MSTA 2004 Conference Program

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Maine Science Teachers Association

Annual Conference

Gardiner Area High School

October 8, 2004

Fall 2004 Conference Program
Exhibitors will be located in the cafeteria throughout the day.

Buccoo Reef Trust

Chewonki *
CPO Science
Delta Education
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
Foundation for Blood Research *
Glencoe-McGraw Hill *
Great Source Educational Group *
Holt, Reinhart & Winston *
It’s About Time *
Maine Audubon Society
Maine Office of GIS
Maine School of Science and Mathematics *
Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Maine Science Lady
McDougall Littell *
Pasco New England
Photonics Laboratory, United Technologies Center
Prentice Hall *
The Energy Teachers Organization
The Science Source *
The Sky Connection *
Thomson Learning
Tilbury House Publishers *
Usborne Books *

Starred exhibitors donated door prizes by the time of publication.

MSTA Annual Fall Conference Schedule
October 8, 2004 – Gardiner Area High School
Registration 7:30 - 8:30 – Main Lobby
Morning Refreshments – Main Lobby
Gardiner Area High School National Honor Society
MSTA Annual Membership Meeting 8:20 – 8:30 - Gym
All are welcomed and encouraged to attend. - A door prize will be given.
Opening Remarks and Presentation of Awards 8:30 - 8:45 - Gym
Page Keeley, 2003-2004 President, MSTA
Presentation of the Phil Marcoux Award to Edward Gleason, Southwest Planetarium
Presentation of the Louis Lambert to Steve Whitney, Asa Gordon Middle School
Introduction of NSTA Representative, David White

Special Presentation: 8:45 – 9:45

The Iron Science Teacher - Gym
Session 1 - Workshops and Presentations
Special Session Speaker 10:00 – 11:00 – Room: ATM
Robert Marvinney – Maine State Geologist
“The Geology of Maine”

Session 2 – Workshops and Presentations

Special Session Speaker 11:15 – 12:15 – Room: ATM
Grace Eason & Andrea Freed
“Concept Cartoons”
Lunch #1: 11:15 – 12:15 * Cafeteria
Please note: There will be a choice of bag or cafeteria style lunches.

Session 3 – Workshops and Presentations

Special Session Speaker 12:30 – 1:30 – Room: ATM
Donna Young
Why Teach Astronomy?

Poster Session – Room: 501

Lunch #2: 12:30 – 1:30 * Cafeteria

Please note: There will be a choice of bag or cafeteria style lunches.

NNCEN & Governor’s Academy Cohort 1 & 2 Luncheon – Room: Library

Session 4 – Workshops and Presentations

Special Session Speaker 1:45 –2:45 – Room: ATM
Pam Buffington, Ph.D
Technology Integrated Mathematics & Science
Door Prizes & Wrap Up: 2:50 - Cafeteria

Exhibitors will be located in the cafeteria throughout the day. Discounts will be offered to
all participants at the NSTA Bookstore in the cafeteria.

Page 1
MSTA Fall 2004 Convention Strand & Session Matrix October 8, 2004
Session #3
Session #2
Lunch 2 - Cafeteria
Session #1 (11:15-12:15) Session #4
Strand (8:45-9:45) Poster Session
(10:00-11:00) Lunch 1 - Cafeteria (1:45-2:45)
NNCEN and Governor’s
Academy Cohort 1 & 2
Special Presentation Featured Speaker Featured Speaker
Featured Speaker Featured Speaker
Assessment Iron Science Teacher Grace Eason & Pam Buffington, Ph.D
Robert Marvinney Donna Young
Andrea Freed Technology Integrated
The Geology of Maine Why Teach Astronomy?
Concept Cartoons Mathematics & Science
Gr. K-12 Gr. K-12
Gr. 7-12 Gr. 9-12
Using Benchmarks and Data Using Benchmarks and Data ABC’s of Assessment: A Probing for Students’ Ideas in
from Local Assessment from Local Assessment Sequential Approach to Science Gr. K – 12
Development Field Test Gr. Development Field Test Teaching Ecology Gr. 5 - 8 Francis Eberle & Page
K-4 Beth Beyers-Small, Gr. 5-8 Beth Beyers-Small, Kim Schutsky, Ferry Beach Keeley, MMSA
Debra McIntyre & Jill Debra McIntyre & Jill Ecology School; Alex Grindle,
Rosenblum, MMSA Rosenblum, MMSA Ferry Beach Ecology School Assessment Reliability -
Room: Consistency and Accuracy
Assessing the Learning Gr. K-12 Jill Rosenblum,
Results in Science and Using Benchmarks and Data MMSA
Technology Using the MEA from Local Assessment
Gr. 9-12 Tom Keller, Maine Development Field Test
DOE Gr. 9-12 Beth Beyers-Small,
Debra McIntyre & Jill
Rosenblum, MMSA
Project WILD Aquatic National Geographic Project WILD Aquatic Mentoring and Encouraging
Environmental (Session 1 of 3) Gr. K-12 Society’s Geography Action! (Session 3 of 3) Gr. K-12 Students with Disabilities to
Science Lisa Kane, Project Wild Habitat: Home Sweet Home Lisa Kane, Project Wild Participate in Science,
Gr. K-12Joanne Alex, Technology, Engineering, and
Students & Scientists Stillwater Montessori School International Environ-mental Mathematics Gr. K-12 Rob
Together - A New Look at Change Workshop Series – Sanford, USM
GLOBE Gr. K - 12 Henrietta Project WILD Aquatic Phase II the Biosphere Gr. 5-
List, MMSA (Session 2 of 3) Gr. K-12 12 Deb Avalone-King, Maine Quests: Natural History
Lisa Kane, Project Wild DEP Treasure Hunts Gr. K-8 Deb
Investigating Sources of Avalone-King, Maine DEP;
School Yard Pollution Using Vending Misers: An Peter Zack, Maine Energy
Gr. 9-12 Barb Welch & Inquiry Based Math & Education Program
Christine Smith, Maine DEP Science Project Gr. 6 - 12
Laurie Olmstead, Thomaston Local Libraries, town forest,
Grammar School Room: and Project Learning Tree –
and inquiry based study of
your local natural world!
Gr. K-8 Patricia Maloney,
Maine Project Learning Tree;
Kevin Doran, Maine Forest

