Syllabus Asstt Arch 190315

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(a) Definition of Architecture and architect. The origin of architecture and its
development as a profession. Practice of the subject in the contemporary period. General
pieces of service as provided by an architect. Relationship of the subject with various other
interdisciplinary subjects. Relationship of the profession with the other related professions.
Architectural education scope and objects.
(b) Influences governing the development of architecture. General physical,
emotional and intellectual; Natural climate, topography, vegetation, available materials;
Man social, culture and religious attitudes; Technological intellectual advancement,
Progress in science & technology, construction, materials etc.
(c) Development of Architecture from caves and huts of prehistoric era. Principles of
layout of Vedic villages to mounds, mausoleums, stupas and such structures as were
developed in the Indus Valley, Egyptian, Mesopotamian and South-east Asian regions.
Renovated natural caves of the Buddhist period as methods of obtaining large internal
spaces. Examples are to be presented as expressive forms of attitudes towards greatness,
fear, pride, possession, protection, seclusion etc.
(d) The Earliest Remains of Indian Architecture The Earliest Temples of India
Early and Later Dravidian Temples,- The Temples of Orissa,- Islamic Architecture in India,influence of Western Architecture in Indian Architecture;
(e) Space : Study of transformation of internal space from mono-spatial structures of
Greek temples to multi-spatial structures of the Egyptian and expanding space of the
Byzantine periods; Liner spatial forms of early Christian churches to the inter-weaving space
of the Gothic cathedrals.
(f) Character: Extrovert character of Greek buildings and introvert nature of those of
the Romans; Static Symmetry of earlier examples to multiplicity of forms and massive works
of the Romanesque period.
(g) Expression: Trabeated to Arcuated construction; Corbelling of vaults to buttresses
of the gothic pointed arches; The changing expression of a building designed for a few to
that for the mass; Gradual supremacy of technology over ornamentation; studies are to be
illustrated from selected examples of Egyptian, West Asiatic, Saracenic, Byzantines, Romans,
Early Christian, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods of architectural
history with special emphasis of relative growth in relation to the prevalent social, political,
religious, cultural, economic and technological base.

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(a) Definition of Design. Comparison between designed and non-designed objects.

Apreciation of design criteria; Orientation of design (general) process.
(b) Visual properties of two-dimensional forms of both geometric and non-geometric
surfaces Line, Shape, Form, Figure-ground relationship, Direction, Contrast. Visual
textures and tonal variations colour, contrast, brightness, hatch etc. applied to the above
(c) Principles of two-dimensional compositions Spatial tension, Likeness basis,
Balance, Movement, Scale, Proportion, Rhythm Dominance and Subordination.
(d) Principles of three-dimensional composition Form, Mass, Volume, Scale,
Surfaces of solids, Voids, Planes etc. their combination, variation, assimilation, orientation
(e) Elementary principles of Architectural Design on the basis of structure, function
and aesthetics.
(f) Structure-mechanics of load distribution, tension, compression, stress, strain
(visual and conceptual), nature of materials of architectural uses.
(g) Function Anthropometrics, circulation, light, ventilation, basic services and
(h) Aesthetics composition, form, volume, mass, etc. with site and landscaping.



(a) Materials of building construction: Sources, general & special characteristics of

materials. Composition and Properties of building materials both physical and chemical.
Behaviour towards other materials and environment. Identification of needs, Prospective
areas and locations of use of building materials. Advantages and disadvantages of use of
various building materials. Various usage of the material and a comparative analysis;
Sustainability of use. Materials in combination and use of the same in buildings. Innovative
use, Variation in use and study of alternative building materials.
(b) Introduction of various fundamental tools and instruments used in building
(c) Basic methods of taking measurement of building works.
(d) Elaboration on various established methods of construction related to different
materials and their comparison; Study of characteristics, advantages and disadvantages,
needs and usage of various methods of construction.
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(e) Upgradation, modification and revision of various methods of construction.

