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The Seven Wonders of The Hell

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Critique to a John Hagee’s Sermon

Dear Mr. Hagee

While browsing the channels, I happened watching you onto your broadcast on TBN.
Shortly thereafter I heard your sermon on "Hell." You said that God inspired His Word in
the Greek language because, "Greek is the most exact language on the face of the earth!"
Therein lays the difficulty with your sermons.

God's Word does not contradict. It makes sense in the words God chose. Christ warns
against "adding to" or "taking away from" this Word (Rev. 22:18-19). When teaching
God's Word we are to rightly divide (or cut) His Word (II Tim. 2:15-18). We are to "...
distinguish the things that differ" (Phil. 1:10). We are to have a pattern of sound words (II
Tim. 1:13-14). In addition to these we are to shun the traditions of men (Col. 2:8) and the
wisdom of this world (1 Cor. 1:20 & 3:19). It is a rare teacher who actually does these

What prompted this letter was your statement that: "Greek is the most exact language on
the face of the earth," followed by the statement that Christ is going to reign "for ever and
for ever and for ever ... " In the English, this statement is contradictory and redundant,
and in the Greek it has no equivalent. If "for ever" means "always" or "eternity," what
pray does "and for ever" mean? Is that something like whiter than white?

Your statement is both untrue and unscriptural. If your statement that Christ will reign
"for ever and for ever and for ever ..." were confined to Christ's reigning only, it would
not be as harmful as when applied to other false doctrines that are taught to last "for ever
and for ever and for ever." Specifically, I make reference to your teaching on "hell" (in
Greek Hades = the unseen or imperceptible), which you teach is a place of eternal
torment. I mean not only teach but you made this issue number one in your preaching (#2
is praising Israel and waiting the Temple to be rebuilt, as far as I understood from your


The King James does say in Rev. 11:15 that Christ will reign "for ever and ever."
However, when you add the 3rd "and for ever," it becomes unscriptural. Furthermore, as
the Authorized Version of Rev. 11:15 is an unfortunate and misleading translation, the
phrase "for ever and ever" is also unscriptural. Remember, Greek is a very exact
language, but King James is a very inexact translation. Here's what God's "exact" Word
says regarding this matter.

It never ceases to amaze me that words (most words in most languages) have fairly
precise and restricted meanings until these same words are used in religion, where they
apparently lose all logic and preciseness of meaning. 

First of all, the Greek in Rev. 11:15 is not "for ever and ever," but "aions of the aions."
The Greek is not "and," it is "of." It's in the genitive. Check this out for yourself. "OF"
contrasts one thing with another. It does not "add" one thing to another. This is a big
difference. Rev. 11:15, "aion" is in the plural, "aions." Now if you insist that "aion"
means "for ever" or "eternal," how is it possible to have a plurality of "eternities?" Let me
suggest, Mr. Hagee, that that question mark is larger than it appears on this page. And
now …

In your sermon THE SEVEN WONDERS OF HELL, you made the following

1. "This is God's message, not mine."

2. "The soul will die and spend eternity without God."

3. "Jesus said twice as much about hell as He did heaven."

4. "Hell is Heaven's junkyard."

5. "Hell is the eternal home of every person who rejects the gospel

6. "Demon # 3 said, 'Lets get the pastors in every congregation ... let's tell them to tell
their people that a loving God would never send anyone to a place [Hell] this horrible."

7. "The pulpit says, 'Just go ahead and do what you want to. The grace of God gives you
a blank check to sin and do as you please.'"

8. "Jesus said: 'Fear those who can kill both the body and put the soul in hell.'"

9. "Satanism is the fastest growing religion in America."

10. "Jesus believed in Hell."

11. "John 3:16, You perish in the place called Hell."

12. "Paul believed in Hell"

13. "Hell is an eternal reality and whether you believe it or not, without Christ you're
going there."

14. "Matt. 7:13, 'Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to Hell."

15. "Christ was saying the majority of humanity will spend eternity in hell"

16. "Jesus was an extremist, a fanatic."


17. "Jesus said your chances of living in Hell for ever are very good."

18. "He [Jesus] was a right wing Bible fundamentalist."

19. "You send yourself to Hell for rejecting the gospel of Jesus Christ."

20. "In this Bible parable, the rich man died and he went to Hell."

21. "Lazarus died and he went to Heaven."

22. "They will not be persuaded if they saw someone walk out of the city of the dead."

23. "For ever and ever all you're going to hear are the screams and sobs and suffering for
ever and for ever and for ever ... and it's justice."

24. "Hell is called, 'The Lake of Fire,' 'Outer Darkness,' 'A place of weeping and wailing
and gnashing of teeth,' 'A place of torment with fire,' 'A place without rest,' 'A place
where the fire is never quenched and its worm dieth not.'"

25. "The rich man died ... he heard blood curdling screams of millions of people that
never cease."

