Financial Forecast and Projection PDF
Financial Forecast and Projection PDF
Financial Forecast and Projection PDF
AT Section 301
.01 This section sets forth standards and provides guidance to practitioners who are engaged to issue or do issue examination (paragraphs .29.50),
compilation (paragraphs .12.28), or agreed-upon procedures reports (paragraphs .51.56) on prospective financial statements.
.02 Whenever a practitioner (a) submits, to his or her client or others,
prospective financial statements that he or she has assembled, or assisted in assembling, that are or reasonably might be expected to be used by another (third)
party1 or (b) reports on prospective financial statements that are, or reasonably
might be expected to be used by another (third) party, the practitioner should
perform one of the engagements described in the preceding paragraph. In deciding whether the prospective financial statements are or reasonably might
be expected to be used by a third party, the practitioner may rely on either
the written or oral representation of the responsible party, unless information
comes to his or her attention that contradicts the responsible party's representation. If such third-party use of the prospective financial statements is not
reasonably expected, the provisions of this section are not applicable unless
the practitioner has been engaged to examine, compile, or apply agreed-upon
procedures to the prospective financial statements.
.03 This section also provides standards for a practitioner who is engaged
to examine, compile, or apply agreed-upon procedures to partial presentations.
A partial presentation is a presentation of prospective financial information
that excludes one or more of the items required for prospective financial statements as described in appendix A [paragraph .68], "Minimum Presentation
.04 The practitioner who has been engaged to or does compile, examine,
or apply agreed-upon procedures to a partial presentation should perform the
engagement in accordance with the guidance in paragraphs .12.28 for compilations, .29.50 for examinations, and .51.56 for agreed-upon procedures,
respectively, modified to reflect the nature of the presentation as discussed in
paragraphs .03 and .57.58.
.05 This section does not provide standards or procedures for engagements involving prospective financial statements used solely in connection
with litigation support services. A practitioner may, however, look to these
standards because they provide helpful guidance for many aspects of such
engagements and may be referred to as useful guidance in such engagements.
Litigation support services are engagements involving pending or potential
formal legal proceedings before a trier of fact in connection with the resolution
However, paragraph .59 permits an exception to this for certain types of budgets.
AT 301.05
of a dispute between two or more parties, for example, when a practitioner acts
as an expert witness. This exception is provided because, among other things,
the practitioner's work in such proceedings is ordinarily subject to detailed
analysis and challenge by each party to the dispute. This exception does not
apply, however, if either of the following occur.
a. The practitioner is specifically engaged to issue or does issue an examination, a compilation, or an agreed-upon procedures report on prospective financial statements.
b. The prospective financial statements are for use by third parties who,
under the rules of the proceedings, do not have the opportunity for
analysis and challenge by each party to a dispute in a legal proceeding.
For example, creditors may not have such opportunities when prospective financial statements are submitted to them to secure their agreement to a plan
of reorganization.
.06 In reporting on prospective financial statements, the practitioner may
be called on to assist the responsible party in identifying assumptions, gathering information, or assembling the statements.2 The responsible party is
nonetheless responsible for the preparation and presentation of the prospective
financial statements because the prospective financial statements are dependent on the actions, plans, and assumptions of the responsible party, and only
it can take responsibility for the assumptions. Accordingly, the practitioner's
engagement should not be characterized in his or her report or in the document
containing his or her report as including "preparation" of the prospective financial statements. A practitioner may be engaged to prepare a financial analysis
of a potential project where the engagement includes obtaining the information, making appropriate assumptions, and assembling the presentation. Such
an analysis is not and should not be characterized as a forecast or projection
and would not be appropriate for general use. However, if the responsible party
reviewed and adopted the assumptions and presentation, or based its assumptions and presentation on the analysis, the practitioner could perform one of
the engagements described in this section and issue a report appropriate for
general use.
.07 The concept of materiality affects the application of this section to
prospective financial statements as materiality affects the application of generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS) to historical financial statements.
Materiality is a concept that is judged in light of the expected range of reasonableness of the information; therefore, users should not expect prospective
information (information about events that have not yet occurred) to be as precise as historical information.
.08 For the purposes of this section the following definitions apply.
a. Prospective financial statementsEither financial forecasts or financial projections including the summaries of significant assumptions
and accounting policies. Although prospective financial statements
may cover a period that has partially expired, statements for periods that have completely expired are not considered to be prospective
Some of these services may not be appropriate if the practitioner is to be named as the person
reporting on an examination in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). SEC
Release Nos. 33-5992 and 34-15305, "Disclosure of Projections of Future Economic Performance," state
that for prospective financial statements filed with the commission, "a person should not be named
as an outside reviewer if he actively assisted in the preparation of the projection."
