Guidelines Clinical Management Chikungunya WHO

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As Chikungunya Fever is a new and emerging disease it has not received

sufficient coverage yet in the medical curricula of Member States.

Specific treatment is not available, and there is no vaccine for the
prevention of chikungunya fever. It has therefore become imperative to
develop guidelines, based on the limited clinical experience gathered
from managing patients so far, for appropriate management of patients
in communities and in health facilities. Experts engaged in managing
patients with chikungunya fever in the Region were brought together by
the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia to outline guidelines for
managing various situations and stages of the disease. This publication is
the end result of that exercise and is intended to assist health-care
providers in planning and implementing appropriate care to patients
with chikungunya fever according to their actual clinical conditions.

Guidelines on
Clinical Management of
Chikungunya Fever

World Health House,

Indraprastha Estate
Mahatma Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi-110002, India


Distribution: General

Guidelines on Clinical Management

of Chikungunya Fever

October 2008

World Health Organization 2008

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Printed in India

Foreword .................................................................................................... 5
Acknowledgement ...................................................................................... 7

Introduction ...................................................................................... 1

Causative agent ........................................................................ 1


Vector ...................................................................................... 1


Epidemiology .................................................................................... 2


Clinical Management ......................................................................... 3



Presentation ............................................................................. 3


Laboratory Diagnosis ................................................................ 5


Differential Diagnosis ............................................................... 6


Guiding Principles of Clinical Management ............................... 6

Public Health Measures in the Context of

Clinical Case Management .............................................................. 14
Background ..................................................................................... 14
Case Definition ............................................................................... 14


Further reading ................................................................................ 17

Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever


Chikungunya is an emerging vector-borne
disease of high public health significance in
WHOs South-East Asia Region. It has been
reported from countries of South and East
Africa, South Asia, South-East Asia and, in
2007, from Italy. In the South-East Asia
Region, outbreaks have been reported from
India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Sri
Lanka and Thailand. There have been
massive outbreaks of chikungunya fever in recent years in India, and also in the
island countries of the Indian Ocean. Maldives reported outbreaks of
Chikungunya fever for the first time in December 2006. Although not a killer
disease, high morbidity rates and prolonged polyarthritis lead to considerable
disability in a proportion of the affected population and can cause substantial
socioeconomic impact in affected countries.
The socioeconomic factors and public health inadequacies that facilitated
the rapid spread of this infection continue to exist. As it is a new and emerging
disease it has not received sufficient coverage yet in the medical curricula of
Member States. Specific treatment is not available, and there is no vaccine for
the prevention of chikungunya fever. It has therefore become imperative to
develop guidelines, based on the limited clinical experience gathered from
managing patients so far, for appropriate management of patients in communities
and in health facilities. Experts engaged in managing patients with chikungunya
fever in the Region were brought together by the WHO Regional Office for
South-East Asia to outline guidelines for managing various situations and stages
of the disease. This publication is the end result of that exercise and is intended
to assist health-care providers in planning and implementing appropriate care
to patients with chikungunya fever according to their actual clinical conditions.
I hope that these guidelines will be helpful to Member countries in the
area of case management of patients suffering from this re-emerging disease.

Samlee Plianbangchang, M.D., Dr.P.H.

Regional Director

Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever

This guide was initially drafted by Dr. R. Sajith Kumar, MD, Ph. D, specialist in
Infectious Diseases, Kottayam, Kerala, India. The original draft was peer reviewed
extensively by a consortium of clinicians in various disciplines and public health
workers as listed below at the peer-review meeting held in 7-8 August 2008 in
the South-East Asia Regional Office of WHO in New Delhi. Further consultation
was also obtained from Dr Kee Tai GOH, Associate Professor and Sr. Consultant
at the WHO Collaborating Centre for Environmental Epidemiology, Ministry of
Health in Singapore before the preparation of the final draft.
Acknowledgment is made to all the contributors and to the many patients
who suffered the disease and allowed us this new knowledge so we could use
it to try to alleviate the suffering of future patients.

