The Effect of Mandibular Setback or Two-Jaws Surgery On Pharyngeal Airway Among Different Genders

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YIJOM-1519; No of Pages 6

Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2009; xxx: xxx–xxx

doi:10.1016/j.ijom.2009.01.010, available online at

Clinical Paper
Orthognathic Surgery

Kagan Degerliyurt1,*, Koichiro Ueki2,

The effect of mandibular Yu ka ri Hashiba2, Kohei Marukawa2,
Baris Simsek1, Katsuhiko Okabe2,
Kiyomasa Nakagawa2,
setback or two-jaws surgery on Etsuhide Yamamoto2
Gazi University, School of Dentistry,
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,

pharyngeal airway among 8. Cad 82. Sok. 06510 Emek, Ankara, Turkey;
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine,

different genders Kanazawa University, 13-1 Takaramachi,

Kanazawa 920-8641, Japan

KaganDegerliyurt*KoichiroUeki, YukariHashiba, KoheiMarukawa, BarisSimsek,

KatsuhikoOkabe, KiyomasaNakagawa, EtsuhideYamamoto: The effect of mandibular
setback or two-jaws surgery on pharyngeal airway among different genders. Int. J.
Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2009; xxx: xxx–xxx. # 2009 International Association of Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Abstract. Cephalometric studies show significant gender differences in the size of the
pharyngeal airway space. This study aimed to investigate and compare morphologic
changes after mandibular setback or two-jaws surgery on the pharyngeal airway in
men and women using computed tomography (CT). The sample included 34 women
and 13 men diagnosed with Class III skeletal deformities, who had been treated by
mandibular setback or bimaxillary surgery (maxillary advancement and mandibular
setback). Anteroposterior, lateral and cross-sectional area dimensions of the airway,
at the level of soft palate and base of tongue, were measured pre- and
postoperatively on CT images. In the mandibular setback group, the anteroposterior
and cross-sectional area of the pharyngeal airway at the level of the soft palate and
base of tongue were significantly reduced for men or women (P < .05). In the two-
jaws surgery group, only midsagittal anteroposterior dimensions at the same levels
were significantly decreased for men or women (P < .05). The difference between
any values measured between men and women who received bilateral sagittal split
Keywords: mandibular setback; bimaxillary
ramus osteotomy setback surgery or two-jaws surgery for the treatment of class III surgery; pharyngeal airway; gender; computed
anteroposterior discrepancy were not statistically significant (P > .05). This study tomography.
suggests that oropharyngeal airway measurements, important for airway patency,
do not demonstrate sex dimorphism. Accepted for publication 21 January 2009

Muscles in the pharyngeal region work significant sexual differences in the size of procedure for mandibular prognathism9.
together to achieve equilibrium; otherwise, the oropharynx. These data suggest that Isolated mandibular anteroposterior
the patency of the pharyngeal airway would gender may affect the morphology of the excess occurs in only approximately 20–
be jeopardized13. The respiratory related pharyngeal airway following surgical cor- 25% of mandibular prognathism cases16.
activity of the muscles is significantly dif- rection of mandibular prognathism13,19,21. Corrective surgery now generally involves
ferent between males and females15. Mandibular setback osteotomy has been two-jaws surgical procedures2. Mandibu-
Cephalometric studies show that there are used routinely as an orthognathic surgical lar setback surgery has decreased in fre-

0901-5027/000001+06 $30.00/0 # 2009 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: K.. Degerliyurt, et al., The effect of mandibular setback or two-jaws surgery on pharyngeal airway
among different genders, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2009),
YIJOM-1519; No of Pages 6

