History of Shiasm
History of Shiasm
History of Shiasm
The Advent of Islam
up to
The End of Minor Occultation
Some references:
q Al kim anNayshbr, AlMustadrak al - a ayn (Beirut), vol. 3,
pp. 109-110, 148, 533
q Muslim, A - a , (English translation), book 31, ha dths 5920-3
q AtTirmidh, A - a , vol. 5, pp. 621-2, ha dths 3786, 3788; vol. 2, p. 219
q An-Nas, Kha i Al ibn Ab lib, ha dth 79
q A mad ibn anbal, Al-Musnad, vol. 3, pp. 14, 17, 26; vol. 3, pp. 26, 59; vol.
4, p. 371; vol. 5, pp. 181-182, 189-190
q Ibn alAthr, J mi alU l, vol. 1, p. 277
q Ibn Kathr, AlBid yah wanNih yah, vol. 5, p. 209
q Ibn Kathr, Tafsr al-Qur n al-A m , vol. 6, p. 199
q Na r ad-Dn al-Alban, Silsil t al-A dth a - a ah (Kuwait: Ad-Dr
a - alfiyyah), vol. 4, pp. 355-358
Ghulm-Hasan Mu arram
Mansoor Limba
Table of Contents
Foreword ............................................................................................................... 1
Preface .................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter One .......................................................................................................... 7
A Cursory Glance at the References ....................................................................... 7
Lesson One ............................................................................................................. 9
Special References ................................................................................................. 9
1. Maq til a - libiyyn .................................................................................10
2. Ad-Daraj t ar-Rafah f abaq t ash-Shah .............................................11
3. Ay n ash-Shah ..........................................................................................12
4. T r kh ash-Shah .........................................................................................13
5. Sheh dar T r kh .........................................................................................14
6. Jih d ash-Shah...........................................................................................15
7. T r kh-e Tashayyu dar r n az gh z t Qarn-e Haftum-e Hijr ...............16
@ Lesson 1: Summary..........................................................................................17
@ Lesson 1: Questions .........................................................................................17
Lesson Two ...........................................................................................................19
General References ...............................................................................................19
1. General History............................................................................................19
2. Biography of the Im ms (a) ........................................................................20
3. Books on Revolts and Wars ..........................................................................21
4. Books on Rij l and Classes ..........................................................................21
5. Books on Geography ....................................................................................22
6. Books on Narrations.....................................................................................22
7. Books on Genealogy.....................................................................................23
8. Books on adth ...........................................................................................24
9. Books on Nations and Religions ...................................................................24
@ Lesson 2: Summary..........................................................................................26
@ Lesson 2: Questions .........................................................................................26
Chapter Two ........................................................................................................27
The Manner of Emergence of the Shah ...............................................................27
Lesson Three ........................................................................................................29
The Reasons behind the Emigration of the Sdt [Sayyids or Descendants of the
Prophet ( )] ........................................................................................................140
a. The Defeat of the Alaw Uprisings ............................................................140
b. Pressure Exerted by Governments Agents .................................................141
c. Existence of Favorable Circumstances ......................................................141
@ Lesson 14: Summary......................................................................................142
@ Lesson 14: Questions .....................................................................................142
Chapter Four.....................................................................................................143
The Shah and Alaw Uprisings..........................................................................143
Lesson Fifteen ...................................................................................................145
The Shah and Alaw Uprisings during the Period of Umayyad Caliphate ......145
a. The Uprising of Zayd..................................................................................146
b. The Uprising of Ya y ibn Zayd ...............................................................148
@ Lesson 15: Summary......................................................................................150
@ Lesson 15: Questions .....................................................................................150
Lesson Sixteen ...................................................................................................151
The Shah and Alaw Uprisings during the Period of Abbsid Caliphate .......151
1. The Uprisings of the Zayds ............................................................................151
a. The Uprising of Mu ammad Nafs az-Zakiyyah .........................................153
b. The Uprising of Ibn ab ab al- asani..............................................154
c. The Uprising of asan ibn Zayd (the Alaws of abarist n) ...................155
d. The Uprising of Ya y ibn al- usayn (the Zayds of Yemen) ...................156
@ Lesson 16: Summary......................................................................................157
@ Lesson 16: Questions .....................................................................................157
Lesson Seventeen .............................................................................................159
2. Sporadic Uprisings ..........................................................................................159
a. The Uprising of Shahd Fakh .....................................................................159
b. The Uprising of Mu ammad ibn al-Q sim................................................160
c. The Uprising of Ya y ibn Umar a - lib ...........................................161
Factors behind the Failure of the Uprisings ........................................................161
@ Lesson 17: Summary......................................................................................163
@ Lesson 17: Questions .....................................................................................163
Chapter Five .....................................................................................................165
The Geographical Expansion of Shism..............................................................165
Lesson Eighteen ................................................................................................167
The Geographical Expansion of Shism ............................................................167
@ Lesson 18: Summary......................................................................................170
Transliteration Symbols
Long Vowels
Short Vowels
Persian Letters
History of Shism
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and may the blessings
of Allah be upon our Master and Prophet, Mu ammad, and his pure
progeny, and may the curse of Allah be upon all their enemies.
History of Shism as the History of a Living School and Combatant Followers
History of Shism
The initial nucleus of the Shah was composed of the great and
distinguished Companions [ a bah]1 of the Prophet of Islam ( ) who, as
per instruction of the Prophet ( ), believed in the expediency of the
leadership of Al ibn Ab lib (a) after the Prophet ( ).
After the demise of the Prophet of Islam ( ), the formation of [the
selection in] Saqfah and the climate that emerged in the selection of the
caliph, the path of Shism took a different turn in history. It is because the
Shah insisted on the leadership of Al (a) and remained around the
members of the Prophets Household [Ahl al-Bayt] (a). By enduring the
difficulties and adversities, they did not abandon their ideals and beliefs.
Thus, they kept their distance from government affairs, causing them to face
much enmity and disfavor from the governments of the time. Although the
Shah difference of view with the supporters of the de facto caliphate was
first on the question of caliphate and succession to the Prophet ( ), they also
called on the Imms from the Ahl al-Bayt (a)the genuine fountainhead of
Islamic knowledge and learningafter the demise of the Prophet ( ) for
matters relating to the principles of beliefs [aq id], jurisprudence [fiqh],
ha dth,2 tafsr [exegesis of the Quran], and other Islamic sciences. Over
time, the Imams became renowned in these fields compared to the followers
of the de facto caliphate, and the trend of their intellectual and cultural path
took a different course. This affair itself had an eminent effect on the
historical and cultural trend in Shism, continuously protecting it from
distortion [ta r f] and other forms of setbacks.
In the light of adherence to the Imms from the Ahl al-Bayt (a), the
Shah actually became the repository of Ahl al-Bayts knowledge and their
spiritual inheritors throughout history. The culture of Shism has always
been an effulgent, dynamic, prolific, and authentic culture such that even
some of their opponents have acknowledged this fact. For example, Shams
ad-Dn Muhammad adh-Dhahab (born 748 AH), one of Ahl as-Sunnahs
distinguished eighth century (hijr ) scholars (known for his anti-Shah
sentiment) in describing the status of Abn ibn Taghlib, one of the towering
pupils of Imm Jafar a - diq (a), bitterly acknowledges this fact and
after accusing him of innovation in religion (Shism), approves of and
introduces him as truthful, and thus writes:
Companions [ a bah] refer to the Companions of the Prophet ( ). In earlier times, the
term was restricted to his close friends who had close contact with him. Later, the term was
extended to include the believers who had seen him, even if only for a brief moment or at an
early age. [Trans.]
Ha dth (pl. ah dth): tradition or report, specifically the traditions of the Prophet ( ) and the
infallible Imms (a), i.e. their sayings, actions and tacit approvals of others actions, or the
narrations of these. [Trans.]
Inclination to Shism among the religious, pious and honest followers, and
their followers, are plenty. In case the ha dths they are narrating are
rejected, a great portion of the Prophetic works and ha dths will be lost and
this evil is serious enough.1
On the other hand, like any other madhhab [sect] and maktab [school],
the Shah, throughout these historical straitened circumstances and the ups
and downs that transpired, was not immune from internal splits, which
brought about immense predicaments. The infiltration of the ghul t2 into
Shah ranks had also exacerbated these predicaments notwithstanding the
rejection of the former by the Imms (a) of the Shah.
Keeping this background in mind, one can guess what stages and
pathways the Shah have treaded during the past fourteen centuries in
different realms and spheres.
This book, a relatively comprehensive, elegant and worthy glance at the
historical trend of Shism, is a product of relentless efforts and studies of the
diligent researcher, Hujjat al-Islm Shaykh Ghulm-Husayn Muharram, and
has many distinguishing merits compared to other similar workswhose
number is unfortunately few. Fortunately, it has now earned the kind
attention of the authorities and is about to be published, after passing (with
an excellent grade) as a masters thesis. We are currently awaiting other
significant works from this author. ?
Mahd Pshv
Khordd 1380 AHS
Rab al-Awwal 1422 AH
Circa May-June 2001
Shams ad-Dn Muhammad ibn Ahmad adh-Dhahab, Mz n al-Itid l (Beirut: Dr al-Fikr,
n.d.), vol. 1, p. 4.
Ghul t (sing. gh l) are those who declare their faith in Islam but exaggerate in their beliefs
about some prophets or Imms, e.g., those who believe that an Imm is an incarnation of God.
This is against the fundamental Islamic belief that God does not incarnate into anyone or anything. [Trans.]
Chapter One
A Cursory Glance at the References
Lesson One
History of Shism
T r kh ash-Shah;
Sheh dar T r kh;
Jih d ash-Shah; and
T r kh-e Tashayyu dar r n az gh z t Qarn-e Haftum-e Hijr .
1. Maqtil a - libiyyn
One of the most significant references dealing with the history of Shism
is the book Maq til a - libiyyn. Its author, Abl-Faraj Al ibn alHusayn al-Isfahn, was born in 284 AH in the city of Isfahn. He grew up in
Baghdad and was educated under the guidance of scholars and learned men
there. His genealogy can be traced back to the Umayyads but he is a Shah
[alaw madhhab].1
As indicated in its title, the book deals with the descendants of Ab
lib [ libiyyn] who were killed at the hands of the oppressors and
tyrants of the time, as the author thus writes:
In this book of mine, by the help and will of Allah, I shall give a summary
of the reports on the murdered ones among the descendants of Ab lib
from the time of the Messenger of Allah ( ) up to the moment when I
started writing this book in Jumd al-Awwal 313 AH (circa July-August
925 CE). It includes those who were killed by means of eating or drinking
poison; those who escaped from the ruler of the time, hid somewhere else
and died there; and those who died while languishing in prison. And in
mentioning them, I observed the chronological order of their deaths and not
their merits2
This book is generally divided into two parts. The first part covers the
period from the time of the Prophet ( ) up to the establishment of the
Abbsid caliphate while the other part covers the Abbsid period.
Although this book deals only with the life account and martyrdom of the
martyrs among the descendants of Ab lib [ l ab lib], including life
account of the Imms (a), martyred leaders and leading figures among the
Alaws (descendants of Al (a)) and their own followers, a part of the
history of Shism can be extracted from every part of it. Of course, since this
book is more relevant to Shisms political history, it is less beneficial with
respect to other aspects of the history of Shism.
Sayyid Ahmad aqar, Introduction to Maq til a - libiyyn, 2nd edition (Qum:
Manshrt ash-Sharf ar-Rad, 1416 AH, p. 5.
Abl-Faraj Al ibn al-Husayn al-Isfahn, Maq til a - libiyyn, 2nd edition (Qum:
Manshrt ash-Sharf ar-Rad, 1416 AH, p. 24.
Lesson 1
History of Shism
What is available so far from this valuable reference is the first class, i.e.
the Class of the Companions in complete form, part of the fourth class, and a
small portion of the 11th class.
This book is considered the most significant reference on the subject of
Shism among the Companions and in this respect, it has also a good sense
of comprehensiveness. The writer of this book was able to compile the views
and opinions of the Shah scholars and biographers [rij liyyn] regarding
the Shah among the Companions, and as such, he has not much engaged in
expressing his own views, opinions, analyses, and investigations.
3. Ayn ash-Shah
The writer of this unique book is the great Shah researcher and scholar,
the late Sayyid Mu sin Amn. The book, Ay n ash-Shah, as its title
indicates, is a book concerning the life account and description of the leading
Shah figures. This book has three introductions. The first introduction
explains the authors method of writing. The introduction begins thus: In
stating our method in this book which is as follows and then he explains
in detail in 14 parts the method of his writing.
The second introduction, meanwhile, is about the general history of
Shism, which is consisted of 12 discussions. The third introduction deals
with the references and authorities used in the book:
Discussion 1: The meaning and connotation of the word Shah; other
Shah terminologies; criticizing the view of the Ahl as-Sunnah writers
regarding the Shah sects.
Discussion 2: The emergence of the Shah and their expansion; the
Shah among the Companions; Shah Companions; growth of the Shah.
Discussion 3: Points to the some of the oppressions perpetrated against
the Ahl al-Bayt (a) and their Shah.
Discussion 4: Unjust treatment of the Shah of the Ahl al-Bayt (a).
Discussion 5: Incessant attacks against the Ahl al-Bayt (a).
Discussion 6: The existence of many calumnies against the Shah and a
summary of the Jafar Shah Ithna Ashar beliefs.
Discussion 7: Factors behind the spread of Shism in the Muslim lands.
Discussion 8: The virtues of the Ahl al-Bayt (a) and their services to
Discussion 9: On the beliefs of the Shah Immiyyah.
Discussion 10: Concerning the Shah ulam , poets, men of letters, and
writers, and their works.
Lesson 1
Discussion 11: Viziers and ministers, rulers, judges, and chiefs among
the Shah.
Discussion 12: Enumeration of the Shah-populated cities.1
It must be beyond our responsibility to talk about the importance,
reputation and value of the book, Ay n ash-Shah, as it is an ocean of
historical knowledge and information which we cannot fathom, overcome, or
measure. Rather, we can benefit from it in proportion to our capability. The
articulacy of writing, depth of the subjects, approach to the subjects,
arrangement of the topics, logical order, and the like are among its merits.
With regard to the points of criticism that can be made against it,
secondary cases may be indicated such as the following:
On the discussion of the other terms for the Shah, they are mentioned
very briefly and only the names such as Immiyyah, Mutaawwalah,
Qizilbsh, Rfi iyyah, Jafariyyah, and Kh
ah have been enumerated,2
whereas the names applied to the Shah are more than these. Only in the first
century hijr , the labels such as Alaw, Turb, Husayn, etc. have been
applied to the Shah.
The other criticism that can be made with respect to this book is related
to the meaning of Shah. The Shah writers of rij l do not regard as Shah
some of the people whom he counted as Shah because although these
people were Shah in the political sense, they cannot be considered as such
in the ideological sense. That is to say that in the political disputes they took
the side of the Ahl al-Bayt (a), but in terms of belief, they did not benefit
from that fountainhead [of knowledge] (Ahl al-Bayt (a)). A separate section
is supposed to be allotted to this discussion, and the beginning should have
stated to whom the label Shah refers.
4. Trkh ash-Shah
The book, T r kh ash-Shah, written by the late great Allmah Shaykh
Muhammad Husayn Mu affar, is one of the important references and
authorities on the history of Shism. This book, reprinted many times, has
been translated into Persian by Prof. Sayyid Muhammad Bqir ujjat. The
late Mu affar has surveyed and discussed in 82 headings the history of
Shism from the time of the Prophet ( ) up to his own time. In general, the
topics of this book can be summed up in three parts: (1) periods of the spread
of Shism, (2) Shah-populated places, and (3) Shah governments.
History of Shism
The late Mu affar has been an able writer and erudite scholar whose
pen, apart from being versatile and fluent, has the necessary power and
One of the most important merits of the book, T r kh ash-Shah, is its
comprehensiveness as it has examined the presence of the Shah in all parts
of the world. This book can be one of the most important references and
authorities for the researchers dealing with the history of Shism in every
period and epoch.
In spite of all these merits that T r kh ash-Shah does possess in
comparison with other books, on account of its brevity, it fails to present the
absolute truth except in topics such as the meaning of Shah, the specific
time when the label Shah was applied to the sympathizers of the Ahl alBayt (a), the beginning of Shism, and the spread of Shism, which are
related to the main discussions about Shah. In these cases, he has engaged
in giving a detailed account, which is appropriate to the subjects. The late
Mu affar thus says in the introduction of this book:
I have no other aim but to let the people know that Shism commenced
at the time of the Receiver of Message (Muhammad al-Mustaf ( )), and the
Iranians and Ibn Saba had no hand in founding it.
The other defect of this book that can be cited is its lack of scholarly
character. Due to the observance of brevity, the honorable writer has failed to
quote and analyze the views of others.
Parts of this book dealing with the formation of Muslim states are
supposed to be completed. For, with the passage of time, main changes and
developments in the Shah states under discussion have occurred and some
of them have even ceased to exist, but the honorable translator of the book
has not discussed some of the new states and not conducted up-to-date
research. As a result, it has been translated in such a form that the sections
dealing with the Shah states gives an impression of antiquity.
5. Sheh dar Trkh
The book, Ash-Shah ft-T r kh [Sheh dar T r kh], written by
Muhammad Husayn Zayn mil, has been translated into Persian by
Muhammad Rid A and published by stn-e Quds-e Ra aw
(Custodianship of Imm ar-Rids Holy Shrine). As one of the authorities on
the history of the Shah, this book consists of five chapters and the
concluding part:
The first chapter is about the meaning, concept, background, and a
summary of the Shah beliefs.
The second chapter deals with the sects and groups that have separated
from the Shah.
Lesson 1
The third chapter covers the history after the Prophet ( ) up to the
martyrdom of Imm al-Husayn (a) and an analysis of the events and
occurrences during that period.
The fourth chapter is about the position of the Shah during the
Umayyad and Abbsid caliphates.
The fifth chapter deals with the Shah disavowal [bar ah] of ghul
[extremism] and ghul t [extremists].
The book, Sheh dar T r kh, is a good authority on the discussion of the
splits within the Shah, it has especially analyzed various factors behind the
separation of groups and sects from the Shah.
As a book on the history of Shism, it does not cover all the topics and
subjects dealing with the Shah. This is because at times the discussion drifts
away from the subject of Shism, embarking on such subjects as the
Khawrij (Kharijites)1 and the history of caliphate, which are not so relevant
to the history of Shism.
6. Jihd ash-Shah
Another reference for the history of the Shah is the book Jih d ashShah (even though its main focus is the armed struggles and movements of
the Shah). This book is written by Dr. Samrah Mukhtr al-Layth,
university professor at the Ayn Shams University, Egypt. The Beirut-based
Dr al-Jayl publisher has published Jih d ash-Shah in 1396 AH (1976) with
424 pages, 16.2x22.9 cm size, and hard-bound cover. After the introduction,
this book has been arranged into 5 parts and a conclusion, and its subject is
the jih d of the Shah. It has examined and discussed the subject
approximately up to the end of the 2nd century hijr . In other words, the
author of the book, on one hand, talks about the armed struggles and
movements of the Shah against the Abbsids, states the Alaw uprisings
and factors for their defeat, and discusses the role of the Shah movements
and sects in the socio-political currents and conditions of that period. On the
Khaw rij (Kharijites or dissenters) were a group of quasi-holy, narrow-minded Muslims who
were originally followers of Imm Al (a) and fought with him at the Battle of Siffn.
Initially they supported arbitration, pushing Imm Al to accept it; however, later they
revolted against it arguing that because God was the only true arbitrator, Imm Al and those
who agreed with him in the arbitration were not just wrong they were unbelievers, hence they
could have no dealings with them. On Imm Als return to Iraq from Siffn, this group split
off from his army and set up camp on the banks of the Nahrawn canal where they began
terrorizing the people whom they regarded as unbelievers. Imm Al was at first able to talk
to them and persuade some of them to cease in their hostilities, but eventually he was forced to
take up arms against them. In 659 CE he attacked their army under the leadership of Abdullh
ibn Wahhb al-Rasb at Nahrawn almost annihilating them. Nahrawn was the third and last
battle Imm Al had to wage with his enemies. [Trans.]
History of Shism
other hand, she has also analyzed the policy of the caliphs toward the Holy
Imms (a) and the Shah. Topics on the general history of the Shah have
been discussed in a certain section of the first part which covers such topics
as: Shah in the lexicon; the concept of Shah; history of the emergence of
the Shah; the impact of the jih d of Imm al-Husayn (a) in the emergence
of the Shah; the Shah jih d in Iraq; the emergence of the Kaysniyyah
sect; and the Shah Immiyyah. In discussing the emergence of the Shah,
she has advanced various views and opinion regarding the history of the
One problem that can be cited with respect to the book is in elucidating
the political theory of the Holy Imms ('a) whom the author has described
as the Imms of the Immiyyah sect. As the author is not a Shah, she has
failed to discern and explain the foundation of the political thought of the
Imms (a). As such, she describes the basis of Imamate after Imm alHusayn (a) as spiritual and intellectual Imamate, regarding their method as
different from that of the Commander of the Faithful, Imm al-Hasan and
Imm al-Husayn (a).1
7. Trkh-e Tashayyu dar rn az ghz t Qarn-e Haftum-e Hijr
The writer of this book, Mr. Rasl Jafariyn, is among the valuable
researchers of the Islamic Theological Center in Qum. This book is a wellresearched and distinctive one in its own right, and it is one of the best
writings and literary works of this author. It is also one of the most important
research references on the history of Shism. This book has valuable
historical information and data, which no researcher on the history of Shism
will be needless of. Among the merits of this book is its rich content. If it has
any defect, it (only) pertains to the form and appearance. For example, its
footnotes have not been printed in a standard and technical manner. The
other one is that some subjects such as critique of the references used in the
book are inserted in the (main) subjects, which gives confusion to the
readers. Of course, it would have been better to discuss them in a separate
chapter with the same heading, or at least, they must have been mentioned in
the footnotes so as to cause no disruption to the main subjects.
Samrah Mukhtr al-Layth, Jih d ash-Shah (Beirut: Dr al-Jayl, 1396 AH), p. 36.
Lesson 1
@ Lesson 1: Summary
All history books can be good references for the research on the history
of Shism. Among the special references on the history of Shism, however,
are the following:
o Maq til a - libiyyn the life account of the descendants of Ab
lib [ libiyyn] who were murdered at the hand of the tyrants of
their respective times.
o Ad-Daraj t ar-Rafah f abaq t ash-Shah the history of the
Shah and not history of Shism, but a part of the history of Shism
can be learned from its survey of the conditions of the Shah as well
as from its introduction.
o Ay n ash-Shah Although it is about the conditions of the Shah,
its second introduction is about the general history of Shism.
o T r kh ash-Shah This book has surveyed the periods of the spread
of Shism, the Shah-populated places, and Shah states. [The late
Mu affar]
o Sheh dar T r kh It has explained the meaning and concept of
Shah, the Shah beliefs and its sects. [Muhammad Husayn Zayn almil]
o Jih d ash-Shah Examines Shah uprisings till the end of the 2nd
century hijr .
o T r kh-e Tashayyu dar r n az gh z t Qarn-e Haftum-e Hijr
This book contains precious information regarding the history of
Shism in Iran, which no researcher can be needless of in his
@ Lesson 1: Questions
1. How many types do references on the history of Shism have?
2. What is the subject of the book Maq til a - libiyyn?
3. Give a brief description of the book, Ad-Daraj t ar-Rafah f
abaq t ash-Shah.
4. What is the relationship between the book Ay n ash-Shah, and the
history of Shism?
Lesson Two
General References
After having a general survey of some of the special references on the
history of Shism, we shall examine the general references for this history.
The general references with respect to their subjects are as follows:
1. T r kh-e Umm [General History];
2. Zendegn meh-ye Im m n (a) [Biography of the Imms (a)];
3. Kitab-h -ye Fitan va ur b [Books on Revolts and Wars];
4. Kitab-h -ye Rij l va abaq t [Books on Rij l and Classes];
5. Kitab-h -ye Jughr fiy [Books on Geography];
6. Kitab-h -ye Akhb r [Books on Narrations];
7. Kitab-h -ye Nasab [Books on Genealogy];
8. Kitab-h -ye Ha dth [Books on Ha dths]; and
9. Kitab-h -ye Milal va Nihal [Books on Nations and Religions].
1. General History
In this books survey of the history of Shism, the most widely used
books are those relating to the general history of the first centuries hijr and
the history of the caliphate, such as T r kh al-Yaqb, Murawwij adhDhahab, T r kh a - abar , Al-K mil ft-T r kh, Al-Abr, Al-Im mmah
was-Siy sah, T r kh al-Khulaf , Shar Nahj al-Bal ghah of Ibn Abladd, including even the analytical history research and books written by
contemporary writers. Among the general history books, I have used T r kh
al-Yaqb and Murawwij adh-Dhahab extensively. In these two books,
History of Shism
historical events and occurrences have been recorded fairly impartially and
without any attempt at concealing the truth. Yaqbi has expressed in detail
the oppositions of Companions of the Prophet ( ) with the caliphate of
Abbakr, criticizing the groupings after the demise of the Prophet ( ).1 He
has embarked, as far as he could, on mentioning the events relevant to the
history of the Shah such as the government of the Commander of the
Faithful (a),2 the peace treaty of Imm al-Hasan (a),3 the martyrdom of
ujr ibn al-Add,4 Amr ibn amq5 and that of Imm al-Husayn (a),6
more or less presenteing the truth of the matter.
Masd is also among the historians who had no intention of concealing
the truth. Although he has only dealt in passing with the event of Saqfah in
the books Murawwij adh-Dhahab and At-Tanbiyyah wal-Ashr f, he
nevertheless has mentioned the differences of the Companions and the Ban
Hshims refusal to pay allegiance to Abbakr.7 In another part of the first
book, Masd wrote the issue of Fadak8 and discussed in detail the events
that took place during the caliphate of the Commander of the Faithful (a)
and the martyrdom of Imm al-Hasan (a).9 He has mentioned the names of
the Shah and their tribes as well as the enemies of the Ahl al-Bayt (a) in
various parts of Murawwij adh-Dhahab.10 Also, in the years of the Holy
Imms (a) demise, he has given a short account of their lives.11 He has, in
particular, detailed the uprisings of the Alaws during the 2nd century hijr .12
2. Biography of the Imms (a)
Among the books relevant to the life accounts of the Imms (a), the
book, Al-Irsh d, by Shaykh al-Mufd and Tadhkirah al-Khaw by Ibn alJawz occupy (special) importance. Al-Irsh d is the first and most important
available Shah reference authority on the life account of the twelve Imms
Ahmad ibn Ab Yaqb ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb (Qum: Manshrt ash-Shrf ar-Rad,
1414 AH0, vol. 2, p. 123-126.
Ibid., pp. 178-179.
Ibid., pp. 214-215.
Ibid., pp. 230-231.
Ibid., pp. 231-232.
Ibid., pp. 243-246.
Al ibn al-Husayn Masd, Murawwij adh-Dhahab (Beirut: Manshrt Muassasah alAlam Lil-Ma bt, 1411 AH), vol. 2, p. 316; At-Tanbiyyah wal-Ashr f (Cairo: Dr a w Li - ab wan-Nashr wat-Talf, n.d.), p. 427.
Murawwij adh-Dhahab, vol. 3, p. 262.
Ibid., vol. 2, pp. 246-266.
Ibid., vol. 3, pp. 59, 74.
Ibid., pp. 180, 243, 313, 388.
Ibid., pp. 324-326, 358.
Lesson 2
(a). In view of the fact that part of Als (a) life overlapped that of the life
of the Prophet ( ), the life account and conduct [srah] of the Prophet ( )
has also been included in this book, especially his battles in all of which Al
(a) had been present, with the exception of the Tabk expedition.
Concerning the book, it is enough to say that no researcher on the history of
Shism and the biography of the infallible Imms (a) is needless of it.
The Tadhrikah al-Khaw of Ibn al-Jawz occupies special importance
in the sense that the biography of the Shah Imms (a) has been expressed
through the language of a anaf and non-Shah person, but no sort of
negligence of the truth and concealment of the reality has taken place.
3. Books on Revolts and Wars
These references deal particularly with the wars that have great
importance in the historiography of Muslims. The Waqah a - iffn of Nasr
ibn Maz im al-Munqar (born 212 AH), which deals with the event and
confrontation at iffn, can be regarded as the oldest among them. This book
contains valuable information regarding the correspondence between Al
(a) and Muwiyah as well as the various sermons and speeches of the
former. Valuable information concerning the opinion of the Companions of
the Prophet ( ) regarding Al and the influence of Shism among the
different tribes can be acquired from the different parts of the book.
The book, Al-Gh r t, written by Ibrhm Thaqaf al-Kf (283 AH), is
one of the other references written about this subject. This book is related to
the events that occurred during the caliphate of the Commander of the
Faithful (a), and examines the plunders and pillages committed by
Muwiyahs agents in the realm of Als (a) government. The conditions
and situations of the Commander of the Faithfuls (a) Shah can be
extracted from various sections of the book.
Al-Jamal or Nu rah al-Jamal of Shaykh al-Mufd, which examines the
event of the Battle of Jamal (Camel) is yet another valuable references in this
regard. As it is about the Commander of the Faithfuls (a) first battle during
his caliphate, this book illustrates Als (a) station among the people of Iraq
prior to his arrival there.
4. Books on Rijl and Classes
Ilm ar-Rij l is one of the sciences mentioned in relation to the science of
ha dth. Its utility is in the study of the chain of transmission of ha dth
through which it deals with the life account and background of the ha dth
narrators and on the rectification of the Companions of the Prophet ( ). In
the Shah rij l, apart from the Companions of the Prophet ( ), the
companions of the infallible Imms (a) have also been discussed. The
History of Shism
science of rij l started in the 2nd century hijr and continues to exist to the
present, having acquired perfection with the passage of time. Some of the
most famous and reputable writings of the Ahl as-Sunnah in this context are
Al-Isti b f Marifah al-A b, written by Ibn Abd al-Barr al-Qur ub
(463 AH); Asad al-Gh bah f Marifah a - a bah, authored by Ibn Athr
al-Juzr (630 AH); T r kh Baghd d, penned by Kha b al-Baghdd (392463 AH); and Al-I bah f Marifah a - a bah, written by Ibn ajar alAsqalni. Similarly, the most important Shah rij l books are Ikhtib r
Marifah ar-Rij l, written by Shaykh a - s (385-460 AH); Rij l anNaj s (Fihrist Asm Mu annif ash-Shah) better known as Rij l, Kit b arRij l, and Kit b al-Fihrist of Shaykh a - s (385-460 AH); Rij l al-Burq ,
authored by Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Khlid al-Burq (280 AH); AlMashaykhah of Shaykh a - adq (381 AH); Ma lim al-Ulam of Ibn
Shahr shb Mzandarn (488-588 AH); and Rij l Ibn D wd of Taq adDn Hasan ibn Al ibn Dwd al- ill (647-707 AH). Of course, the science
of rij l has acquired greater perfection among the Shah and has been
divided into various branches.
Some books on rij l such as Asad al-Gh bah, Fihrist Shaykh, Rij l anNaj sh, and Ma lim al-Ulam have been written in (Arabic) alphabetical
order while some others such as Rij l Shaykh and Rij l al-Burq have been
arranged according to the classes of the Companions of the Prophet ( ) and
the Imms (a).
There are other types of rij l books in which the people are surveyed
according to various classifications, and the most important of them is the
Tabaq t of Ibn Sad.
5. Books on Geography
Some of the geography books are travelogues most of which have been
written after the third century hijr . Since in this book the history of Shism
has been examined in the first three centuries hijr , a number of them have
not been used so much, but other geography books which have presented
documents are among the references used in this research. Among them,
Muj m al-Buld n has been used most on account of its comprehensiveness.
The writer of the book, Y qt al- amaw, has treated the Shah with bias;
mentioning the names of the great families in Kfah, he has failed to mention
any of the names of the great Shah scholars and families.
6. Books on Narrations
What is meant by references and books on narrations [akhb r] is not the
books on ha dth that dealt on the lawful [ al l] and the prohibited [ ar m].
They referred instead to history books based on the method of writing history
Lesson 2
during the period of Islam in which historical events and news have been
mentioned in narrative form with the inclusion of the chain of narrators; that
is, following the method of the people of ha dth in recording and narrating
historical events. This kind of history writing has some salient features.
Firstly, any set of news regarding isolated event is mentioned distinct from
other events, and it is by itself complete without any link with other news and
events. Secondly, literary characteristics can also be observed in it; that is,
sometimes the writer makes use of poem, story and debate. In most cases,
this feature can be seen particularly in narrative works which were influenced
by the form of Ayy m al-Arab narrations. On account of this, some
researchers have regarded the historiography of khabar [news, report,
narration] to have originated from the khabar of the stories about the period
prior to the advent of Islam. Thirdly, the chain of narrators is mentioned. In
reality, this method of history writing, particularly during the first two
centuries hijr , was in most cases the way of presenting the primary sources
of history. Significant corpus of the written works of the Islamic period is
through this method.
Among the books on narrations [akhb r], Al-Akhb r al-Muaffaqiyy t of
Zubayr ibn Bakkr occupies special importance. The writer of this book,
Zubayr ibn Bakkr, apart from being among the descendants of Zubayr who
had ancient hostility to the Ahl al-Bayt of the Prophet ( ), had good relations
with Mutawakkil, the Abbsid caliph, who was a staunch enemy of the
Commander of the Faithful (a) and his descendants; the teacher of his
children1 and had been appointed as the judge in Mecca.2 In spite of this,
valuable information regarding the Companions of the Prophets ( ) protest
against the caliphate of Abbakr has been recorded in this book. The
narration of their poems, in particular, which contain their belief on the
guardianship [wa yah] of Al (a), is an expression of these protests.
7. Books on Genealogy
Among the books on genealogy, Ans b al-Ashr f of Baldhur, which is
the best reference in this regard, has been used most. On the other hand, this
book can be considered as among the books on (personal) backgrounds
[a w l]. This is in spite of the fact that in terms of genealogical knowledge,
the book Jumharah Ans b al-Arab is the most comprehensive book, which
has also presented a brief explanation of the description of some individuals.
History of Shism
Lesson 2
said that the Shah sects are 300 all in all, but at the time of enumerating
them he failed to mention more than 20 sects.
Among the oldest and most important books on nations and religions are
Al-Maq l t wal-Firaq of Ashar al-Qumm and Firaq ash-Shah of
Nawbakht. Ashar al-Qumm and Nawbakht are among the Shah scholars
who lived in the second half of the 3rd century hijr . The book, Al-Maq l t
wal-Firaq, in terms of presenting information, is so extensive and has good
comprehensiveness, but its subjects are diverse with any proper
According to the views expressed by some researchers, the book, Firaq
ash-Shah of Nawbakht is actually the same book as Al-Maq l t walFiraq.
History of Shism
@ Lesson 2: Summary
General references for the history of Shism are the following:
o Books on general history, which have been written in the first
centuries hijr , and among them Murawwij adh-Dhahab and T r kh
al-Yaqb, occupy special importance;
o Books on the biography of the Imams (a) such as Al-Irsh d of
Shaykh al-Mufd;
o Books on revolts and wars such as Waqah a - iffn;
o Books on rij l and classes as well as books written about (personal)
backgrounds [a w l];
o Books on geography such as travelogues and history of cities;
o Books on narrations which have been the same in form with the first
history writing;
o Books on genealogy such as Jumharah Ans b al-Arab; and
o Books on ha dth as well as books on nations and religions.
@ Lesson 2: Questions
1. Among the books on general history, which of the earlier books that
have dealt more with the history of Shism?
2. Briefly describe the books, Al-Irsh d and Tadhkirah al-Khaw .
3. Which type of books does W qiah a - iffn belong to?
4. Briefly describe the books on rij l.
5. How many types do the books on geography have?
6. What are the salient features of the books on narrations [akhb r]?
7. Name two books on genealogy.
8. What is the relationship between the books on ha dth and the history
of Shism?
9. What is the title of one of the most important books written on
nations and religions?
Chapter Two
The Manner of Emergence of the Shah
Lesson Three
Indeed, the Khazraj man has a brave heart and is not afraid of performing a great task.
Al-Khall ibn Ahmad al-Farhid, Tartb Kit b al-Ayn (Tehran: Instishrt-e Asweh, n.d.),
vol. 2, p. 960.
Frz-bd, Q ms al-Lughah (Lithography), p. 332.
Ab Fay as-Sayyid Murtad al-Husayn al-Wsi az-Zayd al- anaf, T j al-Ar s, vol.
11, p. 257.
History of Shism
But Shahristn limits the definitional scope of the word Shah, saying:
Shah is referring to those who follow Al alone and believe in his
Imamate [im mah] and caliphate [khil fah] to be based on revelation [nass],
and they say: Imamate shall not bypass him except [that it is done] through
injustice [ ulm].2
There are also many cases in the Quran in which Shah connotes
followers and supporters such as:
Indeed Abraham was among his followers [shah] 3
and the verse,
The one who was from his (Moses) followers [shah] sought his
help against him who was from his enemies. 4
The word Shah has also been mentioned in the Prophetic traditions to
mean followers and friends of Al (a).5
Shah in the Shah references does not have more than one meaning
and conception and that is belief in the succession of Al (a) and his eleven
descendants in which no change has ever taken place since the demise of the
Prophet ( ) up to the minor occultation [ghaybah a - ughr ]. Just as the
Shah of the second half of the third century hijr believed in all the twelve
Imms (a), the pioneering Shah among the Companions of the Prophet ( )
also believed in this affair because they had been informed of the names of
these Imms from the Prophetic traditions.6
Abd ar-Ra mn ibn Muhammad ibn al-Khaldn, Al-Muqaddimah (Beirut: Dr I y atTurth al-Arab, 1408 AH), p. 196.
Shhristn, Kit b al-Milal wan-Nihal (Qum: Manshrt ash-Sharf ar-Rad, 1364 AHS),
vol. 1, p. 131.
Srah a - ff t 37:83.
Srah al-Qasas 28:15.
We shall quote these traditions in the next chapter.
Ibn ajar al-Haytham, one of the Sunn scholars, mentions the ha dth on the twelve Imms,
and with respect to its authenticity, he claims to have consensus of opinion as it has been
narrated through various chains. Then, he embarks on interpreting the ha dth quoting
contradictory statements from Ahl as-Sunnah scholars and ulam , ultimately failing to reach
a decisive conclusion. For example, Q Iyd al-Yahsub has said: Perhaps, it means the
Lesson 3
Although many of the Shah had no access to these traditions due to the
atmosphere of strangulation maintained by the tyrant rulers, what was
obligatory (for them) was to recognize the Imm of their respective times. As
the Holy Prophet ( ) said, He who will die without recognizing the Imm
of his time dies in a state of ignorance [j hiliyyah].1 As such, we can see
that when Imm a - diq (a) attained martyrdom, Zurrah who was an old
man sent his son, Ubayd, to inquire about the successor of Imm a - diq
(a). But before Ubayd was able to return to Kfah, Zurrah, who was about
to die, took hold of a copy of the Quran and said: O God! Be my witness
that I testify to the Imamate [im mah] of the one who has been designated in
this Quran.2
Of course, with the passage of time, the meaning and concept of Shah
assumes an explicit form and its scope is determined. Thus, the infallible
Imms (a) have regarded those who are identified with the false sects and
faiths as outside Shah circles, as Shaykh a - s narrates from amrn
ibn An:
I asked Imm al-Bqir (a): Am I really among your Shah? The Imm
(a) replied: Yes, you are among our Shah in this world and in the
hereafter, and the names of the Shah and their fathers are written for us.
Why, are there those who turn their back to us? I replied: May I be your
ransom! Is it possible for somebody to be your Shah and to have
knowledge of your being in truth, and then to turn his back from you? The
Imm (a) said: Yes, O amrn! You will not perceive them.
amzah az-Zayyt, who is one of the narrators of this ha dth, thus says:
Concerning this ha dth we made a discussion and we were not able to
understand the purport of the Imm (a). As such, I wrote a letter to Imm
twelve caliphs who were rulers during the glorified period of caliphate and grandeur of Islam,
i.e. up to Wald ibn Yazds reign. Others have said: It refers to the twelve caliphs in truth
who shall rule till the Day of Resurrection, some of whose reigns have already passed, such as
the Righteous Caliphs [khulaf ar-r shidn], Imm al-Hasan, Muwiyah, Abd Allh ibn
Zubayr, Umar ibn Abd al-Azz, and Mahd al-Abbs. Two more shall come, one of whom
is the Awaited Mahd [mahd al-munta ar] from the Ahl al-Bayt (a). Some ulam have
also interpreted the ha dth on the twelve Imms to refer to the twelve Imms, in which after
Mahd (a), accordingly, six shall come from the descendants of Imm al-Hasan (a) while the
other five shall come from the descendants of Imm al-Husayn (s). A - aw iq alMu riqah, 2nd edition (Cairo: Maktabah al-Qhirah, 1385 AH), pp. 20-21.
Al-Kulayn, U l al-K f, 5th printing (Tehran: Dr al-Kutub al-Islmiyyah, 1363 AH), vol.
