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1756-DNB ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module Series A & B Release Notes

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Release Notes

ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module

Catalog Number 1756-DNB, Series A and B



About This Publication

Compatible Revisions

Download the Firmware Update

Install the Firmware Update

Install Embedded EDS Files

Modify Module Keying


Corrected Anomalies


Change the Scanlist in Run Mode


Additional Resources


About This Publication

These release notes provide revision information for this module. These
release notes correspond to module revisions 7.003 and earlier.

Screens shown in these release notes are for illustration only. Information
such as revision and series levels shown in these screens may be different
from your application.

2 ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module

Compatible Revisions
To use the 1756-DNB scanner module revision 7.003, update your system to
these software versions or later.
Update this software

To this version or later

RSLinx Classic
RSLinx Enterprise


RSLogix 5000

If you are using a version earlier than 15.00, see Install the
Firmware Update on page 3.

RSNetWorx for DeviceNet


Download the Firmware Update

Follow this procedure to download the firmware from the support website.
1. Go to http://support.rockwellautomation.com.
2. In the left column (frame), choose Downloads>Firmware
Updates>Control Hardware.
3. Follow the instructions on the website to access and download the
firmware update kit.
The download process requires you to enter the serial number of your
RSLogix 5000 programming software.

Publication 1756-RN567O-EN-P - July 2008

ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module 3

Install the Firmware Update

To install firmware, you can use the ControlFLASH utility through either a
network connection or a serial connection.
1. Install the ControlFLASH firmware update kit.
2. Make sure the network is connected.
3. Start the ControlFLASH utility.
4. Click Next.
5. Enter the firmware revision of the target device.
6. Click Next.
RSLinx software starts.
7. In the left pane, navigate to the DeviceNet communication link that
contains the module you want to update.
8. Click the module you want to update.

Be sure that the update you are about to make is the correct one for your
device. If it is not, unpredictable system operation may result.

9. Click OK.
10. Click Finish.
11. When prompted, click Yes to start the update.
12. When the update is complete, verify that the module resets and the
front-panel status indicator displays the correct revision.

Publication 1756-RN567O-EN-P - July 2008

4 ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module

Install Embedded EDS Files

For devices that support embedded EDS files (including 1756-DNB scanner
modules firmware revisions 5.002 and later), follow these steps to obtain and
install the appropriate EDS file.
1. In RSNetWorx for DeviceNet software, right-click the unrecognized
device and choose Register Device.
2. Click Next.
3. Choose the Upload EDS file or files from the device option.
4. Click Next.

Publication 1756-RN567O-EN-P - July 2008

ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module 5

RSNetWorx software uploads the EDS file from the device. When the
upload is completed, you see a dialog box similar to this one.

5. Click Next.
You see the status of the EDS installation.
6. Click Next.

Publication 1756-RN567O-EN-P - July 2008

6 ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module

You see the following informational dialog box.

7. Click Next.
8. Click Next.
9. Click Finish.

Modify Module Keying

You may need to change module keying to allow RSLogix 5000 software to
recognize multiple firmware revisions.
Follow this procedure to change module keying.
1. Start RSLogix 5000 software.
2. While offline, open a pre-configured RSLogix 5000 program that
contains your 1756-DNB module.
3. Right-click the module and choose Properties.

Publication 1756-RN567O-EN-P - July 2008

ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module 7

4. From the Electronic Keying pull-down menu, choose Compatible


If your control program requires an Exact Match, and you are using
revision 7.001 firmware or later, you must upgrade RSLogix 5000
software to version 15 or later.

If electronic keying is

Do this

Compatible Keying

No changes are needed.

Exact Match

1. From the Electronic Keying pull-down menu, choose

Compatible Keying.
2. Click Apply.

Publication 1756-RN567O-EN-P - July 2008

8 ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module

This section describes enhancements by firmware revision number.




1756-DNB scanner
module explicit
message size limit

Explicit message size limit is now 500 bytes. This

allows large configurations to be uploaded and
downloaded to devices, such as the SmartGuard
controller, via the 1756-DNB scanner module.