2 Degerliyurt et al.

quency and is used in less than 10% of the left side, ranging from 3 to 11 mm. In The CT was performed while the patients
mandibular prognathism patients; two- group C, the mean amount of setback was were placed in the gantry with the trago-
jaws surgery was preferred in about 7.1  2.8 mm for the right side, ranging canthal line perpendicular to the ground.
40% of patients; maxillary advancement from 3 to 13 mm, and 6.6  3.1 mm for The patients were instructed to remain still
alone is performed in the remaining the left side, ranging from 1 to 12 mm. For and to avoid swallowing during scanning.
patients1. Group D the mean amount of setback was The CT scans were obtained at the same
Mandibular setback surgery or two- 6.7  3.0 mm for the right side, ranging radiology department by skilled radiology
jaws surgery can improve occlusion, mas- from 4 to 12 mm and 6.2  3.1 mm for technicians using a high speed advantage
ticatory function and esthetics by mark- the left side, ranging from 1 to 12 mm. type CT generator (Light Speed Plus: GE
edly changing the position of the mandible All the patients had maxillomandibular healthcare, Milwaukee, WI, USA) with
and maxilla. Changes in the position of the fixation (MMF) for approximately 1 week each sequence taken 1.25 mm apart for
tongue and hyoid bone also occur, result- postoperatively. Guiding elastics were 3D reconstruction image (120 kV, average
ing in narrowing of the pharyngeal airway placed after release from MMF. 150 mA, 0.7 sec/rotation, helical pitch
space (PAS)2,4,6–9,23. PAS narrowing has The mean body mass index (BMI) and 0.75). The resulting images were stored
been implicated in the development of standard deviation of BMI for the patients in the attached workstation computer
obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)5,17,22. were 20.3  2.1 in Group A, 20.3  2.6 in (Advantage workstation ver. 4.2: GE
The purpose of this study was to inves- Group B, 20.8  3.7 in Group C and healthcare, Milwaukee, WI, USA) and
tigate and compare the morphologic 21.9  3.3 in Group D. Mann–Whitney 3D reconstruction was performed using
changes after mandibular setback or U-test revealed no significant difference the volume rendering method. ExaVision
two-jaws surgery on the pharyngeal air- between Group A and B (P > .9999) or LITE version 1.10 medical imaging soft-
way in men and women using computed Group C and D (P = 0.6241). ware (Ziosoft, Inc, Tokyo, Japan) was used
tomography (CT). The authors examined The CT was performed in the week for 3D morphologic measurements.
several values in two different parts of the before surgery and postoperative CT eva- The exclusion criteria were previous
pharyngeal airway paying special atten- luation was performed at least 3 months orthognathic surgery, obesity, craniofacial
tion to sexual dimorphism. postoperatively for all patients2,7–9. anomaly (cleft lip, palate, alveolus) and
Informed consent was obtained from all OSA.
patients and the study was approved by The pre- and postoperative upper air-
Patients and methods
Kanazawa University Hospital Committee way of each patient was studied at two
This is a retrospective study of 47 Japa- on Human Research. levels (Fig. 1).
nese patients (34 female, 13 male) who
were treated with either mandibular sur-
gery or combined maxillary and mandib-
ular surgery for the correction of a Class
III anteroposterior discrepancy. The aver-
age age of the patients was 23.3  6.3
years, with a range of 16–42 years.
All 47 patients had pre- and postopera-
tive orthodontic treatment. The surgical
procedure in all cases consisted of either
bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy
(BSSO) or Le Fort I osteotomy combined
with BSSO. The osteotomy sites were fixed
rigidly with either titanium or polylactic/
polyglycolic acid miniplates. The patients
were grouped based on their gender and the
type of orthognathic surgery they received.
Group A included 17 female patients
(25.6  7.6 years, range 17–42 years)
and group B included 7 male patients
(17.8  2.5 years, range 17–25 years)
who underwent BSSO setback with rigid
fixation. Group C included 17 female
patients (22.1  6.1 years, range 16–38
years) and Group D included 6 male
patients 22.4  8.2 years, range 20–31
years) who underwent BSSO setback and
Le Fort I maxillary advancement with rigid
fixation. The mean amount of setback in
Group A was 6.6  3.5 mm for the right
side and 7.5  3.3 mm for the left side, Fig. 1. M1: The level of the most superior anterior point of the second cervical spine (C2)
ranging from 2 to 13 mm for both sides. parallel to the sella-nasion line to evaluate the airway between the soft palate (SP) and the
For Group B the mean amount of setback posterior pharyngeal wall (PPW). M2: The level of the most superior anterior point of the third
was 7.2  1.8 mm for the right side, ran- cervical spine (C3) parallel to the sella-nasion to evaluate the airway between the base of the
ging from 4 to 9 mm, and 5.6  3.7 mm for tongue (BoT) and the posterior pharyngeal wall (PPW).