(f) Natural material: Brick, Stone and Timber characteristics, needs and properties.
(g) Studies of Materials : Stone, Timber, Bricks, Concrete, Steel, Glass, Timber joinery
etc. and their variations.
(h) Foundation, load bearing wall, stone & brick masonry.
(i) Floors and flooring materials.
(j) Roof: Pitched roof, Concrete roof; Roof Coverings : Clay tiles, A.C. Sheets etc.



Equillibrium of forces; concurrent forces; composition and resolution of forces;

Polygon of forces; analytical and graphical methods, Bows notations and vector diagram;
Parallel forces; Moments; Couples; Maxwells diagrams; Trusses of simple nature Definition
of statically determinate and indeterminate structures; centroid and centre of gravity
applications; Moment of Intertia; Section Modules. Tutorial Problems with application shall
be worked out.
Stress, Strain and Elasticity; Stress-strain curves; Factor of Safety; Working stresses
problems of direct stress and strain; Thermal stress Poissons ration; Elastic constants, simple
theory of bending. B.M. and S.F. diagrams; Bending stresses; Moment of resistance. Turorial
Problems with application shall be worked out.



(a) Geometry and Graphics in architecture. Drawing point, line, polygon, circle,
ellipse and other geometrical forms (manually or with computer graphics or both);
(b) Principles of Orthographic projection and other projection systems; Principles of
projection of lines; Isometric and Axonometric views; Sciography.



(a) Basic principles of drawing Perspective views, Concept of vanishing points,

Concept of One point, Two point and Three Point Perspectives, Manual Perspective
drawings and Computer aided Perspective Drawings,
(b) Methods of division of lines; placement of objects of given height at a desired
places like human figures, trees, street furniture, etc.
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(c) Defects of standard projection method, Improvement on it.

Each of the items listed below are to be done by the use of instruments along with
Tee and set-squares. Following items are also to be done with the help of computer graphic
packages (excepting items 5).
(1) Line work and architectural lettering.
(2) Measurements, divisions and building up simple geometric figures (ellipses,
polygons etc.).
(3) Measurements, divisions and building up of simple 3.D forms (e.g. cones,
cylinders etc.).
(4) Isometric and axonometric drawings.
(5) Orthographic presentation, Complex Orthographic drawings.
(6) Principles of casting shades and shadows.
(7) Basic principles of perspective drawings. Complex perspective drawings.
(8) Drawing of simple plans, elevations and sections of small objects like furniture,
part of a building, etc.


- Techniques of drawing lines of various gradations and inclinations
- Finding Visual proportions and principles of perspective
- Free-hand drawing of simple objects in single and group formation
- Free-hand drawing of simple furniture
- Outdoor sketching of natural objects/buildings/any relevant structure, etc.
- Study on shades and shadows, on contrasts of light and on textures.



Comparison of designed and non-designed objects (I) exercises in line, shape, form
applied to figure & ground relationships and patterns.
Two dimensional composition based on the elements as specified in Design
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Drawings of the three dimensional compositions and elementary architectural

Design of elementary three dimensional and architectural spaces and their
(a) Study and analysis
(b) Presentation of Architectural Designs



(a) Necessity of study of climatology in architecture.

(b) Concept of Thermal Comfort; different factors determining thermal comfort of

human being in a built environment.
(c) Effect of Sun in architecture; orientation of Sun: azimuth and altitude;
mathematical equations to determine azimuth and altitude of Sun from latitude of a location
and date & time; study and method of drawing sun path diagram; study of shading devices
in buildings.
(d) Study of airflow: global and regional, in and around city and buildings.
(e) Thermal conductivity of building materials and study of its impact in thermal
(f) Impact of various climatic elements in different regions of our country in building
design with a special emphasis on Bengal.
(g) Energy efficient building design.
(h) Drawing sun path diagram and utilizing it for design of buildings and shading
(i) Air flow and architecture.
(j) Thermal conductivity of building materials and study of its impact in thermal
(k) Study/documentation of buildings giving due consideration to the impact of
various climatic elements such as sun, airflow, precipitation etc. in different climatic regions
of the country, with special emphasis on the climate of Bengal.
(l) Study and Documentation on the latest developments in the field of climate and
architecture; materials and methods, technology, research, fieldwork etc.