26. "Hell is a place of consciousness."

27. "Those in hell pulling [his?] singed hair."

28. "The rich man looked from the bottomless pit of eternity."

29. "Every man, every woman, every boy, and every girl who dies without knowing Jesus
Christ spends an eternity in a city where the fire is never quenched and the worm dieth

30. "The rich man looked from the bottomless pit of eternity, a place of absolute darkness
where he couldn't see his hand in front of his face."

Since you claim to believe that "The Greek language is the most exact language on the
face of the earth," it is astonishing to me to think that you made all of these inexact
statements on national television, deceiving millions who believe you without studying
for themselves (terrible mistake).

Mr. Hagee, every single statement above, quoted from your sermon on Hell, is untrue and
unscriptural, with one exception. The only true and scriptural statement made out of these
thirty quotes is the one, ironically, attributed to "Demon # 3."

You shout out these statements with such authority, as though you really know what you
are talking about. Using humor a lot because your sermon is more like a show than

preaching the Gospel to needy people. I don’t remember Jesus or apostles joking in front
of sinners who need to hear the true.

These statements are totally foreign to the Word of God. Where, pray tell, does one find
these phrases in the Word of God: "Hell is Heaven's junkyard", "soul winning," "eternity
in hell," "Jesus was a fanatic," "The city of the dead," "The Rich man died and went to
hell." "Lazarus died and he went to Heaven," "Hell is a place of consciousness," The
bottomless pit of eternity." This is unscriptural nonsense, Mr. Hagee. None of these
phrases are used in the Scriptures. Let's examine a few of your unscriptural statements:

- You started you sermon by saying: "This is God's message, not mine." Oh, really? God
said none of this.

- "The soul will die and spend eternity without God."

If the soul dies, then it is dead, and a dead soul doesn't spend anything with anybody.
Dead souls are in hades [Greek = the UNSEEN or imperceptible]. Besides, these same
dead souls can be redeemed from sheol or hades (Psa. 49:15). And when one is
"redeemed," one will spend eternity with God.

- "Jesus said twice as much about hell as He did heaven."

The fact, Mr. Hagee, is that the word "hell" is used in the Authorized Version of the
Gospels 14 times, while the word "heaven" is used in the Gospels 150 times. Well?

You said: "Hell is heaven's junkyard!" Where does Scripture say such a thing? I think a
little discretion is needed when referring to God and His habitation.

- "Hell is the eternal home of every person who rejects the gospel."

"Hell" is not in the Greek Scriptural Vocabulary. "Hades," on the other hand, is not an
eternal abiding place, nor is it ever referred to as a "home." Nowhere do the Scriptures
speak of souls remaining in hades permanently.

- "Demon # 3: Let's get the pastors in every congregation ... let's tell them to tell their
people that a loving God would never send anyone to a place this horrible."

This statement is true and Scriptural. Too bad it had to come from the mouth of a demon.

True, many of God's judgments, chastisements, and punishments are severe by our
standards, but, truly, as "demon # 3" reportedly stated: "God would never send anyone to
a place this horrible." And how do we know that for sure?

"The last enemy is being abolished: DEATH" (I Cor. 15:27).


Thise is not difficult to understand. The problem is that men don't want to believe. It is
faith that you lack, Pastor Hagee, faith to believe these marvelous scriptures regarding the

- The pulpits say: "Just go ahead and do what you want to, the Grace of God gives you a
blank check to sin and do as you please."

I can't understand how you could say such a thing. The pulpits of the Churches say no
such thing. I'm certainly not defending these churches, but to attribute that statement to
them is in gross error. Most churches in American teach and preach a strict adherence to
the Ten Commandments.

- "The church in America has forgotten the idea of punishment for sin"

But you are not talking about "punishment for sin." You are talking about "eternal
torture." Let's talk about "punishment."

"Punished," "punishing," or "punishment" is found only three times in the Greek text.
And two of those occurrences have to do with Paul punishing the saints. Therefore, there
is only ONE time that the word "Punishment" is used with reference to evil doers in the
entire Greek Scriptures. I hope this doesn't disappoint you.

"Punishment" is translated from the Greek word timoria = VALUE-LIFT. "Punishment"

has to do with satisfying the one doing the inflicting. Whereas, "chastening" has in view
the amendment of the one being disciplined. Both can be severe or mild. They can be for
a short time or for an extended period of time. The words themselves do not set

In Heb. 10 we have three words in view regarding deeds of evildoers: Punishment,

Vengeance, and Judging. Where God uses "chasten," we must not translate it "punish."
These are two different words in Greek, and must be rendered such in translating them.

When we look at Paul's persecution of the Church (Acts 22:5, 26:11), Paul was not
"chastening" the Church, but "punishing" them. It was not a "disciplinary" action on his
part, but rather causing pain, suffering, and loss to the Church for crimes Paul imagined
they had committed.

