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buildings in India


Mili Majumdar

Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources

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Energy-efficient buildings in India


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Energy-efficient buildings in India


R K Pachauri, Director, TER I

Mili Majumdar

Tata Ene rgy Research Institute

Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources

Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources andTata Energy Research Institute 2001

Reprinted in 2002
This book has been prepared under MNES project no.15/11 /97-SEG(ST). No part of this publication may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission of MNES and TERI.

ISBN 81-85419-82-5

Edited by
Mili Majumdar

Technical contribulion by
Ani! Misra, TERI
Pradeep Kumar, TERI
Bibek Bandyopadhyay, MNES

Cover design by
Rasik Varsani

Published by
Taca Energy Research Inscituce
Darbari Seth Block, Habitat Place
Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003, India
Telephone +91 11 468 2100, 468 2111
Fax +9] 114682144,4682145
E-mail [email protected]
I%b www.ceriin.org

Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources

Government of India
Block No.14, CGO Complex
Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 1.1 0 003

The contents of the book reflect the technical and other feacures of the projects as provided by the respective
project architects. The MNES (Ministry of Non-convemiona 1 Energy Sources) and TERI (Tata Energy Research Institute) do not assume any responsibility for the auchenticity of the design, costs, performance data,
and any other information contained in ehe book. The MNES and TERI will also not be liable for any consequences arising oue of use of any informacion or data contained in the book.

Prin.Led by
Thomson Press (lndia) Limited
B-3!5, Okhla Phase - I
New Delhi - 110 020







Energy efficiency in architecture: an overview of design concepts and

architectural interventions

Climatic zone: cold and cloudy


Himurja office building, Shimla

Himachal Pradesh State Co-operative Bank, Shimla
Residence for Mohini Mullick, Bhowali, Nainital
MLA Hostel, Shimla

Climatic zone: cold and sunny


Degree College and Hill Council Complex, Leh

Airport and staff housing colony, Kargil
LEDeG Trainees' Hostel, Leh
Sarai forTabo Gompa, Spiti

Climatic zone: composite



Residence for Madhu and Anirudh, Panchkula

PEDA office complex, Chandigarh
Bidani House, Faridabad
Transport Corporation of India Ltd, Gurgaon
SOS Tibetan Children's Village, Rajpur, Dehradun
Redevelopmenr of property at Civil Lines, Delhi
Inregrared Rural Energy Programme Training Centre, Delhi
Tapasya Block (Phase I), Sri Aurobindo Ashram, New Delhi
Residence for Sudha and Aram Kumar, Delhi
Residence for Neelam and Ashok Saigal, Gurgaon
Dilwara Dagh, Country House for Reena and Ravi Nath, Gurgaon
RETREAT: Resource Efficient TERI Retreat for Environmental Awareness
and Training, Gurgaon
Water and Land Management Institute, Bhopal
Baptist Church, Chandigarh
Solar Energy Centre, Gual Pahari, Gurgaon
National Media Centre Co-operative Housing Scheme, Gurgaon
American Institute of Indian Studies, Gurgaon



Climatic zone: hot and dry


Indian Institute of Heal th Managemen t Research, Jaipur

Sangath - an architect's srudio, Ahmedabad
Torrent Research Cent re, Ahmedab ad
Residence for Mahendra Patel, Ahmedabad
Solar passive hostel, Jodhpur

Climatic zone: moderate


Residence far Mary lviathew, Bangalore

TERI affice building-cum-gu est house, Bangalare

Climatic zone: warm and humid


Nisha 's Play School, Goa

Office building of the Wes t Benga l Rene,vable Energy Developmenr Agency,
Office-cum-Iaboratory for the West Bengal Pollution Control Board, Kolkata
Silent Valley, Kalasa
Vikas Apartments, Auraville
La Cuisine Solaire,. Aur oville
Kindergarten SchOOl, Auraville
Visitors ' C entre, Auroville
C o mputer Maintenance Corporation House, Mumbai



Commonly used softwa r e packages in en ergy-effici ent building

analysis and d esign
List of institution s / organizations, architects, and scientists working on
energy- effici ent buildings
Financial incenrives by the Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources for
the promotion of solar passive architecture
Explanation of the temperature check charts prov ided in the boak
Energy-efficient glazings
Products and services offered by various companies




What we once called a 'house for all seasons' has now been christened 'climate-conscious' or 'bioclimatic' or 'energy-efficient' or 'sustainable' architenure. Of late, impressive terms like these have found recognition in the
vocabulary of contemporary architects and urban designers . With enough
reason, of course, as sustainability in urban spaces increasingly becomes an
imperative, particularly as urban habitats keep extending theif footprints on
the earth.
Sustainable architecture aims to create environment-friendly and energyefficient buildings. This entails actively harnessing renewable natural resources like solar energy and utilizing materials [hat cause the least possible
damage to the global commons- v;'ater, soil, forests, and air.
Increased development of housing and commercial buildings has imposed
immense pressure on our dwindling energy sources and other vital resources
like water, thus. aggravating the already rampant process of environmental
degradation. The Nimh Plan of the Government of India has taken a lead by
stressing the development and improvement of urban areas as economically
efficient, socially equitable, and environmentally sustainable entities.
With the emphasis now on sustainable habitats as a key solution 1:0 growing urban concerns, which assume a global dimension, this book provides a
very timely insight into the context, techniques, and benefits of energyefficient building. The examples provided here encapsulate various combinations of response (0 climatic conditions; improvized blends of traditional and
innovative building techniques; material selection; implememation of
energy-efficiem building systems; and use of renewable energy systems as
viable alternatives to powering buildings through conventional energy
sources .
This well-designed and informative book will serve the dual purpose of
(1) educating laypersons about the multiple benefits of building in tune with
nature and (2) reinvigorating the zeal of professional designers, builders, and
planners to impart to their projects a bond with the earth far greater than any
other aesthetic value.

