Electronic voting system, EVC, is a system which refers to the electronic means of casting vote and counting of the same.
This work is aimed at computerizing the Nigeria voting system. It is a window based application to be developed with the
visual studio 6.0 and Microsoft Access 2003 Database Application Package. This application can be deployed to many
polling destination and internetwork them using a router. It will enable voters to register and get accredited, as well as
candidates and parties. It also allows voting, counting of votes, collation, verification, authentication and authorization
of votes and hence making result of vote available on time and this eradicate fraudulent rigging and manipulation.
Keywords: Application packages, Electronic voting system, Nigeria, Router, Voters
Received 09.03.2013 Accepted 19.06.2013
Elections allow the populace to choose their representatives and express the preferences for how they
will be governed .Naturally, the integrity of the election process is fundamental to the integrity of
democracy itself. The election system must be sufficiently robust to withstand a variety of fraudulent
behaviors and must be sufficiently transparent and comprehensible that voters and candidate can accept
the results of an election [1].
Unsurprisingly, history is littered with examples of elections being manipulated in order to influence their
outcome. The design of a good voting system, whether electronic or using traditional paper ballots or
mechanical devices must satisfy a number of sometimes competing criteria.
Electronic voting system (also known as e voting) is an electronic system which uses electronic ballot
that would allow voters to transmit their secure and secret voted ballot to election officials over the
computer [2].
Electronic democracy is a necessity in this era Communication and information technology. E -voting is
one of the pillars of the e-democracy which refers to the use of computers or computerized voting
equipments to ease and to tabulate ballots in an election in a trustable manner.
Due to the nature of electronic systems the security and reliability of the system should be handled
properly in order to make the e-voting system an applicable alternative to the paper based voting system
for the government elections [3].
Problems manifested in form of election malpractice in Nigeria includes multiple voting, staffing of ballot
box with ballot papers, absconding with ballot boxes, mutilation of election result sheets and falsification
of election results and election violence.
The main aim and objectives of this study are tailored towards eliminating some of the identified
problems and voting irregularities and foster a formidable structure for the Nigerian voting system by
designing a comprehensible electronic voting system for the entire voting processes that eliminate
election malpractices. This study is constrained to the design of software application to manage, control
and monitor some of the activities of INEC that is, to register eligible voter, electoral parties and
Since 1999, Nigerians have been voting in 120, 000 polling units with the voting population between 56
million and 62 million. About 56m Nigerians actually voted during the 2007 general elections which were
rated as flawed by most foreign observers and Nigerians. The level of transparency and integrity in
elections in Nigeria, peaked during the 1993 elections, but has since then been declining to such an extent
that citizen fear that the 2011 elections could spell doom for democracy in the country. The controversies
about zoning and consensus candidate are side issues. What Nigerians are more concerned about is the
voting itself whether it will be free and fair and every votes will counts so that candidates of the choice
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will emerge victorious, to subsequently administer the country with a real mandate and genuine
commitment to the promotion of public well being.
In the past, people go to polling place and take the blank ballots, then punch a hole or append the seal. If
the seal is not clear enough, or the vote is damaged by soiling, it may bring some debate on the result. In
order to resolve these situations, the technology of electronic voting (e-voting) comes into existence [4].
By using information technology, E-voting system can cast and count votes with higher convenience and
efficiency, even make the electoral procedures simple and reduce the mistake rate of ballot examination.
Recent years, a considerable number of countries has adopted E voting for their official elections. In
1998, Brazil make use of the E- voting. When the voter reaches the polling place, he shows his identity
card for authenticating. The Electoral officer issued the ballot for E-voting if he is an eligible voter. Brazils
E-voting systems transmit votes to electrical center immediately so that the count of votes can take place
without wasting time while the voting finished [5].
Japan adopted E-voting for local election in 2002, such as mayor and councilor election of Niimi city in
Okayama prefecture in June 23, 2002; mayor election of Hiroshima city in February 02, 2003; and mayor
election of Kyoto city in February 08, 2004. For example, let us considered mayor and counselor election
of Niimi city electoral center surveyed the voters reliability when the election finished. There are 83% of
voters considered that E-voting system is trusted. 56% of them considered that the results of E-voting
and paper based voting are the same therefore E-voting is sufficient for reliable [6]. The reasons why
voters cant trust the E-voting system are voters worried about the abuses in E-voting system, and they
cannot make sure their ballot are recorded correctly.