"Punishment" inflicts pain, loss, and suffering, which are humbling to the human spirit.

"Judging" has to do with setting things right. We can learn the meaning of this word
"Judge" by looking at Gen. 18:25. The Authorized Version has: " ... Shall not the Judge
of all the earth do right?"

This verse is not really translated properly; however, its meaning is "right on." That is,
both "judge" and "right" in this verse are from the same Hebrew word shaphat. The
proper translation is: "The Judge of the entire earth, will He not execute Judgment?" But

the Authorized Version does bring out the true meaning nicely. To "judge" is to "do right."
But oh, how the simple meanings of words have been corrupted by theologians!

We have been told that "Judgment Day" will be the most feared event to ever overtake
Earth. In reality, "Judgment Day" will inaugurate one of the most marvelous works of
God since creation.

In this connection, notice an amazing verse. "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees,
hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the
weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith." (Mat. 23:23).

Oh how Christ berated the Pharisees for their many evils. They kept what they thought
was the law so strictly that it became an overwhelming burden.

Notice the company judgment keeps: "mercy and faith." Judgment is not bad, it is good.
The Pharisees lacked mercy, faith, and judgment. They didn't do right. They didn't set
things right. And they didn't just neglect it at times, they left it and "omitted" it

After the wicked are "punished" and "avenged," then God sets them right. In fact, He sets
all things right. Read it again: "The Judge of the entire earth, will He not do right?"
Christ's sacrifice paid the penalty for our sins. We are more than pardoned or forgiven, we
are "justified." However, that does not "set right" all the evil that has been done. This God
does at judgment.

" ... Yet now, once, at the conclusion of the eons, for the Repudiation of sin
through His sacrifice, is He manifest" (Heb. 9:26).

"For this was the Son of God manifested, that He should be annulling the acts of
the Adversary" (I Jn 3:8).

Seeing that Satan is the "god" of this world [eon], most of Satan's works involve
mankind. And all of these acts are going to be annulled. Annulled! Do you have any
comprehension of what that means? These are the grand topics of Scripture you should be
preaching and teaching. It sure beats the unscriptural topic of eternal torment.

- Why don't you preach a sermon next week on "annulling the acts of the Adversary" or
"The repudiation of sin?" How can you possibly explain these two verses using the
doctrines you teach? You teach that sin and evil are permanent fixtures in God's creation,
and that they will go on eternally in your fabled Hell. According to you God can never
abolish sin and evil.

Do you know what "repudiation" means? It means to UN-PLACE. The name "God"
means "placer." The Great Almighty PLACER is going to UN-PLACE sin. Repudiation
means DIS-ANNULING. Disannuling means "To annul COMPLETELY; to render
ABSOLUTELY VOID" Webster's Twentieth-Century Dictionary p. 480. Yet you tell us
that men, women, demons and devils will continue to "sin" in the fire of Hell for all

eternity. You tell us that Christ will not "repudiate" their sins, that is, He will not annul
them and render them void.

- As I study God's Word I keep asking myself: "How can anyone not see
these simple truths? The answer is: "The blind cannot see."

What about "chastisement?" Simply by understanding the meaning of this word all
notions of "eternal" chastening are nullified. "Chasten" is used with a view to
amendment, in contrast to punishment, which is penal.

Webster's first definition is: "to punish in order to make better." Since chastisement has to
do with a view to the future (of making one better or corrected), how, pray, could it ever
be eternal? Since "chastisement" is used in connection with the eons, the translators
should have deduced that since "chastening" is temporary, therefore "eons" cannot be
eternal! No Scripture shows chastisement to last beyond the eons. And usually it is used
with destruction and death that last for the eons. There is no pain, suffering, or torture
while one is dead. (Psa. 146:3-4 & Ecc. 9:10

- "Jesus said fear not those who can kill the body, but fear those who can kill both the
body and put the soul in hell (Ghehenna)."

Mr. Hagee, Jesus never said any such thing. Not even the King James Version defends
you here. This verse says: "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to
kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in
hell [Gehenna]."

Jesus said: " ... fear him," not " ... fear those." And where does it say to " ... fear those
who can kill both the body and put the soul in hell?" " ... put the soul in hell?" That false
expression is unscriptural. You made it up. God's Word has something to say about "false

"Now the spirit is saying explicitly, that in subsequent eras some will be
withdrawing from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and the teachings of
demons, in the hypocrisy of FALSE EXPRESSIONS ... " (I Tim. 4:2) Concordant
Literal N.T.

You have used dozens of "false expressions" in just one sermon. God says that it would
be a sign of our time (subsequent eras) that men would use "false expressions." Anyone
who does such things is grouped with those who:

1. Withdraw from the faith 3. the teachings of demons, and

2. Give heed to deceiving spirits 4. are hypocrites!

That sounds like a pretty serious indictment to me, Mr. Hagee. Look carefully at what
Jesus really said in Matt. 10:28: "And do not fear those who are killing the body, yet

are not able to kill the soul. Yet be fearing Him, rather, Who is able to destroy the
soul as well as the body in Gehenna."