(R K Pachauri)
Director, TERI

A penny saved is a penny earned, they said. So with joules of energy! With
recent exponential increases in energy pricing, the formerly neglected or
underestimated concept of energy conservation has swiftly assumed great
significance and potential in cuning Costs and promoting economic development, especially in a developing-country scenario.
Reckless and unrestrained urbanization, with its haphazard buildings, has
buUdozed over [he valuable natural resources of energy, "vater, and ground
cover, thereby greatly hampering the critical process of eco-friendly habitat
However, it is nor too late to retrace the steps. The resource crunch confronting the energy supply sector can still be alleviated by designing and
developing future buildings on the sound concepts of energy efficiency and
Energy efficiency in buildings can be achieved through a multi-pronged
approach involving adoption of bioclimatic architectural principles responsive [0 the climate of the particular location; use of materials with low embodied energy; reduction of transportation energy; incorporation of efficient
suuctural design; implementation of energy-efficient building systems; and
effective utilization of renewable energy sources to power the building.
India is quite a challenge in this sense. N K Bansal and Gernot Minke
(1988), in their book entitled Climatic Zones and Rural Housing in india, have
classified Indian climate into six major zones: cold and sunny, cold and
cloudy, warm and humid, hot and dry~ composite, and moderate. Translation
of bioclima tic architectural design in the Indian context, therefore, provides
a plethora of experiences and success stories to learn from . Several buildings
have come up, fully or partially adopting the above approach (0 design .
The book you hold is the result of a comprehensive survey of a few such
buildings. OUf objectives include:
creating awareness of designing energy-efficient building envelopes by
taking advantage of [he climatic conditions of a particular region
highlight resource-efficient building practices in India
promote the application of efficient lighting and HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning) systems to reduce energy demand
advocate [he application of renewable energy systems
provide performance studies of the buildings in the form of user feedback
or monitoring results (wherever available)
quantify both the avings achieved by energy-efficient buildings as against
conventional ones and the incremental costs (wherever available)
compiling a database of energy-efficient building products and services,
available software, and reference books
A survey questionnaire, prepared in consultation with subject experts,
was circulated to several architects. Advertisements were posted in leading


architectural magazines requesting details of energy-efficierJ:t building

projects. Several submissions were received in response. Review visits to
numerous sites and dialogues eliciting user feedback on performances of the
building yielded the 41 projects that have been covered in this book.
Spanning all climatic zones of India, these projects are selected on the
basis of their energy-efficient approach to design-be it adoption of 10wenergy construction material and techniques, innovative use of passive solar
architecrural principles, or use of renewable energy systems. Projects not
included here are the ones that used some stand-alone renewable energy
gadgets/devices without having an integrated approach to the whole design.
This book. will prove to be of interest and of benefit to practising architects, building designers and scientists, engineers, urban planners, architecture students, municipal amhorities, policy makers, and concerned citizens.
We expect this book to serve not only as a handy reference document but also
as a source of inspiration to correct our building concepts and practices.


The MNES (Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources), Government of
India, has taken important initiatives to promote solar passive architecture in
India . TERI is grateful to the MNES (M inistry of Non-conventional Energy
Sources) for providing financial and technical assistance for the production
of this book. TERI is especially grateful to Dr E V R Sastry, Adviser, MNES,
and Dr Bibek Bandyopadhyay, Director, MNES, for their va luable inputs
and suggestions.
There ha ve been a number of people who have contributed to this project
and TERI would like to thank everyone for their time, effort, and help in
making this book a success ,
Dr R K Pachauri, Director, TERI, for his constam support, encouragement, and for providing all the infrastructural support
Dr Ajay Mathur , fanner Dean of [he Energy-Environment Technology
Division, TERI, and DrVV N Kishore, Senior Fellow, TERI, for their
guidance in strucruring the contents
l\-ir Somnath Bhattacharjee, Dean of the Energy- Environment Technology
Division, T ERI, for his guidance
Air Cmde M M Joshi, Chief, Administrative Services, TERI, for providing
administrative support
Ms Rajeshwari Prakash Menon, architect and journalist, for editorial
Dr N K Bansal, Professor, Centre of Energy Studies, Indian Institute of
Techno logy, New Delhi for his valuab le suggestions
Mr Anil Misra, Consultanr, TERI, and .Nlr Pradeep Kumar, Fellow, TERl,
for providing technical inputs and assistance in the project work
Mj' K P Eashwar for editing and managing the p r oduction of the book
Mr SaifHyder Hasan, DrVani J Shankar, Mr Kaushik Das GuPta,
Ms Mudita Chauhan, and Ms J Ram Mohan for editorial assistance
Mr R Ajith Kumar (Ol' graphics, design, and typesetting
Mr Rasik Varsani,. University of Reading, UK, for conceptualizing and
designing the cover page
Mr R K Joshi for making the cover page
Mr Girish Kumar for graphic assistance
Mr P K Jayanthan for indexing the book
Mr Jitendra Bakshi for sourcing advertiselnents
Mr I I Jose, Ms Tina Alawadi, and Mr A Joseph for secretarial assistance
MrT Radhakrishnan for supervising the production of this book
All the advertisers for supporting the book

Energy efficiency in architecture: an overview of

design concepts and architectural interventions

B uildings, as they are designed and used coday, contribute to serious

environmental problems because of excessive consumption of energy and
other natural resources. The close connection between energy use in buildings and environmental damage arises because energy-intensive solutions
sought to construct a building and meet its demands for heating, cooling,
ventilation, and lighting cause severe depletion of invaluable environmental
However, buildings can be designed co meet the occupant's need for
thermal and visual comfort at reduced levels of energy and resources consumption. Energy resource efficiency in new constructions can be effected by
adopting an integrated approach co building design. The primary steps in this
approach are listed below.
Incorporate solar passive techniques in a building design to minimize load on
conventional sy.Hems (heating, cooling, ventilation, and lighting) Passive
systems provide thermal and visual comfon by using natural energy
sources and sinks, e.g. solar radiation, outside air, sky, wet surfaces, vegetation, and internal gains. Energy flows in these systems are by natural
means such as radiation, conduction, and convection with minimal or no
use of mechanical means. The solar passive systems vary from one climate
to the other. For example, in a cold climate, an architect's aim would be to
design a building in such a way that solar gains are maximized, but in a
hot climate, the architect's primary aim would be co reduce solar gains,
and maximize natural ventilation.
Design energy-efficient lighting and HVAC (heating, ventilation, and airconditioning) systems Once the passive solar architectural concepts are
applied to a design, the load on conventional systems (HVAC and lighting)
is reduced. Further, energy conservation is possible by judicious design of
the artificial lighting and HVAC system using energy-efficient equipment,
controls, and operation strategies.
Use renewable e,l'lergy systems (solar photovclraic systems / solar water healing
systems) to meet a part of building load The pressure on the earth's nonrenewable resources can be alleviated by judicious use of earth's renewable
resources, i.e. s.olar energy. Use of solar energy for meeting electrical needs
of a building can further reduce consumption of conventional forms of
Use low energy materials and methods of construction and reduce transportation
energy An architect should also aim at efficient structural design, reduced use of transportation energy and high energy building material
(glass, steel, etc.) and use of low energy building materials.
Thus, in brief, an energy-efficient building balances all aspects of energy
use in a building - lighting, space-conditioning, and ventilation - by providing an optimized mix of passive solar design strategies, energy-efficient
equipment, and renewable sources of energ:v. Use of materials with low
embodied energy also forms a major component in energy-efficient building
designs .