AT 301.06
financial statements. Pro forma financial statements and partial presentations are not considered to be prospective financial statements.3
Partial presentationA presentation of prospective financial information that excludes one or more of the items required for prospective financial statements as described in appendix A (paragraph .68), "Minimum Presentation Guidelines." Partial presentations are not ordinarily appropriate for general use; accordingly, partial presentations
should be restricted for use by specified parties who will be negotiating
directly with the responsible party.
Financial forecastProspective financial statements that present, to
the best of the responsible party's knowledge and belief, an entity's
expected financial position, results of operations, and cash flows. A
financial forecast is based on the responsible party's assumptions reflecting the conditions it expects to exist and the course of action it
expects to take. A financial forecast may be expressed in specific monetary amounts as a single point estimate of forecasted results or as a
range, where the responsible party selects key assumptions to form a
range within which it reasonably expects, to the best of its knowledge
and belief, the item or items subject to the assumptions to actually fall.
When a forecast contains a range, the range is not selected in a biased
or misleading manner, for example, a range in which one end is significantly less expected than the other. Minimum presentation guidelines
for prospective financial statements are set forth in appendix A (paragraph .68).
Financial projectionProspective financial statements that present,
to the best of the responsible party's knowledge and belief, given one
or more hypothetical assumptions, an entity's expected financial position, results of operations, and cash flows. A financial projection is
sometimes prepared to present one or more hypothetical courses of action for evaluation, as in response to a question such as, "What would
happen if . . . ?" A financial projection is based on the responsible party's
assumptions reflecting conditions it expects would exist and the course
of action it expects would be taken, given one or more hypothetical
assumptions. A projection, like a forecast, may contain a range. Minimum presentation guidelines for prospective financial statements are
set forth in appendix A (paragraph .68).
EntityAny unit, existing or to be formed, for which financial statements could be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) or a special purpose framework.4 For example, an entity can be an individual, partnership, corporation, trust,
estate, association, or governmental unit.
Hypothetical assumptionAn assumption used in a financial projection to present a condition or course of action that is not necessarily
expected to occur, but is consistent with the purpose of the projection.
The objective of pro forma financial information is to show what the significant effects on the
historical financial information might have been had a consummated or proposed transaction (or
event) occurred at an earlier date. Although the transaction in question may be prospective, this section
does not apply to such presentations because they are essentially historical financial statements and do
not purport to be prospective financial statements. See section 401, Reporting on Pro Forma Financial
AU-C section 800, Special ConsiderationsAudits of Financial Statements Prepared in Accordance With Special Purpose Frameworks, defines a special purpose framework as a cash, tax, regulatory, or contractual basis of accounting (commonly referred to as comprehensive bases of accounting
other than GAAP). [Footnote revised, December 2012, to reflect conforming changes necessary due to
the issuance of SAS Nos. 122126.]
AT 301.08
Key factorsThe significant matters on which an entity's future results are expected to depend. Such factors are basic to the entity's operations and thus encompass matters that affect, among other things,
the entity's sales, production, service, and financing activities. Key factors serve as a foundation for prospective financial statements and are
the bases for the assumptions.
Assembling, to the extent necessary, the prospective financial statements based on the responsible party's assumptions
AT 301.09
The report based on the practitioner's compilation of prospective financial statements should conform to the applicable guidance in paragraphs .18.28.
.16 The practitioner should consider, after applying the procedures specified in paragraph .69, whether representations or other information he or she
has received appear to be obviously inappropriate, incomplete, or otherwise misleading, and if so, the practitioner should attempt to obtain additional or revised
information. If he or she does not receive such information, the practitioner
should ordinarily withdraw from the compilation engagement.7 (Note that the
AT 301.16
Working Papers
[.17] [Paragraph deleted by the issuance of SSAE No. 11, January 2002.]
A statement that the practitioner has compiled the prospective financial statements in accordance with attestation standards established
by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
.19 The following is the form of the practitioner's standard report on the
compilation of a forecast that does not contain a range.8
We have compiled the accompanying forecasted balance sheet, statements of
income, retained earnings, and cash flows of XYZ Company as of December 31,
20XX, and for the year then ending, in accordance with attestation standards
established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.9
A compilation is limited to presenting in the form of a forecast information that
is the representation of management10 and does not include evaluation of the
support for the assumptions underlying the forecast. We have not examined
the forecast and, accordingly, do not express an opinion or any other form of
The forms of reports provided in this section are appropriate whether the presentation is based
on GAAP or on a special purpose framework. [Footnote revised, December 2012, to reflect conforming
changes necessary due to the issuance of SAS Nos. 122126.]