List of participants in the Peer-review meeting

held in 78 August 2008



Dr Khanchit Limpakarnjanarat Regional Adviser, CSR, SEARO, WHO


Dr Vijay Chandra Regional Adviser, MHS, SEARO, WHO


Dr Rohit Sobti, Consultant Physician, SEARO, WHO RMS


Dr R Sajith Kumar, Consultant Physician, Infectious Diseases Facilitator

and rapporteur


Dr Madhu Ghimire, Temporary International Professional, CSR, SEARO,



Dr Mulya Rahma Karyanti, Consultant Paediatrician, Jakarta, Indonesia

WHO Temporary Adviser


Dr Prachi Mental Health Counsellor, WHO Temporary Adviser


Mr. Sukhvinder Singh Alagh WHO Temporary Adviser for consultation

on physiotherapy

Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever

1. Introduction
Chikungunya fever (CF) is a viral illness caused by an arbovirus transmitted by
the Aedes mosquitoes. The disease was documented first time in the form of
an outbreak in Tanzania. The name is derived from the makonde dialect which
means that which bends up, indicating the physical appearance of a patient
with severe clinical features.

1.1 Causative agent

Chikungunya fever is caused by virus of same name (CHIK virus in short) which
is an RNA virus that belongs to the Alphavirus genus of the Togaviridae, the
family that comprises a number of viruses that are mostly transmitted by
arthropods. The virus was first isolated in 1952-1953 from both man and
mosquitoes during an epidemic of fever that was considered clinically
indistinguishable from dengue fever in Tanzania.
It is a single stranded RNA virus, heat labile and sensitive to temperatures
above 580 Celsius. Three lineages with distinct genotypic and antigenic
characteristics have been identified: two phyllogenetic-groups from Africa and
one from Asia. Chikungunya virus strains isolated in India during the 2006
outbreak are closely related to strains isolated that year from Runion islands.

1.2 Vector
Aedes aegypti is the common vector responsible for transmission in urban areas
whereas Aedes albopictus has been implicated in rural areas. Recent studies
indicate that the virus has mutated enabling it to be transmitted by Aedes
albopictus. The Aedes mosquito breeds in domestic settings such as flower
vases, water-storage containers, air coolers, etc. and peri-domestic areas such
as construction sites, coconut shells, discarded household junk items (tyres,
plastic and metal cans, etc.). The adult female mosquito rests in cool and shady
areas in domestic and peri-domestic settings and bites during day time.

Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever

2. Epidemiology
In the South-East Asia Region, Chikungunya virus is maintained in the human
population by a human-mosquito-human transmission cycle that differs from
the sylvatic transmission cycle described on the African continent. A high vector
density as seen in the post monsoon season accentuates the transmission.
Chikungunya fever epidemics display cyclical and seasonal trends. There is an
inter-epidemic period of 4-8 years (sometimes as long as 20 years).
Outbreaks are most likely to occur in post-monsoon period when the
vector density is very high. Human beings serve as the chikungunya virus
reservoir during epidemic periods. During inter-epidemic periods, a number
of vertebrates have been implicated as reservoirs. These include monkeys,
rodents, birds, and other vertebrates. The exact nature of the reservoir status in
South-East Asia Region has not been documented.
After an extensive outbreak during the beginning of current millennium
in the French territory of Reunion Islands in the Indian Ocean, the disease has
been reported from almost 40 countries from various WHO regions including
South-East Asia. The spread of the disease in South India from 2004 has affected
millions of people and left many with crippling disabilities. The disease continues
to cause epidemics in many countries in the region.
Geographical distribution of Chikungunya cases 2001-2007

(data are presented as reporting period followed by estimated number of cases,

where data are available)

Reference: Weekly epidemiological record (WER) No. 47, 2007, 82, 409416.

Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever

There is no significant sex predilection and the virus causes illness in

almost all age groups.
As this is an illness not sufficiently covered in medical curriculum, it has
become necessary to develop new guidelines, based on the limited clinical
experience from managing patients in the region.