Energy efficiency in architecture : an overview

The book carries 41 case scudies on energy- and resource-efficiem architectural projects in India . Each project highlights the energy-efficiency
measures adopted by the architects. The projects have been classified dimate-wise. The thermal performances of a selected number of buildings have
also been presented. The incremental costs for incorporation of energyefficiency measures to buildings have been included 'wherever such data were
The passive architectural techniques that have been adopted by the architects have been discussed in this paper.
Architects can achieve energy efficiency in me buildings they design by
studying the macro and microclimate of the site, applying bioclimatic architectural principles to combat the adverse conditions, and taking advantage of
the desirable conditions. A few common design elements that directly or
indirectly affect thermal comfort conditions and thereby the energy consumption in a building are listed below.
Ratio of built form to open spaces
Location of water bodies
Building envelope and fenestration.
However, in extreme climatic conditions, one cannot achieve comfortable
indoor conditions by these design considerations alone. There are certain
tested and es tablished concepts, which, if applied to a design in such climatic
conditions, are able to largely satisfy the thermal comfort criterion. These are
classified as advanced passive solar techniques. The two broad categories of
advanced concepts are (1) passive heating concepts (direct gain system,
indirect gain system, sunspaces, etc.) and (2) passive cooling concepts
(evaporative cooling, ventilation, wind tower, earth-air tunnel, etc .) .
The commonly considered design elements for achieving lower energy
consumption in a bui ldin.g are discussed below.

Common design

Landscaping is an important element in altering the microclimate of a place.
Proper landscaping reduces direct -sun from striking and heating up building
surfaces. It prevents reflected light carrying heat into a building from the
ground or other surfaces . Landscaping creates different airflow patterns and
can be used to direct or divert the wind advantageously by causing a pressure
difference. Additionally, the shade created by trees and the effect of grass and
shrubs reduce air temperatures adjoining the building and pro\'ide
evaporative cooling. Properly designed roof gardens help to reduce heat loads in
a building. A study shows that the ambient air under a tree adjacent to the wall is
about 2 DC to 2.5 DC lower than that for unshaded areas (Bansal, Hauser, and
Minke 1994).
Trees are the primary elements of an energy-conserving landscape. Climatic requirements govern the type of trees to be planted. Planting deciduoustrees on the southern side of a building is beneficial in a composite
climate . Deciduous plants such as mulberry or Champa cut off direct sun
during summer, and as these trees shed leaves in winter, they allow the sun
to heat the buildings in winter. This landscaping strategy has been adopted to
shade the southern side of (he RETREAT (Resource EfficientTERI Retreat for
Environmental Awareness and Training) building ofTER! (see page no. Ill)

