CHM 414 Photochemistry & Pericycle Reactions PDF
CHM 414 Photochemistry & Pericycle Reactions PDF
CHM 414 Photochemistry & Pericycle Reactions PDF
The study of chemical reactions, isomerizations and physical behavior that may occur under
the influence of visible and/or ultraviolet light is called Photochemistry. The
Photochemistry course is concerned with the interaction of visible and ultraviolet light with
molecules, an important aspect of modern chemistry which is relevant to biology (e.g.
photosynthesis, vision), lasers, organic synthesis, reaction kinetics and atmospheric science
(e.g. the ozone hole). Some familiarity with concepts such as Hunds rules, the FranckCondon principle, basic reaction kinetics and the steady-state approximation is expected. On
the other hand, pericyclic reactions represent an important class of concerted (single step)
processes involving -systems. It is a chemical reaction in which concerted reorganization of
bonding takes place throughout a cyclic array of continuously bonded atoms. The term
embraces a variety of processes, including cycloadditions, cheletropic reactions, electrocyclic
reactions and sigmatropic rearrangements (provided they are concerted).
Course Description
In this course (CHM 414) titled photochemistry and pericyclic reaction, you will be
presented information in a structured way to make leaning easier. This course exposes
students to the fundamental principles that are foundational to understanding photochemical
transformations. Each unit is planned in an easy to follow pattern for beginners in this aspect
of chemistry. We have adopted a step-by-step approach in order to introduce you to a
fascinating world of excited-state reactions and concerted reactions involving a cyclic flow of
electrons through a single transition state. All the units follow the same pattern and so after
the first unit the rest will become easy to follow.
What you will learn in this course
In this course you will learn about the underlying mechanism for all of photobiology. You
will find that the energy that is absorbed from light can result in photochemical changes in
the absorbing molecule, or in an adjacent molecule (e.g., photosensitization). You will learn
about different preference each type of molecule has to get rid of absorbed photon energy
either to be given off as heat or as lower energy light, i.e., fluorescence or phosphorescence
and which of these different mechanisms it uses in order to return the molecule to its ground
In addition, it will become obvious that a pericyclic reaction is characterized by a change in
bonding relationships that takes place as a continuous, concerted reorganization of electrons.
You will also learn that the term "concerted" specifies that there is one single transition state
and therefore no intermediates are involved in the process. To maintain continuous electron
flow, pericyclic reactions occur through cyclic transition states. You will find out that the
cyclic transition state must correspond to an arrangement of the participating orbitals which
has to maintain a bonding interaction between the reaction components throughout the course
of the reaction.
Course Aims
This course aims at providing you the necessary background on the basics of photochemistry
so as to enable you understand the underlying mechanism for all photochemical processes. It
also intends to enhance a detailed understanding of the concept of the processes of
pericyclic reactions and the stereochemical outcomes of these highly stereospecific reactions.
Course Objectives
On completion of this course you should be able to:
Course Materials
You are provided with the following sets of course materials:
1. A course guide which spells out the details of photochemistry and pericyclic reactions
including the aims and objectives.
2. The study units (presented in two modules) with detailed learning information. Each study
unit has a set of performance objectives along with other relevant learner guide.
Study Units
A synopsis of the units contained in the course is here presented:
Module One
Unit 1- The electromagnetic spectrum: This Unit gives the range of all possible frequencies
of electromagnetic radiation and the "electromagnetic spectrum" of an object as the
characteristic distribution of electromagnetic radiation emitted or absorbed by that object.
Unit 3 Light absorption and fate of the excited state: Reveals what happens to molecules
when they absorb light, the variety of processes and different mechanistic pathways they
Unit 4 Selection rules and photophysical parameters: Looks at the way absorbed or
generated photons are analyzed to predict the likelihood that a physical system will change
from one state to another or will be unable to make such a transition.
Unit 5 Lasers: In this Unit the properties of Laser and the wide variety of applications in all
walks of life to which Laser has been engaged were discussed.
Unit 6 Photochemical reactions: Contrasts photochemical reactions with thermal reactions
as reactions involving electronic reorganization initiated by electromagnetic radiation and
shows the valuable use to which they have been put in organic and inorganic chemistry.
Unit 1 - Mechanism of pericyclic reactions and associated terminologies: Gives a concise
definition of pericyclic reactions, explains the mechanisms of pericyclic reactions and its
associated terminologies together with the various stereochemical notations as well as
characteristics of pericyclic reactions.
Unit 2 - Types of pericyclic reactions: Explains the major categories of pericyclic reactions
and compares different types.
Unit 3 - Analysis of pericyclic reactions: This Unit applies orbital correlation diagram
method and the frontier molecular orbital (FMO) approach to analyze pericyclic reactions.
The individual units of this book are organized according to the following format: unit title,
introduction to the unit, unit learning objectives and text, summary, tutor-marked assignments
(TMA) and suggested references for further reading. We chose this format in order to aid the
reader in comprehending the material and to stimulate him to probe the unit topics further.
The TMAs are meant to test your basic understanding and comprehension of the course
materials, which is a prerequisite for achieving the stated aims and objectives of the course.
The course assessment consists of three aspects namely the self assessment exercise, the tutor
marked assignment and the written examination/end of course examination. It is essential that
you attempt all exercises and assignments and submit appropriately to the course facilitator
for grading. Let your answers be concise and as accurate as possible. You are expected to
consult other materials in addition to your course materials in order to be able to present
accurate answers to the questions. Kindly note that the tutor marked assignment covers only
30% of the total marks for the course.
Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)
The TMA is a continuous assessment component of your course. It accounts for 30% of the
total score. You will be given a number of TMAs to answer. Nearly all of them must be
answered before you are allowed to sit for the end of the course examination. The TMAs will
be given to you by your facilitator and returned after you have done the assignment. Note that
these assignments are already contained in the assignment file to be given to you. You may
do yourself good by reading and researching well before you attempt to answer the questions.
Facilitators/Tutors and Tutorials
There are few hours of tutorials provided in support of this course. You will be informed
appropriately of the name, telephone number and e-mail address of your facilitator. In
addition, the time, dates and location of the tutorial lessons will be communicated
beforehand. You are required to mail or submit your Tutor Marked Assignment to your
facilitator, at least two working days, before the schedule date. Note that all the submitted
assignments will be duly marked by the facilitator with further comments that can improve on
your performances. The facilitator will from time to time take track record of your
comprehension, progress and difficulty in the course. Be kind enough to attend tutorial
lessons at the fixed appointment. It is probably the only avenue to meet face to face and
discuss with you facilitator. There, you will be able to ask questions or seek clarification on
seemingly grey areas in the course material. You may as well have prepared questions and
comments for your facilitator before the due date. An active participation during the tutorial
lessons will be an added advantage to boost your confidence level. In case any of the
situations listed below arises, do not hesitate to intimate your facilitator using his or her
telephone number or via e-mail address;
You do not understand any part of the study or the assigned readings
You are not skill enough to attempt the self assessment exercise
The questions in the TMAs are not clearly understood
There are numerous books and other materials that treat Structure and Bonding; some of
these are listed at the end of units. In addition, the internet provides a lot of information
relating to the course title; the learner is encouraged to use the internet, though with some
level of caution. The learner may wish to consult any of the following resources in aid of
effective learning:
3.3.2 Microwaves
3.3.6 X-rays
3.3 Photochemistry
3.4.1 Dissociation
3.4.2 Energy transfer
3.4.3 Luminescence
3.5 Applications of photochemistry
3.6 Experimental set-up
3.6.1 Excitation
3.1Selection rules
3.1.1 Spin selection rule (S = 0)
3.1.2 LaPorte selection rule (gu; l = 1)
3.1.3 Franck-Condon Selection Rule
3.1.4 Orbital Overlap Selection Rule
3.2 The Quantum Yield
3.2.1 Calculating the Number of Photons Absorbed
3.3 The excited state lifetime
3.3.1Exponential Decay of the Excited State
3.4 Rate Constants for Excited State Deactivation
3.5 Fluorescence quenching
3.1.1 Monochromaticity
3.1.2 Directionality
3.1.3 Coherence
3.3.1 Amplification
3.3.7 Photorearrangement
The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic
radiation. The "electromagnetic spectrum" of an object is the characteristic distribution of
electromagnetic radiation emitted or absorbed by that object.
The electromagnetic spectrum extends from low particular frequencies used for modern radio
communication to gamma radiation at the short-wavelength (high-frequency) end, thereby
covering wavelengths from thousands of kilometres down to a fraction of the size of an atom.
It is for this reason that the electromagnetic spectrum is highly studied for spectroscopic
purposes to characterize matter. The limit for long wavelength is the size of the universe
itself, while it is thought that the short wavelength limit is in the vicinity of the Planck length,
although in principle the spectrum is infinite and continuous.
After studying this Unit, you should be able to:
Describe and electromagnetic wave and its properties.
Describe properties of light in relation to particles and to electromagnetic
Describe the two components of an electromagnetic radiation
State the range (various divisions) of the electromagnetic spectrum
Explain the wave-particle duality of light
Carry out simple calculations using the parameters of light (wavelength,
frequency, velocity, wave number and energy)
State the physical processes that could take place when electromagnetic
radiation interacts with matter
Gamma radiation
X-ray radiation
Ultraviolet radiation
Visible radiation
Infrared radiation
Microwave radiation
Radio waves
This classification goes in the increasing order of wavelength, which is characteristic of the
type of radiation. While, in general, the classification scheme is accurate, in reality there is
often some overlap between neighboring types of electromagnetic energy. For example, SLF
radio waves at 60 Hz may be received and studied by astronomers, or may be ducted along
wires as electric power, although the latter is, in the strict sense, not electromagnetic radiation
at all (see near and far field) The distinction between X-rays and gamma rays is based on
sources: gamma rays are the photons generated from nuclear decay or other nuclear and
subnuclear/particle process, whereas X-rays are generated by electronic transitions involving
highly energetic inner atomic electrons. In general, nuclear transitions are much more
energetic than electronic transitions, so gamma-rays are more energetic than X-rays, but
exceptions exist. By analogy to electronic transitions, muonic atom transitions are also said to
produce X-rays, even though their energy may exceed 6 megaelectronvolts (0.96 pJ), whereas
there are many (77 known to be less than 10 keV (1.6 fJ)) low-energy nuclear transitions
(e.g., the 7.6 eV (1.22 aJ) nuclear transition of thorium-229), and, despite being one millionfold less energetic than some muonic X-rays, the emitted photons are still called gamma rays
due to their nuclear origin.
Also, the region of the spectrum of the particular electromagnetic radiation is reference
frame-dependent (on account of the Doppler shift for light), so EM radiation that one
observer would say is in one region of the spectrum could appear to an observer moving at a
substantial fraction of the speed of light with respect to the first to be in another part of the
spectrum. For example, consider the cosmic microwave background. It was produced, when
matter and radiation decoupled, by the de-excitation of hydrogen atoms to the ground state.
These photons were from Lyman series transitions, putting them in the ultraviolet (UV) part
of the electromagnetic spectrum. Now this radiation has undergone enough cosmological red
shift to put it into the microwave region of the spectrum for observers moving slowly
(compared to the speed of light) with respect to the cosmos. However, for particles moving
near the speed of light, this radiation will be blue-shifted in their rest frame. The highestenergy cosmic ray protons are moving such that, in their rest frame, this radiation is
blueshifted to high-energy gamma rays, which interact with the proton to produce bound
quark-antiquark pairs (pions).
3.3.1. Radio frequency
Radio waves generally are utilized by antennas of appropriate size (according to the principle
of resonance), with wavelengths ranging from hundreds of meters to about one millimeter.
They are used for transmission of data, via modulation. Television, mobile phones, wireless
networking, and amateur radio all use radio waves. The use of the radio spectrum is regulated
by many governments through frequency allocation.
Radio waves can be made to carry information by varying a combination of the amplitude,
frequency, and phase of the wave within a frequency band. When EM radiation impinges
upon a conductor, it couples to the conductor, travels along it, and induces an electric current
on the surface of that conductor by exciting the electrons of the conducting material. This
effect (the skin effect) is used in antennas.
