From the findings, Table 3 cited ten (10) indicators. These were generally
rated as Much True and two rated as Very Much True, three for True and
only one for Significantly True, interpretation.
As shown in the table, ranked first was: Most of the parents believe that
most graduates in high school are too young to enter the labor force. Therefore, I
am happy that this K 12 program would be productive and not be vulnerable to
exploitative labor practices, (4.91); ranked second was: The most basic
education programs affects the human development of the Pilipino children. The
implementation of the K-12 programs will make the graduates prepared
emotionally for entrepreneurship or employment or higher education disciplines,
(4.65); ranked third was: Basic education will ensure sufficient mastery of the
core subjects to its graduates such that graduates may pursue higher education
if they choose to. (4.31); this was followed by: I do appreciate that the graduates
will possess competencies and skills relevant to the job market, (3.91); I am
happy that the implemented curriculum will decongest academic workload,
(3.77); Enough time for other learning opportunities beyond the classroom, (3.4);
I understand that graduates will prepared for higher education, (2.48); Allows
learning for a more holistic development, (2.57); and last in ranked was: It is only
advantage for those who intend to continue studying abroad because the
curriculum is almost parallel with other countrys curriculum, (2.25).
This implied that parents have various reactions; they believed that basic
education is usually seen as a preparation for high school graduates who are too


young to enter the labor force. Therefore, they are happy that this K 12
programwould be productive and not be vulnerable to exploitative labor practices.
Good education is the best way to lift the Pilipino people from the poverty
state. The K 12 program is a way to help the Pilipino students equipped and
penetrate the global industry. Through K 12 program the current education will
posters competencies or emotional maturity essential for the world work force.
Table 3
1. I am happy that the implemented curriculum
will decongest academic workload.
2. Gives students more time to master
competencies and skills as well.
3. Enough time for other learning opportunities
beyond the classroom.
4. Allows learning for a more holistic
5. I do appreciate that the graduates will
possess competencies and skills relevant to
the job market.
6. I understand that graduates will prepared
for higher education.
7. Basic education will ensure sufficient
mastery of the core subjects to its
graduates such that graduates may pursue
higher education if they choose to.
8. Advantage for those who intend to continue
studying abroad because the curriculum is
almost parallel with other countrys
9. Most graduates in high school are too
young to enter the labor force. Therefore, I
am happy that this K 12 program would
be productive and not be vulnerable to
exploitative labor practices.
10. The most basic education program affects
the human development of the Pilipino




















children. The implementation of K 12
program will make the graduates prepared
employment or higher education disciplines.






Very Much True (VMT)

Much True (MT)
True (T)
Slightly True (ST)
Not at all true (NT)

The Parents Perception on the

Impact of the Implementation of the K 12 Program
It has been said that parents have an instinct to the possible things that
will happen particularly when it comes to their childrens, it is called mother
instinct. For their reason, many parents are optimistic of the possible outcome of
this new DepEd program. However, there were also parents who are pessimistic
about the K 12 program.
Personal. Table 4 presents the parents perception about the K 12
program as regards to personal. As human grows, there is a need to learn to
became mature in different aspects of life. The K 12 program is designed to
mold a students to be in his best self in articulating his craft and skills which are
usable to guide his or her track a new and bright life in the future.
Gauging the data presented, the indicators cited got two (2) for Very
Much True and another two for True and only one for Much True. Therefore,
the parents believed that the K 12 program is not in doubt an advantage to the
part of the students. However, there were parents also, who had been previously


fed by negative information regarding the K 12 program, who are still doubting
about the capacity of the Department of Education as regards to the
implementation of new program initiated by the Department and supported fully
by the President of the Philippines.
The indicators for personal were ranked from highest to lowest. These
were: It add financial burden to the family, (4.82); It will help my son/daughter
learn skills which are relevant to have a sustainable and decent life in the future,
(4.45); It give hope to change the economic status of the family, (4.11); It help my
son/daughter to be mold as a better person, (3.4); and, it is remarkable and I am
excited with the full implementation of K 12 program, (2.4).
Table 4




It is remarkable and I am excited with
the full implementation of K 12
It will help my son/daughter learn
skills which are relevant to have a
sustainable and decent life in the
It add financial burden to the family.
It give hope to change the economic
status of the family.
It helps my son/daughter to be mold
as a better person.