3. Clinical management
3.1 Presentation
CHIK virus causes a febrile illness in the majority of people with an incubation
period of 2-4 days from the mosquito bite. Viremia persists for upto 5 days
from the clinical onset. Commonest presenting features (Table 1) are:


(92%) usually associated with




(67%) and



The fever varies from low grade to high grade, lasting for 24 to 48 hours.
Fever rises abruptly in some, reaching 39-400C, with shaking chills and rigor
and usually subsides with use of antipyretics. No diurnal variation was observed
for the fever.
In the recent outbreaks many patients presented with arthralgia without
fever. The joint pain tends to be worse in the morning, relieved by mild exercise
and exacerbated by aggressive movements. The pain may remit for 2-3 days
and then reappear in a saddle back pattern. Migratory polyarthritis with effusions
may be seen in around 70% cases (Fig 1), but resolves in the majority. Ankles,
wrists and small joints of the hand were the worst affected. Larger joints like
knee (Fig 1) and shoulder and spine were also involved. There is a tendency for
early and more significant involvement of joints with some trauma or
Occupations with predominant overuse of smaller joints predisposed those
areas to be affected more. (eg. interphalangeal joints in rubber tappers, ankle
joints in those standing and walking for a long time eg. policemen). The classical

Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever

Figure 1: Joint manifestations in Chikungunya fever

bending phenomenon was probably due to the lower limb and back involvement
which forced the patient to stoop down and bend forward.
Other clinical features
Transient maculopapular rash is seen in up to 50 % patients. The maculopapular
eruption persisted for more than 2 days in approx. 10% cases. Intertriginous
aphthous-like ulcers and vesiculbullous eruptions were noticed in some. A few
persons had angiomatous lesions and fewer had purpuras. Stomatitis was
observed in 25% and oral ulcers in 15% of patients. Nasal blotchy erythema
followed by photosensitive hyperpigmentation (20%) was observed more
commonly in the recent epidemic. Exfoliative dermatitis affecting limbs and
Table 1: Clinical features in Chikungunya fever


Rare in adults but seen

sometimes in children






Retro-orbital pain


Oral ulcers





Exfoliative dermatitis

Meningeal syndrome
Acute encephalopathy

Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever

face was seen in around 5% cases. Epidermolysis bullosa was an observation in

children. Most skin lesions recovered completely except in cases where the
photosensitive hyperpigmentation persisted.
Photophobia and retro-orbital pain have been observed. Although rare
in adults, children, particularly neonates have developed vomiting and/or
diarrhoea and meningo-encephalitis. Neurologic manifestations such as
encephalitis, febrile seizures, meningeal syndrome and acute encephalopathy
were reported. Neuroretinitis and uveitis in one or both eyes have also been
observed. The main ocular manifestation associated with the recent epidemic
outbreak of chikungunya virus infection in South India included granulomatous
and nongranulomatous anterior uveitis, optic neuritis, retrobulbar neuritis, and
dendritic lesions. The visual prognosis generally was good, with most patients
recovering good vision.
Persistent arthralgic forms had been described in 1980 in South Africa, where
a retrospective study has shown complete resolution in 87.9 %;, 3.7 % had
episodic stiffness and pain , 2.8% had persistent stiffness without pain and
5.6% had persistent painful restriction of joint movements. Enthesopathy and
tendinitis of tendoachilles was observed in upto 53% of those who had
musculoskeletal involvement. Neurological, emotional and dermatologic
sequelae are also described.

3.2 Laboratory diagnosis

The confirmation of Chikungunya fever is through any of the followings:

Isolation of virus


Detection of IgM antibody

Demonstration of rising titre of IgG antibody

IgM antibodies demonstrable by ELISA may appear within two weeks. It

may not be advisable to do the antibody test in the first week. In some persons
it may take six to twelve weeks for the IgM antibodies to appear in sufficient
concentration to be picked up in ELISA

Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever

No significant pathognomonic hematological finding is seen. Leucopenia

with lymphocyte predominance is the usual observation. Thrombocytopenia is
rare. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is usually elevated. C-Reactive Protein is
increased during the acute phase and may remain elevated for a few weeks. A
small proportion of patients have tested positive for rheumatoid factor during
and after clinical episode.