3.3.2. Microwaves
The super-high frequency (SHF) and extremely high frequency (EHF) of microwaves come
after radio waves. Microwaves are waves that are typically short enough to employ tubular
metal waveguides of reasonable diameter. Microwave energy is produced with klystron and
magnetron tubes, and with solid state diodes such as Gunn and IMPATT devices.
Microwaves are absorbed by molecules that have a dipole moment in liquids. In a microwave
oven, this effect is used to heat food. Low-intensity microwave radiation is used in Wi-Fi,
although this is at intensity levels unable to cause thermal heating.
Volumetric heating, as used by microwave ovens, transfers energy through the material
electromagnetically, not as a thermal heat flux. The benefit of this is a more uniform heating
and reduced heating time; microwaves can heat material in less than 1% of the time of
conventional heating methods.
When active, the average microwave oven is powerful enough to cause interference at close
range with poorly shielded electromagnetic fields such as those found in mobile medical
devices and cheap consumer electronics.
Note that there are no precisely defined boundaries between the bands of the electromagnetic
spectrum. Radiations of some types have a mixture of the properties of those in two regions
of the spectrum. For example, red light resembles infrared radiation in that it can resonate
some chemical bonds.
Wave number( ): The number of waves spread in a length of one centimeter is called wave
number. It is denoted by . It is the reciprocal of wavelength, .
Following are the conclusions that can be drawn from above graphs.
1) At a given temperature, the intensity of radiation increases with wavelength and reaches a
maximum value and then starts decreasing.
2) With increase in temperature, the wavelength of maximum intensity (max) shifts towards
lower wavelengths. According to classical physics, energy should be emitted continuously
and the intensity should increase with increase in temperature. The curves should be as
shown by dotted line.
In order to explain above experimental observations Max Planck proposed the following
Quantum theory:
1) Energy is emitted due to vibrations of charged particles in the black body.
2) The radiation of energy is emitted or absorbed discontinuously in the form of small
discrete energy packets called quanta.
3) Each quantum is associated with definite amount of energy which is given by the equation
E = h
Where h = planck's constant = 6.625 x 10-34 J. sec = 6.625 x10-27 erg. sec
= frequency of radiation
4) The total energy of radiation is quantized i.e., the total energy is an integral multiple of h.
It can only have the values of 1 h or 2 h or 3 h. It cannot be the fractional multiple of h.
5) Energy is emitted and absorbed in the form of quanta but propagated in the form of
The following table gives approximate wavelengths, frequencies, and energies for
selected regions of the electromagnetic spectrum:
Spectrum of Electromagnetic Radiation
> 109
> 10
< 3 x 109
< 10-5
109 - 106
10 - 0.01
3 x 109 - 3 x 1012
10-5 - 0.01
106 - 7000
0.01 - 7 x 10-5
0.01 - 2
7000 - 4000
7 x 10-5 - 4 x 10-5
4000 - 10
4 x 10-5 - 10-7
3 - 103
10 - 0.1
10-7 - 10-9
3 x 1017 - 3 x 1019
103 - 105
Gamma Rays
< 0.1
< 10-9
> 3 x 1019
> 105
The notation "eV" stands for electron-volts, a common unit of energy measure in atomic
The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is just a name that scientists give a bunch of types
of radiation when they want to talk about them as a group. Radiation is energy that
travels and spreads out as it goes-- visible light that comes from a lamp in your house
and radio waves that come from a radio station are two types of electromagnetic
radiation. Other examples of EM radiation are microwaves, infrared and ultraviolet
light, X-rays and gamma-rays. Hotter, more energetic objects and events create higher
energy radiation than cool objects. Only extremely hot objects or particles moving at
very high velocities can create high-energy radiation like X-rays and gamma-rays.
Today photochemistry has become one of the most powerful research tools. Compounds of
different molecules are occurred through various photochemical reactions like CO2, NH3 and
methane. Other examples of photochemical reactions are formation of O3, smog, Vitamin D
and many more. A new field in photochemistry called photobiology helps us to understand
the mechanism of photosynthesis (process by which plants make their own food by the
absorption of sunlight).
Also photochemistry helps us to form some typical compounds like Vitamin D, cubanes, and
several cleaning agents which all are made by various chemical reactions of photochemistry.
The formation of laser light is only possible through photochemistry. LASER stands for Light
Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiations. LASER contain monochromatic rays
with coherent radiations, these rays can be easily focused to a small point. Due to this
property, LASER light is used for cutting hard material like metal, diamond etc, also there is
some application of LASER light in medical field.
Photochemical reactions occur all around us, being an important feature of many of the
chemical processes occurring in living systems and in the environment. The power and
versatility of photochemistry is becoming increasingly important in improving the quality of
our lives, through health care, energy production and the search for green solutions
twosome of the problems of the modern world. Many industrial and technological processes
rely on applications of photochemistry, and the development of many new devices has been
made possible by spin-off from photochemical research.
Photochemistry is the study of the chemical reactions and physical changes that result from
interactions between matter and visible or ultraviolet light.
The principal aim of this Unit is to familiarise the reader with basic ideas relating to light and
matter and the interaction between them.
After studying this Unit, you should be able to:
Explain the importance of the electromagnetic radiation in understanding the
nature of matter
Distinguish between thermal and photochemical reactions
State the classical laws of photochemistry
Explain the importance of UV-Visible radiation in photochemistry
Discuss the applications of photochemistry
These reactions involve absorption of light.
The presence of light is the primary requisite
for the reaction to take place.
Temperature has very little effect on the rate
of a photochemical reaction. Instead, the
intensity of light has a marked effect on the
rate of a photochemical reaction.
The free energy change G of a
photochemical reaction may not be negative.
Some of these are initiated by the presence of
a photosensitizer. However a photosensitizer
acts in a different way than a catalyst.
3.3. Photochemistry
Photochemistry is the study of how two of the most fundamental components of the universe,
light and matter, interact with each other. The field of photochemistry can be classified in
terms of photophysics (interaction of light with molecules which results in net physical, not
chemical, changes) and photochemistry (interaction of light with molecules which results in
net chemical changes).
3.3.1. Basic laws of photochemistry
Grotthus-Draper law (1st law of photochemistry)
In the early 1800s Christian von Grotthus (1785-1822) and John Draper (1811-1882)
formulated the first law of photochemistry, which states that only light that is absorbed by a
molecule can produce a photochemical change in that molecule. This law relates
photochemical activity to the fact that each chemical substance absorbs only certain
wavelengths of light, the set of which is unique to that substance. Therefore, the presence of
light alone is not sufficient to induce a photochemical reaction; the light must also be of the
correct wavelength to be absorbed by the reactant species.
Stark-Einstein law (2nd law of photochemistry)
In the early 1900s the development of the quantum theory of lightthe idea that light is
absorbed in discrete packets of energy called photonsled to the extension of the laws of
photochemistry. The second law of photo-chemistry, developed by Johannes Stark (18741957) and Albert Einstein (1879-1955), states that only one quantum, or one photon, of light
is absorbed by each molecule undergoing a photochemical reaction. In other words, there is a
one-to-one correspondence between the number of absorbed photons and the number of
excited species. The ability to accurately determine the number of photons leading to a
reaction enables the efficiency, or quantum yield, of the reaction to be calculated.
3.3.2. Photochemistry Induced By Visible and Ultraviolet Light
Light that can break molecular bonds is most effective at inducing photochemical reactions.
The energy required to break a molecular bond ranges from approximately 150 kiloJoules per
mole to nearly 1000 kJ mol-1, depending on the bond. Visible light, having wavelengths
ranging from 400-700 nanometers, corresponds to energies ranging from approximately 300170 kJ mol-1, respectively. Note that this is enough energy to dissociate relatively weak bonds
such as the single oxygen (O-O) bond in hydrogen peroxide (HOOH), which is why
hydrogen peroxide must be stored in a light-proof bottle.
Ultraviolet light, having wavelengths ranging from 200-400 nm, corresponds to higher
energies ranging from approximately 600-300 kJ mol-1, respectively. Ultraviolet light can
dissociate relatively strong bonds such as the double oxygen (O=O) bond in molecular
oxygen (O2) and the double C=O bond in carbon dioxide (CO2); ultraviolet light can also
remove chlorine atoms from compounds such as chloromethane (CH3Cl). The ability of
ultraviolet light to dissociate these molecules is an important aspect of the stabilityand
destructionof ozone molecules in the upper atmosphere.
A photochemical process may be considered to consist of two steps: the absorption of a
photon, followed by reaction. If the absorption of a photon causes an electron within an atom
or molecule to increase its energy, the species is said to be electronically excited. The
absorption and reaction steps for a molecule AB may be written as: AB + h AB* AB*
products where h represents the energy of a photon of frequency and the asterisk indicates
that the species has become electronically excited. The excited species, AB*, has the
additional energy of the absorbed photon and will react in order to reduce its energy.
Although the excited species generally does not live long, it is sometimes formally indicated
when writing photochemical reactions to stress that the reactant is an electronically excited
species. The possible reactions that an electronically excited species may undergo are
illustrated below.
ii) AB* AB + e
iii) AB* BA
iv) AB* + C AC + B or ABC Reaction
v) AB* + DE AB + DE*
Energy Transfer (intermolecular)
vi) AB* + M AB + M
Physical Quenching
vii) AB* AB
Energy Transfer (intramolecular)
viii) AB* AB + h
3.4.1. Dissociation
The energy of an absorbed photon may be sufficient to break molecular bonds (path i),
creating two or more atomic or molecular fragments. An important example of
photodissociation is found in the photochemistry of stratospheric ozone. Ozone (O3) is
produced in the stratosphere from molecular oxygen (O2) through the following pair of
reactions: O2 + h O + O and O + O2 O3 where h represents the energy of a photon of
ultraviolet light with a wavelength less than 260 nm. Ozone is also dissociated by shortwavelength ultraviolet light (200-300 nm) through the reaction: O3 + h O2 + O. The
oxygen atom formed from this reaction may recombine with molecular oxygen to regenerate
ozone, thereby completing the ozone cycle. The great importance of stratospheric ozone is
that it absorbs harmful short-wavelength ultraviolet light before it reaches the Earth's surface,
thus serving as a protective shield.
In recent years, the effect of chlorofluorocarbons, commonly known as Freons or CFCs, on
the ozone cycle has become of great concern. CFCs rise into the stratosphere where they are
dissociated by ultraviolet light, producing chlorine atoms (Cl) through the reaction: CFC + h
Cl + CFC(minus one Cl). These chlorine atoms react with ozone to produce ClO and
molecular oxygen: Cl + O3 ClO + O2. ClO reacts with the oxygen atoms produced from
the photodissociation of ozone in reaction 5 to produce molecular oxygen and a chlorine
atom: ClO + O O2 + Cl. Therefore, the presence of CFCs interrupts the natural ozone
cycle by consuming the oxygen atoms that should combine with molecular oxygen to
regenerate ozone. The net result is that ozone is removed from the stratosphere while the
chlorine atoms are regenerated in a catalytic process to continue the destructive cycle.
An electronically excited species may react with a second species to produce a new product,
or set of products (path iv). For example, the products of the ultraviolet dissociation of ozone
(reaction 5) are themselves electronically excited: O3 + h O * 2 + O*. These excited
fragments may react with other atmospheric molecules such as water: O* + H2O OH +
OH. Or they may react with ozone: O * 2 + O3 2O2 + O. These reactions do not readily
occur for the corresponding non-excited species, confirming the importance of electronic
excitation in determining reactivity.
3.4.2. Energy Transfer
In some cases the excited species may simply transfer its excess energy to a second species.
This process is called intermolecular energy transfer (path v). Photosynthesis relies on
intermolecular energy transfer to redistribute the light energy gathered by chlorophyll to a
reaction center where the carbohydrates that nourish the plant are produced. Physical
quenching (path vi) is a special case of intermolecular energy transfer in which the chemical
behavior of the species to which the energy is transferred does not change. An example of a
physical quencher is the walls of a container in which a reaction is confined. If the energy
transfer occurs within the same molecule, for example, and if the excess electron energy is
transferred into internal motion of the molecule, such as vibration, it is called intramolecular
energy transfer (path vii).