When the presentation is summarized as discussed in appendix A (paragraph .68), this sentence
might read, "We have compiled the accompanying summarized forecast of XYZ Company as of December 31, 20XX, and for the year then ending in accordance with attestation standards established
by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants."
If the responsible party is other than management, the references to management in the standard reports provided in this section should be changed to refer to the party who assumes responsibility
for the assumptions.
AT 301[.17]
.21 When the prospective financial statements contain a range, the practitioner's standard report should also include a separate paragraph that states
that the responsible party has elected to portray the expected results of one
or more assumptions as a range. The following is an example of the separate
paragraph to be added to the practitioner's report when he or she compiles
prospective financial statements, in this case a forecast, that contain a range.
As described in the summary of significant assumptions, management of XYZ
Company has elected to portray forecasted [describe financial statement element
When the presentation is summarized as discussed in appendix A (paragraph .68), this sentence
might read as follows.
We have compiled the accompanying summarized projection of XYZ Company as of December 31,
20XX, and for the year then ending in accordance with attestation standards established by the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
AT 301.21
The practitioner is not precluded from disclosing a description about the reason(s) that his or her independence is impaired. The following are examples of
descriptions the practitioner may use:
a. We are not independent with respect to XYZ Company as of and for
the year ended [or ending, as applicable] December 31, 20XX, because a
member of the engagement team had a direct financial interest in XYZ
b. We are not independent with respect to XYZ Company as of and for the
year ended [or ending, as applicable] December 31, 20XX, because an
immediate family member of one of the members of the engagement
team was employed by XYZ Company.
c. We are not independent with respect to XYZ Company as of and for the
year ended [or ending, as applicable] December 31, 20XX, because we
performed certain accounting services (the practitioner may include a
specific description of those services) that impaired our independence.
If the accountant elects to disclose a description about the reasons his or her
independence is impaired, the accountant should ensure that all reasons are
included in the description.
[As amended, effective for compilations of prospective financial statements for
periods ending on or after December 15, 2010, by SSAE No. 17.]
.24 Prospective financial statements may be included in a document
that also contains historical financial statements and the practitioner's report
thereon.[13] In addition, the historical financial statements that appear in the
document may be summarized and presented with the prospective financial
statements for comparative purposes.14 An example of the reference to the prac12
In making a judgment about whether he or she is independent, the practitioner should be
guided by the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. [Footnote amended, effective for compilations of
prospective financial statements for periods ending on or after December 15, 2010, by SSAE No. 17.]
Footnote revised, November 2002, to reflect conforming changes necessary due to the issuance
of SSARS No. 9. Footnote deleted, December 2012, to reflect conforming changes necessary due to the
issuance of SSARS No. 19 and SAS Nos. 122126.]
AU-C section 810, Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements, addresses
the auditor's responsibilities relating to an engagement to report separately on summary financial
AT 301.22
AT 301.29
.30 As a result of his or her examination, the practitioner has a basis for
reporting on whether, in his or her opinion
.31 The practitioner should follow the general, fieldwork, and reporting
standards for attestation engagements established in section 50, SSAE Hierarchy, and further explained in section 101, Attest Engagements, in performing
an examination of prospective financial statements and reporting thereon. (See
paragraph .70 for standards concerning such technical training and proficiency,
planning the examination engagement, and the types of procedures a practitioner should perform to obtain sufficient evidence for his or her examination
report.) [Revised, November 2006, to reflect conforming changes necessary due
to the issuance of SSAE No. 14.]
Working Papers
A statement that the practitioner's responsibility is to express an opinion on the prospective financial statements based on his or her examination
A statement that the examination of the prospective financial statements was conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and,
accordingly, included such procedures as the practitioner considered
necessary in the circumstances
A statement that the practitioner believes that the examination provides a reasonable basis for his or her opinion
AICPA presentation guidelines are detailed in AICPA Guide Prospective Financial Information.
AT 301.30
.35 When a practitioner examines a projection, his or her opinion regarding the assumptions should be conditioned on the hypothetical assumptions;
that is, he or she should express an opinion on whether the assumptions provide a reasonable basis for the projection given the hypothetical assumptions.
The practitioner's examination report on a projection should include the report
elements set forth in paragraph .33. Additionally, the report should include a
statement describing the special purpose for which the projection was prepared
as well a separate paragraph that restricts the use of the report because it is
The practitioner's report need not comment on the consistency of the application of accounting
principles as long as the presentation of any change in accounting principles is in conformity with
AICPA presentation guidelines as detailed in AICPA Guide Prospective Financial Information.
When the presentation is summarized as discussed in appendix A (paragraph .68), this sentence might read, "We have examined the accompanying summarized forecast of XYZ Company as of
December 31, 20XX, and for the year then ending."
