The Digital Representation of Sound
The Digital Representation of Sound
The Digital Representation of Sound
Engineering Report
Written by Richie Ung Trang
1. Abstract
The purpose of this document is to inform individuals about the
representation of sound in computing devices. Initially, the report
frames the role of software and computer engineers involved in
designing audio interfaces, as well as the academic career paths
involved. The report then examines the various conversion
processes which allows sound to be stored in computer memory.
2. Introduction
Technological development and the need for audio sharing has led
to music and sound being stored in almost every computing device
found today. The digital representation of sound has led to the music
industry becoming both a renown and established discipline. Digital
audio recordings are also required in our current telecommunication
devices such as mobile phones. However, these progressions are
not possible without first being able to condense sound in computer
memory (in binary).
The nature of work required by engineers who design audio
interfaces is a proficient understanding in mechanical waves and
computer programming. They require at a minumum, a Bachelors
degree in software or computer engineering which can be attained
at a university. The report outlines how sound is recorded and
condensed through an Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC) and the
computer interfaces involved.
3. Scope of the Profession
Software engineers employed to design computer interfaces would
work in a variety of settings including software firms, private
companies or in some cases work through entrepenuership. They
are responsible for communicating where sound is stored in local
memory through simulated programs or operating systems. They
must coordinate controls into a responsive program and convert
instructions into computer language (a process called programming
or coding). They can be expected to investigate any failures in the
program and undergo updates.
Computer engineers who design audio interfaces (the technology to
convert analogue to digital and visa versa) are often employed in
computer firms, technology firms or private companies. They are
required to build electrical products and computer hardware
to Digital
3. Store
The purpose of the ADC is to get a value for the voltage. One way
would be to increase the voltage using circuits and comparing until
we get the correct value. However, this would take too long. So a
binary register is set up which contains values of voltage in a wide
3. Storing memory
In order for sound to be easily accessible, it must be stored in a
finite amount of space. Computer storage space is limited. If 64 bit
numbers were used (immense numerical detail) and sampled at a
rate of 100kHz, the digitally stored values would be huge. A quality
and accuracy balance must be struck to fit storage limitations.
Sounds are waves which require a medium to propogate through.
These waves are transmitted through objects or passed through air.
For example, when you knock on wood a sound wave passes
through and disturbs the particles. It then emitted and the wave
disturbs air particles.
The ear drum simply detects the continuous change in pressure as a
result of the wave propogation and disturbance. The frequency of
the change in pressure reflects the pitch of the sound, and the
amplitude reflects the loudness (measured in decibels).
5.2 Microphone diaphragm
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Pelgrom, M.J.M.P, 2013. Analog-to-Digital Conversion. 2nd ed.
Netherlands: Springer Science+Business Media.
Pelgrom, M.J.M.P, 2013. Analog-to-Digital Conversion. 2nd ed.
Netherlands: Springer Science+Business Media.