3.4.3. Luminescence
Although it is not strictly a photochemical reaction, another pathway by which the excited
species may reduce its energy is by emitting a photon of light. This process is called
luminescence (path viii). Luminescence includes the processes of fluorescence (prompt
emission of a photon) and phosphorescence (delayed emission of a photon). Optical
brighteners in laundry detergents contain substances that absorb light of one wavelength,
usually in the ultraviolet range, but emit light at a longer wavelength, usually in the visible
rangethereby appearing to reflect extra visible light and making clothing appear whiter.
This process is called fluorescence and only occurs while the substance is being illuminated.
The related process, phosphorescence, persists after the excitation source has been removed
and is used in "glow-in-the-dark" items.
3.6.1. Excitation
Photoexcitation is the first step in a photochemical process where the reactant is elevated to a
state of higher energy, an excited state. The photon can be absorbed directly by the reactant
or by a photosensitizer, which absorbs the photon and transfers the energy to the reactant.
The opposite process is called quenching when a photoexited state is deactivated by a
chemical reagent.
Most photochemical transformations occur through a series of simple steps known as primary
photochemical processes. One common example of these processes is the excited state proton
transfer (ESPT).
The concept of photochemistry is introduced and explained.
Interaction of radiation with matter is discussed and difference between thermal and
photochemical processes highlighted.
Laws of photochemistry: Grothus-Draper law and Stark-Einstein law provide basis
for understanding photochemical transformations.
Examples of photochemical organic reactions are electrocyclic reactions and
The photoactivity of coordination and inorganic compounds is highlighted
Many important processes involve photochemistry. The premier example is
photosynthesis, in which most plants use solar energy to convert carbon dioxide
and water into glucose, disposing of oxygen as a side-product.
Photochemistry is the study of what happens to molecules when they absorb light. Therefore
it is important to consider the factors affecting whether and how efficiently molecules absorb.
In addition, in the very short time-frame after a molecule has absorbed light, it can undergo a
variety of processes. In applications, we may desire a particular process, so again an
understanding of what pathways are available to excited states is important so that systems
can be optimised as required (e.g. by changing solvent, modifying the molecule).
Electronic excited states are thermodynamically unstable. They persist for lifetimes that are
normally about 10 nanoseconds for many medium sized organic molecules. A number of
transition metal complexes have lifetimes of about 1 microsecond. Triplet states, resulting
from a spin inter-conversion process in the excited state, have quite long lifetimes, sometimes
to beyond 1 millisecond.
Closed shell organic species that are electrically neutral always have single electronic ground
states; electronic selection rules require that absorption of light can occur only when the
electronic spin multiplicity is unchanged during the transition. However, molecular vibrations
and interactions between neighbouring molecules provide mechanisms for molecules to jump
between electronic energy levels either with the same or different spin multiplicity.
As molecules relax from excited states, they can proceed along many different mechanistic
pathways. A simple fate of an excited state molecule is to emit fluorescence. Fluorescence is
the light emission that occurs from the v' = 0 excited electronic state back down to the ground
electronic state. Spontaneous emission is the normal fluorescence that occurs with a random
probability. Stimulated emission is the reverse of a (stimulated) absorption transition, where
a photon of precisely the correct wavelength and direction comes along and knocks the
excited state down to the ground state, taking with it a second identical photon. LASERs
(Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) function when an excited state
reaches a population inversion, and all of the photons emitted from the gain medium have the
same characteristics. Lasers misbehave, or cease to function when stimulated emission starts
to lose the rate competition against spontaneous emission.
After studying this Unit, you should be able to:
Describe the process of light absorption by an atom or molecule
Describe the fate of an electronically excited molecule
Explain the impact of electromagnetic radiation on atomic and molecular
State and explain the Franck-Condon Principle
List the important photophysical processes
Draw the Jablonski diagram and use it to explain the fate of an electronically
excited molecule
Discuss the relationship between the Franck-Condon principle and the Stokes
Figure 1: Regions of the electromagnetic spectrum and their impact on atom structure
Figure 2: Absorption of a photon of visible light causes a d-d transition in Ru(II) giving the
molecule a visible colour.
represented by the Morse potential curves. The ground electronic state S0 is a singlet
(paired-spin, or filled shell) configuration, typical of most neutral organic molecules. The
first single excited state, S1, is coloured blue. The lowest energy unpaired-spin
configuration is a triplet state labelled T1, shown at top right as the dark green curve.
Each of the three Morse potential curves have the first several vibrational levels shown
explicitly. Rotational levels are much more densely spaced, and though quite important, are
not shown.
Radiative processes (those which are "vertical" in energy transfer) are shown in solid lines
whereas non-radiative processes ("horizontal" energy transfer) are shown using dotted lines.
Indicative timescales are shown, although are molecule-dependant.
In principle the Jablonski diagram is similar to the transitions in the potential energy curves,
shown above, except the potential energy curves are usually not represented. A simple
Jablonski diagram for an organic molecule is shown above. Note that a similar diagram for an
inorganic compound will also include metal orbitals, so will be different in style.
shown above, the T1,v=0 state lies substantially below the S1,v=0 state, making a reverse
intersystem crossing process have a very much lower probability than in the forward
direction. Thus, the only decay channel for T1,v=0 is to await the very low probability event
that the T1,v=0 state can return to the S0 vibronic manifold. As discussed immediately above,
the T1,v=0 excited-state decay can be either radiative or non-radiative. Unless there is an
accidental near degeneracy (which occurs less frequently than in the excited state case, as one
can see by thinking carefully about the density of states in an enharmonic Morse potential for
S1, T1, and S0) the T1 state can be quite long-lived. At room temperature, triplet states may
last for milliseconds, while at reduced temperatures, the triplet state can persist for minutes to
3.9. Photosensitization
Photosensitization is the process of initiating a reaction through the use of a substance
capable of absorbing light and transferring the energy to the desired reactants. The technique
is commonly employed in photochemical work, particularly for reactions requiring light
sources of certain wavelengths that are not readily available. A commonly used sensitizer is
mercury, which absorbs radiation at 1849 and 2537 angstroms; these are the wavelengths of
light produced in high-intensity mercury lamps. Also used as sensitizers are cadmium; some
of the noble gases, particularly xenon; zinc; benzophenone; and a large number of organic
In a typical photosensitized reaction, as in the photodecomposition of ethylene to acetylene
and hydrogen, a mixture of mercury vapour and ethylene is irradiated with a mercury lamp.
The mercury atoms absorb the light energy, there being a suitable electronic transition in the
atom that corresponds to the energy of the incident light. In colliding with ethylene
molecules, the mercury atoms transfer the energy and are in turn deactivated to their initial
energy state. The excited ethylene molecules subsequently undergo decomposition. Another
mode of photosensitization observed in many reactions involves direct participation of the
sensitizer in the reaction itself.
near the bottom of the upper potential curve, and follows a vertical arrow down (F), until it
strikes the lower potential curve. Again, it does not hit it in its deepest point, so that some
excitation energy becomes converted into vibrational energy. The cycle absorption-emission
thus contains two periods of energy dissipation. Because of this, the fluorescence arrow (F) is
always shorter (that is, the fluorescence frequency is lower) than that of absorption (A). In
other words, the wavelengths of the fluorescence band are longer than of the absorption band.
This displacement of fluorescence bands towards the longer wavelengths compared to the
absorption bands (Stokes' shift) was a long-established experimental fact before the FranckCondon principle provided its interpretation. Obviously, the extent of the shift depends on the
difference between the two potential curves.
Figure 5: Frank-Condon Principle. Potential energy curves for the ground state and an excited
state of a diatomic molecule. (r, interatomic distance; A, absorption; F, fluorescence; numbers
indicate vibrational states.)
his student Hertha Sponer, who was then at the University of California at Berkeley on an
International Education Board Fellowship. She generously shared the proofs with Condon; he
was able to generalize Franck's ideas (Condon, 1926). Condon (1947) states: "This work was
all done in a few days. Doctor Sponer showed me Franck's paper one afternoon, and a week
later all the quantitative work for my 1926 paper was done."
3.11. The stokes Shift
If a molecule is in an isolated environment, such as in a gas phase, then the fluorescence is
emitted from the lowest vibrational level of the excited state to the ground state and its
vibrationally excited levels. This emission has a spectrum which is a mirror image of the
absorption spectrum. Where emission is excited by a narrow spectral source such as a laser,
some emission is at the same wavelength as the excitation, and is known as resonance
fluorescence. For molecules in solution, the excited state can usually reduce its energy
through rearrangement of the solvent 'cage' around the molecule prior to emission. In this
case, although the emission spectrum is often still rather similar to a mirror image of the
excitation spectrum, the absorption peak and the emission peak do not coincide. The emission
maximum is now at longer wavelength (lower energy) than the excitation, and is said to be
Several factors influence the magnitude of the Stokes shift. If the environment is rigid so that
little rearrangement is possible then the Stokes shift is expected to be small. The magnitude
of the shift depends on factors such as solvent polarity, viscosity and polarizability. It also
depends on whether the excited state can undergo any specific interactions such as proton
transfer or charge transfer to other molecules or (sometimes) within the same molecule.
Sometimes, there could be non-conformity to the mirror image rule. Such deviation is
indicative of a change in geometry of the absorbing species soon after excitation and prior to
emission. This implies that the ground state and the excited states now have different
geometrical arrangements of their nuclei. Apart from change in geometry, excited state
reactions could also result in a breakdown of the mirror image rule. For example the
absorption and emission spectra of anthracene (in the presence of diethylaniline) are not
mirror images, due to the formation of a charge-transfer complex between the excited state of
anthracene and diethyaniline.
Figure 6: The Stokes' shift (displacement of fluorescence band compared to the absorption band
of a molecule). Approximate mirror symmetry of the two bands exists when the shapes of the
potential curves in the ground state and the excited state are similar.
Light absorption can result in the formation of an (electronically) excited state, which has
different chemical properties to the ground state. The intensity and shape of absorption
spectra are a result of the nature of excitation between ground and excited states. Various
processes result in the deactivation of the excited state. The timescales of these indicate their
efficiency, and we will look at these in more detail in future posts.
1. Gilbert, A. and Baggott, J. E., Essentials of molecular photochemistry, Blackwell
Scientific: London, 1991.
2. Turro, N. J., Ramamurthy, V. and Scaiano, J. C., Principles of molecular
photochemistry: an introduction, University Science Books: Sausalito, 2009. Despite
the title, a detailed text with lots on the various photophysical processes that occur on
light absorption. These three authors are among the best known photochemists today.
Turros classic, Modern Molecular Photochemistry, was for a long time the bible for
We have looked at the way photons are absorbed. Photons of UV and visible light cause
electrons to promote between orbitals. In this Unit, we shall look at the way this photon
absorption is analysed by spectroscopists. When a photon is absorbed or generated, we must
conserve the total angular momentum in the overall process. So we must start by looking at
some of the rules that allow for intense UV-visible bands (caused by electronic motion).
Selection rules are a set of restrictions governing the likelihood that a physical system will
change from one state to another or will be unable to make such a transition. Selection rules,
accordingly, may specify "allowed transitions," those that have a high probability of
occurring, or "forbidden transitions," those that have minimal or no probability of occurring.
It is advisable to employ a high-power lamp when performing a photochemical reaction
because it produces more photons than a low-power lamp. Its flux is greater. When we
looked at the laws of photochemistry, we saw how the second law stated the idea that when a
species absorbs radiation, one particle is excited for each quantum of radiation absorbed. This
(hopefully) obvious truth now needs to be investigated further. The quantum yield is a
useful concept for quantifying the number of molecules of reactant consumed per photon of
light. It may be defined mathematically by
After studying this Unit, you should be able to:
only, which means they may occur in practice but with low probability. Light absorption is a
resonant process; hence the most fundamental condition for absorption is that the energy of
the incoming photon must match the difference in energy between the two energy states
involved in the transition (E = h). In addition to this energy matching, the probability of an
electronic transition is predicted using a set of selection rules, which may be summarized as
3.1.1. Spin selection rule (S = 0)
Transitions involving spin changes (ST, or TS) are strongly forbidden. This rule can be
relaxed in the presence of heavy atoms and paramagnetic species. The fact that spinforbidden transitions can be observed at all is as a result of the phenomenon of spin-orbit
coupling, which is the interaction of the electrons spin magnetic moment with its orbital
magnetic moment. This interaction introduces a new term into the Hamiltonian operator
which operates on both spin and space variables. In the presence of this new term, the zeroorder wave functions of the system, which were hitherto pure singlets and triplets, are
combined to form new wave functions of mixed multiplicity. ST and TS transitions
therefore become somewhat probable because the singlet state is no longer pure singlet but
has some triplet character mixed with it. The triplet state also has some singlet character.
