Applied Hydralics and Pneumatics 2 Marks

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1. Define
The engineering science pertaining to liquid pressure and flow.
2. What is a Fluid Power System?
A system that transmits and controls power through use of a
pressurized fluid within an enclosed circuit.
3. Define Pascal's -Law
A pressure applied to a confined fluid at rest is transmitted
with equal intensity throughout the fluid.
4. What is the function of hydraulic actuator?
Hydraulic actuators convert the pressure energy of fluid into
mechanical output to perform useful work.
5. Define back Pressure.
The pressure encountered on the return side of a fluid system.
6. Define Pump.
A device which causes a liquid to flow against a pressure. It converts
mechanical energy into fluid energy. .
7. How pumps are classified?
1. Positive displacement pumps
2.Hydrodynamic (or) Non-positive displacement pumps.
8. Write about positive displacement pumps?
Positive displacement pumps have the internal working elements
which make a very, close fit together so that there is very little leakage
(or) slippage between them. This type of pumps ejects a fixed quantity of
liquid into the hydraulic system per revolution of the' pump shaft.
9. How gear pumps are classified?
1. External gear pump
2. Internal gear pump
3. Lobe pump
4. Screw pump
5. Gerotor pump
10. Define Axial Piston pump & Radial Piston pump
A pump having multiple pistons disposed with their axes parallel to
shaft axis. A pump having multiple pistons disposed radially to the shaft axis,
actuated by an eccentric element.
11. Define Gear pump & Vane pump.
A pump having two or more intermeshing gears or lobed members
enclosed in housing. A pump having multiple radial vanes within a supporting
12. Define Motor
A device which converts .fuid power into mechanical power. It usually
delivers Torque and rotary motion to a shaft.
13. Define Viscosity .
Prepared by D. Siva kumar, Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering
Department, TIEC.



A measure of the internal
or the resistance
to fluid flow.

Prepared by D. Siva kumar, Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering

Department, TIEC.

14. Diferentiate between liquid pressure and liquid flow rate?

The liquid pressure is responsible for the force developed at
hydraulic actuator while the liquid flow rate is responsible for the speed of
the hydraulic actuator.
15. How velocity of the hydraulic actuator is calculated?
Velocity of the hydraulic actuator = Input flow rate Area of piston
16.State the Bernoullis principle?
If the flow rate in the system is constant, then the total energy in the
system will also be constant irrespective of the variation in the cross section
of the fluid passages.
17. What are the factors to be considered for pump selection?
1. Discharge 2. Performance 3. Operating speed 4. Reliability
5. Pressure rating 6. Maintenance 7. Cost 8. Noise
18. How Vane pumps are classified?
1. Unbalance vane pump
2. Balanced vane pump
3. Variable displacement vane pump
19. How piston pumps are classified?
1. Radial piston pump
2. Piston pump with stationary cam and rotating block
3. Axial pump with swash plate
4. Bent axis pump
20. How the displacement of the gear pump is
determined? ' The displacement of the
.gear pump is determined by
1. Volume of fluid between each pair of teeth
2. Number of teeth
3. Speed of rotation
1. Define
A container in which liquid is stored under pressure as a source of fluid
2. What are the three basic types of accumulators used in hydraulic systems?
1. Gravity type (or) weight loaded type
2. Spring loaded type
3. Gas loaded type.
3. Name the two types of gas loaded accumulator?
1. Non-separator type
2. Separator type
4. Explain non-separator type gas loaded accumulator?
In this type, the gas is filled at the top and the heavy oil at the bottom
of the shell. There is no separator between the gas and oil and thus the
pressurized gas pushes the oil directly.