3.3 Differential diagnosis

Fever with or without arthralgia is a very common manifestation of several
other diseases. CHIK fever may not have the typical manifestations or it may
co-exist with other infectious diseases like dengue fever or non infectious diseases
like rheumatoid arthritis. Some of the diseases which can be considered in
differential diagnosis are:
(1) Leptospirosis Severe myalgia localized to calf muscles with conjunctival
congestion/ or subconjunctival haemorrhage with or without oliguria
or jaundice in a person with history of contact to contaminated water
might suggest Leptospirosis.
(2) Dengue fever Sever backpain with purpuras or active bleeding might
suggest dengue fever. Confirmatory laboratory diagnosis is possible.
(3) Malaria Periodicity of fever and alteration of consciousness / seizures
should prompt a diagnosis for malaria.
(4) Meningitis High fever with neck stiffness or alteration of consciousness
should prompt a thought about meningitis. All cases of meningoencephalitis during an outbreak of CF must be suspected to have CF.
(5) Rheumatic fever is more common in the children and presents with
fleeting (migratory) polyarthritis predominantly affecting the large
joints. Modified Jones criteria should be the basis for diagnosis. Raised
ASO titre and a history of recurrent sore throat are other points to be

3.4 Guiding principles of clinical management

Clinical Management of CF is discussed at two stages
(1) Acute stage of the illness and
(2) Sequelae.

Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever

Guiding principles of clinical management

There is no specific antiviral drug against CHIK virus

Treatment is entirely symptomatic

Paracetamol is the drug of choice with use of other analgesics if

paracetamol does not provide relief

During the acute stage of the disease, steroids are not usually
indicated because of the adverse effects.

Aspirin is preferably avoided for fear of gastrointestinal and other

side effects like Reyes syndrome.

Mild forms of exercise and physiotherapy are recommended in

recovering persons.

Treatment should be instituted in all suspect cases without waiting

for serological or viral confirmation.

During an epidemic, it is not imperative that all cases should be

subjected for virologic/serologic investigations.

All suspected cases should be kept under mosquito nets during the
febrile period.

Communities in the affected areas should be sensitized about the

mosquito control measures to be adopted in hospital premises and

Guiding principles for managing acute stage

Clinical Management of CF during acute stage can be elaborated at four levels

Domiciliary (Home care)

At the primary level or point of first contact ( PHC/CHC level)

At the secondary level (District Hospital)

At the tertiary level (Teaching hospital situations / infectious diseases

specialists/advanced care centres.)

Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever

Domiciliary (Home based)

All cases of fever cared in their own homes should be advised on the following.

Adequate rest in a warm environment; avoid damp surroundings.

Heat may increase/worsen joint pain and is therefore best to avoid
during acute stage.

Refrain from exertion. Mild forms of exercise and physiotherapy are

recommended in recovering persons.

Cold compresses may help in reducing joint damage

Consume plenty of water with electrolytes (approximately 2 litres of

home available fluids with salt in 24 hours). If possible ensure a
measured urine output of more than a litre in 24 hours.

Take paracetamol tablets during periods of fever (up to two 500 mg

tablets four times daily), in persons with no preexisting liver or kidney

Avoid self medication with aspirin or other pain killers.

When to seek medical help?

Fever persisting for more than five days

Intractable pain

Postural dizziness, cold extremities

Decreased urine output

Any bleeding under the skin or through any orifice

Incessant vomiting

At the point of first contact (PHC/CHC level)

All fever cases must be seen by a medical officer and differential diagnoses of
dengue fever, leptospirosis, malaria and other illnesses excluded by history,
clinical examination and basic laboratory investigations.
All persons should be assessed for dehydration and proper rehydration
therapy (preferably oral) instituted quickly.

Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever

Severe dehydration is characterized by two of these signs:

abnormal sensorium, excessive sleepiness or lethargy

sunken eyes

poor fluid intake

dry, parched tongue

reduced skin turgor (very slow skin pinch taking more than 2 sec to

Mild or Moderate dehydration is characterized by two of these signs:

restlessness or irritability

sunken eyes

dry tongue

excessive thirst

slow skin pinch (less than 2 seconds to retract)