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Study of the sequences Techniques of construction of various elements of Masonry

building, Foundation, load bearing walls & partitions, cavity wall etc.,
Openings : Jamb, Sill, Lintel, Chajja, Sunshade.
Floor: Concrete floor, timber floor, brick flooring.
Roofs: Timber Trusses, Steel Trusses, R.C.C. beam.
Roof Coverings: Clay tiles, A.C. Sheet, G.K. Sheet, R.B. Slab, Etc.
R.C.C. Slab etc.
Damp Prevention: (i) Materials, D.P.C. Cement Plaster, Lime Terracing, Tar felting
etc. (ii) Design: Overhand, mouldings, drip courses, copings etc.
Moving Elements: Doors, Windows, Ventilators, Skylights etc.
Miscellaneous Elements: Threshold, Staircase, Paving, Veneering etc.
Chemical Agents: Plasticizer, fillers, quick setting, retarding, adhesives, anti-termite
anti-fungi etc.
Construction of special items like (a) Both way swinging and sliding folding types of
doors built of timber or of extended metal sections like Aluminum; (b) Rolled up doors; (c)
Sliding types of casement windows; (d) Veneering wall surfaces with, timber and tiles; (e)
Suspended ceilings with method of suspension, framing materials of timber, pressed steel,
aluminum, covering materials like acoustic boards, gypsum boards, P.V.C. tiles etc. with
special considerations for fire and acoustical insulation; (f) Construction material,
technological alternatives, application methods and details essential to create barrier free



Space as protagonist of Architecture: Representation of space Evolution of spatial

qualities through the ages Form and function Form and technology Scale and proportion
Solids & voids and their contrasting effects Colour planes and their effects and impacts
on architecture;
Occidental and Oriental expressions in architecture.
Basic principles & Design Integration of function. Architecture as Art and Science
of Building; Structure & Aesthetics.

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Stages of design Design methods Design procedure Visual design- Perception of

space/architecture analysis of colour, texture, form, shape and line and other human
perceptions involved. Total composition and assimilation as a whole by synthesis.
Environmental conditions Basic structural systems Basic building services
Orientation of buildings, solar and other factors Circulation, planning and efficiency;
anthropometry & ergonomics in architecture; Facilities for physically handicapped persons.



Principal stress, shear stress, normal stress, conjugate stress, Mohr diagram, Bending
and shear stresses in beams, Area moment Theorem, Principle of superposition, Deflection
of beams, determinate and propped cantilever, Fixed and continuous beams, Columns and
struts, Eulers theory of long columns, Empirical formulas for design of columns Short
columns and piers with eccentric loading (small eccentricity).
Rivets and design of riveted joints, eccentric connection.
Welded joints. Design of M.S. truss members, joints, Design of R.S.J. beams and
columns. Theory of reinforced concrete, properties and assumptions,
Design of singly reinforced rectangular and T. beams. Slabs spanning in one
direction. R.C. columns.
Strain Energy: Castigilianos theorems, Analysis of indeterminate structures and use
of moment distribution method, Effect of wind and earthquake on structures.
Doubly reinforced concrete beams, two way R.C. slab, sections subject to combined
bending and thrust.
Design of M.S. plated beams and compound columns, tests for measuring
workability and strength of concrete.



Elements of Graphics and Visualization Basic of two- and three-dimensional

computer graphics systems: Computer aided drawing and 3-D modeling and rendering, and
selected graphics software APIs. Other topics may include interactive graphics, animation,
graphical user interfaces, and the graphical presentation of information.