4.50 5.00 Very Much True (VMT)

3.50 4.49 Much True (MT)
2.50 3.49 True (T)







1.50 2.49 Slightly True (ST)
1.00 1.49 Not at all true (NT)

Students Welfare. The students welfare was always the concern, not
only by the teachers but by the government as well. It is being said that the
student of this generation will be the builders of tomorrows future. This K 12 is
abreast with this idea to fully develop the skills of these students and further
cultivate it so that they will not become liabilities to the country but instead, a
valuable citizen of this nation.
Table 5 presents the different indicators for the parents perception about
the K 12 program in terms of students welfare. Generally, it garnered three (3)
Very Much True and three (3) for the Much True and two (2) for the True
From highest to lowest, it was been rated and arranged as follows:
Graduates will possess competencies and skills relevant to the job market,
(4.91); It enhance knowledge and skills of the students, (4.68); It gives students
more time to other learning opportunities beyond the classroom, (4.6); It boost
the self-confidence of the students, (4.34); Graduates can be given recognition to
work in abroad, (3.85); Graduates will be prepared for higher education, (3.54); It
is an enjoyable experience, (3.2); and last the government is in a hurry to
implement and yet the students are not yet ready, (2.57).
Table 5
Students Welfare


1. It enhances knowledge and skills
of the students.
2. It boosts the self-confidence of the
3. It is an enjoyable experience.
4. It gives students more time to
beyond the classroom.
5. Graduates
competencies and skills relevant
to the job market.
6. Graduates will be prepared for
higher education.
7. The government is in a hurry to
implement and yet the students
are not yet ready.
8. Graduates
recognition to work in abroad.
4.50 5.00
3.50 4.49
2.50 3.49
1.50 2.49
1.00 1.49

d Mean















Very Much True (VMT)

Much True (MT)
True (T)
Slightly True (ST)
Not at all true (NT)

Parents Perceived Problems

Regarding the Implementation of K 12 Program
Parents are among the closest people who are indirectly affected with this
new DepEd program. Nevertheless, the parents are the stakeholder of the Sta.
Maria High School. Their ultimate concerns were all beneficial to the students.


In descending order were the parents perceived problem regarding the

implementation of the program. These were the following indicators with their
corresponding weighted mean: There will be shortage of classroom, teachers
and non-teaching personnel, (5); There are lots of facilities lacking like computer
laboratory, library and others, (4.94); This will cause additional financial problem,
(4.91); Additional dependency to parents, (4.85); Additional burden to the parents
and students, (4.57); It will prolong the years of stay of the students in school,
(4.28); This will cause confusion to the student what course to get, (3.65); It will
detrail their plan of having their children to work early to be able to help them
financially, (3.57); It will deprive the other siblings to study, (2.82); Vague future,
The data presented implied that the parents were also evaluating the
advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of the K 12 program. The
parents are aware of the benefits that their students can get from K 12

Table 6
1. It will prolong the years of stay of
the students in school.
2. Additional burden to the parents
and students.

d Mean






3. This will cause additional financial

4. It will deprive the other siblings to
5. This will cause confusion to the
student what course to get.
6. There are lots of facilities lacking
like computer laboratory, library
and others;
7. There will be shortage of
classroom, teachers and nonteaching personnel.
8. Additional dependency to parents.
9. Vague future.
10. It will detrail their plan of having
their children to work early to be
able to help them financially.
4.50 5.00
3.50 4.49
2.50 3.49
1.50 2.49
1.00 1.49












Very Much True (VMT)

Much True (MT)
True (T)
Slightly True (ST)
Not at all true (NT)

Summary, Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations


This chapter presents the summary of the study, the presentation of the
findings and formulation of the findings and recommendations derived from the
analysis and interpretation of the data.
This study aimed to determine the views of the Grade VII students
parents as regards to the implementation of K 12 program.
Specifically, the study sought answers to the following questions:
1. What are the parents sources of information about K 12 program.
2. What are the parents reaction about the implementation of the K-12
program along;
2.1 Rationale
3. What is the parents perception about the implementation of K -12
program, in terms of:
3.1 Personal
3.2 Students Welfare
4. What are the perceived problems of the parents regarding the
implementation of K 12 program.

Parents Sources of Information
About K 12 Program

The following sources of information about the K - 12 program with their

corresponding weighted mean: PTA Meetings, (5); Orientation Conferences
(4.94); Teachers and School Administrators, (4.68);Television, (4.54);


Newspapers and magazines, (3.71);Friends and Relatives, (3.05); Books, (2.37);

Radio, (1.37); Internet, (1.14).
The Parents Reaction about the
Implementation of the K-12 Program

Rationale. There was ten (10) indicators these were generally rated as
Much True interpretation. This was: Most graduates in high school are too
young to enter the labor force. Therefore, I am happy that this K 12 program
would be productive and not be vulnerable to exploitative labor practices, (4.91).