Jesus said not to fear those who can "kill," but rather fear Him [Jesus Christ] who is able
to destroy the soul as well as the body in Gehenna. The first part of the verse is man's
operation, but the second part of the verse is God's. Men have no jurisdiction over the
soul. All they can do is kill the body. But God can destroy both soul and body in

Man consists of a body which, when God imparts His spirit to it, becomes a living soul.
The soul is the result of the combination of body and spirit. There is "soul" only as long
as God's spirit unites with the body. At death, God takes back His spirit and the "soul"
goes to the unseen (or imperceptible). Hades in Greek or Sheol in Hebrew are not
geographical locations, but rather a condition.

- "Satanism is the fastest growing religion in America."

What? You have got to be kidding. I don't even know of a religious group that openly
acknowledges Satan as their god. I have heard of an occasional small group from time to
time that makes the news for one day. They are usually small groups of five to ten, and
consist mostly of teenagers. And usually, these groups fall apart just about as fast as they
get started. But to say that Satanism (those who openly and admittedly worship Satan) is
the fastest growing religion in America is absurd. We can say that Satanism is preaching
about an everlasting burning Hell contrary to God’s Word and contrary to His character.
Are you one of those Hell-preachers, aren’t you?

Back to your sermon:

- "If you never hear another gospel sermon you'll hear enough gospel today to stand
before the judgment bar of God-guilty as charged."

Don't flatter yourself, Mr. Hagee. This sermon of yours on Hell can hardly be called a
"gospel sermon." You didn't preach a whiff of the gospel. The gospel is "good news."
Your sermon was the worst of "bad news." Why assume that the fruit of the true gospel
(which a few people do preach) will culminate in "standing before the judgment bar of
God - guilty as charged?"

- "What is the result of the gospel without the place called hell?"

What is the result of a gospel with this teaching of yours on Hell? You are driving
millions from God and God's Word - that is the result. There is no gospel (or good news)
in this teaching.

- "If you don't believe there is something to be saved from you won't win people to a
living Savior."

One doesn't have to believe in a fabled Hell of eternal torture to realize that there is
plenty to be saved from! How about saved from sin and evil? What about being saved
from ourselves? What about being saved from weakness, stupidity, ignorance, foolishness
and vanity? What about being saved from corruption, immorality, mortality and death?
(What about being saved from any more of Pastor Hagee's sermons on Hell?) You don't
think these are things to be saved from?

- "Jesus believed in Hell."

Jesus never even said the word "hell" so how could He believe in it? Mark 9:46" ... to be
cast into Gehenna, into the unextinguished fire, where their worm is not deceasing and
the fire is not going out." This is not "hell." This is "Gehenna." So why call it "hell?" The
exact Greek word is Ge'enna (in Hebrew it is: RAVINE-of-HINNOM). It is a ravine just
below Jerusalem where the city waste was incinerated.

What justification is there in translating this ravine into the English word "hell?"

You're not " ... distinguishing the things that differ" (Phil. 1:10).

You are not " ... having a pattern of sound words" (II Tim. 1:13-14).

You are "adding to" the Word of God" (Rev. 22:18-19).

You are following the "traditions of men" (Col. 2:8).

The "ravine of hinnom" (Gehenna) was the city garbage dump in Jerusalem where
the garbage was burned. And just like all garbage dumps, there were worms. The reason
they didn't die out was because there was a constant supply of refuge being fed them.
Gehenna is a real place. This place existed at the time Jesus spoke these very words. It
was burning with fire, with a daily supply of garbage, and a daily supply of worms to eat
it. But if you go there today, it is not burning and there are no worms. This Gehenna is
not eternal

How is it that learned men can so pervert and corrupt God's Word? There is not one word
in either the Greek or Hebrew languages that means "a place where evil dead people
suffer in fire for all eternity." What "exact" Greek or Hebrew word has such a meaning

- "John 3:16: You perish in the place called Hell."

I'll quote John 3:16:

"For thus God loves the world, so that He gives His only-begotten Son, that
everyone who is believing in Him should not be perishing, but may be
having life eonian."

I'll quote it from the King James:


"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

I'm sorry, Mr. Hagee, but I don't see where John 3:16 says that: "You perish in the place
called Hell?"

- "Paul believed in hell."

You quoted II Thes. 1:8-9. Let me quote it from a proper translation:

" ... in flaming fire, dealing out vengeance to those who are not acquainted
with God and those who are not obeying the evangel of our Lord Jesus
Christ - who shall incur the justice of eonian extermination from the face of
the Lord ... " (Concordant Literal New Testament).