Collect blood samples for total leucocyte count, platelet count. The total
leucocyte count is usually on the lower side (below 5000 cells / cu. mm). If it is
more than 10 000 per cu mm, the possibility of leptospirosis has to be
considered. A low platelet count (below 50 000 per cu. mm) should alert the
possibility of dengue fever. The peripheral smear has to be examined for malarial
parasite as well and if positive, treatment started as per national guidelines.
Treat symptomatically (Paracetamol 1g three to four times a day for fever,
headache and pain, antihistamines for itching). Paracetamol must be used with
caution in persons with preexisting underlying serious illnesses. Children may
be given 50-60 mg per kg body weight per day in divided doses. Tepid sponging
can be suggested.
If the case has already been treated with paracetamol/ other analgesics,
start one of the NSAIDS (as per standard recommendations). Monitor for any
adverse side effects of NSAIDS. Cutaneous manifestations can be managed
with topical or systemic drugs.
If the person has hemodynamic instability (frequent syncopal attacks,
hypotension with a systolic BP less than 100 mmHg or a pulse pressure less

Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever

than 30 mmHg), oliguria (urine output less than 500 ml in 24 hours), altered
sensorium or bleeding manifestations, refer immediately to a higher healthcare
centre. Refer persons not responding or having persistent joint pain or disabling
arthritis even after three days of symptomatic treatment. It may be advisable to
refer persons above sixty years and infants (below one year of age) as well.
Heat may increase/worsen joint pain and is therefore best to avoid during
acute stage. Mild forms of exercise and physiotherapy are recommended in
recovering persons. Patients may be encouraged to walk, use their hands for
eating, writing and regular isotonic exercises. Cold compresses may be suggested
depending on the response. Exposure to warm environments (morning and
evening sun) may be suggested as the acute phase subsides.
At the secondary level (district hospital)
All fever cases with joint or skin manifestations must be evaluated by a physician.
Assess for dehydration and institute proper rehydration therapy, preferably
by oral route (as above)
Collect blood samples for serology (IgM ELISA). As an alternative, blood
test for IgG may be done to be followed by a second sample after two to
four weeks.
Investigate the person for renal failure (urine output, serum creatinine,
serum sodium and potassium), hepatic insufficiency (serum aminotransferases,
bilirubin), cardiac illness (ECG), malaria (peripheral smear study), and
thrombocytopenia. Consider CSF study if meningitis is suspected.
If the case has already been treated with paracetamol/ other analgesics,
start an NSAID (as per standard recommendations). Monitor for adverse effects
from NSAID use. Cutaneous manifestations can be managed with topical or
systemic drugs.
Refer cases with any of the following to a higher healthcare centre:
pregnancy, oliguria/anuria, refractory hypotension, bleeding disorders, altered
sensorium, meningo- encephalitis, persistent fever of more than one weeks
duration, and extremes of age - persons above sixty years and infants (below
one year of age). CURB 65 scoring system may be used for deciding on referrals.


Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever

CURB-65 is a clinical prediction rule that has been validated for

predicting mortality in community-acquired pneumonia and infection
of any site.
The score is an acronym for each of the risk factors measured. Each risk
factor scores one point, for a maximum score of 5:


Urea greater than 7 mmol/l (Blood Urea Nitrogen > 19)

Respiratory rate of 30 breaths per minute or greater

Blood pressure less than 90 systolic or diastolic blood pressure 60

or less

age 65 or older


Encourage activities and advise regarding complications. Exercises like

walking on level grounds, active hand movements and proper posturing of
joints to avoid contractures must be suggested. Instruct about the activities
mentioned above for further home care.
If a serologic test for IgG was done, remember to draw a second blood
sample after a gap of 2-4 weeks.
At the tertiary care level (Teaching hospital situations/infectious diseases
specialists/advanced care centres)
In cases referred to tertiary care centre,

Ensure that all above-mentioned processes have been completed.

Collect blood samples for serology/PCR/ genetic studies as early as

possible, if facilities are available.

Consider the possibility of other rheumatic diseases like rheumatoid

arthritis (with the criteria for rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis being
fulfilled), gout, rheumatic fever (with modified Jones criteria) etc.. in
unusual cases. Institute therapy with NSAIDS.

Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever


Treat serious complications (bleeding disorders with blood

components- platelet transfusions in case of bleeding with platelet
counts of less than 50,000 cells per cu mm., fresh frozen plasma, or
Vitamin K injections if prothrombin time INR is more than 2,
hypotension with fluids/ inotropics, acute renal failure with dialysis,
contractures and deformities with physiotherapy/surgery, cutaneous
manifestations with topical or systemic drugs, and neuropsychiatric
problems with specialist care and drugs). Patients with myopericarditis
or meningoencephalitis may require intensive care with regular
monitoring, inotropic support, ventilation etc. In cases with ophthalmic
complications, standard practice guidelines may be obtained from
the ophthalmologists.