1, p. 377.
Shaykh a - s, Ikhtiy r Marifah ar-Rij l (Qum: Muassasah l al-Bayt Li A y atTurth, 1404 AH), vol. 1, p. 371.
History of Shism
ar-Rid (a) and I asked him (a) (about this). The Imm (a) said: Imm
a - diq (a) was referring to the Wqifiyyah (a deviant sect).1
It is for this reason that in the parlance of the Shah rij l writers, the title
Shah is only applied to the Shah believing in the twelve Imms (a) and in
the language of the jurists [fuqah ], they are sometimes described as our
bun ] or our Imm companions [a
bun alcompanions [a
im miyyah]. And those who had inclined toward the deviant sects and drifted
away from the course of Shism have described with such labels as Fa
Wqif, Nws, etc. and if ever the names of some of them are mentioned in
the Shah books on rij l, the reason is that they had narrated these traditions
prior to their deviation, just as the names of a number of Sunn narrators who
have narrated from the infallible Imms (a) have been mentioned in these
The Sunn scholars and rij l writers, however, have used the word Shah
in broader sense and they have applied it to all the sects that have separated
from the body of Shism and even to the ghul t as well.
In addition, they also refer to those who love and admire the Ahl al-Bayt
(a) as Shah. This is while some of these people do not have any sort of
belief in the infallibility [i mah] and Imamate [im mah] of the Ahl al-Bayt
(a), such as Sufyn ath-Thawr, a rector [muft] in Iraq who issued edicts
[fat w ] based on the Ahl as-Sunnah, but Ibn al-Qutaybah has enlisted him
along with the Shah.2 Regarding ash-Shfi, who is the founder of one of
the four Sunn schools of thought [madh hib], Ibn Nadm thus says:
Ash-Shfi had extreme Shism [tashayyu].3
Of course, during the second and third centuries hijr , besides the Shah
Imm, the Zayds constituted the greatest number of Shah. They were
Shah more in the political sense than in ideology because, in terms of
jurisprudence [fiqh], they were not followers of the Jafar fiqh; rather they
were followers of the anaf fiqh.4 From the viewpoint of the ideological
principles also, as narrated by Shahristn, For sometime, Zayd was a
student of W il ibn A , the founder of the Mutazilah (Mutazilite)
Lesson 3
madhhab and has learned from him the principles of the Mutazilah
Therefore, the Zayds are Mutazilites in principles [u l]. It is for this
reason that they used to regard as permissible [j yiz] the Imamate [im mah]
of a deserving person [maf l] in the existence of the more deserving person
[af al] and in that they do not disrespect the two sheikhs [shaykhayn]
(Abbakr and Umar).1 And in terms of beliefs, they are closer to the Ahl asSunnah, as Ibn al-Qutaybah thus says: Among the r fi (Shah) sects, the
Zayds have the least extremism [ghul].2
It was for this reason that the uprising of Mu ammad Nafs azZakiyyahone of the Zayd leaderswas praised by some jurists [fuqah ]
of the Ahl as-Sunnah, and as narrated by Wqid, Abbakr ibn Srah,3 Ibn
Ajln,4 and Abd Allh ibn Jafar5who were among the great adth
scholars [mu addithn] of the Medina school [maktab] and from whom
Wqid himself has narrated adthwere involved in the uprising of
Mu ammad Nafs az-Zakiyyah. Also, Shahristn says: Ab anfah was
among the followers of Mu ammad Nafs az-Zakiyyah.6
The Mutazilites of Ba rah also agreed with the uprising of Mu ammad
and based on Abl-Faraj al-I fahns narration, A group of the
Mutazilites in Ba rah such as W il ibn A and Amr ibn Ubayd
have paid allegiance to him.7
As such, the Zayds can be regarded as Shah only from the political
viewpoint although they believe in the superiority of the descendants of
F imah (a).
Ibid., p. 138.
Ibn al-Qutaybah, Al-Ma rif, p. 623.
Abl-Faraj al-I fahn, Maq til a - libiyyn, 2nd edition (Qum: Manshrt ash-Sharf
ar-Ra , 1416 AH/1374 AHS), p. 251.
Ibid., p. 254.
Ibid., p. 256.
Shahristn, Al-Milal wan-Nihal (Qum: Manshrt ash-Sharf ar-Ra , 1364 AHS), vol. 1,
p. 140.
Abl-Faraj al-I fahn, Maq til a - libiyyn, p. 258.
History of Shism
@ Lesson 3: Summary
Shah, according to the lexicon, refers to the followers and supporters of
Al (a). In the Shah references, Shah does not have more than one
meaning and that is belief in the succession of Al (a) and his eleven
descendants. The infallible Imms used to consider those who were identified
with the deviant sects as outside the circle of Shism, but the Sunn scholars
and rij l writers have used the word Shah in broader sense and they have
applied it to all the sects that have separated from the body of Shism as well
as to the admirers of the descendants of the Prophet ( ). Of course, during
the second and third centuries hijr , next to the Shah Imm, the Zayds had
been regarded by them to have constituted the greatest number of Shah.
@ Lesson 3: Questions
1. In the lexicon, what does the word Shah mean? Explain.
2. What is the meaning and connotation of the word Shah in the
Shah references?
3. Were those who were identified with the deviant sects regarded as
Shah by the infallible Imms (a)? Explain.
4. How the Sunn scholars have been defining the word Shah?
5. Which of the sects is more akin to the Shah in the political
perspective? Why?
Lesson Four
History of Shism
Ibn Abd ar-Rabbih al-Andalus also says: The Shah are those who
regarded Al as superior to Uthmn.2
d. Those who believe that Shism had come into existence from the
coming into power, up to the martyrdom of Al (a).3
e. Those who link the origin of Shism with the event at Karbal and
the martyrdom of Imm al- usayn (a).4
2. The researchers who are of the opinion that Shism can be traced back
to the period of the Messenger of Allah (a). Apart from all the Shah
ulam ,5 some of the Sunn scholars also hold such a belief, just as
Muhammad Kird-Alone of the distinguished Sunn ulam says: A
number of the Companions during the time of the Holy Prophet ( ) were
known as Shah of Al.6
Keeping in view of the opinions presented so far, it can be said that the
event of Saqfah, the latter part of the caliphate of Uthmn, the Battle of
Jamal (Camel), the rule of Al (a), and the events at Karbal are phases of
the events that have influenced the history of Shism. Although the existence
of a person named Abd Allh ibn Saba is doubtful, the formation of
Shism at these stages seems incorrect because studying the Prophetic
traditions, we find that the term Shah, has been applied by the Messenger
of Allah, Muhammad al-Mustaf ( ), to the sympathizers of Al (a) before
all these events, as recorded in many ha dths, some of which we shall cite
Lesson 4
All these ha dths are accepted by the Ahl as-Sunnah as authentic and
have been recorded in their ha dth references. Take, for example, the ha dths
which have been recorded by Suy one of the Sunn exegetes
[mufassir n] of the Quranfrom the Holy Prophet ( ) on the commentary
of the verse:
Indeed those who have faith and do righteous deedsit is they who
are the best of creatures. 1
Among them is this ha dth of the Prophet ( ) when he said:
By He in Whose hand my life is! Verily, this man (Al) and his
Shah shall secure deliverance on the Day of Resurrection.2
The Holy Prophet ( ) said to Al (a): God has forgiven the sins of
your Shah and the followers of your Shah.3
The Prophet ( ) also said to Al (a): You and your Shah will meet
(on the Day of Resurrection) at the Pool [ aw ] of Kawthar while having
drank from it and having bright faces, whereas your enemies will meet me
while they are thirsty and enchained.4
In a long ha dth regarding the virtues of Al (a), the Holy Prophet ( )
thus says to his daughter Ftimah (a): O Ftimah! Al and his Shah are
the saved ones of tomorrow.5
Similarly, the Messenger of Allah ( ) said: O Al! Your sins as well as
that of your progeny, your Shah and the followers of your Shah have been
Again, the Messenger of Allah ( ) said: O Al! During the Day of
Resurrection, I shall cling to God while you shall hold fast to me; your
History of Shism
descendants shall hold fast to you; and the Shah of your descendants shall
hold fast to them.1
The Prophet ( ) again said to Al (a): In the hereafter, of all the
people, you are the nearest one to me and the Shah are on pulpits on
Ibn al-Abbs narrated that Jibral (Archangel Gabriel) (a) gave the
news that Al (a) and the Shah shall be brought to Paradise along with
Muhammad ( ).3
Salmn al-Frs narrates that the Most Noble Messenger ( ) said to Al
O Al! Put a ring on your right hand so as to be with the nearest ones
[muqarrabn]. Al (a) asked: Who are the nearest ones? He ( ) replied:
Jibral and Mkl. Al (a) again asked: Which kind of ring shall I put
on? He ( ) replied: A ring whose stone is a red aqq because aqq is a
testimony that one has acknowledged and accepted the divine servitude
[ubdiyyah], my prophethood [nubuwwah], your guardianship [wi yah],
and your descendants Imamate [im mah]. Your followers are people of
Paradise and the abode of your Shah is the Garden of Firdaws [jannah alfirdaws].4
Jbir ibn Abd Allh al-An r narrates that the Prophet ( ) said: By
God Who sent me in truth as the Prophet! The angels are regularly seeking
forgiveness for Al and they pity him and his Shah as a father does (with
respect to his child).7
Lesson 4
Al (a) himself narrates that the Prophet ( ) said: O Al! Give glad
tidings to your Shah that I am [their] intercessor [shaf] on the Day of
Resurrectionthe day when neither wealth nor child is of any benefit except
my intercession [shaf ah].1
The Holy Prophet ( ) said to Al (a): The first four persons to enter
Paradise are I, you, Hasan, and Husayn; our descendants are behind us; our
spouses are behind our descendants and our Shah are on our right and left
Finally, many of the Sunn mu addithn and historians such as Ibn alJawz, Baldhur, Shaykh Sulaymn al-Qandz al- anaf, Khwrazm, and
as-Suy have narrated that the Messenger of Allah ( ) thus said while
addressing Al (a): Verily, this man (Al) and his Shah shall secure
deliverance on the Day of Resurrection.3
There are even recorded traditions from the Most Noble Messenger ( )
about some of the Shah and what is interesting here is that these have been
narrated by the opponents of the Shah! For example, there is a tradition
about ujr ibn Ad al-Kind which has been narrated by ishah. When
Muwiyah performed ajj after killing ujr and his companions and came
to Medina, ishah said to him:
O Muwiyah! Where was your forbearance at the time of killing ujr and
his companions? Be aware that I heard that the Messenger of Allah ( )
said: There is a group that shall be killed in a place called Marj Adhr for
which Allah and the inhabitants of heaven will be filled with wrath.4
Since these ha dths are undeniable and have been narrated by prominent
Sunn mu addithn, some Sunn writers have resorted to unjust
interpretation of them. For instance, Ibn Abl- add says:
What is meant by the Shah in many ha dths who have been given the
glad tidings of Paradise are those who believe in the superiority and
preeminence of Al (a) over others. For this reason, our Mutazilite ulam
Ibid., p. 302.
Nr ad-Dn Al ibn Abbakr al-Haytham, Majma az-Zaw id, p. 178.
Ibn al-Jawz, Tadhkirah al-Khaw (Najaf: Manshrt al-Ma baah al- aydariyyah, 1383
AH), p. 54; Ahmad ibn Ya y ibn Jbir Baldhur, Ins b al-Ashr f, researched by
Muhammad Bqir Ma md (Beirut: Maassasah al-Alam Lil-Ma bt, 1349 AH), vol. 2,
p. 182; Shaykh Sulaymn al-Qandz al- anaf, Yan b al-Mawaddah, 1st edition (Beirut:
Manshrt Muassasah al-Alam Lil-Ma bt, 1418 AH), vol. 1, p. 301;
Akh ab
Khwrazm, Al-Man qib (Najaf: Manshrt al-Ma baah al- aydariyyah, 1385 AH), p. 206;
Jalal ad-Dn as-Suy , Ad-Durr al-Manthr ft-Tafsr bil-Mathr (Qum: Manshrt
Maktabah yatullh al-U m al-Marash an-Najaf, 1404 AH) vol. 6, p. 379.
Ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb (Qum: Manshrt ash-Sharf ar-Rad, 1414 AH), vol. 2, p.
History of Shism
have thus written in their books and treatises, We are truly the Shah and
this statement is nearer to reality and more akin to truth.1
Also, in the book, A - aw iq al-Ma riqah fr-Radd al Ahl al-Bida wazZindiqah, which is a book rejecting the Shah creeds and beliefs, while quoting
this ha dths, Haytham has said:
What is meant by the Shah in these ha dths are the Shah that no longer
exist. It refers to progeny and followers of Al who are neither afflicted
with innovation [bidah] nor curse and abuse the Companions of the
Prophet ( ).2
The late Kshif al-Ghi also says: By applying the term Shah to
the Shah of Al (a), its purport can be understood because other than this
group, there is no other Shah.4
The existence of the term Shah in the ha dths and sayings of the
Prophet ( ) is clear and indisputable, and with these (unjust) interpretations,
they wanted to conceal the truth but in the end they have deceived nobody
but themselves. This is particularly true in view of the fact that the
connotations of Shah has been clarified during the time of the Prophet
( ) and a number of the Companions were known at the time as Shah of
Ibn Abl- add, Shar Nahj al-Bal ghah (Beirut: Dr I y at-Turth al-Arab, n.d.), vol.
20, p. 226.
A mad Ibn ajar Haytham al-Makk, A - aw iq al-Ma riqah fr-Radd al Ahl alBida waz-Zindiqah (Cairo: Maktabah al-Qhirah, 1384 AH), p. 232.
Muhammad Husayn Mu affar, T r kh ash-Shah (Qum: Manshrt Maktabah Ba rat,
n.d.), p. 5.
Jafar Kshif al-Ghi , Dif az aqq niyyat-e Sheh [In Defense of the Truthfulness of
the Shah], trans. Ghulm-Hasan Mu arram, 1st edition (n.p.: Muminn, 1378 AHS), pp. 4849.
Sad ibn Abd Allh al-Ashar thus says in this regard: The first sect is the Shah and it is
the sect of Al ibn Ab lib (a) which had been called the Shah of Al during the time
of the Holy Prophet ( ) and after the demise of the Prophet ( ) they were known to have
belief in his Imamate. Among them are Miqdd ibn Aswad al-Kind, Salmn al-Frs, Ab
Dharr, and Ammr. They used to prefer obedience to him to any other thing and they used to
follow him. There were also others whose inclination is harmonious with that of Al ibn Ab
lib and they were the first group from this ummah to be called Shah; for, Shah as an
Lesson 4
History of Shism
A - abar narrates that in the course of the Battle of U ud, the Most
Noble Messenger ( ) said: Al is from me and I from him.2
It has thus been narrated on the authority of Umm Salmah: When the
Messenger of Allah ( ) was angry, no one could dare to speak except Al.3
Sad ibn Ab Waq narrated that the Most Noble Messenger ( ) said:
He who loves Al loves me and he who loves me loves God. Also, he who
is hostile to Al is hostile to me, and he who is hostile to me is hostile to
Ibn al-Jawz narrated that the Holy Prophet of Islam ( ) said: O Al!
You are the separator of heaven and hell. And you shall open the door of
heaven and enter it without any reckoning.5
Khwrazm narrated in Al-Man qib on the authority of Ibn al-Abbs
that the Holy Prophet ( ) said:
When I was brought to the heavenly ascension [mir j], I saw that it is thus
written on the gate of heaven:
L il ha illall h, Muha mmadan Raslull h, Aliyyun abb All h Al-Ha san
wal-Husayn ifwat All h, F timah Ummat All h, al mabgha uhum
lanat All h.6
Ibn ajar al-Haytham al-Makk, Saw iq al-Mu riqah, 2nd edition (Cairo: Maktabah alQhirah, 1385 AH), p. 122.
T r kh a - abar , 3rd edition (Beirut: Dr al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 1408 AH), vol. 2, p. 65.
Ibn ajar al-Haytham al-Makk, Saw iq al-Mu riqah, p. 123.
Sab ibn al-Jawz, Tadhkirah al-Khaw (Najaf: Manshrt al-Ma baah al- aydariyyah,
1383 AH), p. 209.
Akh ab Khwrazm, Al-Man qib (Najaf: Manshrt al-Ma baah al- aydariyyah, 1385
AH), p. 214.
Zubayr ibn Bakkr, Al-Akhb r al-Muwaffaqiyy t, researched by Dr. Sm Makk al-n
(Qum: Manshrt ash-Sharf ar-Rad, 1416 AH), p. 312.
Lesson 4
Ibn Abl- add narrates on the authority of Zayd ibn al-Arqam that the
Most Noble Messenger ( ) said: I shall guide you to something which if it
would be known to you, you shall never go astray. Your guardian [wal] and
Imm is Al ibn Ab lib. Acknowledge him as Jibral thus informed me
of it.
After narrating this ha dth, Ibn Abl- add thus says:
If they would say, This is an explicit proof for (Imm Als) Imamate
[im mah], how will then the Mutazilites solve this problem? In reply, we
say: It is possible that the Prophet means that Al is their Imm in religious
edicts [fat w ] and laws [a k m] and not in caliphate [khil fah]. Similarly,
what we quoted in the explanation of the statements of the great and leading
Mutazilite figures of Baghdad can be the answer, the gist of which is as
follows: The Imamate and caliphate belonged to Al with the condition that
he would show inclination to it and fight others for it. As he relinquished it
to somebody and kept silent, we do accept the guardianship [wil yah] of the
other person and believe in the legitimacy of his caliphate. As the
Commander of the Faithful did not raise any opposition against the three
caliphs, did not unsheathe his sword and call on the people against the three,
it follows then that he has approved their caliphates. It is based on this that
we do accept them and believe in their purity, goodness and righteousness.
If he would have waged war against them and called on the people to fight
them, we would then believe in their transgression, deviation and
Ibn Abl- add, Shar Nahj al-Bal ghah, 1st edition (Beirut: Dr I y at-Turth alArab, 1378), vol. 3, p. 98.
History of Shism
@ Lesson 4: Summary
Some writers regard Shism to have emerged on the day of Saqfah
while others regard the same to be on the latter part of Uthmn ibn alAffns caliphate. The third group believe that Shism came into being after
the murder of Uthmn while the fourth group say that it has come into
existence after the martyrdom of Al (a). The fifth group is of the opinion
that Shism originated after the event in Karbal.
Apart from the Shah ulam as a whole, some Sunn scholars such as
Muhammad Kird-Al maintain that the root of emergence of Shism is
during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah ( ) and it was the Prophet ( )
who first applied the term Shah to the comrades of Al (a).
A number of Companions of the Prophet ( ) were also known during
that time as Shah of Al (a).
In addition to this, Shism is the same love and fellowship to Al (a) to
which the Prophet ( ) had enjoined his Companions on many occasions.
@ Lesson 4: Questions
1. How many views have been expressed regarding the emergence of
Shism? Explain.
2. Who was the first person to apply the name Shah to the comrades
of Al (a)?
3. Write two ha dths from the Messenger of Allah ( ) regarding the
4. What has Ibn Abl- add said regarding the ha dths pertaining to
the Shah?
5. What is Ibn ajar al-Haythams opinion with regard to the ha dths
relating to the Shah?
6. What is the truth of Shism?
7. Write the opinion of Ibn Abl- add concerning the ha dth narrated
by Zayd ibn al-Arqam.
Lesson Five
Shm or Shmt: up until five centuries ago, included Syria of today, Lebanon and parts of
Jordan and Palestine. It was then the capital of the Umayyad caliphate. [Trans.]
Ahmad ibn Ya y ibn Jbir Baldhur, Ins b al-Ashr f, researched by Muhammad Bqir
Ma md (Beirut: Maassasah al-Alam Lil-Ma bt, 1394 AH), vol. 2, p. 423.
History of Shism
Mikhnaf had a book entitled, Akhb r at-Tur biyyn, from which he has
narrated the event of Ayn al-Warad.1
The enemies of the Shah used to apply to them the label, Rfi and
in most cases, whenever they liked to accuse somebody of abandoning
religion, they would brand him a r fi , just as ash-Shfi says:
If loving the progeny [ l] of Muha mmad is raf , the two worlds (of mankind
and jinn) shall therefore be the witness that I am indeed a r fi .2
It has been recorded in history that after the uprising of Zayd ibn Al,
the Shah were then called R fi . Shahristn thus says:
When the Shah of Kfah learned from Zayd ibn Al that he does not
declare disavowal against the two sheikhs [shaykhayn] (Abbakr and
Umar) and regard as permissible the Imamate of a deserving one [maf l]
in the existence of the most deserving one [af al], they abandoned him.
Therefore, they were then identified as R fi because raf means
Lesson 5
Imamate of Abbakr and Umar. Other Shah believe that God did not
appoint a specific person but described the characteristics of the Imm
which conform to the personality of Al and the people were at fault in not
recognizing this. They do not abuse the two sheikhs and they are Zayds.1
Abd ar-Ra mn ibn Mu ammad Ibn al-Khaldn, Al-Muqaddimah (Beirut: Dr I y atTurth al-Arab, 1408 AH), p. 197.
Ibn Shahr shb Mzandarn. Man qib l Ab lib (Qum: Muassasah Intishrt-e
Allmeh, n.d.), vol. 4, p. 102.
Ibn Abd Rabbih, A mad ibn Mu ammad. Al-Aqd al-Far d. Beirut: Dr I y at-Turth
al-Arab, 1409 AH
Shahristn. Kit b al-Milal wan-Nihal, p. 150.
History of Shism
Among the Ban Hshim, Al (a) was also the nearest person to the
Prophet ( ). He grew up in the house of the Prophet ( ) and under his
training.3 He (a) slept in the Prophets ( ) bed during the night of hijrah,
returned to their respective owners the possessions entrusted to the Prophet
( ) and joined the Prophet ( ) in Medina.4
The most important of all is Als (a) position in Islam. The Most
Noble Messenger ( ) determined this position at the very beginning of the
Prophetic mission.
When the Prophet received instruction from God to invite his kith and kin,
it was only Al in the assembly who was ready to assist and accompany the
Holy Prophet (a). Then, in that very assembly, the Most Noble Messenger
( ) announced before the elders among his relatives that Al is the
Lesson 5
executor of his will [wa ], minister [wa r], caliph [khalf], and successor
notwithstanding the fact the he was the youngest among those who were
Mu ab ibn Sad has narrated from his father, Sad ibn Ab Waqq ,
that: I and another person were in the mosque and we were abusing Al.
Infuriated, the Prophet came to us and said: Why do you annoy me? He who
annoys Al annoys me.2
Haytham has narrated:
Buraydah al-Aslam, who is one of those who had gone to Yemen under the
commandership of Al, says: I went back to Medina earlier than the army.
The people asked me: What news? I said: There is news. God made the
Muslims victorious. They asked: Why did you come earlier (than the army
contingent)? I said: Al has allocated a bondwoman from the khums for
himself. I have come to inform the Prophet of it When the Prophet was
informed of it, he was annoyed and said: Why are some people belittling
Al? Anyone who finds fault with Al finds fault with me. Anyone who
would separate from Al has separated from me. Al is from me and I from
him. He has been created out of my essence and I from the essence of
Ibrhm (Abraham) though I am superior to Ibrhm O Buraydah! Dont
you know that Al deserves more than one bondswoman? He is your
guardian [wal] after me.3
Ibn Shahr shb also narrates a similar ha dth from Sunn mu addithn
such as Tirmidh, Ab Nam, al-Bukhr, and M all.4
Muhammad Hd Ysuf Gharaw, Mawsah at-T r kh Isl m, 1st edition (Qum: Majma alFikr al-Islm, 1417 AH), vol. 1, p. 410.
Ibn Shahr shb Mzandarn, Man qib l Ab lib, vol. 3, p. 211. [Trans.]
fi Nr ad-Dn Al ibn Abbakr Haytham, Majma az-Zaw id (Beirut: Dr al-Fikr
Li - ibah wan-Nashr wat-Tawz, 1414 AH), vol. 9, p. 173.
Ibn Shahr shb, Mun qib l Ab lib, pp. 211-212.
History of Shism
During the latter years of the Prophets ( ) life, the issue of Als (a)
position was more publicized so much so that the title wa [executor of
ones will] became one of his widely known titles, which was accepted by
both his friends and foes especially after the Holy Prophet ( ) said to Al
(a) before going to the Tabk expedition:
You are to me as Hrn (Aaron) is to Ms (Moses) with the only
difference that there shall be no prophet after me.2
In the course of the Farewell Pilgrimage [ ajj al-Wid ] in Mn and in
Arafah also, the Holy Prophet ( ) informed the people in several speeches
about twelve persons shall be his successors and all of whom are from Ban
Hshim.3 Finally, on the return from Mecca in Ghadir Khumm, he ( )
received instruction from God to announce the succession of Al (a) to all
the Muslims. He ordered the Muslims to halt and mounting a pulpit made out
of the camel saddles he delivered a long speech. He then said:
Ibid., p. 207.
T r kh a - abar , vol. 2, pp. 62-63; T r kh al-K mil, vol. 2, pp. 40-41; Musnad Ahmad ibn
anbal, vol. 1, p. 111; Ibn Abl- add, Shar Nahj al-Bal ghah, vol. 13, pp. 210-212.
Sayyid Jafar Murtad al-mil, Al-Ghadr wal-Mu ri n, 3rd edition (Beirut: Dr asSrah, 1418 AH), pp. 62-66.
Lesson 5
an Enemy of him who is his enemy. Help him whoever helps him, and
forsake him whoever forsakes him.
Then, he asked the people to pay allegiance to Al (a). Allmah alAmn has given a comprehensive explanation of this subject in the first
volume of the book, Al-Ghadr.
In this manner, the Messenger of Allah ( ) asserted his successors
identity to the people. Thus, the public was of the opinion that after Al (a)
would succeed (as the leader of Muslims) the Prophet ( ) after his demise.
In this regard, Zubayr ibn Bakkr says: All the Muh jir n1 and the An r 2
had no doubt that Al will be the caliph and master of the affairs after the
Messenger of Allah ( ).3
This subject is so clear in the poems that have been recorded from the
time of Saqfah and these poems bespeak of a smaller degree of distortion
that has ever happened in poetry. Utbah ibn Ab Lahab recited this poem
after the event of Saqfah and Abbakrs inauguration:
I was not imagining that the caliphate affair would be withdrawn from the
Ban H shim and much less to Abl- asan (Al).
Is he not the first person to pray facing your qiblah and of the people the
most knowledgeable of the Quran and the Sunnah?
He is the last person to look at the face of the Prophet; Jibral (Archangel
Gabriel) was his aid in bathing and enshrouding him (the Prophet).
They do not think about what he has and what they have; whereas within the
community [qawm] there is nobody who possesses his points of goodness.
What is it that made them withdraw from him? Say that this loss of ours is
the gravest of all losses!
Muh jr n (lit. Emigrants): The Meccan Muslims who accompanied the Prophet ( ) in his
hijrah [emigration] to Medina. [Trans.]
An r (lit. Helpers): The Muslims of Medina who invited the Prophet ( ) and Muslims of
Mecca to migrate (hijrah) to Medina. [Trans.]
Zubayr ibn Bakkr. Al-Akhb r al-Muwaffaqiyy t (Qum: Manshrt ash-Sharf ar-Rad, 1416
AH), p. 580.
History of Shism
After Utbahs recitation of this poem, Al (a) asked him not to recite it
again and said: For us the safety of religion is more important than anything
Ibn Ab Abrah Qursh has also said:
Thanks to Him Who is worthy to be praised! The dispute was no more and
the allegiance was paid to adq (Abbakr).
We were saying: Al is the owner of caliphate; we were also pleased with
Umar; but the best of them in this case is the old [atq] (Abbakr)! 2
During the course of the dispute between the An r and Quraysh that
had surfaced on the event of Saqfah, Amr ibn al- has spoken against
the An r. In reply to him, Numn ibn al-Ajlnone of the poets of the
An rhas recited a poem in which Als (a) right has been emphasized:
Say to the Quraysh: We are the army of (the Conquest of) Mecca and the
Battle of unayn, and the cavalry of Badr!
You said that appointment of Sad to the caliphate is unlawful [ ar m], but
your appointment, Atq ibn Uthm n, of Abbakr is lawful [ al l].
[And you said:] Abbakr is the man of this task and can perform it well, but
Al was the most deserving of people to the caliphate.
We were on Als side and he was the man for this job, but you do not
understand, O Amr !
This man (Al), by the help of Allah, calls (us) toward guidance, and forbids
perversion, oppression and evil.
Lesson 5
He is the executor of will [wa ] of al-Musta f the Prophet, his cousin, and
the killer of the champions of disbelief [kufr] and misguidance [ al lah].1
With the aim of thanking Fa l ibn al-Abbs who, under Als (a)
order, had defended the An r, assn ibn Thbit has recited this poem:
May God give good reward to Abl-Ha san for us as the reward is in his
hand. Who, by the way, is like Abl-Ha san?
Concerning which you were a member, you were ahead of the Quraysh. Your
breast is expansive and your heart tested (pure and sincere).
You preserved what the Messenger of Allah instructed regarding us. Except
you, who could be foremost for him, and who could be?
Are you not his brother [akh] in guidance and the executor of his will
[wa ], and among them, the most knowledgeable of the Book and the
Sunnah? 2
Initially, Ab Sufyn opposed the institution of (Abbakrs) as caliphate
and defended the Commander of the Faithful (a). Apart from the speeches
he delivered in this regard, he also composed the following poem:
O Ban H shim! Do not allow others to get involve in your affair especially
Taym ibn Murrah or Ad.3
The affair of caliphate belongs to you alone and it is only Abl-Ha san Al
who is its man.4
Ibid., p. 592.
A mad ibn Ab Yaqb Ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, 1st edition (Qum: Manshrt ashShrf ar-Rad, 1414 AH), vol. 2, p. 128.
Taym is the tribe to which Abbakr belongs while Ad is the tribe of Umar.
T r kh al-Yaqb, vol. 2, p. 126.
History of Shism
Finally, on that very day of Ghadr Khumm, the Prophets poet, assn
ibn Thbit, asked the Messenger of Allahs ( ) permission to narrate the
event of Ghadr in poetry, and thus recites:
Their Prophet calls on them on the day of Ghadr Khumm; now, listen to the
call of the Prophet:
Jibral brought a message from God that You are under the protection of
God; so, do not be dejected.
Convey what has been revealed by Allah, their Lord, and here do not be
afraid of the enemies.
He raises Al along with him; while he raises the hand of Al along with his
hand, he announces in a loud voice.
Then he said to the people: Who is your Master [mawl ] and your guardian
[wal]? Then, without showing inattention, they said:
Your Lord is our Master [mawl ] and you are our guardian [wal], and no
one among us today disobeys you.
Then he said: Stand up O Al! For, I am indeed well pleased that you are
the Im m and guide after me.
[He then said:] Therefore, of whomsoever I am master, Al is his master
also. May you be their true supporters!
He then prayed, saying: O Allah! Be Thou a Friend of those who are his
[Als] friends, and be Thou an Enemy of those who are his enemies.
Lesson 5
So, O Lord! Help his supporters as they help the Im m of guidance who is
like the moon during a dark night 1
As is evident from this poem, in transcribing the Prophet of Islams ( )
speeches about Al (a), assn has called him Imm, guardian [wal] and
guide [h d], which clearly stipulates the leadership and headship of the
Yes, the masses of Muslims did not imagine that after the Holy Prophets
( ) demise, somebody would contest Al (a) on the issue of caliphate and
succession to the Prophet ( ). As Muwiyah has written in reply to the
letter of Mu ammad ibn Abbakr,
We and your father during the period of the Messenger of Allah ( ) used to
consider obedience to the son of Ab lib as expedient for us and his
virtues were not concealed to us. After the demise of the Prophet ( ), your
father and Umar were the first persons to trample upon his position and
called on the people to pay allegiance to them.2
This is why those who were not around Medina during the last months of
the Prophets ( ) life and were uninformed of the conspiraciessuch as
Khlid ibn Sad and Ab Sufynwere vehemently agitated when they
returned to Medina, after the demise of the Prophet ( ), to see Abbakr
sitting in the Prophets ( ) lieu introducing himself as the Prophets ( )
caliph.3 Even Ab Sufynwhen he returned from a journey and saw the
situation as suchcame to Abbs ibn Abd al-Mu
alib and Al (a) and
asked them to revolt in order to get their rights but they refused.4 Of course,
Ab Sufyn has no intention in these moves.
In conclusion, although most of the Prophets ( ) Companions
recognized the caliphate of Abbakr officially, they did not forget Al (a) as
being the most deserving [af al]. Whenever he was in the mosque, no know
except him would issue edict [fatw ] on religious issues as they used to
regard him as the leading judge of the ummah [aq l-ummah] as
History of Shism
stipulated by the Most Noble Messenger ( ).1 Umar used to say: May God
forbid that day when a problem would arise and Abl-Hasan is not
present.2 As he used to say to the Companions of the Prophet ( ):
Whenever Al is in the mosque, no one except him has the right to issue
any religious edict.3
Although after the demise of the Prophet ( ), Al (a) was not able to
acquire political power, his virtues and distinctions were narrated by the
same Companions of the Prophet ( ). Ibn Haythamwho is one of the
staunched Sunn ulam regarded the number of narrators of the ha dth
about Ghadr as 30 persons from among the Companions,4 but Ibn Shahr
shb has counted 80 narrators of the ha dth on Ghadr from among the
Meanwhile, the late Allmah Amn has counted the following 110
narrators of the ha dth on Ghadr from among the Companions: Ab
Hurayrah; Ab Layl al-An r; Ab Zaynab al-An ri; Ab Fu lah alAn r; Ab Qudmah al-An r; Ab Umra ibn Amr ibn Mu
n alAn r; Abl-Haytham ibn Tayyihn; Ab Rfi; Ab Dhab; Abbakr ibn
Ab Qu fah; Usmah ibn Zayd; Ub ibn Kab; Asad ibn Zurrah alAn r; Asm bint Umays; Umm Salmah; Umm Hn; Ab amzah Anas
ibn Mlik al-An r; Bar ibn zib; Zubaydah Aslam; Ab Sad Thbit
ibn Wadah al-An r; Jbir ibn Sumayrah; Jbir ibn Abd Allh al-An r;
Jublah ibn Amr al-An r; Jabr ibn Mu am al-Qursh; Jarr ibn Abd
Allh Bajl; Ab Dharr Jundab ibn Jundah; Ab Junaydah al-An r;
ubbah ibn Jawn Arn; abash ibn Jundah as-Sall; abb ibn Badl ibn
Warq Khaz; udhayfah ibn Asd Ghaffr; Ab Ayyb Khlid ibn Zayd
al-An r; Khlid ibn Wlid al-Makhzm; Khuzaymah ibn Thbit; Ab
Shar Khuwaylid ibn Amr Khaz; Rafah ibn Abd al-Mundhir alAn r; Zubayr ibn Awwm; Zayd ibn al-Arqam; Zayd ibn Thbit; Zayd
ibn Yazd al-An r; Zayd ibn Abd Allh al-An r; Sad ibn Ab
Waqq ; Sad ibn Jundah; Salmah ibn Amr ibn Ak; Samrah ibn
Jundab; Sahl ibn anf; Sahl ibn Sad al-An r; ad ibn Ajln; amrah
al-Asad; al ah ibn Ubayd Allh; mir ibn Amr; mir ibn Layl;
mir ibn Layl al-Ghaffr; mir ibn Wthilah; ishah bint Abbakr;
Abbs ibn Abd al-Mu
alib; Abd ar-Ra mn ibn Abd Rabbih alBaldhur, Ins b al-Ashr f, vol. 2, p. 97.
Ibn Abl- add, Shar Nahj al-Bal ghah (Beirut: Dr I y at-Turth al-Arab, 1378
AH), vol. 1, p. 18.
aw iq al-Mu riqah (Cairo: Maktabah al-Qhirah, 1385 AH), p. 122.
Man qib l Ab lib (Qum: Muassaseh-ye Intishrt-e Allmeh, n.d.), vol. 3, pp. 25-26.
Lesson 5
Similarly, Abd Allh, the son of Amr ibn al- , along with his
father was in the army of Muwiyah. When Ammr ibn Ysir was killed
and his head was brought before Muwiyah, two persons were in dispute as
each of them was claiming to have killed Ammr. Abd Allh said:
Abd al-Husayn Amn, Al-Ghadr fl-Kit b was-Sunnah wal-Adab, vol. 1, pp. 14-16.
Baldhur, Ins b al-Ashr f, vol. 2, p. 109; Akh ab Khwrazm, Al-Man qib (Najaf:
Manshrt al-Ma baah al- aydariyyah, 1385 AH), pp. 59-60.
History of Shism
It is better for one of you to relinquish his right to the other because I
heard the Messenger of Allah ( ) say: Ammr shall be killed by a tyrant
group. Muwiyah was annoyed and said: So, what is he doing here?!
Abd Allh replied: Since the Messenger of Allah ( ) ordered me to obey
my father, I am here with you, but I will not fight.1
Lesson 5
@ Lesson 5: Summary
After the caliphate of the Commander of the Faithful Al (a), other
names have also been given to the Shah. Contemptuous labels such as
R fi and Tur b were used by the enemies of the Shah with the aim of
debasing them. Some other labels such as Alaw, Imm, Husayniyyah,
Ithn Ashar, Kh
ah, and Jafar were applied to them as well.
Al (a) had a distinguished position among the Companions of the
Prophet ( ) as well as being the nearest one to the Prophet ( ) among the
Ban Hshim. He grew up in the Prophets ( ) house, and most important of
all, the Most Noble Messenger ( ) had appointed him as his minister [wazr]
and successor [khalfah] and the masses of people were aware of it.
@ Lesson 5: Questions
1. Briefly list the terms used to refer to the Shah.
2. What labels did the enemies of the Shah address them with?
3. Why were the Shah called Alaw or Jafar?
4. What is the statement of Masd regarding Als (a) position?
5. How many narrators are there for the ha dth on Ghadr from among
the Companions of the Prophet (a)?
6. The poems that were recited on the event of Saqfah bespeak of
which subject?
7. What was the position of the Companions of the Prophet ( ) vis-vis abusing Al (a)?
Lesson Six
For instance, in Sermon 170 of Nahj al-Bal ghah, Imm Al (a) says: O my Allah! I seek
Thy succor against the Quraysh and those who are assisting them, because they are denying
me (the rights of) kinship, have lowered my high position, and are united in opposing me in
the matter (of the caliphate) which is my right, and then they said, Know that the rightful
thing is that you have it and also that you may leave it. Nahj al-Bal ghah (Fay al-Islm), p.
Similarly, in his reply to the letter of his brother Aql, Imm Al (a) says: Do not take to
heart the behavior of Quraysh. To talk about their skepticism, their enmity of Islam, their
revolt against the cause of Allah and their desire to bring harm to me are a waste of time. They
now are as much bent upon doing me injustice and fighting against me, as they were
unanimously against the Holy Prophet ( ). May Allah punish them for their sins! They have
not even paid any consideration to the relationship that existed between them and me. They
have deprived me of the estate of my mothers son. Ibid., Letter 36, p. 974.
Lesson 6
(a) also described in detail the role of the Quraysh in the Saqfah event,
After the demise of the Prophet ( ), the Quraysh considered themselves as
the tribe and the most nearest to him, and with this proof, they sidetracked
the other Arabs and took hold of the affair of caliphate. When we, the Ahl
al-Bayt of Muhammad ( ), advanced the proposition to them, they did not
behave justly with us and they deprived us of our right.1
Yes, the Quraysh had behaved this way since long time ago, so much so
that the people knew they would take possession of the caliphate. For this
reason, the An ar rushed to the Saqfah so as to prevent the Quraysh from
obtaining power because they were a monopolistic people.
The Reasons behind the Qurayshs Enmity toward the Family of the
Prophet ( )
Now, this question is posed: Why did the Quraysh have enmity toward
the family of the Prophet ( )? Did they not owe their religion and the
worldly life to this family? Was it not through the blessings of this family
that they had attained salvation from perdition? In answering these questions,
we shall indicate some points:
1. The Qurayshs Ambition for Leadership
During the period of j hiliyyah [pre-Islamic ignorance] the Quraysh had
an excellent position among the Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula. In this
regard, Abl-Faraj al-Isfahn says: The Arab tribes used to consider the
Abl-Faraj al-Isfahn, Maq til a - libiyyn (Qum: Manshrt ash-Sharf ar-Ra , 1416
AH), p. 65.
Kit b Salm ibn Qays al-mir (Beirut: Mansurt Dr al-Funn, 1400 AH), p. 108; AsSayyid Al Khn ash-Shrz, Ad-Daraj t ar-Rafah f abaq t ash-Shah (Beirut:
Muassasah al-Waf, n.d.), p. 5.
History of Shism
Al ibn al-Husayn Abl-Faraj al-Isfahn, Al-Agh n (Beirut: Dr I y at-Turth alArab, n.d.), vol. 1, p. 74.
