2015-06-02 Rosner Mortgage Market Reform & The GSEs CATO Presentation - June 2 2015
2015-06-02 Rosner Mortgage Market Reform & The GSEs CATO Presentation - June 2 2015
2015-06-02 Rosner Mortgage Market Reform & The GSEs CATO Presentation - June 2 2015
Summary Points
Problem wasnt the function of the GSEs, it was reckless and leveraged
growth without appropriate capital and oversight.
Most causes of the failures of the GSEs were fixed in 2008, too late to
prevent their failures.
The legislative and administrative proposals for mortgage finance are
unworkable and poor options proposed by large financial institutions
seeking a broad government backstop and expanded safety-net.
The secondary mortgage market was and should be a countercyclical
utility intended to provide liquidity only when private markets become
There is nothing specifically wrong with the existence of entities whose purpose is to
support liquidity in the secondary mortgage market. In fact, there is a substantial need for such
a function to exist.
We have long known how to properly regulate the GSEs but we failed to do it in the last
meaningful reform effort preceding the crisis (1992) and in efforts during 2000-2005.
Historically, unlike Freddie Mac, who generally securitized their mortgages, Fannie tended
to portfolio them.
Between 1978 & 1984, as rates rose, Fannie (unlike Freddie) had a negative net worth on a
mark to market basis.
While GSE capital requirements werent as rigorous as other institutions they were able to
access markets because of an implied government guarantee.
Still, during that time, underwriting standards were generally strong.
The problem was the use of these quasi-private/quasi-public institutions as tools of social policy
for the purpose of delivering housing subsidies to the public, through a perverse off-balance-sheet
scheme that was arbitraged by private market participants. The problem was not inherent to the GSEs
OFHEO didnt have free reign to raise & lower capital requirements as appropriate. The capital standards were
defined by Congress, were a static snapshot of an evolving market, took a decade to implement and were interfered
with by lobbying and Congress;
GSE mortgage securities received lower relative risk weightings than private mortgages even though GSE
capital standards were lower than other financial firms;
The regulator had no explicit authority over enterprise leverage or portfolio growth;
Safety and soundness received no priority over housing goals and public mission;
The 1992 Act left in place a $2.25 billion line of credit for the GSEs. While nominal these lines, nonetheless,
supported an implicit government guarantee.
With the President selecting half the members of the GSEs boards, they were political.
National Homeownership Strategy: Goal was reaching all-time high national homeownership levels by
the end of the century
Can be done almost entirely off-budget-through creative leadership and partnerships HUD, FHA,
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHLBS, CDFls, the private mortgage and insurance companies, and the
banks and thrifts.
It was unprecedented for regulators to partner this closely with those that they have been charged to
National Partners in Homeownership: HUD, Federal Deposit Insurance Company, Fannie Mae,
Freddie Mac, the Mortgage Bankers Association, the American Institute of Architects, America's Community
Bankers, the U.S. Dept. of Treasury and the National Association of Realtors.
Their failures had nothing to do with their core activities or specifically the TBA market.
The use of their portfolios to invest in assets that were outside of their core activities, provided liquidity
to parts of the market that was outside their core mission and created highly leveraged bets for little purpose
beyond generating shareholder returns and larger bonus pools to benefit senior executives of the agencies;
By the year 2000, the GSEs had employed the use of novel automated underwriting and automated
appraisal systems that were not sufficiently stress-tested by their regulator, OFHEO. Even if they had been
stress tested, OFHEO was too politically compromised to limit their activities. As a result, Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac expanded their credit underwriting standards without proper oversight;
Beginning in the mid-1990s, in competition for market share, GSEs offered significant discounts on Gfees for large volume customers. As a result those insurance fees didnt reflect underlying, loan-level,
mortgage credit risk. This underpricing of risk was allowed without appropriate capital cushions; and
By 2007, seven private mortgage insurers with combined capital base of $40 billion insured about
17% (roughly $400BB) of GSEs book. Nobody questioned the ability to absorb first loss exposures. The
failure of private mortgage insurers to properly assess the risks they insured, on those portions of mortgage
loans above an 80% loan-to-value ratio, left the PMIs with inadequate capital to meet their obligations and
further imperiling the GSEs.
The GSEs regulator did not have the authority to adjust their required capital to recognize the GSEs
increases in their on-balance-sheet operational, credit and interest-rate risk profiles. Moreover, the regulator
was not able to require they maintain appropriate levels of capital in support of their off balance sheet
Is it an improvement?