Energy efficiency in architecture : an overview

35 CE 2000 C/ C ------Fff"6J,

'U t-T-lH---- - 35 CE 2000

~-r>-ti~::tlF;r-l0 EI 4000

8 T5 4000 GIC


.,-f-----,,="fc=--+--- 8 T5 4JOO C

d-t----o 1\;,6000

61,S 6000 C/ C - - ---If----'>

6 FL 4000 C/ C ---;'-6-~-4---.

O - + - - -l LFB 4000

12 FB 4000 \;jl; ---+-e

6 CF 4000 C/ C -----r~~~~

~~~~l--:IOGR 2000
30 GR 2000 e/e

IG 19m'tobe
IG 19 m' to be

replaced with
seasonals in winter


39 flP 750 C/C

Alstonia Sehelaris
BB - Bauhinia Blaekeana


UL--,ep",ceo with
CE- Casuarina EqJlsuloli.
seasonal in winter CF - Cassia Fistule
CP - Coiba PentEMra
40 HP750e/ c
DY - Duranta Variegated

SS 5000 GIG

EI - Erythrina IndiC<)
Fll- ficus Benjamina
Ft - Fiscus l yrata
GR - G,evilles Rol:'J.sta
HIP - Ilibicus Profussion
HP - Hameli. P"tens
IG - Ipoemi. Golde..a
LS - Lagerstomia Supp
TS - Tabebuia Supp


ThE' RETREAT bUilding has deciduous trees on the scuth side to cut off summer gains, These trees shed leaves dUring winter so that
n 81 solar gains are not clIt off. Wind breaks are provided In the north and north-east to protect fro th winter wmds

Building form/surface-to-volume ratio

The volume of space inside a building that needs to be heated or cooled and
its relationship with the area of [he envelope enclosing the volume affect the
thermal performance of the building. This parameter, known as the SN
(surface-co-volume) ratio, is determined by the building form. For any given
building volume, the more compact the shape, the less wasteful it is in gaining/losing heat. Hence, in hot and dry regions and cold climates, buildings
are compact in form with a low SN ratio to reduce heat gain and losses,
respectively. Also, the building form determines the airflow pattern around
the building, directly affecting its ventilation. The depth of a building also
determines the requirements for artificial lighting-greater the depth, higher
[he need for artificial lighting .

Location of water bodies

\Vater is a good modifier of microclimate. It cakes up a large amount of heat
in evaporation and causes significant cooling especially in a hot and dry
climate, In humid climates, water should be avoided as it adds to humidity.
Water has been used effectively as a modifier of microclimate in the WAL MI
(Water and Land Management Institute) building complex in Bhopal (see
page no. 119).

Energy efficiency in architecture: an overview

. A view of the WALMI building. The flowing form overlooks a water body which has been used to
advantage for modification of the microclimate

Building orientation is a significant design consideration, mainly with regard
to solar radiation and wind. In predominantly cold regions, buildings should
be orienred to maximize solar gain; the reverse is advisable for hot regions . In
regions where seasonal changes are very pronounced, both the situations may
arise periodically. For a cold climate , an orientation slighrly east of south is
favoured (especially 15 degrees east of south), as this exposes the unit to
more morning than afternoon sun and enables the house eo begin to heat
during the day.
This has been amply demonstrated in me MLA Hostel building at Shimla
(see page no. 33). Similarly, wind can be desirable or undesirab le . Quite
often, a compromise is required between sun and wind orientations. With
careful design, shading and deflecting devices can be incorporated to exclude
the sun or redirect it ineo the building, just as wind can be diverted or
directed [0 the extenr desired.

Building envelf!pe and fenestration

The building envelope and its components are key determinanrs of the
amounr of heat gain and loss and wind that enrers inside. The primary elemenrs affecting the perfo rmance of a building envelope are
materials and construction techniques
fenestration and shading

Energy efficiency in architecture: an overview

Solar chart 31 0 N

... The building blocks In the MLA hostel. Shln.la, located in the cold and cloudy lone, are oriented (fue

sOUlh ( 15 degrees) iar direct solar gain They are spaced apart so as to eliminate shadows of one
buildlflg ov I tile other, even for the longer winter shadows. It was proposed tilat all bedrooms lJe south
facing to avail of the benefit of south ex osure

Materials and construction techniques

lvIacerial with low embodied energy
Choice of building materials is important in reducing the energy content of
buildings. Strain on conventional energy can be reduced by use of low-energy
materials, efficient structural design, and reduction in transportation energy.
The choice of materials also helps to maximize indoor comfort. Use of
materials and components with low embodied energy has been demonstrated in various buildings in Auroville. The Vis itors' Centre at Auroville
uses innovative materials and construction techniques CO reduce embodied
energy of the building and attain the desired comfort cdnditions conducive
to the warm and humid climate.
Thermal t"nsulatt'ol1
Insulation is of great value when a building requires mechanical heating or
cooling insulation helps reduce the space-conditioning loads. Location of
insulation and its optimum thickness are important. In hot climates, jnsulation is placed on the outer face (facing exterior) of the wall so that thermal
mass of the wall is weakly coupled with the external source and strongly
coupled with the interior (Bansal, Hauser, and Minke 1994).
Use of 40-mm thick expanded polystyrene insulation on walls and
vermiculite concrete insulation on the roof has brought down space-conditioning loads of the RETREAT bu ilding by about 15 % .

Energy effi cie ncy in archite ctu re: an overview

Waterproofing (BJLC + plaster)


Solar chimney
(ferrocement) -;=;::'-.-n----~=,;=~

Coping block (CES 5% + plaster)

Flaslling block
(CES 5% plaster)

Flashing block (p.e.e. 1 :3:9 + plaster)

Steel truss beam

Stone tiles
Cement screed (1:5)
Stone slab
Retain ing '.vall


Flashing block (p.c.c.13:9+ plaster)

Broken ceramic tiles
Waterproofing (B.J.L. C. )
Ferrocement channel

(CEB 5%)

Ventilation ducts
Tie beam (CEB + RCC 1:2:4)

Fill ing

Sound trap (terracotta pot)-~f3~~_~~


Dome (CEB 5%) Springer (o. c.c. 1:3:6)

Corbel(RCC 1:2: 4)
Pillar (CEB 5%)
Stone tiles

Dressed granite
Random rubble

- -



.. -


Sec.\lonal de! IS sholf.lng use of alternative CQn::.truCli n techniques Ferrocemen sol3r cllimm.y and
ventilation duct In orbellect rch demonstrales use of ~as Ive solar ventilation techn iques

Table 1 Energy contents of commonly

used bu ilding materials


Elemenfs/ rnaterials

KWII/m 3 (ill situ)

Cemen t concrete


1522 (80% in brick)



Lime con cr ete with brick ballast

Brick mason ry
Brick mason ry
Random rub ble masonry
Stabil ized mud with 6% lim e
Stabi lized mud willl 10% lime
RCC roof (1 0 cm)
Stone slabs in RCC jo ists
Cement plaster
Cement pla ster
Lime urkhi
Source Gupta (199 4)


174/01 2


132/01 2
20. 65/m 2
15.09/01 2

Energy efficiency in architecture; an Qvervie.v


Imeconcr egoa

The roof receives significant solar

radiation and plays an important role in
heat gain/losses, daylighting, and
ventilation. Depending on the climatic
needs, proper roof treatment is essential. In a hot region, the roof should
have enough insulating properties to
minimize heat gains. A few roof protec(ion methods are as follows.

Bitumen (elt waterPlo1JOng

Earthen pols fe l losulation

Te rrae-orta tUes oller mlJd phus1(a

Eanhen pots for Insulation

Parapet detail

. . Roof details shOWing use of earthern pots

for roof II1sulatlon

Broken China mosaic can be used as top ..... most layer In roof for reflection of 11Cld lit

A cover of deciduous plants or creepers can be provided. Evaporation

from leaf surfaces will keep the
rooms cool.
The entire roof surface can be covered with inverted earthen pots. It is
also an insulating cover of still air
over the roof.
A removable cover is an effective
roof-shading device. This can be
mounted close to the roof in the day
and can be rolled up to permit
radiative cooling at night. The upper
surface of the canvas should be
painted white to minimize [he radiation absorbed by the canvas and