Change the scanlist

while in Run mode

This firmware revision lets you perform these tasks

while the 1756-DNB scanner module is in Run
Add devices to the scanlist.
Modify the configuration for devices already in
the scanlist.
Delete devices from the scanlist.
See Change the Scan List in Run Mode on page 19
to make changes to the 1756-DNB scanner
modules scanlist.

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ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module 9





Support for series B


Firmware revisions 6.002 and later support both

series B and series A hardware. Prior firmware
revisions support only series A hardware. Because
of hardware differences between series A and B,
the series B hardware cannot be downgraded to a
revision of firmware earlier than 6.002.

Faster network
polling time

With the 1756-DNB scanner module at revision

6.002, network polling time of a typical DeviceNet
network at 250 Kbps and 500 Kbps is
approximately twice as fast when compared to the
same test run with earlier revisions of 1756-DNB
scanner module firmware. You must consider this
significantly faster polling time when duplicating
applications designed for earlier firmware
If your system control is programmed or dependent
on specific 1756-DNB scanner module
performance, you can increase the interscan delay
(ISD) in the 1756-DNB scanner module at revision
6.002 to add a delay to the polled network scan.
This allows the network scan time of the revision
6.002 scanner module to more closely approximate
that of the revision 5.002 scanner module for
system timing purposes.

DeviceNet safety

This revision provides support for DeviceNet


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10 ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module





Use AutoScan to
create a scanlist

By using AutoScan, you can create a scanlist

without using RSNetWorx for DeviceNet software.
Starting with major revision 4 of the 1756-DNB
scanner module, you can initiate an AutoScan of a
DeviceNet network with your application program.
With RSLogix 5000 software version 13 and major
revision 5 of the 1756-DNB scanner module, you
can initiate an AutoScan operation from the
scanner properties dialog box in RSLogix 5000
software. AutoScan is useful for networks that
include simple devices having similar I/O sizes.

Embedded EDS file


Prior to the release of RSNetWorx for DeviceNet

software version 5, you had to manually install
electronic data sheet (EDS) files for new modules
and for new firmware revisions of existing
modules. If you did not install the new EDS file,
RSLinx and RSNetWorx software would not
recognize the device.
Revision 5.002 of the scanner module now
includes the current EDS file as part of the
firmware. You can use RSNetWorx software
version 5 or later to upload and register the EDS
file from the module without having to locate a file
on a CD or a website.

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ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module 11





Update the EDS file

for this revision

This revision of the 1756-DNB scanner module

requires you to add a new electronic data sheet
(EDS) file to RSLinx and RSNetWorx for DeviceNet
software to allow this 1756-DNB module revision
to be recognized by the software. You can
download the new EDS file from

Use AutoConfig

The 1756-DNB scanner module can automatically

map a network of slave devices into its scanlist
without the use of RSNetWorx for DeviceNet
software. For more information on how to use this
feature, refer to the Technical Support
Knowledgebase at
http://support.rockwellautomation.com or contact
Technical Support at 440.646.5800.

Use the Quick

Connect feature

A reconnected slave node on a DeviceNet network

can quickly go into operation by shortening the
time required to make the logical connection
between it and the scanner. For more information
on how to use this feature, refer to the Technical
Support Knowledgebase at
http://support.rockwellautomation.com or contact
Technical Support at 440.646.5800.

Support for
electronic keying

The module now supports the ability to perform

electronic keying down to the major and minor
revision level of a slave device.

Publication 1756-RN567O-EN-P - July 2008

12 ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module





Offlink connection

RSLinx and RSNetWorx for DeviceNet software

can now configure the 1734-ADN POINT I/O bus
from other CIP-based networks by using this
revision of the 1756-DNB scanner module
firmware. With this revision of the firmware, you
can use EtherNet/IP or ControlNet networks to
connect to the module and then bridge through the
1756-DNB scanner module and 1734-ADN bus to
communicate on the POINT I/O bus. Without
offlink connection support, you have to physically
connect to the local DeviceNet network that the
1734-ADN bus is on to configure modules on the
POINT I/O bus.

Build Identification
Number removed

We removed the Build Identification Number from

the product name string of the module. This does
not affect the functionality of the product.