AT 301.35
intended to be used solely by specified parties. The following is the form of the
practitioner's standard report on an examination of a projection that does not
contain a range.
Independent Accountant's Report
We have examined the accompanying projected balance sheet, statements of
income, retained earnings, and cash flows of XYZ Company as of December 31,
20XX, and for the year then ending.19 XYZ Company's management is responsible for the projection, which was prepared for [state special purpose, for example,
"the purpose of negotiating a loan to expand XYZ Company's plant"]. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the projection based on our examination.
Our examination was conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and, accordingly, included such procedures as we considered necessary to evaluate
both the assumptions used by management and the preparation and presentation of the projection. We believe that our examination provides a reasonable
basis for our opinion.
In our opinion, the accompanying projection is presented in conformity with
guidelines for presentation of a projection established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and the underlying assumptions provide
a reasonable basis for management's projection [describe the hypothetical assumption, for example, "assuming the granting of the requested loan for the
purpose of expanding XYZ Company's plant as described in the summary of
significant assumptions."] However, even if [describe hypothetical assumption,
for example, "the loan is granted and the plant is expanded,"], there will usually be differences between the projected and actual results, because events
and circumstances frequently do not occur as expected, and those differences
may be material. We have no responsibility to update this report for events and
circumstances occurring after the date of this report.
The accompanying projection and this report are intended solely for the information and use of [identify specified parties, for example, "XYZ Company and
DEF National Bank"] and is not intended to be and should not be used by
anyone other than these specified parties.
.36 When the prospective financial statements contain a range, the practitioner's standard report should also include a separate paragraph that states
that the responsible party has elected to portray the expected results of one
or more assumptions as a range. The following is an example of the separate
paragraph to be added to the practitioner's report when he or she examines
prospective financial statements, in this case a forecast, that contain a range.
As described in the summary of significant assumptions, management of XYZ
Company has elected to portray forecasted [describe financial statement element or elements for which the expected results of one or more assumptions fall
within a range, and identify assumptions expected to fall within a range, for
example, "revenue at the amounts of $X,XXX and $Y,YYY, which is predicated
upon occupancy rates of XX percent and YY percent of available apartments,"]
rather than as a single point estimate. Accordingly, the accompanying forecast
presents forecasted financial position, results of operations, and cash flows [de19
When the presentation is summarized as discussed in appendix A (paragraph .68), this sentence
might read, "We have examined the accompanying summarized projection of XYZ Company as of
December 31, 20XX, and for the year then ending."
AT 301.36
Paragraphs .38.44 describe circumstances in which the practitioner's standard report on
prospective financial statements may require modification. The guidance for modifying the practitioner's standard report is generally applicable to partial presentations. Also, depending on the nature of the presentation, the practitioner may decide to disclose that the partial presentation is not
intended to be a presentation of financial position, results of operations, or cash flows. Illustrative
reports on partial presentations may be found in AICPA Guide Prospective Financial Information.
However, the practitioner may issue the standard examination report on a financial forecast
filed with the SEC that meets the presentation requirements of article XI of Regulation S-X.
AT 301.39
An example of a measurement departure is the failure to capitalize a capital lease in a forecast
where the historical financial statements for the prospective period are expected to be presented in
accordance with GAAP.
AT 301.40
.42 If the presentation, including the summary of significant assumptions, fails to disclose assumptions that, at the time, appear to be significant,
the practitioner should describe the assumptions in his or her report and express an adverse opinion. The practitioner should not examine a presentation
that omits all disclosures of assumptions. Also, the practitioner should not examine a financial projection that omits (a) an identification of the hypothetical
assumptions or (b) a description of the limitations on the usefulness of the
.43 Disclaimer of Opinion. In a disclaimer of opinion, the practitioner's
report should indicate, in a separate paragraph, the respects in which the examination did not comply with standards for an examination. The practitioner
should state that the scope of the examination was not sufficient to enable him
or her to express an opinion with respect to the presentation or the underlying
assumptions, and his or her disclaimer of opinion should include a direct reference to the explanatory paragraph. The following is an example of a report
on an examination of prospective financial statements, in this case a financial
forecast, for which a significant assumption could not be evaluated.
Independent Accountant's Report
We were engaged to examine the accompanying forecasted balance sheet, statements of income, retained earnings, and cash flows of XYZ Company as of December 31, 20XX, and for the year then ending. XYZ Company's management
is responsible for the forecast.