consequent conductive heat gain
through it.
Effective roof insulation can be
provided by using vermiculite concrete. This has been used in the
RETREAT building at Gual Pahari
(near New Delhi) and has reduced
roof conduction by 60%.

The skylIght on the roof of the West Ben al

Renewable Energy Development Agency
office building provides natur 1light for Inner
office spaces and is connected to the office
spaces for inducin ventilatio by stack

Energy efficiency in architecture: an overview

The roof can also be used advantageously for effective ventilation and
daylighting by incorporating vents and skylights. This has been demonstrated
effectively in the recently constructed office building of the WBREDA (West
Bengal Renewable Energy Development Agency) in Kolkata.

Walls are a major part of the building envelope and receive large amounts of
solar radiation. The heat storage capacity and heat conduction property of
walls are key to meeting desired thermal comfort conditions. The wall thickness, material, and finishes can be chosen based on the heating and cooling
needs of the building. Appropriate thermal insulation and air cavities in walls
reduce heat transmission into the building, which is the primary aim in a hot

A ir cavities
Air cavities within walls or an attic space in the roof ceiling combination
reduce the solar heat gain factor, thereby reducing space-conditioning loads.
The performance improves if the void is ventilated. Heat is transmitted
through the air cavity by convection and radiation. A cavity represents a
resistance, which is not proportional to its thickness. For a thickness >20. mm,
the resistance to heat flow remains nearly constant. Ventilated air does not
reduce radiative heat transfer from roof to ceiling. The radiative component
of heat transfer may be reduced by using low emissivity or high reflective
coating (e.g. aluminium foil) on either surface facing the cavity. With aluminium foil attached to the top of ceiling, the resistance for downward heat
flow increases to about 0.7 m 2 kJW, compared to 0.21 m 2 kJW in the absence
of the foil (Bansal, Hauser, and Minke 1994).

Fenestration and shading

Of all the elements in the building envelope, windows and other glazed areas
are most vulnerable to heat gain or losses. Proper location, sizing, and detailing of windows and shading form an important part of bioclimatic design as
they help to keep the sun and wind out of a building or allow them when
The location of openings for ventilation is determined by prevalent wind
direction. Openings at higher levels naturally aid in venting out hot air. Size,
shape, and orientation of openings moderate air velocity and flow in the
room; a small inlet and a large outlet increase the velocity and distribution of
airflow through the room. When possible, the house should be so positioned
on the site that it takes advantage of prevailing winds. The prevailing wind
direction is from the somh/south-east during summer. The recommendations
in IS:336i-1977 code of practices for natural ventilation of residential
buildings (first revision) should be satisfied in the design of windows for
lighting and ventilation. There should be sufficient air motion in hot-humid
and warm-humid climates. In such areas, fans are essential to provide comfortable air motion indoors. Fenestrations having 15%-20% of floor area are
found adequate for both ventilation and daylighting in hot and dry, and hot
and humid regions.
Natural light is also admitted intO a building through glazed openings.
Thus, fenestration design is primarily governed by requirements of heat gain
and loss, ventilation, and daylighting. The important components of a window that govern these are the glazing systems and shading devices.

Energy efficiency in architecture: an overview

Glazing systems
Before recent innovations in glass, films, and coatings, a rypical residential
window with one or two layers of glazing allowed roughly 75%~85% of the
solar energy co enter a building. Internal shading devices such as curtains or
blinds could reflect back some of that energy outside the building. The
weak thermal characteristics of windows became a prime target for research
and development in an attempt to control the indoor temperature of buildings. A detailed write-up on energy-efficient glazing system is provided in
Windows admit direct solar radiation and hence promote heat gain. This is
desirable in cold climates, but is critical in hot climates. The window size
should be kept minimum in hot and dry regions. For example, in
Ahmedabad, if glazing is taken as 10% instead of 20 % of the floor area, then
the number of uncomfortable hours in a year can be reduced by as much as
35% (Nayak, Hazrs, and Prajapati 1999).
Shading devices
Heat gain through windows is determined by the overall heat loss coefficient
U-value (\Xl/m2K) and the solar energy gain factor, and is much higher as
compared to that through solid wall. Shading devices for windows and walls
thus moderate heat gains into the building. In a low-rise residential building
in Ahmedabad (har and dry climate), shading a window by a horizomal O.76-m
deep chhajja can reduce the maximum room temperature by 4.6 C (from
47 .7 to 43.1 C) . Moreover, the number of uncomfortable hours in a year
with temperatures exceeding 30C can be reduced by 14% Nayak, Hazra,
and Prajapati 1999).
Shading devices are of various types (Bansal, Hauser, and Minke 1994).
Moveable opaque (roller blind, curtains, etc.) can be highly effective in
reducing solar gains but eliminate view and impede air movement.
2 Louvres (adjustable or fixed) affect the view and air movemenr to some
3 Fixed overhangs.
Relative advantages and disadvantages ofthese shading devices are given

Moveable blinds or curtains

Block the transmission of solar radiation through glazed windows, especially on the east and west walls
In hot and dry climates, when ambient air is hotter than room air, they
he lp to reduce convective heat gain
In warm, humid climates, where the air ow is desirable, they impede
For air-conditioned buildings, where the flow of outside air is to be
blocked, they can reduce cooling load.
Overhangs and louvres
Block that part of the sky through which sunlight passes
Overhangs on south-oriented windows provide effective shading from the
high-altitude sun
An extended roof shades the entire north or south wall from the noon SULl


Energy efficiency in architecture : an overview

burldlng of sllnil3r size and

fl.'lll:110n Thl::' picture shows the

east facade V.lUl If]clin d louvrf;.s
L. cut off solar galn_

East and west openings need much bigger overhangs, which may not be
possible and can be achieved by porticos or verandahs on these sides or by
specially designed louvres to suit the building requirements.
The scientific design of fenestration and shading devices in the \'V'est
Bengal Pollution Control Board building has brought down the projected
energy consumption substantially (TERI 1996).

The external finish of a surface determines the amount of heat absorbed or
rejected by it. For example, a smooth and light colour surface reflects more
light and heat in comparison co a dark colour surface. Lighter colour surfaces
have higher emissivity and should be ideally used for warm climate.

Advanced passive
heating techniques

Advanced passive heating techniques are used by architects in building

design to achieve thermal comfor.t conditions in cold climate. Passive solar
heating systems can be broadly classified into direct gain systems and
indirect gain systems

Direct gain
Direct gain is the most common passive solar system. In this system, sunlight
enters rooms through windows, warming the interior space. The glazing
system is generally located on the souther n side to receive maximum sunlight
during winter (in the northern hemisphere). The glazing system is usually
double-glazed, with insulating curtains to reduce heat loss during n ight.
South-facing glass admits solar energy into the building, where it strikes
thermal scorage materials such as floors or walls made of adobe, brick, concrete, SlOne, or water. The direct gain system uses 60%- 75% of solar energy