Notice please. These people are not "tortured" in fire. They are "exterminated,
consumed." The Greek word here is ol'ethros = WHOLE-RUIN. It means to "kill or
destroy completely." Notice that the firstborn of Egypt, which included little children and
even babies, were "exterminated." (Heb. 11:28). It's the same Greek word. So let me
assure you, Mr. Hagee, that those little Egyptian babies are not being tortured in any fires
of your fabled hell!

I hear so much anymore about "life after death." Even more so in the secular world than
on TBN. There are so many TV specials, videos, and books on near death experiences
and "life after death."or NDE (near death experience). What you and other hell-preachers
need to seriously consider is that, according to the Scriptures, there really is "death after
life!" Eternal death, second death, a death with no resurrection ever…

- "Mat. 7:13, Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to hell."
"Christ was saying the majority of humanity will spend eternity in hell."

The Scriptures say no such thing, and Christ said no such thing! What Bible are you
quoting? Let's read it: "Enter ye in at the strait gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the
way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat" (Mat. 7:13).
Where does this verse say that the broad way leads to hell? It leads to "destruction"! It is
"God" Who makes these vessels "adapted for destruction" (Rom. 9:22). This has nothing
to do with eternal torture in fire. Of course, the majority of mankind does not know God
and therefore is in this class headed for destruction. But don't throw away all those
Scriptures I already gave you concerning their ultimate salvation when God removes their
blindness and saves them.

- "Jesus was a fanatic ... "

Webster's Dictionary p. 257: "fanatic, a person who carries his interest or belief in
something to a point that is no longer reasonable." I think, Mr. Hagee, that maybe you
are too eager to leap where angels fear to tread. It is your teachings that are "no longer

reasonable," not Christ's teachings! Christ was not and is not a "fanatic!" Yes, a genius
but not… Oh.

- "You send yourself to Hell for rejecting the gospel of Jesus Christ"

Most of the population of the entirety of the world through the entire history of the world,
have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. And you say they are going to hell (burning
forever-and-ever-…) because they rejected a gospel they never heard?

- "In this Bible parable, the rich man died and he went to Hell."
"Lazarus died and he went to Heaven."

The Bible says no such thing. The rich man died and was entombed. And in "Hades" he
figuratively lifts up his eyes-not in a fabled hell. Lazarus died and was figuratively
carried away into Abraham's bosom - not Heaven. You don’t know how to read a parable
and extract the moral? This parable is about believing “in Moses and prophets” – the
whole Bible, as the main tool in separation: the saved and the unsaved. See again the last
verse of this parable.

- "They will not be persuaded if they saw someone walk out of the city of the dead."

Where is the "city of the dead?" And how can someone "walk out of it" if they are dead?

- "There is no second chance after death."

I am so glad that my salvation is not a thing of chance. Sounds more like something you
would find in Las Vegas than the Scriptures. Salvation through Christ's Sacrifice is sure!
"Surely, He Who spares not His own Son, but gives Him up for us all, how shall He not,
together with Him, also, be graciously granting us ALL?" (Rom. 8:32)! By the way, I did
hear some months back that TBN was offering a tape titled "To Hell and Back" where
many people claimed to have died, went to Hell, and came back, to a second chance. I
believe this was immediately followed by a trip to Caesar's Palace, but I'm not sure. 

And, of course, again we have to ask: "What about all those millions and billions of
people who never even got a first chance? Mr. Hagee, did you accept Christ at the very
first "chance" you had opportunity to do so?

- "Every man, every woman, every boy and every girl who dies without knowing Jesus
Christ spends an eternity in a city where the fire is never quenched ... "

You made a statement regarding someone who didn't believe in Hell. You said: "You say,
'Preacher, I don't believe in Hell.' That's too bad, it's still there and you're going"… I
noticed how you often build to a crescendo with your voice when soliciting an applause,
as you did in this statement. The congregation then began to snicker, laugh, and then
broke out into an enthusiastic applause. That's really sick! Laughing and applauding at

the fancied notion that someone is going to burn in a place called hell for all eternity is
sick. If you think that's funny, you'll answer for it to God.

Your statement on women in hell brings up an interesting point. I have never heard this
discussed. What about pregnant women, Mr. Hagee? I would speculate that possibly 1000
women die each day, somewhere around the world, which do not know Jesus Christ, and
are pregnant. That would equal approximately one million such women every three years,
or since our Lord's resurrection approximately six hundred million (600,000,000)
pregnant women suffering in the fires of Hell.

Now we know that an undelivered fetus cannot live or survive in a dead woman's womb.
We also know from your teachings that God hates abortions. So obviously, God is not
going to abort these millions of babies. As the unsaved woman has a one-way ticket to
Hell, it is apparent that her unborn baby is also going to Hell with her. Now,

(1) Will the unborn fetus suffer in the flames of Hell, albeit in its mother's womb, for
all eternity?