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Study of new structural systems with emphasis on limitation and scope of these
systems multistoried R.C.C. and steel buildings, pre-stressing, shells, folded plate, space
frame, suspension structures. Emphasis will be given to the structural philosophy and not
on the rigorous calculation. Models of structural form.


(a) Design of a small building with respect to function, structure and aesthetics.
(b) Analysis and documentation of architecture of a village or neighborhood of a city.

(c) Design of a small complex of buildings of not more than two floors in rural or
low-density urban environment.
(d) Design of vital components, details of structure, building services, etc. Rendering
techniques in various media;
(e) Design studio-introducing to the processes of critical inquiry specifically as it
relates to architecture investigations. These processes are seen as interrelated and always
informed by the societal, technological and historical contexts within which architects work.
Parallel instruction in drawing, computing and construction technology are integrated
within the work of this studio. Technology 1: The technology aspects focus on discovering
the basic system used to create space such as structural systems, enclosure types, and
systems for movement. Emphasis is placed upon construct ability and sustainability.
Computing: Explorations with the Computer focus on both the development of a
fundamental knowledge of 3-D modeling and 2-D image manipulation software and a
nontraditional application of this knowledge to design representations. The computer
media (3-D modeling space, Computer printouts, video projections) are conceived of a as
yet another physical material for experimentation, and are integrated in this way with the
studio design projects. Drawing: The drawing segment consists of freehand drawing
exercises that relate to studio projects and help students develop basic drawing skills and a
familiarity with two-dimensional design concepts, taken in conjunction with Design Studio.
Design Problem related to group of buildings accommodating different uses.
Problem having given due regard to environmental and ecological requirements;
Special attention is to be given to create barrier free environment for disabled and elderly.



1. Principles of Landscape Architecture (a) Historical background Oriental and

occidental, (b) Man, building and Landscape, (c) Elements of outdoor space organization, (d)

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Contemporary thoughts on Landscape Architecture

fundamentals.a brief study of contemporary works.





2. Materials of Landscape Architecture: Plants, Water, Land, Rock, Nature work,

Man made elements and outdoor furniture etc.
3. Guidelines for Landscaping of Specific Areas: (a) Residential Individual and
group of building, (b) Commercial and Shopping, (c) Recreational parks and play areas, (d)
Plaza and Squares, (e) Signage
4. Technical Aspects of Construction and Maintenance: Planting, water forms,
paving, illumination, street furniture & vocabulary etc.



Analysis of the evolution of various concepts in Contemporary Architecture in

different phases on chronological or thematic basis from the end of nineteenth century;
Future Trend and Realism in Contemporary Architecture. Analysis of the creations of
notable Architects to evaluate their contributions in Contemporary Architecture; Future



(a) Water supply, sources (surface and underground), Methods of lifting storage and
supply, Standard of portable water and methods of removal of impurities, Standard of
requirement of water for daily uses. Simple principles of design for water supply, system for
low as well as high buildings.
(b) Equipment for water supply- pipes, pumps, tube well, reservoirs and cisterns for
storage, different types of pipes and accessories, controlling fixtures like valves, taps, etc.
receptacles like wash basins, sink bath- tubs, shower-trays, etc.
(c) Drainage- Different types of drainage for rain water waste and soil, systems of
collection carriage and disposal; simple graphical methods of determining sizes, jointing
system of pipelines and fixtures. Equipment like- trap, yard outlines, man-holes, water
closets, urinals, slop sinks, septic tanks, etc., Garbage disposal, incinerators, protective
devices against insects, rodents, etc.
(d) Minimizing pollution, Recycling processes. Fire fighting in buildings
regulations and requirements, different types- dry and wet risers, sprinkler system,

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(e) Ventilation- Natural and Forced or mechanical, standard of requirement quantity,

and velocity for different conditions of living and works, principles of natural ventilation
and simple methods of induced or forced ventilation. Air-conditioning-Control of quality,
quantity, temperature and humidity, conditions for comfort, principles refrigeration and its
commercial application in air-conditioning. Simple calculations for finding cooling load,
major equipment used, their characteristics and suitable place for location; consideration
and reduction of heat gain and for economic layout for supply and return air ducts.
(f) Mechanical equipment for vertical transport, recommended sue for escalators and
elevators; simple calculation to determine number if type of escalators and elevation sketch
drawings showing the air-conditioning system of an auditorium, multistoried hotel and
office Buildings, Plan and section of elevators, machine room and escalators.
(g) Various methods of building automation, general overview.



Preparation of working drawing for small residential, commercial and special types
of building, Preparation of details to clarify constructional techniques and use of material.



Standard method of measurement and unit, procedure of taking out quantities,

abstracting and preparation of bills of quantities. Specifications of different materials and
constructions, various test and properties related. Normal specification for different
methods of construction in general and also specific items. General principles of Valuation
on the basis of area and volume Definitions: value, Price, Market Value, Book Value,
Replacement Value, Depreciation, Sinking Fund, Gross Rent, Ground Rent, Net Rent, Gross
Income, Outgoing, Net Income, Years Purchase, Free-hold Property. Simple Workouts on
Valuation by Rent, Depreciation, Year of Purchase of land and building.


BUILDING DISEASES AND TREATMENT (Building Maintenance and Repair)

1. Definition and identification of Building Diseases and Treatments, i.e. distress,

defects, decay, damage, etc.
2. Historical background of subject.
3. Determination of age and strength of structural members of a building under
4. Foundation related problems and treatments.
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5. Masonry and concrete walls causes, effects and remedies of a) dampness,

condensation, efflorescence, b) cracks in walls, Insertion / replacement of DPC.
6. Effect of age, weather, environment and temperature variation on masonry
structure and mud-walls.
7. R.C.C. and Steel Structures a) R.C.C. Structures factors affecting durability of
concrete and remedial measures, diagnosis and treatment of distressed structures, R.C.C.
Floor / Roof preventive measures, waterproofing, leaking, treatments, expansion joints;
R.B.C. construction, buildings affected by atmosphere near seashore, fire resistance,
treatment to R.C.C. structure damaged due to fire, b) Steel Structures maintenance and
8. Timber Works diagnosis of decay and treatment; new materials substitute to
timber works in building.
9. Studies on Natural Calamities preventive and remedial measures for earthquake,
flood, storm, etc. Tutorial Diagnostic studies in the form of report illustrated by graphics,
sketches, drawings, charts, tables, illustrations, photographs with site visits of necessary and
important places of maintenance / repair and restoration of the items mentioned in the



An exploration of the fundamental principles of human physiology, thermal and

luminous comfort, and indoor quality. Emphasis is on bioclimatic and psychometric climate
analysis and its relationship to architectural design, understanding the energy exchange
between body in space, the natural meaning of enclosures, and non-structural materials and
systems. The focus is on passive heating, cooling and day lighting systems and their design.
Exercises include vital sign analysis of existing spaces (thermal, air, luminous), forming
hypotheses of building performance, using scientific instrumentation, tenant survey
techniques, and physical modeling and simulation techniques related to day-lighting and
shading techniques.


HOUSING I (Urban, Rural)

(a) Urban
* Study of principles of housing standards: Housing for all classes, Housing cost.

* Financing the housing for the Economically weaker section of the population,
working class.
* Housing for special groups such as single or aged persons.
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* Different methods for providing housing such as housing Co-operatives Employees

housing etc., their applicability to the different parts of the country; their prospects and
* Slums and bustees and causes for their growth, Arresting growth of slums and
bustees, measures adopted to control growth and development of slums and bustees.
(b) Rural
* House in rural areas, study of houses in different climatic zones in India with
emphasis on rural housing in West Bengal.
* Efficiency of rural houses at different climatic zones, Roof insulation, ventilation,
Damp and Moisture prevention, Planning and Circulation, sanitation, Health and Hygiene.
* Available materials in different regions and their impact on planning and
Architecture of rural housing, innovation and introduction of new materials and new ideas.
* Housing economics and public policy.



* Introduction to Urban Design: Introduction to urban design concept and house

Community and environment, community and technology, individual & collective needs,
Social physical : economic constraints.
* Urban Sociology: Fundamentals of Sociology, Social pattern and problems of urban
settlements (including high rise and over crowding). Social pattern of rural settlements.
Study of behavior of individuals & groups and their interactions. Migration Problems &
issues related to hawkers squatters and evicted persons.
* Introduction to Research Methods and Techniques: Introduction of fundamentals of
research and investigation basic theories and methods. Different research methods and
techniques. Application of research methods to Architecture, Urban Design and Planning
including field study.


SERVICES & EQUIPMENT (Illumination and domestic wiring)

* Importance of light in architecture; perception of light and color; photometry.

* Lamps, luminaries, their characteristics and their field of application. Standard

levels of illumination for different visible tasks; architectural effects through illumination;
different indices.

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* Design directives for illumination in interiors and exteriors-in homes, public places,
centre of performing arts, art galleries, display & shop windows, parks and play grounds,
indoor play spaces, factories, offices and conference halls, dining halls etc.
* Domestic wiring systems (exposed and concealed) for small residence and high-rise
buildings. Sub-station, protection against lighting, earthing.



* Sound, musical sound, noise-echo, reverberation-reverberation time-Live room.

Plane wave and its propagation in two different media-reflection, Absorption coefficients.
* Design of an auditorium-size, shape-sitting arrangement.
* Effect of noise on hearing in auditorium Effect of regeneration on hearing of
speech-variation of reverberation with frequency.
* Design of school building-site selection building layout and design of school
auditorium. Characteristics of a musical room-its rating and design. Specification of different
sound absorbing/insulating materials different uses. Design of an open air-theatre-site
* Design and modification for auditorium used for sound picture theatre.



Elements of Interior Design, Colours, Craping furniture, furnishings, fittings/fixture,

construction materials, illumination, plant materials.



Definition and scope: definition of town in India, classification of towns according to

population (Indian census), Criteria of urban settlement in ancient time. Towns according to
forks, Indian (Manasara, Gridiron, Radisi, Linear, Ribbon Development, Growth and
development of Towns (Urban Settlements):
Ancient: Egyptian, Indus, and West Asiatic.
Classic: Greek Roman, Mediaeval: Renaissance, Pre-industrial, Town planning
concept since industrial revolution : Impact of industrial revolution on planning. Planning
concepts by utopians: Cadbury, Lever brothers, etc. Patric Geddes Sir Ebenezer Howard and
Garden City concept, Lecthworth, Wylwin Town planning laws.
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Survey : Zoning, Master Plan, Roads and Communication, Recreational areas, open
spaces, Residential areas, Neighborhood unit, etc. New Towns, Harlows, Stevenage,
Chandigarh, Brasilia, Contemporary Planning. The background of rural planning and
development socially, economically and physically, Review of rural development in India
generally, Rural planning in West Bengal.
Importance of Community Development concept on rural planning and
development in post-Independence period. Rural services & infrastructure, Sanitation,
Water supply, Conservation, development energy planning and environmental protection,
rural industry.
Case studies.


Strategy and the privately-held company transition
Managing change in the family-owned business

Next generation leadership development

Family enterprise and economic development


* Study of relevant building rules, bye-laws (Calcutta, Salt Lake);
* West Bengal Municipal Act, 1993 with amendments upto date;
* National Building Code.
* Tender and its different constituents.
(a) Conditions of engagement.
(b) Specifications of Workmanship & Materials.
(c) Specifications of different items of works.
(d) Schedule of quantities.
* Supervision of projects.
* Checking and certifying contractors bills.
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* Detail study on PERT, CPM, Bar Chart.
Building Economics
Economic Principles:(i) Definition of Economics and Economic System.
(ii) Factors of production with special emphasis on land.
(iii) Types of Business organization
(iv) Business units.
(v) Cost of production.
Accounting :
(i) Definition of Accounting Types of Accounting.
(ii) Definition of cost classification and interpretation of cost.
(iii) Preparation of cost sheet.
(iv) Marginal costing and Management Decision.
(v) Contract costing.
(vi) Accounting Ratios.
(vii) Value analysis and project evaluation.

All the above factors should be considered with respect to Building Operation as
economic activity.


* General Principles of Valuation;
* Concepts : Value, Price and Cost;
Market : Perfect, Imperfect and Monopoly, Law of Demand, Supply and Pricing;

* Definitions : Value in Use and Value in Exchange, Market Value, Reproduction

Value, Replacement Value, Re-installment Value, Book Value, Salvage Value / Scrap Value,
Capital Value / Sinking Fund;
* Depreciation and Obsolescence.
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* Rent : Ground Rent, Gross Rent, Rack Rent, Net Rent, Leases and Reversion
examples by sums on rent and valuation of Lease-holds;
* Net Income : Tears Purchase, examples by sums on Income Computation;
* Property : Freehold, Lease-hold, Condominiums and Co-operatives, Timeshared
Property, Developmental Rights;
* Principal Methods of Valuation : Cost Approach, Income Approach, Market



(a) Meaning of Architectural Design; usefulness of design methods in architecture;

short-comings in the knowledge of architectural design method; impact of high capacity
electronic computer and new trend in the study of design method; different approaches in
the architectural design process.
(b) Meaning of system; natural and man-made systems; built-environment as a
system; steps in system design.
(c) Rational and creative approaches: application in architectural design solution
need for both approaches.
(d) Model: different methods of representing architectural design iconic, analog
and symbolic models; applying modeling techniques in architecture housing in particular.
(e) Identification of multiple criteria in architecture; study different criteria;
identifying architectural design solution as a multi-criteria decision making problem.
(f) Optimization: graphical optimization with two variables; linear programming
application in architecture and its short-comings; non-linear optimization; multi-crietria
decision-making process; genetic algorithm.
(g) Concept of Pattern Language; modern developments in the concept of space
representation: Dimensionless Rectangular Dissection, Shape Grammar, Space Syntax.



To study the definition, theory and values of conservation. To study the

conservation- ethics and the principles defined in the Venice Charter and Burra Charter.
Students have to study a historic building appropriate for conservation in context of the
various conservation-values, study the architectural style and survey to prepare a floor plan
layout, inspect its structural and physical condition and suggest the possible method of
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To study the different energy-efficient principles of a building and their various

application techniques in different climatic zones prevailing in India including solar active
and passive features. The students have to take individual or group projects dealing with at
least one or more than one technique.



Study of Factors causing disaster for buildings, Design of Earthquake Resistant

Buildings, environmental conditions in coastal areas, cyclones and tornados, Wind resistant
buildings. Fire protection provisions in buildings, infrastructure provisions for flood



Natural Environment, Man-made Environment, Air and Water in urban

environment, Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Open and Green Spaces, Environmental
Impact Assessment, Natural Disasters and their impacts on Urban Environment.



To study Climate, indoor environment quality and energy use for Energy
conservation, Conservation of historic buildings, Sustainable management of existing
building stocks, Recycling of building materials, parts of buildings and debris, Conservation
of water, energy and infrastructure, proper Management of wastes, Environmental Impact
Assessment and Tools, Environmental ethics and sustainable building design particles.



Study of the definitions of infrastructure. Necessity and Importance for

Infrastructure. Various Public Infrastructural Facilities like Roads, Water Supply System,
Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Waste Disposal System, Electrification, Gas Supply
System, etc. Government Organisations, Public Agencies associated for planning of such
infrastructure. Planning strategies of various infrastructural facilities in a new and existing
town. Planning for infrastructure of rural areas of the country. Current National and
International trends in Infrastructural Planning. Technology for execution of such

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