As discussed under the caption "Income From Investee" in the summary of
significant forecast assumptions, the forecast includes income from an equity
investee constituting 23 percent of forecasted net income, which is management's estimate of the Company's share of the investee's income to be accrued
for 20XX. The investee has not prepared a forecast for the year ending December 31, 20XX, and we were therefore unable to obtain suitable support for this
Because, as described in the preceding paragraph, we are unable to evaluate
management's assumption regarding income from an equity investee and other
assumptions that depend thereon, the scope of our work was not sufficient to
express, and we do not express, an opinion with respect to the presentation of
AT 301.43
.44 When there is a scope limitation and the practitioner also believes
there are material departures from the presentation guidelines, those departures should be described in the practitioner's report.
[Footnote revised, November 2002, to reflect conforming changes necessary due to the issuance
of SSARS No. 9. Footnote deleted, December 2012, to reflect conforming changes necessary due to the
issuance of SAS Nos. 122126.]
AU-C section 810, Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements, addresses the
auditor's responsibilities relating to an engagement to report separately on summary financial statements derived from financial statements audited in accordance with GAAS by the same auditor.
[Footnote revised, December 2012, to reflect conforming changes necessary due to the issuance of SAS
Nos. 122126.]
AT 301.44
Although the entity referred to in the report is a hospital, the form of report is also applicable
to other entities such as hotels or stadiums. Also, although the illustrated report format and language
should not be departed from in any significant way, the language used should be tailored to fit the
circumstances that are unique to a particular engagement (for example, the description of the proposed
capital improvement program, paragraph c; the proposed financing of the program, paragraphs b and
d; the specific procedures applied by the practitioner, paragraph e; and any explanatory comments
included in emphasis-of-a-matter paragraphs, paragraph i, which deals with general matter; and
paragraph j, which deals with specific matters).
AT 301.50
We also participated in gathering other information, assisted management in identifying and formulating its assumptions, and assembled
the accompanying financial forecast based on those assumptions.
Balance sheets
Statements of operations
Statements of cash flows
Statements of changes in net assets
We have examined the financial forecast. Example Hospital's management is responsible for the forecast. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the forecast based on our examination. Our
examination was conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and, accordingly, included such procedures as we considered necessary to evaluate both the assumptions used by management and the preparation and presentation of the forecast. We
believe that our examination provides a reasonable basis for our
The interest rate, principal payments, Program costs, and other financing assumptions are described in the section entitled "Summary
of Significant Forecast Assumptions and Rationale." If actual interest rates, principal payments, and funding requirements are different
from those assumed, the amount of the bond issue and debt service requirements would need to be adjusted accordingly from those indicated
in the forecast. If such interest rates, principal payments, and funding
requirements are lower than those assumed, such adjustments would
not adversely affect the forecast.
AT 301.50
We have no responsibility to update this report for events and circumstances occurring after the date of this report.
The practitioner and the specified parties agree upon the procedures
performed or to be performed by the practitioner.
Practitioners should follow the guidance in AU-C section 920, Letters for Underwriters and
Certain Other Requesting Parties, when requested to perform agreed-upon procedures on a forecast and
report thereon in a letter for an underwriter. [Footnote revised, December 2012, to reflect conforming
changes necessary due to the issuance of SAS Nos. 122126.]
For example, accounting principles and other presentation criteria as discussed in chapter 8,
"Presentation Guidelines," of AICPA Guide Prospective Financial Information.
AT 301.52
Where applicable, the practitioner and the specified users agree on any
agreed-upon materiality limits for reporting purposes. (See paragraph
.25 of section 201.)
.53 Generally, the practitioner's procedures may be as limited or as extensive as the specified parties desire, as long as the specified parties take responsibility for their sufficiency. However, mere reading of prospective financial
statements does not constitute a procedure sufficient to permit a practitioner
to report on the results of applying agreed-upon procedures to such statements.
(See paragraph .15 of section 201.)
.54 To satisfy the requirements that the practitioner and the specified
parties agree upon the procedures performed or to be performed and that the
specified parties take responsibility for the sufficiency of the agreed-upon procedures for their purposes, ordinarily the practitioner should communicate directly with and obtain affirmative acknowledgment from each of the specified
parties. For example, this may be accomplished by meeting with the specified
parties or by distributing a draft of the anticipated report or a copy of an engagement letter to the specified parties and obtaining their agreement. If the
practitioner is not able to communicate directly with all of the specified parties,
the practitioner may satisfy these requirements by applying any one or more
of the following or similar procedures:
Reference to the prospective financial statements covered by the practitioner's report and the character of the engagement
In some cases, restricted-use reports filed with regulatory agencies are required by law or
regulation to be made available to the public as a matter of public record. Also, a regulatory agency as
part of its oversight responsibility for an entity may require access to restricted-use reports in which
they are not named as a specified party. (See paragraph .79 of section 101.)
AT 301.53
A statement that the agreed-upon procedures engagement was conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
A statement that the sufficiency of the procedures is solely the responsibility of the specified parties and a disclaimer of responsibility for
the sufficiency of those procedures
A statement that the practitioner was not engaged to and did not conduct an examination of prospective financial statements; a disclaimer
of opinion on whether the presentation of the prospective financial
statements is in conformity with AICPA presentation guidelines and
on whether the underlying assumptions provide a reasonable basis
for the forecast, or a reasonable basis for the projection given the hypothetical assumptions; and a statement that if the practitioner had
performed additional procedures, other matters might have come to
his or her attention that would have been reported
A statement of restrictions on the use of the report because it is intended to be used solely by the specified parties
AT 301.56
Partial Presentations
.57 The practitioner's procedures on a partial presentation may be affected
by the nature of the information presented. Many elements of prospective financial statements are interrelated. The practitioner should give appropriate consideration to whether key factors affecting elements, accounts, or items that are
interrelated with those in the partial presentation he or she has been engaged
to examine or compile have been considered, including key factors that may
not necessarily be obvious to the partial presentation (for example, productive
capacity relative to a sales forecast), and whether all significant assumptions
have been disclosed. The practitioner may find it necessary for the scope of the
examination or compilation of some partial presentations to be similar to that
for the examination or compilation of a presentation of prospective financial
statements. For example, the scope of a practitioner's procedures when he or
she examines forecasted results of operations would likely be similar to that of
procedures used for the examination of prospective financial statements since
the practitioner would most likely need to consider the interrelationships of all
accounts in the examination of results of operations.
.58 Because partial presentations are generally appropriate only for limited use, reports on partial presentations of both forecasted and projected information should include a description of any limitations on the usefulness of
the presentation.
AT 301.57
Other Information
.59 When a practitioner's compilation, review, or audit report on historical
financial statements is included in a practitioner-submitted document containing prospective financial statements, the practitioner should either examine,
compile, or apply agreed-upon procedures to the prospective financial statements and report accordingly, unless the following occur.
The budget does not extend beyond the end of the current fiscal year.
.60 When the practitioner's compilation, review, or audit report on historical financial statements is included in a client-prepared document containing
prospective financial statements, the practitioner should not consent to the use
of his or her name in the document unless:
AT 301.60
AU-C section 720 applies only to such prospective financial statements contained in annual
reports (or similar documents) that are issued to owners (or similar stakeholders) and annual reports
of governments and organizations for charitable or philanthropic purposes that are available to the
public that contain audited financial statements and the auditor's report thereon. AU-C section 720
also may be applied, adapted as necessary in the circumstances, to other documents to which the
auditor, at management's request, devotes attention. AU-C section 720 does not apply when the historical financial statements and report appear in a registration statement filed under the Securities
Act of 1933 (in which case, see AU-C section 925, Filings With the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Under the Securities Act of 1933). [Footnote revised, December 2010, to reflect conforming
changes necessary due to the issuance of SAS Nos. 118120. Footnote revised, December 2012, to
reflect conforming changes necessary due to the issuance of SAS Nos. 122126.]
AT 301.61
such information, the practitioner should withhold the use of his or her report
or withdraw from the compilation engagement.
.65 If, while reading the other information appearing in the document
containing the examined or compiled prospective financial statements, as
described in the preceding paragraphs, the practitioner becomes aware of information that he or she believes is a material misstatement of fact that is not an
inconsistent statement, he or she should discuss the matter with the responsible party. In connection with this discussion, the practitioner should consider
that he or she may not have the expertise to assess the validity of the statement
made, that there may be no standards by which to assess its presentation, and
that there may be valid differences of judgment or opinion. If the practitioner
concludes that he or she has a valid basis for concern, he or she should propose
that the responsible party consult with some other party whose advice might
be useful, such as the entity's legal counsel.
.66 If, after discussing the matter as described in paragraph .65, the practitioner concludes that a material misstatement of fact remains, the action he
or she takes will depend on his or her judgment in the particular circumstances.
The practitioner should consider steps such as notifying the responsible party
in writing of his or her views concerning the information and consulting his or
her legal counsel about further appropriate action in the circumstances.
Effective Date
.67 This section is effective when the date of the practitioner's report is
on or after June 1, 2001. Early application is permitted.
AT 301.67
Appendix A
Minimum Presentation Guidelines *
1. Prospective information presented in the format of historical financial
statements facilitates comparisons with financial position, results of operations, and cash flows of prior periods, as well as those actually achieved for
the prospective period. Accordingly, prospective financial statements preferably should be in the format of the historical financial statements that would
be issued for the period(s) covered unless there is an agreement between the
responsible party and potential users specifying another format. Prospective
financial statements may take the form of complete basic financial statements1
or may be limited to the following minimum items (where such items would be
presented for historical financial statements for the period).2
Net income
Note: This appendix describes the minimum items that constitute a presentation of a financial forecast or a financial projection, as specified in AICPA Guide Prospective Financial Information.
Complete presentation guidelines for entities that choose to issue prospective financial statements,
together with illustrative presentations, are included in the Guide. The guide also prescribes presentation guidelines for partial presentations.
The details of each statement may be summarized or condensed so that only the major items in
each are presented. The usual footnotes associated with historical financial statements need not be
included as such. However, significant assumptions and accounting policies should be disclosed.
Similar types of financial information should be presented for entities for which these terms
do not describe operations. Further, similar items should be presented if a comprehensive basis of
accounting other than GAAP is used to present the prospective financial statements. For example, if
the cash basis were used, item a would be cash receipts.
The responsible party should disclose significant cash flows and other significant changes in
balance sheet accounts during the period. However, neither a balance sheet nor a statement of cash
flows, as described in Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 230, Statement of Cash Flows, is required. Furthermore, none of the specific captions or
disclosures required by FASB ASC 230 is required. Significant changes disclosed will depend on the
circumstances; however, such disclosures will often include cash flows from operations. See AICPA
Guide Prospective Financial Information exhibits 9-2 and 9-6 for illustrations of alternate methods of
presenting significant cash flows. [Footnote revised, June 2009, to reflect conforming changes necessary due to the issuance of FASB ASC.]
AT 301.68
AT 301.68
Appendix B
Training and Proficiency, Planning, and Procedures
Applicable to Compilations
Training and Proficiency
1. The practitioner should be familiar with the guidelines for the preparation and presentation of prospective financial statements. The guidelines are
contained in AICPA Guide Prospective Financial Information.
2. The practitioner should possess or obtain a level of knowledge of the industry and the accounting principles and practices of the industry in which the
entity operates or will operate that will enable him or her to compile prospective financial statements that are in appropriate form for an entity operating
in that industry.
Compilation Procedures
5. In a compilation of prospective financial statements the practitioner
should perform the following, where applicable.
AT 301.69
Ask how the responsible party identifies the key factors and develops
its assumptions.
Consider whether there appear to be any obvious internal inconsistencies in the assumptions.
The statements, including the disclosures of assumptions and accounting policies, appear to be not presented in conformity with
the AICPA presentation guidelines for prospective financial statements.1
The statements, including the summary of significant assumptions, appear to be not obviously inappropriate in relation to the
practitioner's knowledge of the entity and its industry and, for
the following:
(a) Financial forecast, the expected conditions and course of action in the prospective period
(b) Financial projection, the purpose of the presentation
Confirm his or her understanding of the statements (including assumptions) by obtaining written representations from the responsible party. Because the amounts reflected in the statements are not
supported by historical books and records but rather by assumptions,
the practitioner should obtain representations in which the responsible party indicates its responsibility for the assumptions. The representations should be signed by the responsible party at the highest
Presentation guidelines for entities that issue prospective financial statements are set forth and
illustrated in AICPA Guide Prospective Financial Information.
AT 301.69
The practitioner need not withdraw from the engagement if the effect of such information on
the prospective financial statements does not appear to be material.
AT 301.69
Appendix C
Training and Proficiency, Planning, and Procedures
Applicable to Examinations
Training and Proficiency
1. The practitioner should be familiar with the guidelines for the preparation and presentation of prospective financial statements. The guidelines are
contained in AICPA Guide Prospective Financial Information.
2. The practitioner should possess or obtain a level of knowledge of the industry and the accounting principles and practices of the industry in which the
entity operates or will operate that will enable him or her to examine prospective financial statements that are in appropriate form for an entity operating
in that industry.
The anticipated level of attestation risk related to the prospective financial statements1
Conditions that may require extension or modification of the practitioner's examination procedures
Attestation risk is the risk that the practitioner may unknowingly fail to appropriately modify
his or her examination report on prospective financial statements that are materially misstated, that
is, that are not presented in conformity with AICPA presentation guidelines or have assumptions that
do not provide a reasonable basis for management's forecast, or management's projection given the
hypothetical assumptions. It consists of (a) the risk (consisting of inherent risk and control risk) that
the prospective financial statements contain errors that could be material and (b) the risk (detection
risk) that the practitioner will not detect such errors.