(2) Will the baby be born and then suffer in the flames of Hell as an infant for all

(3) Will the baby merely die? (No, forget #3. According to you there is not such thing-
everyone is always alive somewhere, even if they die.)

(4) Will the baby remain in its mother's womb until maturation, then be born into the
flames of fire, but then very quickly (assuming some evil demon doesn't eat it first) be
transported to Heaven?

(5) Will the baby be born "a little red devil," and then suffer in the flames of Hell for
all eternity?

Continuing with your sermon:

- "For ever and ever all you're going to hear are the screams and the sobs and suffering
forever and forever and forever ... and it's justice!"

That statement is so sick, who can comment on it?

- "Hell is called "The Lake of Fire."

No, the lake of fire is called the lake of fire. It is never called "hell." "Hell" is a word not
found in the Greek language. And the lake of fire is not hades either. "Hades" is thrown
into the lake of fire. Revelation 20:14. Since it is thrown into the lake of fire, how could it
be the lake of fire?

- "Hell is called outer darkness, where one cannot see his hand in front of his face."

No, "outer darkness" is not in a place called Hell. Those who are not allowed to sit down
with Abraham in the Kingdom are cast into the darkness outside. Besides, how could Hell
"fire" be so dark that one cannot see one's own hand in front of his face? Did you ever see
a large fire on a dark night? It throws off a lot of light and it's easy to see your hand in
front of your face.

- "Hell is called a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth."

No, this verse is not talking about Hell, hades, Gehenna, or the lake of fire, but those cast
out of the Kingdom. Besides only the "sons of the Kingdom" are weeping and gnashing
their teeth-the Jews primarily and the unsaved Christians, secondarily. They rightfully
should have been in the Kingdom, but were disqualified. And they will have now the
prospect of what they lost, seeing New Jerusalem, after the thousand years, at the second
resurrection (Revelation 20:7-9). After that, yes, fire will destroy everybody outside,
including Satan. Ant here is the ONLY place where this “forever-and-ever” (in some
manuscripts, not all of them!) occurs. But immediately after that, the Bible explains 14.
Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second
death. 15. If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into
the lake of fire.

Lake of fire = second death with no resurrection ever…

- "Hell is called a place where the fire is never quenched and its worm dieth not."

No, Gehenna is where the fire is not quenched and the worms don't die. It's a burning,
city garbage dump. No one quenches the fire. If someone quenched it, it would loose its
useful purpose, namely to burn up the garbage, and any criminals that are thrown there.
The worms don't die, because there is plenty to eat and keep them breeding. When
nothing more is thrown into the fire, it will go out. It won't need to be quenched. When
the food supply runs out the worms will die. How do I know that? Because the Valley of
Hinnom (south of Jerusalem) was burning in Christ's day with many worms and now the
fire is gone and the worms are gone.. It is no longer used for that purpose.

- "Hell is a place of consciousness."

No, there is no consciousness in Hell, and there is no consciousness in hades which is

translated into the English word "hell." Ecc. 9:10 says, " ... in the grave." "Grave" in this
verse is translated from the Hebrew word sheol (which means the unseen or
imperceptible). When an Old Testament Scripture is quoted in the New Testament, they
translate sheol into hades. So is there "consciousness" in the place sheol in the O.T.?
Absolutely not. " ... there is NO WORK, nor DEVICE, nor KNOWLEDGE, nor
WISDOM, in the grave [the Hebrew translated "grave" in this verse is sheol, which is
synonymous with the Gk. hades] where you go" (Ecc. 9:10). According to God's Word,
not your word, Mr. Hagee, when a person dies and returns to his earth, does he still have
conscious thoughts? GOD'S answer: "His spirit goes forth, he returns to his earth, in that
very day his thoughts PERISH" (Psalm 146: 3-4).

Seriously, Mr. Hagee, which part of the word "NO" in these verses don't you understand?
There is "No " work, "No" device [Heb. "No" contrivance, "No" intelligence, "No"
reason], "No" knowledge, "No" wisdom ... in the grave ... " [Heb. sheol] (Ecc. 9:10).
One's very " ... thoughts PERISH!"

- "Those in hell are pulling their singed hair."

Okay, let's have a Scriptural verse on that. Well? Can you?...

- "The rich man looked from the bottomless pit of eternity."

The bottomless pit of eternity. That sounds like something out of Star Wars. Mr. Hagee, it
was you who made the statement that "Greek is the most exact language on the face of
the earth." This statement is what prompted this letter in the first place. You talk about
exactness and correctness, and truthfulness, etc., etc., and then you turn around and use
the most ridiculous unscriptural phrases imaginable.

First of all, "bottomless pit" is an absurd translation. There is no such thing, and could
never be. It's like cold fire and square circles. It doesn't equate. It's an impossibility.
Secondly, you take the ridiculous phrase "bottomless pit" and turn it into "The bottomless
pit of eternity." Why do you do things like this? Do you just like the way these things roll
off your tongue?

A proper translation of Rev. 9:2 is: "And to him was given the key of the well of the
submerged chaos." ABYSSOS. There is nothing bottomless about it. This place is not
called "hell." There are no people there. There are locusts and demons here. The language
still figurate.

Mr. Hagee, it does no good to talk about the exactness of words and then give sermons
that are filled with unscriptural, impossible words and phrases. They can only lead to

"Now the spirit is saying explicitly, that in subsequent eras [latter times] some will be
withdrawing from the faith [apostasy], giving heed to deceiving spirits and the teachings
of demons, in the hypocrisy of FALSE EXPRESSIONS ... " (I Tim. 4:1) Concordant
Literal N.T.

You said in your sermon that the Jews did not kill Christ, but that the Romans did. Are
you trying to avoid being branded "anti-Semitic?" Here are the Scriptural facts:

"I am aware that you are Abraham's seed [JEWS]. But you are seeking to kill me" (John 8:37)

"But now ye [JEWS] seek to kill me ... this did not Abraham" (Jn. 8:40)

"Has not Moses given you [JEWS] the law? And not one of you is doing the law! Why are
you seeking to kill me?" (Jn. 7:19)

"Then said some of them of Jerusalem [JEWS], Is not this he, Whom they [JEWS] are
seeking to kill?" (Jn. 7:25)

"Then assembled together the chief priests [JEWS] and the scribes [JEWS], and the elders
[JEWS] of the people [JEWS] unto the palace of the high priest [A JEW], who was called
Caiapas, And consulted that they [JEWS] might take Jesus by subtilty, and kill Him" (Mat.

"Saying, Behold, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man shall be delivered unto the
chief priests [JEWS], and unto the scribes [JEWS]; and they [JEWS] shall condemn Him to
death ... " (Mk. 10:34)

"After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in JEWRY, because the
JEWS sought to kill Him" (Jn. 7:1)

"Now the chief priests [JEWS], and elders [JEWS], and all the council [JEWS], sought false
witness against Jesus, to put Him to death" (Mat. 26:59)

"Then the high priest [A JEW] rent his clothes, saying ... What think ye [JEWS]? They
[JEWS] answered and said, He is guilty of death" (Mat. 27:66)

"When the morning was come, all the chief priests [JEWS] and elders of the people [JEWS]
took counsel against Jesus to put Him to death" (Mat. 27:3)

" ... so that both our chief priests [JEWS] and chiefs [JEWS] give Him up to the judgment of
death, and they crucify Him" (Lk. 24:20)

"When, then, the chief priests [JEWS] and the deputies [JEWS] perceived Him they [JEWS]
clamor, saying, 'Crucify! Crucify Him!'" (John 19:6)

" ... God makes Him Lord as well as Christ-this Jesus whom YOU [JEWS] CRUCIFY" (Acts

" ... let it be known to you all and to the entire people of Israel [JEWS] that in the name of
Jesus Christ, the Nazarene, whom YOU CRUCIFY" (Acts 4:10)

"Jesus answered him, "No authority have you against Me in anything, except it were given
to you from above. Therefore he who is giving Me up [JEWS] to you HAS THE GREATER
SIN" (John 19:11)

"What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all [JEWS] say unto him, let
Him be crucified" (Mat. 27:22)

"And he [Pilate] took water, and washed his hands before the multitude [JEWS], saying, I am
innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye [JEWS] to it" (Mat. 27:24)

"Then answered all the people [JEWS], and said, His blood be on us [JEWS] and on our
children [JEWS]" (Mat. 27:25)

"The 'JEWS' didn't kill Jesus!" I'll bet you're a real popular guy at Rabbinical Tea Parties.
If your logic is this twisted, why don't you get on national television and tell everyone
that Hitler never killed a single Jew?

What makes your teaching so harmful is that you are teaching millions of people
disgraceful, false things about God and His character. Maybe you think everyone out here
is Biblically illiterate. Let me assure you that there are carpenters, plumbers, postal
workers, and the like out here who would shame most theologians when it comes to
Biblical knowledge. But it's not just "technical" knowledge that I'm talking about.

It's teachings like this sermon on Hell of yours that does so much harm. The people who
accept your teaching out of fear are not benefited, and those who reject it because of its
stupidity, end up blaspheming God because of your unscriptural teachings. Most people's
rejection of God is directly related to the false information they have been fed by self-
appointed teachers.