In Belgium, election for the federal Parliament was held in May 18, 2003. In order to assist voters in being
familiar with E-voting system, electoral center held short term training. Counting efficiency in the election
with E-voting systems was faster than convention [7]. Belgiums compulsory voting system and E-voting
complement each other, voters satisfaction and attending willingness of join voting are improved
Nigeria, one-third larger than Texas in area and the most populous country in Africa, is located on the gulf
of Guinea in West Africa. It is bordered by Niger and Chad to the north, Cameroon to the east, and Benin to
the west. The lower course of the Niger River flows south through the western part of the country into the
Gulf of Guinea. Swamps and mangrove forests border the southern coast, while in land are hardwood
The Nigeria Electoral system is the single member constituency type with competitive multiparty and the
first past the post winner system. The method of voting used in four out of five past elections, that is, in
1979, 1983, 1999 and 2003 was the Open Ballot System (OBS) in which the prospective voter goes
through a process of accreditation, receives a ballot paper from the appropriate poll official ad thereafter
makes the confidential thumb impression in favour of the political party or candidate of choice in a secret
voting compartment before dropping the ballot in the box positioned in the open, in the full glare of
officials, security and party agents.
The modified open ballot system was adopted in the 1993 elections in which voters filled behind the
party symbol or photograph of the candidate of choice. Voters were physically counted at the close of
polls and the results declared to officials, security and party agents. Although the method is simple and
produced what many in Nigeria have often described as the fairest and most peaceful elections in the
country, the election was unsuccessful.
The independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) is a non partisan Nigerian government agency
charged with the conduct and supervision of elections. In the late 1990s, the agency began modernizing
its information technology infrastructure by migrating from an outdated legacy voting system heavily
dependent on inaccurate paper records and polling cards to the newer Electronic Voting System (EVS)
[8]. At the heart of EVS is the Electronic Voter Register (EVR), which, by capturing the names of all eligible
voters, eliminates duplication and thereby minimizes discrepancies in the electoral process. As such, EVR
is viewed as a means of ensuring free and fair elections in Nigeria.
As part of the modernization process, INEC needed to inventory and spatially locate the agencys 120,000
polling locations scattered around the country. These locations and their attributes needed to be linked to
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The current system of voting as at 26th of April, 2011 was the Open Ballot System (OBS) and the current
system has not giving the desired result intended. Rigging has been the common problem that is facing
the general electoral system; these and many others are manifested as follows:
Ballot paper hijack, Incorrect thumb print rendering the vote void, Lack of voters security confidentiality,
Delay of electoral materials resorting a large queue, hence discourage the voters interest in the voting
process, Inaccuracy in counting and collating of the electorate votes.
Although the current system has mitigates some of the election malpractice as described above, and was
able to provide some level of democratic dividend to about thirty to forty percent (30%-40%) but yet to
meet up with the international standard for the provision of viable, successful and generally accepted
electoral system for democracy.
The main components of the system include the Electronic Voters Register- a database of eligible Voters
with complete photographs, cryptographic data (voter identification, VID and personal identification
Number, PIN) and other bio data such as age, sex, address, unit register, state of origin etc; voter
Accreditation and Authentication prior to voting period (Figures 1.0 and 2.0). This will be based on the
use of a secure VID and the photograph on the cards.
Importantly, Electronic Voting System however allows immediate collation and transmission of election
results directly from each of the polling unit at the close of polls to designated collation centre nationwide
[9]. It is the hope of the independent National Electoral Commission, INEC that given the culture of
election violence including ballot snatching, impersonation, ballot stuffing and vote rigging the
introduction of electronic voting system will reduce to the barest minimum these unwholesome electoral
malpractices. In particular the direct transmission of results will eliminate to a very great extent the
opportunity for vote rigging which usually occur between the close of ballot and the collation of results.