Please cite this article in press as: K.. Degerliyurt, et al., The effect of mandibular setback or two-jaws surgery on pharyngeal airway
among different genders, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2009),
YIJOM-1519; No of Pages 6

Gender effect of setback or two-jaws surgery on pharyngeal airway 3

Fig. 2. Anterioposterior (AP) dimension on the midsagittal plane (black arrows) and maximum lateral (LAT) dimension (white arrows) between
lateral pharyngeal walls (LPWs) in an orientation perpendicular to the midsagittal plane. (A) SP–PPW level, (B) BoT–PPW level.

First, at the level of the most superior formed simply by following the perimeter was considered significant. The Mann–
anterior point of the second cervical spine of the airway with the cursor. No tracing or Whitney U-test was used because of the
(C2) parallel to the sella-nasion line to digitizing of the axial images was required unequal sample size.
evaluate the airway between the soft because the software automatically calcu- All CT images were evaluated and AP,
palate (SP) and the posterior pharyngeal lated the area contained within the LAT and CSA dimensions were measured
wall (PPW) or between the lateral phar- scribbled line. by one author (K.D). Fifteen patients were
yngeal walls (LPWs). Second, at the level All statistical analyses were carried out selected randomly and CT images were
of the most superior anterior point of the using StatViewTM version 4.5 software measured again 10 days later. The Wil-
third cervical spine (C3) parallel to the (ABACUS Concepts, Inc, Berkeley, CA, coxon signed rank test was applied to the
sella-nasion to evaluate the airway USA). The arithmetic mean and standard first and second measurements. The dif-
between the base of the tongue (BoT) deviation were calculated for each vari- ference between the first and second mea-
and the PPW or between the LPWs. able. The Wilcoxon signed rank test, with surements of the 15 CT images was not
A set of three values was obtained at statistical significance being inferred at statistically significant (p > .05).
each airway level: anteroposterior (AP) P < .05, was used to evaluate the differ-
dimension on the midsagittal plane ences between preoperative and post-
(Fig. 2); maximum lateral dimension operative pharyngeal airway morphology Results
(LAT) in an orientation perpendicular to in each group. Differences between the
BSSO setback surgery group
the midsagittal plane (Fig. 2); cross-sec- gender groups who received the same
tional area of the airway (CSA) (Fig. 3). surgical procedure were analyzed using The Wilcoxon signed rank test results
The measurement of the CSA was per- the Mann–Whitney U-test and P < .05 comparing preoperative and postopera-

Fig. 3. Cross-sectional area (CSA) of the airway (arrows). (A) SP–PPW level, (B) BoT–PPW level.

Please cite this article in press as: K.. Degerliyurt, et al., The effect of mandibular setback or two-jaws surgery on pharyngeal airway
among different genders, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2009),
YIJOM-1519; No of Pages 6

