Demystifying The Secret Powers of Your Mind
Demystifying The Secret Powers of Your Mind
Demystifying The Secret Powers of Your Mind
Of Your Mind
ESP Demystified
The capacity to foretell the future, know of events that will happen or that
have happened several years back, the ability to communicate with others
far away have always intrigued man for thousands of years.
There was even a time when having such gifts could get a person in trouble
as most people tend to explain the unexplainable in terms of witchcraft,
devil worship and the supernatural.
Through experience, people learned that education and knowledge is the
result of the interaction of various stimuli and information received by the
human brain through the five senses touch, smell, hearing, taste and sight
singly and/or cumulatively. This is the most common learning method
through which mankinds vast reservoir of knowledge from the past to the
present is amassed.
However, the same physical laws of learning do not automatically apply
when it comes to explaining and understanding the phenomenon of extra
sensory perception (ESP). And instead of making the topic easier to
understand, advances in the science of psychology further makes the issue
more difficult to comprehend as they have proven beyond doubt that
consciousness (the mind) is totally different and a separate entity from the
human brain! Additionally, quantum physics research indicates the existence
of a non-material universe that coexists with the physical universe that we
are familiar with!
Using the logical yardstick of learning and experience, ESP is therefore far
removed from the five ordinary senses. It is independent of variables and
controlling factors such as location, time, intellect, maturity, or education.
In the early 19th century, ESP was accorded several names such as
cryptesthesia then relesthesia until it evolved into what is commonly known
today as clairvoyance. Due to its various multi-faceted feature, researcher
Lousia Rhine coined and proposed the use of the term general extrasensory
perception to include both mental telepathy and clairvoyance.
Rhines theory about ESP is that ESP experience originates in the human
unconscious, a vast repository of memories, hopes and uncertainties of
which the individual is totally unaware until such time when the information
is brought to the conscious level by an external stimuli. This theory is
validated by psychiatrist Carl G. Jung who theorized that an individuals
sensation that another person was either thinking or looking at you. These
types of experiences are very often happens unexpectedly, without warning
or any arrangements.
There are some individuals who are by nature more psychic than others and
psychic experiences are common-day incidents with them. Yet there are also
those who are so engrossed by the subject that they pursue it more deeply,
doing all they can to read, learn and develop their sixth powers in order to
be able to control and use it at will.
Another often-used term for sixth sense is psychic powers or ESP
extrasensory perception.
The academic and psychological communities who are engaged in the
investigation and study of the sixth sense assert that there are several kinds
of psychic powers that people possess, whether singly, in combination with
one or two, but very rarely does a single individual all of the identified and
acknowledged psychic powers.
Clear Vision (clairvoyance) the ability to see far away scenes and places or
hidden things, without the use of the eyes instead a clairvoyant uses the
minds eye to become aware of scenes and other images.
Clear Hearing (clairaudience) is the discernment and/or perception of
sounds or words from a distance. A person possessing clairaudience is able
to hear sounds and words not ordinarily perceived by our physical ears.
Clear Emotion (clairempathy) an individuals ability to sense the thoughts
or feelings of another person.
Psychometry the ability to identify and pick out information about a
person, place or an object by holding another persons personal belonging or
an object that belongs to the place.
Psychokinesis the ability to make an object move using the powers of the
mind or mental telepathy.
Intuition commonly known as gut feeling, this is a persons ability to
distinguish a thought, awareness or information directly. It is a persons
uncanny feeling about an event, an occasion or something that will happen.
Telepathy is the ability to communicate with other people through
thoughts (mental telepathy).
Some people may very well use the knowledge for selfish intentions.
An individual who lacks self discipline and self control might find
difficulties in stopping psychic impressions and may not be able to live
a normal life.
Telekinesis: the ability to sue the power of the mind to move an object
or cause an object to move without applying physical force.
Materializations: the ability to call the departed spirit and take over a
human body (almost always in the psychics own body). The physical
resemblance is very remarkable that it is as if the dead person is alive!
Clairvoyance and Clairaudience: these two often work together and are
almost indistinguishable except that the psychic does not use any of
the physical senses associated with sight and hearing.
Crystal Ball Gazing: may also be called astral visioning wherein the
psychic gazes into a crystal ball and is able to discern future events.
The crystal ball is not necessarily the source of the vision but may only
be the channel through which the psychic can focus for concentration.
Regardless of the fact of numerous but sketchy evidences of ESP, they say it
is not that unexpected in context of the bigger picture. With more than 7
billion people on the planet who are continuously thinking and going through
various experiences, it is statistically possible that on any given day some of
these events that people hope to happen will happen according to how they
hope it would!
The skeptics however concede that what some people perceive to be psychic
powers may in reality be just a finely tuned perception of events that have
happen and may happen based on factors and variables that bombard an
individuals five primary senses which are incessantly picking up information
24/7 and which the brain is processes constantly on both the conscious and
unconscious levels. A case in point is that an individual who is exceptionally
proficient at analyzing and interpreting apparently disjointed information can
put them together and come up with an accurate and educated guess of the
Given the situation, even parapsychologists appreciate the importance of the
skeptical point of view as they readily admit its constructive value to the
better comprehension and understanding of ESP phenomena.
Proponents and believers of ESP however find fault with the suggestion that
there is a logical explanation to psychic phenomenon and exposing bogus
psychics invalidates the existence of ESP. Although some of the exhibitions
of psychic power are admittedly fraudulent and that some of the ESP
experiments are conducted in a faulty manner there are no solid proof either
that ESP is untrue and useless.
Despite advancements in science, physics and learning, there is still no
definitive judgment whether ESP exists or not. The fact that it is not
governed by the physical laws of the universe is not enough reason to claim
that it is just a figment of the imagination. Mankinds history is replete with
instances when accepted beliefs have been changed radically in view of new
evidence. Also, science is not about deciding what can or cannot be rather it
is all about what is and how a perfect model for the scientific investigation
of ESP.