Use hydroxychloroquine 200 mg orally once daily or chloroquin

phosphate 300 mg orally per day for a period of four weeks in cases
where arthralgia is refractory to other drugs. Before using chloroquine
or related compounds in these doses, the peripheral blood smear
examination must be done at least twice to rule out malaria.

If one IgG test only was done earlier, remember to draw a second
blood sample after a gap of 2-4 weeks.

Assess the disability and recommend rehabilitative procedures.

Guiding principles for managing chronic phase

Management of osteoarticular problems
The osteoarticular problems seen with Chikungunya fever usually subside in one
to two weeks time. In approximately 20% cases, they disappear after a gap of
few weeks. In less than 10% cases, they tend to persist for months. In about 10 %
cases, the swelling disappears; the pain subsides, but only to reappear with every
other febrile illness for many months. Each time the same joints get swollen, with
mild effusion and symptoms persist for a week or two after subsidence of the
fever. Complement mediated damage and persistence of the virus in intracellular
sanctuaries have been implicated in occasional studies. Destroyed metatarsal
head has been observed in patients with persistent joint swelling.
Management of osteoarticular manifestations follow the general guidelines
given earlier. Since an immunologic etiology is suspected in chronic cases, a
short course of steroids may be useful. Care must be taken to monitor all adverse


Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever

events and the drug should not be continued indefinitely to prevent adverse
effects. Even though NSAIDS produce symptomatic relief in majority of
individuals, care should be taken to avoid renal, gastrointestinal, cardiac and
bone marrow toxicity. Cold compresses have been reported to lessen the joint
Disability due to Chikungunya fever arthritis can be assessed and
monitored using one of the standard scales. As discussed above, proper and
timely physiotherapy will help patients with contractures and deformities. Nonweight bearing exercises may be suggested.; e. g. slowly touching the occiput
(back of the head) with the palm, slow ankle exercises, pulley assisted exercises,
milder forms of yoga etc. Surgery may be indicated in severe and disabling
contractures. The management plan may be finalized in major hospitals, but
the follow-up and long-term care must be done at a domiciliary or primary
health centre level.
Occupational assistance after detailed disability assessment needs to be
Management of neurological problems
Various neurologic sequelae can occur with persistent chikungunya fever.
Approximately 40% of those with CF will complain of various neurological
symptoms but hardly 10% will have persistent manifestations. Peripheral
neuropathy with a predominant sensory component is the most common (58%). Paresethesias, pins and needles sensations, crawling of worms sensation
and disturbing neuralgias have all been described by the patients in isolation or
in combination. Worsening or precipitation of entrapment syndromes like carpal
tunnel syndrome has been reported in many patients. Motor neuropathy is
rare. Occasional cases of ascending polyneuritis have been observed as a postinfective phenomenon, as seen with many viral illnesses. Seizures and loss of
consciousness have been described occasionally, but a causal relationship is
yet to be found. Anti-neuralgic drugs (Amitryptyline, Carbamazepine,
Gabapentin, and Pregnable) may be used in standard doses in disturbing
Ocular involvement during the acute phase in less than 0.5% cases as
described above may lead to defective vision and painful eye in a small
percentage. Progressive defects in vision due to uveitis or retinitis may warrant
treatment with steroids.

Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever


Management of dermatological problems

The skin manifestations of Chikungunya fever subside after the acute phase is
over and rarely require long term care. However worsening of psoriatic lesions
and atopic lesions may require specific management by a qualified specialist.
Hyperpigmentation and papular eruptions may be managed with Zinc oxide
cream and/or Calamine lotion. Persistent non-healing ulcers are rare. Scrotal
and aphthous- like ulcers on the skin and intertriginous areas may be managed
by saline compresses, and topical or systemic antibiotics if secondarily infected.
Management of psycho-somatic problems
Neuro-psychiatric / emotional problems have been observed in upto 15% cases.
These are more likely in persons with pre-morbid disorders and those with a
family history of mood disorders. They may take different forms.
The emotional and psychosocial issues need individual assessment and
have to be considered in the social context of the patient and community.
Often patients have inadequate information regarding Chikungunya. Broadly,
psychosocial support and reassurance may solve some of the problems. A well
thought about plan for community support, occupational and social
rehabilitation may hold the key for success.