4 Degerliyurt et al.

Table 1. Statistical analysis and reduction ratios for Groups A and B. and CSA dimensions between pre- and
Group A Pre-Op Post-Op P value Reduction Rate postoperative measurements (P > .05).
The Mann–Whitney U-test revealed
APD SP-PPW 11.40  2.86 8.84  2.11 .0004 23% that the difference between any values
LD LPWs SP-PPW 20.72  5.416 18.22  4.22 .0680 12%
measured for Group C and Group D
CSA SP-PPW 1.27  0.60 0.87  0.40 .0016 31%
APD BoT-PPW 13.24  3.14 11.04  2.45 .0003 20% who received BSSO combined with Le
LD LPWs BoT-PPW 24.80  4.78 23.15  5.03 .1128 6% Fort I maxillary advancement for the treat-
CSA BoT-PPW 1.73  0.73 1.26  0.46 .0031 29% ment of class III anteroposterior discre-
pancy were not statistically significant
Group B Pre-Op Post-Op P value Reduction Rate (P > .05). The results of the Mann–Whit-
APD SP-PPW 10.25  3.05 8.57  2.51 .0180 20% ney U-test for Groups C and D are shown
LD LPWs SP-PPW 22.08  5.49 19.30  4.09 .0630 13% in Table 4.
CSA SP-PPW 1.78  0.93 1.01  0.25 .0180 43%
APD BoT-PPW 13.54  3.31 10.76  3.26 .0180 21%
LD LPWs BoT-PPW 24.57  4.12 22.56  3.74 .1763 8% Discussion
CSA BoT-PPW 2.13  0.82 1.44  0.71 .0180 33%
PAS narrowing after orthognathic surgery
APD, Anteroposterior dimension; SP, soft palate; PPW, posterior pharyngeal wall; LD, lateral has received increasing attention in recent
dimension; LPW, lateral pharyngeal wall; CSA, cross-sectional area; BoT, base of tongue. years2. The mandible, base of tongue,
hyoid bone, velum and pharyngeal walls
Table 2. Statistical analysis and reduction ratios for Groups C and D. are intimately related by their muscular
Group C Pre-Op Post-Op P value Reduction Rate
and ligamentous attachments. The mand-
ible is related to the base of the tongue by
APD SP-PPW 13.84  5.17 11.53  3.70 .0003 17% the genioglossus muscle22. It is likely that
LD LPWs SP-PPW 22.64  5.75 21.14  6.26 .3088 7% the morphology of these structures is influ-
CSA SP-PPW 1.85  1.01 1.55  0.88 .1488 16%
APD BoT-PPW 16.07  2.84 13.37  2.90 .0003 17%
enced and compromised after various
LD LPWs BoT-PPW 25.55  5.17 24.92  4.93 .5540 2% orthognathic surgical procedures3. Pre-
CSA BoT-PPW 2.11  0.76 1.89  0.73 .1422 10% vious studies have investigated pharyn-
geal airway changes after orthognathic
Group D Pre-Op Post-Op P value Reduction Rate surgical procedures but many of them used
APD SP-PPW 12.02  5.92 9,75  4.06 .0277 18% mixed populations of men and women or
LD LPWs SP-PPW 21.59  8.48 21.01  7.51 .7532 3% only female patients2,3,6,8,9. There are only
CSA SP-PPW 1.66  0.88 1.47  0.81 .5294 11% a few reports comparing the effects of
APD BoT-PPW 14.58  4.72 12.11  4.04 .0277 17% mandibular setback or two-jaws surgery
LD LPWs BoT-PPW 26.13  9.39 25.96  9.37 .6002 1% on the pharyngeal airway in men and
CSA BoT-PPW 2.02  0.99 1.85  0.77 .8389 8% women13,19.
OSA is more common in men than in
women, despite their smaller pharyngeal
tive linear and area measurements of the Two-jaws surgery group airway size11,12. Men have a greater reduc-
pharyngeal airway and the percentage tion in pharyngeal airway dimensions with
difference between the preoperative The Wilcoxon signed rank test results retrusive movement of the mandible, sug-
and postoperative values for Groups A comparing preoperative and postoperative gesting a greater reduction in pharyngeal
and B are shown in Table 1. 4 of 6 linear and area measurements of the phar- airway with mandibular setback surgical
values in both studied levels were sig- yngeal airway and the percentage differ- procedures in males12. The size and mor-
nificantly reduced for either Group A or ence between the preoperative and phology of upper airway structures differs
Group B (P < .05). The Mann–Whitney postoperative values for Groups C and in men and women13,18. Women have
U-test revealed that the difference D are shown in Table 2. In both groups, greater genioglossal muscle tone than
between any values measured for Group only the midsagittal AP dimensions of the men, suggesting greater defence of the
A and Group B who received BSSO for pharyngeal airway at the level of SP and upper airway15. It has been suggested that
the treatment of class III antreroposterior BoT were significantly decreased. the upper airway of females is more stable
discrepancy were not statistically signif- (P < .05) Although the AP, LPWs and and less constricting than that of males13.
icant (P > .05). The results of Mann– CSA dimensions of the pharyngeal airway The few reports comparing the effects
Whitney U-test for Groups A and B decreased in both groups, there were no of mandibular setback or two-jaws surgery
are shown in Table 3. statistically significant reduction in LPWs on pharyngeal airway between the genders

