National Institute of Fashion Technology, Kolkata
National Institute of Fashion Technology, Kolkata
National Institute of Fashion Technology, Kolkata
23-07-2014 up to 12.30 pm
23-07-2014 up to 2.00 pm
23-07-2014 at 3.00 pm
Date and Time of financial Bidding: will be notified to the short listed bidders.
Note: This tender document contains 9 pages and bidders are requested to sign on all the pages. The
Technical bid & the Price bid should be sealed by the bidder in separate covers duly superscribed & both
these sealed covers are to be put in a bigger cover which should also be sealed & duly superscribed as
Upgradation of Existing Light & Sound System of Auditorium.
NIFT CAMPUS, Plot No. 3B, Block-LA, Sector III, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700098
Phone: 91-33-2335 7546, 2890, 8350 Fax No. 91-22-2335 5734
National Institute of Fashion Technology (under Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India) is governed by the NIFT
Act, 2006.
Note: 1. NIFT Donations are exempted u/s 80 (G) of Income Tax Act.
2. Being registered with DSIR, NIFT is entitled for Custom / Central Excise
duty exemption.
Sealed tenders are invited from the interested parties by National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT),
Kolkata for the Upgradation of Existing Light & Sound System of Auditorium of NIFT Kolkata Campus.
Tender format can be down loaded from NIFT website or can be obtained from
Purchase Section, NIFT Kolkata.
The tenders shall be submitted in the Tender box at Purchase Section at NIFT Campus, Plot 3B, Block
LA, Sector III, Salt Lake, Kolkata.
The site (at the above mentioned address) can be inspected any time during working hours on any working
day with prior appointment. No extra amounts shall be payable for non awareness of the site conditions and
Bids shall be submitted in two separate envelopes namely, Technical Bid (Annexure-I) and Financial Bid
(Annexure-II). The technical and financial bids duly sealed in separate envelopes must be kept inside a
single third envelope and clearly superscribed as Upgradation of Existing Light & Sound System of
Auditorium. The envelopes should be clearly marked as Technical bid (Envelope-1) and Financial Bid
(Envelope-II). The envelope of Technical Bid shall also contain the EMD of Rs. 12,000/- (in the form
of Demand Draft/Pay Order payable in favour of NIFT, Kolkata).
(a) Technical Bid shall contain the information in Annexure-1 duly supported with the documents (duly
self attested) in support of having successfully executed the work of same capacity during the last 3 (three)
years, registration details, copy of PAN card etc. The rates of the items shall not be quoted in technical bid.
(b) The Financial Bid in Annexure-2, of the tenderers whose technical bid is found to be suitable will be
opened in the presence of the tenderers, who wish to remain present. Minimum two-day notice will be given
to tenderer for this purpose.
(c) If Price Bid found not in order or according to our format, the same may be liable to be cancelled even if
the agency is qualified for the financial bid.
(d) Tenders received in the single-bid system or having the technical as well as financial bid in the same
envelope shall be rejected.
Telegraphic or conditional tender may not be accepted or the condition(s) may not be considered.
The rates quoted shall include the cost of material, labour, T&P etc, as required for the completion of
The quoted rates shall be inclusive of all taxes, duties, VAT etc. as applicable and no extra charges
shall be payable on this account; if not specifically mentioned the quoted price will be considered as
all inclusive.
TDS as per rule shall be deducted from the bills during payment. The agency must enclose copy of
PAN No. supported by copy of PAN Card of the company.
The yearly turnover during 2011-12 & 2012-13 may be submitted with relevant document [ITR/
audited report/ etc.] with technical bid
The quotation submitted by the Agency should remain valid for a period of 60 days from the date of
opening of tenders.
The work has to be completed within a period of six weeks from date of issue of letter of award.
If the work is not completed within the stipulated time period liquidated damages equivalent to 1%
(one percent) of contract/bill value shall be charged per week and deducted from the bills of the
contractor subject to maximum of 10% of contract/bill value.