AT 301.70
5. The practitioner should obtain knowledge of the entity's business, accounting principles, and the key factors upon which its future financial results
appear to depend. The practitioner should focus on areas such as the following:
The nature and condition of markets in which the entity sells its goods
or services, including final consumer markets if the entity sells to intermediate markets
Factors specific to the industry, including competitive conditions, sensitivity to economic conditions, accounting policies, specific regulatory
requirements, and technology
Examination Procedures
6. The practitioner should establish an understanding with the responsible
party regarding the services to be performed. The understanding should include the objectives of the engagement, the responsible party's responsibilities,
the practitioner's responsibilities, and limitations of the engagement. The practitioner should document the understanding in the working papers, preferably
through a written communication with the responsible party. If the practitioner
believes an understanding with the responsible party has not been established,
he or she should decline to accept or perform the engagement. If the responsible
party is different than the client, the practitioner should establish the understanding with both the client and the responsible party, and the understanding
also should include the client's responsibilities.
7. The practitioner's objective in an examination of prospective financial
statements is to accumulate sufficient evidence to restrict attestation risk to a
level that is, in his or her professional judgment, appropriate for the level of
assurance that may be imparted by his or her examination report. In a report
on an examination of prospective financial statements, the practitioner provides assurance only about whether the prospective financial statements are
presented in conformity with AICPA presentation guidelines and whether the
assumptions provide a reasonable basis for management's forecast, or a reasonable basis for management's projection given the hypothetical assumptions.
He or she does not provide assurance about the achievability of the prospective
results because events and circumstances frequently do not occur as expected
and achievement of the prospective results is dependent on the actions, plans,
and assumptions of the responsible party.
8. In his or her examination of prospective financial statements, the practitioner should select from all available proceduresthat is, procedures that
assess inherent and control risk and restrict detection riskany combination
that can restrict attestation risk to such an appropriate level. The extent to
which examination procedures will be performed should be based on the practitioner's consideration of the following:
The nature and materiality of the information to the prospective financial statements taken as a whole
AT 301.70
AT 301.70
Whether sufficient pertinent sources of information about the assumptions have been considered. Examples of external sources the practitioner might consider are government publications, industry publications, economic forecasts, existing or proposed legislation, and reports
of changing technology. Examples of internal sources are budgets, labor
agreements, patents, royalty agreements and records, sales backlog
records, debt agreements, and actions of the board of directors involving entity plans.
Whether the assumptions are consistent with the sources from which
they are derived.
Whether the historical financial information and other data used in developing the assumptions are sufficiently reliable for that purpose. Reliability can be assessed by inquiry and analytical or other procedures,
some of which may have been completed in past audits or reviews of the
historical financial statements. If historical financial statements have
been prepared for an expired part of the prospective period, the practitioner should consider the historical data in relation to the prospective
results for the same period, where applicable. If the prospective financial statements incorporate such historical financial results and that
period is significant to the presentation, the practitioner should make
a review of the historical information in conformity with the applicable
standards for a review.5
12. In evaluating the preparation and presentation of the prospective financial statements, the practitioner should perform procedures that will provide
reasonable assurance as to the following.
If the entity is an issuer, the practitioner should perform the procedures in paragraphs .13.19 of
AU section 722, Interim Financial Information (AICPA, PCAOB Standards and Related Rules, Interim
Standards). If the entity is a nonissuer, the practitioner should perform the procedures in AR section
90, Review of Financial Statements, or in AU-C section 930, Interim Financial Information, when
the review of interim financial information meets the provisions of that section. [Footnote revised,
November 2002, to reflect conforming changes necessary due to the issuance of SAS No. 100 and
SSARS No. 9. Footnote revised, May 2004, to reflect the conforming changes necessary due to the
issuance of SSARS No. 10. Footnote revised, December 2012, to reflect conforming changes necessary
due to the issuance of SAS Nos. 122126 and SSARS No. 19.]
AT 301.70
The assumptions have been adequately disclosed based on AICPA presentation guidelines for prospective financial statements.
Mathematical errors
Inadequate disclosure
14. The practitioner should obtain written representations from the responsible party acknowledging its responsibility for both the presentation and the
underlying assumptions. The representations should be signed by the responsible party at the highest level of authority who the practitioner believes is
responsible for and knowledgeable, directly or through others in the organization, about the matters covered by the representations. Paragraph .69, subparagraph 5i describes the specific representations to be obtained for a financial
forecast and a financial projection. See paragraph .43 for guidance on the form
of report to be rendered if the practitioner is not able to obtain the required
The accounting principles used in a financial projection need not be those expected to be used in
the historical financial statements for the prospective period if use of different principles is consistent
with the purpose of the presentation.
Presentation guidelines for entities that issue prospective financial statements are set forth
and illustrated in AICPA Guide Prospective Financial Information.
AT 301.70