!'(riking the windows. The interior thermal mass tempers the intensity of heat
duri ng the day by absorbing heat. At night, the thermal mass radiates heat
into the living space, thus warming the spaces .


The direct gain system f the

Bhowall house, The picture
highlights the fully glazed walls for
the day-use rooms from nside

Energy efficiency in architecture: an overview

Direct gain can be achieved by various forms of openings such as

clerestories and skylight windows designed for the required heating.
Direct gain systems have been used for day-use rooms by architect Sanjay
Prakash in the residence for Mohini Mullick at Bhowali. The user is extremely satisfied with the thermal performance of the direct gain system in
this residence.
D irect gain systems have some limitations. They cause large temperarure savings
(typically 10C) because of large variations
in input of solar energy. In direct gain
systems, the interior of the house receives
direct sunlight, which results in the degradation of the interior furnishings, etc.
However, being re latively simple to construct and inexpensive, they are by far the
most common systems used worldwide .

Indirect gain system

In an indirect gain system, thermal mass is located between the sun and the
living space. The thermal mass absorbs the sunlight that strikes it and transfers it to the living space. The indirect gain system uses 30%-45% of the
sun's energy striking the glass ad joining the thermal mass. A few commonly
used indirect gain systems are discussed below.

Trotnbe wall
A Trombe wall is a thermally massive wall with vents provided at the top and
bottom . It may be made of concrete, masonry, adobe, and is usually located
on the southern side (in the northern hemisphere) of a building in order to
maximize solar gains . The outer surface of the wall is usually painted black
for maximizing absorption and [he wall is directly placed behind glazing with
an air gap in between.
Solar radiation is absorbed by the wall during the day and stored as sensible heat. The air in the space between the glazing and the wall gets heated up
and enters the living spaces by convection through the vents. Cool air from
the rooms replaces this air, thus setting up a convection current. The vents
are closed during night, and heat stored in the wall during the day heats up
the living space by conduction and radiation.
Trombe walls have been extensively used in the cold regions of Leh.
Various forms ofTrombe walls have been tried and tested in the LEDeG
Hostel at Leh (read LEDeG Trainees' Hostel (pp. 49-54) for their advantages).
It is worth noting that in buildings with thermal storage walls, indoor
temperature can be maintained at about 15 C when the ourside temperature
is as low as -11C (Mazria 1979).
Generally, thickness of the storage wall is between 200 mm and 450 mm,
the air gap between the wall and glazing is 50-150 mm, and the total area of
each row of vent is about one per cent ofthe storage wall area (Levy, Evans,
and Gardstein 1983). The Trombe wall should be adequately shaded for
reducing summer gains .


Energy efficiency in architecture: an overview

Wa ter wall
Water walls are based on the same principle as that forTrombe walls, except
that they employ water as the thermal storage material. A water wall is a
thermal storage wall made up of drums of water stacked up behind glazing. It
is usually painted black to increase heat absorption. It is more effective in
reducing teinperature swings, but the time lag is less.
Heat transfer through water walls is much faster than that forTrombe
walls. Therefore, the distribution of heat needs to be controlled if it is not
immediately required for heating the building. Buildings that work during
daytime, such as schools and offices, benefit from the rapid heat transfer in
the water wall. Overhearing during summer may be prevented by using
suitable shading devices.

Roof..based air heating system

In this technique, incident solar radiation is trapped by the roof and is used
for heating interior spaces. In the northern hemisphere, the system usually
consists of an inclined south-facing glazing and a north-sloping insulated
surface on the roof. Between the roof and the insulation, an air pocket is
formed, which is heated by solar radiation. A moveable insulation can be
used to reduce heat loss through glazed panes during nights. There could be
variations in detailing of roof air beating systems. In the Himachal Pradesh
State Cooperative Bank building, south-glazing is in the form of solar
collectors warming the air and a blower fan circulating the air to [he interior


Meeting room


Part section
. . Roof-based ,'lIr heating system for winter heating in the Hinachal Pradesh State Cooperative Bank building

Energy efficiency in architecture: an overview


A sunspace or solarium is the combination of direct and indirect gain systems . Solar radiation heats up the sunspace directly, which, in turn, heats up
the living space (separated from the sunspace by a mass wall) by convection
and conduction through the mass wall. In the northern hemisphere, the basic
requirements of buildings heated by sunspace are (1) a glazed south-facing
collectOr space attached yet separared from rhe building and (2) living space
separated from the sunspace by a thermal srorage wall. Sunspaces may be
used as winter gardens adjacent to the living space . The Himurja building in
Shimla has a well-designed solarium on (he south wall ro maximize solar

Advanced passive
cooling techniques

Before tbe turn of tbe century, buildings were designed to take advantage of
daily temperature variations, convective breeze, shading, evaporative cooling,
and radiation cooling. However, with a rhoughrless imitation of the west,
these concepts took a back seat and buildings became energy guzzlers. Today,
with high energy costs and growing environmental concerns, many of these
simpler techniques are once again becoming auractive . Passive cooling
systems rely on natural hear-sinks to remove heat from the building. They
derive cooling directly from evaporation, convection, and radiation without
using any intermediate electrical devices. All passive cooling strategies rely
on daily changes in temperature and relative humidity. The applicability of
each system depends on the climatic conditions.
The relatively simple techniques that can be adopted to provide natural
cooling in the building have been elaborated earlier.
These design strategies reduce heat gains to internal spaces. This section
briefly elaborates the passive techniques that aid heat loss from the building
by convection, radiation, and evaporation, or by u sing storage capacity of
surrounding spaces, e.g. earth berming.

Outdoor breezes create air movement through the house interior by the
'push-pull' effect of positive air pressure on the windward side and negative
pressure (suction) on the leeward side . Good natural ventilation requires

Operable glass

- ' he WBREDA office ...

~ 5 owing ventilation

Insulated false ceiling

(proposed but not ...-----+--+

Horizontal treake,
10 reduce direct

sun and lighl &hel1Je

High-level window

forbelier daylight

to allow more


and bener



r----U--Water oody

l-~L-__~~~~~~~~==M~=Jj;;;;;;;;;;i;;~~fJ~~G~re~en~S~Url~a~ce~ j


Air-conditioned area

-+ Nonhlighl

~ South breeze

Proposed administrative-cum-office building

for West Bengal Renewable Energy
Development Agency. However, in the final
design, two more floors were added above
the fi rst floor


Energy efficiency in architecture: an overview

locating openings in opposite pressure zones. Also, designers often choose to

enhance natural ventilation using tall spaces called stacks in buildings. With
openings near the top of stacks, warm air can escape whereas cooler air
enters the building from openings near the ground . Ventilation by creating
stacks has been effectively used in the office building of the West Bengal
Renewable Energy Developmem Agency in Kolkata (see page no. 189).
Located in a warm humid climate, induced ventilation was a primary design