Table 3. Comparison of pharyngeal changes in linear and area measurements by Mann–Whitney U-test between Groups A and B.
Pre-Op Post-Op
Group A Group B P value Group A Group B P value
APD SP-PPW 11.40  2.86 10.25  3.05 .8489 8.84  2.11 8.57  2.51 .5254
LD LPWs SP-PPW 20.72  5.416 22.08  5.49 .0610 18.22  4.22 19.30  4.09 .1274
CSA SP-PPW 1.27  0.60 1.78  0.93 .1623 0.87  0.40 1.01  0.25 .1356
APD BoT-PPW 13.24  3.14 13.54  3.31 .5463 11.04  2.45 10.76  3.26 .6114
BoT-PPW 24.80  4.78 24.57  4.12 .2400 23.15  5.03 22.56  3.74 .4273
CSA BoT-PPW 1.73  0.73 2.13  0.82 .1197 1.26  0.46 1.44  0.71 .4652

Please cite this article in press as: K.. Degerliyurt, et al., The effect of mandibular setback or two-jaws surgery on pharyngeal airway
among different genders, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2009),
YIJOM-1519; No of Pages 6

Gender effect of setback or two-jaws surgery on pharyngeal airway 5

Table 4. Comparison of pharyngeal changes in linear and area measurements by Mann–Whitney U-test between Groups C and D.
Pre-Op Post-Op
Group C Group D P value Group C Group D P value
APD SP-PPW 13.84  5.17 12.02  5.92 .2076 11.53  3.70 9,75  4.06 .2936
LD LPWs SP-PPW 22.64  5.75 21.59  8.48 .8336 21.14  6.26 21.01  7.51 .8886
CSA SP-PPW 1.85  1.01 1.66  0.88 .7794 1.55  0.88 1.47  0.81 .7624
APD BoT-PPW 16.07  2.84 14.58  4.72 .4838 13.37  2.90 12.11  4.04 .6744
LD LPWs BoT-PPW 25.55  5.17 26.13  9.39 .3270 24.92  4.93 25.96  9.37 .3627
CSA BoT-PPW 2.11  0.76 2.02  0.99 .9442 1.89  0.73 1.85  0.77 .7794