Module status
indicators behavior
modified to be
compliant with ODVA

See the table on page 13 for ODVA-compliant


Added Build

A Build Identification Number has been added to

the display sequence of the module. This number
is displayed along with the firmware revision of
the module at startup. The number takes the form
of the letter Q along with a numeric value. It is
used for internal quality-auditing purposes and
does not in any way affect the functionality of the


Publication 1756-RN567O-EN-P - July 2008

ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module 13

ODVA-compliant Module Status Indicator Behavior

MOD/NET Status Indicator


No scanlist present

Solid Green

Scanlist downloaded

I/O Status Indicator

Module in Idle mode

No connections established or timed out

Module in Run mode

At least one connection established, none

timed out

Minor recoverable fault

(check Node Status Table)


No network power
Solid Red

Unrecoverable fault

Unrecoverable fault

Bus Off error

Scanner halted

Duplicate MACID

No device power

No network power

Module not online

No device power
Module not on

Corrected Anomalies
This section describes corrected anomalies by firmware revision number.

Corrected Anomaly



1756-DNB module
restarted during device

The 1756-DNB module could restart when a

large device-configuration upload is being
performed through the module.

1756-DNB module sent a

change-of-state (COS)
packet without waiting for
an ACK

The 1756-DNB module sent a COS packet

after sending a heartbeat packet without
waiting for an ACK from the target node.

Publication 1756-RN567O-EN-P - July 2008

14 ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module


Corrected Anomaly



1756-DNB scanner module

configuration consistency
value (CCV) changes
between configuration
downloads or after power
cycle or reset

Corrected an anomaly that caused the

1756-DNB scanner module to incorrectly
calculate the cyclic redundancy check (CRC),
resulting in a changed CCV.

1756-DNB scanner module

not connecting to
1791DS-IB16 module

Changed the firmware to allow connections

to 1791DS-IB16 modules.

Incorrect parameter
information in 1756-DNB
scanner module EDS file

Removed incorrect parameters in the EDS file

for the 1756-DNB scanner module.

After a scanlist is
downloaded to a 1756-DNB
series A or B scanner
module and power to the
module is cycled, the
character display on the
module showed ERC error

This problem could occur if the RSNetworx for

DeviceNet software project being
downloaded to the scanner had ADR
configuration recovery data totaling more
than 64 K. RSNetworx for DeviceNet software
does not prevent this configuration from
being downloaded. Once this configuration
was downloaded and power to the module
was cycled, the ERC error occurred, making
the 1756-DNB scanner module unusable.

1756-DNB scanner module

remained in Run mode
when a 1757-PLX52
controller in the same
chassis was changed to
Idle mode.

When a 1756-DNB scanner module was

located in the same chassis as the
1757-PLX52 ProcessLogix controller
(application version 500.1-01.17 and earlier),
the 1756-DNB scanner module remained in
Run mode when the 1757-PLX52 controller
was changed to Idle mode from
ControlBuilder software.


Publication 1756-RN567O-EN-P - July 2008

ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module 15


Corrected Anomaly



1756-DNB scanner module

in a remote chassis
remained in Run mode
when a 1757-PLX52
controller in the same
chassis was changed to
Idle mode

When a 1756-DNB scanner module was

located in a remote chassis, the 1756-DNB
scanner module remained in Run mode when
any of the following occurred:
The 1757-PLX52 controller was changed
to Idle mode from ControlBuilder
Power was removed from the chassis in
which the 1757-PLX52 controller was
The ControlNet link between the
1757-PLX52 controller and the 1756-DNB
scanner module was broken.


Slave node not polling

If a configured slave node was configured as

background poll and was the lowest
numbered node in the poll list, that slave
node would not be polled. This condition
would be detected as Error Code 72 on the
module. This anomaly applies to revisions
4.001 and 4.002.

1756-DNB scanner module

continually responding to
explicit messages

If you enabled AutoScan in the 1756-DNB

scanner module and, at the same time, an
RSLinx browse was active through the
module, the module could stop responding to
subsequent explicit messages originating
from modules in the backplane. When
browsing the backplane of a ControlLogix
chassis, you see a red X through the module,
indicating that the module is not responding
to explicit messages.
This anomaly does not affect the operation of
I/O data and was present only in revision
4.002 of the module.