strategy for this building.
Innovative ventilation strategies by use of building-integrated solar chimneys have been used in Sudha and Atam Kumar's residence in the composite
climate of New Delhi (see page no. 97)_
The windows, as discussed earlier, playa dominant role in inducing indoor ventilation due to wind forces. Other passive cooling techniques that
induce indoor natural ventilation and are used by architects to achieve passive cooling are discussed below_

Building-integrated sol r
chimney In Sudha and Atam

Kumar 's residence In New

D Ihl for effective ventilatIOn
especially dUring hurr Jd
season , Th inset snows a
clo er view of the chimney top

Wind tower
In a wind tower, the hot air enters the tower chrough the openings in [he
tower, gets cooled, and thus becomes heavier and sinks down. The inlet and
outlet of rooms induce cool air movement. In the presence of wind, air is
cooled more effectively and flows faster down the tower and into the living
area. After a whole day of air exchanges, (he tower becomes warm in the
evenings. During the night, cooler ambiem air comes in contact with the
bottom of the tower through the rooms. The tower walls absorb heat during
daytime and release it at night, warming [he cool night air in (he tower. Warm
air moves up, creating an upward draft, and draws cool night air through the
doors and windows into the building. The system works effectively in hot
and dry climates where diurnal variations are high. The Jodhpur Hostel,
designed by Dr Vinod Gupta, uses wind tower for summer cooling.
A wind rower works well for individual units not for multi-storeyed apartments. In dense urban areas, the wind tower has to be long enough to be able
[0 catch enough air. Also protection from driving rain is difficult .


Energy efficiency in architecture: an overview

Exha us tt ube n=;:



Wrnd tower In Jodhpur

Hostel to catch favourable
cool wind from south-west
f r p SSlve cooling





Living room


Living room



Courtyard effeds
Due to incident solar radiation in a courtyard, the air gets warmer and rises.
Cool air from the ground level flows through the louvred openings of foams
surrounding a courtyard, thus producing air flow.
At night, the warm roof surfaces get cooled by convection and radiation. If
this heat exchange reduces roof surface temperature to wet bulb temperature
of air, condensation of atmospheric moismre occurs on the roof and the gain
due to condensation limits further cooling.
If the roof surfaces are sloped towards the internal courtyard, the cooled air
sinks into the court and enterS the living space through low-level openings, gets
warmed up, and leaves the room through higher-level openings. However, care
should be taken that the courtyard does not receive intense solar radiation,
which would lead to conduction and radiation heat gains into the building.
Intensive solar radiation in the courtyard also produces immense glare.

Earth air tunnels

Daily and annual temperature fluctuations decrease with the increase in
depth below the ground surface. At a depth ofabom 4 m below ground, the
temperature inside the earth remains nearly constant round the year and is
nearly equal to the annual average temperature of the place. A mnnel in the
form of a pipe or otherwise embedded at a depth of about 4 In below the
ground will acquire the same temperature as the surrounding earth at its
surface and, therefore, the ambient air ventilated though this tunnel will get
cooled in summer and warmed in winter and this air can be used for cooling
in summer and heating in winter.


Energy efficiency in architecture: an overview

Earth air tunnel has been used in the composite climate of Gurgaon in the
RETREAT building. The living quarters (the south block of RETREAT) are
maintained at comfortable temperatures (approximately between 20 DC and
30 DC) round the year by the earth air tunnel system, supplemented, whenever requited, with a system of absorption chillers powered by liquefied
natural gas during monsoons and with an air washer during dry summer.
However, the cooler air underground needs ro be circulated in the living
space. Each room in the south block has a 'solar chimney'; warm air rises and
escapes through the chimney, which creates an air current for the cooler air
from the underground runnels to replace the warm air. Two blowers installed
in the runnels speed up the process. The same mechanism supplies warm air
from the tunnel during winter (for details, see page nos . 111-118).

Evaporative cooling
Evaporative cooling lowers indoor air temperature by evaporating water. It is
effective in bot and dry climate where the atmospheric humidity is low. In
evaporative cooling, the sensible heat of air is used to evaporate water,
thereby cooling the air, which, in turn, cools the living space of the building.
Increase in contact between water and air increases the rate of evaporation.
The presence of a water body such as a pond, lake, and sea near the building or a fountain in a courtyard can provide a cooling effect. The most commonly used system is a desert cooler, which comprises water, evaporative
pads, a fan, and pump. Evaporative cooling has been tried as a roof-top
installation at the Solar Energy Centre, Gurgaon. However, the system has
now become defunct due to poor water supply in the area.

Passive downdraught cooling

Evaporative cooling has been used for many centuries in parts of the Middle
East, notably Iran and Turkey. In this system, wind catchers guide outside air
over water-filled pots, inducing evaporation and causing a significant drop in
temperature before the air enters the interior. Such wind catchers become
primary elements of the architectural form also. Passive down draught
evaporative cooling is particularly effective in hot and dry climates. It has
been used to effectively cool the Torrent Research Centre in Ahmedabad.

... Passive down draught coolin has been successfully used at tile Torrent Research Centre. Ahmedabad .
The Wind catchers ior the system are the predominant architectural elements 10 thiS building


Energy efficiency in architecture : an overview

Daylighting has a major effect on the appearance of space and can have
considerable energy-efficiency implications, if used properly. Its variability
and subtlety is pleasing (0 the occupants in contrast to the relatively monotonous environment produced by artificial light. It helps [0 create optimum
working conditions by bringing out the natural contrast and colour of objects. The presence of na turallight can bring a sense of well being and awareness of the wider environment. DayJighting is important parricularly in
commercial and other non-domestic buildings that function during the day.
Integration of daylighting with artificial lighting brings about considerable
savings in energy consumption .
A good daylighting system has a number of elements, most of which must
be incorporated into the building design at an early stage. This can be
achieved by considering the following in relation to the incidence of daylight
on the building.
Orientation, space organization, and geometry of the space to be lit
Location, form, and dimensions of the fenestrations through which daylight will enter
Location and surface properties of internal partitions that affect dayl ight
distribution by reflection
Location, form, and dimensions of shading devices that provide protection
from excessive light and glare
Light and thermal characteristics of the glazing materials.
Daylight integration is an iplportant aspect of energy-efficient building
design, and most of the case studies covered in this book have innovative
daybghting strategies.


This books contains 41 case studies of energy- and resource-efficient architecture, which have used one or a combination of the above concepts and
techniques. In addition to the above, many of the projects have adopted
innovative daylighting strategies . Use of energy-efficient lighting and spaceconditioning strategies are the primary strengths of some buildings .
In the present era of growing environmental concerns, these case studies