used lateral cephalometric radiographs reported that changes in airway measure- SAMMAN et al.19 declared that some
(LCR)13,19. The pharyngeal airway can ments showed significant differences from gender differences in the airway changes
be observed with conventional cephalo- before surgery to 3–6 months after surgery were evident after various orthognathic
metric radiography, but the observation and 2 years after surgery, whereas changes surgical procedures in a cephalometric
and measurement of the pharyngeal air- from 3–6 months after surgery to 2 years study. They reported that minimal phar-
way is always limited to the lateral view- after surgery showed no significant yngeal, hypopharyngeal and oropharyn-
ing angle9. changes2. KAWAMATA et al9 found signifi- geal spaces were decreased after
Cephalometric radiography is an indis- cant pharyngeal narrowing 3 months after surgical correction in male Class III sub-
pensable imaging technique for planning surgery and no significant tendency to jects whereas no significant change was
orthodontic treatment and can provide recover 6 months or 1 year after surgery9. noted in female Class III subjects19. In the
valuable skeletal information for upper KAWAKAMI et al8 suggested that 1 month same study, Samman et al.19 revealed that
airway morphology. Its disadvantages after surgery was adequate to allow post- in male Class III subjects, the most notable
are that it provides only a 2D representa- operative swelling in the soft tissue, which change was a decrease in the dimension of
tion of a 3D structure, it cannot provide contributed to narrowing of the airway, to minimal pharyngeal and hypopharyngeal
volumetric data for the airway or evaluate settle8. In the light of these results the spaces while there was a decrease in the
soft tissue structures such as the uvulopa- authors selected 3 months as the post- total pharyngeal area but no change in the
latal complex and BoT. Its advantages are surgical time frame. dimension of the nasopharyngeal space in
its wide availability, simplicity, low Few studies revealed that although female Class III subjects after correction
expense and ease of comparison with many variables of the pharyngeal airway by mandibular setback surgery alone19.
extensive normative data and other stu- demonstrated gender dimorphism, oro- They also reported that male subjects dis-
dies2,14,18. CT has significant advantages pharyngeal space and minimal PAS did played a decrease in the dimension of
over plain radiography because it allows not18,21. SAMMAN et al.18 suggested that minimal pharyngeal airway and orophar-
better delineation of soft tissue and air, and although most airway measurements yngeal spaces whereas no significant
therefore more accurate measurements for demonstrate gender dimorphism, those change was noted in female Class III
upper airway morphology can be made10. that are most important to the patency subjects after correction by two-jaws sur-
Skeletal maxillary and mandibular of the airway, such as oropharyngeal space gery19. In the present study, the authors
changes may be described by the change and minimal PAS, are not dimorphic18. found that the part of the pharyngeal air-
in the sagittal dimension only, whereas The authors’ results revealed that orophar- way most narrowed was the CSA at the
soft tissue pharyngeal changes must be yngeal airway changes at the level of SP level of SP and BoT for both genders who
considered in all three dimensions7. CT and BoT are not dimorphic, supported the received mandibular setback surgery
is a noninvasive technique that permits a findings of SHEN et al.18 and SAMMAN alone, whereas it was the APD at the level
detailed 3D assessment of the entire upper et al.21. of SP and BoT in those who received two-
airway and has been validated for quanti- NAKAGAWA et al.13 found significant jaws surgery. In contrast to the findings of
tative measurements of the pharyngeal gender differences in the linear measure- SAMMAN et al.19, this study did not reveal
CSA3. Some studies comparing airway ments of the pharyngeal airway led to any difference in the oropharyngeal air-
dimensions on LCRs and 3D CT, reported differences in the cross-sectional area of way patterns between males and females
significant correlation between the PAS the pharynx using conventional lateral undergoing mandibular setback surgery or
measured with LCR and the volume of cephalometric radiographs. They reported two-jaws surgery.
the pharyngeal airway on CT, but LCR that there was a significant decrease in the CHEN et al.2 studied women who
provides no information about the lateral cross-sectional area of the oropharynx received mandibular setback or bimaxil-
structures and CSA of the upper airway20. after mandibular setback surgery in both lary surgery and found that in mandibular
In addition, in frontal cephalometric radio- genders; however, for cross-sectional area setback surgery alone, the AP dimension
graphy, there is often an overlap of hard of the hypopharynx, male patients showed reduction between uvula–PPW and valle-
tissue structures such as anterior teeth, a significant decrease postoperatively, cula–PPW was 32% whereas in bimaxil-
mandible and the pharyngeal airway9. whereas female patients showed no sig- lary surgery, the AP dimension reduction
Many studies have assessed time- nificant changes13. The present results between uvula–PPW was 20% and
dependent pharyngeal airway changes were consistent with the findings of NAKA- between vallecula–PPW was 15%2. In
after orthognathic surgery. HOCHBAN GAWA et al. . In patients of both genders the present study, the AP reduction of
et al7 reported that no significant changes who received mandibular setback surgery SP–PPW and BoT–PPW was 23% and
in pharyngeal dimensions could be seen on alone, APD and CSA significantly 20%, respectively, in mandibular setback
cephalometric follow up at 3 months or 1 decreased in either SP or BoT, however, surgery, and 17% for SP–PPW and BoT–
year compared with the postoperative there were no significant differences PPW in two-jaws surgery for females. The
situation after 1 week7. CHEN et al2 between males and females. authors also found that the AP reduction of

Please cite this article in press as: K.. Degerliyurt, et al., The effect of mandibular setback or two-jaws surgery on pharyngeal airway
among different genders, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2009),
YIJOM-1519; No of Pages 6

6 Degerliyurt et al.

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Please cite this article in press as: K.. Degerliyurt, et al., The effect of mandibular setback or two-jaws surgery on pharyngeal airway
among different genders, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2009),

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