3.1.2. LaPorte selection rule (gu; l = 1)
Whether spin-allowed or spin-forbidden, some transitions (e.g. d-d) are generally very weak.
This could be due to the LaPorte rule which forbids transitions involving no change of parity
(pp, dd, ff). If the sign of the wave function changes on reflection through a centre of
smmetry, then the symmetry is referred to as ungerade denoted u; if it is unchanged, it is
termed gerade denoted g. Then according to this rule, gu and ug transitions are allowed,
while uu and gg transitions are forbidden. The corollary of the LaPorte rule is that dp
and sp transitions are allowed, while dd, and sd transitions are forbidden. The
selection rule which states that transitions which cause a large change in linear of angular
momentum of the molecule are forbidden is also consistent with the LaPorte rule. However,
the LaPorte rule does not strictly apply in the presence of minor static distortions or nontotally symmetric vibrational motions which remove the exact centrosymmetry. This could
be responsible for the observed intensities of the dd transitions in octahedral complexes.
3.1.3. Franck-Condon Selection Rule
The classical Franck-Condon principle requires that, because an electronic transition is
instantaneous, the nuclear coordinates and momenta do not change. As a result of this
transition, electron density is rapidly built up in new regions of the molecule and removed
from others. The change in electron density causes a new force field on the stationary nuclei,
which causes the molecules to vibrate. The most probable transition is from the ground state
to the vibrational state lying vertically above it. In terms of the quantum mechanics,
transitions are most probable when the wave function of the upper vibrational state most
closely resembles the ground state vibrational wave function.
3.1.4. Orbital Overlap Selection Rule
Orbitals involved in an electronic transition need to overlap. For example, the *
transition in carbonyls is highly probable because the orbitals involved do overlap. This is not
the case for the n* transition, which is forbidden.
number of events
number of photons absorbed
This definition emanates from the first and second laws of photochemistry, which proposed
that for any photochemical process to take place, there must be absorption of photons, and
that one photon activates only one molecule. Many factors, intrinsic and extrinsic to the
system, can influence the efficiency of a photochemical process. Quantum yield is a measure
of the efficiency of such processes after light absorption. The efficiencies of all
photochemical and photophysical processes are quantified by the quantum yield.
Its value can lie anywhere in the range 106 to 106. A value of 106 implies that the photon
absorption process is very inefficient, with only one molecule absorbed per million photons.
In other words, the energetic requirements for reaction are not being met. Conversely, a
quantum yield of greater than unity cannot be achieved during a straightforward
photochemical reaction, since the second law of photochemistry clearly says that one photon
is consumed per species excited. In fact, values of > 1 indicate that a secondary reaction(s)
has occurred. A value of > 2 implies that the product of the photochemical reaction is
consumed by another molecule of reactant, e.g. during a chain reaction, with one photon
generating a simple molecule of, say, excited chlorine, which cleaves in the excited state to
generate two radicals. Each radical then reacts in propagation reactions until the reaction
mixture is exhausted of reactant.
To help clarify the situation, we generally define two types of quantum yield: primary and
secondary. The magnitude of the primary quantum yield refers solely to the photochemical
formation of a product so, from the second law of Photochemistry, the value of primary
cannot be greater than unity. The so-called secondary quantum yield refers to the total
number of product molecules formed via secondary (chemical) reactions; its value is not
limited. The primary quantum yield should always be cited together with the photon pathway
occurring: it is common for several possible pathways to coexist, with each characterized by
a separate value of . As a natural consequence of the second law of photochemistry, the
sum of the primary quantum yields cannot be greater than unity.
The quantum yield of a photophysical process is directly related to the allowedness of the
process. For example, phosphorescence (TS transition) is a spin-forbidden process; hence
its quantum yield is expected to be small.
The quantum yields for some photophysical and photochemical processes are defined thus:
no of fluorescing molecules
no of photons absorbed
Internal conversion:
IC =
Intersystem crossing:
no of moleculeundergoingintersystem crossing
no of photonsabsorbed
P =
n o of Phosphorescing molecules
n o of photons absorbed
R =
universal constant called Planck's constant. The energy of each photon is inversely
proportional to the wavelength of the associated electromagnetic wave. The shorter the
wavelength, the more energetic is the photon, the longer the wavelength, the less energetic is
the photon.
Knowing these two quantities, then the number of photons incident photons (Nincident) is given
Where is the fraction of incident photons absorbed i.e., the efficiency of absorption. is
sometimes given as %-absorption.
Example 1:
Calculate the number of photons emitted by a 100 W yellow lamp in 1.0 s. Take the
wavelength of yellow light as 560 nm and assume 100 % efficiency.
Power = 100 W = 100 J s-1
Time = 1.0 s
Wavelength () = 560 nm = 5.6 x10-7 m
Eincident = Power x Time = 100 x 1
= 100 J
Nincident =
Example 2:
When a sample of 4-heptanone was irradiated with 313 nm light with a power output of 50 W
under conditions of total absorption for 100 s, it was found that 2.8 x10-3 mol C2H4 was
formed. What is the quantum yield for the formation of ethane?
No. of moles of C2H4 formed = 2.8 x10-3 mol
Power = 50 W = 50 J s-1
Time = 100 s
Wavelength () = 313 nm = 3.13 x10-7 m
Eincident = Power x Time = 50 x 100
= 5000 J
Ephoton =
Nincident =
= 6.36 x10-19 J
lifetime if fluorescence was the only process deactivating the excited state, and it is the
reciprocal of the first order rate constant of fluorescence. Following excitation, the molecule
will also relax by internal conversion and intersystem crossing, in addition to fluorescence; so
that the rate of decay of the singlet excited state is the sum of these three decay processes.
d[S1 ]
= (k F + k IC + k ISC )[S1 ]
T =
(k P + k ISC )
In all cases, the excited triplet state is longer lived than the singlet counterpart because of the
decay (radiative or non-radiative) of the T1 to the S0 state is forbidden. Table X gives a
description of the common photophysical processes.
- dA
= k d [A]
= k d dt
dA = k d dt
In[A] In[A]o = -kdt
[ A]
= k d t
[ A] 0
t = , when [ A] =
[ A] 0
Substituting, we have:
ln = k d
log e e 1
F =
k F + k IC + k ISC
k F + k IC + k ISC
Therefore, F = k F . F
It is known that
; and 0 =
F =
k F + k IC + k ISC
Therefore, it follows that
= F = F
k F + k IC + k ISC 0
If the lifetime of an excited state and the quantum yields of all processes deactivating it are
known, it is possible to calculate the rate constants for the deactivating processes.
The following equations give the expressions for rate constants for the intrinsic processes
(fluorescence, F; internal conversion, IC and intersystem crossing, ISC), which deactivate the
excited singlet state of a molecule:
kF =
k IC =
k ISC =
For naphthalene in a glassy matrix at 77 K excited to the S1 state, the quantum yield of
fluorescence is 0.20, the quantum yield of triplet formation is 0.80, and the quantum yield of
phosphorescence is 0.018.
a) Using the measured lifetime of fluorescence of 96 ns, determine the rate constant for
intersystem crossing from S1 to T1.
b) From the measured phosphorescence lifetime of 2.6 s, determine the rate constant for
intersystem crossing from T1 to S0.
a) From the S1 state,
F = 0.2; T = 0.8; ISC = 0.0, and F = 9.6 x10-8 s
k ISC =
= 8.33 x106 s 1
F 9.6 x10
ISC 0.792
= 0.305 s 1
S0 + Q *
As a result of this quenching reaction, the fluorescence lifetime of the fluorophore is lowered;
the quenching term is introduced into the expression for the S1 state deactivation, and we now
= k F + k IC + k ISC + k Q [Q]
Taking ratios,
0F k F + k IC + k ISC + k Q [Q]
k F + k IC + k ISC
Simplification yields:
= 1 + k Q [Q]. 0F
A vital assumption made in the treatment of fluorescence quenching data is that the rate
constants for the intrinsic processes do not change in the presence of a quencher. This implies
that for any system,
0F 0F I 0
Hence, one can state that
I 0F
= 1 + k Q [Q]. 0F
This is the familiar Stern-Volmer (S-V) equation, which is usually written as:
= 1 + K SV [Q]
Where kQ (M-1 s-1) is the bimolecular quenching rate constant; the Stern-Volmer constant
(KSV, M-1) is defined by as:
K SV = k Q 0F
versus [Q] should give a straight line with intercept 1 and slope KSV. The
observation of a straight line from this plot would indicate that the quenching process is
solely by a collisional mechanism (dynamic quenching).
A plot of
A selection rule is a quantum mechanical rule that describes the types of quantum mechanical
transitions that are permitted. The familiar selection rules are: spin selection rule, LaPorte
selection rule, Franck-Condon selection rule and orbital overlap section rule.
The quantum yield () of a radiation-induced process is the number of times a specific
event occurs per photon absorbed by the system.
Two pieces of information are needed to determine the number of photons absorbed by a
Three types of lifetime exist in photochemistry: fluorescence lifetime (F), triplet lifetime (T)
and the radiative lifetime (0). By definition, 0 is the lifetime of an excited molecule in the
absence of radiationless transitions. The radiative lifetime is not the actual lifetime of the
excited state; it is the lifetime if fluorescence was the only process deactivating the excited
The fluorescence of a substance is said to be quenched if the addition of another substance to
it reduces the intensity of fluorescence, provided that no chemical reaction occurs between
the fluorescing substance (fluorescer or fluorophore) and the quenching material (quencher).
According to Stern and Volmer, the quenching process is a reaction of the second order,
which competes with all other molecular and radiative processes, and is subject to the
= 1 + k SV [Q]
1. (a) What are selection rules in photochemistry?
(b) Describe the spin selection rule and the La Porte selection rule.
2. The quantum yield for a photochemical reaction is 0.91. The absorbing substance
was exposed to 320 nm radiation from a 87.5 W source. The intensity of the
transmitted light was 0.257 that of the incident light. As a result of the irradiation,
0.324 mol of the absorbing substance decomposed. For what length of time must the
irradiation have persisted?
3. Derive the Stern-Volmer equation for the reaction of a fluorophore (S1*) with a
quencher (Q); after which the fluorophore was deactivated and the quencher excited.
4. 1-Chloronaphthalene fluoresces with F = 0.06 and phosphoresces with P = 0.54;
fluorescence lifetime F and phosphorescence lifetime P are 10-9 and 0.3 seconds
respectively. If the quantum yield of internal conversion is 0.01, calculate (i) Rate
constants for S1 T1 intersystem crossing, (ii) Rate constant for T1 S0
intersystem crossing, (iii) Rate constant for fluorescence, and (iv) Rate constant for
1. N. J. Turro, Molecular Photochemistry, Benjamin, New York, 1967.
2. J. R. Lakowicz, Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Springer, New York,
Lasers are devices that produce intense beams of light which are monochromatic, coherent,
and highly collimated. The wavelength (colour) of laser light is extremely pure
monochromatic) when compared to other sources of light, and all of the photons (energy) that
make up the laser beam have a fixed phase relationship (coherence) with respect to one
another. Light from a laser typically has very low divergence. It can travel over great
distances or can be focused to a very small spot with a brightness which exceeds that of the
sun. Because of these properties, lasers are used in a wide variety of applications in all walks
of life.
The basic operating principles of the laser were put forth by Charles Townes and Arthur
Schalow from the Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1958, and the first actual laser, based on a
pink ruby crystal, was demonstrated in 1960 by Theodor Maiman at Hughes Research
Laboratories. Since that time, literally thousands of lasers have been invented (including the
edible Jello laser), but only a much smaller number have found practical applications in
scientific, industrial, commercial, and military applications. The helium neon laser (the first
continuous-wave laser), the semiconductor diode laser, and air-cooled ion lasers have found
broad OEM application. In recent years the use of diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) lasers in
OEM applications has been growing rapidly. The term laser is an acronym for (L)ight
(A)mplification by (S)timulated (E)mission of (R)adiation.