Page 2
MSTA Fall 2004 Convention Strand & Session Matrix October 8, 2004

Session #3
Session #2
Lunch 2 - Cafeteria
Session #1 (11:15-12:15) Session #4
Strand (8:45-9:45) Poster Session
(10:00-11:00) Lunch 1 - Cafeteria (1:45-2:45)
NNCEN and Governor’s
Academy Cohort 1 & 2
General Special Presentation What Science are Science Geographic Information Strategies for Improving
Iron Science Teacher Teachers Say They are Systems: What’s all the Buzz Communication Between
Teaching and What does that About? Gr. K - 12 Henrietta Teachers Gr. K-12 Vincent
Mean for Students? Gr. K-12 List, MMSA; Bridgit Kirouac, Johnson, SAD 35
Francis Eberle, MMSA Maine GIS Office
Engaging Students in Grades
Do You Have a New Science NNECN Cohort Meeting for 4 – 8 in Innovative Materials
Teacher in Your School? Mentors and Mentees Gr. 5- for Science Literacy Gr. 4-8
Content Mentoring That Can 12 Lynn Farrin, MMSA; Pat Warren,
Make a Difference! Gr. 6-12 Sharon Gallant, Gardiner
Sharon Gallant, Gardiner Middle School The Presidential Awards for
Middle School; Amy Shnur, Excellence in Science
Gardiner Middle School; Using the National Standards Teaching Gr. 5 – 12 Tom
Brian Greenlaw, Gardiner and Maine Learning Results Keller, Maine DOE
High School; Randy Wing, for Unit Planning in the
Gardiner High School; Mary Science Classroom Gr 9-12
Whitten, Gardiner High Linda D’Apolito, Falmouth
School High School
CTS and PRISMS - Two New
NSF Projects for Maine
Science Teachers!
Gr. 5-12 Page Keeley & Lynn
Farrin, MMSA
See your middle school Investigate Forensic Science Use Chem-2 and all your See your middle school
students soar with SEP-UP Using Simple Lab Activities students will be above student soar with SEPUP
(SALI) Gr. 7-8 Liz Sorrell, Gr. K-12 Judy Crosby, average! Gr. 4-6 Liz Sorrell, (IEY) Gr. 8-9 Liz Sorrell, Lab-
Lab-Aids DaVinci Experience: Science Lab-Aids Aids
& Arts Programs; Christy
Genes in a Bottle McKinney, DaVinci Berry Full of DNA Gr 5-12
Gr. 5-12 Beth Chagrasulis, Experience: Science & Arts Beth Chagrasulis, Lake
Lake Region High School Programs Region High School

Environmental science that

all students can use Gr. 9-12
Liz Sorrell, Lab-Aids

Page 3
MSTA Fall 2004 Convention Strand & Session Matrix October 8, 2004

Session #3
Session #2
Lunch 2 - Cafeteria
Session #1 (11:15-12:15) Session #4
Strand (8:45-9:45) Poster Session
(10:00-11:00) Lunch 1 - Cafeteria (1:45-2:45)
NNCEN and Governor’s
Academy Cohort 1 & 2
Life Science Special Presentation Face to Face with Marine Service Learning Through Integrating Drug Education Using Marine Biology to
Iron Science Teacher Science at the Gulf of Maine Roots & Shoots Gr. K - 12 Into the Science Classroom Demonstrate Concepts in
Research Laboratory Gr. 5-8 Jennifer Gresham, Jane Gr. 9-12 Rosemarie Smith, Physics Gr. 7-12 Dennis
Alan Lishness, Susan Goodall Institute Room: Waterville High School; Levandoski, Greely Jr High
Hayhurst,; Tom Farmer, Dana Martha Cobb, Waterville High School; Peter Jumars,
Hutchins; Gulf of Maine School; Jody Veilleux, University of Maine
Research Institute Waterville High School
FOSS Balance and Motion - Engineering the Future Active Physics: A Secondary "K’NEXtions" with Forces and
A physical science module for Gr. K-12 Pete Mickleson, Physics Core Curriculum Gr. Motion Gr. 6-8 Barbara
the primary grades. Gr. K - 2 Maine Engineering Promotion 9 - 12 Arthur Germano, It’s Fortier, Biddeford Middle
Cindy Langdon, SAD 60 Council About Time Publishing School

Our Sun: Energy, Electricity Our Changing Climate: Things to do with a Bell Jar
and the Environment Gr. 5-8 Global Warming/Renewable Gr. 9-12 Susan Klemmer,
Mary Dunn, Messalonskee Energy Gr. 5-8 Chris Camden Hills Regional High
Science and
Middle School, Rachel Smith, Coleman, Chewonki School
Hall-Dale School Foundation
EarthComm: Earth System
Experience an Exemplary, Electrical Energy and the Science in the Community Gr.
Inquiry-Based, Physical/Earth Environment: From Apple 9 - 12 Arthur Germano, It’s
Science Module (FOSS Batteries to Energy Patrol About Time Publishing
Middle :"Weather and Water") Gr. 4-12 Peter Zack, Maine
Gr. 5 - 8 Christine Anderson- Energy Education Program Video Demonstration
Morehouse, Maine Science Lessons Gr. K-12 Steve
Collaborative DeAngelis, Maranacook
Community School; Lynn
Model Rocketry Gr. 9 - 12 Farrin, MMSA
Mike Weiss, Falmouth High
School Room:

