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Supplement Airfoil Maker

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Now let's talk about Airfoil-Maker. The menus of Airfoil-Maker are

very simple:
File Menu
The file menu works just like the file menu of any word processor
or spreadsheet you have used. You create, load, and save your files
just like you do with a word processor. The only difference is that you
are opening and saving files that represent airfoils rather than word
processing documents.
Use this to generate a new airfoil
Use this to open an existing airfoil for viewing or modification.
Use this to save an airfoil that you have created or modified.
Save As
Use this to save an airfoil that you have created or modified, but
under a different name.

Exit Airfoil-Maker.
So, how do you design airfoils in Airfoil-Maker? Well, every airfoil
ever designed has its own characteristics, which are its coefficients of:
lift, (how much the airfoil wants to lift up)
drag, (how much the airfoil wants to pull back), and
moment (how much the airfoil wants to pitch up).
What you see on the Screen:
You'll see a big black box dominating the screen with green, red,
and yellow lines on it.
The left edge of the chart corresponds to an angle of attack of
-20 degrees, and the right edge corresponds to an angle of attack of
+20 degrees.
The center of the chart represents an angle of attack of zero
degrees. (Remember the angle of attack is the angle of the wing to the
air. It is the angle at which the wing hits (or "attacks") the air).
The green line is the coefficient of lift. The red line is the
coefficient of drag. The yellow line is the coefficient of moment. We'll
look at the behavior of each of these lines.
You will see a number labeled "Reynolds number" on the upper
left. The "Reynolds number" is simply the air density times the speed
of the airplane times the chord of the wing divided by the viscosity of

air (Wow!). Experiments have shown that the coefficients of lift, drag
and moment of wings vary somewhat with Reynolds number. For
recreational purposes, you can probably neglect any change in
performance with Reynolds number, so you can just ignore this setting
altogether. The number entered in the Reynolds number box may have
some impact however on the simulation. For highest realism you can
generate 2 DIFFERENT airfoil files for the SAME airfoil in AirfoilMaker, each file at a different Reynolds number, and assign them both
to your wing in Plane-Maker! X-Plane will figure out the Reynolds
number on each piece of the plane at least 10 times per second and
interpolate between the two airfoil files to give the most realistic
coefficients for that flight Reynolds number.
Pilots should realize: very good accuracy can be obtained without
messing with the Reynolds number at all, and without generating two
airfoil files for each airfoil. You can ignore the above paragraph and
the "Reynolds number" slot in the airfoil generation screen without
sacrificing a good simulation.

What the coefficients are:

Coefficient of lift
Look at the green line. It is the coefficient of lift.
Notice that at zero degrees angle of attack (center of screen) the
coefficient of lift is fairly low. (It is close to the thin white line, which
represents zero). As the angle of attack increases, the coefficient of lift
increases right along with it, until you get to around 16 degrees angle
of attack, at which point the coefficient of lift falls abruptly. That is

the stall! If you go to negative angles of attack, you see that the
coefficient of lift actually gets negative. If you go to a large enough
negative angle of attack, the airfoil stalls then, too. It is possible to stall
upside down! A good wing will have a decent coefficient of lift (maybe
0.4) at angles of attack close to zero, and a nice high coefficient of lift
(maybe 1.6) at the maximum angle of attack. A safe airfoil will also
have a stall that is not too abrupt. In other words, the coefficient of lift
will fall off gradually at the stall, rather than sharply.
Coefficient of drag
Look at the red line. It is the coefficient of drag. Notice that the
coefficient of drag is lowest close to zero degrees angle of attack. The
drag gets higher and higher as the wing goes to larger and larger
angles of attack. That is not surprising, is it? The higher the angle you
offset the wing from the airflow, the greater the drag!
It doesn't matter much whether you are going to positive or
negative angles of attack (aiming the wing up or down). Moving the
wing away from it's most streamlined position increases its drag. A
good airfoil will obviously have the lowest drag possible. (Notice that
this drag coefficient does NOT include the drag due to the production
of lift. X-Plane will figure this drag out automatically).
Coefficient of moment
Look at the yellow line. It is the coefficient of moment.
The coefficient of moment is the tendency of the wing to pitch up
about its axis, or rotate upwards about the spar. Most wings actually
want to pitch down, so the coefficient of moment is usually negative.