The tenderer must visit the site and shall satisfy himself as to conditions under which the work is to
be performed. He shall also check and ascertain the locations of any existing system or equipment or
any other situation, which may affect the work. No extra claim for ignorance or on the ground of
insufficient description will be allowed at a later date.
10. The contractor will work in close co-operation and co-ordination with other agencies working at site.
11. NIFT is not bound to provide any mode of transport in respect of men or material required for the
12. The contractor shall ensure that either he himself or his representative is available for proper
administration and supervision at the work place.
13. In case of any damage or loss to the Institutes property or material caused directly or indirectly by
the contractors personnel, the contractor shall be held fully responsible, and the Institute shall be
entitled to deduct appropriate amount with penalty from contract fees payable to the contractor. The
amount of loss or damage as determined by the Deputy Director, NIFT shall be final and binding on
the contractor.
14. The contractor will be solely and exclusively responsible to adhere to meet out all statutory
obligations under Indian law in respect of compliance of all the rules, regulations and directions given
by any statutory authority with regard to safety, labour laws or any other prevalent laws.
15. The Contractor shall at all times indemnify and keep indemnified the owner and its officers, servants
and agents from and against all third party claims whatsoever including but not limited to property
loss and damage, personal accident, injury or death of/or property or person of any sub-contract and
or the servants or agents of the contractor any sub-contractor(s) and or the owner and the contractor
shall at his own cost and initiative at all times, maintain all liabilities under Workmens Compensation
Act/Fatal Accident Act, Personal Injuries, Insurance Act and/or their Industrial Legislation from time to
time in force.
16. The Experience certificate/work completion certificate/dealership/ distributor ship certificate is to be
submitted with the tender.
17. No payment shall be made in advance.
18. The Technical Bid should contain Earnest Money Deposit of an amount of Rs. 12,000/- in the form
of bank Demand Draft/ Pay Order in favour of NIFT, payable at Kolkata without which the tender shall
be summarily rejected. EMD of tendering parties, whose tenders are not accepted, shall be refunded
without interest, within 60 days of opening of tenders. This Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) will not
bear any interest.
19. The Earnest Money deposited is liable to be forfeited if the tenderer withdraws the tender within the
period of validity of his tender.
20. Performance guarantee shall be at least for one year of all items. The security deposit of 10%
of the bid value shall be deducted from the bills and withheld for one year as a defect liability
21. No interest shall be paid on security deposit which shall remain with the Institute during the period of
guarantee and it shall be released after two months of the expiry of the guarantee after deducting
dues, recovery, etc. if any and as applicable.
22. Guarantee for the materials, workmanship and satisfactory performance of the plant for a period of
twelve (12) months from the date of commissioning or eighteen (18) months from the date of delivery
whichever is earlier, any part/parts be found defective within the above period the same will be
repaired/replaced free of cost.
23. In case of L-1 is more than one, then the past performance of the Tenderer will be the sole criteria for
selection and it would be at the discretion of NIFT. The decision of NIFT will be final in all respect and
will be binding to all the tenderers.
24. A separate Demand Draft/ Pay Order of Rs. 200/- (Non Refundable) drawn in favour of NIFT
Kolkata payable at Kolkata against Tender document cost shall be attached with Technical Bid if
the tender document is downloaded from the website.
25. Even after qualifying in technical bid, the financial bid may not be accepted if found not in order at the
sole discretion of NIFT.
26. NIFT reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders in part or whole or may cancel the
tender without assigning any reason thereof. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
Purchase Officer
NIFT, Kolkata
Name of work: Upgradation of Existing Light & Sound System of Auditorium.
Mention Yes or No
b. Telephone No.:
c. Mobile No.:
d. E-mail address:
3. Details of relevant work experience:
4. Furnish copies of the following documents:
(i) Trade License (or equivalent document)
(ii) Service Tax Registration Certificate
(iii) PAN Card
Sound system
1 Job.
1 No.
5 Nos.
1 No.
1 Job.
1 Job.
Note: The scope of work or/and the quantities of items may vary at any stage which shall be carried out by
the contractor on the same Terms & conditions and rates and payment will be made on actual basis.