Page 4
MSTA Fall 2004 Convention Strand & Session Matrix October 8, 2004

Session #3
Session #2
Lunch 2 - Cafeteria
Session #1 (11:15-12:15) Session #4
Strand (8:45-9:45) Poster Session
(10:00-11:00) Lunch 1 - Cafeteria (1:45-2:45)
NNCEN and Governor’s
Academy Cohort 1 & 2
Space Science Special Presentation "What’s in Space? How do Stellar Cycle Gr. 5-12 Pamela Specifically Sunspots Toys in Space Gr. K - 4
Iron Science Teacher we get there? How would we Perry, Chandra X-ray Center; Gr. 6-8 Barbara Fortier, Featured Speaker Nancy
live there? And is there life in Gary Glick, Chandra X-ray Biddeford Middle School Chesley, Mabel I Wilson
outer space? Using Center; Donna Young, School
children’s questions to design Chandra X-ray Center
an integrated curriculum. Gr. Want to fly a mission at the
K-4 Joanne Alex, Stillwater Challenger Learning Center?
Montessori School Gr. 5-8 Robyn Kennedy,
Challenger Learning Center
Mapping the Invisible
Universe Gr. 5-12 Pamela
Perry, Chandra X-ray Center;
Gary Glick, Chandra X-ray
Center; Donna Young,
Chandra X-ray Center
Probeware in the Classroom What Lake Should We Cool Free Science Tools and Meet Ribit: an Online Inquiry
Gr. 9-12 Jon Swan, Lewiston Vacation at This Summer? Activities Gr. K-12 Elizabeth Tool for Science Gr. K-12
High School Gr. 5-12 Christine Smith, Sky-McIlvain, Least Tern Elizabeth Sky-McIlvain, Least
Maine DEP Tern
Mathematical Modeling in Measuring the Circumference
Scientific Inquiry Gr. 6-12 Blogging for Science of Earth - with GPS! Gr. 9-12 QUEST: Science You Can
Dr. Chuck Kim, University of Gr. 5-12 Elizabeth Sky- Kelly Welch, Greely High Use Gr. K-8 Barbara Noyes-
Maine Machias McIlvain, Least Tern School Pulling, Maine PBS

PASCO and MLTI Gr. K-12 PASCO Open LabI Gr. K-12 Using Real Time Data on the Astronomical Data Analysis
Dave Small, PASCO New Dave Small, PASCO New Internet to Address Concerns Using ds9 Gr.9-12 Pamela
England England in Secondary School Science Perry, Chandra X-ray Center;
Gr. 9-12 Jonah Rosenfield, Gary Glick, Chandra X-ray
Waynflete School Center; Donna Young,
Chandra X-ray Center
Introduction to PASCO
Probeware Gr. K-12 PASCO Open Lab Gr. K-12
Dave Small, PASCO New Dave Small, PASCO New
England England

Page 5
MSTA Fall Conference 2004 – Summaries of Presentations
Specia l Pr es enta tion
Iron Science Teacher Room: Gym Grades: K - 12
Presenter: Steve DeAngelis, Maranacook Community School
After getting its start at the San Francisco Exploratorium, the Iron Science Teacher competition is coming
to a Maine stage for the first time at the MSTA meeting in Gardiner. The Iron Science Teacher
competition is a wacky science “cook-off” that parodies the cult Japanese TV show, The Iron Chef. To
kick off this year’s MSTA conference, Maine science teachers will challenge each other for the revered
title of Maine’s Iron Science Teacher by creating demonstrations and lessons in different scientific
disciplines using the same “secret ingredient.” In front of a peer audience and the watchful eyes of
celebrity judges, this select group of teachers will develop creative, fast-paced lessons. The audience will
then determine the winning teacher, who will be crowned the “1st Evah” Maine Iron Science Teacher and
get to don the coveted Iron Science Teacher lab coat. This lively, entertaining science game show should
be an energizing way to kick off a great day of learning about science teaching!

Ses sion #1 8: 45 – 9:45

Special Session Speaker
The Geology of Maine for K-12 Teachers Grades: K - 12
Session: 1 Room: ATM
Presenter: Robert Marvinny, Maine Geological Survey
Maine's State Geologist will review web materials about the geology of Maine. He will discuss CREST
materials (Curriculum Resources for Earth Science Teachers) and give examples of geological field trip

"What’s in Space? How do we get there? How would we live there? Grades: K - 4
And is there life in outer space? Using children’s questions to design
an integrated curriculum.
Session: 1 Room: 114
Presenter: Joanne Alex, Stillwater Montessori School
In today’s world, astronauts, the space shuttle, and galaxies are household words. I will share how to
create meaningful integrated curriculum using space as our theme, to meet the State and national
Standards not only in science but other core content areas as well. This workshop will include hands-on
activities and suggested books that will pique children’s curiosity, answer their questions about apace and
inspire them to take care of planet Earth.
Strand: Space Science

Using Benchmarks and Data from Local Assessment Development Field Grades: K - 4
Session: 1 Room: 502
Presenters: Beth Beyers-Small, MMSA; Debra McIntyre, MMSA; Jill Rosenblum, MMSA
The team will offer grade appropriate sessions focusing on science assessment. The team will share how
data and student work that has been benchmarked through the Local Assessment Development (LAD)
field test can be used to improve instruction, assess student performance and develop reliable scoring.
Strand: Assessment

Project WILD Aquatic (Session 1 of 3) Grades: K - 12

Session: 1 Room: 512
Presenter: Lisa Kane, Project Wild
Project WILD is a hands-on wildlife and conservation education activity guide for grades K - 12. Project
WILD Aquatic focuses on aquatic wildlife and their habitats with over 40 easily integrated, multidisciplinary
activities, aligned with the LR’s. Participants must attend the full 2.5 hour session to receive the activity
guide, posters, prizes and other supplemental handouts.
Strand: Environmental Science

Page 6
What Science are Science Teachers Say They are Teaching and What Grades: K - 12
does that Mean for Students?
Session: 1 Room: 507
Presenter: Francis Eberle, MMSA
This session will report statewide data from the Survey of enacted Curriculum for what science and practices
Maine teachers say they are doing. Additionally, the identification of statewide patterns, gaps and trends will be
explored to show how this informs improving science education at the classroom school and district levels.
Strand: General

Assessing the Learning Results in Science and Technology Using the Grades: K - 12
Session: 1 Room: 503
Presenter: Tom Keller, Maine DOE
This session will highlight the design specifications of the MEA, the process of item development, and address
reports that are sent to local educational agencies. The session will start with the basics, and then address as
many questions as you have that I can answer.
Strand: Assessment

PASCO and MLTI Grades: K - 12

Session: 1 Room: 505
Presenter: Dave Small, PASCO New England
PASCO’s DataStudio software is included on each iBook in the MLTI project. This presentation will be a fast
paced exploration of how to collect data using probeware. We’ll look at what’s available for curriculum
resources and talk about PASCO’s middle school exemplars on such topics as Force & Motion, Light & Sound,
Temperature, pH, Heart Rate, Electricity & Magnetism, Water Quality, Water Purification, and Properties of
Strand: Technology

CTS and PRISMS - Two New NSF Projects for Maine Science Teachers! Grades: K - 12
Session: 1 Room: 508
Presenters: Page Keeley, MMSA; Lynn Farrin, MMSA
This session will feature two new National Science Foundation Projects awarded to the Maine Mathematics
and Science Alliance. CTS is a set of powerful new tools, to be published in March, to help science teachers
utilize national standards and research to inform teaching and learning. We will share how these tools provide
the “missing link” for implementing Learning Results and transforming professional development. PRISMS –
Phenomena and Representations for Instruction of Science in Middle Schools is a partnerships with the
American Association for the Advancement of Science to develop a collection of science objects, aligned to the
Project 2061 Benchmarks, identified by Maine’s laptop teacher, for the National Science Digital Library.
Participants will learn how thy can get involved in both of theses exciting, new projects.
Strand: General

Students & Scientists Together - A New Look at GLOBE Grades: K - 12

Session: 1 Room: 402
Presenter: Henrietta List, MMSA
Scientists and students together examining earth systems interactions makes the GLOBE program a unique
opportunity for classrooms. MMSA is pleased to be able to provide teachers with support in implementing this
program. Find out about the variety of studies students can now do as part of GLOBE.
Strand: Environmental Science

Our Sun: Energy, Electricity and the Environment Grades: 5 - 8

Session: 1 Room: 404
Presenters: Mary Dunn, Messalonskee Middle School; Rachel Smith, Hall Dale Middle School
Energy is one of the top environmental issues facing our nation at this time and undoubtedly will be for a long
time to come. This workshop connects teaching/learning about energy starting with the sun. It includes energy
in several forms; it’s effect on our planet’s magnetosphere, through our food chain, as a natural resource and in
particular as a viable renewable energy source. The making, using, and conserving of electricity is included
and how the production and use of energy for electricity affects our environment. This unit integrates earth, life,
physical, and space science into a year long study for middle school students.
Strand: Physical Science and Energy

Page 7
Face to Face with Marine Science at the Gulf of Maine Research Grades: 5 - 8
Session: 1 Room: 102
Presenters: Alan Lishness, Susan Hayhurst, Tom Farmer & Dana Hutchins, Gulf of Maine Research
The Gulf of Maine Research Institute is opening its doors to 5th and 6th grade classes. During hands-on
investigations at digital exhibits, students will explore marine science topics in the laboratory. Join us to
find out more and discuss your ideas for post-visit website activities that link to your curriculum.
Strand: Life Science

Experience an Exemplary, Inquiry-Based, Physical/Earth Science Grades: 5 - 8

Module (FOSS Middle :"Weather and Water")
Session: 1 Room: 120
Presenter: Christine Anderson-Morehouse, Maine Science Collaborative
"Weather and Water" uses the earth science of weather to introduce and to apply many physics concepts.
Learn about hands-on investigations, on-line resources and multi-media simulations that support
understanding of phenomena and abstract concepts. Students develop and use literacy skills to
communicate and to clarify thinking. Concepts addressed: properties of earth’s atmosphere and
processes that produce weather (including energy transfer, atmospheric gases, atmospheric pressure,
water cycle, heat, solar energy/seasons, radiation, conduction, convection, density, pressure, climate and
more). Concept application involves analyzing local and global weather data using instruments and
media reports.
Strand: Physical Science and Energy

Genes in a Bottle Grades: 5 - 12

Session: 1 Room: 510
Presenter: Beth Chagrasulis, Lake Region High School
Your students can capture, preserve, and even wear their own DNA! With this BioRad kit, students gain
practical knowledge by conducting a real-world lab procedure that is used to extract DNA from many
different organisms for a variety of applications. Your students will extract genomic DNA from their own
cheek cells and watch it precipitate from solution. The strands are then easily collected and transferred to
a glass vial and the vial is fashioned into a necklace.
Strand: Laboratory

Mapping the Invisible Universe Grades: 5 - 12

Session: 1 Room: 118
Presenters: Pamela Perry, Gary Glick, & Donna Young, Chandra X-ray Center
In this activity, participants will use a detector to measure invisible electromagnetic radiation in a given
area. These numerical measurements will then be transferred to a grid, where numbers are binned and
images are created in a method similar to the one scientists use with Chandra X-Ray Observatory data.
Strand: Space Science

Do You Have a New Science Teacher in Your School? Content Grades: 5 - 12

Mentoring That Can Make a Difference!
Session: 1 Room: 506
Presenters: Sharon Gallant & Gardiner Middle School; Brian Greenlaw, Randy Wing & Mary Whitten,
Gardiner High School
Teaching has its wonderful and difficult times. Think about the difficulties for a new teacher during these
times of changing to standards based system and NCLB. This session will take a look at the content
mentoring in science: how is it different and our successes. We have been involved in the NNECN
(Northern New England Co-Mentoring Network) NSF funded project. We will share the resources that we
have used. Several of the resources we have used will be given as door prizes at the end of the session.
Strand: General

Page 8
Probeware in the Classroom Grades: 9 - 12
Session: 1 Room: 509
Presenter: Jon Swan, Lewiston High School
This session will emphasize probes and experiments that can be used in routine lab exercise. Vernier
Software probes will be demonstrated, but the discussion will apply to any vendor’s probeware. Probes that
will be shown include pH, pressure, temperature, conductivity, and radiation.
Strand: Technology

Mathematical Modeling in Scientific Inquiry Grades: 9 - 12

Session: 1 Room: 101
Presenter: Chuck Kim, University of Maine Machias
Using mathematical modeling based on computer technology as a tool in science education, we will explore
inquiry method in processing scientific data and constructing big ideas in science. These types of hands-on
activities can make mathematics and science not only meaningful but also interesting.
Strand: Technology

Investigating Sources of School Yard Pollution Grades: 9 - 12

Session: 1 Room: 214
Presenters: Barb Welch, Maine DEP; Christine Smith, Maine DEP
Use the Envirothon 2001 Special Topic as a culminating activity and assessment to engage your students in
becoming responsible and involved citizens. As a group they will be assessing possible sources of non-point
source pollution on school grounds, the threat to the school’s drinking water, and the effect the school has on
downstream areas.
Strand: Environmental Science