Does it create a strong divide between the utility-like function of the secondary mortgage
market and the primary (private) mortgage origination market?
If you look the leading legislative and administrative proposals, the standard setters and
securitization entity would be owned by industry. Whose interests are being served?
The leading bills in both the House (PATH Act) & Senate (Crapo Johnson) recreate a
dangerous system in which:
The line between primary and secondary market players creates the risk of excess liquidity
in good times and withdrawal of liquidity in bad times.
Legislators seek to deliver public subsidies through shareholder owned and private
companies without appropriate regulation.
Their approaches are dangerous, create new systemic risks and support several false
To replace the GSEs and attract enough private capital to insure the top 10% of a future
market roughly the size of their current books, or roughly $5 trillion, the industry will need to
attract close to $500 billion of capital, before even considering the capital risk weighting of
The PMI industry, which was intended to reduce losses to the GSEs by insuring any portion of
an agency mortgage above 80 LTV, remains thinly capitalized with only $8 billion of capital, less
than the $11 billion in 2007.
There is currently no private securitization market because neither regulators nor industry
participants fixed it or created standards that would revive it. If one looks at the share of agency and
non-agency MBS issuance it is clear that private capital is not returning to the market.
The seizure of shareholder owned companies, without regard for the contractual rights of
preferred or equity holders and in violation of capital priority rights promulgated by the FHFA &
authorized by HERA substantially reduces the likelihood of substantial private capital.
While some argue the GSEs prevent private markets from working. With the average
agency mortgage FICO score above 740 there should be plenty of opportunity for private
lenders. So, with only 2.5% of securitizations PLS, why arent the large players there?
A key arguments of those who favor either replacing the GSEs or expanding the number of
players supporting the secondary mortgage market is that Fannie and Freddie have duopoly power
over the market.
Monopolies, duopolies and oligopolies are all driven by industry fixing pricing, rather than
markets. In properly pricing credit risk, the GSEs do not compete on price.
IF G-Fees were priced appropriately to underlying risks, large private players could execute
directly to private markets at comparable cost. This would drive down the number of wrapped
deals, keep primary and secondary market players separate, and reduce the the backstop by
transferring risk into private markets while ensuring liquidity exists in bad times.
Yes, they are the only private secondary market firms tasked exclusively with ensuring ongoing
liquidity to the primary markets but they are not the only source of long-term mortgage funding:
Bank balance sheets;
Federal government programs; and,
Private label securitizations (before the crisis) all provided (what was intended to be) stable
Importantly, if we are to strike the proper balance in support of the secondary mortgage market,
we should recognize that they provide an essential public service (ongoing availability of secondary
mortgage credit) much like the provisioning of water, gas, electricity or sewers that utilities offer.
As is true of other utilities, increasing the number of competing firms doesnt improve outcomes.
In fact it drives excess liquidity and creates disparate execution prices for all but the largest, leading
to deterioration in standards.
While the 2008 Act addressed most of the problems embedded in the 1992 Act it
was too late prevent the subprime market contagion, which began in 2006, from
imperiling the GSEs solvency.
HERA empowered FHFA with authorities to make changes that should be supported
by even the staunchest critics of the GSEs.
Provide the supervisor of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac with the authority to set and
adjust the capital requirements for the enterprises in a manner comparable to the capital
authority available to the federal banking agencies with respect to insured banks;
Establish a clear and credible receivership process for the enterprises; and
Limit the size of the retained portfolios of the enterprises by anchoring them to a
well-understood public purpose.
HERA allows the FHFA director to oversee the prudential operations of the GSEs
and to ensure that each GSE operates in a safe and sound manner by, among other
means, maintaining adequate capital and establishing adequate internal controls.
Contrary to their oft repeated claims that only Congress can fix the GSEs:
Ensure independence of Conservator and ability to operate effectively.
FHFA should place the restoration of capital ahead of the PSPA. As the sole party to that
agreement statutorily charged with the restoration of the GSEs capital, it is in the FHFA Directors
power either (a) to stop dividends and to inform the Treasury that now that they have received
repayment of all monies provided in support of the GSEs and enter into a new agreement which
effectuates the statutorily required process of restoring the GSEs capital or, (b) if he deems the GSEs
could not become adequately capitalized according to the capital classifications in HERA, to
reorganize the enterprises through receivership by creating a limited life regulated entity (i.e. a good
bank) and then selling the capital stock of the LLRE.