Parents Perception About the

Implementation of K 12 Program.
Personal. The indicators for personal were ranked from highest to lowest
these were: It add financial burden to the family, (4.82); It will help my
son/daughter learn skills which are relevant to have a sustainable and decent life
in the future, (4.45); It give hope to change the economic status of the family,
(4.11); It help my son/daughter to be mold as a better person, (3.4); and, it is
remarkable and I am excited with the full implementation of K 12 program,
Students Welfare. The different indicators arranged from highest to
lowest with their corresponding weighted mean: It add financial burden to the
family, (4.82); It will help my son/daughter learn skills which are relevant to have
a sustainable and decent life in the future, (4.45); It give hope to change the
economic status of the family, (4.11); It help my son/daughter to be mold as a


better person, (3.4); and, it is remarkable and I am excited with the full
implementation of K 12 program, (2.4).
Parents Perceived Problems Regarding
the Implementation of K 12 Program

In descending order were the parents perceived problem regarding the

implementation of the program. These were the following indicators with their
corresponding weighted mean: There will be shortage of classroom, teachers
and non-teaching personnel, (5); There are lots of facilities lacking like computer
laboratory, library and others, (4.94); This will cause additional financial problem,
(4.91); Additional dependency to parents, (4.85); Additional burden to the parents
and students, (4.57); It will prolong the years of stay of the students in school,
(4.28); This will cause confusion to the student what course to get, (3.65); It will
detrail their plan of having their children to work early to be able to help them
financially, (3.57); It will deprive the other siblings to study, (2.82); Vague future,
The following conclusions were derived from the findings:
Parents Sources of Information about the K 12 Program.
In this study, there were nine (9) indicators as a source of information
presented as the vehicles for the information needed by the parents about the K


12 program. Majority of the respondents had their sources of information from

PTA meeting and Orientation Conferences.

The Parents Reaction about the Implementation of K-12

Rationale. The current educational system does not possess the
basic competencies. K -12 program was only concern with the student
who are not yet ready to enter the world of work. This program will
pave way to a generation of graduates who are equipped not only with
knowledge but also with skills which are relevant as they go on with
their daily life experiences for futures sustainable development.

Parents Perception about the Implementation of K 12

Personal. This K 12 program will be a burden on the part of parents and
students, not just for emotional, physical reason but also in financial aspect
because this program will prolong the years of stay in school of the students.
This K 12 program main goals is to equip the graduates with knowledge
and skills that will arm Pilipino graduates to be at a solid ground where if not for
excellence with foreign countries but at least, quality workers.


Students Welfare. This K 12 program is abreast with new idea to fully

develop and cultivate the skills of students, so that they will not become liabilities
to the country but instead, these will be a valuable citizen of this country.

Parents Perceived Problems Regarding the Implementation of

K 12 Program
The parents have also evaluated the disadvantages of the
implementation of K 12 program will the most perceived problems is
that these could be a shortage of classroom, teachers and non
teaching personnel. This is true as we see and observed it today.

The following recommendations are derived from the findings
and conclusions.
1. Parents should watch programs from television which will help
them to get a better understanding about K 12 program. If they
have suggestion and clarification, the government should
entertain it and be open to the public and different schools of
giving the right information regarding the new program.
2. The K 12 program should include subjects which will boosts the
students personality to face the problems generated from
economic crisis and environmental dilemma.


3. Suggests







participation rate and retention rate.

4. Parents and teachers should help each other for the sake of the
students. And should have an income generating project such as
Gulayan sa Paaralan (which can be sold in the market), and
students should be encouraged to save money.
5. Future researchers should conduct a study on the effectiveness
of K 12 after the implementation of the program.


Unpublished Theses

Manalo, Katherine T. (2012) Enhanced K 12 program as Perceived by

the Parents of the Grade Six Pupils of baao District, baao
Camarines Sur
Nartates, Jonathan M. (2011) The Effect of Broken Homes among Early


Teenagers to their Academic Performance

Tan, Jeryl S. (2011) Most Perceived Problems on K 12 program of
Students in Souther Luzon Elementary School, Tagkawayan
Zellman, Gail L. (2012), Implementation of the K 12 Education Reform
In Qatars Schools
Marston, Jennifer T. (2011) Perception of Students and Parents Involved
In Primary to Secondary School Transition Program

Discussion Paper (2010)
Webster Universal and dictionary Thesaurus




University of Northeastern Philippines

Iriga City

Dear Respondents;
The undersigned is conducting a research study entitled The Reaction
of the Grade VII Parents on K 12 Implementation. In partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree Bachelor of Secondary Education.
In this connection, may I request your outmost cooperation to answer
each item of this questionnaire to the best of your ability upon consideration of
truth and honesty. Rest assured that whatever responses you made will be dealt
with high confidentiality.
Thank you very much for your usual cooperation.


Profile of the Respondents

(Please fill up the necessary information in the questionnaire)
Name:_______________________________ Age:________ Gender:________
Occupation of Students Mother:______________________________________
Occupation of Students Father:______________________________________



What are the parents sources of information about the K-12


(Please choose from the verbal indicators the answer which you think and feel is
right. There is no right or wrong answer.)Check (/) the number of your answer.