Model Rocketry Grades: 9 - 12

Session: 1 Room: 109
Presenter: Mike Weiss, Yarmouth High School
Model rocketry can be used to excite kids to science and math concepts. Students build and fly rockets and
write a lap report which uses Newton’s Laws of Motion, spreadsheets, and the Law of Sines to explain student
findings. A student lab manual filled with tips, suggestions and format information will also be discussed.
Strand: Physical Science and Energy

Ses sion # 2 – 10:00 – 11 :00

Lunc h #1
Special Session Speaker
Concept Cartoons: Switching Learners onto Science Grades: 5 - 12
Session: 2 Room: ATM
Presenters: Grace Eason, University of Maine Farmington; Andrea Freed, University of Maine Farmington
Concept cartoons are a new approach to teaching, learning, and assessment in science. They feature
cartoon-style drawings showing different characters arguing about an everyday situation. These cartoons
are designed to intrigue, to provoke discussion and to stimulate scientific thinking because they may not
have a single “right” answer.

FOSS Balance and Motion - A physical science module for the primary Grades: K - 4
Session: 2 Room: 225
Presenter: Cindy Langdon, SAD 60
Come explore the module! This session provides an overview of the Full Option Science System by exploring
one kit, Balance and Motion. Look at the materials and try some of the investigations
Strand: Physical Science and Energy

Investigate Forensic Science Using Simple Lab Activities Grades: K - 8

Session: 2 Room: 511
Presenters: Judy Crosby & Christy McKinney, DaVinci Experience: Science & Arts Programs
Learn how to set up a Crime Lab in your classroom. Use chemistry to analyze evidence and biology to learn
more about a crime. Participate in hands-on activities using observation and creative thinking to investigate
crimes. Try some of the experiments from our most popular DaVinci Experience summer science program.
Strand: Laboratory

Page 9
PASCO Open Lab Grades: K - 12
Session: 2 Room: 505
Presenter: Dave Small, PASCO New England
The “PASCO Petting Zoo” will be set up for you to indulge your mischievous side. We’ll have stations set
up for HS and MS content in topics such as: force, motion, heart rate, temperature, light, sound,
magnetism, electricity, water quality, and more…. This will be an open lab so feel free to wander over and
play with the toys!
Strand: Technology

National Geographic Society’s Geography Action! Habitat: Home Grades: K - 12

Sweet Home
Session: 2 Room: 114
Presenter: Joanne Alex, Stillwater Montessori School
In this session you will be introduced to the world’s ecoregions, the NGS website and the Bangor Daily
News NIE Series on Maine’s Diverse Habitats protected by the National Wildlife Refuge System. I will
share ways to integrate hands-on activities into your curriculum and give students opportunities to
become Habitat Heroes. It is a great Service Learning Opportunity for your students as they meet the
National and State Standards for science and geography. There will be resources and handouts to get
you started.
Strand: Environmental Science

Engineering the Future Grades: K - 12

Session: 2 Room: 224
Presenter: Pete Mickleson, Maine Engineering Promotion Council
Maine’s Engineering Promotion Council shows students an authentic rationale for learning: where they
can create and contribute to a better world through applying the principles of science, math, language and
history to the ever-evolving processes of technology - how people meet their needs and wants. Come
learn what we do.
Strand: Physical Science and Energy

Project WILD Aquatic (Session 2 of 3) Grades: K - 12

Session: 2 Room: 512
Presenter: Lisa Kane, Project Wild
Project WILD is a hands-on wildlife and conservation education activity guide for grades K - 12. Project
WILD Aquatic focuses on aquatic wildlife and their habitats with over 40 easily integrated, multidisciplinary
activities, aligned with the LR's. Participants must attend the full 2.5 hour session to receive the activity
guide, posters, prizes and other supplemental handouts. This is the second of three parts.
Strand: Environmental Science

Service Learning Through Roots & Shoots Grades: K - 12

Session: 2 Room: 220
Presenter: Jennifer Gresham, Jane Goodall Institute
Explore this service – learning based global environmental and humanitarian education program for
youth. See how Roots & Shoots and the Jane Goodall Institute can help you make science learning
exciting and real. Participants will investigate science across the curriculum in a real – world inquiry
setting as they explore how Roots & Shoots connects science education with service – learning.
Strand: Life Science

Using Benchmarks and Data from Local Assessment Development Field Grades: 5 - 8
Session: 2 Room: 502
Presenters: Beth Beyers-Small, MMSA; Debra McIntyre, MMSA; Jill Rosenblum, MMSA
The team will offer grade appropriate sessions focusing on science assessment. The team will share how
data and student work that has been benchmarked through the Local Assessment Development (LAD)
field test can be used to improve instruction, assess student performance and develop reliable scoring.
Strand: Assessment

Our Changing Climate: Global Warming/Renewable Energy Grades: 5 - 8

Page 10
Session: 2 Room: 226
Presenter: Chris Coleman, Chewonki Foundation
The 10 warmest years on record have occurred since 1983, seven of them since 1990. Global
temperatures in 1998 were the hottest in the past 5 million years. These simple facts have inspired the
Chewonki Center for Environmental Education to develop a few resources to assist educators in their
attempts to teach the youth of Maine about the issue. This hour long presentation will give a sampling of
our two-part presentation entitled "Our Changing Climate: Global Warming and Renewable Energy." You
will also be introduced to a newly developed poster designed to make students aware of the options for
sustainable forms of energy such as hydropower, biomass, wind, solar, and hydrogen. By going to
Chewonki’s website,, teachers and students can enjoy an interactive experience that
will open doors to other websites just by clicking on different parts of a digital version of the very same
poster. All attendees will receive a free poster.
Strand: Physical Science and Energy

Stellar Cycle Grades: 5 - 12

Session: 2 Room: 118
Presenters: Pamela Perry, Gary Glick & Donna Young, Chandra X-ray Center
A hands-on activity will be presented where students organize given color images into a slide show
describing stellar evolution. Materials and references will be provided.
Strand: Space Science