I can not summarize your sermon any better than to parrot your own words describing
most sermons found in the media today: "WE HAVE SHOUT WITHOUT

I don't know of, nor have I ever heard of a teaching or doctrine of any pagan, heathen,
barbaric religion on the face of the earth or in the history of the world that approaches the
insanity of the Christian doctrine of eternal torture in hell fire! Unlike most people and
most theologians and clergymen, I have meditated at length on the absurdity of a loving
God creating billions of creatures with complex emotional and nervous systems that are
extremely sensitive to not only pleasure, but especially pain, knowing in advance that He
would end up torturing most of them in the fires of a hell for all eternity, without mercy.

What pagan religion has a god this evil? I know of none. If the Scriptures taught such a
thing, surely we would have to accept it. But thank God that the Scriptures teach no such
thing as eternal torture. Pain and evil for a season, yes, but not for eternity.

Mr. Hagee, it isn't that you just add a "little" or take away a "little" from the Word of
God; you turn an age into eternity, you reduce the salvation of all to just a few, and you
diminish God's very WILL, to nothing more than a weak wish!

So now what Scriptural proof do you have left to substantiate an eternal hell of torture?
You are left with The Parable of Lazarus and the Rich man.

[#4 below is full explanation of Lazarus and the Rich man parable.]


Evil and death will be abolished (I Cor. 15:26, II Tim. 1:10, Rev. 21:4). The culmination
of this portion of God's plan is for God to be "All in all." (I Cor. 15:28). Other than this
one Scripture, God tells us nothing concerning our future with Him beyond the eons or
His plans for eternity. We trust Him in faith that it will be as He says:

"That which the eye did not perceive, and the ear did not hear, and to which the
heart of man did not ascend-whatever God makes ready for those who are loving
Him" (I Cor. 2:9)

And, of course, " ... those who are loving Him" will include all humanity and all in
the heavens" (Phil. 2:11).

There are hundreds of religions that teach thousands of ridiculous things. I haven't written
to any of them. I have written to you, however, because you claim to get your teachings
and doctrines from the Hebrew and Greek Holy Scriptures. This makes your teachings
particularly offensive to anyone who has their ear tuned to the true teachings of the
Scriptures, and is deceptive and even blasphemous to those not knowledgeable of the

There is more than ample proof in this letter of your disregard for the meanings of words-
while inserting your own meanings into words of the Scriptures! Adding to God's Word -
turning ages into eternities! Taking away from God's Word-reducing the salvation of all
to just a few! Diminishing God's grand declarations-teaching they will never be fulfilled.
Teaching that the unbelieving dead are not really dead-but rather are suffering in the
flames of Hell for ever. Making dozens of statements of gigantic proportions -
contradicting hundreds of plain Scriptures to the contrary.

Here, then, is one final reason for this letter. Our Apostle Paul warned that in the latter
days there would be a great "apostasy." Heathens are not apostates. Atheists can never be
guilty of apostasy unless they once knew the truth. An apostate is one who falls from the
truth. Most of what Paul cautioned his own disciples to be aware of were things that were
to increase as Christ's return draws nearer. With regards to elders and supervisors in the
Church, Paul told Titus:

" ... for the supervisor must be unimpeachable as an administrator of God, not given to
self-gratification, not irritable, no toper, not quarrelsome, not avaricious; but hospitable,
fond of that which is good, sane, just, benign, self-controlled; upholding the FAITHFUL
WORD according to the teaching, that he may be able to entreat with SOUND
TEACHING as well as to EXPOSE those who CONTRADICT. For many are
insubordinate, vain praters, and imposters ... who must be GAGGED, who are subverting
whole households, teaching what they must not, on behalf of sordid gain" (Titus 1:7-11).
Concordant Literal New Testament

I pray that some place in this long letter a little ember of light might have started glowing
in your spirit regarding the mountain of Scriptural references I have presented. Maybe
you have even for an instant entertained the idea that you could have been wrong in many
of your teachings. But then, maybe your thoughts turned to yourself, your reputation,
your status, your office, your financial support. What would your friends and associates
think if you were to admit your error on such major themes?

One loses a lot sometimes when one starts teaching the truths of God, but nothing is more
valuable than truth!

Don't let my chiding you dissuade you from meditating and searching all the Scriptures I
have given you. Everything I have said was for a purpose. Just because I find much
wrong with your teaching, doesn't mean I am attacking your character, or have any ill
feelings toward you.

There are three great evils of men on earth today: corrupt government, false science, and
deceitful religion. Of these, the Christian doctrine of "Eternal Torment" for the majority
of God's children, is by far the single greatest evil and contemptible teaching ever foisted
on the human race anywhere on the face of the earth, in the entire history of the world!

As God wills in the years ahead, the truth concerning this and other Christian doctrines
such the true Sabbath, will be made known for all Americans to see. People will finally
see this evil teaching for what it is: an anti-Scriptural, anti-God, doctrine of demons, and
Satan's greatest effort to blaspheme the very name of God among the nations. And those
who teach these evil lies will, like the Naked Emperor, also stand exposed before all!

If you have any questions, or if I can help you in any way, feel free to write. Sincerely,


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