4. Public health measures in the context of

clinical case management
The patient in this context becomes the reservoir of infection for others in the
household and in the community. Therefore, public health measures to minimize
the transmission of infection become imperative to prevent and control the
outbreak from spreading.

Case definition
Though case diagnosis can only be made by laboratory means, Chikungunya
should be suspected when epidemic occurs with the characteristic triad of
fever, rash and joint manifestations.


Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever

The Chikungunya case definition here is adapted from that proposed by

the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC):
Clinical criteria: acute onset of fever >38.5C and severe arthralgia/
arthritis not explained by other medical conditions
Epidemiological criteria: residing or having visited epidemic areas, having
reported transmission within 15 days prior to the onset of symptoms
Laboratory criteria: at least one of the following tests in the acute phase:

Virus isolation

Presence of viral RNA by RT-PCR

Presence of virus specific IgM antibodies in single serum sample

collected in acute or convalescent stage.

Four-fold increase in IgG values in samples collected at least three

weeks apart

On this basis, cases are to be categorized as

Possible case: a patient meeting clinical criteria
Probable case: a patient meeting both the clinical and epidemiological
Confirmed case: a patient meeting the laboratory criteria, irrespective
of the clinical presentation
(It may be noted that during an epidemic, all patients need not be
subjected to confirmatory tests as above. An epidemiologic link may
be enough. Clinical management as of now does not differ between a
probable case and a confirmed case)
Minimizing transmission of infection: This can be done in the following
(1) Risk communication to the household members
(2) Minimize the vector population
(3) Minimize the vector-patient contact (Aedes mosquitoes bite during
day time, mostly in the morning and late afternoon)
(4) Reporting to the nearest public health authority/ or the DPMO

Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever


Risk communication to the household members

Educate the patient and other members in the household about the
risk of transmission to others and the ways to minimize the risk by
minimizing vector population and minimizing the contact with vector

Minimizing vector population

Intensify efforts to reduce larval habitats in and around the houses;

remove stagnant water from all junk items lying around in the
household and in the peri-domestic areas

Stagnating water in flower pots or similar containers should be changed

daily or at least twice weekly.

Introduce larvivorous fish in aquaria, garden pools, etc

Weeds and tall grasses should be cut short to minimize shady spaces
where the adult insects hide and rest during hot daylight hours

Drain all water stagnating after rains

Fogging and street sanitation with proper waste management (fogging

does not appear to be effective, yet it is routinely implemented in
epidemic situation

Minimize the vector-patient contact


At household level:

Have the patient rest under bed-nets, preferably permethrinimpregnated nets

Have infants in the house sleep under similar bed nets

Insecticide sprays: bed rooms, closets and crevices, bathrooms,

kitchens, nooks and corners; alternatively, coils, mats, vaporizers,

Have the patient as well as other members of the household wear

full sleeves to cover extremities, preferably bright coloured clothes

Wire-mesh/ nets on doors and windows

Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever

Reporting to the nearest public health authority/or the DPMO

Occurrence of the case in the community needs to be communicated
immediately to the nearest public health official for identification of clusters by
person, place and time and for expansion of the control measures in the
community and district levels.