The moment varies a bit with angle of attack, often in ways that are a
little bit surprising. Typically the moment will be negative for all
normally-encountered angles of attack, getting especially large in the
negative direction as the angle of attack is increased, until the stall, at
which point the moment heads back to zero. A desirable characteristic
of an airfoil is usually to have a low coefficient of moment.

General Info
Coefficient display box.
One thing that you have probably noticed is that the axis are not
labeled, and don't have numerical values to tell you exactly what the
coefficients are. Look at the little box in the upper left-hand corner of
the airfoil generation screen. The top number (white) is alpha or the
angle of attack of the wing. The next numbers are the coefficients of
lift, drag, and moment at that angle of attack. Wiggle the mouse back
and forth all the way across the monitor, and notice that the angle of
attack display changes, and the coefficients with it. The coefficient
display box is giving the angle of attack and coefficients of the airfoil at
the angle of attack to which the mouse is currently pointing. Just point
the mouse at the part of the curve you are interested in, and look at
the exact coefficients in the coefficient display box! Easy!
One question you might be asking yourself is: How do I find what the
coefficients are for the airfoils on my airplane?
First, you need to find what airfoil your aircraft uses, probably
from the manufacturer. Then you need to see if that airfoil is included

with our program. If you are flying a Cessna 182, for example, that
aircraft uses the NACA 2412 airfoil, which is included, so you do NOT
need to generate your own airfoil for that wing. If you do not know
what foil to use, then just leave them as the defaults of Plane-Maker.
Airfoil selection is a fun and interesting process, because you will be
looking for the best possible combination lift, drag, and moment
characteristics for your particular airplane. If you will be experimenting
with your own airplane designs, and are new to the matters discussed
in this manual, we highly recommend:
R/C Model Airplane Design
A.G. Lennon
Motorbooks International Publishers and Wholesalers, Inc.
To get you started. The book is intended for radio control designs, but
is very straightforward, easy to understand, and all of the principles
apply to full-scale aircraft.
General Info
Once you understand the basics of airfoil theory and nomenclature,
we recommend:
Theory of Wing Sections
Abbott and Von Doenhof
McGraw-Hill, New York (1949)
an oldie but goodie! This books has the lift, drag, and moment
plots of many airfoils in it, so you can choose your favorite airfoil for

your design and then enter it into the computer using the technique
that is about to be explained.
In the following discussion, thin symmetrical, thick highly
cambered, and "normal general aviation" airfoils will be discussed.
These are three types of airfoils that are good for discussion
purposes, because they are so different.
Thin symmetrical airfoils are thin and have the same shape on
both the top and bottom surfaces. They do not produce very much lift
or drag. They typically are used for vertical stabilizers and often
horizontal stabilizers as well because they are not called upon to
produce a lot of lift, and are not expected to produce much drag,
Use thick, highly-cambered airfoils in the foreplanes of canards,
or other applications where you want a LARGE amount of lift from a
SMALL wing area. These foils are known for providing a large amount
of drag as the penalty for providing a large amount of lift.
So-called "normal general aviation airfoils", like the NACA 2412,
are compromises between the two, and are good candidates for the
wing of a general aviation aircraft.
Supercritical, laminar-flow, and other possible groupings of
airfoils exist, but for the purposes of our discussion we will concentrate
on the thin symmetrical, thick and highly cambered, and "normal
general aviation" airfoils just outlined.
Airfoil generation buttons