5 . What are the three basic types of separator type gas loaded accumulator?
1. Piston type
2. Diaphragm type
3.Bladder type
6. What are the most common applications of accumulators in hydraulic
1. Accumulator is used as an auxiliary power source
2. Accumulator is used as a compensator for an internal (or) external
3. Accumulator is used as an emergency power source
4. Accumulator is used as a hydraulic shock absorber.
7. What is the function of accumulator?
Accumulator is used as an auxiliary power source. It is a device
which stores the potential energy of the fluid. The stored potential energy
in the accumulator acts as a quick secondary source of power and does
useful work as required by the system.
8. What are the conditions for the two cylinders to be synchronized?
For the two cylinders to be synchronized, the piston area of cylinder 2
must be equal to the difference between areas of the piston and piston rod
for cylinder 1. i.e. Ap2 =Ap1 AR1
Also, the pump should be capable of delivering a pressure force P1
ApI in cylinder 1 to overcome the loads F I and F 2 acting on both
cylinders. i.e. P1Apl =FI +F2
9. Name three speed control circuits?
1. Meter - out circuit
2. Meter - in circuit
3. Bleed - off circuit
10. What is the use of bleed-off circuit?
Bleed off circuit is used to .control the flow of fluid in both directions of
flow (or) on a
Specific line and limits speed in only one direction of the cylinder travel.


PNEUMATICS used in the
auxiliary components

1. Name the important

hydraulic circuits?.
1. Hydraulic reservoir
2. Filters and strainers
3. Sealing
4. Hydraulic accumulators
5. Pressure intensifiers (or) Boosters.
2. What are the factors to be considered while designing a hydraulic circuit?
1. Safety of operation
2. Performance of desired function
3. Efficiency of operation
3. What is the use of regenerative circuit?
Regenerative circuit is used to increase the speed of extension stroke
of the double acting hydraulic cylinder.
4. What is the circuit for shaping machine?
Quick Return Motion Circuits.
5. What is automatic sequencing circuit?
By sequencing a number of pneumatic cylinders, various machining
and tooling operations may easily be obtained in a machine. By using this
technique, the cylinders can be actuated one after another in sequences like
clamping, feeding and ejecting (or) lifting, pushing and clamping (or) in
various other combinations. The pneumatic circuit utilizing this 5 technique is
known as automatic sequencing circuit. Correct sequence of motion of each
cylinder and the respective cycle time, should be carefully studied before
designing such a circuit.
6. What is a sequencing circuit?
Process control pneumatics is also called as sequencing. It means
performing number of actions one after another which follows each other in a
simple order or with an order determined by sensors.
7. Draw a hydraulic circuit for a machine tool with the following features:
(a) Clamp the job
(b) Slow movement (extension) of the
cutting tool. (c) Rapid return of tool

1. What is pneumatic direction control valve?

Pneumatic direction control valve is used to control the direction of air
path. These Valves have generally two, three, four (or) five ports: These ports
are designated as P: Compressor line port R: Exhaust port (T is case of
hydraulics) A, B: Working ports connected to actuator.
2. What is the use of Time Delay Valves?
Pneumatic time delay valves are used to delay operations where time
based sequences are required.
3. What is a fast exhaust valve?
A fast exhaust valve is used to vent cylinder quickly. It is primary used
with spring return
(single acting) pneumatic cylinders.
4. Differentiate between hydraulic and pneumatic systems?
The working fluid of hydraulic system is water (or) oil (or) any liquid.
The working fluid of pneumatic circuit is air Hydraulic systems are designed
for heavy loads where as pneumatic systems are designed for low (or)
medium loads.
5. What is the function of pneumatic circuit using quick exhaust valve?
By quickly exhausting the air from the cylinder, the cylinder speed can
be exhausted.
6. What is Time delay circuit?
In certain applications, the impulse to the main direction control valve
may have to be delayed to pre-determined time for different operational
reasons. A pneumatic time delay valve may be used in such cases. A
pneumatic circuit using this time delay valve is known as time delay circuit.
7. What is the use of compressor?
A compressor is a machine which compresses air (or) any other gas
from atmospheric pressure to a desired higher pressure level.
8. Name two basic types of compressors?
1. Positive displacement compressors
2. Dynamic (Turbo) compressors.
9. Differentiate between single acting and double acting compressors.
In a single acting compressor, the compression takes place 011 one
side of the piston for each revolution of crank shaft.
In a double acting cylinder, compression takes place on both faces of
the piston giving two compression strokes for each revolution of the
10. Define FRL unit?
Air is not clean and hence contamination may result in pneumatic
circuit. Also, due to time fluctuations, the receiver air pressure does not
remain constant. Also, some parts of the Pneumatic system have to be
lubricated for proper maintenance. For cleaning the air, regulating the
pressure of air and lubricating pneumatic parts, three units 'Filter -