Publication 1756-RN567O-EN-P - July 2008

16 ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module


Corrected Anomaly



1756-DNB scanner module

fault when ownership

The 1756-DNB scanner module could

potentially hard fault when module
ownership was switched from one controller
to a second controller. This ownership
switching was performed by inhibiting the
connection from controller number 1 to the
module, and immediately uninhibiting the
connection from controller number 2 to the
same module. When this fault occurred, the
module status indicator would glow red and
scroll this message on its front panel:
ASSY_SRV.C --- 512:4097,0,0,0
You must cycle power to the module to
correct this condition.


Timing window error at


Publication 1756-RN567O-EN-P - July 2008

A timing window error in 1756-DNB scanner

module revision 4.001 when it was executing
its startup code caused an ERC 4:2,0,0,0 error
to be shown on the front display of the
module when power was applied to the
module. This error was found only in
revision 4.001.

ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module 17


Corrected Anomaly



Explicit messaging errors

If a group-2-only slave device dropped an

explicit message, the module would no longer
be seen in the backplane during an RSLinx or
RSNetWorx software browse.
If an OPC/DDE client sent a bad explicit
message, the module would no longer be
seen in the backplane during an RSLinx or
RSNetWorx software browse.
The module would send a bad explicit
message if the explicit message size was
greater than 250 bytes. This size can be
configured on CIP-style message instructions
in RSLogix 5000 software.


Explicit message dropped

If a slave device dropped an explicit message

during the slave initialization process
performed by the scanner, the module would
fail with an ERC 4:6 error code.


Duplicate node detected on

two DeviceNet nodes

If a module is powered up simultaneously

with another DeviceNet device with the same
node address, both nodes would go into
Duplicate Node Detected mode.

Explicit messaging fault

If an explicit message was sent to the module

through the backplane, commanding it to
change its node address, the module would
fault with an ERC Error: -- 4:2,0,0,0.

Publication 1756-RN567O-EN-P - July 2008

18 ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module


Corrected Anomaly



I/O data size mismatch

error not triggered

If you change a slave devices Transmit or

Receive size in the scanners scanlist without
changing the slaves corresponding Transmit
or Receive size, and the I/O connection
between the scanner and the slave device is
maintained during the process, the scanner
will not indicate an I/O data size mismatch
error (error code 77) when put back into Run
The input data to the controller will not be
updated while this condition exists.

1756-DNB scanner module

cannot establish I/O
connection to a slave

If the scanner module could not establish an

I/O connection to a slave device due to
configuration problems, further explicit
messages to that device would not be sent by
the scanner module. When this occurs, the
following conditions may occur:
The scanner module would disappear
from the backplane in an RSLinx software
browse dialog box.
The slave device in question would not
show up in an RSLinx software browse
dialog box or be missing in a subsequent
The scanner module would not attempt
to re-establish a connection to that slave
device once the scanner entered this
state (until the scanner was reset or the
DeviceNet cable was disconnected and

Publication 1756-RN567O-EN-P - July 2008

ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module 19


Corrected Anomaly



1756-DNB scanner module

stops responding

The scanner module would stop

communicating to RSLinx software or stop
responding to ladder messages if the
DeviceNet port was not connected and
supplied with network power.


Size difference between

inputs and outputs

When the scanner module input size was set

for 20 DINTs and output size was set for 19 or
fewer DINTs, the RUN/IDLE bit would be
overwritten by random data, causing the
module to change mode unexpectedly. This
anomaly applies to revisions 3.003 and 3.004.

Watchdog timer error

Corrected the watchdog timer error that

sometimes occurred during firmware

Fragmented I/O messages

If a DeviceNet node was using fragmented

I/O messages and did not finish its response
before the module started another scan cycle,
the output data from the controller was being
mapped to the controllers input data table.

Change the Scanlist in Run Mode

With firmware 7.001 and later, you can perform these tasks while the
1756-DNB scanner module is in Run mode:
Add devices to the scanlist.
Modify the configuration for devices already in the scanlist.
Delete devices from the scanlist.
Follow this procedure to update the scanlist in RSNetWorx for DeviceNet
1. Double-click the module for which you want to change the scanlist.