On the registration of electorate, each voter is expected to provide his/her relevant bio data, photograph
and the system automatically generate voter identification number, VID which the user shall use to create
his/her personal identification number, PIN on accreditation which shall be done by the individual voters
themselves for the purpose of security and confidentiality.
The system captures the electoral candidates profiles as well as maintaining the parties information.
Consequently, on each polling day, the voter can easily login with his/her PIN to cast the vote for his/her
prospective party / candidate and the voter can also verify if their vote counts or not. Once a vote is
submitted, a voter cannot go back and vote the same candidate again because the system will not allow
multiple voting.
After the voting exercise the result of the winner will be announced and each voter can also verify and
view the detail of the votes as cast for transparency.
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The Choice of Programming Language: is the development tool employed to design the electronic voting
system. The programming language (i.e. the front end) used for the development of this system is
Microsoft visual basic 6.0 and the database which represent the back end is Microsoft Access 2003.
The motivation behind the selection of Microsoft visual basic 6.0 over other programming language to
design and develop the system own to its features which include:
Flexibility, Modular programming, Easy debugging and evaluation, User friendliness, Skill and familiarity
to the language, Object oriented programming
System specification and requirement are very important in that they support the new system to function
efficiently and effectively. These are: Software and Hardware requirements of the system.
Software Requirement: this refer o the abstractive component of the system which cannot be seen but
their effect felt. These are: Operating system should be from any version of Microsoft window XP to the
latest one, Application package include: Microsoft office especially MS Access for the database., Software
utilities like Antivirus, .Net frame work, version from 2.5 upward [11].
Hardware Requirement: The configuration of the systems hardware could be
DVD/CD ROM, Intel Pentium IV and above, 20GB Hard disk, 512Mb of Ram, A printer.
The operating mode of the system is the real time operation. This is because as the operation is being
carried out immediately it is also being process to generate the result of the vote cast at the central
system. This mode of operation is useful in that it tries to avoid all sorts of malpractices and to avoid
delay in the voting processes.
The maintenance of the system is the process of preserving and correcting any form of damage or errors
that might interrupt or disrupt the effectiveness of the system. This is to ensure that the system retains its
durability and optimum functionality as though it was new.
Regardless to how well designed constructed and tested a system or application may be error or bug will
inevitably occur. These can be caused by: Poorly validated requirement, incorrectly implemented
requirement or designed, Simple misuse of the system.
For credibility, integrity and accountability of the independent National Electoral commission, INEC to
ensure a free and fair electoral process in Nigeria, it is recommended that the commission should
embrace and integrate Electronic Voting System to the current voting system.
Apparently, the adoption of EVS to Nigerian electoral system in this information age will cause a rapid
paradigm shift which will directly or indirectly affect the common man on the street. INEC should once
more canvass for the full use of the Electronic Voting System. With the Electronic Voters Register now in
place, the masses should all go out to support the system.
However INEC should always employ competent (computer literate) adhoc staff to carry out any future
electoral activities. The mind set of electoral officers and Assistant electoral officers need to be alienated
to the new order.
There is no doubt that a comprehensive Electronic Voting System will enhance the standard of elections
in the country. Literarily speaking, the future is in our hands. While accepting that there are problems
with election in Nigeria, it is equally true to say that the people must work hard to overcome them.
Election is a process involving many stake holders who are expected to perform their expected functions
at the right time. These stakeholders are the government, the electoral committee, political parties,
security agents, civil society and the electorate. The stake is certainly not an easy one, but with proper
focus and hard work electronic voting process can be achieved.
To sum up the discussion above, this paper clarifies the requirements and key elements of E-voting
system and our implementation provide the following features. To begin with, the accuracy of voters
identity and ballot card are ensured with this voting system. Next, voters identities are not written in the
ballot card to protect voters privacy and confidentiality. This system will validate whether the ballot card
is to protect voters privacy and confidentiality. The system will validate whether the ballot card is
authorized or not, to make sure only legal user can vote, and voters authorities are limited in order to
prevent his violation.
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Citation of Article: Kuye C.O; Coker J.O; Ogundeinde I.A and Coker C.A. Design and Analysis of Electronic Voting
System in Nigeria. Int. Arch. App. Sci. Technol., Vol 4 [2] June 2013: 15-20
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