Now let's actually generate an airfoil. The first button to click on

is the coefficient of lift intercept button, the green one labeled
"intercept" in the upper left hand corner. To increase this number, just
click right above the numbers that you want to increase, and below the
ones that you want to decrease. For example, if the lift intercept on the
screen is 0.25, and you want to change it to 0.33 to model your airfoil,
just click right above the "2" in "0.25" and twice below the "5" in "0.25".
You change all of your data that way for the entire design and
simulation system. Easy! Now what exactly is a coefficient of lift
intercept, anyway? Read on to find out!
Coefficient of lift intercept, "INTERCPT"
This is the coefficient of lift at an angle of attack of 0 degrees.
For a symmetrical airfoil, this will always be zero, since the air is doing
exactly the same thing on the top and bottom of the wing for a
symmetrical airfoil at zero degrees angle of attack. Symmetrical
airfoils are sometimes used for horizontal stabilizers, and are almost
always used for vertical stabilizers. Sleek, skinny wings with low
camber might have a lift intercept of 0.1. Fat, highly cambered foils
have a value around 0.6. A typical airfoil like the NACA-2412
(commonly used in general aviation) has a value of about 0.2.
Coefficient of lift slope, "SLOPE"
This is the increase in coefficient of lift per degree increase in
angle of attack. A thin airfoil has a value of about 0.1. A really fat airfoil
has a value of about 0.08. Fatter airfoils have slightly lower lift slopes.
(You will find, however, that lift slopes are almost always very close to

Coefficient of lift curvature near the stall, "POWER"
As the angle of attack gets close to stall, the lift slope is no
longer linear, but gradually levels off as it approaches the maximum,
or stalling, coefficient of lift. Just play with the power button until you
find a power curve that connects the linear and stalling regions
smoothly. Chances are a power of around 1.5 will work pretty well.
Just play with it until the lift comes up smoothly, then gradually levels
off to the stall, since that is what happens with a real airfoil.

Coefficient of lift maximum, "MAXIMUM"

This is the maximum coefficient of lift, or the coefficient of lift
right before the stall. A very thin, symmetrical airfoil has a value of
around 1.0. A thick, highly cambered airfoil has a value of around 1.8.
A typical general aviation foil might have a value of around 1.6.
Coefficient of lift immediate drop at stall, "DROP"
This is the drop that immediately follows the stall. For thin airfoils,
which tend to stall sharply, this value might be 0.2. For many airfoils,
however, there is no immediate drop, but instead a more gradual one
as the angle of attack is further increased. In most cases, this number
will be zero or very close to zero.
Coefficient of lift curvature after stall "POWER"

Different airfoils have different lift slopes after the stall. For
skinny, sharply-stalling airfoils the power should be fairly low, perhaps
around 1.4. For fat airfoils (which usually have more gentle stalling
characteristics) this number may be closer to 2.0. Just play with the
power button until the data looks like the data you are trying to model
from the airfoil chart in whatever book you are getting your airfoil data
Coefficient of lift drop from stall to 20 degrees "DROP"
This is the decrease in coefficient of lift from the stall to an angle
of 20 degrees. This number might be in the 0.4 range for a thicker
airfoil, 0.6 for a thinner one.
The NACA-2412 has a value of about 0.4 . (The coefficient of lift
goes from around 1.6 to 1.2 as the angle of attack goes from around
16 to 20 degrees).

Coefficient of drag minimum "DMIN"

This is the minimum coefficient of drag of the airfoil. (Again, not
including induced drag, which is determined automatically by the
simulator X-Plane). This minimum coefficient of drag also should not
include the low-drag bucket of a laminar flow wing. A thick or highly
cambered airfoil has a value of about 0.01, a typical older generalaviation airfoil such as the NACA-2412 has a value of about 0.006,
and a really thin, symmetrical airfoil has about a 0.005 value. Laminar
flow airfoils can approach values of 0.004, but that number should not
be entered here, because it will be addressed in the laminar drag

bucket buttons soon to come.

Coefficient of lift at which minimum drag occurs "MIN D CL"
Enter the coefficient of lift at which the minimum drag occurs.
This value is probably very close to the coefficient of lift at zero
degrees angle of attack, which is the lift intercept. The very first
number you entered! If anything, the minimum coefficient of drag
occurs at a coefficient of lift a little lower than the lift intercept
coefficient of lift. This is because an airfoil usually has the least drag at
an angle of attack of about zero degrees or just a hair lower.
Coefficient of drag at angle of attack of 10 degrees "D ALPH=10"
For a thin, symmetrical airfoil, this value might be around 0.015.
NACA-2412 comes in with a surprisingly good 0.012. A really highlycambered airfoil might be around 0.025, though.
Coefficient of drag curvature "POWER"
The power curve is simply the curvature of the drag curve as it
changes with angle of attack. You will have to fiddle with the curvature
until the curve looks like the experimental data, but theoretically this
number will be around 2.
Laminar drag bucket location "CL LOCTN"
Some airfoils, called natural laminar flow or "NLF" airfoils, have
perfectly smooth airflow across a large part of the wing, a flow pattern
called "laminar flow" (Where did you think this company got the name

"Laminar Research"?) This super-smooth, low-drag flow can only

happen at fairly small angles of attack, though, so there is a "low-drag
bucket", or area in a small angle of attack range, that has lower-thannormal drag. The drag bucket location is usually thought of in terms of
the coefficient of lift. In other words, the center of the drag bucket
occurs at some coefficient of lift of the airfoil. This might happen at a
coefficient of lift of around 0.6.
Laminar drag bucket width "WIDTH"
This refers to how wide the bucket is, or what range of
coefficient of lift the drag bucket covers. 0.4 is a decent guess.
Laminar drag bucket depth "DEPTH"
This is the all-important variable: how much do you reduce your
drag by going to laminar flow? Answer: 0.002 if youre lucky. (But that
is actually quite a bit. That might turn a cd of 0.006 to 0.004. Quite a
large percentage difference.).
Laminar drag bucket curvature "POWER"
The power curve is simply the curvature of this low drag bucket.
You will have to fiddle with the curvature until the curve looks like the
experimental data, but chances are this number will be around 3 to 5.
Coefficient of moment low-alpha change point "ALPHA 1"
The coefficient of moment is usually linear across the non-stalled
angle of attack range. In other words, if the airfoil is not stalled, the

moment curve is usually a straight line. After the stall, however, the
moment coefficient tends to change direction. For the NACA-2412, the
moment coefficient has its low angle of attack moment-change at 10
degrees, a point corresponding to roughly +4 degrees before the stall.
Coefficient of moment high-alpha change point "ALPHA 2"
The NACA-2412 airfoil has its high angle of attack momentchange right at the positive stalling angle of 16 degrees.
Coefficient of moment at 20 degrees "CM 1"
For the NACA 2412, this number is about 0.075. Notice that this
is a positive number. This means that if the airfoil is at a clear negative
angle of attack, it will stall and try to pitch back up to an angle of attack
closer to zero. This is a nice effect, because the airfoil tends to try and
recover from the stall automatically.
Coefficient of moment at low-alpha change point "CM 2"
For the NACA 2412, this number is about -0.05, which is a light
pitch-down. A wing with a higher camber will have a value of around
-0.10, perhaps even 0.13. A symmetrical airfoil will have no pitch
tendency at all here, so 0.0 should be entered for that type of airfoil.
Coefficient of moment at high-alpha change point "CM 3"
For the NACA 2412, this number is about 0.025, which is a very
light pitch-down. A wing with a higher camber will have a value of
around 0.10, perhaps even 0.13. A symmetrical airfoil will have no

pitch tendency at all here, so 0.0 should be entered for that type of
Coefficient of moment at 20 degrees "CM 4"
This is the coefficient of moment well into the stall. For the NACA
2412, it is about -0.10. This is a moderate pitch-down, which is
desirable because this pitch-down will help recover from the stall.
Finishing Up
Change all of the parameters we just discussed around a bit, and
select "Save As" from the "File" menu. Now type in an airfoil name and
hit return. Congratulations! You have just generated your own airfoil!
Drop it in the "Airfoils" folder in your X-System folder (to be usable by
ALL planes) or a folder that you make called "Airfoils" in the same
folder as your airplane designs to be used only by that airplane.

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