Verbal Indicators

Very Much True

Much True
Moderately True
Slightly True
Not at all True

1. Television
2. Newspaper and Magazines
3. Books
4. Radio
5. Internet
6. PTA Meetings
7. Friends and Relatives
8. Teachers and School Administrators
9. Orientation Conferences
10. Others(PleaseSpecify)_________________________________________


What is the parents reaction about the implementation of the K12 program.

(Please choose from the verbal indicators the answer which you think and feel is
right. There is no right or wrong answer.) Check (/) the number of your chosen

Verbal Indicators

Very Much True

Much True
Moderately True
Slightly True
Not at all True


1. I am happy that the implemented curriculum will
decongest academic workload.
2. Gives students more time to master competencies
and skills as well.
3. Enough time for other learning opportunities beyond
the classroom.
4. Allows learning for a more holistic development
5. I do appreciate that the graduates will possess
competencies and skills relevant to the job market.
6. I understand that graduates will prepare for higher
7. Basic education will ensure sufficient mastery of the
core subjects to its graduates such that graduates
may pursue higher education if they choose to.
8. Advantage for those who intend to continue
studying abroad because the curriculum is almost
parallel with other countrys curriculum.
9. Most graduates in high school are too young to
enter the labor force. Therefore, I am happy that
this K 12 program would be productive and not be
vulnerable to exploitative labor practices.
10. The most basic education program affects the
human development of the Pilipino children. The
implementation of K 12 program will make the
entrepreneurship or employment or higher
education disciplines.
11. Others ( Please Specify) _________________

What is the parents perception about the implementation of K

12 program.

(Please choose from the verbal indicators the answer which you think and
feel is right. There is no right or wrong answer.) Check (/) the number of your
chosen answer)

Verbal Indicators



Very Much True

Much True
Moderately True
Slightly True
Not at all True

A. Personal



It is remarkable and I am excited with the full
implementation of K 12 program.
It will help my son/daughter learn skills which
are relevant to have a sustainable and decent
life in the future.
It add financial burden to the family.
It give hope to change the economic status of
the family.
It help my son/daughter to be mold as a better

B. Students welfare


It enhance knowledge and skills of the students.
It boost the self-confidence of the students.
It is an enjoyable experience.
It gives students more time to other learning
opportunities beyond the classroom.
Graduates will possess competencies and skills
relevant to the job market.
Graduates will be prepared for higher
The government is in a hurry to implement and
yet the students are not yet ready.
Graduates can be given recognition to work in
Others (please specify)______________

What are the perceived problems of the parents regarding the

implementation of K 12 program.


(Please choose from the verbal indicators the answer which you think and feel is
right. There is no right or wrong answer.) Check (/) the number of your chosen

Verbal Indicators

Very Much True

Much True
Moderately True
Slightly True
Not at all True

11. It will prolong the years of stay of the students in
12. Additional burden to the parents and students.
13. This will cause additional financial problem.
14. It will deprive the other siblings to study.
15. This will cause confusion to the student what
course to get.
16. There are lots of facilities lacking like computer
laboratory, library and others;
17. There will be shortage of classroom, teachers and
non-teaching personnel.
18. Additional dependency to parents.
19. Vague future.
20. It will detrail their plan of having their children to
work early to be able to help them financially.
21. Others. (Please specify)_________________

Thank you very much!!!

The Researcher




Rechelain P. Parica

Date of Birth

June 11, 1993

Place of Birth

Cawayan, Sta. Maria Iriga City



Zone 1, Cawayan, Sta. Maria Iriga City

Civil Status





Mr. Edgar Ibasco Parica

Mrs. Evelyn Panambo Parica

Ramon P. Parica

Rowena P. Catimbang

Ria P. Parica

Rochelle P. Parica

Ronalyn P. Parica



Cawayan Elementary School


Cawayan, Sta. Maria Iriga City

School year: 1998 - 2004

Sta. Maria High School

Cawayan, Sta. Maria Iriga City
Year graduated 2004 -2008


Oliveros College Inc.(OCI)

Consumer Electronics Servicing(CES)
Iriga City, Camarines Sur
School year: 2009 2009

University of Northeastern Philippines

Bachelor of Secondary Education
Iriga City, Camarines Sur
School year: 2009 Present

Enhancing Pre-service training of Teacher

Education Student
Albay Astrodome, Legaspi City
August 3, 2010
Information Literacy and Technology: Shaping
Our Future
Unep Mini- theater, Iriga City
December 3, 2010
Personality Development and Team building
Kolping Complex, Haring , Canaman Cam Sur
August 27, 2011
Org. Camp Boosting Leadership Potentials in
Delivering Better Service towards Unity and
University of North Eastern Philippines, Iriga
December 1,2, and 3, 2011


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