Blogging for Science Grades: 5 - 12

Session: 2 Room: 204
Presenter: Elizabeth Sky-McIlvain, Least Tern
The weblog is an online tool for journaling. Its popularity as a collaboration and creative writing tool in the
English/Language Arts classroom is growing, but few teachers are using it for science observations and
lab reports. A simple, free tool for the creation of science weblogs, containing text, images and even
media elements, will be introduced and “tried out” in this hands-on workshop. A few friendly HTML tags
will be taught. Apple laptop users can explore the relationship between MacJournal (free) and Blogger.
Participants will need an accessible e-mail address. They are encouraged to bring digital cameras (and
USB cables), cell phones and iBooks.
Strand: Technology

What Lake Should We Vacation at This Summer? Grades: 5 - 12

Session: 2 Room: 205
Presenter: Christine Smith, Maine DEP
Teachers, come learn how to download real-life water quality data for lakes in Maine from the PEARL
website! Specific lesson plans and assessment rubrics will be shared to help students graph and
interpret data to make determinations about water quality, fishing, and lake protection.
Strand: Technology

Electrical Energy and the Environment: From Apple Batteries to Grades: 5 - 12

Energy Patrol
Session: 2 Room: 403
Presenter: Peter Zack, Maine Energy Education Program
It’s electric! Participants will produce electricity with apple batteries and PV module, discuss real world
electrical generation and its environmental consequences and learn how to establish a student Energy
Patrol (4 - 8) or to undertake the Vending Miser Challenge (7 -12) to monitor school electricity
consumption. All activities are linked to the Maine Learning Results.
Strand: Physical Science and Energy

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Se ssi on # 3 – 12 :30 – 1 :30
Lunc h # 2
Special Session Speaker
Why Teach Astronomy? Grades: K - 12
Session: 3 Room: ATM
Presenter: Donna Young, Chandra X-ray Center
This session was sparked by the discussion started on the Maine Science Listserv – Do we need to teach
Astronomy? This presentation will address why astronomy is important in the K – 12 curriculum and how
the contest of space can be used to teach content and processes across the disciplines of science.

Cool Free Science Tools and Activities Grades: K - 12

Session: 3 Room: 204
Presenter: Elizabeth Sky-McIlvain, Least Tern
This workshop for elementary and middle school teachers will present an alignment of core Maine
Leaning Results for Science and Technology with interactive, collaborative tools and resources that are
freely available on the Internet and adaptable to your curriculum. We will sample some of the short-term
activities and review the best of the long-term projects and collaborations.
Strand: Technology

Aquatic (Session 3 of 3) Grades: K - 12

Session: 3 Room: 512
Presenter: Lisa Kane, Project Wild
Project WILD is a hands-on wildlife and conservation education activity guide for grades K - 12. Project
WILD Aquatic focuses on aquatic wildlife and their habitats with over 40 easily integrated, multidisciplinary
activities, aligned with the LR's. Participants must attend the full 2.5 hour session to receive the activity
guide, posters, prizes and other supplemental handouts. This is the third of three parts.
Strand: Environmental Science

Geographic Information Systems: What’s all the Buzz About? Grades: K - 12

Session: 3 Room: 402
Presenters: Henrietta List, MMSA; Bridgit Kirouac, Maine GIS Office
GIS, GPS is it helpful to students? Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are one of the fastest growing
fields in technology. They allow students to create and query maps with any set of data that has
geographic references. Learn more about this tool including a new OSX version of ArcView.
Strand: General

Introduction to PASCO Probeware Grades: K - 12

Session: 3 Room: 505
Presenter: Dave Small, PASCO New England
Hands on, inquiry driven activities using probeware are effective and accessible tools for math and all the
sciences. In this workshop we’ll look at PASCO’s new USB based probes. We will use temperature
sensors, motion sensors and some of PASCO’s carts and tracks. Handheld data loggers will collect data
and then downloaded for further analysis. Concepts such as distance, velocity, acceleration, motion
down an incline and conservation of momentum studies are just a few of the concepts that can be
studied. Bring your iBook if you have one.
Strand: Technology

ABC’s of Assessment: A Sequential Approach to Teaching Ecology Grades: 5 - 8

Session: 3 Room: 404
Presenters: Kim Schutsky, Ferry Beach Ecology School; Alex Grindle, Ferry Beach Ecology School
From pre-field trip diagnostic activities, to landscape ecology studies outdoors, to concluding classroom
projects, learn how assessment can be used as an effective and cumulative tool for gauging ecology and
science literacy.
Strand: Assessment

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Specifically Sunspots Grades: 5 - 8
Session: 3 Room: 101
Presenter: Barbara Fortier, Biddeford Middle School
This session will focus on using sunspot observations to calculate the rotational period of the sun,
forecast aurora, a engage students in authentic scientific research. Participants will learn to use a
sunspotter and will learn a variety of ways to integrate it into their curriculums. This session will also
include information on how to apply for the Teacher Leader in Research-Based Science Education
Program at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona during the summer of 2005.
Strand: Space Science

International Environmental Change Workshop Series – Phase II the Grades: 5 - 12

Session: 3 Room: 403
Presenter: Deb Avalone-King, Maine DEP
Join us to take a look at the scientific and teaching tools that are available to Maine teachers for studying
the biosphere (living things) of Earth. Learn about how the Maine team and teachers from around the
world are investigating environmental change through classroom instruction and hands-on involvement in
current scientific field and/or laboratory research.
Strand: Environmental Science

NNECN Cohort Meeting for Mentors and Mentees Grades: 5 - 12

Session: 3 Room: Library
Presenters: Lynn Farrin, MMSA; Sharon Gallant, Gardiner Middle School
This is an invitation only meeting for all members of the Cohort I and Cohort II NNECN project. Bring your
lunch, we’ll provide punch and a fabulous dessert buffet, as we continue our work in creating a network of
excellence in teaching.
Strand: General

Using Vending Misers: An Inquiry Based Math & Science Project Grades: 5 - 12
Session: 3 Room: 214
Presenter: Laurie Olmstead, Thomaston Grammar School
Learn how to implement an inquiry based project using Vending Misers to help students investigate the
environmental impact of energy production and how they can help their school district save money.
Students use math and science to create a way to share their information with the community.
Strand: Environmental Science