Suspend payments to the affordable housing funds which, according to HERA, are
disallowed for undercapitalized GSEs.
Negotiate with Treasury to place Treasurys warrants into the affordable housing fund,
ensuring support for affordable housing while contributions are suspended for recapitalization
Such a fund, as already established by HERA, should not only be acceptable to the public but was
proposed by Peter Wallison of AEI in draft GSE reform language offered in 2004. As the companies
build capital, improving safety & soundness, it will increase the value of the warrants;
Ensure that capital is assessed based on actual issuance. Prior to the 1992 Act the capital
requirement on unsecured GSE debt to total capital was 15-to-1 but there was no requirement for
capital to be held against the agencies MBS. If they were forced to retain capital against MBS
outstanding, and buffer capital for the institutions in case of operational or other risks they
would have been able to withstand financial crisis.
Contrary to their oft repeated claims that only Congress can fix the GSEs, FHFA should:
Continue development of first loss risk transfer to minimize risk of PMI failures and dispersion of
Raise guarantee-fees to market levels;
Prevent the deterioration of underwriting standards through both private market mechanisms
(greater data disclosure, accurately represented and warrantied mortgages with clear, standardized and
enforceable putback remedies) and by better regulation
HERA has already mandated the near total elimination of the GSEs portfolios for other than
liquidity purposes;
A failure to act will create political problems and may create economic problems as interest rates
rise and housing, potentially, weakens.
GSEs have no capital so there will be a political problem as GSEs go back to draw on
As we saw in the 1960s, as rates rose and bank deposits were withdrawn and placed in
Treasuries, there was a reduction in bank willingness to support mortgage lending.
We shouldnt reinvent a wheel that has driven the secondary market successfully for generations.
We should repair it well, just as we recognized the need to do after the S&L crisis.
Congress should ensure that the GSEs regulator places safety and soundness of these
companies as primary.
Require minimum capital standards of 3.5-4% to ensure that they never expose the
taxpayers to risk again.
Replace the current regulatory oversight with a Public Utility Commission responsible for
determining allowable rates of return
Any income above the minimum capital and that rate of return would go to enhance capital.
With capped rates of return the GSEs would not have the deep pockets with which to lobby
legislators, thus avoiding much of the basis for capture.
Use stringent methods to price guarantees, separate from the GSEs and from political
influence. This would create incentives for increased private market, unwrapped issuances on which
investors would be forced to retain the risk (eliminating the broad government guarantee);
Sever the governments sponsorship to end the provisioning of an implied government
Ensure that GSEs can function in a counter-cyclical environment and that the GSEs are
regulated in the same manner as other utilities that are considered to deliver essential public
Rather than leave the Treasury line of financial support in place, which only supports market
perception of an implied government guarantee, the GSEs should be required to pay an annual
commitment fee to Treasury for a narrow and explicit catastrophic insurance policy to support TBA.
With stringent capital standards that incorporate security level requirements, real transfer of first
loss and capital stringent capital standards for PMIs or other first loss holders, this should never be
called on.
Such a line would provide a narrow guarantee to allow the ongoing functioning of the TBA market
and would be significantly smaller than proposed guarantees in either Crapo Johnson or the PATH Act.
With capital determined both on the institutions and their guaranteed securities, this would be a
backstop guarantee of the institutions so that, in a 100-year crisis, they would still be able to access
It would also create enhanced supervision and expanded regulatory authorities.
Eliminate the Presidential appointments to the GSE boards.
The FSOC should designate the firms as Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFIs).
This would create the opportunity for other primary financial regulators to oversee the interplay
between the GSEs and other market participants.
The GSEs commitment- fee should be determined by the Financial Stability Oversight Council by
reference to market rates for comparable financing and the risk of drawing on that support.
"I am skeptical that the break it up and privatize it option will prove to be a robust or
even viable model of any substantial scale, without some sort of government support or
protection. It is difficult to envision a sound, practical, private sector mortgage
insurance business of any significant size that does not require large amounts of
capital, and consequently generates only a modest return on capital. Secretary of the
Treasury Henry Hank Paulson
A public utility model offers one possibility for incorporating private ownership. In
such a model, the GSE remains a corporation with shareholders but is overseen by a
public board. Beyond simply monitoring safety and soundness, the regulator would
also establish pricing and other rules consistent with a promised rate of return to
shareholders Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke