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Deliverable 1

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Deliverable 1

Electronic voting (also known as e-voting) is voting using electronic systems
to aid casting and counting votes. Electronic voting technology can include
punched cards, optical scan voting systems and specialized voting kiosks
(including self-contained direct-recording electronic voting systems, or DRE).
It can also involve transmission of ballots and votes via telephones, private
computer networks, or the Internet. In general, two main types of e-Voting
can be identified. 1. e-voting which is physically supervised by
representatives of governmental or independent electoral authorities (e.g.
electronic voting machines located at polling stations). 2. Remote e-Voting
where voting is performed within the voter's sole influence, and is not
physically supervised by representatives of governmental authorities (e.g.
voting from one's personal computer, mobile phone, television via the
internet (also called i-voting). Electronic voting technology can speed the
counting of ballots and can provide improved accessibility for disabled
voters. However, there has been contention, especially in the United States,
that electronic voting, especially DRE voting, could facilitate electoral fraud.
Online Voting System a voter can use his\her voting right online without
difficulty. He\she has to be registered first for him/her to vote. Registration is
mainly done by the system administrator or election committee for security
reasons. The system Administrator registers the voters on a special site of
the system visited by him only by simply filling a registration form to register
voter. Citizens seeking registration are expected to contract the system
administrator to submit their details. After the validity of them being citizens
of India has been confirmed by the system administrator by comparing their
details submitted with those in existing databases such as those as the
Registrar of Persons, the citizen or students is then registered as a voter.
Computerized voting systems are widely used in elections. This paper
describes using a computerized voting system as the basis for a project in an
Information Technology course. Through the formulation of this system the
students are indeed confident that the whole electoral process will not only
be fast and quick but most of all accurate and precise
As the time passed our technologies helped a lot of people to do the work
easier and in faster way, so we the students of St. Paul College Foundation
Inc. (Team: Big 3) created a system called Computerized Voting System inorder to fasten the voting process of a certain school. In the voting process
students can log-in into the system using their ID number and a given unique
password from the election committee once the student/voter has voted
already he cannot vote again. This system will automatically total the votes
of the students from each candidate and view the winners.

The Problem and its Background

1.1. Project Context
This system project entitled A Proposed Computerized Voting System
for Tungkop National High School is a system development project focused
on the implementation of a system that will store and automate the voters
information and the number of votes. This project was started last June 8,
2015 and is expected to be finished until March 2017.
This project is intended to help the election committee of the school in
the preparation of the election. It is believed that using the decade old
election system to collect votes from the voters is no longer considered
efficient due to the various recurring errors. So time has arrived that the
paper based primordial voting system which has already proven itself an
inefficient and slow procedure is changed immediately. Through this project,
the researchers objective is to have an election that is hassle-free and will
count the result faster, more accurate and reliable.
The system analysts and researchers of this project recommend the
use of Software Engineering techniques to come up with the desired software
and hardware requirements and specification.

Purpose and Description

This project entitled A Proposed Computerized Voting System for

Tungkop National High School is intended to develop a computerized voting
system of Tungkop National High Schools Election.
This project aims to implement a computerized voting system for
Tungkop National High School to lessen the counting process where the
student has to write every ballot form and will be given to the assigned
election committee member to put their votes and store it in database. The
automation of such repetitive task is what the researchers wish to resolve
through the development of a computerized voting system.
List of the persons who will be benefited and how they will be

The School: The main beneficiary in this study is the School in

Tungkop National High School. TNHS would be adopting the new system of
voting through web that will make their work more accurate and efficient.
The Students: This project will aid the researchers in the issues of
manual activity in writing ballot form during election. The students will be
involved in providing the researchers with their desired process of voting and
registering their profile.
The Researchers: This study is a great achievement for the
researchers because it will help them to sharpen their skills and to know
what field is fit for them.
The Election Committee: The election committee itself will be
benefited on the proposed system because; it will help them minimize their
time spent in tallying the votes manually.


This software project entitled A Proposed Computerized Voting

System for Tungkop National High School aims to develop and implement a
computerized voting system to aid the students and the election committee
in securing, storing , retrieving and updating data, specifically the voters
information and the number of votes.

Specifically, this software project aims to:


Determine the feasibility of implementing a computerized voting

system for the students and the election committee in Tungkop
National High School.
Design and develop a voting system based on the given system
requirements and specifications
Develop strategies in maintaining the implemented software and
Prove that the developed and implemented system complies with
the system requirements and/or system specifications.

Scope and Limitations

This study aims to develop a Computerized Voting System, the

study limits on the following and functions:

Store data of the students (fi rst name, last name, middle
initial, section, year level and student id number).
Use of the system is limited to students, election committee and staff
designated to do the work.
Teachers can view her/his schedule and her/his masters list for those
students who is officially enrolls on his/her subjects.

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