Publication 1756-RN567O-EN-P - July 2008

20 ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module

2. Click the Scanlist tab.



Add the module to the scanlist


Remove the module from the scanlist


Add all available devices to the scanlist


Remove all available devices from the scanlist


Publication 1756-RN567O-EN-P - July 2008

ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module 21

3. For each device you add, you can do the following.


Make the node active

Node Active

Change electronic keying

Appropriate checkbox in the

Electronic keying field

Automap the input and output data in the scanner

when adding a device to the scanlist

Automap on Add checkbox

Edit I/O configuration for each device in the scanlist

Edit I/O Parameters

4. Click Download To Scanner.

You see a dialog box asking you if you want to download these
changes to the device.

5. Click Yes.

Publication 1756-RN567O-EN-P - July 2008

22 ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module

You see a warning message telling you the 1756-DNB module is in
Run mode, and asking you to verify the download.


For each scanlist entry that is changed, its corresponding I/O connection is
broken. If the requested packet interval (RPI) is also changed, all polled and
strobed I/O connections are broken.
If the 1756-DNB scanner module loses power while the download is in
process, the 1756-DNB module resets to its factory defaults.
Before proceeding with the download, be sure that any new output data is
properly initialized for your application. The connection between the controller
and the 1756-DNB scanner module must be sized so that any new output data
is included in the connection.


If safety connections are routed through a 1756-DNB module and the

scanlist of that 1756-DNB scanner module is changed to also include
standard connections to the same safety modules while the 1756-DNB
module is in Run mode, some safety connections routed to those safety
modules may time out. To minimize the possibility of safety connection
timeouts, add or change only one item in the 1756-DNB scanner module
scanlist per save.
If a safety connection times out, the safety I/O module associated with that
connection goes to a known safe state with outputs turned off. The safety
controller attempts to re-establish the safety connection.

6. Be sure you are ready to proceed with the download and click Yes.

Publication 1756-RN567O-EN-P - July 2008

ControlLogix DeviceNet Interface Module 23

Additional Resources
These documents contain additional information concerning related Rockwell
Automation products.


DeviceNet Media Design and

Installation Guide,publication

Provides details about Planning and installing a

DeviceNet network

DeviceNet Modules in Logix5000 Control

Systems, publication DNET-UM004

Provides information about programming,

configuring, using, and troubleshooting
DeviceNet modules

You can view or download publications at

http://literature.rockwellautomation.com. To order paper copies of technical
documentation, contact your local Rockwell Automation distributor or sales

Publication 1756-RN567O-EN-P - July 2008

Rockwell Automation Support

Rockwell Automation provides technical information on the Web to assist you in using
its products. At http://support.rockwellautomation.com, you can find technical
manuals, a knowledge base of FAQs, technical and application notes, sample code and
links to software service packs, and a MySupport feature that you can customize to
make the best use of these tools.
For an additional level of technical phone support for installation, configuration, and
troubleshooting, we offer TechConnect support programs. For more information,
contact your local distributor or Rockwell Automation representative, or visit

Installation Assistance
If you experience a problem within the first 24 hours of installation, please review the
information that's contained in this manual. You can also contact a special Customer
Support number for initial help in getting your product up and running.
United States

Monday Friday, 8 a.m. 5 p.m. EST

Outside United States

Please contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for any

technical support issues.

New Product Satisfaction Return

Rockwell Automation tests all of its products to ensure that they are fully operational
when shipped from the manufacturing facility. However, if your product is not
functioning and needs to be returned, follow these procedures.
United States

Contact your distributor. You must provide a Customer Support case number
(see phone number above to obtain one) to your distributor in order to
complete the return process.

Outside United States

Please contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for the return

Allen-Bradley, ControlFLASH, Logix5000, TechConnect, Rockwell Automation, RSLinx Classic, RSLinx Enterprise,
RSLogix 5000, ControlLogix, ControlBuilder, ProcessLogix, SmartGuard, RSNetWorx, and RSLinx are trademarks
of Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.

Publication 1756-RN567O-EN-P - July 2008

Supersedes Publication 1756-RN567N-EN-P - April 2007


Copyright 2008 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

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