Mahd Pshv, T r kh-e Isl m az J hiliyyat t ajjah al-Wid (1) (Ark: Islamic zd
University (Ark Branch), n.d.), pp. 50-51.
Srah al-Quraysh 106:1-4.
See Sur h al-F l 105 and its commentary. [Trans.]
Mahd Pshv, T r kh-e Isl m az J hiliyyat t ajjah al-Wid (1), p. 52.
Lesson 6
The people at that time were also aware of this mentality of the Quraysh.
As narrated by Bar ibn zib, I was sympathetic toward the Ban Hshim.
When the Holy Prophet ( ) passed away, I was afraid that the Quraysh was
thinking of taking the caliphate out of the Ban Hshim and I was at a loss to
The Qurayshs approval of the caliphate of Abbakr and Umar was
motivated by their own benefits. For, at the time of his death, Abbakr said a
number of Quraysh who have come to his support: I know that each of you
imagines that the caliphate shall belong to him, but I chose the best among
Mu ammad Ibn Sad, A - abaq t al-Kubr (Beirut: Dr dir, 1405 AH) vol. 1, p. 72.
Izz ad-Dn Abl- asan Al ibn Mu ammad Abl-Kiram Ibn Athr, Asad al-Gh bah fi
Marifah a - a bah (Beirut: Dr I y at-Turth al-Arab, n.d.), vol. 2, p. 34.
Ibn Abl- add, Shar Nahj al-Bal ghah (Beirut: Dr I y at-Turth al-Arab, 1378
AH), vol. 1, p. 194.
Ibid., vol. 2, p. 51.
Ibid., vol. 1, p. 310.
History of Shism
Umayyah ibn Ab - alt, one of the nobles and great men of if and
one of the unaf ,6 did not embrace Islam for the same reason. For many
years, he had been waiting for the promised prophet to come. But he had
been waiting as such so as to acquire this position himself. After becoming
aware of the beginning of the Prophets ( ) mission, he refrained from
Rivalry [and vainglory] distracted you until you visited [even] the graves.
Srah as-Saba 34:35-37:
And they say, We have greater wealth and more children, and we will not be
punished! Say, Indeed my Lord expands the provision for whomever He wishes
and He tightens it, but most people do not know. It is not your wealth, nor your
children, that will bring you close to Us in nearness, except those who have faith
and act righteously.
Ibn Hshim, As-Srah an-Nabawiyyah (Beirut: Dr al-Marifah, n.d.), vol. 1, pp. 143-144.
unaf (sing. anf): those Arabs during the period of pre-Islamic ignorance [j hiliyyah]
who were not worshipping idols. [Trans.]
Lesson 6
following him identifying the reason for this as shame of the women of
Thaqf, saying: For a long time, I was telling them: I shall be the promised
prophet. Now, how could I bear for them to see me following a youngster of
Ban Abd al-Manf (referring to the Prophet ( ))?1
Yet, despite their will and envy, God lead His Prophet ( ) to triumph
crushing their pomp. After the 8th year hijrah, when most Quraysh nobles
had emigrated to Medina, their irritation and envy toward the family of the
Prophet ( ) were mostly the result of instigation of these new Muslims.
Ibn Sad has narrated thus:
One of the Muh jir n said many times to Abbs ibn Abd al-Mu
Your father Abd al-Mu
alib and Ghay alah, Ban Sahms female
fortune-teller, were both in the fire. Finally, Abbs was infuriated and
slapped him. As a result, his nose bled. That person came to the Prophet ( )
and made a complaint against Abbs. The Messenger of Allah ( ) asked
his uncle Abbs to explain and Abbs complied. Thereafter, the Prophet
( ) said to that man: Why are you annoying Abbs?2
Due to his special position, Al (a) was the most envied by them. Imm
al-Bqir (a) says: Whenever the Holy Prophet ( ) mentioned the virtues of
Al (a) or recited a verse of the Quran which was revealed concerning him,
some of those who were in the assembly would stand up and leave.3
As such, the Holy Prophet ( ) has been reported many times to have
said: He who is envious of Al is envious of me and he who is envious of
me is an infidel [k fir].4
Even during the time of the Prophet ( ), some would even express their
envy and would actively annoy and disturb Al (a). Along this line, Sad
ibn Ab Waqq has thus narrated: Another person and I were in the
mosque and we were abusing Al. While furious, the Prophet came to us and
said: Why do you annoy me? He who annoys Al annoys me.5
3. The Qurayshs Enmity toward Al (a)
Finally, the most important reason for depriving Al (a) was Qurayshs
opposition and enmity toward him as they had suffered heavy losses from
him, for, in battles during the time of the Prophet (a), Al (a) had killed
Ab Mu ammad Abd Allh ibn Muslim ibn al-Qutaybah, Al-Ma rif, 1st edition (Qum:
Manshrt ash-Shrf ar-Rid, 1415 AH), 60; Mahd Pshv, T r kh-e Isl m az J hiliyyat t
ajjah al-Wid (Ark: Islamic zd University (Ark Branch), n.d.), p. 88.
Mu ammad Ibn Sad, A - abaq t al-Kubr , vol. 4, p. 24.
Ibn Shahr shb Mzandarn, Man qib l Ab lib (Qum: Muassasah Intishrt-e
Allmeh, n.d.), vol. 3, p. 214.
Ibid., pp. 213-214.
Ibid., p. 211.
History of Shism
Similarly, during Als (a) caliphate Ubayd Allh ibn Umar requested
Imm al-Hasan (a) to visit him and he has appointment with him. When
Imm al-Hasan (a) paid him a visit he said: Your father has inflicted a
blow to the first and last person of Quraysh and the people are hostile to him.
Help me to depose of him and let you come in his stead.3
When Ibn al-Abbs was asked why the Quraysh are hostile to Al (a),
he said: It is because Al sent the first among them to the fire [of hell] (by
killing them in battles while in a state of unbelief [kufr]) and put to shame the
last among them.4
The rivals of Al (a) also kindled the fire of this displeasure of Quraysh
toward him thus taking advantage of it. For instance, Umar ibn al-Kha
said to Sad ibn al- : You are staring at me in such a manner as if I killed
your father, but I did not. It is Al ibn Ab lib who has killed him!5
After receiving a fatal blow at Ibn al-Muljims hand, Al (a) himself
pointed out the magnitude of Qurayshs enmity toward him in a poetical line:
The Quraysh wished to kill me, but they did not succeed to do so.6
Due to certain grave offenses, Marwns father, akam ibn al- , was among the people
of Ban Umayyah who were banished from Medina at the Prophets ( ) orders. During the
Uthmns caliphate, a relative of his, he was allowed to return to Medina and rally around
him. For details, see inter alia Mustadrak al- kim, vol. 4, p. 481; Tafsr al-Qurtub, vol. 16,
p. 197; Tafsr al-F iq Zamakhsh r , vol. 2, p. 352; Tafsr Ibn Kathr, vol. 4, p. 159; Tafsr alKabr, vol. 7, p. 491; Asad al-Gh bah of Ibn Athr, vol. 2, p. 34, An-Nih yah of Ibn Athr
(Egypt), vol. 3, p. 23; Shar Nahj al-Bal ghah, vol. 2, p. 55; Tafsir Naysh br on the
marginal note of abar, vol. 26, p. 13, Sawiq al-Mu riqah, p. 108. [Trans.]
A mad ibn Ab Yaqb ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, 1st edition (Qum: Manshrt ashShrf ar-Rad, 1414 AH), vol. 2, p. 178.
Ibn Abl- add, Shar Nahj al-Bal ghah, vol. 1, p. 498.
Ibn Shahr shb Mzandarn, Man qib l Ab lib, vol. 3, p. 220.
Mu ammad Ibn Sad, A - abaq t al-Kubr , vol. 5, p. 31.
Ibn Shahr shb Mzandarn, Man qib l Ab lib, vol. 3, p. 312.
Lesson 6
History of Shism
@ Lesson 6: Summary
The role of the Quraysh in the event of Saqfah cannot be overlooked. It
is because the Quraysh were the only people who could appropriate from
themselves the right of the Prophets ( ) progeny. On many occasions, the
Commander of the Faithful (a) points to the wrongdoings he experienced
from Quraysh. Qurayshs enmity toward the family of the Prophet ( ) was
motivated by the following:
1. Qurayshs ambition for leadership which prompted them to refuse to
accept his invitation as such an acceptance was inconsistent with their
2. The existence of rivalry between Ban Hshim and the rest of
Quraysh tribes and the latters envy toward the former.
3. Qurayshs enmity toward Al (a) for inflicting major blows to them.
@ Lesson 6: Questions
1. What was the role of the Quraysh in the event of Saqfah?
2. What were the reasons behind Qurayshs enmity toward the family
of the Prophet ( )?
3. Explain the tribal rivalry and envy.
4. What was the nature of Qurayshs enmity toward Al (a)?
Lesson Seven
I put a curtain against the caliphate and kept myself detached from it. Then I
began to think whether I should assault or endure calmly the blinding
darkness of tribulations wherein the grown-up are made feeble and the
young grow old and the true believer acts under strain till he meets Allah
(on his death). I found that endurance thereon was wiser. So I adopted
patience although there was pricking in the eye and suffocation (of
mortification) in the throat. I watched the plundering of my inheritance1
History of Shism
When God took the soul of His Prophet, the Quraysh self-centeredly
considered themselves superior to us and deprived uswho were the most
deserving for the leadership of the ummahof our own rights. But I saw
that patience and forbearance with respect to this affair is better than the
dissension of Muslims and shedding of their blood. It is because the people
then had newly embraced Islam and the religion was like a goatskin full of
milk which has frothed and the least sluggishness and negligence would
spoil it and the most trivial difference would turn it upside down.1
I swear by Allah that at that juncture it could not even be imagined that the
Arabs would snatch the seat of the caliphate from the family and
descendants of the Holy Prophet ( ) and that they would be swearing the
oath of allegiance for the caliphate to a different person. At every stage, I
kept myself aloof from that struggle of supremacy and power-politics till I
found the heretics had openly taken to heresy and schism and were trying to
Lesson 7
undermine and ruin the religion preached by our Holy Prophet ( ). I felt
afraid that, even after seeing and recognizing the evil, if I did not stand up
to help Islam and the Muslims it would be a worse calamity to me than my
losing authority and power over you, which was only a transient and shortlived affair. Therefore, when I stood up amidst the sweeping surge of
innovations and schism the dark clouds of heresy dispersed, falsehood and
schism were crushed and the religion was saved.1
In the event of Saqfah, these people were also siding with the Quraysh.
As narrated by Ab Mikhnaf, a number of nomadic Arabs, who had to the
vicinity of Medina for transactions and were present in Medina during the
Najh al-Bal ghah (Fay al-Islm), Letter 62.
Al ibn al-Husayn Abl-Faraj al-Isfahn, Maq til a - libiyyn (Qum: Manshrt ashShrf ar-Rad, 1416 AH), p. 65.
Srah al-Ma rij 70:1.
Ab Al al-Fa l ibn al-Hasan abars, Majma al-Bay n, 2nd edition (Beirut: Dr alMarifah Lit-Tibah wan-Nashr, 1408 AH), vol. 10, p. 530.
History of Shism
demise of the Prophet ( ), had actual physical role in urging the people to
pay allegiance to Abbakr.1
3. The Safety of the Progeny of the Prophet ( )
The original inheritors of the Prophet ( ) and the upright adherents of
the religion are the members of the Prophets ( ) family. They were the
partner of the Quran, the second previous legacy of the Prophet ( ) and the
interpreters of the religious laws, and they showed to the people the pristine
and genuine Islam after the Prophets ( ) demise. Their extinction would be
an irreparable loss. The Commander of the Faithful said:
Then, I looked and found that there is no supporter for me except
my family [ahla bayt], so I refrained from thrusting them unto
The Concrete Political Formation of the Shah after the Event of
Although Al (a) distanced himself from the political scene with the
formation of Saqfah, the Shah in the form of a particular group with a
particular political orientation was formed after the event in Saqfah and were
collectively or individually defending the truthfulness of Al (a). They first
gathered in Ftimahs (a) house and refused to pay allegiance (to Abubakr)
as they faced the onslaught of the Saqfah architects.3 But since Al (a) was
not pleased to act violently against them for the sake of the preservation of
Islam, he challenged them to a debate and argumentation. Bar ibn zib
thus narrates:
I missed the cases regarding Saqfah. As I went to the Mosque of the
Prophet ( ) [Masjid an-Nab], I saw Miqdd, Ubdah ibn mit, Salmn
al-Frs, Ab Dharr, udhayfah, and Abl-Haytham ibn Tayyihm were
talking about the event that took place after the demise of the Prophet ( ).
He went together to the house of Ubayy ibn Kab who said that his view is
the same with whatever udhayfah would say.4
Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn an-Numn Mufd, Al-Jamal, 2nd edition (Qum: Maktab alAlm al-Islm (Central Publication), 1416 AH), pp. 118-119.
Najh al-Bal ghah (Fay al-Islm), Sermon 26.
A mad ibn Ab Yaqb ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, 1st edition (Qum: Manshrt ashShrf ar-Rad, 1414 AH), vol. 2, p. 126.
Ibn Abl- add, Shar Nahj al-Bal ghah, vol. 2, p. 51.
Lesson 7
Kardd, nakardd: Literally, You did; you didnt. That is, You determined the caliphate
but you did not do the right thing.
Ab Man r Ahmad ibn Al ibn Ab lib abars, Al-I tij j (Tehran: Intishrt-e Usweh,
n.d.), vol. 1, pp. 186-200.
History of Shism
collection of zak h, saying: We shall not work for someone else after the
Prophet ( ).1
In addressing Al (a), Khlid ibn Sad said: Come forward so that I
could pay my allegiance to you as you are the most deserving person in the
position of Muhammad ( ).2
Throughout the 25 years of the three caliphs rule, The Shah from
among the Companions were always introducing Al (a) as the caliph and
commander of the faithful in truth. Abd Allh ibn Masd used to say,
Based on the injunction of the Quran, there are four caliphs, viz. dam
(Adam), Dwd (David), Hrn (Aaron), and Al.3
udhayfah also used to say: Anyone who wants to witness the
Commander of the Faithful in truth shall meet Al.4
rith ibn Khazraj, the standard-bearer of the An r in the battles of the
Prophet ( ), used to narrate that the Holy Prophet ( ) said to Al (a): The
inhabitants of the heavens have called you Commander of the Faithful
[Amr al-Muminn].5
Yaqb writes:
After the six-man council proposed by Umar and the selection of Uthmn,
some were showing inclination toward Al and speaking against Uthmn.
A certain person thus narrates: I entered the Mosque of the Prophet
[Masjid an-Nab]. I saw a man sitting on his two knees so impatiently as if
he was shouldering the entire world, and while being taken by them, he was
addressing the people: How surprising the Quraysh are! They took out the
caliphate from the family of the Prophet while among this family was the
first believer, cousin of the Messenger of Allah, the most learned and
knowledgeable of people about the religion of God, and most insightful of
Izz ad-Dn Abl- asan Al ibn Mu ammad Abl-Kirm Ibn Athr, Asad al-Gh bah fi
Marifah a - a bah (Beirut: Dr I y at-Turth al-Arab, n.d.), vol. 2, p. 83.
A mad ibn Ab Yaqb Ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, 1st edition (Beirut: Manshrt
Muassasah al-Alam Lil-Mabt, 1413 AH), vol. 2, p. 11.
Regarding dam (Adam) (a), God, the Exalted, says: Indeed I am going to set a viceroy on
earth Srah al-Baqarah 2:30. Concerning Dwd (David) (a), God, the Exalted, states:
Indeed We have made you a vicegerent on the earth Srah d 38:26. With regard to
Hrn (Aaron) (a), God, the Exalted, says through the tongue of Ms (Moses) (a): Be my
successor among my people Srah al-Ar f 7:142. As regards Al (a), God, the Exalted,
says: Allah has promised those of you who have faith and do righteous deeds that He will
surely make them successors in the earth, just as He made those who were before them
successors Srah an-Nr 24:55. Ibn Shahr shb Mzandarn, Man qib l Ab lib
(Beirut: Dr al-A w, 1405 AH), vol. 3, pp. 77-78.
Ahmad ibn Ya y ibn Jbir Baldhur, Ins b al-Ashr f (Beirut: Maassasah al-Alam LilMa bt, 1394 AH), vol. 3, p. 115.
Ibn Shahr shb Mzandarn, Man qib l Ab lib (Qum: Muassasah Intishrt-e
Allmeh, n.d.), vol. 3, p. 54.
Lesson 7
people to the right course and the Straight Path [Sira al-Mustaqm]. They
took the caliphate from the Imm of guidance, the guided [mahd], pure
[ hir] and chaste [naq], and their objective was not for the reformation of
the ummah and religiosity. They rather preferred the world to the
hereafter. The narrator says: I approached and asked him: May Allah be
merciful to you! Who are you? And who is the person you are talking
about? He said: I am Miqdd ibn Amr and that person (I am referring
to) is Al ibn Ab lib. I said: You stage an uprising and I will help
you. Miqdd said: My son, this work cannot be done by just one or two
Yes, the group of the first Shah and its formation had been initiated by
the great Companions of the Prophet ( ), and through these same Shah
from the Companions that Shism was transferred to the next generation of
the T bin [Followers]. And it was the result of their efforts that at the end
of the rule of Uthmn, from the political perspective, the ground for Als
(a) caliphate was paved.
History of Shism
@ Lesson 7: Summary
1. Hadrat Al (a) overlooked his right and kept silent for the sake and
interest of Islam. Keeping in view his statements in this regard, the
following factors can be identified:
a. The discord among Muslims;
b. The danger posed by the apostates [murtaddn]; and
c. The safety of the progeny of the Prophet (a).
2. After the event of Saqfah, Shah was formed as a special group
with a particular political orientation, and they individually and
collectively defended the truthfulness of Al (a).
They gathered in the house of Ftimah (a), interpolated Abbakr
in the mosque, and for the period of 25 years, they used to
persistently introduce Al (a) as the rightful caliph to the people.
@ Lesson 7: Questions
1. List the reasons for the silence of the Commander of the Faithful
2. After the event of Saqfah, at what stage were the Shah in?
Lesson Eight
Regarding the pioneering Shah, Ibn Abl- add also says, thus:
History of Shism
In Ad-Daraj t ar-Rafah f abaq t ash-Shah, Sayyid Al Khn ashShrz has allotted a certain part to the Shah among the Companions. He
has first mentioned the members of the Ban Hshim and then the other
Shah among the Companions. In the first section which is related to the
Shah Companions among the members of the Ban Hshim, it is thus
Ab lib; Abbs ibn Abd al-Mu
alib; Abd Allh ibn al-Abbs;
Fa l ibn al-Abbs; Ubayd Allh ibn al-Abbs; Qithm ibn al-Abbs;
Abd ar-Ra mn ibn al-Abbs; Tamm ibn al-Abbs; Aql ibn Ab
lib; Ab Sufyn ibn rith ibn Abd al-Mu
alib; Nawfal ibn rith
ibn Abd al-Mu
alib; Abd Allh ibn Zubayr ibn Abd al-Mu
Abd Allh ibn Jafar; Awn ibn Jafar; Muhammad ibn Jafar; Rabah ibn
rith ibn Abd al-Mu
alib; ufayl ibn rith ibn Abd al-Mu
Mughayrah ibn Nawfal ibn rith ibn Abd al-Mu
alib; Abbs ibn
Utbah ibn Ab Lahab; Abd al-Mu
alib ibn Rabah ibn rith ibn Abd
alib; and Jafar ibn Ab Sufyn ibn
rith ibn Abd alMu
Lesson 8
ibn Sinn; Bar ibn Mlik al-An r; Ibn a b Aslam; Kab ibn Amr
al-An r; Rafah ibn Rfi al-An r; Mlik ibn Rabah Sid; Uqbah
ibn Umar ibn Thalabah al-An r; Hind ibn Ab Hlah at-Tamm; Judah
ibn Hubayrah; Ab Umrah al-An r; Masd ibn al-Aws; Na lah ibn
Ubayd; Ab Burzah Aslam; Mards ibn Mlik Aslam; Musr ibn Shidd
Fahr; Abd Allh ibn Budayl al-Khaz; ujr ibn Ad al-Kind; Amr
ibn al- umq al-Khaz; Usmah ibn Zayd; Ab Layl al-An r; Zayd ibn
al-Arqam; and Bar ibn zib Aws.1
The author of Rij l al-Burq has also mentioned the Shah and
supporters of Al (a) among the Companions of the Prophet ( ) in a certain
part of his book, thus:
Salmn, Miqdd, Ab Dharr, and Ammr, and after these four persons,
Ab Layl, Shabr, Ab Umrah al-An r, and Ab Sinn al-An r, and
after these four persons, Jbir ibn Abd Allh al-An r; Ab Sad alAn r whose name is Sad ibn Mlik al-Khazraj; Ab Ayyb al-An r
al-Khazraj; Ubayy ibn Kab al-An r; Ab Burzah Aslam al-Khaz
whose name is Na lah ibn Ubayd Allh; Zayd ibn al-Arqam al-An r;
Buraydah ibn a b Aslam; Abd ar-Ra mn ibn Qays whose epithet
Safnah Rkib Asad; Abd Allh ibn Salm; Abbs ibn Abd alMu
alib; Abd Allh ibn al-Abbs; Abd Allh ibn Jafar; Mughayrah
ibn Nawfal ibn rith ibn Abd al-Mu
alib; udhayfah al-Yamn who is
included among the An r; Usmah ibn Zayd; Anas ibn Mlik; AblHumr; Bar ibn zib al-An r; and Arafah Azd.2
A number of the Shah ulam and rij l scholars believes that the
Shah among the Companions were more than this number. For example,
Shaykh al-Mufd regards all the Companions who have pledged allegiance to
Al (a) in Medina especially those Companions who accompanied him in
the battles as among the Shah and those who believed in his Imamate
[im mah]. In the Battle of Jamal (Camel), one thousand five hundred
Companions were present.3
It is thus recorded in Rij l Kash:
Among the pioneering Companions who traversed the path of truth and
believed in the Imamate of the Commander of the Faithful Al (a) are the
following: Abl-Haytham ibn Tayyihn; Ab Ayyb; Khuzaymah ibn
Thbit; Jbir ibn Abd Allh; Zayd ibn al-Arqam; Ab Sad Sahl ibn
unayf; Bar ibn Mlik; Uthmn ibn unayf; Ubdah ibn mit, and
History of Shism
after them are Qays ibn Sad; Udayy ibn tam; Amr ibn amq;
Umrn ibn a n; Buraydah Aslam; and others who are described as
basharun kathr [many people].1
Of course, not all of those who were enlisted in the army of the
Commander of the Faithful (a) can be considered Shah. But since he (a)
was the official caliph, they accompanied him (a). This statement can be
said to be correct with respect to the other people, for the Companions who
accompanied him (a) were always assisting the Imm (a) in proving his
rightfulness. As Salm ibn al-Qays has narrated,
Ab Jafar Muhammad ibn al- asan ibn Al Shaykh a - s, Ikhtiy r Marifah ar-Rij l
(Rij l Kash) (Qum: Muassasah l al-Bayt at-Turth, 1404 AH), vol. 1, pp. 181-188.
Ibid., p. 188.
Sayyid Mu sin Amn, Ay n ash-Shah (Beirut: Dr at-Taruf Lil-Ma bt, n.d.), vol. 2,
p. 24.
Ahmad ibn Ya y ibn Jbir Baldhur, Ins b al-Ashr f (Beirut: Manshrt Muassasah alAlam Lil-Ma bt, 1394 AH), vol. 2, p. 395.
Shaykh a - s, Ikhtiy r Marifah ar-Rij l (Rij l Kash), p. 278.
Lesson 8
The Commander of the Faithful mounted the pulpit in iffn and everyone
including the Muh jir n and An r enlisted in the army gathered around
the pulpit. The Imm praised and glorified Allah and then said: O people!
My virtues and merits are more than that which can be counted. It is enough
to say that when the Messenger of Allah ( ) was asked about the verse,
And the Foremost Ones are the foremost ones: they are the ones brought
near [to Allah], 1 he ( ) said: God has revealed this verse about the
prophets and their successors [aw iy ]. I am superior to all prophets and
messengers and my successor [wa ] Al ibn Ab lib is the foremost
among the successors. At that moment, seventy persons from among the
Companions who participated in the Battled of Badr, most of whom were
from the An r, stood up and testified that they have heard the same thing
from the Messenger of Allah ( ).2
History of Shism
@ Lesson 8: Summary
The pioneering Shah were prominent Companions of the Prophet ( ).
Muhammad Kird-Al in Kha at ash-Sh m has recorded that a number of
the Companions were known as the Shah of Al during the lifetime of
the Prophet ( ).
Sayyid Al Khn ash-Shrz in Ad-Daraj t ar-Rafah f abaq t ashShah has examined the Shah among the Companions in two sections: the
Shah Companions from among the Ban Hshim, and the Shah
Companions who were not members of the Ban Hshim.
The writer of Rij l al-Burq has also allotted a certain part of his book to
the supporters of Al (a) from among the Companions of the Prophet ( ).
In Al-Jamal, Shaykh al-Mufd regards all the Companions who
accompanied and sided with Al (a) in the battles as Shah.
In Rij l Kash, after enumerating the Shah from among the
Companions, Shaykh a - s thus says: A large number believed in the
Imamate of Al (a).
The supporters of the Commander of the Faithful (a) also used to point
out to Muwiyah the presence of the Companions of the Prophet (a) on the
side of Al (a) as one of the indications of his righteousness.
@ Lesson 8: Questions
1. Explain something about the Shah among the Companions.
2. How many of the Companions were present on the side of Al (a)
at the Battle of Jamal (Camel)?
Chapter Three
The Periods of Historical Development of the Shah
Lesson Nine
History of Shism
Quran], kal m [scholastic theology], among others is this very fact that the
reference authorities of these two groups were different and distinct from
each other.
3. Just as Al (a) had unofficial political and military cooperation from
afar with the caliphs of the time as far as protection of the lofty interests of
Islam was concerned,1 a number of distinguished Shah among the
Companions also assumed military and political positions with the consent of
Imm Al (a). For example, Fa l ibn al-AbbsAls (a) cousin and
defender during the event in Saqfahheld a military position in the army of
Shm and passed away in 18 AH in Palestine.2
udhayfah and Salmn became the governors of Madin one after the
other.3 Ammr ibn Ysir was appointed by the second caliph as the governor
of Kfah after the tenure of Sad ibn Ab Waqq .4 Hshim Mirql, who
was one of the sincere Shah of the Commander of the Faithful (a) and was
martyred in the Battle of iffn on the side of the Imm (a),5 was one of the
outstanding commanders during the periods of the three caliphs and
conquered Azerbaijan in 22 AH.6 Uthmn ibn unayf and udhayfah ibn
Yamn were commissioned by Umar to measure the lands of Iraq.7
Abd Allh ibn Badl ibn Waraq al-Khaz, one of the Commander of
the Faithfuls (a) Shah whose son was one of the first martyrs in the Battle
For instance, we may cite the recommendation of Al (a) to Abbakr concerning the
dispatch of army to Shm (Ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, vol. 2, p. 133) and his instructions
to Umar when he was consulted by the caliph about his plan for himself to go to the battle
against the Byzantines. The Imm (a) said: If you yourself will proceed towards the enemy
and clash with them and fall into some trouble, there will be no place of refuge for the
Muslims other than their remote cities, nor any place they would return to. Therefore, you
should send an experienced man and send with him people of good performance who are wellintentioned. If Allah grants you victory, then this is what you want. If it is otherwise, you
would serve as a support for the people and a returning place for the Muslims. (Nahj alBal ghah, Sermon 134) Also, when Umar consulted the Imm (a) about the caliph himself
partaking in the Battle of Persia, he (a) said: You should remain like the axis for them
(Arabs), and rotate the mill (of government) with (the help of) the Arabs, and be their root.
Avoid battle, because if you leave this place the Arabs will attack you from all sides and
directions till the unguarded places left behind by you will become more important than those
before you. If the Persians see you tomorrow they will say, He is the root (chief) of Arabia. If
we do away with him we will be in peace. In this way this will heighten their eagerness
against you and their keenness to aim at you. (Nahj al-Bal ghah, Sermon 146)
Ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, vol. 2, p. 151.
Al ibn Husayn ibn Al Masd, Murawwij adh-Dhahab (Beirut: Manshrt Muassasah
al-Alam Lil-Ma bt, 1411 AH), vol. 2, p. 323.
Ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, vol. 2, p. 155.
Masd, Murawwij adh-Dhahab, vol. 2, p. 401.
Ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, vol. 2, p. 156.
Ibid., p. 152.
Lesson 9
Also, poems were recited during the caliphate of Imm Al (a) in which
Al (a) has been described as the rightful Imm and successor, and the
leader after the Prophet ( ). As Qays ibn Sad was saying,
Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn an-Numn Shaykh al-Mufd, Al-Jamal, 2nd edition (Qum:
Maktab al-Alm al-Islm (Publication Center), 1416 AH), p. 342.
Ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, vol. 2, p. 157.
Ahmad ibn Ya y ibn Jbir Baldhur, Ins b al-Ashr f (Beirut: Manshrt Muassasah alAlam Lil-Ma bt, 1394 AH), vol. 2, p. 275.
Izz ad-Dn Abl- asan Al ibn Mu ammad Abl-Kirm Ibn Athr, Asad al-Gh bah fi
Marifah a - a bah (Beirut: Dr I y at-Turth al-Arab, n.d.), vol. 4, p. 202.
Ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, vol. 2, p. 143.
Ab Mu ammad Abd Allh ibn Muslim ibn al-Qutaybah, Al-Ma rif, 1st edition (Qum:
Manshrt ash-Shrf ar-Rad, 1415 AH), p. 586.
Ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, vol. 2, p. 154.
Shaykh al-Mufd, Al-Irsh d, trans. Muhammad Bqir Sid Khursn, 2nd edition (Tehran:
Kitbfursh-ye Islmiyyeh, 1376 AHS), pp. 227-228.
History of Shism
Al is our Im m and that of others. The Quran has been revealed for
this purpose.1
Khuzaymah ibn Thbit Dhsh-Shahadatayn used to say:
O Ibn Yathrib! Leave not the battlefront so that we could fight against
you over the religion of Al. I swear to the House of God that we are the
foremost ones to the Prophet.3
Even the enemies and adversaries were using the same descriptions for
the Shah. For example, in a poem, proud of killing the supporters of Al
(a), Amr ibn Yathrib says:
Ibn Shahr shb Mzandarn, Man qib l Ab lib (Qum: Muassasah Intishrt-e
Allmeh, n.d.), vol. 3, p. 28.
Ibid., p. 6.
Shaykh al-Mufd, Al-Jamal, 2nd edition (Qum: Maktab al-Alm al-Islm (Publication
Center), 1416 AH), p. 346.
Lesson 9
If you do not know me, I am Ibn Yathrib, the killer of Ilb and Hind alJamal.1 I am also the killer of Ibn aw n for the crime of following the
religion of Al.
2. The Shah during the Period of the Umayyad Caliphate
The period of the Umayyad caliphate was the most difficult time for the
Shah, starting from 40 AH up to 132 AH. All the Umayyad caliphs with the
exception of Umar ibn Abd al-Azz were sworn enemies of the Shah. Of
course, after caliph Hishm the Umayyads were preoccupied with the
campaign against internal revolts and the Abbsid movement and the past
harsh treatments of Shah were lessened. The Umayyad caliphs were living
in Shm, the capital of the Umayyad rule, and in most cases, the rulers
adopted the policy of bloodshed with respect to the Shah-populated
territories, exerted pressure on the Shah. Among all the enemies, it was the
Umayyad rulers who focused most on the Shah relentlessly annoying and
disturbing them, with Ubayd Allh ibn Ziyd and ajjj ibn Ysuf being
most notorious among them.
Ibn Abl- add, the well-known scholar in the Sunn world, thus writes:
The Shah were being killed wherever they were. The Umayyads used to
mutilate the hands and feet of individuals for being suspected as Shah.
Anyone who was noted for his love and attachment to the family of the
Prophet would either be imprisoned, his possessions be plundered, or his
house be demolished. The pressure and restrictions imposed upon the
Shah reached a point where the charge of friendship with Al (a) was
considered as worse than the accusation of disbelief [kufr] and infidelity,
entailing severer punishments.
In adopting this violent policy, living conditions for the people of
Kfah was the worst because Kfah was the Shah capital of the time.
Muwiyah designated Ziyd ibn Sumayyah as the ruler of Kfah and
later on assigned the governorship of Ba rah to him. Ziyd was once in the
rank of the supporters of Al and he knew them all very well. He pursued
the Shah and found them in whatever nook and corner they would hide.
He killed them; threatened them; mutilated their hands and feet; blinded
them; hung them on palm trees; and expelled them from Iraq so much so
that not a single well-known Shah remained in Iraq.2
Ilb and Hind al-Jamal were among the supporters and Shah of Al (a).
Ibn Abl- add, Shar Nahj al-Bal ghah (Cairo: Dr I y al-Kutub al-Arab, 1961), pp.
History of Shism
When a number of the Shah protested against Ziyd, who was then
delivering sermons from the pulpit, he ordered the mutilation of the hands
and feet of eighty persons. He used to gather the people in the mosque and
ask them to curse Al and if anyone refused to do so, Ziyd would order
that his house be demolished.1
Ziyd, who ruled alternately for six months in Kfah and the next six
months in Ba rah, appointed Samurah ibn Jundab as his deputy in Ba rah
so that he could administer the city during his absence. During that period
Samurah killed 8,000 people. Ziyd once asked him: Are you not afraid that
you might have killed one innocent person among them? He replied: Even
if I have to kill two times that figure, I am not afraid of such a thing.2
Ab Suwr Adw says: One morning, Samurah [killed] 47 persons
from among relatives, all of whom were memorizers of the Quran [ ufaz].3
Muwiyah, in a directive to his officials and workers, wrote that they
should not accept the testimony of even one of Als (a) Shah or family
members. In another directive, he thus wrote:
If two individuals would give testimony that a certain person is among the
friends of Al and his family, his name should be erased from the record of
the public treasury [bayt al-m l] and his salary and stipend should be cut
After subjugating Mecca and Medina, ajjj ibn Ysuf, the bloodthirsty
and cruel Umayyad agent, was appointed as the governor of Iraq, the center
of the Shah gathering, in 75 AH by the Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik ibn
Marwn. Having covered his head and face, ajjj entered the mosque of
Kfah incognito. He passed by the line of people and mounted the pulpit. He
remained silent for a long moment. Murmuring among the people started as
to who he is. One person said, He is the new ruler. The other one said, Let
us pelt him with stone. Many others said, No, let us listen to what he will
say. When the crowd silenced, he uncovered his face and uttering a few
sentences, he terrified the people so much so that the small stones in the
hands of those who were ready to pelt him fell on the ground spontaneously.
At the beginning of his speech, he thus said:
O people of Kfah! It has been for many years that you have taken chaos,
sedition [fitnah] and insubordination as your slogan. I can see heads similar
Abl-Faraj Abd ar-Ra mn ibn Al Ibn al-Jawz, Al-Munta im f T r kh al-Umam walMulk, 1st edition (Beirut: Dr al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 1412 AH), vol. 5, p. 227.
Muhammad ibn Jarr a - abar, T r kh al-Umam wal-Mulk (Beirut: Dr al-Qms aladth, n.d.), vol. 6, p. 132.
Ibn Abl- add, Shar Nahj al-Bal ghah, vol. 1, p. 45.
Lesson 9
to ripe fruits that must be separated from the body. I shall strike on your
heads to such an extent that you would find the way to submission.1
At the time of ajjjs death, 50,000 men and 30,000 women were
languishing in his infamous prison. Among them 11,000 were naked. ajjj
used to imprison men and women in one cell. His prison cells were roofless.
As such, the prisoners were not secure from the summer heat or the winter
rain and cold.3 The Shah were usually victims of ajjjs prison, torture,
persecution, and murder. The best evidence that reflects the miserable plight
of the Shah during the Umayyad period and the intensity of the Umayyad
policy of strangulation is the complaint of the Shah to Imm as-Sajjd (a)
about the oppression and tyranny perpetrated against them. The late Majlis
has narrates:
The Shah came to Imm Zayn al-bidn (a) complaining about the
pressure and strangulation, saying: O son of the Messenger of Allah! We
were expelled from our cities and eliminated by atrocious killing. They
cursed the Commander of the Faithful (a) in the cities as well as in the
mosque of the Messenger of Allah ( ), on top of his pulpit. No one
prevented it and if any of us would protest, they would say, This is a tur b
(i.e. Shah); they would report it to the ruler, writing to him that so-and-so
has said something good about Ab Turb (Imm Al (a)). The ruler
would order them to beat that person, imprison him and finally kill him.4
Zubayr ibn Bakkr, Al-Akhb r al-Muwaffaqiyy t (Qum: Manshrt ash-Sharf ar-Rad, 1416
AH), p. 99; Jafar Shahd, T r kh Ta ll-ye Isl m t Pay n-e Umaw [An Analytical History
of Islam till the End of the Umayyad Rule] (Tehran: University Press Center, 1363 AHS), p.
184; Mahd Pshv, Sreh-ye P shv y n, 8th Edition. Qum: Muassaseh-ye Ta qqt va
Talmt-ye Imm diq (a), 1378 AHS), p. 246.
Al ibn Husayn ibn Al Masd, Murawwij adh-Dhahab (Beirut: Manshrt Muassasah
al-Alam Lil-Ma bt, 1411 AH), vol. 3, p. 187.
Muhammad Bqir (Allmah) Majlis, Bi r al-Anw r, 2nd edition (Tehran: Al-Maktabah
al-Islmiyyah, 1394 AH), vol. 46, p. 275.
History of Shism
Lesson 9
@ Lesson 9: Summary
After the event of Saqfah, the Shah would refer to the pure Imms (a)
with respect to scientific, jurisprudential and ideological issues. Although
they were cooperating with the caliphs of the time in line with the interests of
Islam, most of them were deprived of administrative positions.
During the caliphate of the Commander of the Faithful (a), expression
of Shism was one of the distinctive features of the Shah.
The period of the Umayyad rule was one of the most difficult times for
the Shah. All the caliphs, with the exception of Umar ibn Abd al-Azz,
were sworn enemies of the Shah, and the Shah-populated regions the
bloodthirsty and cruel governors were ruling over.
@ Lesson 9: Questions
1. What were the distinctive features of the Shah during the reign of
the first three caliphs?
2. What was the salient feature of the Shah during the caliphate of
Al (a)?
3. What was the condition of the Shah during the Umayyad rule?
Lesson Ten
History of Shism
articles of the peace treaty, and nobody should protest against them.1 The
Shah gradually trained themselves to accept that obedience to the Imm
does not depend on the Imms actual grip on power. As such, when the
people were pledging allegiance to Imm al-Hasan (a), he made it a
condition for them to obey him both in war and in peace.
In the same manner, it was made clear that Imamate [im mah] is not
necessarily equal to governance and that a tyrant ruler such as Muwiyah
cannot be the Imm, obedience to whom is obligatory. For example, in the
sermon that he delivered in the mosque of Kfah after the peace treaty at the
insistence and in the presence of Muwiyah, Imm al-Hasan (a) said:
The caliph is he who practices the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the
Prophet ( ), and he who is practicing injustice cannot be the caliph. He is
rather a king who controls a kingdom. He shall enjoy for a short period and
after that, his joy shall be curtailed and he must be called to account. 2
Among the salient features of the Shahs society at this stage is the
unity and solidarity among them, which resulted from the status of the Shah
leaders. Until Imm al-Husayns (a) martyrdom, we cannot see of any split
among the Shah. Imms al-Hasan and al-Husayn (a) had a certain status in
the sight of Muslims which none of the pure Imms (a) after them ever
attained. They were the well-established progeny of the Prophet ( ). During
the Battle of iffn, when he saw that Imm al-Hasan (a) was enthusistically
rushing toward the battlefront, the Commander of the Faithful (a) said:
Hold back this young man on my behalf, lest he causes my ruin,
because I am unwilling to send these two (al- asan and al- usayn)
toward death, lest the descending line of the Prophet ( ) is cut away
by their death.3
Imms al-Hasan and al-Husayn (a) also occupied a position of respect
among the Companions of the Prophet ( ). This fact was demonstrated in the
peoples pledge of allegiance to Imm al-Hasan (a) in which the
Companions of the Prophet ( ) accepted his caliphate and none protested.
As such, during Imm al-Hasans (a) caliphate we cannot see any problem
(in terms of his legitimacy being challenged) except from Shm. When the
Imm (a) concluded a peace treaty and wanted to leave Kfah to return to
Medina, the people wept profusely. In Medina also, his position is clear from
Ibn Shahr shb Mzandarn, Man qib l Ab lib (Qum: Muassasah Intishrt-e
Allmeh, n.d.), vol. 4, p. 33.
Al ibn al-Husayn Abl-Faraj al-Isfahn, Maq til a - libiyyn (Qum: Manshrt ashShrf ar-Rad, 1416 AH), p. 82.
Nahj al-Bal ghah, Sermon 167, p. 660.
Lesson 10
Imm al- usayn (a), like his distinguished brother, occupied a highly
respectable position such that even Abd Allh ibn Zubayr, a staunch enemy
of the Ahl al-Bayt (a), could not deny the station of Imm Husayn (a).
While the Imm (a) was still in Mecca, the people were not paying attention
to Zubayr halting the progress of his campaign. Thus, he wanted the Imm
(a) to leave Mecca as soon as possible. He said to Imm al-Husayn (a),
hence: If I had the same position you have in Iraq, I would have hastened to
go there.2
The station of the Imm (a) was such that his refusal to pay allegiance to
the caliph rendered the government of Yazd to be questioned. It was for this
reason that the ruling authority insisted on him giving his pledge.
These two persons were held in such high esteem and respect among the
Ban Hshim that not only could none from Ban Hshim have a leadership
claim during their lifetime, but also none could even claim to be the chief of
the Ban Hshim. When Imm al-Hasan (a) passed away on the account of
the effect of poison given by Muwiyah, Abd Allh ibn al-Abbs was then
in Shm. Muwiyah said to him: Ibn al-Abbs, Hasan died and you
became the chief of the Ban Hshim. Ibn al-Abbs said: So long as
Husayn is there, I am not.3
Even Ibn al-Abbs, in spite of his intellectual and political position,
being a reporter of ha dth and exegete of the Quran and, according to the
Sunns, even higher in rank than Imams al-Hasan and al-Husayn (a), was
offering services to them. It is thus narrated in the document of Ibn Ab
Ibn al-Abbs prepared the riding horses of Hasan and Husayn, keeping the
stirrup until they rode. I said: Why are you keeping stirrup for them even
Ahmad ibn Ya y ibn Jbir Baldhur, Ins b al-Ashr f (Beirut: Manshrt Muassasah alAlam Lil-Ma bt, 1394 AH), vol. 3, p. 21.
A mad ibn Mu ammad ibn Abd Rabbih al-Andalus, Al-Aqd al-Far d (Beirut: Dr I y
at-Turth al-Arab, 1409 AH), vol. 4, p. 366.
Al ibn Husayn ibn Al Masd, Murawwij adh-Dhahab (Beirut: Manshrt Muassasah
al-Alam Lil-Ma bt, 1411 AH), vol. 3, p. 9.
History of Shism
though you are older than them? He said: You fool! Dont you know who
they are? They are the sons of the Messenger of Allah. Is it not a great
honor that God has granted me the opportunity to keep the stirrup for
Lesson 10
Finally, the blood of Imm al-Husayn (a) demolished the palace of the
Umayyads. Muqaddas says: As God saw the oppression and injustice of the
Umayyads against the family of the Prophet ( ), He gathered an army from
the different parts of that Khursn and sent it to them at the darkness of the
Meanwhile, the state of oppression of Imm al-Husayn (a) and the
martyrs in Karbal expressed the love for the progeny of the Prophet ( ) in
the hearts of the people and strengthened their position as the descendants of
the Prophet ( ) and the true protectors of Islam. Most of the uprisings during
the Umayyad period took place in the name and for the sake of avenging
their blood, and revolutions used to be formed under the slogan, Ya lith r t
al-Husayn [O helpers of Husayn!]. Even the uprising of a person like Ibn
Ashath in Sstn5 was formed under the name of Hasan al-Muthann (son of
History of Shism
Imm al-Hasan (a)).1 For this reason, the ha dths regarding Imm al-Mahd
(a) as the avenger [muntaqam] of the progeny of Muhammad ( ) gained
prominence.2 The people were waiting for the avengers against the
Umayyads3 and due to impatience and the peak of waiting, they would
sometimes conform the name Mahd to the name of leaders of the
movements and uprisings.4 In the meantime, the pure Imms (a) and the
progeny of the Prophet ( ) kept on reviving the memory and reminiscence of
the martyrs of Karbal. Whenever he desired to drink water, Imm as-Sajjd
(a) would shed tears profusely when he set his sight on the water. When he
was asked about the reason behind this reaction, he (a) said:
How could I not cry when the water was set free for the wild animals and
beasts of prey of the deserts, but it was denied to my father? One day, a
servant of the Imm (a) said: Is there no end for your agony? The Imm
(a) said: Woe unto you! Yaqb, who on account of the disappearance of
only one of his twelve sons, so cried a lot during their separation that his
eyes turned blind and on account of his agony his back bent. This is while
his son was alive. But I was an eyewitness to the killing of my father,
brothers, uncles and 18 persons from among my relatives whose corpses
were scattered on the ground. So, how could it be possible for my agony
and anguish to end?5
Imm a - diq (a) was encouraging the poets to recite poetry as elegy
to Imm al-Husayn (a), saying: Whoever would keep on reciting poem
about al-Husayn (a) and prompt the people to cry, paradise shall be
incumbent upon him and his sins shall be forgiven.6
far as Kfah. As the danger he was posing turned serious, Abd al-Malik dispatched a large
contingent of army from Shm to assist ajjj. The armies of Shm subdued Ibn Ashath in a
place called Dayr al-Jamjam seven farshangs (42 kilometers) away from Kfah. He fled
toward India and took refuge with one of the rulers there. But he was finally killed by the
agents of ajjj. Masd, Murawwij adh-Dhahab, vol. 3, p. 148; Shahb ad-Dn Ab Abd
Allh Yqt amw, Mujam al-Buld n, 1st edition (Beirut: Dr I y at-Turth al-Arab,
1417 AH), vol. 4, p. 338.
Ibn Anbah, Umdah a - lib f Ins b l Ab lib (Qum: Intishrt ar-Rid, n.d.), p. 100.
Abl-Faraj al-Isfahn, Maq til a - libiyyn, p. 216.
Yaqb thus narrates: In reply to the complaints of a person named mir ibn Wilah whose
stipend was cut off by the government, Umar ibn Abd al-Azz during his reign said: It has
been reported to me that you have unsheathed your sword, sharpened your spear, and prepared
your bow and arrow, and that your are waiting for the advent of Imm al-Qim. Keep waiting
so that once he appeared, he would release your stipend. Yaqb, T r kh al-Yaqb, vol. 2,
p. 307.
Abl-Faraj al-Isfahn, Maq til a - libiyyn, p. 210.
Muhammad Bqir (Allmah) Majlis, Bi r al-Anw r (Tehran: Al-Maktabah alIslmiyyah, 1394 AH), vol. 46, p. 275.
Shaykh a - s, Ikhtiy r Marifah ar-Rij l (Rij l Kash), vol. 2, p. 574.
Lesson 10
Ab Jafar Muhammad ibn Jarr a - abar, T r kh a - abar , 2nd edition (Beirut: Dr alKutub al-Ilmiyyah, 1408 AH), vol. 5, p. 312.
History of Shism
Lesson Eleven
The rule of Abd Allh ibn Zubayr in Meccafrom the time of his refusal to pay allegiance
to Yazd and his call to the people to rally behind him up to 72 AH when he was killed at the
hand of ajjjs armylasted for 12 years. Ibn Abd Rabbih mentions it in the book, Al-Aqd
al-Far d, as the disturbance of Ibn Zubayr.
After the death of Muwiyah, when the governor of Medina asked Ibn Zubayr to give
allegiance to Yazd, he went to Mecca simultaneous with the departure of Imm al-Husayn
(a) so as to refuse giving his allegiance to Yazd. In Mecca, the people were not paying much
attention to him. As such, it was not in Imm al-Husayns (a) favor to stay in Mecca. He
therefore used to say to the Imm (a): If I were you, being invited by them, I would have
gone to Iraq. After the martyrdom of Imm al-Husayn (a), he hoisted the banner of
opposition to Yazd. As such, in 62 AH Yazd dispatched Muslim ibn Uqbah along with an
army to repress the uprising of the people of Medina and Abd Allh ibn Zubayr (in Mecca)
first to Medina and then to Mecca. But after the event of irrah, Muslim died on his way to
Mecca. a n ibn Numayr, his successor, arrived in Mecca with the army of Shm and in 64
AH they showered Mecca with catapulted stones of fire burning the clothe covering the
History of Shism
which is also related to the initial period of the Imamate [im mah] of Imm
al-Bqir (a).
After the martyrdom of Imm al-Husayn (a), the Umayyads were, on
the one hand, entangled with the uprisings of the people of Iraq and ijz,
and experiencing internal struggle on the other. The government of Yazd did
not last long. Yazd died in 64 AH after three years of rule.1
After Yazd, his son Muwiyah II came to power. He ruled for not more
than 40 years when he stepped down from the office of the caliphate and died
soon after.2 With his death the internal squabble among the Umayyads began.
Masd describes the event after the death of Muwiyah II which indicates
the intense greed and rivalry among the Umayyads over the leadership, as
Muwiyah [II] died at the age of 22 and was buried in Damascus. With the
burning ambition of becoming the next caliph, Wald ibn Utbah ibn Ab
Sufyn came to the front to lead the prayer for the corpse of Muwiyah
[II], but even before finishing the prayer he received a fatal blow and was
killed. Then, Uthmn ibn Utbah ibn Ab Sufyn led the prayer for him, but
he was also not approved by them to assume the office of the caliphate. So,
he was forced to go to Mecca and join Ibn Zubayr.3
Kabah. During the course of the battle, however, the news of Yazds death was reported in
Mecca weakening the fighting spirit of the Shm army. a n advised Ibn Zubayr to pay
allegiance to him, bring him to Shm and install him in the seat of power. Ibn declined this
offer. After the death of Yazd, all the Muslim lands, with the exception of Jordan, paid
allegiance to Ibn Zubayr as the caliph and recognized his government (in Mecca). Yet, the
Umayyads on the side of Marwn installed him as the caliphate. He in turn removed all those
who opposed him in Shm along his way to power and after him, his son Abd al-Malik
became the caliph. After defeating Mu ab ibn Zubayr, Abd Allh ibn Zubayrs brother,
Abd al-Malik dispatched ajjj ibn Ysuf from Iraq to Mecca in order to repress Abd Allh.
For sometime, ajjj besieged Mecca, put catapults on top of Mount Ab Qubays, and
destroyed the city of Mecca and the Kabah by showering catapulted stones. In this battle the
supporters of Abd Allh ibn Zubayr abandoned him, but Abd Allh resisted until he was
finally killed. In this manner the work of Abd Allh ibn Zubayr came to an end after 12 years.
A mad ibn Mu ammad ibn Abd Rabbih al-Andalus, Al-Aqd al-Far d (Beirut: Dr I y
at-Turth al-Arab, 1409 AH), vol. 4, p. 366; Al ibn Husayn ibn Al Masd, Murawwij
adh-Dhahab (Beirut: Manshrt Muassasah al-Alam Lil-Ma bt, 1411 AH), vol. 3, pp.
78-96; Sayyid Jafar Shahd, T r kh-e Ta ll-ye Isl m t Pay n-e Umaw [An Analytical
History of Islam till the End of the Umayyad Rule], 6th edition (Tehran: Markaz-e Nashr-e
Dneshgh, 1365 AHS), p. 183.
A mad ibn Ab Yaqb ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, 1st edition (Qum: Manshrt ashShrf ar-Rad, 1414 AH), vol. 2, p. 252.
Ibid., p. 256.
Masd, Murawwij adh-Dhahab, vol. 3, pp. 85-86.
Lesson 11
Three years had not yet passed when the rule of the Sufyns came to an
end. Many of the people throughout the Muslim lands including a number of
the Umayyad chiefs and governors such as a q ibn Qays and Numn ibn
Bashr had inclined toward Ibn Zubayr. It was at this time when Ibn Zubayr
drove the resident Umayyads out from Medina including Marwn. The
Umayyads proceeded toward Shm and since there was no caliph in
Damascus, the Umayyads elected Marwn for the caliphate, followed by
Khlid ibn Yazd and after him Amr ibn Sad as his successor. After
sometime, Marwn removed Khlid ibn Yazd and appointed his son Abd
al-Malik as his successor. For this reason, Khlids mother who was married
to Marwn poisoned Marwn killing him. Abd al-Malik also removed
Amr ibn Sad on his way and appointed his son instead as his heir
Meanwhile, the Umayyads were gripped by revolts and uprisings. These
upheavals can be divided into two distinct types: One type was the uprisings
without Shah underpinning. The irrah uprising and the revolt of Ibn
Zubayr belonged to this type. The essence of Ibn Zubayrs revolt is obvious
because the leader of the revolt, Abd Allh ibn Zubayr was a staunch enemy
of the progeny of the Prophet ( ). He nursed this grudge in his heart owing
to the defeat he and others, including his father, suffered in the Battle of
Jamal (Camel) and the ensuing events. His brother Mu ab, however, had
Shah inclination and married the daughter of Imm al-Husayn (a),
Saknah.2 As such, his campaign gained momentum in Iraq and the Shah of
Iraq joined with him in the resistance against the Umayyads. After Mukhtr
Ibrhm al-Ashtar was in his company and was killed beside him.
The irrah uprising had also no Shah underpinning3 and Imm asSajjd (a) had no hand in it. When Muslim ibn Uqbah was asking the
Ab Mu ammad Abd Allh ibn Muslim ibn al-Qutaybah, Al-Ma rif, 1st edition (Qum:
Manshrt ash-Shrf ar-Rad, 1415 AH), p. 214.
The irrah uprising took place in 62 AH. Masd identified the reason and source of it as
the displeasure of the people toward the pervert practices of Yazd and the martyrdom of
Imm al-Husayn (a). In Medina which was the residential center of the relatives of the
Prophet ( ), the Companions and the Followers [t bin], the people were agitated. The
governor of Medina, Uthmn ibn Muhammad ibn Ab Sufyn, who was a recklessly
immature young man, sent a group of the prominent men of Medina in representation of the
people of the city to Damascus in order for them to personally meet Yazd and receive his
blessing so that upon their return to Medina, they can encourage the people to submit to his
Pursuant to this design, Uthmn sent off to Damascus a delegation of the leading figures of
Medina in which Abd Allh ibn an alah Ghasl al-Malikah was also a part. Since he had
no Islamic training or any policy of maintaining proper decorum, Yazd, without any
History of Shism
inhibition, kept on his acts of perversion and debaucheries in front of them, though he gave
them an extravagant reception and granted each of them previous gifts and robes of honor with
the hope that they would praise him on their return to Medina. All these measures, however,
had an opposite effect. Upon their return to Medina, they announced in front of the people that
they had been in the presence of a person who has no religion, drinks wine, plays on the tar
and tambourine, plays with dogs, and engages in drinking spree overnight, while his musicians
and lady singers are doing coquetry in his assemblage. Addressing the people of Medina, the
members of the delegation said: Now, bear witness that we deposed him (Yazd) from the
office of the caliphate.
Abd Allh ibn an alah said: I had been in the presence of a person against whom I will
wage war with the support of these sons that I have, even if no one assists me. He gave me
presents and gifts, and accorded me due respect, but I accepted his presents and gifts only for
the intention of spending it in the campaign against him.
Following this trend, the people of Medina paid allegiance to Abd Allh ibn an alah, and
expelled from the city the governor of Medina and all the Umayyads residing there.
Having received this news, Yazd dispatched to Medina Muslim ibn Uqbah, who was a
well-experienced man and among the stalwarts of the Umayyads, along with a large
contingent of army. Yazd instructed him, thus: Give them three days of respite. If they do
not surrender, wage war against them. Once you emerge victorious, plunder whatever
possession they have for three days and leave the same at the disposal of the soldiers.
The army of Shm attacked Medina and a bloody war between the two parties ensued.
Finally, the people of Medina were defeated and the leaders of the movement were killed.
Muslim issued the order of massacring the people of the city for three days. The army of Shm
committed crimes which the pen is ashamed to describe. Because of these crimes, Muslim
earned the labeled musrif [squanderer]. After the end of killing and pillage, Muslim obtained
the allegiance of the people as slaves for Yazd. Ibn Abd Rabbih al-Andalus, Al-Aqd alFar d, vol. 4, p. 362; A mad ibn Ab Yaqb ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, vol. 2, p. 250;
Masd, Murawwij adh-Dhahab, vol. 3, p. 82; Izz ad-Dn Abl- asan Al ibn Mu ammad
Abl-Kirm ibn Athr, Al-K mil ft-T r kh (Beirut: Dr adir, 1402 AH), vol. 4, pp. 102103, 255-256.
A mad ibn Dwud Ab anfah ad-Daynr, Akhb r a - uw l (Qum: Manshrt ashShrf ar-Rid, n.d.), p. 266.
Lesson 11
There is no doubt about the essence of the uprising of the taww bn.
This uprising was based upon correct motives and yearning for martyrdom,
and it had no objective other than avenging the blood of Imm al-Husayn (a)
and wiping off their sin for not assisting the Imm (a) by being killed in the
way of fighting against his murderers. After leaving Kfah, the taw bn
proceeded toward Karbal, rushing toward the grave of Imm Husayn (a)
for ziy rah and at the beginning of their movement, they thus said:
O God! We did not assist the son of the Prophet ( ). Forgive our past sins
and accept our repentance [tawbah]. Shower mercy [ra mah] upon the soul
of Husayn (a) and his righteous and martyred votaries. We bear witness
that we believe in the things for which Husayn (a) was killed. O God! If
You would not forgive our sins and reckon us under the scale of mercy and
clemency, we will be doomed to perdition and wretchedness.1
History of Shism
When Abl- akam, son of Mukhtr, came to Imm al-Bqir (a), the
Imm (a) showed him a great deal of respect. Abl- akam asked about his
father, saying: The people are talking about my father, but your view,
whatever it is, is the criterion. At that moment the Imm (a) praised
Mukhtr and prayed for God to have mercy on him, saying: Glory be to
Allah! My father said that the affection of my mother was from the property
that Mukhtr sent to my father.
And the Imm (a) said many times: May God have mercy upon your
father! He did not allow for our right to be trampled. He killed our murderers
and did not permit our blood to be disregarded.
Imm a - diq (a) also said: In our family there was a woman who
did not comb and apply henna to her hair until Mukhtr sent the heads of the
murderers of al-Husayn (a).
It has been narrated that when Mukhtr sent the head of the accursed
Ubayd Allh ibn Ziyd to Imm as-Sajjd (a), the Imm (a) prostrated and
made benevolent prayer for Mukhtr.1
Meanwhile, the reports that have been transmitted to reproach Mukhtr
are fabrications of the enemies.
With regard to the charge of Kaysniyyah against Mukhtr and his
alleged role in the creation of the Kaysniyyah sect, while defending
Mukhtr and rejecting this accusation against him, yatullh al-Kh thus
Some Sunn ulam associate Mukhtr with the Kaysniyyah sect and this
is definitely a false statement because Muhammad al- anafiyyah never
claimed Imamate [im mah] for himself for Mukhtr to call on the people to
recognize his Imamate. Mukhtr was killed prior to Muhammad alanafiyyahs demise and the Kaysniyyah sect came into being after
Muhammad al- anafiyyahs death. But as to the fact that they regard
Mukhtr as Kaysn (it is not because he was following the Kaysniyyah
sect), granting that this label is appropriate for him, its origin is traceable to
the same questionable report from the Commander of the Faithful (a) who
is alleged to have said: O Kays! O Kays! Thus, he was called, Kaysn.2
Lesson 11
al- akam). After the killing of Abd Allh ibn Zubayr in 73 AH,1 the clan of
Marwn stabilized its own rule, and on this path, they took advantage of the
existence of notorious headsmen such as ajjj ibn Ysuf. ajjj would not
spare from committing any crime in the way of eliminating an enemy. He
even targeted the Kabah destroying it by a shower of catapulted fire stones.
He would kill the opponents of the Umayyads, Shah or non-Shah,
wherever he would find them. The uprising of Ibn Ashath against him in 80
AH gained nothing,2 and ajjjs despotism engulfed the whole of ijz and
Iraq until 95 AH.3 Imm as-Sajjd lived during that period, conveying the
Islamic and Shah knowledge and teachings through supplications. During
that period, the Shah were either fugitives, languishing in prison, killed at
the hands of ajjj, or exercising extreme dissimulation [taqiyyah] by hiding
their true faith. As such, the people had no courage to approach Imm asSajjd (a) and his close supporters were very few. The late Majlis thus
narrates: ajjj ibn Ysuf killed Sad ibn Jubayr because of his contacts
with Imm as-Sajjd (a).4 Of course, during that time, on account of the
Ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, vol. 2, p. 267.
In 80 AH ajjj appointed Abd ar-Ra mn ibn Ashath as the governor of Sstn and
Zbulistn, though the former was nursing a grudge against the latter. ajjj instructed Ibn
Ashath to expel Ratbl who has assaulted Sstn. Abd ar-Ra mn went there, dispatched an
army to repress the aggressors, and restored peace and order to Sstn. After that, since ajjj
was tired of him, ajjj ordered him again to face another enemy. Ibn Ashath and his soldiers
interpreted it as a form of conspiracy of ujjj for them to be killed at the hand of the
enemies. So, they defied ajjj and went toward Iraq instead. In Khzistn a confrontation
ensued between them and ajjjs army. The army of ajjj was initially defeated and thus,
Abd ar-Ra mn was able to arrive in Iraq occupying Kfah. Many of the chiefs of Ba rah
also cooperated with him. ajjj sought the assistance of Abd al-Malik (the then Umayyad
caliph based in Damascus). A legion of soldiers from Shm was dispatched to him, and with
the arrival of this force, ajjj went back into the battle. In this fierce fighting, which later
became to be known as the Dayr al-Jumjum Event, the people of Kfah and Ba rah,
including Quran reciters [q r s], assisted Abd ar-Ra mn on account of their enmity toward
ajjj. The contingent of the son of Abd ar-Ra mn was so large that Abd al-Malik, clearly
worried, sent a message to the Iraqis expressing his willingness to remove ajjj if that is
what they were demanding. The people of Iraq, however, did not accept the compromise
announcing the dismissal of Abd al-Malik from the office of caliphate. In this manner, he
declared war against them, deceiving a group of Ibn Ashaths army chiefs. One night he
launched a surprise assault against Ibn Ashaths army disintegrating them. As such, Ibn
Ashath was forced to flee and seek asylum in Ratbl. Later Ratbl killed him, owing to gifts
and promises made to him by ajjj, sending his head to ajjj. Masd, Murawwij adhDhahab, vol. 3, pp. 148-149; Shahd, T r kh-e Ta ll-ye Isl m t Pay n-e Umaw [An
Analytical History of Islam till the End of the Umayyad Rule], pp. 185-186.
Masd, Murawwij adh-Dhahab, vol. 3, p. 187.
Ab Jafar Muhammad ibn al- asan ibn Al (Shaykh) a - s, Ikhtiy r Marifah ar-Rij l
(Rij l Kash) (Qum: Muassasah l al-Bayt at-Turth, 1404 AH), vol. 1, p. 335.
History of Shism
pressures exerted against the Shah, they migrated to the various parts of the
Muslim lands and became the agents of the spread of Shism. During the
same period, some Shah in Kfah migrated to territories surrounding Qum,
stayed there and contributed to the spread of Shism in that place.1
The initial period of Imm al-Bqirs (a) Imamate also coincided with
the persistent dominance of the Umayyad rule. During at time, Hishm ibn
Abd al-Malik, an authoritative and despotic caliph, summoned Imm alBaqr (a) along with his son, Imm a - diq (a), to Shm. He did not
neglect to annoy and vex them.2 During his reign, Zayd ibn Al ibn alHusayn staged an uprising and was martyred. Although the restraints and
pressures exerted on the Shah were somehow mitigated during the caliphate
of Umar ibn Abd al-Azz, the period of caliphate was, nevertheless, short.
After two odd years of rule, he passed away in a suspicious manner.
Of course the Umayyads were not able to extinguish the light of truth
through pressure and restriction, and failed to erase the virtues and
excellence of the Commander of the Faithful Al (a) from the peoples
memory, and that was the will of God. Ibn Abl- add thus says in this
If God, the Exalted, had not endowed leadership to this man (Al), even a
single ha dth concerning his virtues and excellences would not have been
narrated because the Marwns were so harsh in relation to the narrators of
his virtues.3
Shahb ad-Dn Ab Abd Allh Yqt amw, Mujam al-Buld n, 1st edition (Beirut: Dr
I y at-Turth al-Arab, 1417 AH), vol. 7, p. 88.
Ab Jafar Muhammad ibn Jarr ibn Rustam a - abar, Dal il al-Im mah (Najaf:
Manshrt al-Ma bt al- aydariyyah, 1383 AH), p. 105.
Muhammad Abduh, Shar Nahj al-Bal ghah (Cairo: Dr I y al-Kutub al-Arabiyyah,
n.d.), vol. 4, p. 73.
Lesson 11
Lesson Twelve
The Beginning of the Abbsid Campaign and Its Effect upon the Spread
of Shism
The campaign of the Abbsids started in 111 AH.1 On the one hand, it
contributed to the spread of Shism in the various territories of the Muslim
world, and on the other, the acts of strangulation of the Umayyads were
lessened. As a result, the Shah were able to have a relative breathing space.
During this period, the infallible Imms (a) laid down the Shah juristic and
scholastic foundations and Shism entered a new stage.
In general, during the Umayyad period there was no split between the
descendants of Al (a) and the descendants of Abbs ibn Abd alMu
alib and there was no quarrel between them. In this regard Sayyid
Mu sin Amn says: The descendants of Al (a) and the descendants of
Abbs during the Umayyad rule were treading the same path. The people
who assisted them believing them to be more qualified to the caliphate than
the Umayyads were known as the Shah of Muhammads ( ) progeny.
During this period, there was no difference in religious opinion between the
descendants of Al (a) and that of Abbs. But when the Abbsids came to
power, Satan hatched the seed of discord between them and the descendants
of Al (a), and they perpetrated numerous acts of oppression against the
A mad ibn Ab Yaqb ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, 1st edition (Qum: Manshrt ashShrf ar-Rad, 1414 AH), vol. 2, p. 319.
History of Shism
Sayyid Mu sin Amn, Ay n ash-Shah (Beirut: Dr at-Taruf Lil-Ma bt, n.d.), vol. 1,
p. 19.
Al ibn al-Husayn Abl-Faraj al-Isfahn, Maq til a - libiyyn (Qum: Manshrt ashShrf ar-Rad, 1416 AH), p. 207.
Ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, vol. 2, p. 326.
Al ibn Husayn ibn Al Masd, Murawwij adh-Dhahab (Beirut: Manshrt Muassasah
al-Alam Lil-Ma bt, 1411 AH), vol. 3, p. 236.
Lesson 12
successor of Muhammad, Ibrhm, was the Imm from whom the Imamate
extents to the Abbsids through inheritance.1
Given this, the Ahl al-Bayt (a) of the Prophet ( ) had occupied a
distinct position among the people such that after the victory of the
Abbsids, a person named Shark ibn Shaykh al-Mahd in Bukhr staged an
uprising because of the Abbsids acts of injustice against the progeny of the
Prophet ( ), saying: We did not pay allegiance to them for us to commit
oppression, shed the blood of people unjustly and commit acts against the
truth. He was repressed and killed by Ab Muslim.3
1. Shism during the Period of Imm al-Bqir and Imm a - diq (a)
The second period of the Imamate of Imm Muhammad al-Bqir (a) and
the initial period of Imm Jafar a - diqs (a) Imamate coincide with the
Abbsid campaigns and Alaw uprisings such as that of Zayd ibn Al,
Ya y ibn Zayd, and Abd Allh ibn Muwiyahone of the grandchildren
of Jafar ibn Ab lib a - ayyr4and the emergence of Ab Muslim alKhursn as the deputy of the Abbsid campaigners in Khursn in inciting
the people against the Umayyads.5 Meanwhile, the Umayyads had internal
factional disputes and problems among their supporters because there was a
serious clash between the Mu irs and Yamans among the Umayyad
supporters in their respective spheres of influence.6 These revolts and
entanglements made the Umayyads negligent of the Shah. As such, the
Shah were able to enjoy a relative breathing space; relaxation from the state
of intense dissimulation [taqiyyah]; reorganize themselves; and reestablish
contacts with their leaders. It was at this period when the people turned
Abl-Faraj al-Isfahn, Maq til a - libiyyn, p. 133.
Ab Abd Allh Mu ammad ibn A mad Muqaddas, A san at-Taq sm f Marifah alAq lm, trans. Dr. Al Naq Manzaw (n.p.: Shirkat-e Muallifn va Mutarjimn-e rn, 1361
AHS), vol. 2, pp. 426-427.
Ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, vol. 2, p. 345.
Abl-Faraj al-Isfahn, Maq til a - libiyyn, vol. 2, p. 345.
Ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, vol. 2, p. 332.
Ibid., p. 333.
History of Shism
toward Imm al-Bqir (a) to benefit from the blessings of which they had
been deprived for many years. The Imm (a) rose up in order to keep alive
the school [maktab] of the Ahl al-Bayt (a). He (a) engaged in guiding and
enlightening people conducting teaching sessions in Medina and Masjid anNab in particular. He served as the reference authority for people, solving
their scientific and juristic problems, as such his view served as proof for
them. Qays ibn Rab narrates that he asked Ab Is q about wiping [masa]
of slippers (during the performance of ablution [wu ]) and Ab Is q
Like other people, I used to wipe my slippers (in ablution) until such time
that I met a man from the Ban Hshim whose equal I have never met
before. I asked him about the case of wiping the slippers (in ablution). He
prohibited me from doing it, saying: The Commander of the Faithful did
not do it. From then on, I stopped doing it.
Qays ibn Rab also says: After hearing this statement, I also stopped
wiping my slippers (in ablution).
A certain man from among the Khaw rij (Kharijites) came to Imm alBqir (a). While addressing the Imm (a), he said: O Ab Jafar! What do
you worship? The Imm (a) said: God. The man asked: Can you see
Him? The Imm (a) replied: Yes, but the vision cannot witness Him while
hearts with the truth of faith can see Him. He cannot be discerned through
analogy [qiy s]. He cannot be perceived through the senses. He is not like
human beings The Kharijite man left the Imm (a) while saying: God
knows well to whom He shall entrust His message [ris lah].
The scholars such as Amr ibn Ubayd, ws al-Yamn, Hasan alBa r, and Nfi Mawl ibn Umar used to refer to the Imm (a) for solving
scientific and juristic problems and issues.1
When the Imm (a) would arrive in Mecca, people would rush to ask
him questions on matters pertaining to the lawful [ al l] and the prohibited
[ ar m], considering the chance of asking the Imm (a) a boon and a
means of acquiring more knowledge. Imm al-Bqirs (a) teaching sessions
were attended not only by students but also the scholars of the time.2 When
Hishm ibn Abd al-Malik arrived in Mecca for ajj, he witnessed these
teaching sessions that were an opportunity for him. He sent someone to ask
the Imm (a) on his behalf as to what the people will be eating on the Day of
Judgment [ma shar]. In reply the Imm (a) said: On the Day of Judgment
Asad aydar, Al-Im m a - diq wal-Madh hib al-Arb ah, 2nd edition (Beirut: Dr alKutub al-Arabiyyah, 1390 AH), vol. 1, pp. 452-453.
Allmah Muhammad Bqir Majlis, Bi r al-Anw r, 2nd edition (Tehran: Al-Maktabah alIslmiyyah, 1394 AH), vol. 46, p. 355.
Lesson 12
there are trees whose fruits shall be eaten by the people and rivers whose
water the people shall drink so as to feel easiness for the Reckoning.
Hishm again sent that person to ask the Imm (a), hence: Shall the people
have time to eat and drink? The Imm (a) said: Even in hell there shall be
opportunity to eat and drink, and the dwellers of hell shall also ask for water
and other graces of God.
Zurrah (ibn Ayan) says:
I, along with Imm al-Bqir (a), was sitting beside the Kabah, while the
Imm (a) was facing the Kabah. The Imm (a) said: Looking at the
Kabah is indeed an act of worship. Then a certain man (from Bajlah)
came and said: Kab al-A br used to say: The Kabah prostrates to the
Temple of Jerusalem everyday. The Imm (a) said to the man: What do
you think about what Kab was saying? The man answered: Kab was
telling the truth. The Imm (a) was annoyed and retorted, saying: No,
you have lied and Kab has lied.1
Great ulam , jurists [fuqah ] and ha dth scholars [mu addithn] were
trained under the blessed feet of the Imm (a), such as Zurrah ibn Ayan
about whom Imm a - diq (a) said: If it were not for Zurrah, there was
a probability for the ha dths of my father to be lost forever.2
Muhammad ibn Muslim heard thirty thousand ha dths from Imm alBqir (a).3 Another scholar who learned from the Imm (a) was Ab Ba r
about whom Imm a - diq (a) said: Had it not been for them, the works
of prophethood [nubuwwah] will be terminated and be antiquated.4
Other prominent figures such as Yazd ibn Muwiyah al-Ajal, Jbir
ibn Yazd, amrn ibn Ayan, and Hishm ibn Slim were among those who
were trained in the school [maktab] of the Imm (a).
In addition to the Shah scholars, many of the Sunn ulam have also
studied under the Imm (a) and narrated ha dths on the authority of the
Imm (a). As Sab ibn al-Jawz says, (Imm) Jafar used to narrate
ha dths of the Prophet ( ) from his father. As such, a number of the
Followers [t bin] such as A ibn Ab Rub , Sufyn ath-Thawr,
Mlik ibn Anas (founder of the Malik school of thought [madhhab]),
Ab Jafar Muhammad ibn al- asan ibn Al (Shaykh) a - s, Ikhtiy r Marifah ar-Rij l
(Rij l Kash) (Qum: Muassasah l al-Bayt at-Turth, 1404 AH), vol. 1, p. 345.
Ibid., p. 386.
Ibid., p. 398.
History of Shism
Shubah, and Ab Ayyb Sijistn have narrated ha dths from the Imm
Furthermore, thousands of learned men in jurisprudence and ha dth
attained progress in the Imms (a) school and his ha dths were spread far
and wide so much so that Jbir al-Juf, who was a great mu addith, has
narrated seventy thousand ha dths on the authority of the Imm (a).2 This
state of affairs continued until Imm al-Bqir (a) attained martyrdom on
Dhl- ijjah 7, 114 AH.3
The University of Imm a - diq (a)
In view of the then prevailing conducive political atmosphere, Imm
Jafar a - diq (a) pursued his fathers scientific movement and
established a large university and center of learning whose horizon reached
far and wide. Shaykh al-Mufd says:
The knowledge of the Imm (a) has been so widely narrated that it became
proverbial to various many and its fame spread to every nook and corner.
None of the progeny of the Prophet ( ) match him (in this regard) whose
knowledge and learning have been so widely transmitted.4
As such, those who were lovers of knowledge [ilm] and thirsty for the
Muhammadan ( ) gnosis [marifah] rushed from different parts of the then
Muslim world to that heroic Imm (a) in multitude, and benefited from his
abundant spring of knowledge and wisdom. Sayyid Ilhil says: In Kfah,
Sab ibn al-Jawz, Tadhkirah al-Khaw (Qum: Manshrt ash-Sharf ar-Ra , 1376
AHS/1418 AH), p. 311.
Muhammad Husayn Mu affar, T r kh ash-Shah. Qum: Manshrt Maktabah Ba rat,
Ab Jafar Muhammad ibn Yaqb ibn Is q Kulayn, U l al-K f (Tehran: Dr al-Kutub
al-Islmiyyah, 1363 AHS), vol. 1, p. 472.
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn an-Numn al-Mufd, Al-Irsh d, trans. Muhammad
Bqir Sid Khursn, 2nd edition (Tehran: Kitbfursh-ye Islmiyyeh, 1376 AHS), p. 525.
Amr Al, T r kh-e Gharb va Isl m [History of the West and Islam], trans. Fakhr D
Gln, 3rd edition. Tehran: Intishrt-e Ganjneh, 1366 AHS), p. 213.
Lesson 12
Ba rah, Wsi , and ijz, people of every tribe sent their children to Jafar
ibn Muhammad. Many of the Arabs and Persians, the people of Qum in
particular, came to him.1
In his Al-Mutabar, the late Mu aqqiq (al- ill) thus writes:
During the period of Imm a - diq (a) various branches of knowledge
that were transmitted from him astonished the great thinkers. A group of
about four thousand rij l scholars have narrated ha dths from him, and by
his teachings a great number of people in the various sciences attained
mastery to such an extent that his answers to their questions were compiled
in four hundred books [mu annaf t], which were called U l.2
In his book, Dhikr , Shahd al-Awwal also says: Four thousand people
from Iraq, ijz, Khursn, and Shm put into writing the answers of Ab
Abd Allh Imm a - diq (a) to the questions.3
In this manner, the seekers and lovers of knowledge and learning used to
benefit from the Imm (a). Outstanding scholars in various branches of the
revealed [naql] and rational [aql] sciences of the day such as Hishm ibn
akam, Muhammad ibn Muslim, bn ibn Taghlib, Hishm ibn Slim,
Mumin q, Mufa
al ibn Umar, Jbir ibn ayyn, etc. were trained
under the blessing of his presence.
Their compilations which are known as the U l Arbaamiah, are the
arah albasis of the four Shah books on ha dth, viz. Al-K f, Man L Ya
Faqh, At-Tahdhb, and Al-Istib r.
The disciples of Imm a - diq (a) were not all Shah as most of the
Sunn scholars of the day have also studied under his guidance. Ibn ajar alHaytham, a Sunn author, thus writes in this regard: The leading figures (in
jurisprudence and ha dth) such as Ya y ibn Sad, Ibn Jar , Mlik, Sufyn
ath-Thawr, Sufyn ibn Uyaynah, Ab anfah, Shab, and Ayyb Sijistn
have narrated ha dths on his authority.4
Ab anfah, the founder of the anaf school of thought, has said:
I used to go to Jafar ibn Muhammad for sometime. I used to see him in one
of the three conditions: either he was praying, in the state of fasting, or
reading the Quran. I never saw him narrating the ha dth without
Asad aydar, Al-Im m a - diq wal-Madh hib al-Arb ah, 3rd edition (Beirut: Dr alKutub al-Arabiyyah, 1403 AH).
Abl-Qsim Jafar ibn al-Hasan ibn Ya y ibn Sad Mu aqqiq al- ill, Al-Mutabar
(Lithography), pp. 4-5.
Muhammad ibn Makk Shahd al-Awwal, Dhikr (Lithography), p. 6.
A mad Ibn ajar Haytham al-Makk, A - aw iq al-Ma riqah fr-Radd al Ahl alBida waz-Zindiqah, 2nd edition (Cairo: Maktabah al-Qhirah, 1385 AH), p. 201.
History of Shism
performing ablution.1 The one superior to Jafar ibn Muhammad in
knowledge, devotion and piety has not been seen by any eye, heard by any
ear, or perceived by any heart.2
The Imms (a) teaching sessions were attended by those who later
founded schools of jurisprudence attending as philosophers, as well as
students of philosophy from far and wide. After learning the sciences from
their Imm (a), they would return to their homelands and conduct teaching
sessions of their own. The Muslims used to gather around them and they in
turn impart the teachings of the Ahl al-Bayt (a) propagating Shism. When
bn ibn Taghlib would come to Masjid an-Nab, the people would reserve
for him the pillar against which the Prophet ( ) used to lean, and he would
narrate ha dths to them. Imm a - diq (a) used to say to him: Sit in the
mosque of Medina and issue religious edicts to the people as I like persons
like you to be seen among my Shah.
bn was the first person to have written something on the sciences of
the Quran [ulm al-Qur n] and he was also so well-versed in ha dth that
he used to sit in Masjid an-Nab and the people would come and ask him.
Through his various styles of speaking, he would answer them and impart the
ha dths of the Ahl al-Bayt (a) to them.3 In Mz n al-Itid l, adh-Dhahab
thus says regarding him: If the ha dth of individuals such as bn who are
accused of being Shah is rejected, a great part of the Prophetic works would
have perished.4
Ab Khlid al-Kbul says: I saw Ab Jafar Mumin q sitting in
Masjid an-Nab while the people of Medina gathered around him and posed
their questions on jurisprudence [mas il] to him and he would answer
Shism during that period was so spread that some people, in a bid to
acquire social standing among the people, resorted to fabricating ha dths
from the Imms (a) to draw peoples attention by interpreting the traditions
in their own favor. For example, Imm a - diq (a)in reply to one of his
companions named Fay ibn Mukhtr who asked about the reason behind
the contradiction in ha dthsthus says: These people are not seeking the
Shahb ad-Dn ibn Al Ibn ajar al-Asqaln, Tahdhb at-Tahdhb, 1st edition (Beirut: Dr
al-Fikr, 1404 AH), vol. 1, p. 88.
Asad aydar, Al-Im m a - diq wal-Madh hib al-Arb ah, vol. 1, p. 53.
Ibid., vol. 1, p. 55.
Shams ad-Dn Muhammad ibn Ahmad adh-Dhahab, Mz n al-Itid l (Beirut: Dr alMarifah, n.d.), vol. 1, p. 4.
Shaykh a - s, Ikhtiy r Marifah ar-Rij l (Rij l Kash), vol. 2, p. 581.
Lesson 12
pleasure of Allah in narrating the ha dths and expressing our views. They are
rather seeking the world and each of them is aspiring to be leader.1
History of Shism
Lesson Thirteen
History of Shism
In the first volume of his book, Sayyid Mu sin Amn has identified as
Shah a number of Abbsid statesmen such as Ab Salmah Khall,6 the first
vizier of the Abbsid caliphate who was called the Vizier of the Prophets
Progeny [wazr l Mu ammad]; Ab Bukhayr Asad al-Ba r, one of the
Shaykh a - adq, Uyn Akhb r ar-Rid , (Qum: n.p., 1377 AH), vol. 2, p. 135.
Allmah Majlis, Bi r al-Anw r, 2nd edition (Tehran: Al-Maktabah al-Islmiyyah, 1358
AH), vol. 49, p. 155.
Ibid., vol. 50, p. 6.
W f Turk: one of the Turkish commanders.
Al ibn Husayn ibn Al Masd, Murawwij adh-Dhahab, 1st edition (Beirut: Manshrt
Muassasah al-Alam Lil-Ma bt, 1411 AH), vol. 4, p. 183.
Of course, some authorities are of the opinion that if the evidence proving Ab Salmah as a
Shah is a letter addressed to Imm a - diq (a) regarding the proposal on caliphate, it is
seemingly not a sufficient proof as they have considered it a (mere) political move. See Mahd
Pshv, Sreh-ye P shv y n, 8th edition (Qum: Muassaseh-ye Ta qqt va Talmt-ye
Imm diq (a), 1378 AHS), p. 378.
Lesson 13
prominent governors and emirs during the time of (the Abbsid caliph)
Man r; Mu ammad ibn Ashath, the vizier of Hrn ar-Rashd, about
whom there is a story during the detention of Imm al-K im (a) which
demonstrates his being a Shah; Al ibn Yaq ayn, one of the viziers of
Hrn; Yaqb ibn Dwd, the vizier of the Abbsid caliph Mahd; and
hir ibn usayn Khaz, the governor of Khursn on behalf of Mamn
and conqueror of Baghdad on account of which asan ibn Sahl did not
dispatch him to the Battle of Abs-Sary.1
Among the Shah judges were Shark ibn Abd Allh an-Nakha, the
judge of Kfah, and Wqid, the renowned historian, who was a judge during
the time of Mamn.2
Shism was so widespread even in the Abbsid spheres of influence
that it was considered a threat for them. For example, during the burial
procession for Imm al-K im (a) Sulaymn ibn Man r, rns uncle,
participated in the procession barefooted in a bid to tone down the wrath of
the Shah who formed an impressive assembly.3 Also, when Imm al-Jawd
(a) attained martyrdom and they wanted to bury him secretly, the Shah
were informed of it. Armed with swords, twelve thousand of them went out
and buried the Imm with due respect and dignity.4 During the martyrdom of
Imm al-Hd (a) there was also a large number of the Shah and the extent
of their weeping and wailing was such that the Abbsids were forced to bury
him within the confine of his house.5 After the period of Imm ar-Ri (a),
the Abbsid caliphs were so meticulous in respectfully treating the pure
Imms (a) so as not to face the wrath of the Shah. As such, during the
reign of Hrn, Imm ar-Ri (a) enjoyed relative freedom and he was able
to attend to the scientific and cultural activities of the Shah, to even declare
openly his Imamate and desist from practicing dissimulation [taqiyyah], to
discuss and converse with the followers of other schools and religions, and
convince some of them. As Ashar al-Qumm narrates, During the time of
Sayyid Mu sin Amn, Ay n ash-Shah (Beirut: Dr at-Taruf Lil-Ma bt, n.d.), vol. 1,
p. 191.
Ibid., pp. 192-193. Of course, Wqids being a Shah is a matter of dispute among the
Ibid., p. 29.
Asad aydar, Al-Im m a - diq wal-Madh hib al-Arb ah, 2nd edition (Beirut: Dr alKutub al-Arabiyyah, 1390 AH), vol. 1, p. 226.
A mad ibn Ab Yaqb ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, 1st edition (Qum: Manshrt ashShrf ar-Rad, 1414 AH), vol. 2, p. 484.
History of Shism
Imm al-K im and Imm ar-Ri (a) a number of Sunn and Zayd
divines embraced Shism and recognized the Imamate of these two Imms.1
Some of the Abbsid caliphs had strived to monitor the pure Imms (a)
with the aim of controlling them. When the Imms (a) were asked to move
from Medina, the caliphs had tried their best not to allow the Imms (a) to
pass by the Shah-populated regions. Along this line, pursuant to Mamns
order, they brought Imm ar-Ri (a) to Marv through the Ba rah-AhwzFrs route and not through the Shah-concentrated Kfah-Jabal-Qum route.2
As narrated by Yaqb, when Imm al-Hd (a) was brought to Smarr at
the order of the Abbsid caliph Mutawakkil, the Abbsids who
accompanied the Imm made a sojourn so to pass Baghdad by night to get to
Smarr because as they arrived near Baghdad, they learned that a large
group of people was waiting to meet the Imm.3
Since the Shah were mostly scattered across different regions and farflung places during the Abbsid period, the pure Imms (a) founded the
proxy institutions of representation, appointing respective deputies and
proxies in the different regions and cities to serve as a means of
communication between them and the Shah.
This affair commenced at the time of Imm a - diq (a). When the
caliphs apparatus gained a firmer grip over the pure Imms (a) making
Shahs access to the Imm of their time more problematic, the institution of
proxy and the role of the Imms deputies gained more prominence. It is thus
recorded in the book, T r kh-e A r-e Ghaybat [History of the Minor
Occultation]: The most important of all is the enhancement and spread of
the covert institution of deputyshipan institution which was founded
during the time of Imm a - diq (a) and further developed during the
time of Askariyyn.4
In this regard, Professor Pshv thus writes:
The critical conditions of the Shah Imms during the Abbsid period
prompted them to look for a new means of establishing and maintaining
their contact with their followers. This new means was nothing but the
communication network of representation and the Imms appointment of
deputies and trustees in the various regions. The main function of this
institution was the collection of khums, zak t [alms-rate], nadhr [vow
endowments], and gifts [had y ] from the various regions through the
Sad ibn Abd Allh al-Qumm Ashar, Al-Maq l t wal-Firaq, 2nd edition (Tehran:
Markaz-e Intishrt-e Ilm va Farhang, 1360 AHS) p. 94.
See Sreh-ye P shv y n, p. 478.
T r kh al-Yaqb, vol. 2, p. 503.
Sayyid Majd Pr q, T r kh-e A r-e Ghaybat (Qum: Markaz-e Jahn-ye Ulm-e
Islm, n.d.), p. 84.
Lesson 13
deputies and remitting the same to the Imm as well as for the Imm to
reply to the ideological and juristic questions and issues of the Shah and
their political justification through the Imms deputies. This institution had
pivotal role in advancing the objectives of the Imms.1
The places where the infallible Imms (a) had deputies and proxies are
Kfah, Ba rah, Baghdad, Qum, Wsi , Ahwz, Hamedn, Sstn, Bast,
Rey, ijz, Yemen, Egypt, and Madin.2
Shism during the 4th century AH was spread from the east to the west of
the Muslim world and was at the peak of its spread and growth as it had
never experienced before such a magnitude of growth. The list of the Shahpopulated cities of the Muslim lands during that century presented by
Muqaddas points to this fact. Thus, we shall cite the facts from his book.
Somewhere in his book, he says that many of the judges in Yemen, coast of
Mecca and a r are Mutazilites and Shah.3
Accordingly, Shism is so widespread in the Arabian Peninsula.4
Regarding the inhabitants of Ba rah, it is stated that Most of the inhabitants
of Ba rah are Qadir, Shah, Mutazilites, and then anbals.5 During that
century, the people of Kfah, with the exception of Kinsah, have been
Shah.6 There are also a few Shah in the M ul district.7 The people of
Nblus, Quds and most of Oman are Shah.8 The people of the upper village
of Fus and that of andf are Shah.9 In the region along the Indus
river the people of the city of Multn are Shah, and this fact is evident in
their adh n and iq mah.10 In Ahwz the conflict between the Sunns and
Shah would lead to war.11
By pointing to the rule of the Byids and that of the F imids in Egypt,
Maqrz also writes:
The r fi (Shah) madhhab [school of thought] spread in Morocco, Shm,
Diyr Bakr, Kfah, Ba rah, Baghdad, the entire Iraq, Khursn,
Sreh-ye P shv y n, p. 573.
See Rij l-e Najj sh (Qum: Daftar-e Nashr-e Farhang-e Islm, 1404 AH), pp. 344, 797-800,
825, 847.
Ab Abd Allh Mu ammad ibn A mad Muqaddas, A san at-Taq sm f Marifah alAq lm, trans. Dr. Al Naq Manzaw (n.p.: Shirkat-e Muallifn va Mutarjimn-e rn, 1361
AHS), vol. 1, p. 136.
Ibid., p. 144.
Ibid., p. 175.
Ibid., p. 174.
Ibid., p. 200.
Ibid., p. 220.
Ibid., p. 286.
Ibid., vol. 2. p. 707.
Ibid., p. 623.
History of Shism
Transoxiana,1 as well as ijz, Yemen and Bahrain, and there were
conflicts between them (Shah) and Sunns as a result of which those who
were killed were countless.2
Lesson 13
History of Shism
The Abbsid caliphs tried their best to remove the Shah leaders who were
their rivals. Man r even gave money and dispatched to Medina a certain
Ibn al-Muhjir so as to go to Abd Allh ibn al- asan, Imm a - diq (a)
and a number of other Alaws, and to say to them that the sum of money
comes from the Shah of Khursan, remit the same and take a receipt. Imm
a - diq (a) reminded him that the Imm knows that he was sent by
Man r and asked him to relay to Man r, thus: The Alaws have been
recently relived from the rule of the Marwns and they are needy. Do not
deceive and dupe them.1
Asad aydar says: In order to have a pretext in eliminating Imm a diq (a), Man r resorted to various means; he wrote letters to the Imm
by using the names of the latters Shah and sent goods to the Imm under
the names of his Shah. Yet, Man r did not succeed in any of these
ways.2 When Man r heard the news of the martyrdom of Imm a - diq
(a), he wrote a letter to the governor of Medina, Mu ammad ibn Sulaymn:
In case Jafar ibn Mu ammad designated a certain person as the
implementers of his will [wa iyy], arrest him and cut off his head. In reply
to the caliphs letter, the governor of Medina thus wrote: Jafar ibn
Imm a - diq (a) said: Prophet Sulaymn (Solomon) reigned yet he was grateful [to
God]. Ayyb (Job) experienced affliction yet he remained patient. Ysuf (Joseph) was
oppressed yet he granted forgiveness. You are their successor, and it is more appropriate for
you to emulate them.
Man r looked down and looked up again and said: You are one of our nearest of kin. So
he embraced the Imm (a), let him (a) sit beside him and engaged in a conversation with him
(a). He then said: Bring right now the gifts and garment for Jafar ibn Mu ammad and let
him go.
When the Imm (a) left, Rab followed him and said: I have been defending you for three
days, acting moderately and reservedly. When you were presented to him, I saw that you were
silently uttering something, and Man r failed to harm you. As I am working with the ruler, I
need that supplication. How I wish you would teach it to me.
The Imm said: Say:
. . .
O God! Protect me by Your eye that does not sleep and through the power that is free from
affliction, protect me from perdition; for You are the source of my hope. O God! You have
bestowed abundant blessings to me for which I failed to express gratitude. Yet, You did not
deprive me of those blessings and in many cases You have afflicted me with calamities to
which I showed little patience. You deliver me. O God! I seek protection in Your support and
power of protection from his mischief and I seek refuge in You from his mischief.
Tadhkirah al-Khaw (Najaf al-Ashraf: Manshrt al-Ma baah al- aydariyyah wa
Maktabh, 1383 AH), p. 344.
Ibn Shahr shb Mzandarn, Man qib l Ab lib (Qum: Muassasah Intishrt-e
Allmeh, n.d.), vol. 4, p. 220.
Al-Im m a - diq wal-Madh hib al-Arb ah, 3rd edition (1403 AH), vol. 1, p. 46.
Lesson 13
History of Shism
rn ar-Rashds cruelty.
amd ibn Qu
abah a - a - s
One night rn summoned me and ordered me, thus: Take this sword and
carry out this slaves order. The slave took me in front of a certain house
whose door was closed. He opened the door. There were three rooms and a
well in that house. He opened the first room and asked twenty sayyids (or
s d t) (descendants of the Prophet ( )) who had long and woven hair to go
out. Young and old could be seen among them. He tied this group with
chains and manacles. rns slave then said to me: The order of the
Commander of the Faithful is for you to kill them. They are from among
the offspring of Al (a) and F imah (a). I killed one after the other and
the slave threw the corpses with heads to the well. Then I opened the second
door. In that room there were twenty other people from the offspring of Al
and F imah. I did to them what I had done to the previous twenty persons.
Thereafter, the slave opened the third room in which there were twenty
other sayyids. They also met the fate of the previous forty persons through
me. Only an old man was left who looked at me and said: O sinister man!
May God annihilate you! On the Day of Judgment, what excuse do you
have in front of our forefather, the Messenger of Allah ( )? At that
moment, my hands trembled. The slave looked at me furiously and
threatened me. I killed the old man and the slave threw his corpse into the
Lesson 13
capital of the caliphate. Even the tenth and eleventh Imms (a) became
known as Askariyyn [soldiers] for living in Smarr which was a military
History of Shism
Lesson Fourteen
The Reasons behind the Burgeoning of the Shah during the Period of
Abbasid Caliphate
Shism experienced ever-increasing expansion during the period of the
Abbsid caliphate. This fact had some reasons and factors, some of which
are the following:
1. The Hshims and Alaws during the Period of Umayyad Caliphate
During the Umayyad period, the Hshimsincluding both the
Abbsids and the Alawswere united, and from the time of Hshim when
the Abbsid campaigns started and coordination with the uprising of Zayd
and his son, Ya y, they commenced their tasks based on Shism. As
Abl-Faraj al-I fahn says,
When Wald ibn Yazd, the Umayyad caliph, was killed, and there was
disagreement among the Marwns, the Hshimite propagators and
campaigners went to the districts (rural areas) and the first thing they
expressed was the superiority of Al ibn Ab lib and his progeny as well
as their being oppressed.
The Abbsid caliph Man r was one of the first narrators of the adth
on Ghadr.1 As such, when some of the Abbsid forces saw that Abbsid
policy turned against the Alaws, they did not accept it and opposed the
Al ibn al-Husayn Abl-Faraj al-Isfahn, Maq til a - libiyyn (Qum: Manshrt ashShrf ar-Rad, 1416 AH), p. 207.
History of Shism
Lesson 14
When the head of Marwn ibn Mu ammad, the last Umayyad caliph, was
brought in front of Abl-Abbs as-Saf , he performed a long
prostration. He then rose up and said: Praise be to God who made us
victorious over you. Now, I do not worry when I shall die because on behalf
of usayn, his brothers and companions, I killed two hundred Umayyads.
On behalf of my cousin, Zayd ibn Al, I burned the bones of Hshm. On
behalf of my brother, Ibrhm, I killed Marwn.1
After the stabilization of the Abbsid rule, on the one hand a gap
emerged between them, and the progeny of the Prophet ( ) and their Shah
on the other. From the time of the Abbsid caliph Man r, the Abbsids
adopted the attitude and policy of the Umayyads toward the progeny of the
Prophet ( ). In fact, they exceeded the Umayyads in their enmity toward the
Prophets progeny.
2. The End of the Umayyad Caliphate and the Succession to Power of
the Abbsids
The end of the Umayyad period, the ascension to power of the
Abbsids, and the disputes and conflicts between them were a good
opportunity for Imm al-Bqir and Imm a - diq (a) to propagate the
fundamentals of Shism considerably and to a great extent. This was
especially true in the case of Imm a - diq (a) who trained students in
different fields and sciences. Many outstanding scholars such as Hshim ibn
al- akam, Mu ammad ibn Muslim, bn ibn Taghlib, Hishm ibn Slim,
Mumin q, Mufa
al ibn Umar, Jbir ibn ayyn, and others were
trained by the Imm. According to Shaykh al-Mufd, their companions all
together totaled four thousand approximately in number.2 They used to come
to Imm a - adiq (a) from the different parts of the vast Muslim territory,
bringing bounty and removing their doubts and skepticism. The Imms
students were scattered across various cities and regions and it is natural that
they played an important role in the spread of Shism to the various regions
that they reached.
3. The Migration of the Alaws
One of the most important factors involved in the spread of Shism
during the Abbsid period was the migration and scattering of the s d t and
Alaws across the different parts of the Muslim territories. Most of them had
no faith other than Shism. Although some of them had Zayd inclination so
History of Shism
When Imm ar-Ri (a) was appointed by Mamn as his heirapparent, the brothers and relatives of the Imm went to Iran. As Marash
Because of the rumor of the heir-apparency spread by Mamn about
the Imm (a), many s d t came here (Iran) and the Imm had twenty one
brothers. This group of the Imms brothers and [their] sons consisting of
asan and usayn sad t arrived in the villages of Rey (old Tehran) and
And as they heard of the treachery Mamn committed against a rat
Ri , they took refuge in the mountainous Daylamistn and abaristn.
Some of them were martyred and their tombs and shrines are famous and
since the people of Mzandarn were directly Shah when they embraced
Ibn Anbah, Umdah a - lib (Najaf: Ma baah al- aydariyyah, 1961), pp. 71, 200, 253.
Maq til a - libiyyn, pp. 389-395.
Marash, T r kh abarist n wa Raw y n (Tehran: Nashr-e Kostareh, 1363 AHS), p. 290.
Lesson 14
After the failure of the uprising of Shahd Fakh, usayn ibn Al alasan during the time of Abbsid caliph Hd, Idrs ibn Abd Allh,
brother of Mu ammad Nafs az-Zakiyyah went to Africa. The people there
rallied around him and he set up the rule of the Idrss in Maghrib. Although
he was poisoned soon after that by Abbsid agents, his sons ruled there for a
period of about one century.2 As such, the s d t became familiar with the
mentioned settlement. It was for this reason that the Abbsid caliph,
Mutawakkil, wrote a letter to the governor of Egypt asking him to expel the
Alaw s d t with the payment of 30 dinars for every male and 15 dinars for
every female. They were transferred to Iraq and from there they were sent to
Medina.3 Munta ir also wrote the following to the governor of Egypt: No
Alaw could own property; he could not ride on horse; he could not move
away from the capital; and he could not have more than one attendant.4
Alaws could easily occupy a distinguished status among the people to
such an extent that they could assume an air of dignity vis--vis the ruling
authority. As Masd narrates, Around 270 AH, one of the libs named
A mad ibn Abd Allh staged an uprising in the ad region of Egypt. But
he was finally defeated and killed by A mad ibn ln.5
In this manner, the Alaws were considered to have constituted the most
important challenge for the Abbsid caliphate. In 284 AH the Abbsid
caliph Muta ad decided to issue an order for Muwiyah to be cursed on
the pulpits. In this regard, he wrote an order but his vizier warned him of the
public commotion. Muta ad said: I will brandish my sword in their
midst. The vizier replied:
Then, what shall we do with the libs who are present everywhere, and
with whom the people are sympathetic on account of love for the progeny
of the Prophet ( )? This order of yours will praise and accept them, and as
the people will hear it, they will tend to be more sympathetic with them (the
History of Shism
The Alaws were respected by the people in every region they were
residing. It was for this reason that after their deaths, the people used to build
mausoleums and shrines on their graves as they used to gather around them
(Alaws) during their lifetime. When Mu ammad ibn Qsim al-Alaw went
to Khursn during the caliphate of Muta im, about four thousand people
gathered around him after only a short period and housed him inside a very
formidable stronghold.1
On one hand, the Alaws were generally good and pious people while
the transgression of the Umayyad and Abbsid rulers were known to the
people. On the other hand, the oppression experienced by the Alaws made
them occupy a special place in peoples hearts. As Masd has narrated,
During the year when Ya y ibn Zayd was martyred, every baby that was
born in Khursan was named either Ya y or Zayd.2
The Reasons behind the Emigration of the Sdt [Sayyids or Descendants
of the Prophet ( )]
Three factors can be identified with respect to the migration and
scattering of the s d t in the different parts of the Muslim territories: (a) the
defeat of the Alaw uprisings; (b) the pressure exerted by the agents of the
government; and (c) the existence of good opportunities for migration.
a. The Defeat of the Alaw Uprisings
As a result of the defeat of the uprisings staged by the Alaws, they
could not stay in Iraq and ijz which were accessible to the capital of the
caliphate, and they were forced to go to far-flung places and thus save their
lives. As Masd says about the scattering of the brothers of Mu ammad
Nafs az-Zakiyyah,
The brothers and children of Mu ammad Nafs az-Zakiyyah were spread
across diverse lands and called on the people to accept his leadership. His
son, Al ibn Mu ammad, went to Egypt where he was killed. His other
son, Abd Allh went to Khursn where he was imprisoned and later died
in prison. His third son, asan, went to Yemen where he was also put
behind bars and died there. His brother, Ms, went to Mesopotamia. His
brother, Ya y, went to Rey and then proceeded to abaristn. Another
brother of his, Idrs, went to Maghrib and the people rallied behind him3
Lesson 14
History of Shism
Chapter Four
The Shah and Alaw Uprisings
Lesson Fifteen
History of Shism
the qualitative spread of the Shah faith, deepening the love for the Ahl alBayt (a) in the hearts making the Shah more devoted and firm in their
beliefs. The uprising of Mukhtr, however, was effective in the spread of
Shism and Mukhtr was able to add non-Arabs in the ranks of the Shah as
it was not like that earlier.1 Since that time, Shism spread in the eastern part
of the Muslim territories, and we could see its peak in the movement of the
black-wearing ones and the Abbsids.
The chain of Alaw uprisings which took place during the latter part of
the Umayyad rule had a sort of relationship with the movement of the
Abbsids because Ban Hshimincluding both the Alaws and the
Abbsidswere united during the period of the Umayyad caliphate and
there was no conflict between them. In fact, the first two Abbsid caliphs,
Saf and Man r, had earlier paid allegiance to Mu ammad Nafs azZakiyyah who was one of the descendants of Imm al- asan (a). After the
victory of the Abbsids, however, the same Mu ammad along with a
number of his family members was killed by the Abbsid caliph Man r.
Throughout the second century AH, the Alaw uprisings were related to one
another more on the basis of the Zayd ideology though the Abbsids
capitalized greatly on the uprising of Zayd. As Amr Al, one of the
contemporary historians, says in this regard:
The death of Zayd strengthened the Abbsid campaigners and confirmed
the campaigns in full swing at the time for the caliphate of the descendants
of Abbs. That barrier of probable competition was removed from their
way and it turned well suitable with the trend of the events related to Ab
Muslim such that it was built for the overthrow of the Umayyads.2
Lesson 15
yatullh al-Kh thus says about Zayd: The narrations praising Zayd
and indicating his dignity and grandeur and that he rose up to enjoin what is
good and forbid what is evil are much benefited while the narrations vilifying
him are weak [ af].3
Ample proof and evidence bear witness to the fact that Zayds uprising
had the secret permission and tacit approval of Imm a - diq (a). One of
these proofs was the statement of Imm ar-Ri (a) in response to Mamun,
when the Imm said:
My father Ms ibn Jafar narrated that he heard his father Jafar ibn
Mu ammad to have said: Zayd consulted me about his uprising and I
said to him, My dear uncle, if you like to be that person who shall be hung
in Kinsah,4 then that is your way. When Zayd left Jafar ibn
Shaykh al-Mufid, Al-Irsh d, trans. Mu ammad Bqir Sid Khursn (n.p.: Kitbfurshye Islmiyyeh, 1367 AHS), p. 520.
Mu ammad Bqir al-Majlis, Bi r al-Anw r, 2nd edition (Tehran: Al-Maktabah alIslmiyyah, 1394 AH), vol. 46, p. 205.
Sayyid Abl-Qsim al-Kh, Mujam Rij l al- adth (Beirut: Dr I y at-Turth alArab, n.d.), pp. 102-103.
Kinsah had been one of the places in Kfah. See Yqt ibn Abd Allh, Mujam al-Buld n,
1st edition (Beirut: Dr I y at-Trth al-Arab, 1417 AH), vol. 4, p. 153.
History of Shism
Mu ammad, Jafar said: Woe to him who will hear the call of Zayd but
will not respond to it.1
Yes, Zayd was a true Shah and one of those who believed in the
Imamate of Imm a - diq (a). As he used to say,
In every period, one person from among us, Ahl al-Bayt, is the proof
[ ujjah] of God and the proof at our time is my nephew, Jafar ibn
Mu ammad. He who follows him shall never be misled and he who
opposes him shall never be guided.2
Concerning the fact that Zayd was not regarding himself the Imm and
not calling the people toward himself, Imm a - diq (a) says:
May God have mercy upon my uncle Zayd. If he only emerged victorious,
he would remain faithful (to his promise). My uncle Zayd was calling the
people toward the leadership of the person chosen from among the progeny
of Mu ammad and I am that person.3
Lesson 15
Ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, 1st edition (Qum: Manshrt ash-Shrf ar-Rad, 1414 AH),
vol. 2, pp. 326-327, 332.
Mutawakkil ibn Hrn says: I paid a visit to Ya y ibn Zayd when he went to Khursn
after his father was killed. I greeted him and he asked where I come from and I replied that I
come from ajj pilgrimage. Then he asked about the condition of his relatives and cousins in
Medina and he particularly asked about the condition of Jafar ibn Mu ammad (a). I also
told him about the condition of the Imm and his lamentation for his (Ya ys) father Zayd.
He then said: My uncle, Mu ammad ibn Al prevented my father from waging war against
the Umayyads and relayed to him the would-be end of my fathers plan. Did you pay a visit to
my cousin, Jafar ibn Mu ammad? Yes, I retorted. He asked, Did you hear him telling
something about my activity? Yes, I responded. He said, What did he say about me? Please
inform me. I said: May I be your ransom! I do not like to tell you that which I have heard
from him. He said, Are you frightening me with death? You tell whatever you have heard. I
said: I heard the Imm saying that you shall be killed and be hung in the same manner that
your father was killed and hanged. So, the color of his face changed and said: Yamhll h
m yash wa yuthabbit wa inda umm al-kit b. O Mutawakkil! God, the Exalted, confirmed
His religion through us and gave us knowledge and sword, and we possess both of them. But
our cousins possess knowledge only. I said: May I be your ransom! The people incline more
toward your cousin Jafar than you. He said: My uncle, Mu ammad ibn Al and his son,
Jafar, are calling the people toward life while we call them toward death. I said: O son of
the Messenger of Allah! Who is more knowledgeable, you or he? He lowered his head for
sometime and then raised it, saying: All of us have knowledge. The only difference is that
that which we know is also known to them and that which they know is not known to us. He
then asked me: Have you recorded something from my cousin? Yes, I replied. He said:
Show (them) to me. I showed to him some of the adths of Imm a - diq to him and
some of the supplications in a fah as-Sajj diyyah a fah al-K milah as-Sajj diyyah,
trans. Al-Naq Fay al-Islm (n.p.: Intishrt-e Fay Islm, n.d.), pp. 9-12.
History of Shism
Lesson Sixteen
History of Shism
Mahd.1 After the death of Mu ammad Nafs az-Zakiyyah and Ibrhm, the
Zayds failed to agree on the leadership of a particular person and they were
always looking for a brave and pugnacious Imm from the descendants of
F imah (a) who could lead them. But until 301 AH they were not able to
agree on the identity of the Imm until such time that asan ibn Al alasan, known as A rsh, staged an uprising in Khursn in that year, went
to the regions of Gln and Mzandrn, and succeeded in settling the task of
the Zayds.2 It is for this reason that the Abbsids were harsh against the
Zayds and were trying to eliminate the individuals who were capable of
leading them, particularly the descendants of Zayd among them. To this end,
the Abbsids hired spies and set up rewards for the capture of such
individuals.3 For instance, when s ibn Zayd passed away secretly, Hrn
arrested and imprisoned his son, A mad ibn s merely on the basis of
Of course, the distinguished men among the Ban al- asan who were
regarded as leaders of uprisings did not follow the Zayd way and modus
operandi and were not much attached to Zaydiyyah fundamental beliefs. For
this reason, when conditions during battles became unfavorable and defeat
seemed probable, the Zayds would abandon their leaders in the battle arena
and ending their uprisings in failure (similar to what happened to Ya y ibn
Abd Allh).
Idrs, Ya ys brother, was the only one among them who was able to
achieve relative victory5 and that was because he fled to Africa which was far
Al ibn al-Husayn Abl-Faraj al-Isfahn, Maq til a - libiyyn (Qum: Manshrt ashShrf ar-Rad, 1416 AH), p. 345.
Al ibn al- usayn Masd, Murawwij adh-Dhahab (Beirut: Manshrt Muassasah alAlam Lil-Ma bt, 1411 AH), vol. 4, pp. 393, 394; Shahristn, Kit b al-Milal wan-Nihal
(Qum: Manshrt ash-Sharf ar-Rad, 1364 AHS), vol. 1, p. 139.
For example, after receiving the news of A mad ibn ss escape from prison, Hrn (arRashd) commissioned a certain person named Ibn Kurdiyyah to go to the districts of Kfah
and Ba rah, to feign Shism, and distribute money among the Shah and Zayds so as to
become informed of A mad ibn ss hiding place. He was able to identify this hiding place
through much effort and distribution of large amounts of money, but in the end, A mad was
not arrested. Maq til a - libiyyn, pp. 492, 496.
Idrs ibn Abd Allh, brother of Mu ammad Nafs az-Zakiyyah, participated in the uprising
of usayn ibn Al al- asan Shahd Fakh which took place during the time of the Abbsid
caliph Hd. After usayns defeat, he went to Egypt disguised among ajj pilgrims (on their
way back home) and from there he proceeded toward Maghrib. In Maghrib people gathered
around him, and thus he acquired power and set up a government, but a certain person
poisoned him at the order of the Abbsid caliph Hrn. Thereafter, people named his small
child Idrs. When Idrs II grew up, he ruled there and the Idrs rule in Maghrib lasted for
about one century. Murawwij adh-Dhahab, vol. 3, p. 326.
Lesson 16
from the Abbsids reach. He campaigned against the Abbasids there and
succeeded in forming a government.1
Among the leaders of the uprisings who did not accept the fundamentals
of the Zayd belief and follow the way and method of the Ahl al-Bayt (a)
was Ya y ibn Abd Allh, brother of Mu ammad Nafs az-Zakiyyah, who
went to Khursn after Mu ammads defeat and from there he headed
toward the land of Daylam present day Gln and Mzandarnbut the
ruler there, who was not a Muslim yet, wanted to arrest Ya y and turn him
over to the agents of Hrn on account of his threats. At the time, Ya y
was compelled to seek the protection of Fa l Barmak, Hrns vizier. Fa l
also offered him protection, but instead of protection and security, he was
imprisoned in Baghdad until his death.2 He was one of the students trained by
Imm a - diq (a) and whenever narrating a adth from the Imm, he
would say: My dear Jafar ibn Mu ammad thus said3
Finally, since he was following the way and method of the Ahl al-Bayt
(a) in terms of jurisprudence [fiqh], the Zayds opposed him and distanced
themselves from him. So, he was forced to surrender himself to Fa l ibn
Ya y, Hrns vizier.4
a. The Uprising of Mu ammad Nafs az-Zakiyyah
The zenith of the Alaw uprising was during the second century AH.
One of the most noted of these uprisings was during the time of the Abbsid
caliph Man r which was led by Mu ammad Nafs az-Zakiyyah. His
activity had started prior to the victory of the Abbsids and with the
exception of Imm a - diq (a), the Ban Hshim generally pledged
allegiance to him. Even the Sunn scholars and jurists such as Ab anfah,
Mu ammad ibn Ajln, the jurist of Medina, Ab Bakr ibn Ab Sabrah,
Abd Allh ibn Jafar, Hshim ibn Urwah, Abd Allh ibn Umar, W il
ibn A , Amr ibn Ubayd, among others swore allegiance to him,
attributing to him the transmitted Prophetic sayings about the uprising of alMahd (a).5 But his uprising during the period of the Abbsids was defeated
defeated because it was launched prematurely. In Ba rah his brother
Ibrhms uprising also ended in failure due to the treachery of the Zayds,
but his brothers were scattered and this state of affairs continued up to the
time of Hrn. Idrs ibn Abd Allh fled to Maghrib and he was accepted
Maq til a - libiyyn, pp. 406-408.
Ibid., p. 393.
Ibid., pp. 392-393.
Ibid., pp. 251, 254-255, 347.
History of Shism
there by the people. Yet, he was in the end poisoned by the agents of Hrn.
After him, his followers installed his young child to replace him naming him
Idrs ath-Thn. For sometime, the government of the Idrss flourished in
North Africa. Ya ya, another one of Mu ammads brother, went to
abaristn after his death.
Yet another one of Mu ammads brother named Ms ibn Abd Allh
fled to the north of Iraq and Mesopotamia. Mu ammad Nafs az-Zakiyyahs
sons, named Al, Abd Allh and asan, went to Egypt, India and Yemen,
respectively, and were for some time the source of concern for the Abbsid
b. The Uprising of Ibn ab ab al- asani
After the death of Hrn and the conflict over the issue of succession
between his two sons, Amn and Mamn, the Shah taking advantage of
this opportunity staged more uprisings with the uprisings of the Alaws
reaching their climax at this time. During that period, the whole of Iraq (with
the exception of Baghdad), ijz, Yemen, and south of Iran were detached
from the Abbsid control owing to the existence of competent military
commanders such as Abs-Sary on the side of the Alaws.2 The army of
Abs-Sary shattered every contingent they encountered and overrun every
city they visited. It is said that in the battle fought by Abs-Sary two
hundred thousand soldiers of the Abbsid caliph were killed although the
interval between the day of the uprising and the day when he was beheaded
was not more than 10 months. Even in Ba rah which was the demographic
concentration of the Uthmns, the Alaws earned support such that Zayd
an-Nr staged an uprising in the mentioned city. In Mecca and the districts of
ijz, Mu ammad ibn Jafar known as Dbj who was called Amr alMuminn [Commander of the Faithful] staged an uprising. In Yemen
Ibrhm ibn Ms ibn Jafar revolted against the Abbsid caliph.
Mu ammad ibn Sulaymn ibn Dwd ibn asan rose up in Medina. In
Wsi where most of the people inclined toward the Uthmns, there was
the uprising of Jafar ibn Zayd ibn Al as well as that of usayn ibn Ibrhm
ibn asan ibn Al. In Madin Mu ammad ibn Isml ibn Mu ammad
launched a rebellion. In sum, there was no place (in the Muslim territories)
where the Alaws by their own initiatives or at the request of the people did
not revolt against the Abbsids. It went to the extent that the people of
Mesopotamia and Shm, who were known for having cooperation with the
Lesson 16
History of Shism
Mu ammad ibn Zayd succeeded him and ruled Smn until 287 AH.
Finally, in that year (287 AH) he attained martyrdom in a battle between him
and Mu ammad ibn Hrn, a Smnide commander.1
In 287 AH, after the martyrdom of Mu ammad ibn Zayd, N ir Kabr
know as A rsh in the region of Gln and Daylam rose up in the midst of
the people, calling them to Islam and ruled there for 14 years2 until such time
that he went to abaristn in 301 AH and took control of government there.3
d. The Uprising of Ya y ibn al- usayn (the Zayds of Yemen)
In 288 AH Ya y ibn usayn al-Alaw, known as Al-H d il laqq [The Guide toward the Truth], staged an uprising in ijz and the
Zayds gathered around him. On the same year he entered San with the
cooperation of Yemeni tribes, and was addressed as the Zayd Imm.
Although he had skirmishes with Yemeni tribes, in the end he was able to
take control of the region and establish a government. Yet, in 298 AH he
died from poisoning. He had been remembered as one of the greatest Zayd
figures. In terms of knowledge and learning, he also had an excellent station.
As such, the Zayd sect in Yemen became known with his name:
Hdawiyyah.4 His sons were Zayd Imms and rulers of Yemen.5 The
leadership and rule of Zaydiyyah in Yemen continued through the children
and grandchildren of Al-Hd ill- aqq until 1382 AH when Arab
republicanism in Yemen was established.
Lesson 16
Lesson Seventeen
2. Sporadic Uprisings
Most of these uprisings were staged without prior organization and based
on individual decisions against the tyranny of caliphs and rulers toward the
Shah and Alaws. Mostly reactionary and intransigent in nature, the most
important of these uprisings were the following:
a. The Uprising of Shahd Fakh
It was usayn ibn Al al- asan (known as Shahd Fakh) who revolted
during the caliphate of the Abbsid caliph Hd. His uprising was against the
extreme cruelties of the caliph of the time vis--vis the Shah and Alaws.
Narrates Yaqb, The Abbsid caliph Ms al- d was pursuing the
libs. He seriously threatened them, curtailing their stipends and grants,
and wrote to [the rulers of] the different regions and districts to be harsh
toward the libs.1
Abbsid caliph Hd had also appointed as ruler of Medina a person
from among the descendants of Umar who was very harsh against the
libs, interrogating them daily. It was in protest of these cruelties that
usayn ibn Al al- asan rose up and ordered the recital of ayya al
khayril-amal [Come to the best of deeds] in the adh n [call to prayer] in
Medina, asking the people to give their allegiance on the basis of the Book of
Ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, 1st edition (Qum: Manshrt ash-Shrf ar-Rad, 1414 AH),
vol. 2, p. 404.
History of Shism
God and the Sunnah of the Prophet ( ), and called on them to the leadership
of the chosen one from the progeny of Prophet Mu ammad ( ). His policy
was agreed upon by Imm al-K im (a) though the Imm said that he will
be killed.1 For this reason, the Zayds kept aloof from him and he along with
less than 500 men stood against the Abbsid army under the command of
Sulaymn ibn Ab Jafar, and in the end, he and a number of his companions
attained martyrdom in a place between Mecca and Medina called Fakh.2
Imm ar-Ri (a) said, besides Karbal there was no tragedy more
severe and tragic than [the tragedy in] Fakh.3
In general, Alaws leaders, with the exception of Mu ammad ibn Abd
Allh Nafs az-Zakiyyah, did not possess popularity. The Imm Shah and
companions of the pure Imms (a), with the exception of only a few, did not
participate in those uprisings.
b. The Uprising of Mu ammad ibn al-Qsim
Mu ammad ibn al-Qsims revolt had taken place in 219 AH. He was a
descendant of Imm as-Sajjd (a), a resident of Kfah, and had been
regarded as one of the ascetic, devoted and pious Alaws and s d t. The
reason behind his uprising was the pressure exerted by Muta im against
him and as such, he was compelled to leave Kfah for Khursn. As Masd
In this year, that is, 219 AH, Muta im threatened Mu ammad ibn alQsim. He was truly ascetic and pious and when Muta im threatened him,
he went to Khursn. He stayed in the cities of Khursn such as Marv,
Sarkhis, leqn, and Nas.4
Lesson 17
Ibid., p. 160.
Maq til a - libiyyn, p. 511.
History of Shism
the descendants of the Prophet ( ) who would brandish his sword against
the government, and they lack the intellectual purity and ideologically
strong beliefs emanating from the profundity of the soul and depth of
conscience. These (uprisings) were based on such a stupid feeling and
shallow cultural awareness which are not even an amalgamation of emotion
with reasoning and conscience that could constitute a firm foundation of
commitment and mission. On account of this, these (uprisings) were sucked
down into the whirlpool (of breakdown) and many lives were wasted along
their path. Rather, contrary to the factors of defeat which stem from within
the revolutionary forces, relying on such an emotional and intellectual force
is like the thirty ones reliance on a mirage.
And it is exactly this point that clearly shows how a people would
seriously and decisively encounter events and when the water was already
turning the wheels of mill and the time for harvest nigh, they would incline
toward peaceful and quiet life.1
Sayyid Jafar Murtad al-mil, Zindig n-ye Siy s-ye Im m Jaw d (a), trans. Sayyid
Muhammad Husayn, 8th edition (Qum: Islamic Publications Office affiliated to the Society of
Teachers of the Islamic Seminary in Qum, 1375 AHS), p. 19.
Lesson 17
Chapter Five
The Geographical Expansion of Shism
Lesson Eighteen
Even the place like Jabal mil (in present day Lebanon) which was part
of Shm, Muwiyahs sphere of influence, would become one of the most
important centers of Shism by the grace of the presence of the great
companion of the Prophet ( ), Ab Dharr (al-Ghiffr).2
History of Shism
During the latter part of the caliphate of Uthmn ibn Affn, many
Shah were living in the Muslim territories such that the name of Al (a)
was always mentioned for caliphate. For this reason, Uthmn used to send
requests to Al (a) during rebel gatherings in Madina, asking him to stay
out of Medina for sometime and to go to his farm in Yanbu with the hope
that the rebels would be motivated less.1 There were many Shah in Iraq
especially during the time of Uthmn. For example, when the Shah of
Ba rahin spite of the fact that the city was under the occupation and
influenced by the Jamal [camel] Army propagandaheard the news that the
Commander of the Faithful Al (a) along with Muh jir n and An r was
heading toward them, three thousand men only from the tribe of Rabah
joined the Imm in Dhqr.2 Their decision to join Al (a) was ideologically
motivated, regarding the Imm as the caliph appointed by the Prophet ( )
just as Baldhur has this to say: Among the Shah of Al were those from
the tribe of Rabah.3
After Al (a) himself took control of the helm of government and went
to Iraq, there was an extraordinary impact upon the spread of Shism in the
region. Similarly, the rulers and governors of the Imm, most of whom were
appointed from among the Shah, had remarkable contribution in the spread
of Shism in other places. As Sayyid Mu sin Amn says, Wherever the
trustees of Al (a) went, the people there would become Shah.4
Of course, during that period, in addition to Shm which was totally
under the influence of the Umayyads, other regions, such as Ba rah and
north of Iraq, also had inclinations toward Uthmn. The people in those
places were inclined toward Uthmn5 on account of the settlement of
Uthmns relatives there, and this inclination in the north of Iraq continued
till the end of the second century AH.
Mecca also had anti-Hshim and anti-Alaw tendencies since the Age
of Ignorance [yamw al-j hiliyyah]. Similarly, both during the Age of
Ignorance and the Islamic period, if was the same as Mecca. The other
tribes of Quraysh were always competing with Ban Hshim and not willing
to accept the leadership of Ban Hshim, and this is one of the reasons for
Qurayshs opposition to the Holy Prophet ( ). The people of if, too, like
Lesson 18
Amr Al, T r kh-e Gharb va Isl m [History of the West and Islam], trans. Fakhr D
Gln, 3rd edition (Tehran: Intishrt-e Ganjneh, 1366 AHS), pp. 241, 245; Al ibn alHusayn Abl-Faraj al-Isfahn, Maq til a - libiyyn (Qum: Manshrt ash-Shrf ar-Rad,
1416 AH), p. 408.
Among the companions of the pure Imms (a), we can find people from cities and regions
such as alab, Egypt, Madin, Qazwn, Rey, Kshn, Armenia, Sb , I fahn, Hamedn,
Samarqand, and Kbul. Rij l Naj sh (Qum: Islamic Publications Office affiliated to the
Society of Teachers of the Islamic Seminary in Qum, n.d.), pp. 8-9, 66, 130, 161, 208, 233,
236, 290, 344, 367; Ibn Shahr shb Mzandarn, Ma lim al-Ulam (Najaf: Manshrt alMa baah al- aydariyyah, 1380 AH), p. 31.
History of Shism
Lesson Nineteen
History of Shism
a. Medina
The name of Medina [Madnah] was Yathrb before the hijrah and the
people there consisted of two Yemen tribes, the Aws and Khazraj, re-named
An r after the advent of Islam (after the hijrah to be exact), and three
Jewish tribes, namely the Ban Qaynuq, Ban Na r and Ban Quray ah.
When the Noble Messenger ( ) migrated there, its name was changed into
Madnah an-Nab [the City of the Prophet] and on account of the constant
mention of the word Madnah [Medina] it was called as such.
Medina was the political capital of the first three caliphs (Ab Bakr,
Umar and Uthmn), and Quraysh who were the staunchest adversaries of
the Prophets Household [ahl al-bayt] lived there. Despite this, the An r
still constituted the majority of the inhabitants of Medina who were always
sympathetic to the descendants of the Prophet ( ) and during the political
squabbles, they took Ahl al-Bayts (a) the side. The distinguished Shah
a bah living in the mentioned city were constantly telling the truth to the
people. Jbir ibn Abd Allh al-An r, a great companion of the Prophet
( ), while leaning on his staff, used to roam around the alleys of Medina and
Al is the best of people. Whoever would not accept him will become an
infidel [k fir]. O the assembly of An r! Train your children to love Al.
Anyone of them who does not accept this love, then you have to ask his
mother concerning the fetus.1
The same Jbir used to sit in Masjid an-Nab and say, O B qir al-Ulm
[He who cleaves asunder all knowledge]! Where are you? The people were
saying, Jbir, you are talking nonsense. Jbir would reply, No, I am not
talking nonsense. In fact, the Messenger of Allah ( ) said to me: After me,
you shall meet a person from among my descendants whose name will be
the same as mine and whose facial appearance will be the same as mine. He
shall open to the people tens of knowledge.2
When he met Imm al-Bqir (a) for the first time, he visited the Imm
twice everyday.3 Ab Dharr al-Ghiffr used to stand by the door of Masjid
an-Nab and say,
Anyone who recognizes me has recognized me, and he who does not
recognize should know that I am Ab Dharr al-Ghiffr, Jundab ibn
Jundah Mu ammad is the heir of the knowledge of dam (Adam) and
Lesson 19
all the virtues of the prophets, and Al ibn Ab lib is the executor of will
[wa ] of Mu ammad and heir of his knowledge.1
Meanwhile, most members of Ban Hshim lived in that city and were
held in high esteem. The infallible Imms (a) lived in the same city and
people benefited from their teachings. In particular, the study circles of Imm
al-Bqir and Imm a - diq (a) extended to as far as Masjid an-Nab.
Narrates Ab amzah ath-Thuml:
I was sitting in the Masjid an-Nab when a man approached and greeted me,
and asked about Ab Jafar (Imm al-Bqir (a)). I asked, What is your
business (with him)? He replied, I listed down forty questions I wanted to
ask Ab Jafar. He hardly finished his statement when Imm al-Bqir (a)
entered the mosque. A number of people from Khursn gathered around
him and asked the Imm about the rituals of ajj.2
History of Shism
the tribe of amdn became Muslim in one day and after amdn the rest
of the tribes in Yemen embraced Islam. When this news was relayed to the
Holy Prophet ( ), he performed prostration of gratitude [sujd shukr].1
The first house where Al (a) stayed while in Yemen was the house of a
woman called Umm Saad Barzakhiyyah where the Imm gave Quran
lessons. The said house was converted into a mosque later and it was named
as Masjid Al.
Particularly at the last moments of the Prophet ( ), people from the
different tribes of Yemen went to Medina to meet the Prophet ( ), and in
their conversation the Prophet ( ) introduced to them Al (a) as his
successor2 and thus, this fact remained in their memory.3 And after the
Ibn Shahr shb Mzandarn, Man qib l Ab lib (Qum: Muassasah Intishrt-e
Allmeh, n.d.), vol. 2, p. 129.
Muhammad Husayn Mu affar, T r kh ash-Shah (Qum: Manshrt Maktabah Ba rat,
n.d.), p. 122.
Jbir ibn Abd Allh al-An r narrates: A number of the various tribes of Yemen came to
the Holy Prophet ( ). The Messenger of Allah ( ) said: There shall be a softhearted people
with strong faith Man r (one of the companions of Imm al-Mahd (a)) along with seventy
thousand from whom shall rise up to help my successor and the successor of my executor of
will [wa ] even while their swords carried (diagonally across the body) with the staple of
palm-tree! They asked: O Messenger of Allah! Who is the executor of your will? He
retorted: It is he to whom God, the Exalted, ordered (the people) to hold fast when He said,
Hold fast to the rope of Allah and be not divided among yourselves (Srah l Imr n
3:103). They asked: O Messenger of Allah! Tell us what this rope [ abl] is. He said:
This rope is exactly the statement of God when He says, save (where they grasp) a rope
from Allah and a rope from men (Srah l Imr n 3:112). The rope from Allah is the Quran
while the rope from men is the executor of my will! They asked: O Messenger of Allah!
Who is the executor of your will? He answered: It is he about whom God, the Exalted, says,
Lest any soul should say, Alas, my grief that I was unmindful of Allah (Srah az-Zumar
39:56). They inquired: What is this command of God? He responded: He is the executor of
my will and the guide of the people toward me after I depart! They said: O Messenger of
Allah! By He who has sent you down in truth! Point him to us as we are indeed eager to see
and know him! He said: God has appointed him for the faithful. If you would look at him
with the vision of the heart, you shall know that he is indeed the wa [executor of will] just
in the same manner that you recognized your Prophet. Thus, go and check within the ranks of
the people in the mosque. Anyone who shall draw your hearts toward him is the wa ; for,
God, the Exalted, says: So incline some hearts of men that they may yearn toward them
(Srah Ibr hm 14:37).
As such, Ab mir Ashar from the tribe of Ashariyyn, Ab Izzah Khawln from
among the Khawlniyn, Uthmn ibn Qays from Ban Qays, Gharyah Daws from the tribe of
Daws, and L iq ibn Alfah rose up and they checked the ranks of the people in the mosque.
They took Al (a) by the hand and presented him to the Holy Prophet ( ) and said: O
Messenger of Allah! This is the person who drew our hearts toward him and inclined toward
him. The Holy Prophet ( ) said: All praise is due to Allah! You recognized the executor of
will of the Prophet even before seeing him. So, the Yemenis wept and said: O Messenger of
Allah! We looked at the people, but our hearts did not get calm with them; when we saw him
Lesson 19
demise of the Prophet ( ), they did not officially recognize the government
in Medina and refrain from remitting their zak t to Ab Bakr, the caliph of
the time.1 As stated in one of their poems,
History of Shism
population of the Shah at the time had been considerable. At any rate,
following the devastation made by Busr in Yemen, a rat Amr (a) sent
Jriyah ibn Qudmah (as-Sad) and Busr fled from Yemen. The people of
Yemen and the Shah there then killed Uthmns and sympathizers of the
Umayyads wherever they found them.1
After the martyrdom of Al (a), Yemen still remained a place where the
Shah were demographically concentrated, and when Imm al- usayn (a)
was setting off from Mecca to Kfah, Ibn Abbs suggested to the Imm not
to go to Iraq, but to proceed instead to Yemen where there are Shah of
your father.2
It must be noted that with the beginning of victories and expansion of the
Muslim domain, Yemen (and the Arabian Peninsula in general) had reached
its geographical limit and played a secondary role in the political and military
matters. Although the two cities of Mecca and Medina had some social
impact on account of their religious standing, Yemen, which during the time
of the Prophet ( ) was considered one of the most important parts of the
Islamic domain, was located approximately in one corner of the Muslim
territories and their southern tip after the victories of the Muslims in the
neighboring countries. In view of this, the spirit of Shism was dominant
there. During the uprising of Abs-Sary at the end of the second century,
Ibrhm ibn Ms entered there without encountering any local resistance
and occupied it.3 And in the end, the Zayd sect prevailed in Yemen. Even
now, many of its residents are Zayds.4
c. Kfah
Kfah is a city that had been founded after the advent of Islam by the
Muslims there. The ancient city of rah near Kfah was always ruled by the
In 17 AH Saad ibn Ab Waqq , the commander of the Iranian front,
founded this city at the order of the second caliph (Umar) and thereafter,
eighty of the a bah resided there.6 At the beginning, the city of Kfah
was more of a military camp and accommodation for the forces of the eastern
front. Most of its inhabitants were Muslim muj hidn who were mostly from
Al-Gh r t, p. 333.
Ahmad ibn Ya y ibn Jbir Baldhur, Ins b al-Ashr f, researched by Muhammad Bqir
Ma md (Beirut: Manshrt Muassasah al-Alam Lil-Ma bt, 1394 AH), vol. 3, p. 161.
Al ibn al-Husayn Abl-Faraj al-Isfahn, Maq til a - libiyyn (Qum: Manshrt ashShrf ar-Rad, 1416 AH), p. 435.
T r kh ash-Shah, p. 132.
Mujam al-Buld n, p. 162.
T r kh al-Yaqb, vol. 2, p. 150.
Lesson 19
the Qa
n and Yemen tribes. For this reason, Kfah always had the
n and Yemen atmosphere.1 Among the companions of the Prophet
( ), An r with Yemen root were residing there mostly. The Khazraj, one
of the two tribes of An r, had a particular district there. Yqt amaw
says, During the time of Ziyd (ibn Ubayd Allh), most of the houses made
of bricks were houses of (the tribes of) Khazraj and Murd.2
Of course, a number of non-Arabs and Iranians were also living in Kfah
who, during the caliphate of the Commander of the Faithful (a), were busy
trading in the Kfah market.3 It was the same non-Arabs who constituted
most of the force during Mukhtrs uprising.4
Concerning the merit of Kfah, there are many pertinent adths
transmitted, one of which is from Al (a) when he said:
What a good city Kfah is! The soil there loves us and we love it also. On
the Day of Resurrection, seventy thousand people whose faces are like the
moon in radiance shall be raised at the outside of Kfah (the cemetery of
Kfah which was located outside the city). Kfah is our city and the place
and residence of our Shah.
History of Shism
O people! This successor of the successors and heir to the knowledge of the
prophets is a person to whose faith the Book of Allah gives testimony and
the Prophet to his being a dweller of paradise. He is the one the virtues
about whom are perfected; with regard to his precedence in knowledge and
merit, the latter ones and the pioneering ones have not cast doubt.1
When Al (a) dispatched his son asan (a) and Ammar to ask the
assistance of the people of Kfah in the battle against the N kithn [those
who broke their allegiance] (in the Battle of Jam l [Camel]), nine thousand
men joined the ranks of the Imm even despite a person like Ab Ms alAshar, the ruler there, who prevented people from assisting the Commander
of the Faithful (a).2
With Als (a) migration to Kfah, this city had become the most
important Shah-populated city up to the end of the third century AH. Dr.
Sayyid usayn Jafar thus says in this regard:
Since the time when Al (a) transferred to Kfah in 36 AH and even
earlier than that, this city had become the main center of the movements,
inspirations, hopes, and at times, coordinated struggles of the Shah. Inside
and around Kfah, tumultuous events that construct the early history of
Shism took place. The events such as the preparation of the forces of Al
(a) for the battles of Jamal and iffn; the appointment and stepping down
from caliphate of asan ibn Al (a); the uprising of ujr ibn Uday alKind; the killing of usayn (a) and his votaries; and the Taww bn
movement and the uprising of Mukhtr are among these events. Given this,
Kfah is the place of hopelessness, deprivations, and even treachery and
failure in the attainment of goals of the Shah on the part of those who do
not want to seen the descendants of Al in the stewardship of the Muslim
Although the killers of Imm al- usayn were Kfans,4 the distinguished
Shah at the time were languishing in the prison of Ibn Ziyd.5 Besides, with
the martyrdom of Muslim and Hn, the Shah were left without commander
against a tough enemy such as Ibn Ziyd and had no match for his power.
After the martyrdom of Imm al- usayn (a), however, the Shah came to
their senses and launched the Taww bn movement and the uprising of
T r kh al-Yaqb, vol. 2, p. 189.
Ins b al-Ashr f, vol. 2, p. 262.
Sayyid Husayn Jafar, Tashayyu dar Masr-e T r kh, trans. Sayyid Muhammad Taq
yatullh, 9th edition (Tehran: Daftar-e Nashr-e Farhang-e Islm, 1378 AHS), p. 125..
Al ibn Husayn ibn Al Masd, Murawwij adh-Dhahab, 1st edition (Beirut: Manshrt
Muassasah al-Alam Lil-Ma bt, 1411 AH), vol. 3, p. 73.
T r kh ash-Shah, p. 67.
Lesson 19
Kfah had been known for friendship and love of the Ahl al-Bayt (a)
and enmity toward the Umayyads. Even Mu ab ibn az-Zubayr feigned love
for the descendants of the Prophet ( ) in order to win the hearts of the
Kfans. As such, he married a daughter of Imm al- usayn (a).1 By the end
of the first century AH, although there were then new Shah-populated
centers, Kfah was still considered the most important Shah-populated city.
While advising his supporters during the initial stage of the uprising against
the Umayyads, for example, Mu ammad ibn Al ibn Abd Allh ibn alAbbs, the leader of the Abbsid uprising, said: But (the people of) Kfah
and its districts are Shah of Al ibn Ab lib.2
During the second and third centuries AH, the uprisings of some libs
also took place in Kfah. Notwithstanding the existence of an important city
such as Baghdad during the Abbsid period, Kfah did not lose its political
importance and the most noted uprising of the Alaws during the second half
of the second century AH, i.e. the uprising of Ibn ab ab under the
military commandership of Abs-Sary was staged in the same city.3 As
such, the Umayyads monitored Kfah closely and bloodthirsty individuals
such as Ziyd, Ibn Ziyd and ajjj would be designated to rule there. The
rulers there were always supposed to be inimical to the Alaws, and in the
event that a ruler like Khlid ibn Abd Allh al-Qasr had little compassion
for the Shah, he would immediately be dismissed and even be imprisoned.4
Apart from its political aspect, Kfah was also regarded as the most
important Shah-populated city in terms of knowledge and the Shah culture
was dominant there. The majority of students of the pure Imms (a) were
Shah of this city. Great Shah clans were living in Kfah. They offered
remarkable services to the Shah culture. For example, from the time of
Imm as-Sajjd (a) up to the minor occultation [ghaybah a - ughr ] men
of the House of Ayan were among the companions of the pure Imms (a).
Ab Mu ammad Abd Allh ibn Muslim ibn al-Qutaybah, Al-Ma rif, researched by
Tharwah Akkshah, 1st edition (Qum: Manshrt ash-Shrf ar-Rad, 1415 AH), p. 214.
Fakhr has narrated that Mu ammad ibn Al said to his supporters and campaigners: But
there are Shah of Al ibn lib in Kfah and its districts. The people of Ba rah gave their
loyalty to an Uthmni group, but the people of Mesopotamia were not yet Muslims then. The
people of Shm would not recognize anyone except the descendants of Ab Sufyn and not
obey anyone except Marwn. But the people of Mecca and Medina were more on following
the line of Ab Bakr and Umar. Therefore, it should not be forgotten that from among the
people of Khrsn there were many individuals who were active, pure-hearted and had peace
of mind. They were neither inclined to this group nor that group, and neither did they adhere
to the different sects nor attach to peity. Ibn ab ab, Al-Fukhar f d b as-Sal aniyyah
(Egypt), p. 104.
Maq til a - libiyyn, pp. 424-431.
Ins b al-Ashr f, vol. 3, p. 233.
History of Shism
Sixty prominent scholars of adth [mu addithn] emerged from this clan.
It had stalwarts such as Zurrah ibn Ayan, amrn ibn Ayan, Bakr ibn
Ayan, amzah ibn amrn, Mu ammad ibn amrn, and Ubayd ibn
Zurrahthe same Ubayd who went to Medina as the representative of the
people of Kfah after the demise of Imm a - diq (a) to dispel any
skepticism regarding the matter of Imamate, before going back to Kfah.1
The House of Ab Shubah was another great Shah clan in Kfah whose
forefather, Ab Shubah, had narrated adth from Imm al- asan and
Imm al- usayn (a). Najsh claims that all of those narrations are reliable.2
Similarly, the House of Nahk is also one of the great Shah clans in
Kfah from which Abd Allh ibn Mu ammad and Abd ar-Ra mn
Samar belong.3
In the mosques of Kfah, particularly in its central mosque, adths of
the pure Imms (a) used to be taught there. asan ibn Al Washsh, a
companion of Imm ar-Ri (a), says: I saw in Masjid Kfah nine hundred
people who were transmitting adths from Imm a - diq (a).4
d. Basrah
Ba rah is a city founded by the Muslims in 17 AH simultaneous with
the founding of Kfah.5 Although the people of Ba rah were known for
inclination toward Uthmn for supporting ishah, al ah and Zubayr, at
the same time that the Jamal [Camel] Army was in Ba rah, the Shah there
fought against it and a large number of them attained martyrdom. As narrated
by Shaykh al-Mufd, from (the tribe of) Abd al-Qays alone, five hundred of
the Shah of Al (a) were martyred.6 According to Baldhur, three
thousand men from among the Shah of the tribe of Rabah joined the ranks
of the Imm at Dhqr.7 After the Battle of Jamal, notwithstanding the
atmosphere of inclination to Uthmn in Ba rah, many Shah were still
living there. As such, when Muwiyah dispatched Ibn a ram to create
unrest there, he informed him that some people in Ba rah are Shah and
advised him to avoid some tribes such as that of Rabah notwithstanding the
great number of the Uthmns, and if Al (a) would not send off any force
Ab Ghlib Zurr, Ris lah f l Ayan (I fahn: Ma baah Rabbn, n.d.), pp. 2-18.
Fihrist Asm Mu anf ash-Shah (Rij l Naj sh), p. 230.
Ibid., p. 232.
Ibid., p. 39-40.
Mujam al-Buld n, vol. 2, p. 340.
Shaykh al-Mufd, Al-Jamal, 2nd edition (Qum: Maktab al-Alm al-Islm (Publication
Center), 1416 AH), p. 279.
Ins b al-Ashr f, vol. 2, p. 237.
Lesson 19
Later on, Kfah also became under the governorship and administration
of Ziyd, and he would stay for six months in Kfah and the next six months
in Ba rah. Every time he was in Kfah, he would designate Samarah ibn
Jundab to administer Ba rah on his behalf. Samarah was an atrocious man
and never desisted from shedding blood. During the absence of Ziyd, he
butchered eight thousand people.6
Al-Gh r t, p. 166.
Sayyid Mu sin Amn, Ay n ash-Shah (Beirut: Dr at-Taruf Lil-Ma bt, n.d.), vol. 1,
p. 590.
Murawwij adh-Dhahab, vol. 3, p. 109.
Ba r is the feminine form of ab ar which means defective and incomplete. According
to the adth, every statement which does not begin with the name of Allah is called ab ar
[defective and incomplete]. Since Ziyd began to deliver the said sermon without invoking the
name of Allah, it became known thereafter as ba r .
T r kh-e Ta ll-ye Isl m t Pay n-e Umaw, p. 156.
Ab Jafar Muhammad ibn Jarr ibn Rustam abar, T r kh al-Umam wal-Mulk (Beirut:
Dr al-Qms al- adth, n.d.), vol. 6, p. 132.
History of Shism
Lesson 19
f. Jabal mil
Jabal mil was another Shah-populated region during the first century
AH. Shism of the people of this place started when Ab Dharr was exiled
by Uthmn ibn al-Affn to Shm. The late Sayyid Mu sin Amn says,
Muwiyah also banished Ab Dharr to the villages of Jabal mil. Ab
Dharr engaged in guiding the people. Thus, the people there became Shah.
In the villages of arfand and Mays of Jabal mil, there are two mosques
named Ab Dharr Masjid. Even during the time of the Commander of the
Faithful (a), [the inhabitants of] a certain village called Asr were
With regard to Shism there, the late Mu affar had also said: The
origin of Shism in Jabal mil is traceable to the call of the muj hid
[struggler] in the path of Allah, Ab Dharr al-Ghiffr.2 Kird-Al also says
that the record of Shism in Damascus, Jabal mil and north of Lebanon
can be traced back to the first century AH.3
History of Shism
Lesson Twenty
History of Shism
different regions. For example, after the uprising of Mu ammad Nafs azZakiyyah during the reign of Man r and his defeat, the descendants of
Imm al- asan (a) were scattered in the different places. In this regard,
Masdi thus says:
The brothers of Mu ammad ibn Abd Allh (Nafs az-Zakiyyah) were
scattered in the different places. His son, Al ibn Mu ammad, went to
Egypt where he was killed later. His other son, Abd Allh ibn
Mu ammad, went to Khursn and from there proceeded to Sind where he
was killed. His third son, asan ibn Mu ammad went to Yemen where he
was put behind bars and passed away while in prison. His (Nafs azZakiyyahs) brother, Ms, went to Mesopotamia. Another brother of Nafs
az-Zakiyyah, Ya y, went to Rey and from there he proceeded to
abaristn. Another brother of his, Idrs, went to Maghrib. Yet another
brother, Ibrhm, went to Ba rah where he formed an army composed of
men from Ahwz, Frs among other cities, but his uprising ended in
Although most of them were pursued by the Abbsid agents and were
unable to remain in one place and were later killed, their impact remained.
Sometimes, their children lived in those places. For example, Abd Allh,
son of Mu ammad Nafs az-Zakiyyah, as narrated by Masdi, was not able
to remain in Khursn and thus, he went to Sind.2 Yet, the author of the
book, Muntaqilah a - libiyyn, narrates that the son of Abd Allh,
Ibrhm, remained in Khursn and had two sons named Qsim and
Mu ammad.3
Similarly, there was a group in Transoxiana which was tracing itself back
to Irahim ibn Mu ammad Nafs az-Zakiyyah.4
Now, we shall survey the condition of the cities and regions in which the
Shah lived in large number during the second century AH.
a. Khursn
At the beginning of the second century AH, the movement of the
campaigners of Ban Hshim5 commenced in Khursn and many people
there embraced Shism. Yaqb narrates,
Al ibn Husayn ibn Al Masd, Murawwij adh-Dhahab, 1st edition (Beirut: Manshrt
Muassasah al-Alam Lil-Ma bt, 1411 AH), vol. 3, p. 326.
Ab Isml ibn N ir ibn ab ab, Muntaqilah a - libiyyn, trans. Mu ammad Rid
A , 1st edition (Mashhad: Intishrt-e stn-e Quds-e Ra aw, 1372 AHS), p. 207.
It must be noted that the term, Ban Hshim or Hshimiyn at the time also included the
Abbsids as they were also grandchildren of Hshim.
Lesson 20
When Zayd was martyred, the Shah in Khursn were in great commotion
and expressed their faith in Shism. The preachers were openly stating the
atrocity and tyranny of the Umayyads against the descendants of the
Prophet ( ).1
The Khursns had always been supporters of the Abbsids, and when
the dichotomy between the Alaws and Abbsids occurred, they sided with
the latter. For example, during the battle against Mu ammad Nafs azZakiyyah most of the Abbsid soldiers were Persian-speaking Khursns.
Abl-Faraj al-I fahn narrates,
When Khu ayr Zubayr, one of the commanders of Mu ammad Nafs azZakiyyah, was coming to the battlefield from Medina, the Khursns were
saying in Persian, Khu ayr mad; Khu ayr mad [Khu ayr came;
Khu ayr came].5
b. Qum
Qum has been one of the most important Shah-populated cities since
the second century AH. This city, apart from being founded after the advent
of Islam, has been founded by the Shah and Shah resided in and populated
it from the very beginning. It is Shah Immiyyah that has always been there
Ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, 1st edition (Qum: Manshrt ash-Shrf ar-Rad, 1414 AH),
vol. 2, p. 171.
Maq til a - libiyyn, p. 149.
Murawwij adh-Dhahab, p. 336.
Maq til a - libiyyn, p. 123.
Ibid., p. 238.
History of Shism
without experiencing any deviation. Not only have Siny n ever lived there
but also the Ghul t did not find their way there, and even if they had, the
people would have rejected them.1 Many of the people there used to come to
the pure Imms (a) to learn from these great personages, always maintaining
contact with their Imms.
In 82 AH when the revolt of Ibn Ashath against ajjj was crushed and
he fled to Kbul,2 a number of his soldiers were also Shah such as Abd
Allh, A wa , Nam, Abd ar-Ra mn, and Is aq, sons of Sad ibn Mlik
ibn mir al-Ashar, who went to the districts of Qum after the defeat of
Ashath. There were seven villages there one of which was known as
Kamandn. After these brothers stay in this village, their kith and kin
joined them and resided in all the seven villages. Gradually, these seven
villages merged together and they all become Kamandn. Kamandn was
Arabized and shortened into Qum.3
From then on, Qum has become one of the most important concentration
centers of the Shah, and the Alaws in particular, who arrived and resided
there from everywhere.4 At the end of the second century AH, the arrival of
Lady F imah al-Ma mah (Imm ar-Ri s (a) sister) is considered the
turning point in the history of this city, bringing about ample blessings to it.
c. Baghdad
Baghdad was founded during the second century hijr , 145 AH in
particular, by Man r, the second Abbsid caliph, and soon became one of
the demographic concentration centers of the Shah.5 This fact was
unambiguously proved in Imm al-K im (a) burial procession. The huge
number of attendants seriously alarmed the Abbsids so much so that
Sulaymn ibn Man r, Hrn ar-Rashds uncle, participated in it barefooted
just to appease the people.6 Baghdad was founded in Iraq and most of the
people of Iraq were Shah. Although Baghdad at the beginning was a
military and political city, with the passage of time the intellectual center of
the Muslim world was also transferred there and Shah of the neighboring
cities such as Kfah, Ba rah, Madin among others took residence there
and very quickly constituting a large population. After the minor occultation
Rij l ibn D wd (Qum: Manshrt ar-Ra , n.d.), pp. 240, 270.
Murawwij adh-Dhahab, vol. 3, p. 149.
Shahb ad-Dn Ab Abd Allh Yqt amaw, Mujam al-Buld n, 1st edition (Beirut: Dr
I y at-Turth al-Arab, 1417 AH), vol. 7, p. 88.
Muntaqilah a - libiyyn, pp. 333-339.
Mujam al-Buld n, vol. 2, p. 361.
Sayyid Mu sin Amn, Ay n ash-Shah (Beirut: Dr at-Taruf Lil-Ma bt, n.d.), vol. 1,
p. 29.
Lesson 20
Ab Jafar Muhammad ibn Jarr ibn Rustam abar, T r kh a - abar , 2nd edition (Beirut:
Dr al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 1408 AH), vol. 5, p. 365.
Jall ad-Dn Abd ar-Ra mn Suy , T r kh al-Khulaf (Qum: Intishrt ash-Sharf arRad, 1411 AH), p. 524.
See Sayyid Majd Pr q, T r kh-e A r-e Ghaybat (Qum: Markaz-e Jahn-ye Ulm-e
Islm, n.d.), p. 19.
History of Shism
But in Baghdad which was the capital of Islam in its true sense and
where the waves of all intellectual currents were strong, all schools of
thought had followers. Of all these schools of thought, two were the
strongest and most uncompromising anbl and Shah. The followers of
Shism were particularly concentrated around the market of Karakh and
only at the end of the fourth, this direction to the major bridge in Bab a q was also populated. In places west of Dajlah, especially Bb alBa rah, Hshims (Abbsid s d t) constituted a strong community with
intense enmity toward the Shah.
Yqt thus writes: The residents of the district of Bb al-Ba rah,
between Karakh and Qiblah, were all anbal Sunns, and those on the left
and western parts of Karakh were also Sunns. But the people of Karakh
were entirely Shah and no Sunn could be found among them.
As recorded by historians, the first time the Shah of Baghdad
gathered in Barth Masjid in 313 AH, it was reported to the caliph that a
group is gathering there to collectively curse the caliphs. The caliph ordered
for it to be besieged on Friday at the time of congregational prayer, and
thirty worshippers were arrested and searched. Baked clays [muhr] with the
name of the Imm engraved therein were found on them In 321 AH, Al
ibn Yalbakh, the Turkish commander, ordered for the cursing of Muwiyah
and Yazd on the pulpits. The public made a hullabaloo, and Barbahr, the
leading anbal, and his supporters were identified as the ones responsible
for the unrests. On account of the seditions and attitudes of the anbals
toward the people in 323 AH, it was ordered that two anbals should not
be seen together anywhere in Baghdad, and the Abbsid caliph R
issued an order in which the offenses to be committed by the anbals and
their corresponding punishments were indicated.1
Adam Mitch (?), Tamaddun-e Isl m dar Qarn-e Chah rum-e Hijr [Islamic Civilization in
the Fourth Century Hijri], trans. Al Rid Dhakwat Qargzel (Tehran: Muassaseh-ye
Intishrt-e Amr Kabr, 1364 AHS), pp. 85-86.
Lesson 20
History of Shism
Imm al- usayn (a) set off toward Kfah, Abd Allh ibn al-Abbs said to
If the people of Iraq like you and want to assist you, you write to them,
The enemy shall expel you from your city. Then, you come here. Instead,
you move toward Yemen where there are mountains, strongholds and forts
that Iraq does not have. Yemen is a vast land and your father have Shah
there. You go there and then send your preachers to the neighboring places
to invite the people to come to you.
The companions of Imm al- usayn (a), with the exception of Ban
Hshim and some Ghaffrs, also belonged to Yemen tribes.1 As Masd
has said, From among the companions of the Prophet ( ), only four persons
attained martyrdom at the lap of the Prophet ( ) and these four were from
the An r.2
The descent of the An r to Yemen tribes is also obvious.
In contrast, the chiefs and nobles of Quraysh were hostile to Al (a) and
his descendants (just as they were hostile to the Prophet ( )), while the
sympathizers of the Imm (a) among them were few. Even the tribes that
had close relations with the Quraysh, such as the tribe of Thaqf and the
people of if who were supporters of Muwiyah during and after the
Battle of iffn, had always been in the ranks of those who opposed Al
(a). For example, when Muwiyah dispatched Busr ibn Ar t to pillage the
cities of ijz and Yemen, as Busr was approaching if, Mughayrah ibn
Shubah went to welcome him, saying: May God give you pleasant reward!
I heard the news of your harshness toward the enemies and benevolence
toward the friends. Busr said, O Mughayrah! I want to put pressure on the
people of if so as for them to pledge allegiance to the Commander of the
Faihtful Muwiyah. Mughayrah said, O Busr! Why do you want to do to
your friends what you did to your enemies? Do not do it lest everybody
turned into your enemy.3
There were also very few besides the Ban Hshim from among the
Quraysh, such as Mu ammad ibn Ab Bakr and Hshim Mirql, who were
on the Commander of the Faithfuls (a) side although from among the clans
of Quraysh and opponents of Al (a), there were also some who
accompanied him. For instance, Khlid ibn Wald was one of the
Lesson 21
Commander of the Faithfuls (a) adversaries, but his son, Muhjir ibn
Khlid was among the soldiers of the Imm in the Battle of iffn. Another
case is that of Abd Allh ibn Ab udhayfah, Muwiyahs maternal cousin,
who was one of the sincere Shah of Al (a), and in the end attained
martyrdom at the hands of Muwiyahs agents.
Al (a) had followers and supporters from among all the Yemen tribes
such as the tribes of Kindih, Naka, Azd, Juhaynah, imr, Bujaylah,
Khatham, Khuzah, a ramt, Mudh aj, Ashar, ay, Sads, amdn,
and Rabah.1 But among them, the two tribes of amdn and Rabah were
leading. The amdns who embraced Islam during the time of the Prophet
( ), through Als (a) efforts, had always been sympathetic to him, and
were considered as among the Imms sincere Shah. Masd says, During
the Battle of iffn, not a single person from among them was in the army of
Regarding amdn, Al has said:
I shall not live unless I rip the heads of those of (the clans of) Ar ab,
Yashkar and Shab m (from the tribe of amd n).
They are people who are enemies of the people of Sh m. So many of
them are great, heroic and brave men.
So many they have killed, injured and handicapped. Yes, such is the
battle of the gallant noblemen.
Then, by reciting this epic verse,
Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Khlid Burq, Rij l al-Burq (n.p.: Muassasah al-Qayym,
n.d.), pp. 37-40; Abd al- amd ibn Abl- add, Shar Nahj al-Bal ghah (Cairo: Dr I y
al-Kutub al-Arab, 1961), vol. 3, p. 193.
Murawwij adh-Dhahab, vol. 3, p. 99.
Ins b al-Ashr f, vol. 2, p. 322.
History of Shism
O Lord of all and
Sad ibn Qays amdn attacked Muwiyah while holding forward his
spear, and Muwiyah fled from him toward the center of the army of Shm.
And he sent Dhl-Kal (one of the commanders of Shm) to confront Sad
ibn Qays and the ensuing combat lasted till night. In the end, the people of
Shm accepted defeat and fled. At this juncture, the Commander of the
Faithful (a) recited this poem to encourage the amdns:
Horsemen of amd n from (the tribes of) Sh kir and Shab m do not
slacken in the morning battle.
The advocate of truth and great man, Said ibn Qays, leads them.
The kind people themselves shall also be protected.
May Allah grant the reward of paradise for (the tribe of) amd n as
they are all arrows to the hearts of the enemies during battles.1
As such, we can see poems composed by the army of Shm against
amdn especially during the Battle of iffn. For instance, Amr ibn al addressed the tribe of amdn on one of the days of the Battle of
iffn, saying:
It shall receive death from this tribe; one day, amd n is victorious
while another day it is just a shell.
The tribe of Sads is also like them; as if it is not becoming old, but
we shall strike them with the sword so as to restore the condition.
We shall treat (the tribe of) Tamm in the same manner, unless they
confess submission.2
A number of women of the tribe of amdn had also incited the
supporters and soldiers of the Commander of the Faithful (a) during the
Lesson 21
Given this, Muwiyah nursed a grudge against them. And after the
martyrdom of Al (a) they were summoned to Shm. They were asked to
explain about their poems and they were reproached.3
The second Yemen tribe which had many Shah of Al (a) among its
members was the tribe of Rabah. For example, in enumerating the Shah of
Al (a) Burq has allocated a certain part to the companions of Al (a)
from the tribe of Rabah while allocating the rest of the Yemen Shah in
another part.4
When Al (a) heard that a number of the tribe of Rabah in Ba rah
attained martyrdom at the hands of the army of ishah, he said:
A mad ibn Mu ammad ibn Abd Rabbih al-Andalus, Al-Aqd al-Far d (Beirut: Dr I y
at-Turth al-Arab, 1409 AH), vol. 1, pp. 335-337.
Ibid., p. 332.
Ibid., p. 335.
Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Khlid Burq, Rij l al-Burq (n.p.: Muassasah al-Qayym,
n.d.), p. 37.
Zubayr ibn Bakkr, Al-Akhb r al-Muwaffaqiyy t, researched by Dr. Sm Makk al-n
(Qum: Manshrt ash-Sharf ar-Rad, 1416 AH), p. 159.
History of Shism
The one who has the black banner and it is hoistedonce it is said to
him to bring forward the banner,
He will then join the ranks so as to bring forth the spears for death
and blood drop from them.
May Allah bestow reward to the community that fought in the battle,
welcomed death, and never opposed goodness.
They are the most well-dressed and beautiful-faced of people, when
the voices of men at the battlefield are winded together.
I am referring to (the tribe of) Rabah. When confronting a huge
army, they are brave and powerful.1
It was one of the chiefs of Rabah, Jaml ibn Kab Thalab who was
considered one of the Shah and supporters of Al (a). When he was
captured by Muwiyah, the latter told him: Which blessing is greater than
this that God made us prevailed over a man who within an hour killed a large
number of our supporters!2
Shaqq ibn Thawr Suds also said during the Battle of iffn while
addressing the tribe of Rabah: O group of Rabah! Once Al is killed,
there will be no excuse for even a single person from you to remain alive.3
Also, after the death of Yazd, the people of Kfah expelled the Umayyad
governor from their city and wanted to install somebody in his stead. Some
people suggested Amr ibn Sad to be the amr. Masd narrates that at that
moment, the women of amdn, Kahln, An r, Rabah, and Nakha
entered the central mosque. While weeping for Imm al- usayn (a), they
were saying: Is it not enough that Amr ibn Sad killed usayn and now he
wants also to be our amr?
With this statement, they made the people weep and persuaded them to
abandon Amr ibn Sad.4
Lesson 21
Chapter Six
The Rifts within Shism
Shahristn, Kit b al-Milal wan-Nihal (Qum: Manshrt ash-Sharf ar-Rad, 1364 AHS),
vol. 1, p. 150.
Ibid., p. 155.
See Sayyid Murta al-Askar, Abd All h ibn Saba wa As r Ukhr , 6th edition (1413
AH/1993), vol. 2, pp. 328-375.
Its abridged English version is Sayyid Murta al-Askar, Abdull h ibn Saba and Other
Myths, trans. M.J. Muqaddas (Tehran: World Organization for Islamic Services, 1984).
History of Shism
during the time of Al (a) who were asked by him to repent, and since they
had not repented, he ordered for their execution.1
Imm al- asan and Imm al- usayn (a) had excellent positions in the
sight of Muslims and have been considered as progeny of the Prophet ( ).
Apart from the Shah, other Muslims also regard them worthy of the
caliphate. As such, there was no doubt concerning the matter of the Imamate
and no rift whatsoever had ever occurred during the lifetime of these two
personages. After Imm al- usayns (a) martyrdom, we witness rifts within
Shism, and some of those sects that split from mainstream Shism are the
Kaysniyyah: They believe in the Imamate of Mu ammad alanafiyyah.
Zaydiyyah: They believe in the Imamate of Zayd ibn Al.
Nwsiyyah: They believe in the occultation [ghaybah] of Imm a diq (a) and in his being the Mahd.
iyyah: They believe in the Imamate of Abd Allh ibn Af a ,
son of Imm a - diq (a).
Sam iyyah: They believe in the Imamate of Mu ammad Dbj, another
son of Imm a - diq (a).
Ismliyyah: They believe in the Imamate of Isml, yet another son of
Imm a - diq (a).
afiyyah: They believe that Imm a - diq (a) entrusted the Imamate
to Ms ibn aff.
Aqma iyyah: They believe that Imm a - diq (a) entrusted the
Imamate to Ms ibn Umrn al-Aqma .
Yarmaiyyah: They believe that Imm a - diq (a) entrusted the
Imamate to Yarma ibn Ms.
Tammiyyah: They believe that Imm a - diq (a) entrusted the
Imamate to Abd Allh ibn Sad at-Tamm.
Judiyyah: They believe that Imm a - diq (a) entrusted the
Imamate to a person named Ab Judah.
Yaqbiyyah: They reject the Imamate of Ms ibn Jafar (a), saying
that Imamate could be entrusted to other than the sons of Imm a - diq
(a), and their leading figure is a person named Ab Yaqb.
Lesson 22
Maytham ibn Al ibn Maytham al-Ba rn, An-Naj h fl-Qiy mah f Ta qq al-Im mah,
1st edition (Qum: Majma al-Fikr al-Islm, 1417 AH), pp. 172-174.
Kit b al-Milal wan-Nihal, p. 150.
Ibid., pp. 131-135.
They were the companions of Ziyd ibn Ab Ziyd, better known as Abl-Jrd. Hence, their
group was called Jrdiyyah.
Their leader was a person named Sulaymn ibn Jarr. Thus, their group was known as
History of Shism
Their leader was a person named Kaythar an-Naw Abtar. So, their group was labeled as
Kit b al-Milal wan-Nihal, pp. 140-142.
Muhammad Karm Khursn, T r kh va Aq id-e Ferqeh-ye q kh niyyeh, abridged and
compiled by Husayn Husayn (Qum: Nashr al-Hud, 1377 AHS), pp. 2-3.
Ibid., p. 43.
Al ibn Husayn ibn Al Masd, Murawwij adh-Dhahab, 1st edition (Beirut: Manshrt
Muassasah al-Alam Lil-Ma bt, 1411 AH), vol. 3, p. 91.
Dr. Samrah Mukhtr al-Layth, Jih d ash-Shah (Beirut: Dr al-Jayl, 1396 AH), p. 87.
Lesson 22
Besides the Kaysniyyah, the second sect that was active in the
sociopolitical scene, was the Zaydiyyah, which emerged after the uprising of
Zayd and the most politicized Shah sect. Of all the Shah sects, it is the
closest to the principles of Ahl as-Sunnah. For example, in addition to
acknowledging the caliphate of Ab Bakr, Umar and Uthmn, Batriyyah
Zaydiyyah was not also considering al ah, Zubayr and ishah as
infidels.4 For this reason, many of the Sunn jurists [fuqah ] used to approve
the uprising of Mu ammad Nafs az-Zakiyyah who was a Zayd.5 Masar ibn
Al ibn al-Husayn Abl-Faraj al-Isfahn, Maq til a - libiyyn (Qum: Manshrt ashShrf ar-Rad, 1416 AH), p. 124; A mad ibn Mu ammad ibn Abd Rabbih al-Andalus, AlAqd al-Far d (Beirut: Dr I y at-Turth al-Arab, 1409 AH), vol. 4, p. 438.
Maq til a - libiyyn, p. 123.
Kit b al-Milal wan-Nihal, p. 135.
Ibid., p. 142.
Maq til a - libiyyn, p. 247.
History of Shism
Ibid., p. 314.
Sad ibn Abd Allh al-Qumm Ashar, Al-Maq l t wal-Firaq, 2nd edition (Tehran:
Markaz-e Intishrt-e Ilm va Farhang, 1360 AHS) p. 10.
Kit b al-Milal wan-Nihal, vol. 1, p. 143.
Murawwij adh-Dhahab, vol. 3, p. 326.
Ab Muhammad al-Hasan ibn Ms Nawbakht, Firq ash-Shah (Najaf: Al-Ma baah alaydariyyah, 1936), p. 71.
Lesson 22
This is the reason why the followers of this sect have been referred to by
diverse names in the different regions. In this regard, Khwjah Ni m alMulk has thus written:
They had been called by different names in every city and every province;
Isml in alab and Egypt; Saba in Qum, Kshn, abaristn, and
Sabzewr; Qarma in Baghdad and Mesopotamia; Khalaf in Rey; and
in I fahn2
Prior to the establishment of the F imd state, the Ismls were less
engaged in political struggles, and instead focused on drawing peoples
attention toward them, propagation, training and education. As such, we are
witnesses to the travel of the Isml leaders, such as Mu ammad ibn
Isml, Abd Allh ibn Mu ammad, A mad ibn Abd Allh, and usayn
ibn A mad, to the regions such as Rey, Nahvand, Damvand, Syria, Jabl
Qandahr, Nayshbr, Daylam, Yemen, Hamedn, Istanbul, and Azerbaijan
where they dispatched their preachers and propagators.3
It was by considering these grounds that the Qarma s [qarma iy n]
designated Ismliyyah for themselves. Given such an expansion, they
used to try their best for the Abbsid not to be able to extinguish the fire of
their sedition.4
In 296 AH the F imid state, based on the Isml sect, was established
in North Africa and a vast part of the Muslim territories was detached from
the Abbsid sphere of influence.
Al ibn Husayn ibn Al Masd, At-Tanbiyyah wal-Ashr f (Cairo: Dr a - w Li ab wan-Nashr wat-Talf, n.d.), p. 341.
Siy satn meh (Tehran: Intishrt-e Ilm va Farhang, 1364 AHS), p. 311.
See Rasl Jafariyn, T r kh-e Tashuyyu dar r n az gh z t Qarn-e Hashtum-e Hijr , 5th
edition (Qum: Shirkat-e Chp wa Nashr-e Szmn-e Tablght-e Islm, 1377 AHS), pp. 207209.
Murawwij adh-Dhahab, vol. 4, p. 297.
History of Shism
Lesson 22
History of Shism
which the people will doubt his Imamate except those whose hearts shall be
endowed with untainted faith by God1
The same Jbir used to sit at the Masjid an-Nab and say: O Bqir alIlm [he who cleaves knowledge asunder]! Where are you? People who
heard him would say: Jbir, you are talking nonsense. He would reply, I
am not talking nonsense. Rather, the Holy Prophet ( ) has informed me that
You shall meet a man from my descendants whose name and physical
appearance is like that of mine who will cleave knowledge asunder.2
The infallible Imms (a) also used to prove their rightfulness by
showing manifest miracles and wonders. In spite of this, a series of reasons
and factors caused some Shah to commit error concerning the matter (of
Imamate) and a number of them deviated from the straight path. These
factors can be stated as follows:
1. Repression
After 40 AH intense persecution and repression of the descendants of the
Prophet (a) and their followers prevailed. This suppression hindered some
Shah from establishing a link with their Imms to have enough
acquaintanceship with them.
During the second half of the first century, in particular after 72 AH and
the defeat of Abd Allh ibn Zubayr who was anti-Shah, ajjj ibn Ysuf
ruled over Iraq and ijz for twenty years, brutally suppressed, killed and
imprisoned the Shah, expelling them from Iraq and ijz.3 Imm as-Sajjd
(a) was exercising dissimulation [taqiyyah] and he could express the Shah
teachings only within the framework of supplication [du ]. The
Kaysniyyah sect emerged during that time.
Although Imm al-Bqir and Imm a - diq (a) enjoyed relative
freedom and were able to propagate the Shah fundamentals and teachings,
when the Abbsid caliph assumed power, he focused his attention on the
Shah. And when he heard the news of the martyrdom of Imm a - diq
(a), he wrote a letter to his governor in Medina instructing him to identify
and behead the successor of Imm a - diq (a). Imm a - diq (a)
designated five persons as his successorsAb Jafar al-Man r,
Mahd Pshv, Shakh iyyat-h -ye Isl m-ye Sheh, 1st edition (Qum: Intishrt-e Taw id,
1359 AHS), p. 63 as quoted from Tafsr f, vol. 1, p. 366; Kam l ad-Dn wa Tam m anNimah with Persian translation (Tehran), vol. 1, p. 365.
Shaykh a - si, Ikhtiy r Marifah ar-Rij l (Rij l Kash), researched by Sayyid Mahd
Raj (Qum: Muassasah l al-Bayt at-Turth, 1404 AH), vol. 1, p. 218.
Muhammad Husayn Zayn mil, Ash-Shah ft-T r kh, trans. Muhammad-Rid A ,
2nd edition (Mashhad: Bunyd-e Pazhhesh-h-ye Islm-ye stn-e Quds-e Ra aw, 1375
AHS), p 120.
Lesson 23
Mu ammad ibn Sulaymn, Abd Allh, Ms, and amdah.1 Imm alK im (a) languished in prison for a long time. Initially, the Abbsid
caliph Ms al-Hd imprisoned the Imm and released him after sometime.
Hrn arrested the Imm four times and prevented the Shah from visiting
him.2 The Shah remained in limbo and without a guardian paving the way
for Ismliyyah and Fa
iyyah preachers. At the time, the Shah had
nobody to clarify their doubts. The Abbsid rules control and surveillance
over Imm al-K ims (a) activities were such that even Al ibn Isml,
the Imms nephew, was relaying information regarding him.3
Yes, most of the Shah at the time were not sure whether Imm alK im (a) was alive or not. As Ya y ibn Khlid Barmak used to say,
I uprooted the religion of the rafi s [dissidents] (pejoratively referring to
the Shah) because they were thinking that religion without the Imm will
not survive and remain alive, while today they do not know whether their
Imm is alive or not.4
During the moment of Imm al-K ims (a) martyrdom, none of the
Shah were present on the scene. This matter seems to be the reason why the
Wqifiyyah would deny the death of the Imm though financial issues
contributed more to the emergence of this sect.
Yes, the infallible Imms (a) were under constant Abbsid surveillance.
They even coerced Imm al-Hd and Imm al-Askar (a) to live in the
military city of Smarr so as to keep them under constant surveillance. After
the martyrdom of Imm al-Askar (a), the Abbsids imprisoned his
spouses and bondwomen with the aim of identifying the Imms successor
(the Master of the Age, Imm al-Mahd (a)). Even Jafar ibn Al, known as
Jafar al-Kadhdhb (Jafar the Liar) used to act against his brother Imm alAskar (a). As such, the Ghul t doctrines were spread through Na riyyah
founded by Mu ammad ibn Na r Fihr. A number of them gathered around
Jafar and then he started claiming for the Imamate.5
History of Shism
2. Taqiyyah [Dissimulation]
Taqiyyah [dissimulation] means expression of what is contrary to the
truth when there is fear for the life of a Muslim. It is adopted in following
previous laws and the law of Islam as dictated by both the text and reason.
For example, the believer among the family of Pharaoh [mumin l fir wn]
kept his faith in secret out of fear of Pharaoh and his men. Among the
companions of the Messenger of Allah ( ), Ammr also exercised taqiyyah
on account of torture and persecution perpetuated against him by the
polytheists [mushrikn] (of Mecca). When he was crying (for repentance)
beside the Prophet ( ) for doing so, the Prophet ( ) said to him: You have
to do the same if they torture you again.1
Since the Shah have always been few in numbers, they practiced
taqiyyah in a bid to survive and save their lives. This method was responsible
for the preservation of the school of Shism. As Dr. Samrah Mukhtr alLayth writes,
Among the contributory factors for the perpetuation of the Shah
movement are taqiyyah and the clandestine propagation, which gave
opportunity to the nascent Shah movement to advance away from the
attention of the Abbsid caliphs and their governors.2
But on the other hand, taqiyyah has been one of the causes of rifts within
Shism because the Shah used to conceal their beliefs out of fear of the
tyrants of the day. Even the Imms (a) used to do so. On account of the
atmosphere of strangulation, the infallible Imms (a) somehow refrained
from explicitly declaring their Imamate. This matter is indicated clearly in a
dialogue between Imm ar-Ri (a) and some followers of Wqifiyyah:
Al ibn Ab amzah who was a Wqif asked Imm ar-Ri (a): What
happened to your father? The Imm replied: He passed away. Ibn Ab
amzah said: Whom did he appoint as the successor after him? The
Imm answered: It is me. He said: So, are you the Imm ought to be
obeyed? The Imm responded: Yes. Ibn Sirj and Ibn Makr (two other
Wqifs) inquired: Has your father determined it for you? Imm ar-Ri
(a): Woe to you! There is no need for me to say, He has designated me.
Do you like me to go to Baghdad and say to Hrn, I am the Imm ought
to be obeyed? By God! I do not have such a duty. Ibn Ab amzah said:
You expressed something which had never been expressed by any of your
forefathers. The Imm said: By God! My best grandfather, namely, the
Lesson 23
Prophet, expressed it when the verse was revealed and God commanded
him to convey the message to his nearest of kin.1
Ibid., p. 763.
Sad ibn Abd Allh al-Qumm Ashar, Al-Maq l t wal-Firaq, 2nd edition (Tehran:
Markaz-e Intishrt-e Ilm va Farhang, 1360 AHS), p. 75.
Ibid., p. 79.
History of Shism
(a) said: There are those who want to possess the world and acquire
leadership by means of personally interpreting [tawl] our adths.1
For this reason, during the second century AH and after the spread of
Shism as well as after the martyrdom of Imm a - diq, Imm al-K im
and Imm al-Askar (a), such opportunist and leadership-greedy individuals
multiplied in the midst of the Shah and founded different sects for financial
and political motives. After Imm al-Bqir (a) Mughayrah ibn Sad claimed
that he is the Imm and he has been designated by Imm as-Sajjd and Imm
al-Bqir (a). Hence, his supporters were called followers of Mughayriyyah.
After the martyrdom of Imm a - diq (a) the Nwsiyyah and
Kha biyyah sects came into existence whose founders used to utilize the
names of Imm a - diq (a) and his son Isml in a bid to draw the
peoples attention toward themselves. Ibn Nws was the founder of
Nwsiyyah; his followers denied Imm a - diqs (a) death and pointed
to him as the Mahd. The followers of Kha biyyah rejected the death of
Isml, Imm a - diqs (a) son, and introduced their leader as the Imm
after these two personages.2
The peak of financial motives in founding a certain sect was after the
martyrdom of Imm al-K im (a). Ynus who was one of the companions
of Imm al-K im (a) narrated that when Abl- asan Imm al-K im
(a) passed away, each of his deputies acquired abundant possessions and
wealth. As such, they suspended their judgment concerning the Imm and
denied his death. For example, Ziyd Qanad had a deposit of seventy
thousand dinars while Al ibn amzah had three thousand dinars. Ynus
thus wrote:
When I saw that condition and the truth became clear to me and also, I learned
of the issue of Imamate of a rat Ri (a), I started relaying the truths and
inviting the people toward the Imm. Those two persons pursued me, asking:
Why are you are calling on the people toward the Imamate of Ri ? If your
motive is to acquire money, we shall make you rich and they offered ten
thousand dinars to me but I refused. They became angry with me and expressed
enmity and hostility toward me.3
Lesson 23
appointed him as the successor; that rings and all things that the people need
in the affairs of the religion and the world had been granted to him; that all
prerogatives had been given to him; and that he assumed the position of the
Imm. Then, he was allegedly the Imm after Imm al-K im (a) and at
the time that this Mu ammad ibn Bashr was about to die he designated his
son, Sam ibn Mu ammad, as his successor, alleging that obedience to
him is obligatory till the appearance of al-K im (a). He also urged people
to give to Sam ibn Mu ammad whatever they want to offer in the way of
God. These people were labeled as mam rah.1
History of Shism
Lesson 23
as Mughayrah ibn Sad, Bayn, id Nahd, rith Shm, Abd Allh ibn
rith, amzah ibn Ammr Barbar, and Abl-Kha
b, and cursed
them.1 As the effect of the pure Imms (a) curse, they suffered from pain
and torment and were killed under terrible conditions. As Imm ar-Ri (a)
Bann used to tell lies about Imm as-Sajjd (a); God made him taste the
sharpness of the sword. Mughayrah ibn Sad used to tell lies about Imm
al-Bqir (a) and he also tasted the sharpness of the sword. Mu ammad ibn
Bashr used to lie about Abl- asan al-K im (a) and God, the Exalted,
also made him perish via the sword. Abl-Kha
b used to lie about Ab
Abd Allh Imm a - diq (a) and he was also killed via the sword. And
the one telling lies about me is Mu ammad ibn Furt.2
The period of Imm asan al-Askar had been one of the periods when
the trend of extremism [ghullah] gained optimal momentum. It is for this
reason that the Imm had cursed individuals such as Qsim Yaq n, Al ibn
askah Qumm, Ibn Bb Qumm Fihr, Mu ammad ibn Na r Numayr,
and Frs ibn tam Qazwn who were considered among the chiefs and
leaders of extremism.3
Therefore, in Shah-populated regions such as Qum there had always
been an anti-extremism [ghullah] atmosphere and the extremists were not
permitted to reside there. For this reason, in describing the personal
characters of usayn ibn Abd Allh Mu arrar, Ibn Dwd has said: It is
reported that he always expelled from the city of Qum those who were
accused of extremism.4
As narrated by Ibn ajm, Abl- asan Mu ammad ibn A mad, a son
of Imm al-K im (a) who, during the third century AH, lived in
Azerbaijan where he was held in high esteem, was so strict against the
preachers of extremist sects that they provided the means for his murder and
they persuaded Mufalla Ghulm ibn Abs-Sj, the governor of Azerbaijan,
to kill him.5
Ibid., p. 577.
Ibid., p. 591.
Ibid., p. 805.
Rij l ibn D wd (Qum: Manshrt ar-Ra , n.d.), p. 240.
Ab Mu ammad Al ibn A mad ibn Sad ibn azm al-Andalus, Jumhazah Ins b alArab, 1st edition (Beirut: n.p., 1403 AH), p. 63.
History of Shism
Chapter Seven
The Intellectual Legacy of the Shah
Abd ar-Ra mn ibn Mu ammad ibn al-Khaldn, Al-Muqaddimah (Beirut: Dr I y atTurth al-Arab, 1408 AH), p. 417.
Ab Mu ammad Abd al-Malik ibn Hishm, As-Srah an-Nabawiyyah (Beirut: Dr alMarifah, n.d.), vol. 1, p. 344.
History of Shism
[mu kam t] and allegorical verses [mutash bihat]1 as well as the abrogator
[n sukh] and abrogated [manskh] verses. Al (a) had also written a book
entitled, a fah al-J miah as dictated by the Messenger of Allah ( ),
which encompassed the lawful [ al l] and the unlawful [ ar m], obligatory
[w jib] and recommended [musta ab] acts, as well as laws and that which
the people need in this world and in their life in the hereafter.2 Two other
booksone entitled a fah about penalties [diyy t] and another book
entitled Far i have also been attributed to the Imm.3
Other companions of the Holy Prophet ( ) also compiled collections of
his sayings and traditions, which they called a fah. Ab Hurayrah has
been narrated by Bukhr to have said:
Of all the companions of the Prophet, I have the most number of narrating
the Prophets adths with the exception of Abd Allh ibn Amr because
he used to write whatever he would hear from the Prophet while I was not
writing them.4
After the demise of the Prophet ( ), however, the second caliph Umar
ibn al-Kha
b prohibited the writing of adth.5 This state of affairs
persisted until such time that Umar ibn Abd al-Azz during the latter part
of the first century AH annulled this prohibition and he wrote to Ab Bakr
ibn azm to record in writing the adths of the Messenger of Allah ( ).6
This task was not realized until the end of the first half of the second century
AH because according to Ghazzl, the first writers of books on adth
among the Ahl as-Sunnah were Ibn Jar , Muammar ibn Rshid, Mlik ibn
Anas, and Sufyn ath-Thawr7 who were related to the second half of the
second century AH and the years of their demise were 150, 152, 179, and
161 AH respectively. Yet, this process was never suspended among the
Srah l Imr n 3:7: It is He who has sent down to you the Book. Parts of it are definitive
verses, which are the mother of the Book, while others are metaphorical.
Abl-Abbs Ahmad ibn Al ibn Ahmad ibn al-Abbs Najsh, Fihrist Asm Mu anf
ash-Shah (Rij l Naj sh) (Qum: Islamic Publications Office affiliated to the Society of
Teachers of the Islamic Seminary in Qum, 1407 AH), p. 360; Ab Al al-Fa l ibn al-Hasan
abars, Il m al-War bi Al m al-Hud (Qum: Muassasah l al-Bayt Li I y at-Turth,
1417 AH), vol. 1, p. 536.
Shaykh a - s, Tahdhb al-A k m (n.p: Maktabah a - adq, 1376 AHS/1418 AH), vol.
1, pp. 338, 342.
a al-Bukh r (Beirut: Dr al-Fikr Li - abah wan-Nashr wat-Tawz, n.d.), vol. 1,
p. 36.
Asad aydar, Al-Im m a - diq wal-Madh hib al-Arb ah, 2nd edition (Beirut: Dr alKutub al-Arabiyyah, 1390 AH), vol. 1, p. 544.
a al-Bukh r , vol. 1, p. 36.
Ibn Shahr shb Mzandarn, Ma lim al-Ulam (Najaf: Manshrt al-Ma baah alaydariyyah, 1380 AH), p. 2.
Lesson 24
Shah, and great Shah among the companions of the Prophet ( ) such as
Salmn al-Frs, Ab Dharr al-Ghiffr and Ab Rfi al-Qib made the
pioneering steps in the field of writing and composition. Ibn Shahr shb
Ghazzl believes that the first book written in the Muslim world is the book
of Ibn Jar on the works and types of exegeses [taf sr] narrated from
Mujhid and A in Mecca. Next to his book is the book of Muammar
ibn Rshid ann in Yemen; then, the book Muwa
a of Mlik ibn
Anas in Medina; followed by the book J miah of Sufyn ath-Thawr. This
is not correct, however, for the first book in the Muslim world is written by
the Commander of the Faithful (a) who compiled the Quran. Next to him,
Salmn al-Frs, Ab Dharr al-Ghiffr, A bagh ibn Nubtah, and Abd
Allh ibn Ab Rfi had also made steps in writing and composition. And
after them, Imm Zayn al-bidn (a) composed the a fah al-K milah.1
Ibn Nadm also regard the first account of writing among the Shah as
related to the first century AH.2 In view of the Shahs lead in writing,
composition and compiling the Prophetic works, Dhahab in describing the
status of bn ibn Taghlib thus says: If the reliability of persons such as
bn is not accepted because of his inclination to Shism, so many of the
Prophetic works and adths will perish.3
As such, the jurists and adth scholars [mu addithn] of the Ahl asSunnah, particularly the founders of the four schools of thought [madh hib],
in addition to utilizing intermediaries to Imm a - diq (a), had also
learned from the Shah mu addithn and received adths from them.4
Meanwhile, regarding the number of books written by Shah during the
first three centuries AH, the author of Was il ash-Shah has said:
The scholars and mu addithn during the period of the pure Imms
(a), from the time of the Commander of the Faithful (a) up to the
time of Imm asan al-Askar (a), have written six thousand and
six hundred books.5
The Shah during those periods made remarkable accomplishments in
the various fields of knowledge of the day such as literature, lexicography,
Ibn Nadm. Al-Fihrist (Beirut: Dr al-Marifah Li - abah wan-Nashar, n.d.), p. 307.
Shams ad-Dn Muhammad ibn Ahmad Dhahab, Mz n al-Itid l (Beirut: Dr al-Fikr Li abah wan-Nashr wat-Tawz, n.d.), vol. 1, p. 4.
Abd al- amd ibn Abl- add, Shar Nahj al-Bal ghah, researched by Mu ammad
Abl-Fa l Ibrhm (Beirut: Dr I y at-Turth al-Arab, 1378 AH), vol. 1, p. 18.
Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al- urr al-mil, Was il ash-Shah, 6th edition (Tehran:
Maktabah al-Islmiyyah, 1403 AH), vol. 20, p. 49.
History of Shism
poetry, sciences of the Quran [ulm al-qur n], exegesis [tafsr], adth,
principles of jurisprudence [u l al-fiqh], scholastic theology [ilm al-kal m
or simply kal m], history, life conduct of the Prophet ( ) [srah], rij l, and
ethics. They have made many writings and literary works while leading in
most fields. Abl-Aswad Dawil, a Shah poet, was the founder of the
science of Arabic syntax [na w].1 He was the first to put the dots in the
copies of the Quran.2 The first book on lexicography among the Muslims is
Kit b al-Ayn written by Khall ibn A mad3 who has been one of the Shah
In the field of the life conduct [srah] and battles [magh z] of the
Prophet ( ), the first book was written by Ibn Is aq who, according to Ibn
ajr, was a Shah.5
After undertaking this cursory glance, we shall now explain a bit about
the sciences of adth, jurisprudence and scholastic theology that the Shah
school has a particular disposition, keeping into account its fundamentals and
principles in these fields.
Next to the Quran, the adth or the sunnah which is the second source
of Islamic jurisprudence, means the saying, action and tacit approval of the
Infallibles (a). The Ahl as-Sunnah confine the adth to only the saying,
action and tacit approval of the Prophet ( ). The Shah, however, regard the
saying, action and tacit approval of the infallible Imms (a) as proof [hujjah]
and part of the corpus of adth.6
Now, we shall survey the works on adth during the period of the
presence of the Imms (a) in four categories, which consist of four phases:
First Category
Based on the opinion of Najsh, the first category of the Shah adth
recorders were Ab Rfi al-Qib , Al ibn Ab Rfi, Rabah ibn Sum,
Sulaym ibn Qays Hill, A bagh ibn Nabtah Majshi, and Abd Allh ibn
Al-Fihrist, p. 61.
Bastn, D irah al-Ma rif (Beirut: Dr al-Marifah, n.d.), vol. 1, p. 788.
Al-Fihrist, p. 63.
Muhammad ibn Al Ardebl al-Gharaw al- ir, J mi ar-Ruw h (Qum: Manshrt
Maktabah yatullh al-U m al-Marash an-Najaf, 1403 AH), vol. 1, p. 298.
Shahb ad-Dn ibn Al ibn ajar al-Asqaln, Ta r r Taqr b at-Tahdhb, 1st edition
(Beirut: Muassasah ar-Rislah, 1417 AH/1997), vol. 3, pp. 211-212.
Shaykh Zayn ad-Dn Shahd ath-Thn, Dhikr ash-Shah f A k m ash-Shar ah,
lithography, p. 4; Ar-Ri yah f Ilm ad-Dir yah, 1st edition (Qum: Manshrt Maktabah
yatullh al-U m al-Marash an-Najaf, 1408 AH), pp. 50, 52.
Lesson 24
urr Juf.1 They were among the companions of the Commander of the
Faithful, Imm al- asan and Imm al- usayn (a).
Second Category
According to some scholars, there were twelve persons who had written
books and treatises among the companions of Imm as-Sajjd and Imm alBqir (a).2 One may mention bn ibn Taghlib among them. He occupied a
special station in the eyes of the pure Imms (a) so much so that Imm alBqir (a) said to him: In the mosque of Medina you give religious edicts
[fat w ] to the people as I want individuals like you to be seen among my
Najsh says, bn ibn Taghlib, may Allah be pleased with him, was
one of the forerunners in the various fields of knowledge such as the Quran,
jurisprudence, adth, literature, lexicography, and syntax. bn has
written about these fields such as his Tafsr, Ghar b al-Qur n and Kit b alFa il.4
The same is true regarding Ab amzah ath-Thuml about whom Imm
a - diq (a) has said: Ab amzah was like Salmn (al-Frs) of my
time.5 Among his books and treatises are Kit b an-Naw dir, Kit b az-Zuhd
and Tafsr al-Qur n.6
Third Category
The time of Imm a - diq (a) was a period of scientific progress and
advancement in the Muslim society while the Shah had enjoyed relative
freedom. According to Shaykh al-Mufd, the number of students of Imm
a - diq (a) was approximately four thousands.7 asan ibn Al Wash, a
companion of Imm ar-Ri (a) says that he has seen nine hundred people
in Masjid Kfah who have all been narrating adths from Imm a - diq
History of Shism
(a).1 So, out of the Imms replies to the questions posed to him, four
hundred books have been written2 all of which have been known as Al-A l
[The Principle or Essence]. There have also been other books, apart from the
ones mentioned, in various fields and sciences written by the companions
and students of Imm a - diq (a).
Fourth Category
During this period which was after the time of Imm a - diq (a),
many books on adth have been written. For example, usayn ibn Sad alKf, a companion of Imm ar-Ri (a), has written thirty books on
adth.3 Mu ammad ibn Ab Umayr, another companion of Imm ar-Ri
Ri (a), has written ninety four books while afwn ibn Bajl, a
companion of both Imm ar-Ri and Imm al-Jawd (a), have authored
thirty books most of which have the titular appellation of J mi [collection,
compendium or anthology]. The latter compilers of adth such as Thiqat alIslm al-Kulayn, Shaykh a - adq and Shaykh a - s have benefited
from those books in writing their own collections.
Lesson 24
History of Shism
History of Shism
Lesson 25
With the presence of the infallible Imms (a), keeping open the door of
knowledge and accessibility of the textual sources, the need for ijtih d,
which largely depends on intellectual bases, had not been much felt then.
Shah jurisprudence on the basis of ijtih d was first founded by Ibn Ab
Aql Ummn (died in the first part of the fourth century AH), a
contemporary of al-Kulayn. After him, Mu ammad ibn Junayd Askf (died
mid-fourth century AH) continued his way and fortified the edifices of
ijtih d and juristic deduction [istinb ]. They are known as the Qadmayn
[the two seniors]. Shaykh al-Mufd (died 413 AH) and Sayyid Murta
Alam al-Hud (died 436 AH) also followed the path of ijtih d until it was
the turn of Shaykh a - s (460 AH). The Shah jurisprudence attained a
glorious stage through this great man. Apart from writing reliable books on
adth, At-Tahdhb and Al-Istib r, he also strived to collect books on
jurisprudence and ijtih d, authoring such books on jurisprudence as AnNih yah, Mabs and Khil f.
Of course, it does not mean that ijtih d and jurisprudence had never been
discussed during the presence of the pure Imms (a). As a matter of fact,
some people had no direct access to the pure Imms (a) due to location and
peculiar conditions. So, in this regard, the pure Imms (a) presented to the
people the criteria by which to identify the jurists to whom they could refer
in case of necessity, dealing in a sense with the preliminary ijtih d as well as
answering the inquiries of people. For example, it is stated in the Maqblah
of Umar ibn anzalah that he asked Imm a -Sdiq (a) about two persons
from among the Shah who were in conflict over religious issues such as
liability and debt [dayn] and inheritance [mr th]. The Imm said, They
have to look for a person who could narrate our adths, give opinion about
what we declared lawful [ al l] and unlawful [ ar m], and know our
11 AH. Second period: the period of contrivance and preparation for the application of ijtih d
starting from the demise of the Prophet ( ) up to the end of the minor occultation [ghaybah
a - ughr ]. Third period: the period of conceiving the fundamental rules and common
elements of ijtih d beginning with the time of Ibn Ab Aql (died 329 AH) up to the time of
Shaykh a - s (died 460 AH). Fourth period: the period of application of the common
elements of ijtih d in the textual sources commencing from the time of Shaykh a - s up to
the time of Nawdah Aw Ibn Idrs (died 598 AH). Fifth period: The period of expansion of the
argument concerning issues on ijtih d starting from the time of Ibn Idrs up to the time of
Wa d Behbahn (died 1205 AH). Sixth period: The evolutionary period of ijtih d beginning
with the time of Wa d Bahbahn up to the time of Shaykh al-An r (died 1281 AH).
Seventh period: The period of profound thinking in matters of ijtih d commencing from the
time of Shaykh al-An r up to the time of Imm Khomein. Eight period: The period of
general application of ijtih d with modern methodology started by Imm Khomein. yatullh
Ibrhm Jannt, Idw r-e Ijtih d, 1st edition (Tehran: Szmn-e Intishrt-e Kayhn, 1372
AHS), starting from chapter 2.
History of Shism
decrees [a k m] for I declare such a person as the judge and arbiter for
Sometimes also the pure Imms (a) would appoint certain persons to
whom the Shah refer in matters of jurisprudence and religious laws. For
instance, according to Shaykh a - s, Al ibn Musayyab said to Imm arRi (a): There is a long way and I cannot come to you whenever I want.
From whom should I ask about your religious decrees? The Imm replied:
[You may ask] from Zakariyy ibn dam as he is trustworthy in [matters
of] religion and the world.2 Similarly, Imm al-Bqir (a) commanded bn
ibn Taghlib to sit in the mosque and issue religious edicts [fat w ] for the
The Beginning of Ijtihd
During the period of the pure Imms (a), they used to teach their
students the principles of jurisprudence [u l al-fiqh] and the rules of
deducing them. For this reason, books attributed to the infallible Imms (a)
have been written by Shah scholars; for example, the book U l l arRasl written by Hshim Khwnsr; U l A liyyah authored by Sayyid
Abd Allh ibn Mu ammad-Ri usayn; and the book Fu l alMuhimmah on the principles of the Imams (a) penned by Mu ammad ibn
al- asan urr al-mil.4
In the books on rij l, some of the great companions of the pure Imms
(a) have been described as jurists [fuqah ]. For example, Najsh thus says
about Fa l ibn Shdhn: He was one of our reliable companions among
the jurists [fuqah ] and scholastic theologians [mutakallimn].5
The Jurists [fuqah] among the Companions of the Imms (a)
Shaykh a - s has introduced eighteen persons from among the
companions of Imm al-Bqir, Imm a - diq, Imm al-K im, and Imm
ar-Ri (a) as the Imms jurist-companions, describing them as jurists
Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al- urr al-mil, Was il ash-Shah, 6th edition (Tehran:
Maktabah al-Islmiyyah, 1403 AH), vol. 18, p. 99, kit b al-qa , abw b if t al-q , b b
11, adth 1.
Shaykh a - s, Ikhtiy r Marifah ar-Rij l (Rij l Kash), researched by Sayyid Mahd
Raj (Qum: Muassasah l al-Bayt at-Turth, 1404 AH), vol. 2, p. 857.
Abl-Abbs Ahmad ibn Al ibn Ahmad ibn al-Abbs Najsh, Fihrist Asm Mu anf
ash-Shah (Rij l Naj sh) (Qum: Islamic Publications Office affiliated to the Society of
Teachers of the Islamic Seminary in Qum, 1407 AH), p. 10.
Sayyid asan adr, Tass ash-Shah Li Ulm al-Isl m (Tehran: Manshrt al-Alam,
n.d.), p. 310.
Fihrist Asm Mu anf ash-Shah (Rij l Naj sh), p. 307.
Lesson 25
Ikhtiy r Marifah ar-Rij l (Rij l Kash), vol. 2, pp. 376, 507, 830.
Ibn Nadm, Al-Fihrist (Beirut: Dr al-Marifah Li - abah wan-Nashr, n.d.), p. 308.
History of Shism
Shahristn, Kit b al-Milal wan-Nihal (Qum: Manshrt ash-Sharf ar-Rad, 1364 AHS),
vol. 1, p. 30.
What is more popular is that the Messenger of Allah ( ) passed away on the 27th of the lunar
month of afar.
History of Shism
Holy Prophet ( ) did not specified a certain person as the successor, and
left the decision for it to the ummah.1
As such, there have always been discussions and debates between the
Shah and other Muslims over the issue of Imamate.
Yet, the difference on other principles and fundamentals of the religion
emerged during the latter part of the first century and early second century
AH. As Shahristn says,
Difference on the principles emerged during the last days of the a bah
such as Mabad Jahann, Ghln Damishq and Ynus Aswr regarding
predestination [qadr], the relationship of good [khayr] and evil [sharr] to
predestination. W il ibn A , a student of asan al-Ba r and Amr
ibn Ubayd, had added things to the questions of predestination.2
Among the scholastic [kal m] sects during those periods were the
Wadiyyah, Khawrij, Murjiah, and Jabariyyah.
Of course, the scholastic discussion had reached its optimal point when
W il ibn A separated from the assembly of asan al-Ba ri and
founded the Mutazilah sect.3 In this manner, the Mutazilah school, based
mainly on rational deductions, was against the Ahl al- adth which was
called ashawiyyah. It was so until such time that at the end of the third
century AH, Abl- asan al-Ashar separated from the Mutazilah school
and engaged in defending the Ahl al- adth school of thought within rational
frameworks, and his school became known later as the Ashar school.4 After
that, the Mutazilah made no progress, and kept on withdrawing in face of
the Ahl al- adth so much so that now, the official scholastic theology of the
Ahl as-Sunnah is the Ashar scholasticism.
The Shah scholastic theology is the oldest of all Muslim scholastic
shools. Al (a), the first infallible Imm acknowledged by the Shah has
discussed the questions on beliefs such as monotheism [taw d],
predestination and freewill, and Attributes of God, and this kind of
discussions has been recorded in Nahj al-Bal ghah in the language of the
Imm himself.
The scholastic discussions about Imamate among the Shah, however,
commenced immediately after the demise of the Holy Prophet ( ) in
defending the right of the Commander of the Faithful (a) (over the issue of
Imamate and caliphate). As narrated by Shaykh a - adq, the first to
Nawbakht, Ab Muhammad al-Hasan ibn Ms. Firq ash-Shah. Najaf: Al-Ma baah alaydariyyah, 1355 AH/1936.
Kit b al-Milal wan-Nihal, p. 35.
Ibid., p. 500.
Ibid., pp. 85-86.
Lesson 26
defend the right of Al (a) vis--vis the architects of Saqfah were twelve
persons from among the great companions of the Prophet ( ). Few days after
the event of Saqfah, they debated with Ab Bakr at the Mosque of the
Prophet ( ) and cornered him.1 After them, a person such as Ab Dharr alGhiffr had also not remained silent vis--vis the usurpers of the right of the
Commander of the Faithful (a) to such an extent that Uthmn ibn al-Affn
was finally convinced to banish him to Shm and Rabdhah.
Abd Allh ibn al-Abbs, the Prophets (a) cousin, a student of Al
(a), exegete [mufassir] of the Quran, scholar, and an outstanding Hshimite
statesman, was one of the defenders of the Shah school and always
championing the rightfulness of Al (a) to such an extent that Umar ibn alKha
b found fault with him for always saying, Our right has been
usurped. Ibn al-Abbs became blind in his old age and one day he heard
some people in a certain place uttering abusive language against the
Commander of the Faithful (a). He said to his son Al: Hold my hand and
take me there. When he was near them, he addressed them, saying: Which
of you was abusing God?! They replied, None. He asked, Which is you
was abusing the Prophet? None, they answered. He inquired, Which of
you was abusing Al? This time they responded, All of us. He said, Bear
witness that I heard the Messenger of Allah ( ) saying: He who abuses Al
abuses me, and he who abuses me abuses God, and he who abuses God shall
be thrown in an inverted position by God to the hellfire. He then returned
and while walking, he asked his son, How do you see them? His son
recited this poem:
They are looking at you with a reddish look like the gaze of the
animal to be slaughtered to the lancet of the slaughterer.
Ibn al-Abbs said, You continue. His son said:
They were humiliated and disgraced; they are looking at you like
that of the subject to his master.
Ibn al-Abbs said, You continue! His son answered, I can say
nothing more. Ibn al-Abbs himself recited this poem:
Shaykh a - adq, Al-Khi l (Qum: Manshrt Jmiah al-Mudarrisn f al- awzah alIlmiyyah, 1403 AH), pp. 461-465.
History of Shism
Their living ones are the source of abjectness for their dead ones
while their dead ones were the source of disgrace for their
Among the companions of the Commander of the Faithful (a),
prominent figures such as a aah ibn aw n, Maytham at-Tammr,
Kumayl ibn Ziyd, Aws Qarn, Salm ibn Qays, rith amdn, and
A bagh ibn Nabtah also engaged in defending the right of Al (a),
debating with the enemies of the Imm in this regard.
Meanwhile, concerning the first person among the Shah to have written
a book about scholastic theology, Ibn Nadm and Ibn Shahr shb regard
Isml ibn Maytham at-Tammr to be the first author on Shah scholastic
theology as he has written the books Al-Im mah and Al-Isti q q on this
subject.2 The late Sayyid asan adr, however, considers s ibn Raw ah
as the first Shah writer on scholastic theology.3 Of course, the oldest
existing book on Shah kal m is the book Al-Ay of Fa l ibn Shdhn
an-Nayshbr (died 260 AH) who was among the companions of Imm alHd and Imm al-Askar (a).
During the period of Imm a - diq (a), this science, like other
sciences, also flourished tremendously and a number of his students such as
Hishm ibn akam, Hisham ibn Slim, Mumin q, Fa l ibn asan, and
Jbir ibn Yazd Juf, among others, excelled in this field writing many books
and treatises in this regard. They had discussions and debates with the
scholars of other schools.
Fa l ibn Shdhn an-Nayshbr has been among the most outstanding
Shah scholastic theologians [mutakallimn]. He met Imm ar-Ri , Imm
al-Jawd and Imm al-Hd (a), and has written many book on the subjects
of kal m, beliefs and deviant schools of thought.4
asan ibn Nawbakht (died 310 AH) was one of the Shah
mutakallimn and among his books is Firq ash-Shah.5
Lesson 26
History of Shism
Chapter Eight
The Role of the Shah Poets in the Spread of Shism
A mad ibn Ab Yaqb ibn W i , T r kh al-Yaqb, 1st edition (Qum: Manshrt ashShrf ar-Rad, 1414 AH), vol. 1, p. 262.
History of Shism
After the event of Saqfah and the overt formation of Shism, Arabic
poetry maintained its station and the Shah made use of it in propagating
their viewpoint regarding Immate and guardianship [wil yah]. Poets who
were upholding the wil yah on the rightfulness of the Shah school whose
foundation was the rightfulness of the Commander of the Faithful Al (a)
over the caliphate recited poems and had pivotal role in the spread and
propagation of Shism. Notwithstanding his anti-Shah tendency, Zubayr
ibn Bakkr has mentioned some of these poems. Among these were the
poems of Utbah ibn Ab Lahab which run as follows:
I did not imagine that they would take away the matter of caliphate
from the Ban H shim and among whom from Abl- asan (Al)!
Is he not the first person to pray toward your qiblah and the most
learned of people about the Quran and the Sunnah?
Was he not the last person to see the Prophet? And has he not been
assistant of Jibral in bathing (for the dead) and enshrouding the
Why do you not think about the difference between you and Al?
Among the people, no one possesses his good qualities.
What has been the reason behind their deviation from him? Make
him aware of this fact as this loss is the greatest of losses.1
The pure Imms (a), who were also aware of the utility and influence of
poetry, used to satisfactorily appreciate and honor Shah poets. One day,
Kumayt Asad came to Imm al-Bqir (a) and recited his elegy until he
reached this couplet:
And the killed one among them in the land of af has been abjectly
and miserably abandoned by people.
Zubayr ibn Bakkr, Al-Akhb r al-Muwaffaqiyy t (Qum: Manshrt ash-Sharf ar-Rad, 1416
AH), p. 581.
Lesson 27
Imm al-Bqir (a) wept and said: O Kumayt! If we only had wealth we
shall give it to you. Yet, I will tell you whatever the Messenger of Allah (a)
said to assn ibn Thbit: So long as you defend us Ahl al-Bayt, you are
confirmed by the Holy Spirit [r al-qudus].1
Similarly, Imm a - diq (a) used to say: O assembly of the Shah!
Teach the poems of Abd2 to your children as he is with the religion of
For this reason, the truth-speaking Shah poets were held in high esteem
and regard by the Shah and devotees of the Prophets ( ) descendants. As
Ibn al-Mutazil has narrated, The people of Qum used to make it incumbent
upon themselves to allocate fifty thousand dirhams for Dabal Khaz, a
Shah poet.4
As such, the Shah poets were always subjected to persecution and
harassment by the Umayyad and Abbsid rulers. Due to the poems he has
recited in praise of Ban Hshim and the pains experienced by the progeny
of the Prophet ( ), Kumayt ibn Zayd al-Asad fell prey to the bigotry of the
Umayyads and was imprisoned.5 Because of poems he had recited in
acknowledging Mu ammad Nafs az-Zakiyyah,6 Sadf ibn Maymn7 earned
Al ibn Husayn ibn Al Masd, Murawwij adh-Dhahab, 1st edition (Beirut: Manshrt
Muassasah al-Alam Lil-Ma bt, 1411 AH), vol. 3, p. 254.
Abd was among the companions of Imm a - diq (a) and has been mentioned in Rij l
K sh as Sufyn ibn Mu ab with the epithet of Ab Mu ammad. Shaykh a - s, Ikhtiy r
Marifah ar-Rij l (Rij l Kash) (Qum: Muassasah l al-Bayt Li I y at-Turth, 1404 AH),
vol. 2, p. 704. Ibn Shahr shb has mentioned Sufyn ibn Mu ab in the category of
muqta ad poets while erroneously mentioned as Al ibn ammd Abd in the category
of muj hir poets. Ibn Shahr shb Mzandarn, Ma lim al-Ulam (Najaf: Manshrt alMa baah al- aydariyyah, 1380 AH/1961), pp. 147, 151.
Ma lim al-Ulam , p. 147.
Dr. Shawq ayf, T r kh al-Adab al-Arab al-A r al-Abb s al-Awwal (Egypt: Dr alMarif, n.d.), p. 321.
Al ibn al-Husayn Abl-Faraj al-Isfahn, Al-Agh n (Beirut: Dr I y at-Turth alArab, n.d.), vol. 17, pp. 1-8.
Mu ammad Nafs az-Zakiyyah was one of the grandchildren of Imm al- asan (a) and his
father was Abd Allh ibn al- asan Muthann. During the concluding part of the Umayyad
rule, the Ban Hshim pledged allegiance to him though Imm a - adiq (a) had then
believed that his work would lead to nowhere. After the Abbsids ascension to the office of
caliphate, Nafs az-Zakiyyah staged an uprising during the reign of the second Abbsid caliph
Man r, but he was defeated by the Abbsid forces and was killed.
Sadf ibn Maymn was one of the attendants of Imm as-Sajjd (a) and Ibn Shahr shb
has mentioned him in the category of mudqa id poets of the Ahl al-Bayt (a). Through his
poems, it was also he who urged Saff , the first Abbsid caliph, to kill the surviving
Umayyads. Sayyid Mu sin Amn, Ay n ash-Shah (Beirut: Dr at-Taruf Lil-Mabt,
n.d.), vol. 1, p. 169.
History of Shism
the tirade of the Abbsid caliph Man r and by the caliphs order, Abd
a - amad ibn Al, the then governor of Medina, buried adf alive.1
Ibrahim ibn Hurmah was also one of the silver-tongued Shah poets who
composed beautiful poems in praise of the Ahl al-Bayt (a). When he entered
the court of the Abbsid caliph Man r, Man r spoke to him harshly and
said: After this, if you would recite poems which we do not accept, I will
kill you.2
Nonetheless, the self-sacrificing poets such as Dubal paid less attention
to these threats. Dubal used to say, For fifty years, I have been carrying a
gallows but I cannot find anyone who would hang me in it.3
The Shah Poets Till the End of Minor Occultation [ghaybah a ughr]
As indicated earlier, from the very first few days after the event of
Saqfah, there were those among the truth-speaking poets who defended the
school of Shism through their eloquent tongues. During the rule of the
Commander of the Faithful (a) and at the Battle of Jamal and the Battle of
iffn, apart from the poets of Iraq who were among the followers of Al
(a), many of the companions of the Prophet ( ) such as Ammr ibn Ysir,
Khuzaymah ibn Thbit, Ab Ayyb al-An r, Abd Allh ibn al-Abbs,
and others recited poetry in defending the right of the Commander of the
Faithful (a). During the Umayyad period, some poets had also kept their
attachment to the progeny of the Prophet ( ). During the Umayyad period
compared to the Abbsid period, however, there were fewer poets who were
present on the scene because during that period an extreme atmosphere of
strangulation was prevalent in the Shah community. As Abl-Faraj alI fahn says, The preceding poets of the Umayyad period recited fewer
poems in lamentation for Imm al- usayn (a).4 When Kumayt al-Asad
recited the poetry in praise of Ban Hshim [h shimiyy t], Abd Allh ibn
Muwiyah who was one of the descendants of Jafar ibn Ab lib a ayyr addressed the Ban Hshim, saying: O Ban Hshim! At the time
when the people refrained from expressing your superiority, this Kumayt
A mad ibn Mu ammad ibn Abd Rabbih al-Andalus, Al-Aqd al-Far d (Beirut: Dr I y
at-Turth al-Arab, 1409 AH), vol. 5, pp. 72-73.
Asad aydar, Al-Im m a - diq wal-Madh hib al-Arb ah, 3rd edition (Beirut: Dr alKutub al-Arabiyyah, 1403 AH), vol. 1, p. 452.
Dr. Mu
af Ash-Shakah, Al-Adab f Mawkib al- a rah al-Isl miyyah, Kit b ashShuar 1 (Beirut: Dr al-Kitb al-Lubnniyyah, n.d.), pp. 162-163.
Al ibn al-Husayn Abl-Faraj al-Isfahn, Maq til a - libiyyn (Qum: Manshrt ashShrf ar-Rad, 1416 AH), p. 121.
Lesson 27
recited poetry for you and risked his live vis--vis the Umayyads. The same
poetry was the cause of the trouble that Kumayt endured.1
Prior to him, Farazdaq was also sent to the Umayyad prison because of
his eulogy to Imm as-Sajjd (a).2
During the Abbsid period, sensitivity toward the truth-speaking poets
was also strong, but since the Shah community had expanded then, less
control was exerted against them compared to that of the Umayyad period.
When the Abbsids gradually became weak, more poets were present on the
scene for defending the school of Shism. As Dr. Shawk ayf says,
During the second Abbsid period, more Shah poems were recited, and
the Shah poets during that period were of two groups: Alaw poets and
non-Alaw poets.3
Meanwhile, scholars and notables such as Ibn Shahr shb, Al Khn
Shrz and the late Allmah Amn have written about the numbers of
Shah poets. Yet, the most comprehensive work in this regard is by Sayyid
Mu sin Amn who has counted the number of Shah poets according to
their year of death up to 329 AH, i.e. the end of the minor occultation
[ghaybah a - ughr ].4
Al-Agh n, vol. 17, pp. 1-8.
Qu b ad-Dn Rwand, Al-Khar ij wal-Jar i , 1st edition (Qum: Muassasah al-Imm alMahd, 1409 AH), vol. 1, p.267.
Shawk ayf, T r kh al-Adab al-Arab al-A r al-Abb s ath-Th n (Egypt: Dr al-Marif,
n.d.), p. 386.
The Shah poets according to the computation of the late Sayyid Mu sin Amn are as
The Commander of the Faithful Al (a); F imah az-Zahr bint Raslullh (a); Fa l ibn
al-Abbs (died 12 or 15 AH); Rabah ibn rith ibn Abd al-Mu
alib (died 23 AH);
Abbs ibn Abd al-Mu
alib (died 32 AH); asan ibn Al (a); usayn ibn Al (a); Abd
Allh ibn Ab Sufyn ibn rith ibn Abd al-Mu
alib (martyrdom 61 AH); Abd Allh ibn
al-Abbs (died 68 AH); Umm akm bint Abd al-Mu
alib (died 1st century AH); Arw
bin Abd al-Mu
Among the non-Ban Hshim and companions of the Prophet ( ): Nbiah Jud Qays ibn
Abd Allh (died 1st century AH); Abl- aytham ibn Tayyahn al-An r (martyrdom 37
AH); Khuzaymah ibn Thbit Dhsh-Shahdatayn (martyrdom 37 AH); Ammr ibn Ysir
(martyrdom 37 AH); Abd Allh ibn Badl ibn Waraq al-Khaz (martyrdom 37 AH);
Kharm ibn Ftik al-Asad (died 1st century AH); a aah ibn aw n al-Abd (died 1st
century AH); Labd ibn Rabah al-mir (died 41 AH); Kab ibn Zuhayr al-Aslam (died 45
AH); ujr ibn Udayy al-Kind (martyrdom 51 AH); Kab ibn Mlik al-An r (1st century
AH); Qays ibn Sad al-An r (died 60 AH); Mundhir ibn Jrd Abd (died 61 or 62 AH);
Sulaymn ibn ard al-Khaz (martyrdom 65 AH); A naf ibn Qays at-Tamm (died 67 or
68 AH); Uday ibn tam a - (died 68 AH); Ab - ufayl mir ibn Wthilah Kann
(died 100 AH).
Among the Followers [t bin] (the generation after the a bah), Followers of the
Followers [t bin at-t bin] and the succeeding generations:
History of Shism
Hshim Mirql (martyrdom 37 AH); Mlik al-Ashtar (martyrdom 38 or 39 AH); Thbit ibn
Ajln al-An r (1st century or 50 AH); Najsh Qays ibn Amr rith (one of the Iraqi
poets in the Battle of iffn); Qays ibn Fahdn al-Kind (died 51 AH); Shark ibn rith
Awar (died 60 AH); Sayah ibn Ar (died 1st century AH); Jarr ibn Abd Allh Bajl (died
1st century AH); Rabbb bint Imra al-Qays, wife of Imm al- usayn (a) (died 62 AH);
Umm al-Bann F imah Kalbiyyah, wife of the Commander of the Faithful (a) (died 1st
century AH); Ubayd Allh ibn urr Juf (died 1st century AH); Muthann ibn Mukharramah
Abd (died 1st century AH); Ab Dahbal Jam (died 1st century AH); Abl-Aswad adDaul (died 69 AH); Uqbah ibn Amr as-Saham; Abd Allh ibn Awf ibn A mar;
Musayyab ibn Najbah al-Fazr (martyrdom 65 AH); Abd Allh ibn Sad ibn Nufayl
(martyrdom 65 AH); Abd Allh ibn Kha al a - (died 1st century AH); Abd Allh ibn
Wl at-Tamm (martyrdom 65 AH); Rafah ibn Shadd Bajl (martyrdom 66 AH); Ash
amdn (died 1st century AH); Ibrhm al-Ashtar (martyrdom 66 AH); Ayman ibn Kharm alAsad (died 90 AH); Fa l ibn al-Abbs ibn Uqbah ibn Ab Lahab (died 90 AH); AbrRam al-Khaz (died 100 AH); Khlid ibn Madn a - (died 103 AH); Kuthayyir
Azzah (105 AH); Farazdaq Hammm ibn Ghlib at-Tamm (died 110 AH); Sufyn ibn
Mu ab Abd (120 AH); Zayd ibn Al ibn al- usayn (a) (martyrdom 122 AH); Sulaymn
ibn Qutaybah Adaw (died 126 AH); Kumayt ibn Zayd al-Asad (died 126 AH); Mustahil ibn
Kumayt (died 2nd century AH); Ya y ibn Yamar (died 127 AH); Fa l ibn Abd ar-Ra mn
ibn al-Abbs ibn Rabah ibn rith ibn Abd al-Mu
alib (died 129 AH); Mlik ibn Ayan
Jahn (died mid-2nd century AH); Ward ibn Zayd, brother of Kumayt (died 140 AH); Q
Abd Allh ibn Shabramah al-Kf (died 144 AH); Ibrhm ibn asan (killed in Bkhmar
145 AH); Ms ibn Abd Allh (died 2nd century AH); Sadf ibn Maymn (died 147 AH);
Mu ammad ibn Ghlib ibn Hudhayl al-Kf (died 2nd century AH); Zurrah ibn Ayan (died
150 AH); Ibrhm ibn Hurmah (died 150 AH); Abd Allh ibn Muwiyah, a descendant of
Jafar a - ayyr (died 2nd century AH); Ab Hurayrah Ajl (died 2nd century AH); Ab
Hurayrah al-Abr (died 2nd century AH); Qudmah Sad; Jafar ibn Affn a - (died 150
AH); Ab Jafar Mumin q (died 2nd century AH); Shark ibn Abd Allh Nakha (died 2nd
century AH); Al ibn amzah Na aw Kas (died 189 AH); Man r Numr (died 2nd
century AH); Mudh ibn Muslim Har (died 188 AH); Abd Allh ibn Ghlib al-Asad (died
late 2nd century AH); Muslim ibn Wald al-An r (died at the end of 2nd century AH); Ab
Nus Mutawallid (died 198 AH); Sayyid umayr (died 199 AH); Al ibn Abd Allh
Khawf (died 3rd century AH); Abd Allh Al Marn (died 3rd century AH); Abd Allh ibn
Ayyb urayb (died 3rd century AH); Mash M (died 3rd century AH); Qsim ibn Ysuf
Ktib (died 3rd century AH); Ashja ibn Amr Salm (died 210 AH); Mu ammad ibn Wahb
umayr (died 3rd century AH); Ab Dalf Ajl (died 255 AH); Ab lib al-Qumm (died 3rd
century AH); Ab Tammm abb ibn Aws a - (died 3rd century AH); Dk al-Jinn (died
236 AH); Ibrhm ibn al-Abbs a - awl (died 234 AH); Ibn Sakt Yaqb ibn Is q (died
244 AH); Abu Mu ammad Abd Allh ibn Ammr Barq (died 245 AH); Dabal ibn Al alKhaz (died 246 AH); Mu ammad ibn Abd Allh al-Khaz, cousin of Dabal (died 3rd
century AH); Abd Allh ibn Mu ammad al-Khaz (died 3rd century AH); usayn ibn
Dabal al-Khaz (died 3rd century AH); Ms ibn Abd al-Malik (died 246 AH); A mad ibn
Khald Ashraw (died 3rd century AH); A mad ibn Ibrhm (died 3rd century AH); Bakr ibn
Mu ammad an-Na aw (died 248 AH); A mad ibn Umrn Akhfash an-Na aw (died 250
AH); Ab Al usayn ibn a k (died 250 AH); Mu ammad ibn Isml Sumayr (died 255
AH); Fa l ibn Mu ammad (mid-3rd century AH); ummn Al ibn Mu ammad (died 260
AH); Dwd ibn Qsim Jafar (died 261 AH); Ibn Rm Al ibn al-Abbs (died 283 AH);
Ba tar Wald ibn Ubayd a - (died 284 AH); Sharf Mu ammad ibn li (died 3rd
Lesson 27
century AH); Na r ibn Na r alwn (died 3rd century AH); Al ibn Mu ammad ibn
Man r ibn Bassm (died 302 AH); A mad ibn Ubayd Allh (died 314 AH); Khubz-rz
Ba r Na r ibn A mad (died 317 AH); Khabbz al-Bald Mu ammad ibn A mad (died 4th
century AH); A mad ibn Alawiyyah al-I fahn (died 320 AH); Ab Bakr Mu ammad ibn
asan Dard (died 321 AH); Mu ammad ibn A mad ibn Ibrhm ab ab al- asan
(died 322 AH); Mu ammad ibn Muzd Bshanj (died 325 AH); Mufajja Ba r Mu ammad
ibn A mad (died or martyred 327 AH); Al ibn al-Abbs Nawbakht (died 329 AH).
See Ay n ash-Shah, vol. 1, pp. 166-172.
Al-Aqd al-Far d, vol. 5, p. 290.
Al-Agh n, vol. 17, p. 40.
Allmah Amn, Al-Ghadr fl-Kit b was-Sunnah wal-Adab (Tehran: Dr al-Kitb alIslmiyyah, 1366 AHS), vol. 1, p. 242.
Ibid., p. 241.
Al-Aqd al-Far d, vol. 4, p. 320.
Al-Im m a - diq wal-Madh hib al-Arb ah, vol. 1, p. 254, as quoted in Zahr l-d b,
vol. 3, p. 70.
Al-Adab f Mawkib al- a rah al-Isl miyyah, Kit b ash-Shuar 1, pp. 162-163.
History of Shism
During the second Abbsid period,1 Shah poems had been much recited
some of which had been recited by Alaw poets while others had been
recited by other Shah poets. Among the most prominent Alaw poets
during that period were Mu ammad ibn li al-Alaw al- ummn and
Mu ammad ibn Al from among the descendants of Abbs ibn Al.
During the reign of Mutawakkl, this Mu ammad ibn Al used to take
pride in his forefathers and reflect the Shah views in his poems.2
The second Abbsid period refers to the beginning of the third century AH starting from the
time of Muta im with the entrance of the Turks in the Abbsid court.
T r kh al-Adab al-Arab al-A r al-Abb s ath-Th n, p. 386.
Lesson 27
History of Shism
Allh Bajl, and Abd Allh ibn Janbal had defended the right of the
Commander of the Faithful (a) through their poems.1
I did not imagine that they would take away the matter of caliphate
from the Ban H shim and among whom from Abl- asan (Al)!
Is he not the first person to pray toward your qiblah and the most
learned of people about the Quran and the Sunnah? 2
Similarly, a number of other Hshimite poets from among the a bah
and t bin had also recited poetry in defence of the right of Al (a). For
instance, while reciting poetry Fa l ibn al-Abbs has thus said:
Allmah Amn, Al-Ghadr fl-Kit b was-Sunnah wal-Adab (Tehran: Dr al-Kitb alIslmiyyah, 1366 AHS), vol. 1, p. 191.
Shaykh al-Mufd, Al-Jamal, 2nd edition (Qum: Maktab al-Alm al-Islm (Publication
Center), 1416 AH), p. 118.
The identity of the one who recited this poem is a source of disagreement among historians
and writers. Shaykh al-Mufd has attributed this poem to Abd Allh ibn Ab Sufyn ibn Abd
alib. In Al-I bah, Ibn ajar has regarded Fa l ibn al-Abbs ibn Utbah ibn Ab
Lahab as the one who recited it. In the book Al-Man qib, Muwayyid ad-Dn Khwrazm has
identified Abbs ibn Abd al-Mu
alib, the Prophets ( ) uncle, as the composer of this
poem. In the book Al-Maj lis, Sharf ar-Ra has attributed it to Rabah ibn rith ibn Abd
alib. Q Bay w, in his exegeses [taf sr] of the Quran, has considered it
belonging to assn ibn Thbit. Zubayr ibn Bakkr has said, One of the children of Ab
Lahab had recited this poem. Finally, Q Nr Allh has rejected the view of Ibn ajar,
saying that the one who recited must be prior to the event of Saqfah and he could not be Fa l
ibn al-Abbs ibn Utbah because he was born later. So, the one who recited it bore the name
of Fa l; hence, Fa l ibn Utbah ibn Ab Lahab. Sayyid Al Khn ash-Shirz, Ad-Daraj t
ar-Rafah f abaq t ash-Shah (Qum: Manshrt Maktabah Ba rat, n.d.), p. 193. At any
rate, this difference in opinion has no contrary effect on our discussion because it is obvious
that the one who recited it had been one of the Shah.
Lesson 28
O he who is asking from Al! You are asking from the moon of Ban
H shim and the one present at the Battle of Badr.
Are you doubtful in praising the greatness of the ab a man, or
asking about his precedence in Islam? 3
Among the first persons to have recited poetry in defending the right of
the Commander of the Faithful Al (a) was a woman named Umm
Mas a ibn Aththah. Historians have narrated, thus:
After Ab Bakr and Umar treated Al harshly to acquire his allegiance by
force, Umm Mas a came to the mosque, stood in front of the grave of the
Prophet and recited this poem:
After you, an event and differences have occurred that would never happen
if you were present.
Ad-Daraj t ar-Rafah f abaq t ash-Shah, p. 143.
Ibid., p. 187.
A mad ibn Mu ammad ibn Abd Rabbih al-Andalus, Al-Aqd al-Far d (Beirut: Dr I y
at-Turth al-Arab, 1409 AH), vol. 5, p. 75.
History of Shism
We lost you just as the soil would lose water. Your community is going
astray. Be witness and neglect not.1
Among the poets who used to engage in argumentation and defend the
right of Al (a) was the great Arab poet and man of letter, Abl-Aswad
Dawil who lived in Ba rah at the place of the tribe of Ban Qashr that
were sympathetic to Uthmn ibn Affn. None of them could surpass AblAswad in speech. So, they instead persecuted and harassed him, throwing
stones at his house every night. He gave this reply to them:
The vile people such as Ban Qashr say, With the passage of time,
why have you not forgotten Al?
I said to them, How could I abandon deeds that are incumbent upon
I love Mu ammad so much, and Abb s, amzah and the successor
[wa ] (i.e. Al) as well.
The cousins and nearest of kin of the Prophet are the most beloved of
people for me.
If love for them is guidance, I have attained it then, and if this love is
useless, then I have lost nothing.
Undoubtedly, they are the people of admonition and my beloved ones
so long as I live.
I regard God as the Creator of everything. He has guided them and
appointed the Prophet from among them.
Except them, nobody is worthy of it. May this Gods choice of them
be pleasant!2
Abd al- amd ibn Abl- add, Shar Nahj al-Bal ghah (Cairo: Dr I y al-Kutub alArab, 1961), vol. 6, p. 43.
Al ibn al-Husayn Abl-Faraj al-Isfahn, Al-Agh n (Beirut: Dr I y at-Turth alArab, n.d.), vol. 12, p. 321.
Lesson 28
This continued until finally, at the end of the Umayyad rule, great and
famous poets such as Kumayt al-Asad, Kuthayyir Azzah and Sayyid
umayr who thawed themselves in the guardianship [wil yah], have recited
more poems in defense of Als (a) right.
2. The Shah Poets Confrontation with the Umayyad and Abbsid Poets
The second subject about which Shah poets have recited poetry is the
poems they have composed to counter the Umayyad and Abbsid poets.
After 35 AH when Uthmn ibn al-Affn was murdered, the Umayyads used
to utilize the weapon of poetry to attain their wicked objectives and incite
people against the Commander of the Faithful (a). Among those who had
recited poetry against the Imm was Wald ibn Uqbah, maternal brother of
Uthmn, who has been described by the Quran as f siq [transgressor].1 He
had accused Ban Hshim, the head of which was Al (a), of killing
Uthmn, saying:
Srah 32:18: Is he then who is a believer like he who is a transgressor [f siq]? They are
not equal. For the commentary of this verse, see the following Sunn references: AlQur ub, Tafsr (Cairo, 1947), vol. 14, p. 105; A - abar, Tafsr J mi al-Bay n, under
commentary for this verse; Al-Wa d, Asb b an-Nuzl (Dr ad-Diyn Lit-Turth edition), p.
291. [Trans.]
Ad-Daraj t ar-Rafah f abaq t ash-Shah, p. 188.
History of Shism
You may not get your sword from us because when its owner was
frightened, he threw it and it was lost.
You likened him to Khosroe, and in fact he was like him. And his
horses and properties were like that of his (Khosroe).
Al, the good, is from us; the victor of Khaybar and Badr when the
hostile army came.
Al is the one vested with authority after Mu ammad and the
companion of the Prophet in all the wars.
He is the successor of Prophet al-Mu
af and his cousin. He is the
first person to perform prayer and the one who is so well-mannered.1
Wald ibn Uqbah composed his next poem against the Commander of
the Faithful (a) when he wrote a letter to his brother, Umrah ibn Uqbah
who was then living in Kfah, inciting him to be inimical to the Imm,
saying thus:
Ibid., p. 189.
It alludes to the Prophet ( ), Ab Bakr and Umar. [Trans.]
Shar Nahj al-Bal ghah, vol. 2, p. 114.
Lesson 28
Are you taking revenge for a person who has no relationship with
you? Ibn Dhakr n afr is one thing while taking revenge for
Uthm n is another.
You can still remember that you were suffering from poverty, he
forgot the father of his donkey while taking pride in the mother of his
Be aware that the best of people after the Prophet in the sight of God
is the successor of Prophet Mu
af .
He is the first to have performed the prayer, the brother of the
Prophet, and the first person to have driven away the oppressive
contingent in (the Battle of) Badr.1
Sometime during the Battle of Jamal when the supporters of the
Umayyads and the so-called Uthmns were reciting rajaz-metered2 verses
in affirming their movement and inciting their supporters, the companions of
the Commander of the Faithful (a) were also answering them in return.
Among these persons were Ammr ibn Ysir and Mlik al-Ashtar. For
example, some members of the tribe of Ban abbah who had surrounded
the camel of ishah would take the reins of camel and would be killed. The
last person to have taken the bridle of camel said, thus:
We are the Ban abbah, supporters of (the Army of) Jamal, and
are taking Uthm ns revenge with our spears.
Return to us our sheikh in safety.3
Mlik al-Ashtar rushed to confront him and said, thus:
Rajaz: name of several meters, two of which are the most important. [Trans.]
Al-Jamal, p. 118.
History of Shism
Lesson 28
3. Elegy-Recitation
Another important arena about which the Shah poets have recited
poetry and delivered speeches extensively is the commemoration of the
tragedy experienced by the descendants of the Prophet ( ) and elegyrecitation for the martyrs among them. This arena came into being after the
martyrdom of Imm al- usayn (a) in 61 AH. In this regard, two parts may
be discussed and examined:
a. Elegies for Imm al- usayn (a) and the Other Martyrs in Karbal
From the beginning of Islam, no tragedy more serious and painful than
the event of Karbal has happened in the history of Islam, and after the lapse
of one thousand and four hundred years, it still has the greatest impact upon
the hearts of the devotees of the Prophets (a) descendents. Since then,
anyone who has the love of the Prophets ( ) Ahl al-Bayt and talent in
composing poetry has recited poetry in this regard.
The pioneering poems pertaining to the event of Karbal have been
recited from the end of the first century AH and the commencement of the
Umayyad decline. As Abl-Faraj al-I fahn says,
Many of the latter poets have recited poetry in mourning for Imm alusayn (a) about which we do not tend to complain as we are fond of long
speech. Yet, on account of the harshness of the Umayyads atmosphere of
Lesson 29
strangulation, the earlier poets during the Umayyad period have recited
fewer elegies about the tribulation of Imm al- usayn (a).1
For example, Ubayd Allh ibn urr was chased by Ubayd Allh ibn
Ziyd for reciting elegy for Imm al- usayn (a) and was forced to flee.2 Of
course, many poems have been composed during the first century AH about
the tribulation of the Doyen of the Martyrs (a) though they are lesser in
number compared to the quantity of poems that have been recited since the
second century AH.
The bereaved women of Ban Hshim were among the pioneering
people who have recited elegies in lamentation of their lost loved ones. When
the news of the martyrdom of Imm al- usayn (a) reached Medina, Zaynab
bint Aql came out wailing amidst the women of Ban Hshim while
reciting the following poem:
What shall you say in reply to the Prophet when he will ask from
you, O the latter ones of the ummah! What have you done?
[What did you do] with my descendants and Household after I
passed away? Half of them were taken as captives while the other
half was weltered in blood.
It was not my reward for my admonition to you that you would do
the worst treatment to my nearest of kin. 3
Among the most heartrending elegies ever recited for the martyrs of
Karbal are the elegies of Umm al-Bann, the mother of a rat AblFa l. Abl-Faraj al-I fahn has narrated that Umm al-Bann was holding
the hand of Ubayd Allh, son of a rat al-Abbs and going to the Baq
Cemetery while the people of Medina were gathering around her and
weeping because of her elegies. Even an enemy such as Marwn ibn alakam used to weep with of her elegies.4 Umm al-Bann was thus saying:
Al ibn al-Husayn Abl-Faraj al-Isfahn, Maq til a - libiyyn (Qum: Manshrt ashShrf ar-Rad, 1416 AH/1374 AHS), p. 121.
Ab Mikhnaf, Maqtal al-Husayn Alayhis-Sal m, researched by Hasan Ghaffr, 2nd edition
(Qum: n.p., 1364 AH), p. 245.
Ibid., pp. 227-228.
Maq til a - libiyyn, p. 90.
History of Shism
I wished I saw (with my own eyes) how Abb s was assaulting the
groups of vile people!
Behind him were the sons of aydar (Im m Al (a)) standing like
I have been informed that his hands have been amputated while his
head has received a blow.
Woe to my son whose head has received a strong blow!
If your sword were in your hand, no one could have ever come near
When the caravan of the captives of Karbal was heading toward
Medina and arrived near the city, Imm Zayn al-bidn (a) dispatched
Bashr ibn Jadhlam to Medina ahead of them, and Bashr informed the people
of their arrival in the city through this poem:
Lesson 29
The treacherous chief, son of a traitor asks [me]: Did you not fight
against the martyr, the son of F imah?
When Ibn Ziyd heard this poem, he chased Ubayd Allh who
immediately rode on a horse and escaped, thus saving his life.2
Sulaymn ibn Quttah al-Adaw has been one of the most prominent
elegists for the tribulation of Imm al- usayn (a). The following poem is
attributed to him:
History of Shism
Can you not see that due to the loss of usayn the sun turned
lackluster and the cities melancholic?!
Can you not see that owing to the loss of usayn the sky has wept
and wailed and its stars lamented and invoked salutations? 1
But after the end of the first century AH when the repression of the
Umayyad rulers diminished because of their confrontation with the Abbsid
movement and other revolts and were finally defeated by the Abbsids, the
pure Imms (a) revived the recitation of elegies for Imm al- usayn (a)
and great poets such as Kumayt al-Asad, Sayyid umayr, Sufyn ibn
Mu ab Abd, Man r Namr, and Dabal al-Khaz used to recite poetry
in their presence for the tribulation of Imm al- usayn (a). As Sufyn ibn
Mu ab Abd narrates,
I visited Imm a - diq (a) and the Imm said to his attendant, Tell
Umm Farwah to come and listen to what happened to his (great)
grandfather. Umm Farwah came and sat behind a curtain. Then, Imm a diq (a) said to me: You recite. I started reciting an elegy which
commences with this couplet:
O Umm Farwah! Render tears to your eyes.
At this point, Umm Farwah and other ladies burst into tears.2
You pass by the grave of usayn and tell to his pure bones:
O bones! Be always sound and glutted.
As you pass by his grave, make a long stopover as the camels do.
Let the pure [mu ahhar] Im m weep for the pure usayn.
Your cry must be like the cry and lamentation of the mother of a dead son.
Maq til a - libiyyn, p. 121.
Abd al-Husayn Amn, Al-Ghadr fl-Kit b was-Sunnah wal-Adab (Tehran: Dr al-Kitb
al-Islmiyyah, 1366 AHS), vol. 2, pp. 294-295.
Lesson 29
The narrator says, I saw the tears of the Imm fall on his cheek and
weeping reigned in the house.1
If you do not know what is meant by death, look at Ibn Aql and
H n at the market.
His (Ibn Aqls) face was heroically cut into pieces by swords while
the other one (H n) was thrown from the top (of palace) and was
By the order of the emir, this happened to them on this day and the
news about them was relayed by the travelers.
You can see a corpse whose color has been changed by death and
every part of which has been weltering in blood.
Will the names of Mah yij be in safety? This is while the tribe of
Madh aj is about to be punished.4
Ibid., p. 235.
Ibid., p. 295.
Al ibn Husayn ibn Al Masd, Murawwij adh-Dhahab, 1st edition (Beirut: Manshrt
Muassasah al-Alam Lil-Ma bt, 1411 AH), vol. 3, p. 327; Rij l ibn D wd (Qum:
Manshrt ar-Ra , n.d.), p. 92.
Ibid., vol. 3, p. 71.
History of Shism
Ibid., p. 110.
Ay n ash-Shah, p. 170.
Murawwij adh-Dhahab, vol. 4, pp. 159-160.
Ibid., p. 162.
Maq til a - libiyyn, p. 511.
Lesson 29
none of his poems has been devoid of praise for Ban Hshim and reproach
for their enemies. Abl-Faraj al-I fahn has also said that in Kfah, Sayyid
umayr used to go to the house of Sulaymn ibn Mihrn known as Amash
from whom he would learn about and write the virtues of the Commander of
the Faithful Al (a), and thereafter, he would express them in poetry.
Ibn Mutaz says,
Sayyid umayr has transformed into poetry all the virtues of Al ibn Ab
lib (a) and he would easily become tired sitting at any assembly where
the progeny of Mu ammad was not pleasantly mentioned. For example,
someone has thus narrated: We were sitting beside Amr ibn Al when
Sayyid umayr came. And we were then busy talking about common
affairs such as farming and date palms. Sayyid stood up as he wanted to go.
When we asked for the reason why he wanted to leave, he gave this reply to
I abhor sitting at an assembly in which none of the virtues of the progeny of
Mu amm d is ever mentioned.
Any assembly in which there is no mention of A mad, his successor and his
offspring is a worthless assembly.
Anyone who shall not mention them in the assembly shall leave that
assembly without gaining any benefit.1
Similarly, one day, one of the chiefs of Kfah gave a horse and a gift to
Sayyid umayr. He mounted the horse and took the gift, and went to the
working place of Kfah. He then addressed the Shah, saying: O Kfans! If
anyone could mention any of the virtues of Al ibn Ab lib about which I
have not expressed in poetry yet, I shall give this horse and gift to him.
People from every direction would mention each of the superiorities of
the Commander of the Faithful (a) and in return he would recite the poem he
composed about it. Finally, someone said:
One day, Al (a) wanted to wear his shoes and go out. He had already
worn one pair of his shoes when an eagle came, picked up the other pair of
shoes and brought it up. But it suddenly abandoned as a black snake went
out of the shoe and entered into a ground hole. Al (a) then wore the other
pair of his shoes.
Ibid., p. 242.
History of Shism
At this point, Sayyid umayr thought for sometime and then said, I
have not composed a poem about it so far. As such, he gave the horse and
the gift to the man, and recited the following poem:
Lesson 29
demerits of the enemies in the context of poetry also had a very significant
propaganda impact.
In defending the school of Shism, the Shah poets used to also deal
with the demerits of the enemies of Ahl al-Bayt (a). At any opportune time,
they could destroy an enemy and break his back through some couplets.
Persons such as Muwiyah, Wald ibn Uqbah and Amr ibn al- who
were enemies of God and the Messenger ( ) have been dispraised many
times by the poets of Ban Hshim, and the supporters and poets of the
Commander of the Faithful (a). Without revealing his name and thus be
pursued by the Umayyads, a certain poet has soothed the hearts of the Shah
by dispraising Yazd after his death by saying, thus:
Tell the Umayyads wherever they are, if you are afraid of sword and
May God make him hungry he who has satiated you and satiate him
he who has remained hungry because of your tyranny.
With the pleasant H shim policy, there shall be the spring of life for
the ummah.2
Dr. Shawq ayf says: The Shah in Iraq, Khursn and ijz used to
transmit to one another the poems of Kumayt. For this reason, the Umayyads
and their governor in Iraq, Ysuf ibn Umar ath-Thaqafi, felt seriously
threatened by Kumayt.3
Abl-Faraj al-I fahn has thus said about Kumayt:
History of Shism
Kumayt al-Asad, the great Shah poet during the Umayyad period of
repression would not hesitate to reply in whatever form to the poets inimical
to Al (a), affiliated to the Umayyads and were reciting poetry against the
descendants of the Prophet ( ). For example, a certain poet named akm
ibn al-Abbs al-Kalb who was considered one of the Qa
ns had
dispraised Al (a). Kumayt seriously assaulted him and in his poems he
placed akm vis--vis the notables of Quraysh and Adnns. In this way,
Kumayt dispraised and defeated him.1
Sometimes also, without divulging their names, poets used to reply to the
court poets, dispraising and crushing them. For example, Sad ibn amd
who was one of the enemies of the Commander of the Faithful (a) and the
descendants of the Prophet ( ) during the rule of Mustan had been
humiliated by the Shah poets on various occasions.
On the same period, a certain poet named Al ibn Jahm who had been
one of the N ibs and enemies of the Commander of the Faithful (a) has
been dispraised by the Shah poet, Al ibn Mu ammad ibn Jafar alAlaw. He had rejected the genealogy of Al ibn Jahm, regarding him
connected to Smah ibn Law.
In dispraising Ibn Ziyd, Abl-Aswad Dal has said:
Out of agony and anguish I am saying that may God destroy the
dominion of the offspring of Ziy d!
And cause them to perish for their deceit and treason just as the
people of Thamd and d have been ruined!2
Sayyid umayr has humiliated one of the Abbsid judges who had
dismissed his testimony on account of his faith in Shism, and he has said:
Your father steals the sheep of the Prophet while you are maternal
grandchild of Ab Ja dar!
And notwithstanding your whim, we shall abandon the people of
misguidance and deviation.1
Al ibn al-Husayn Abl-Faraj al-Isfahn, Al-Agh n (Beirut: Dr I y at-Turth alArab, n.d.), vol. 17, p. 36.
Murawwij adh-Dhahab, vol. 3, p. 81.
Lesson 29
Ab Numah Daqq al-Kf, one of the poets during the third century
AH, had dispraised the notables of the Abbsid rule, attributing to them the
commission of abominable acts until such time that he had been killed by one
of the Abbsid Turkish commanders named Mufalla .2
History of Shism
Note: With the exception of the Holy Quran, the following author-based bibliographical
entries are arranged in Arabic-Persian alphabetical order, as in the original version. [Trans.]
Holy Quran.
l Abd al-Jabbr, Shaykh Mu ammad ibn Shaykh Abd Al. Ithb t al-Im mah alMusm bil-Shahab ath-Th w qib f Rajm Shay n an-Naw b. n.p.: AlHud, n.d.
Ibn Abl- add, Abd al- amd. Shar
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Ibn Athr, Izz ad-Dn Abl- asan Al ibn Mu ammad Abl-Kirm. Asad alGh bah f Marifah a - a bah. Beirut: Dr I y at-Turth al-Arab, n.d.
_____. Al-K mil ft-T r kh. Beirut: Dr adir, 1402 AH.
_____. Al-Fut . Beirut: Dr al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 1406 AH and Beirut: Dr alA w, n.d.
Ibn aq aq. Al-Fakhr fl-Ad b as-Sal niyyah wad-Duwal al-Isl miyyah.
Beirut: Dr adir, 1385 AH.
Ibn al-Jawz, Abl-Faraj Abd ar-Ra mn ibn Al. Al-Munta im f T r kh alUmam wal-Mulk, 1st Edition. Beirut: Dr al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 1412 AH.
Ibn al-Jawz, Sab . Tadhkirah al-Khaw . Najaf: Manshrt al-Ma baah alaydariyyah, 1383 AH; Qum: Manshrt ash-Sharf ar-Ra , 1376 AHS/1418
_____. Al-I bah f Tamyz a - a bah. Beirut: Dr I y at-Turth al-Arab,
Ibn ajar al-Asqaln, Shahb ad-Dn ibn Al. Ta r r Taqr b at-Tahdhb, 1st
Edition. Beirut: Muassasah ar-Rislah, 1417 AH/1997.
_____. Tahdhb at-Tahdhb, 1st Edition. Beirut: Dr al-Fikr, 1404 AH.
_____. Lis n al-Mz n, 1st Edition. Beirut: Dr I y at-Turth al-Arab, 1416 AH.
Ibn ajar Haytham al-Makk, A mad. A - aw iq al-Ma riqah fr-Radd al
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