After studying this Unit, you should be able to:
nature of light and absorption and emission of light. Atoms emit radiation. For example,
"excited" neon atoms in a neon sign emit light, which is normally radiated in random
directions at random times. The result is incoherent light (a technical term for a jumble of
photons going in all directions). To generate a coherent light (nearly monochromatic and
going in one precise direction); it is imperative to find the right atoms and an environment
which would make the all light given up to go in one direction.
There are many different types of lasers, with output wavelengths ranging from ultraviolet to
far infra-red. Lasers are broadly classified into solid, liquid and gas lasers. Most solid and gas
lasers are only able to produce photons at a fixed wavelength, and this tends to limit their
utility for chemical applications. Liquid lasers (which contain dye solutions and nearly
operate mostly in the visible and near UV) on the other hand can be adjusted (tuned) over a
certain wavelength range. A major advantage of lasers over other light sources is that they are
capable of producing highly energetic and nearly monochromatic photons. The processes that
go on inside them differing greatly from one laser type to another, hence, it is easy to become
distracted by detail that might apply to one type of laser only. The features described here are
those that lasers have in common.
Laser light consists of essentially one wavelength, having its origin in stimulated emission
from one set of atomic energy levels.
All light consists of waves travelling through space. The colour of the light is determined by
the length of those waves, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Wavelength is the distance over which the wave repeats itself and is represented by the
Greek letter (lambda). Each colour of visible light has its own characteristic wavelength.
White light consists of a mixture of many different wavelengths. A prism can be used to
disperse white light into its component wavelengths (colours), as in Figure 2.
Figure 3 depicts light being emitted from a light bulb in all directions. All conventional light
sources emit light in this manner. Devices such as automobile headlights and spotlights
contain optical systems that collimate the emitted light, such that it leaves the device in a
directional beam; however, the beam produced always diverges (spreads) more rapidly than
the beam generated by a laser.
Figure 5 depicts a parallel beam of light waves from an ordinary source traveling through
space. None of these waves has any fixed relationship to any of the other waves within the
beam. This light is said to be "incoherent," meaning that the light beam has no internal order.
In Figure 7, the beam of a low-powered laser strikes a rough surface, such as paper or wood,
and is reflected in all directions. A portion of this light reaches the eye of an observer several
meters away. The observer will see a bright spot that appears to be stippled with many bright
and dark points. This "speckled" appearance is characteristic of coherent light, and is caused
by a process called "interference," which will be discussed in a later module.
Figure 7
Irradiance is the power of electromagnetic radiation per unit area (radiative flux) incident on
a surface.
state." If the atom contains additional energy over and above its ground state, it is said to be
in an "excited atomic state."
Figure 8 is a simplified energy-level diagram of an atom that has three energy levels. This
atom can contain three distinct amounts of energy and no others. If the atom has an energy
content of El, it is in the atomic ground state and is incapable of releasing energy. If it
contains energy content E2 or E3, it is in an excited state and can release its excess energy,
thereby dropping to a lower energy state. Real atoms may have hundreds or even thousands
of possible distinct energy states. The three-level mode is utilized here for purposes of clarity.
The coherent light of the laser is produced by a "stimulated-emission" process (Figure 10). In
this case, the excited atom is stimulated by an outside influence to emit its energy (photon) in
a particular way.
Absorption of Light
Figure 11 illustrates another process that occurs within a laser. Here, a photon strikes an atom
in energy state E2 and is absorbed by that atom. The photon ceases to exist; and its energy
appears as increased energy in the atom, which moves to the E3 energy level. The process of
absorption removes energy from the laser beam and reduces laser output.
Population Inversion
In order for a laser to produce an output, more light must be produced by stimulated emission
than is lost through absorption. For this process to occur, more atoms must be in energy level
E3 than in level E2, which does not occur under normal circumstances. In any large collection
of atoms in matter at any temperature T, most of the atoms will be in the ground state at a
particular instant, and the population of each higher energy state will be lower than that of
any of the lower energy states. This is called a "normal population distribution."
Under "normal" circumstances, each energy level contains many more atoms than the energy
level just above it, and so on up the energy lever ladder. For example, at room temperature, if
there are No atoms in the ground state of Neon (He-Ne laser) there are only 10-33No atoms in
the first excited state, even fewer in the second excited state and so forth. The population of
the ascending energy levels decreases exponentially.
Thus, in any large collection of atoms in matter at any temperature T, most of the atoms will
be in the ground state at a particular instant, and the population of each higher energy state
will be lower than that of any of the lower energy states. This is called a "normal population
A population inversion exists whenever more atoms are in an excited atomic state than in
some lower energy state. The lower state may be the ground state, but in most cases it is an
excited state of lower energy. Lasers can produce coherent light by stimulated emission only
if a population inversion is present. And a population inversion can be achieved only through
external excitation of the atomic population.
Energy source (Energizer): Often electricity, but a very intense light, flash tube, chemical
reaction or even another laser can also be used.
The active medium (Amplifying medium): Can be a solid, a liquid or a gas. Whatever its
physical form, the amplifying medium must contain atoms, molecules or ions, a high
proportion of which can store energy that is subsequently released as light.
The feedback mechanism: This consists of two mirrors or other highly reflective surfaces
placed at each end of the active medium.
Energizing the active medium
The process of energizing an active medium is known in laser terminology as pumping
Pumping an amplifying medium by irradiating it with intense light is referred to as optical
A laser consists of a pumped active medium positioned between two mirrors (Figure 12). The
purpose of the mirrors is to provide what is described as 'positive feedback'. This means
simply that some of the light that emerges from the active medium is reflected back into it for
amplification. One of the mirrors is a total reflector, and reflects almost all of the light that
falls upon it. The other mirror, known as the output coupler, is only partially reflective. The
light that is not reflected being transmitted through the mirror, and constitutes the output
beam of the laser.
The process of light amplification could be accounted for by a consideration of the interaction
of light with individual atoms within the active medium. Light absorption is a resonant
process, and so there will be no absorption if there is no pair of energy states such that the
photon energy can elevate the system from the lower to the upper state, i.e., there must be an
energy matching between the photon and the separation of the two electronic states. If an
electron is already in an excited state (an upper energy level, in contrast to its lowest possible
level or "ground state"), then an incoming photon for which the quantum energy is equal to
the energy difference between its present level and a lower level can kindle a transition to that
lower level, producing a second photon of the same energy. This process is termed
stimulated emission. When a sizable population of electrons resides in upper levels, this
condition is called a "population inversion", and it sets the stage for stimulated emission of
multiple photons. This is the precondition for the light amplification that occurs in a laser,
and since the emitted photons have a definite time and phase relation to each other, the light
has a high degree of coherence. The stimulated emission of light is the crucial quantum
process necessary for the operation of a laser.
population inversion can occur. In order to establish a population inversion, the upper state
must be populated by pump energy, and the lower state must be depopulated. This could be
achieved by using either the 3-level laser or the 4-level laser.
Excited state
2-Level system
G round state
Figure 13: A two-level system. Population inversion not achievable
In the 3-level scheme, the particles are first excited to an excited state higher in energy than
the upper laser state (Figure 14). The particles then quickly decay down into the upper laser
state. It is important for the pumped state to have a short lifetime for spontaneous emission
compared to the upper laser state. The upper laser state should have as long a lifetime (for
spontaneous emission) as possible, so that the particles live long enough to be stimulated and
thus contribute to the gain. The gain is the factor by which the intensity of the light is
increased by the active (amplifying) medium. In this 3-level laser system, the lower state is
the ground state, so in order to depopulate it; a large amount of pump energy must be put in
so that the ground state is actually in lower concentration than the excited state. The only way
to depopulate the ground state is to put in more and more pump energy.
Pumped state
Pumped state
Metastable state
Metastable state
Ground state
Ground state
3-Level LASER
4-Level LASER
In the case of the 4-level scheme (Figure 14), only a modest pump energy may be
sufficient to establish a population inversion between higher laser state (3) and lower laser
state (4) if the upper state is relatively long lived (metastable) and lower state is relatively
short lived (unstable). Laser transition takes place between the states (3) and (4) and so a
rapid depopulation of state (3) to the ground state is required to ensure that the upper level is
always full and the lower level always (almost) empty (Figure 15).
E x c ite d s ta te
G ro u n d s ta te
E x c ite d s ta te
G r o u n d s ta te
Laser spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy
Cosmetic surgery (tattoo, hair, scar, stretch mark, sunspot, wrinkle & birthmark
Eye surgery (LASIK, etc...)
Laser scalpel (gynecological, urology, laparoscopic)
Dental procedures
"Death ray": A hand-held device that might replace the gun as a weapon for
"Laser cannon": Able to destroy tanks, ships and aircraft
The laser is a light source that exhibits unique properties and a wide variety of applications.
Lasers are used in welding, surveying, medicine, communication, national defence, and as
tools in many areas of scientific research. Many types of lasers are commercially available
today, ranging in size from devices that can rest on a fingertip to those that fill large
buildings. All these lasers have certain basic characteristic properties in common.
A laser is a coherent and highly directional radiation source. LASER stands for Light
Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
A laser consists of at least three components:
The gain medium can be solid, liquid, or gas and the pump source can be an electrical
discharge, a flash lamp, or another laser. The specific components of a laser vary depending
on the gain medium and whether the laser is operated continuously (cw) or pulsed.
If light of the right colour hits an atom, it will bump an electron up to a higher energy level.
And later the electron falls back down, giving off light of the same colour in some random
But when a photon hits an atom that is already excited, the atom releases a new photon that is
completely identical to the incoming photon; same colour, going in the same direction. We
call this process "stimulated emission". This is basic of all lasers.
2. Ogunsipe, A.O., Photophysical and Photochemical Studies on Non-transition Metal
Phthalocyanone Derivatives, Ph.D thesis, Rhodes University, 2004.
A photochemical reaction is a chemical reaction that is induced by light. Photochemical
reactions are valuable in organic and inorganic chemistry because they proceed differently
from thermal reactions. Photochemical reactions involve electronic reorganization initiated
by electromagnetic radiation. The reactions are several orders of magnitude faster than
thermal reactions; reactions as fast as 10-9 seconds and associated processes as fast as 10-15
seconds are often observed. The light required for a photochemical reaction may come from
many sources. Giacomo Ciamician, regarded as the "father of organic photochemistry", used
sunlight for much of his research at the University of Bologna in the early 1900's. Depending
on the compounds being studied and the information being sought, bright incandescent lamps
(chiefly infrared and visible light), low, medium and high pressure mercury lamps (185 - 255
nm, 255 -1000 nm & 220 -1400 nm respectively), high intensity flash sources and lasers have
all been used.
The process by which a photochemical reaction is carried out is called photolysis. Photolysis
is usually initiated by infrared, visible, or ultraviolet light. A primary photochemical reaction
is the immediate consequence of the absorption of light. Subsequent chemical changes are
called secondary processes.
Photochemical reactions are utilized in synthetic chemistry to produce various organic
molecules. In addition, many common processes are photochemical in nature and have
important applications. For example: photosynthesis involves the absorption of light by the
chlorophyll in plants to produce carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water.
Photography uses the action of light on grains of silver chloride or silver bromide to produce
an image. Ozone formation in the upper atmosphere results from action of light on oxygen
molecules. Solar cells, which are used to power satellites and space vehicles, convert light
energy from the sun to chemical energy and then release that energy in the form of electrical
In this unit we shall focus chiefly on the nature and behaviour of the electronic excited states
formed when a photon is absorbed by a chromophoric functional group. As a rule, such
excitation results in a change in molecular orbital occupancy, an increase in energy, and
changes in local bonding and charge distribution.
After studying this Unit you should be able to:
1. The excited states are rich in energy. Therefore reactions may occur that are highly
endothermic in the ground state. Using the equation E = h x we can correlate light of a
wavelength of 350 nm with an energy of 343 kJ/mol.