Pressure Regulator - Lubricator' (Trio unit) are put together and this
combined unit - Trio unit - is called FRL unit.



1. What is Low Cost

There are five stages of manufacturing process for automation
namely 1. Loading
2. Clamping 3. Machining 4. Unclamping 5. Unloading. The cost
involved in loading and unloading stages is very high. So, in semi
automation, these two states are done manually and other stages are
automated. Semi automation can be profitably being incorporated in
manufacturing industries. This type of automation is called "Low Cost
Automation" Also, in many industries, automation is done in selected areas
to enhance the productivity. Material handling and machine sequence are
examples of such type of automation.
2. What is meant by
Automation of a process plant (or) a flow line is done by means of
specially designed machinery and equipments, which represent the highest
level of automation. Chemical processing and automated assembly lines are
examples of such automation.
3. What are the salient features of "Low cost
In most of the industrial plants, centralized compressed air supply will
exist. Hence, simple automation of machining sequences (or) material
handling can be done without much expense. Low cost automation is
attempted without going for a major alteration of the existing set up. Low
cost automation enhances productivity. The sequencing pneumatic circuit is
an example of "Low cost Automation"
4. Name two types of control
1. Open loop control system
2. Closed loop control system.
5. Explain the closed loop control system for a flow
through a pipe?
A flow through pipe is continuously measured and compared with the
desired value to get the error signal (error signal is a difference between
actual and desired values). Based on this error signal, the controller gives a
signal to actuate the valve to adjust the flow (increase (or) decrease
depending on the value of error being positive (or) negative). This is
called a closed loop control system.
6. Explain Fluidic Logic
In many plants, closed loop control is achieved by electronic devices
based on I different logic functions such as AND, OR, NOT and MEMORY. Logic
controls can be defined as design of control system based on reasoning
arising out of deductive principle. However, the electronic control system is



55 / in
not only control systemME
If theAND
pneumatic control system
using low pressure air is used to achieve the above logic control functions,
then it is known as fluidic Logic Control.
Fluidics is the technology that utilizes fluid flow phenomena in
components and circuits to perform a wide variety of control functions
including sensing, logic and m more functions.

8. How pump cavitation is identified?

Cavitation is the inability of a pump to draw a full charge of oil
either because of air leaks or restrictions in the inlet line. When a pump
starts to cavitate, its noise level increases and it may become very hot
around the shaft and front bearing. Other symptoms of cavitation are erratic
movement of cylinders, dificulty in building up full pressure, and a milky
appearance of the oil.
9. Write about leakage testing of air cylinders?
Piston seals and rod seals become worn to the point that cylinder
performance (or) I efficiency is affected. Leakage around the rod seal can
easily be detected and the seal can be replaced. At that time, the rod
bearing which is usually brass, bronze (or) Teflon, It should also be replaced.
10. What is air receiver?
Air receiver is a large cylindrical vessel used to store high pressure air
from the compressor. Large surface area of the receiver dissipates the heat
of compression (heat in the compressed air) to the surrounding atmosphere.
It will have safety relief valve, pressure indicator and temperature switches.
11. What is meant by fluidics?
Fluidics is the branch of science which deals with Liquids,
systems, components, design, and applications of above in the
industries to perform useful work.

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