Using Benchmarks and Data from Local Assessment Development Field Grades: 9 - 12
Session: 3 Room: 502
Presenters: Beth Beyers-Small, MMSA; Debra McIntyre, MMSA; Jill Rosenblum, MMSA
The team will offer grade appropriate sessions focusing on science assessment. The team will share how
data and student work that has been benchmarked through the Local Assessment Development (LAD)
field test can be used to improve instruction, assess student performance and develop reliable scoring.
Strand: Assessment

Measuring the Circumference of Earth - with GPS! Grades: 9 - 12

Session: 3 Room: 230
Presenter: Kelly Welch, Greely High School
After a brief introduction to GPS technology and the Garmin GPS72 participants will head outside (rain or
shine) to do an inquiry-based lab activity that uses satellite data to estimate the earth’s circumference.
The session will end with a discussion of precision, accuracy, and error analysis.
Strand: Technology

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Using the National Standards and Maine Learning Results for Unit Grades: 9 - 12
Planning in the Science Classroom
Session: 3 Room: 109
Presenter: Linda D’Apolito, Falmouth High School
Using Benchmarks, and the Atlas, I will show teachers how to "unpack" the Learning Results with Page
Keeley’s Topic Study. We will then plan a science unit using Jay McTighe’s Design Backwards
techniques. We have been using this format in our high school life science classroom for two years at
Falmouth High School. It has allowed us to streamline the time issue for our life science curriculum and,
by recognizing student misconceptions and focusing on the "essential questions" we have been able to
use instructional time well. Students seem to get "the Big Ideas."
Strand: General

Using Real Time Data on the Internet to Address Concerns in Grades: 9 - 12

Secondary School Science
Session: 3 Room: 123
Presenter: Jonah Rosenfield, Waynflete School
The conflict between teaching ‘content’ and ‘process’ in our nation’s secondary school science
classrooms is becoming more tense than ever in today’s emerging culture of high stakes standardized
exams which are, ever increasingly, being linked to graduation requirements. I propose that using real-
time data from Ocean Observing Systems (OOS) like GoMOOS (Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System)
addresses stakeholders’ interests, thus being a valuable tool in both classroom planning and school-wide
curricula programming.
Strand: Technology

Integrating Drug Education Into the Science Classroom Grades: 9 - 12

Session: 3 Room: 228
Presenters: Rosemarie Smith, Martha Cobb & Jody Veilleux, Waterville High School
Three veteran teachers of chemistry, biology, and anatomy and physiology will present several short
lesson inserts (5 to 10 minutes long) which can be used in these science classes to teach the
pharmacology and physiology associated with many of the drugs popular among teens today. These
have been taken from the 6 more extensive modules(available online) developed at Duke University by
the Pharmacology Education Partnership and funded by a NIDA Science Education Drug Abuse
Partnership Award.
Strand: Life Science

Active Physics: A Secondary Physics Core Curriculum Grades: 9 - 12

Session: 3 Room: 120
Presenter: Arthur Germano, It’s About Time Publishing
Active Physics is an inquiry-based high school physics course. Students will learn about physics on a
need-to-know basis through hands-on exploration of interesting topics. A National Science Foundation
supported curriculum and created under the auspices of the AAPT and the AIP. Take home activities
Strand: Physical Science and Energy

Ses sion # 4 – 1: 45 – 2:45

Special Session Speaker
Technology Integrated Mathematics and Science: Utilizing data tools Grades: 9 - 12
in the collection and analysis of real world data.
Session: 4 Room: ATM
Presenter: Pam Buffington, Ph.D, EDC
This session is designed to engage participants in an immersion experience using tools for collecting,
displaying, interpreting and analyzing real world data for science and math classrooms. It will incorporate
the use of probes, sensors, and data analysis software. The session will also include strategies for
effective integration of technology.

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Toys in Space Grades: K - 4
Session: 4 Room: 226
Presenter: Nancy Chesley, Mabel I. Wilson School
Toys in Space is a workshop for K-4 teachers to learn how to use toys to teach concepts of motion
(Standard I of the Maine learning Results). It is designed to incorporate an instructional model (The
Learning Cycle), and all participants will receive a copy of the unit.

Local Libraries, town forest, and Project Learning Tree – an inquiry Grades: K - 8
based study of your local natural world!
Session: 4 Room: 114
Presenters: Patricia Maloney, Maine Project Learning Tree; Kevin Doran, Maine Forest Service
Head to the library, take to the woods and let the questions fly because your students are practicing
inquiry-based learning! How? Your town or school librarian can get over 200 books related to the natural
world in our community. Your town forest offers an outdoor lab for hands-on scientific inquiry and process
BUT most of all your students love the outdoors! PLT activities link it all together in this session. Links to
learning results and lists of trade books available!
Strand: Environmental Science

QUEST: Science You Can Use Grades: K - 8

Session: 4 Room: 224
Presenters: Barbara Noyes-Pulling, Maine PBS; Karl Stanford, Gardiner High School
QUEST is more than a popular public television series. Because of its local content, it is a great resource
for teachers. Each year, 12 or more lesson plans for middle and high school teacher are created. Even
more important, it can be used to show students the many scientific fields to study in Maine, as well as
scientific career opportunities.
Strand: Technology

Mentoring and Encouraging Students with Disabilities to Participate in Grades: K - 12

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Session: 4 Room: 506
Presenter: Rob Sanford, USM
Environmental sciences present wonderful opportunities for field and laboratory experiences. But how do
we get K – 16 students involved? In this facilitated roundtable discussion, we all share stories,
experience, challenges, and discuss success strategies. I will also share information about the EAST
grant program USM has encourage efforts in this regard (available to teachers in NH, VT, and ME), and
tales from our past NSF and NASA-funded projects in this area ("ACCESS Earth" and "Biotechnology
Strand: Environmental Science

Meet Ribit: an Online Inquiry Tool for Science Grades: K - 12

Session: 4 Room: 204
Presenter: Elizabeth Sky-McIlvain, Least Tern
This workshop will focus entirely on one free web-based tool: Ribit, from TIElabs. Participants will learn
how to make maximum use of the tool in any computer use setting (even for homework), leaving with an
activity storyboarded. Participants with Internet connected computers can register and begin to create an
activity. You will learn how to locate or share photo and print resources (charts, graphs, data tables) will
be an important element of the workshop.
Strand: Technology

Assessment Reliability - Consistency and Accuracy Grades: K - 12

Session: 4 Room: 502
Presenter: Jill Rosenblum, MMSA
How important is assessment reliability? This session will review the importance of assessment reliability
and focus on developing consistent and accurate scoring for science assessments.
Strand: Technology

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Probing for Students’ Ideas in Science Grades: K - 12
Session: 4 Room: 508
Presenters: Francis Eberle, MMSA; Page Keeley, MMSA
This session will share formative assessment strategies for examining student thinking. We will share
examples of probes developed for the soon-to-be published MSTA book, “Probing Students’ Ideas in
Science – Volume I” as well as look at student work and interviews with students.
Strand: Assessment

Strategies for Improving Communication Between Teachers Grades: K - 12

Session: 4 Room: 220
Presenter: Vincent Johnson, SAD 35
Why is it difficult to communicate well with other teachers and schools? Multi-grades study groups are
one strategy that has been successfully used in MSAD #35. The focus is on science education and
increasing the progression of understanding in science for our students. The study groups contain
teachers from different schools and grades. Other strategies (Curriculum Topic Study, Book Study,
Lesson Study, Demonstration Lessons, etc) that can help study groups become more effective will be
Strand: General

Video Demonstration Lessons Grades: K - 12

Session: 4 Room: 507
Presenters: Steve DeAngelis, Maranacook Community School; Lynn Farrin, MMSA
Steve will share his videotaped inquiry-based high school lesson on energy and talk about the value of
using video-taped lessons to learn more about teaching strategies and student learning. The model used
for observing video lessons is applicable K – 12.
Strand: Physical Science and Energy

PASCO Open Lab Grades: K - 12

Session: 4 Room: 505
Presenter: Dave Small, PASCO New England
The “PASCO Petting Zoo” will be set up for you to indulge your mischievous side. We’ll have stations set
up for HS and MS content in topics such as: force, motion, heart rate, temperature, light, sound,
magnetism, electricity, water quality, and more…. This will be an open lab so feel free to wander over and
play with the toys!
Strand: Technology

"K’NEXtions" with Forces and Motion Grades: 5 - 8

Session: 4 Room: 101
Presenter: Barbara Fortier, Biddeford Middle School
This session will focus on using K’NEX to engage students in hands-on activities to learn about forces
and motion. Connections will be made between the K”NEX sets used in the classroom and their
technology counterparts in the real world. Information will also be provided on how to obtain funding for
classroom materials.
Strand: Physical Science and Energy

Want to fly a mission at the Challenger Learning Center? Grades: 5 - 8

Session: 4 Room: 225
Presenter: Robyn Kennedy, Challenger Learning Center
The Challenger Learning Center opened its doors to Maine middle school students in March 2004. At the
center, students participate in a 2.5 hours space simulation, working in teams as engineers and scientists.
Teachers prepare their students with MLR aligned curriculum materials provided by the center. Hear
more and try your hand at a student activity!
Strand: Space Science

Page 16
Engaging Students in Grades 4 – 8 in Innovative Materials for Science Grades: 5 - 8
Session: 4 Room: 102
Presenter: Pat Warren,
High-interest reader response resources used to engage students in Science Literacy thru activities that
connect science to the real world. These are developed with the NSTA and aligned to the NSTA standards.
Strand: General

Berry Full of DNA Grades: 5 - 12

Session: 4 Room: 510
Presenter: Beth Chagrasulis, Lake Region High School
This simple DNA extraction results in beautiful, white, spoilable DNA. It is so easy there is almost no way for
students to make a mistake. It is much more effective than extracting DNA from any other source. You will
never eat a strawberry again without thinking about how much DNA is in it.
Strand: Laboratory

Using Marine Biology to Demonstrate Concepts in Physics Grades: 5 - 12

Session: 4 Room: 511
Presenters: Dennis Levandoski, Westbrook High School; Peter Jumars, University of Maine
Students must learn important physical laws, but should also understand that these laws apply to living things.
The presenters have been working at making physical science meaningful at a middle and high school levels
by demonstrating how marine organisms interact with the physical environment. The presents will share some
of their work with connections to Maine Learning Results.
Strand: Life Science

Quests: Natural History Treasure Hunts Grades: 5 - 12

Session: 4 Room: 403
Presenters: Deb Avalone-King, Maine DEP; Peter Zack, Maine Energy Education Program
Join us for an introduction to intriguing educational treasure hunting using art, navigation and poetry! Creating
hand-drawn maps and riddle0like clues, find hidden special places, such as remote lakes, old cellar holes,
favorite trees and forgotten cemeteries. Questions are a perfect student activity for lining natural science,
geography and literacy.
Strand: Environmental Science

Things to do with a Bell Jar Grades: 9 - 12

Session: 4 Room: 509
Presenter: Susan Klemmer, Camden Hills Regional High School
Explore ways to use a vacuum pump and bell jar to teach, apply, and assess concepts related to the gas laws
and changes of state. Along the way, we’ll examine the broader issue of how to effectively use single pieces of
equipment in demonstrations, labs, and tests. Handouts provided.
Strand: Physical Science and Energy

Astronomical Data Analysis Using ds9 Grades: 9 - 12

Session: 4 Room: 118
Presenters: Pamela Perry, Gary Glick & Donna Young, Chandra X-ray Center
An introduction to software (available as a free download) that allows students to perform X-ray astronomy data
analysis on data sets form the Chandra X-ray Observatory using methods similar to those of actual
Strand: Technology

EarthComm: Earth System Science in the Community Grades: 9 - 12

Session: 4 Room: 120
Presenter: Arthur Germano, It’s About Time Publishing
EarthComm was developed by the American Geological Institute to address both the National Science
Education Standards and the AAAS Benchmarks. Using a systems-based approach to Earth Science,
EarthComm strongly emphasizes student research into the relevance of Earth Science to their communities.
Take home activities provided.
Strand: Physical Science and Energy

Wr ap-U p and Door Pr iz es – 2 :45 – 3 :00 - Ca feteria

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