2. In the excited state anti-bonding orbitals are occupied. This may allow reactions which are
not possible for electronic reasons in the ground state.
3. Photochemical reaction can include singlet and triplet states; thermal reactions usually only
show singlet states. In photochemical reaction intermediates may be formed which are not
accessible at thermal
Essential criteria for all photochemical reactions:
Molecule must absorb light
Radiation energy must match energy difference of ground and excited state
primary step. The absorption step can be represented by where the molecule M absorbs a
quantum of light of appropriate energy to yield the excited M* molecule.
another unstable radical. This new radical can now attack another molecule, thereby
reforming the original radical, which can now begin a new cycle of events.
The hydrogen-chlorine reaction is an example of a chain reaction. The overall reaction
between hydrogen and chlorine gases in the presence of violet or ultraviolet light forms
hydrogen chloride; it is given by This reaction actually proceeds according to the following
series of steps:
According to the above mechanism, a suitable quantum of light dissociates a chlorine
molecule into atoms (step 1). The reactive Cl atom attacks a hydrogen molecule to yield
hydrogen chloride and a hydrogen atom (step 2). The reactive hydrogen atom attacks a
chlorine molecule, which regenerates the Cl atom (step 3). This chlorine atom can then react
with another H2 molecule according to step 2, beginning a new cycle of steps. Steps 2 and 3
will occur many times until either of the two reactants, H2 and Cl2, is completely consumed
or until the H or Cl radicals attack a new substance that has been introduced into the reaction
The side chain of riboflavin can split off to form lumiflavin.
Singlet oxygen is an easily available reagent. It can be generated from triplet oxygen in
many solvents by a broad variety of sensitizers. The reaction of organic compounds with
singlet oxygen can lead to reactive molecules, such as hydroperoxides, 1, 2-dioxetanes and
endoperoxides. These compounds are useful for subsequent transformations, e.g., the ring
structure of cholesterol can add a peroxy group.
Uracil can add a molecule of water to it 5-6 double bond when UV irradiated.
great interest for such studies, because one can utilize red light or IR radiation, which is not
absorbed by biomolecules, and is biologically benign.
Cis-Trans Isomerization
Rearrangements of electronically excited molecules present one of the most exciting chapters
in photochemistry in the sense that they follow reaction pathways that are usually
inaccessible for the ground state (activation barriers in the ground state are very high). The
cis-trans isomerization of double bonds belongs to such reactions. The azobenzene reaction
provides an instructive example. Scheme 1 shows photoinduced rearrangements of stilbene
that has been extensively studied. In addition to double bond isomerization, cis-stilbene
undergoes also cyclization with a lower quantum yield to form dihydrophenanthrene. The cistrans isomerization of stilbene occurs through rotation around the double bond. In the ground
state this rotation encounters a large barrier, i.e., there is a maximum on the ground-state
potential energy surface at the geometry corresponding to a twist angle of about 90o. In
contrast, both the first singlet excited state and triplet state have a minimum approximately at
the same geometry. The close proximity of the minimum and maximum facilitates a jump to
the ground state. The cis-trans isomerization of azobenzene may proceeds not only through
rotation, but also through nitrogen inversion, i.e. in-plane motion of the phenyl ring.
Scheme 1
3.3.7. Photorearrangement
Two illuminating examples of photoinduced rearrangements of substituted benzaldehydes are
presented in Scheme 2. Intramolecular hydrogen transfer in 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde is an
extremely fast reaction in the singlet excited state. However, the process is completely
reversed upon a jump to the ground state. Overall, no chemical conversion is observed and
excitation energy is either dissipated as heat or emitted as light, but with a longer wavelength.
This behavior is typical for aromatic carbonyl compounds with ortho-hydroxy groups, and
they found application as UV protectors, in sunscreens for example. Molecules acting as UV
protectors absorb light that is harmful for biological molecules, and convert light into heat or
radiation that is biologically benign. In contrast, an intramolecular hydrogen transfer in 2nitrobenzaldehyde initiates a sequence of the ground-state reactions that leads to 2nitrosobenzoic acid. The latter molecule is a moderately strong acid, and dissociates in
aqueous solutions so that the photochemistry of 2-nitrobenzaldehyde can be used to create a
rapid pH-jump in solution. Many biological macromolecules, such as proteins and nucleic
acids, show pH-dependent conformational changes. Those changes can be monitored in real
time by using the light-induced pH-jump.
Scheme 2
Another important example is the conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol to vitamin D3.
When a second molecule is located near an electronically excited molecule, the excitation can
be transferred from one to the other through space. If the second molecule is chemically
different, there can be a substantial change in the luminescence. For example, the chemiluminescence of a jellyfish is actually blue, but, because the energy is transferred to GFP, the
observed fluorescence is green.
Photosensitized molecular oxygen is a powerfully oxidative species that severely hampers the
photosynthetic efficiency of plants and causes health problems such as cataracts in humans.
The ground state of molecular oxygen is very unusual in that it is a triplet; hence, it can
accept electronic energy from more-energetic triplet states of other molecules in a process
called quenching (as in the case of the space shuttle wing described above). When this
occurs, the donor molecule begins in its triplet state and undergoes a change in spin to its
singlet ground state. The molecular oxygen begins in its triplet ground state and also changes
spin to a singlet excited state. Because the total spin between the two molecules is
unchanged, the transfer of energy can occur rapidly and efficiently. The resulting molecular
oxygen singlet state phosphoresces in the far red and the near infrared. Moreover, it is both a
strong oxidant and peroxidant and, if formed, may chemically attack (oxidize) a nearby
molecule, often the same molecule that sensitized the molecular oxygen. The oxidation
reaction often changes the molecule to a form without colour. This light-induced bleaching
(one kind of photodamage) can be observed in nearly any coloured material left in sunlight.
In fact, the photosynthetic systems in plants must be continuously dismantled, repaired, and
rebuilt because of photodamage (primarily from singlet molecular oxygen).
Some organisms use photodamage to their advantage. A remarkably effective plantpathogenic fungus, Cercospora, produces a pigment that efficiently sensitizes singlet
molecular oxygen. Peroxidation of the plant cell membrane causes the cells of the infected
plants to burst, giving nutrients to the fungus.
Since the oxygen has an unpaired electron, it behaves in much the same way as an alkoxy
radical. Hydrogen abstraction and addition to double bonds are typical reactions. Cleavage of
neighboring carbon-carbon bonds may also occur, the two most common of these being
designated Type I and Type II.
An important primary photoprocess of carbonyl compounds is cleavage, also known as a
Norrish Type I reaction (Scheme 3). Besides recombination, the acyl and the alkyl radicals
formed in the primary reaction can undergo numerous secondary reactions that are
responsible for the multitude of final products.
Scheme 3
Intramolecular hydrogen abstraction is a common photoreaction of carbonyl compounds with
a hydrogen atom attached to the fourth carbon atom (Scheme 4). The resulting diradical can
form cycloalkanol or undergo C-C bond fission to give an alkene and enol. The latter is
usually thermodynamically unfavorable and converts to a ketone. Intramolecular abstraction
of a -hydrogen is known as a Norrish Type II process.
Scheme 4
In this unit you have learnt that photochemical reactions are chemical reactions initiated by
the absorption of energy in the form of light. They involve electronic reorganization initiated
by electromagnetic radiation. The consequence of molecules absorbing light is the creation of
transient excited states whose chemical and physical properties differ greatly from the
original molecules. These new chemical species can fall apart, change to new structures,
combine with each other or other molecules, or transfer electrons, hydrogen atoms, protons,
or their electronic excitation energy to other molecules. Excited states are stronger acids and
stronger reductants than the original ground states. It is this last property that is crucial in the
most important of all photochemical processes, photosynthesis, upon which almost all life on
earth depends. What you have learned in this unit concerns the chemistry that distinguishes
photochemical reactions from other reactions. It has served to introduce you to the peculiar
types of photochemical reactions such as photo-isomerization, photo-oxidation, photofragmentation, photo-rearrangement and photosensitization.
1. Klessinger, M., Michl, J. (1994). Excited States and Photochemistry of Organic
Molecules. Wiley-VCH, New York.
2. Turro, N.J. (1991). Modern Molecular Photochemistry. University Science Books,
Mill-Valley, California.
3. Photochemical reaction. (2011). In Encyclopdia Britannica. Retrieved from
For the synthetic organic chemist, the development of a general procedure that leads to the
formation of carbon-carbon bonds is considered a laudable achievement. A general method
that results in the simultaneous formation of two carbon-carbon bonds is worthy of a Nobel
Prize. In 1950, two chemists, Otto Diels and Kurt Alder, received that accolade for their
discovery of a general method of preparing cyclohexene derivatives that is now known as the
Diels-Alder reaction. The Diels-Alder reaction is one type of a broader class of reactions that
are known as pericyclic reactions. Pericyclic reactions are the concerted reactions involving
reorganization of electrons which occur by the way of a single cyclic transition state.
Pericyclic reactions represent an important class of concerted (single step) processes
involving -systems. The fact that the reactions are concerted gives fine stereochemical
control of the product; however, this module is more concerned with the general types of
pericyclic reaction, than with regio and stereochemical control. In 1965 two other Nobel
laureates, Robert B.Woodward and Roald Hoffmann, published a series of short
communications in which they presented a theoretical basis for these well known, but poorly
understood pericyclic reactions. Their theory is called orbital symmetry theory. Subsequently
other chemists published alternative interpretations of pericyclic reactions, one called frontier
orbital theory, and another named aromatic transition state theory. All of these theories are
based upon MO theory. In this module we will use the Diels-Alder reaction to illustrate
aspects of each of these theories.
Pericyclic reactions that involve a redistribution of bonding and non-bonding electrons in a
cyclic, concerted manner are an important class of organic reactions. Since the publications
of the Woodward-Hoffmann rules on the conservation of orbital symmetry and the frontier
molecular orbital theory (FMO) by Fukui first described in the late 1960s, the underlying
principles of these processes at the molecular level have become fully understood. Many
modern organic chemistry textbooks include pericyclic reactions as a major topic. They are
usually covered in detail in a typical introductory organic chemistry course. Among the two
fundamental approaches to pericyclic reactions, the FMO approach has gained some
popularity at the undergraduate teaching level. It is simpler and can be based on a pictorial
approach. A detailed understanding of molecular orbital theories and symmetry is not
Pericyclic reactions are popular with synthetic chemists because the reagents and conditions
are mild and the reactions are usually very "clean" unlike so many organic chemical reactions
that result in the formation of large quantities of brown-black, smelly by-product of unknown
After studying this Unit, you should be able to:
4. No ionic, free radical or other discernible intermediates lie on the reaction path.
5. The configuration of the product depends on: (i) the configuration of reactants (ii) The
number of electron pairs undergoing reorganization and (iii) the reaction conditions (like
thermal or photochemical).
A different notation for configurational change is required for electrocyclic reactions. In these
cases a -bond between the ends of a conjugated -electron system is either made or broken with
a corresponding loss or gain of a -bond. For this to happen, the terminal carbon atoms of the
conjugated - electron system must be rehybridized with an accompanying rotation or twisting of
roughly 900. The lobes of like sign can be either on the same side or on opposite sides of the
molecule. For a bond to form, the outermost pi lobes must rotate so that favorable bonding
interaction is achieved. If lobes of like sign are on opposite sides of the molecule: both orbitals
must rotate in the same direction, clockwise or counterclockwise .Woodward called this motion
conrotatory .That is, when viewed along the axis of rotation, the two end groups may turn in the
same direction, termed conrotatory. If two lobes of like sign are on the same side of the
molecule, the two orbitals must rotate in opposite directions-one clockwise and one
counterclockwise .Woodward called this a disrotatory opening or closure. When viewed along the
axis of rotation, the two end groups may turn in the opposite directions, termed disrotatory. The
prefixes con and dis may be remembered by association with their presence in the words concur
& disagree. These two modes electrocyclic reaction are shown in the diagram in the general form
in which they are most commonly observed. To form the new -bond in the electrocyclic
reaction, the p orbitals at the end of the conjugated system must overlap head-to-head.