5. Further reading
Krishna MR, Reddy MK, Reddy SR. Chikungunya outbreaks in Andhra Pradesh, South
India. Current Science. 2006; 91(5): 570-571.
World Health Organization. Chikungunya in South-East Asia-Update, New Delhi:
Regional Office for South-East Asia, 2008. (
Section2246_13975.htm - accessed 18 November 2008).
Outbreak and spread of chikungunya. Weekly Epidemiological Record. 2007 Nov 23;
82(47): 409-415.
Pialoux G, Gauzere BA, Jaureguiberry S, Strobel M. Chikungunya, an epidemic
arbovirosis. Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2007 May; 7(5): 319-27.
Powers AM, Brault AC, Tesh RB, Weaver SC. Re-emergence of chikungunya and
onyong-nyong viruses: evidence for distinct geographical lineages and distant
evolutionary relationships. Journal of General Virology. 2000 Feb; 81(Pt 2): 471-9.
Yergolkar PN, Tandale BV, Arankalle VA, Sathe PS, Sudeep AB, Gandhe SS, Gokhle
MD, Jacob GP, Hundekar SL, Mishra AC. Chikungunya outbreaks caused by African
genotype, India. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2006 Oct; 12(10): 1580-3.
Mohan A. Chikungunya fever: clinical manifestations & management. Indian Journal
of Medical Research. 2006 Nov;124(5):471-4.
Swaroop A, Jain A, Kumhar M, Parihar N, Jain S. Chikungunya Fever. Journal, Indian
Academy of Clinical Medicine. 2007; 8(2): 164-68.
Kennedy AC, Fleming J, Solomon L. Chikungunya viral arthropathy: a clinical description.
Journal of Rheumatology. 1980 Mar-Apr; 7(2): 231-6.
Inamadar AC, Palit A, Sampagavi VV, Raghunath S, Deshmukh NS. Cutaneous
manifestation of chikungunya fever: observations made during a recent outbreak in
south India. International Journal of Dermatology. 2008; 47(2): 154-9.
Mahendradas P, Ranganna SK, Shetty R, Balu R, Narayana KM, Babu RB, Shetty BK.
Ocular manifestations associated with chikungunya. Ophthalmology. 2008 Feb; 115(2):

Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever


Wadia RS. A neurotropic virus (chikungunya) and a neuropathic aminoacid

(homocysteine). Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology. 2007 Oct; 10(4): 198-213.
accessed 18 November 2008).
Ledrans M, Quatresous I, Renault P, Pierre V. Outbreak of chikungunya in the French
Territories, 2006: lessons learned. Euro Surveillance. 2007 Sep 6; 12(9): E070906.3.
( accessed
18 November 2008).
Grardin P, Barau G, Michault A, Bintner M, Randrianaivo H, Choker G, Lenglet Y,
Touret Y, Bouveret A, Grivard P, Le Roux K, Blanc S, Schuffenecker I, Couderc T,
Arenzana-Seisdedos F, Lecuit M, Robillard PY. Multidisciplinary prospective study of
mother-to-child Chikungunya virus infections on the island of La Reunion. PLoS
Medicine. 2008 Mar 18; 5(3): e60. (
articlerender.fcgi?tool=pubmed&pubmedid=18351797 accessed 18 November
Ramful D, Carbonnier M, Pasquet M, Bouhmani B, Ghazouani J, Noormahomed T,
Beullier G, Attali T, Samperiz S, Fourmaintraux A, Alessandri JL. Mother-to-child
transmission of Chikungunya virus infection. Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal. 2007;
26(9): 811-15.
Lenglet Y, Barau G, Robillard PY, Randrianaivo H, Michault A, Bouveret A, Grardin P,
Boumahni B, Touret Y, Kauffmann E, Schuffenecker I, Gabriele M, Fourmaintraux A.
[Chikungunya infection in pregnancy: Evidence for intrauterine infection in pregnant
women and vertical transmission in parturient. Survey of the Runion Island outbreak].
Journal de gyncologie, obsttrique et biologie de la reproduction. 2006 Oct; 35(6):
578-83. [Article in French]


Guidelines on Clinical Management of Chikungunya Fever

As Chikungunya Fever is a new and emerging disease it has not received

sufficient coverage yet in the medical curricula of Member States.
Specific treatment is not available, and there is no vaccine for the
prevention of chikungunya fever. It has therefore become imperative to
develop guidelines, based on the limited clinical experience gathered
from managing patients so far, for appropriate management of patients
in communities and in health facilities. Experts engaged in managing
patients with chikungunya fever in the Region were brought together by
the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia to outline guidelines for
managing various situations and stages of the disease. This publication is
the end result of that exercise and is intended to assist health-care
providers in planning and implementing appropriate care to patients
with chikungunya fever according to their actual clinical conditions.

Guidelines on
Clinical Management of
Chikungunya Fever

World Health House,

Indraprastha Estate
Mahatma Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi-110002, India


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