Issue 11 - Worry (Bible Study Share Group (BSSG) - Bugolobi)
Issue 11 - Worry (Bible Study Share Group (BSSG) - Bugolobi)
Issue 11 - Worry (Bible Study Share Group (BSSG) - Bugolobi)
5b) What does it mean to seek God’s kingdom? TOPIC: WORRY
___________________________________________________________ Most worries are future- based. They revolve around things that I most
cases, will never happen. Concentrate on the present and the future will take
___________________________________________________________ care of itself.— Paul Wilson
Food for thought. It is difficult to live in the present, ridiculous to live in the future and impossi-
ble to live in the past.— Jim bishop.
Rather than being occupied with material things, our ambition should be
to seek first God’s kingdom, and righteousness, knowing that as we do
Paul Wilson and Jim bishop, encourage us to recognize that life is nothing
so, he has pledged himself with covenant faithfulness to respond-all
but a series of moments “the past just a minute ago, the future just a sec-
these things shall be added unto you. he has pledged covenant faithful-
ond way,’ if we do, we, we will not mourn for lost days, months, hours. we
ness to respond-all these things shall be added unto you.
will worry less about controlling our future.
Kingdom dynamics.
Matthew 6:33 seek God’s kingdom first; PATHWAY OF MIRACLES. The word worry in Hebrew is merimnao, derived from merizo to mean; to
Putting God’s kingdom first step the pathway to God’s miracles and you divide into parts. It suggests a distraction, a preoccupation with things caus-
cannot walk on this pathway unless determining his will, purpose and ing stress, pressure, anxiety. Jesus speaks against worry because of the
glory is your first priority as you pursue his call in your life. To do so, turn watchful care of the heavenly father who is ever mindful of our needs.
first to his word, which is the atmosphere in which you may understand How can we overcome worry? Why shouldn’t we worry? Do we benefit from
his will, recognize his way, and hear the voice of the spirit. (Psalms worry or not?.........lets jump into the bible study and find out.
119:18); watch for the little things, the little signs along the way, not in
the great wind, earth quake, or fire, but in the “still small voice” (1kings Day 1
19:11-13) often it is the small seemingly insignificant things or events 1a) What does worry mean to you?
that ultimately determine our destiny.
Blessed is the person who is too busy to worry in the daytime, and too
sleepy to worry at night.-- Unknown 1b) Have you ever been worried before? If yes, identify one particular inci-
dent that caused you to worry! How did you overcome it?
Don't worry about what's ahead. Just go as far as you can go - from there
you can see farther.—Unknown _____________________________________________________________
© 2009 All Rights Reserved - Bible Study Share Group - Bugolobi - Issue 11
2 3
Day 2 Day 4
2a) List the things which Jesus says we worry about. (read Mathew 6:25-27) 4. The bible is filled with many that are worried, many of us share these
experiences, we relate with mighty men of God and individuals, a good
____________________________ ______________________________ examples Elijah and a widow (IKings17:8-15) This widow was nearly with-
out foodstuffs. Elijah asked her to give him her last food, if she did, God
____________________________ ____________________________ would give her an unfailing provision, this woman overcame her worry,
responded in faith and God was faithful to his promise..
____________________________ _____________________________ 4a) When Elijah instructed the widow to give him the last of her food,
what worried her?
2b) Apart from those listed above in 2a) list the worries you face today. _____________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ 4b) Evidence showed that the widow was poor and has the last of her food,
but she had to heed to God’s instruction, could you share an experience in
2c) How does Jesus encourage us concerning the above.(Matthew 6:25-27,
your life that relates to hers.?
read also Philippians 4:6, Psalms 55:22, 1Peter 5:6-7)
4c) What do we learn from her experience?
Day 3.
3. How does Jesus Christ illustrate the worthlessness of worry in the follow-
ing verses (from Matthew 6)
i) Verse 25 _________________________________________________ __
Day 5
ii) Verse 26 ____________________________________________________
5. Mat 6:33 “...But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness
iii) Verse 27 __________________________________________________ and all these things shall be added unto you….”
5a) Why should we seek God’s kingdom?
iv) Verse 30 __________________________________________________
v) Verse 31,32 ________________________________________________