3.3.2 Cycloadditions Two or more molecules or molecular components (from now on,
components) react together to form two or more bonds in a new ring. It should be noted for
a sense of completeness that not all cycloadditions are pericyclic, and that they can occur in a
stepwise manner. This allows the selection rules to be broken (i.e. [2+2] additions etc. can
occur). The reactions can be made stepwise by equipping one reagent with a powerful
electron-donating group (nucleophilic) and the other with a powerful electron withdrawing
group (electrophilic). In assigning a cycloaddition to a class we assign descriptors -, - or to the electrons directly involved in the process (i.e. those that move when curly arrows are
drawn), count how many electrons are involved in each component, and identify whether the
components are reacting in suprafacial (s) or antarafacial (a) modes.
3.3.3 Forbidden reactions and allowed reactions Not all cycloaddition reactions are
allowed. For example, [2+2] reactions are not. This is due to a kinetic barrier to reaction (2
alkenes forming a 4 membered ring is thermodynamically favourable, but kinetically
impossible). A forbidden reaction is expected to have an electronic barrier on the reaction
pathway due to unfavorable orbital properties. An allowed reaction is not expected to have
such a barrier. These terms are perhaps overly dramatic, but they indicate accurately the
tendencies of certain reactions to occur or not to occur. Generally, a thermal pericyclic
reaction is allowed if the number of electrons involved can be expressed as 4n+2. 4n is
forbidden. Crudely, an odd number of curly arrows is allowed while an even number is
forbidden. Conversely, photochemical pericyclic reactions are allowed if the number of
electrons is 4n, but not if it is 4n+2. Note though that when putting that much energy into a
reaction, other mechanisms may take precedence.
In this unit you have learned that a pericyclic reaction is a chemical reaction in which
concerted reorganization of bonding takes place throughout a cyclic array of continuously
bonded atoms. It may be viewed as a reaction proceeding through a fully conjugated cyclic
transition state. The number of atoms in the cyclic array is usually six, but other numbers are
also possible. The term embraces a variety of processes, including cycloadditions, cheletropic
reactions, electrocyclic reactions and sigmatropic rearrangements (provided they are
concerted). Concerted means that all bonding changes occur at the same time and in a single
step (no intermediates).
1. Distinguish between (i) concerted and stepwise processes (ii) synchronous and
asynchronous systems.
(b)List four types of pericyclic reactions and give an example of each.
2. (a) What do the following acronyms stand for (i) HOMO (ii) LUMO (iii) SOMO?
1.Woodward, R.B.; Hoffmann, R. The Conservation of Orbital Symmetry, 2004, Verlag
Chemie Academic Press.
2 .Barltrop, J.A., Coyl, J.D. Excited states in organic chemistry, 1975, London; New York:
3. Pericyclic reaction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More simply, the term pericyclic covers all concerted reactions involving a cyclic flow of
electrons through a single transition state. While in this transition state, a concerted
rearrangement of the electrons takes place which causes sigma and - bonds to
simultaneously break and form. Pericyclic reactions can be predicted and controlled to a great
degree, which makes them very useful in synthesis. Pericyclic reactions are popular with
synthetic chemists because the reagents and conditions are mild and the reactions are very
"clean"... unlike so many organic chemical reactions that result in the formation of large
quantities of brown-black, smelly by-product of unknown composition. Pericyclic reactivity
can be understood in terms of frontier molecular orbital (FMO) theory and the outcome of
reactions can be predicted using the Woodward-Hoffmann rules.
At the end of this Unit, you should be able to:
Explain the major categories of pericyclic reactions
Give appropriate examples of each category of pericyclic reactions
Compare different types of pericyclic reactions
3.1 General classification of pericyclic reactions
Pericyclic reactions are usually rearrangement reactions. The major classes of pericyclic
reactions are: cycloaddition, electrolytic reaction, sigmatropic reaction, group transfer
reaction, cheletropic reaction and dyotropic reaction. Within each subclass, it is common that
reactions can either be induced to occur under thermal conditions with simple heating, or
under photochemical conditions. The two methodologies are complementary.
3.2 Cycloaddition Reactions
A cycloaddition is a reaction that simultaneously forms at least two new bonds, and in doing so,
converts two or more open-chain molecules into rings. The transition state for these reactions
typically involves the electrons of the molecules moving in continuous rings, making it a
pericyclic reaction. A concerted combination of two -electron systems to form a ring of atoms
having two new bonds and two fewer bonds is called a cycloaddition reaction. The number of
participating - electrons in each component is given in brackets preceding the name, and the
reorganization of electrons may be depicted by a cycle of curved arrows - each representing the
movement of a pair of electrons. Ring-opening process is cycloreversion.
The most common cycloaddition reaction is the [4+2] cyclization known as the Diels-Alder
reaction. In Diels-Alder terminology the two reactants are referred to as the diene and the
dienophile. The following diagram shows examples of [4+2], a light induced [2+2] and
[6+4] cycloadditions.
Cycloaddition reactions involve the formation of a cyclic product due to addition of two
different bond containing components, which are joined by newly formed two bonds at
their ends at the expense of two bonds. It is usually reversible and the backward reaction is
also referred to as retro-cycloaddition or a cycloreversion. The classic example of
cycloaddition is Diels-Alder reaction between a Diene and a Dienophile to give a cyclic
adduct. Cycloaddition, and the reverse process retrocycloaddion, can be observed in the
reaction between 1,3-butadiene and ethene to give cyclohexene.
That is:
The 1,3-butadiene is a conjugated -system with 4 -electrons and the ethene is a conjugated
-system with 2 -electrons. The reaction between 1,3-butadiene and ethene to give
cyclohexene is described as a [4+2] cycloaddition reaction. This type of cycloaddition is also
called a Diels-Alder reaction. In a Diels-Alder reaction the 4 -electron system is referred to
as "the diene" and the 2 -electron system as the "dieneophile". These terms are used in
related [4+2] reaction systems even when the functional groups are not actually dienes or
Cycloaddition is a type of X + Y
X-Y complexation, and it follows the usual
thermochemistry rules. The formation of the Diels-Alder adduct is an exothermic reaction. It
follows that high temperatures favour retrocycloaddition and low temperatures favour
adducts formation.
However, many cycloaddition reactions require moderate heating to overcome the activation
energy. So a cycloaddition may require heating to make the reaction "go", but if it is heated
too much the equilibrium will favour retrocycloaddition. The compound cyclopentadiene
slowly undergoes cycloaddition with itself: one molecule of cyclopentadiene acts as a 4 electron diene and the other as a 2 -electron dieneophile. The product is a Diels-Alder
"adduct", often called dicyclopentadiene. This dimeric material can be cracked back to
cyclopentadiene by heating at 150C for an hour and then distilling off the diene monomer.
Diels-Alder cycloaddition reactions proceed more efficiently if the diene is electron rich and
the dienophile is electron poor. Cyclopentadiene is electron rich. The way to make the
dieneophile electron poor is to add electron withdrawing groups, such as carbonyl functions.
Maleic anhydride is an electron poor dieneophile which reacts with cyclopentadiene to give
an endo Diels-Alder adduct. Upon heating at 190C, the endo conformation adduct adopts the
more stable exo-adduct conformation.
Note: In this reaction, a lone pair on sulfur atom is equivalent a -bond and is reorganized.
One -bond and a lone pair are disappeared, whereas two -bonds are formed. Also note that
sulfur atom is oxidized from +4 to +6 state.
3.4 Electrocyclic reactions
That is:
Note that the 3-alkene must be cis for the reaction to occur.
The reverse, or retroelectrocyclic, reaction can also occur. This is seen with the ring opening
of cyclobutene to 1,3-butadiene:
Electrocyclic reactions, like all pericyclic processes, exhibit great stereoselectivity. Consider
two 1,3,5-hexatriene systems embedded into longer hydrocarbon chains.
Note: Though looking like electrocyclic reactions, there is no reduction in the number of bonds in sigmatropic reactions.
Like electrocyclic reactions, sigmatropic rearrangements are unimolecular processes.
Sigmatropic reactions involve the movement of a sigma-bond with the simultaneous
rearrangement of the -system.
Two examples illustrate this:
The [1,5] shift of hydrogen in a 1,3-pentadiene system:
Note that the generic "R" functions have been added so that the product can be distinguished
from the starting materials.
The biosynthesis of vitamin D has photochemical step, and the reaction takes place in skin
cells. A 1,3-cyclohexadiene system associated with the b ring of a steroid undergoes a
photoactivated, retroelectrocyclisation to give 1,3,5-hexatriene system. The thermal reaction
is not allowed because it would be necessary to form a six membered ring with a transalkene, a sterically impossible structure. 1,3,5-hexatriene system then undergoes a thermal
[1,7] sigmatropic rearrangement to give vitamin D3. This is further processed in the liver.
The [3,3] sigmatropic rearrangement of 1,5-dienes or allyl vinyl ethers, known respectively as the
Cope and Claisen rearrangements, are among the most commonly used sigmatropic reactions.
Three examples of the Cope rearrangement are shown in the following diagram. Reactions 1 and
2 demonstrate the stereospecificity of this reaction. Since each allyl segment is the locus of a
[1,3] shift, the overall reaction is classified as a [3,3] rearrangement. The three curved arrows
describe the redistribution of three bonding electron pairs in the course of this reversible
rearrangement. The diene reactant in the third reaction is drawn in an extended conformation.
A common reaction in organic synthesis is the acid catalysed decarboxylation of a ketoester. The ester is hydrolysed to the -ketoacid by the aqueous acid this rapidly loses
carbon dioxide.
The reaction proceeds as a retroene reaction to give carbon dioxide and an enol system. The
loss of CO2 drives the reaction to the right hand side. The enol rapidly tautomerises to the
methyl ketone:
Diimide is used as a reducing agent, it adds H2 to C=C and N=N bonds and leaves other
functions untouched:
Type-II: The -bonds are migrated to new bonding sites without any positional interchange
for groups.
All types of pericyclic reactions are concerted and involve cyclic transition state without any
intermediate formed during the reaction. The characteristics which differentiate them from
each other are tabulated below.
change in change in
Type of pericyclic
of no.
of comments
rearrangement of -electrons
Dyotropic reactions 0
The Diels-Alder reaction is one type of a broader class of reactions that are known as
pericyclic reactions. In 1965 two other Nobel laureates, Robert B.Woodward and Roald
Hoffmann, published a series of short communications in which they presented a theoretical
basis for these well known, but poorly understood pericyclic reactions. Their theory is called
orbital symmetry theory. Subsequently other chemists published alternative interpretations of
pericyclic reactions, one called frontier orbital theory, and another named aromatic transition
state theory. All of these theories are based upon MO theory. In this unit we will use the
Diels-Alder reaction to illustrate aspects of each of these theories.
At the end of this Unit you should be able to:
Analyze pericyclic reactions using the orbital correlation diagram method, the frontier
molecular orbital (FMO) approach.
Give the reaction conditions for pericyclic reactions
Use Woodward-Hoffmann rules to predict allowed pericyclic reaction
3.1Analysis of Pericyclic reactions
Principal methods of analyzing pericyclic reactions are the orbital correlation diagram method,
the frontier molecular orbital (FMO) approach, and the Mobius-Huckel transition state
aromaticity approach.
3.2 Orbital correlation diagram method
The original approach of Woodward and Hoffmann involved construction of an "orbital
correlation diagram" for each type of pericyclic reaction. The symmetries of the appropriate
reactant and product orbitals were matched to determine whether the transformation could
proceed without a symmetry imposed conversion of bonding reactant orbitals to anti bonding
product orbitals. If the correlation diagram indicated that the reaction could occur without
encountering such a symmetry-imposed barrier, it was termed symmetry allowed. If a symmetry
barrier was present, the reaction was designated symmetry-forbidden.
In applying orbital correlation analysis, care must be taken to recognize the pertinent and
molecular orbitals and their delocalization as required by the symmetry of the transition state.
This must be done for both the bonding and antibonding orbitals, and when necessary for n
(nonbonded pair) orbitals. The following principles should be observed:
1. Bonding orbitals undergoing significant change in the reaction, and their antibonding
counterparts, should be identified.
2. If polyene moieties are involved, all the molecular orbitals of that conjugated system must be
3. Ignoring non-participating substituents and heteroatoms, the symmetry elements of the
essential molecular skeleton must be identified. All orbitals not clearly symmetric or
antisymmetric with respect to these molecular symmetry elements need to be mixed or until they
become so. In the construction of the orbital correlation diagram caution is exercised in choosing
the symmetry elements.In this respect, the only important symmetry elements are those that bisect
bonds that are made or broken in the reaction. Mixing is usually required for orbital analysis.
4. Each bonding and antibonding orbital included in the correlation is assigned one or more
symmetry designations, S for symmetric, A for antisymmetric, depending on its fit with each
characteristic symmetry element
5. The molecular orbitals are then arrayed according to their energy (increasing vertically), and
location on the reaction coordinate (horizontally). Correlations of reactant and product orbitals
are drawn so that orbitals of like symmetry are connected.
3.3 Orbital symmetry diagram (Orbital correlation diagram)
3.3.1 Conservation of Orbital Symmetry Theory: Explains the relationship among the
structure and configuration of the reactant, the conditions (thermal or photochemical) under
which the reaction takes place, and the configuration of the products. In 1965 R. B. Woodward
and Roald Hoffmann of Harvard University proposed and demonstrated orbital symmetry rule,
states that in-phase orbitals overlap during the course of a pericyclic reaction. Concerted reactions
proceed most readily when there is congruence between the orbital symmetries of the reactants
and products. In other words, when the bonding character of all occupied molecular orbitals is
preserved at all stages of a concerted molecular reorganization, that reaction will most likely take
place. The greater the degree of bonding found in the transition state for the reaction, the lower
will be its activation energy and the greater will be the reaction rate. A symmetry-allowed
pathway is one in which in-phase orbitals overlap. If a reaction is symmetry-forbidden, it cannot
take place by a concerted pathway. If the symmetries of both reactant and product orbitals match
the reaction is said to be symmetry allowed under the Woodward-Hoffmann Rules. If the
symmetries of reactant and product orbitals do not correlate, the reaction is symmetry-disallowed
and there are no low energy concerted paths.
The fundamental feature of the orbital symmetry analysis is to draw the MOs of the
reactant(s) and the MOs of the product(s). One then considers how the symmetries of the
orbitals relate to each other. Orbitals of reactants are transformed smoothly into orbitals of
products, with conservation of orbital symmetry.
Figure 2 defines the conditions implied by the term head-to-head, namely that the reactants
approach each other in parallel planes with the pi orbitals overlapping in the head-to-head
fashion required for the formation of sigma bonds. The sigma-bonded atoms of each ethene
lie in the two parallel planes shown in black in the figure. The p orbitals on each carbon lie in
the vertical plane which is shown in blue. The two planes shown in red are symmetry planes.
Plane 1 bisects the C-C bond of each ethene, while plane 2 lies half way between the two
planes shown in black.
According to the conventions of orbital symmetry theory, the reaction shown in Figure 2 is
classified as a 2s + 2s cycloaddition, where indicates that the reaction involves a
system, the number 2 is the number of electrons in the reacting system, and the letter s
stands for suprafacial: if one lobe of a p orbital is considered as the top face, while the other
lobe is called the bottom face, then a suprafacial interaction is one in which the bonding
occurs on the same face at both ends of the system. The orientation of the interacting
systems depicted in Figure 2 implies something about the stereochemical outcome of the
reaction. Consider the 2s + 2s cycloaddition shown in Equation 3, where the two new
sigma bonds are shown in red.
Because the interacting systems approach each other in a "head-to-head" fashion, the
relative stereochemistry is the same in the products as it is in the reactants, i.e. the two
carboxyl groups that are "cis" to each other in the alkene are "cis" to each other in the
The alternative to a suprafacial interaction is an antarafacial reaction: in this case bonding
occurs on the top face at one end of the system and on the bottom face of the other. We will
consider these ideas again when we discuss the Diels-Alders reaction. Molecular orbital
theory describes the formation of the product in reaction 2 in terms of linear combinations the
molecular orbitals of the reactants. Each reactant has two pi molecular orbitals of interest, 1
and 2. There are four combinations of these pi orbitals possible: 1A + 1B, 1A - 1B, 2A +
2B, and 2A - 2B, where the subscripts A and B are used to distinguish one ethene from the
other. These combinations transform into the four sigma molecular orbitals in the product:
1A + 1B, 1A - 1B, 2A + 2B, and 2A - 2B. The diagram depicting the correlation of the
reactant and product orbitals is shown in Figure 4. The numbers 1 and 2 in the diagram refer
to the symmetry planes 1 and 2 in Figure 2.
3.3.3 Analysis of electrolytic reaction by orbital correlation diagram method
Example 1: Interconversion of cyclobutene to butadiene. For the disrotatory process not all
the orbitals correlate with ground state orbitals of butadiene. The following conclusions can
be drawn from the correlation diagram.
1. We expect a thermal transformation to take place only when the ground state orbitals of
cyclobutene correlate with the ground state orbitals of butadiene. Even though correlates
with 1, the orbital of cyclobutene is not correlating with 2 of butadiene. Thus thermal
transformation of cyclobutene to butadiene by disrotatory process is symmetry forbidden.
2. Irradiation of cyclobutene causes excitation with electron distribution 2, 1, *1, which
correlates with first excited state orbitals of butadiene. The photochemical process is
symmetry allowed.
Similarly the first excited state of butadiene is correlating with a higher energy upper excited
state of cyclobutene .i.e., a photochemical conrotatory process in either direction is symmetry
On similar grounds we can work out the disrotatory and conrotatory modes interconversion of
hexatriene cyclohexadiene. It can be noted that the thermal disrotatory and photochemical
conrotatory processes are symmetry allowed.
These generalizations are Woodward Hoffmann rules for electro cyclic reactions which can be
summarized as
The FMO approach was developed by Woodward & Hoffmann in the late nineteen sixties
who used it to explain an apparently diverse set of reactions involving -systems, including
Diels-Alder cycloaddition. Hoffmann used the approach to explore transition metal
According to Frontier Orbital Theory it is possible to determine if a pericyclic reaction is
allowed or forbidden by simply considering the symmetry relationship of the frontier orbitals
of the reactants. The frontier orbitals are the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and
the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO). The interaction between these orbitals, a
so-called HOMO-LUMO interaction, is a concept that is similar to Lewis acid-Lewis base
chemistry which involves the interaction of a filled orbital of the base with an empty orbital
of the acid. According to Frontier Orbital Theory, a pericyclic reaction is allowed when the
HOMO of one reactant has the same symmetry as the LUMO of the other. The bonding or
antibonding interactions of the frontier molecular orbital(s) determine whether the reactions
are thermally or photochemically allowed or forbidden.
Cycloaddition can be explained using frontier molecular orbital (FMO) theory. The alkene
(dienophile) component has two electrons is a "single" -bond. FMO theory, here, identifies
the HOMO and LUMO components of this system:
Likewise, the diene which has four electrons in its conjugated -system can have its HOMO
and LUMO identified within FMO theory:
If we examine the phases at the ends (termini) of the diene and dieneophile we find that the
LUMO/HOMO interactions are phase matched:
We can use Hckel MO theory to calculate the sizes of the coefficients at each of the atoms.
(There is a web based HMO calculator, here, although at meta-synthesis we use a stand alone
package: HMO by Allan Wissner.)
If the coefficients are calculated for 1-methoxy-1,3-butadiene the termini are +0.3 and 0.58
(or 0.3 and and +0.58). For acrylonitrile the coefficients are +0.2 and 0.66 (or 0.2 and
The cycloaddition reaction proceeds so the coefficients "match", both in in terms of phase
(essential) and in terms of coefficient magnitude: +0.3 with +0.2 and 0.58 with 0.66.
Thus, the regioselectivity of the cycloaddition can be explained:
Fukui realized that a good approximation for reactivity could be found by looking at the
frontier orbitals (HOMO/LUMO). This was based on three main observations of molecular
orbital theory as two molecules interact:
1. The occupied orbitals of different molecules repel each other.
2. Positive charges of one molecule attract the negative charges of the other.
3. The occupied orbitals of one molecule and the unoccupied orbitals of the other
(especially the HOMO and LUMO) interact with each other causing attraction.
From these observations, frontier molecular orbital (FMO) theory simplifies reactivity to
interactions between the HOMO of one species and the LUMO of the other. This helps to
explain the predictions of the WoodwardHoffmann rules for thermal pericyclic reactions,
which are summarized in the following statement:
"A ground-state pericyclic change is symmetry-allowed when the total number of (4q+2)s and
(4r)a components is odd"
(4q+2)s refers to the number of aromatic, suprafacial electron systems; likewise, (4r)a refers
to antiaromatic, antarafacial systems. It can be shown that if the total number of these
systems is odd then the reaction is thermally allowed.
As with cycloaddition, this selectivity can be explained by examining the FMOs, specifically
the HOMO:
Whereas the following [2+2] cycloaddition is forbidden under thermal conditions. But the
reaction is possible under photochemical conditions.
A thermal pericyclic reaction is allowed in the ground state, when the total number of (4q +
2)s and (4r)a components is odd.Otherwise, if the total of (4q + 2)s and (4r)a components is
even, the pericyclic reaction is allowed in the excited state i.e., under photochemical
Component: A bond(s) or an orbital(s) taking part in the pericyclic reaction as a single unit
can be considered as a component. It can have any number of electrons but may not have
mixtures of and electrons. E.g. A double bond is considered as a 2 component, since
there are two electrons. A conjugated diene can be considered as 4 component, since there
are four electrons. 's' represents suprafacial. A suprafacial component forms new bonds on
the same face at its both ends. 'a' represents antarafacial. An antarafacial component forms
new bonds on the opposite faces of its both ends. E.g. 2s represents a component containing
two electrons and forming new bonds in suprafacial manner. 4a represents a component
containing four electrons and is going to form new bonds in antarafacial manner.
Application: Let us assume the diene and dienophile in Diels-Alder reaction are
approaching suprafacially as shown below.
Since there are 4 electrons in diene, which is making bonds in suprafacial manner it is a (4q
+ 2)s component. i.e, there is one (4q + 2)s component. And the alkene is a (4r)s component,
since it has 2 electrons and is approaching the diene suparfacially i.e., there are no (4r)a
components. Hence, the total number of (4q + 2)s and (4r)a components = 1 + 0 = 1, an odd
number. Therefore Diels-Alder reaction is thermally allowed in ground state when both the
components are approaching suprafacially. Hence it is termed as 4s + 2s cycloaddition.
Antarafacial addition is not allowed under thermal conditions but is theoretically allowed
under photochemical conditions in the excited state. However, the strain in the transition state
while doing so forbids to do so.
Note: The orbitals shown in above diagrams are simple 'p' orbitals and are not the frontier
molecular orbitals. Do not mix descriptions of FMO theory with Woodward-Hoffmann rules.
A non Huckel number
Remember that even though the pericyclic reactions are allowed theoretically under both the
conditions in either of the modes, sometimes the factors like steric hindrance and strain in the
transition state may forbid the reaction to occur.
2s + 2s
2s + 4s
2s + 2a
2s + 4a
2a + 2a
2a + 4a
Before we move on, it is worthwhile to clarify the implications of the words allowed and
forbidden. An allowed reaction is simply one with a low activation relative to some other
pathway, while a forbidden reaction is a process for which there is significant activation
energy. In terms of transition states, an allowed reaction proceeds via an aromatic transition
state, while a forbidden reaction does not occur because the transition state would be "antiaromatic."
In this unit you have learnt the various rules of pericyclic reactions. All of the theories just
described involve two basic assumptions
1. The orbitals overlap suprafacially on both systems.
2. The reaction is thermally induced.
Given these assumptions, we can state the following:
These rules are summarized in Table 4.4. Note that changing just one of the variables, i.e.
faciality, energy source, or number of electrons (two electrons at a time), changes an allowed
reaction to a forbidden one and vice versa. Below are some other fine points:
3. Woodward, R. B., Hoffmann, R. (1971). The Conservation of Orbital Symmetry;
Academic Press: New York
4. Barltrop, J.A., Coyl, J.D. (1975) Excited states in organic chemistry. London ; New
York: Wiley.