would inspire an architect to design and create a better tomorrow.


Bansal N K, Hauser G, and Minke G. 1994

Passive Building Design:A Handbook of Natural Climatic Control
Amsterdam: Elsevier Science B.Y.
Gupta C L. 1994
Energy contents of building materials for India

Paper presented at the Green Architecture Festival

Organized by the Indian Institute of Architects, Nasik Centre, Nasik, rndia,
February 1994
[data courtesy Sanjay P, Rakesh Ahuja, and Geeta Vj
Levy M E, Evans D, and Gardstein C . 1983
The Passive Solar Construction Handbook

Pennsylvania: Rodale Press


Energy efficiency in architectu re: an overview

Mazria E . 1979
The Passive Solar Energy Book
Pennsylvania : Rod ale Press

Nayak J K, Hazra R, and Prajapati R. 1999

Manual on solar passive architecture
Mumba i: Energy Systems Engineering, Indi an Institute of Technology, Mumbai;
New Delhi : Solar Energy Centre, Ministry o f Non-conventional E nergy Sources,
G overnment of India. 105 pp.
SP:41 (S&T) . 1987
Handbook on Functional Requirements of Buildings
N ew Delhi : Bureau of Indian Standards
Design review of West Bengal Pollution Control Board building at Salt Lake,
Submitted to the West Bengal Pollution Control Board
New Delhi: Tata Energy Res earch Institute (TERl report 1995RT65]

Himurja office building, Shimla

Editor's remarks

e t-hmuqa office
ding is a unique

Architects Arvind Kr ishan and Kunal Jain

Office building for Himachal Pradesh Energy Development Agency with
active and passive solar retrofits

pie of energyel1t architecture

stratlng appltca-

:::.f several passive

c Ive solar Intervenn an existing

g It also h ighe hIgher cost of

Ing an existing
to make it
as compared to
s.i'ge Implementamllar measures.

L ocated in Shimla at an altitude of abom 2000 m above mean sea level in

the ' middle' Himalayas, the Himurja building has been designed and built in
a climate zone tha t is cold and cloudy albeit with a fair number of sunny days .
The sharply sloping site provides a classical situation in a hilly urban context
for a building within a large commercial complex that thus sits against (he
mountain for the lower three floors and inevitably has a 'deep plan'.

... A south-west view of the offiCE

building showing specially deSigned
sunspaces for maximizing solar gains


in winter

__ 5

The climate

Shimla, while lying in the 'cold and cloudy' climate zone, has a fairly long
winter - October to February end - with a severe cold spell of about two
months minimum DBT (dry bulb temperature) - 3 C wid1 shon wet
periods in winter. While summer (May and June) is pleasant with a maximum
DBT of 28 C, monsoon period Guly and August) has a high level ofprecipitation with high humidity (maximum relative humidity 85%). Intervening
periods have a milder climate .

gn response

The climate requires buildings to be heated almost throughout the year (a

requirement that becomes quite necessary in winters) . A detailed analysis of
the site revealed good southern exposure and a good possibility of additional
solar heat gain from the western exposure .


Hirnurja office building, Shimla


Insulated roof

The demand on the building, therefore, is for

heating for most part of the year, and for good
ventilation during summer, and for good daylight distribution throughout the year.

Daylighting and heating

Patent double-glazing panels
Two-relJel sola(ium


Lighl shell
Viewing window

insulated ReC
diaphragm wolls

....... Section through the building

showing solar access through
specially designed solarium and
air heating panels

A closer view of the ...

SOlarium '

The plan of the building and its three-dimensional form allow maximum penetration of sun,
maximizing both solar heat gain and daylight.
While heat gain is maximized, its absorption in
the judiciously designed thermal mass provides
heat in the spaces throughout the diurnal cycle .
Air heating panels designed as an integral part
of the southern wall panels provide effective
heat gain through a close connective loop .
Distribution of heat gain in the entire building
is achieved Ihrough a conneclive loop utilizing the stairwell as a means of
distributing heated air
through the principle of
buoyancy. Since solar heat
gain raises the internal ambient temperature above the
comfort range in summers
even though the outside
conditions are quite comfortable, ventilation is an effective strategy for summers for

Plan showing daylightlng levels ...
at regular intervals '


! '

J>.ooe po;;,;on

OR Oller-heated

151 liJ~ va lue ot:'II..'een

12:30 and 1:00 FM on 7 laouary 1997

dissipating internal heat build-up. To optimize ventilation, the connective

loop is coupled with solar chimneys designed as an integral part of the roof.
Specially designed solarium (sunspace) is built as an integral part of southern wall to maximize heat gain .
Distribution of daylight in spaces is achieved through a careful inregration
of window and light shelves. Light reflected off the light shelves is distribured
ineo the deep plan of the building by designing a ceiling profile that provides
effective reflectiviry.


Himurja office building, Shimla


A view of curved ceiling with

,. glass blocks to distribute

daylight and roof-mounted
solar water heating system

Insulation and window design

Good insulation of 5-cm thick glass wool and minimum fenestration (only in
toilets) on northern exposure prevents heat loss. Infiltration losses are minimized through weather-proofed (with no thermal bridges) hard plastic
windows. Double-glazing helps control heat loss from glazing without creating any internal condensation.

Renewable energy


Jser feedback

The photovoltaic system of 1.5 kWp meets the energy demand for lighting
whenever required . Artificial lighting is seldom required (except during dark
sky conditions sometimes in winters) in the south-oriented spaces, which are
well daylit during working hours. Roof-mounted solar hot water system
(1000 litre per day) has been used in the building. The water is circulated
through radiators for space heating specially in the northern spaces.
It has been monitored borh for thermal performance and daylight distribution during active use and found that it provides a comfortable working
In the month of Jan uary, (he coldest part ofthe year, the building does not
require any auxiliary heaters . The building was monitored in the month of
January 2001. The inside temperatures were recorded between 18C and
28 C corresponding to ambiem temperatures of 9-15 C. Ventilation effectively generates a fresh ambient condition within the entire building. Daylight distribution allows good availability of daylight in the working zone.
Even in the rear spaces of the deep plan building, the level of daylight is 150
Lux. Consequently, the office building requires no electrical energy for
heating, lighting in daytime, and for hot water, which has been achieved through
a solar water heating system. Ventilation is achieved through the connective loop
activated by air buoyancy. This building can, therefore, be described as a 'zero
energy consuming' building during the daytime-the normal hours of opel'ation.

Excellent thermal condirions exist inside the building, specially it is

comfortable in winters in almost all areas.

The top-most floor has the problem of overheating in summer.


Himurj a office building, Sh imla


a glaV\ce

Project details

Design features

Location Shimla. Himachal Pradesh

Building type Office building
Climate Cold and cloudy
Architects Arvind Krishan and Kunal Jain
Owner/ client Himachal Pradesh Energy Development Agency
Year of completion 1997
Buill-up area 635 m2
Cost The initial cost of the building was estimated at Rs 7 million
(without incorporation of passive or active solar measures),
Additional amount of Rs 1.3 million was incurred due to
incorporation of passive and active solar measures. Thus there
was an increase of 18.6% over initial cost by adoption of these
measures. The high additional cost is attributed to the fact that
solar systems were retrofitted onto an already constructed building.

Air heating panels designed as an integral part of the south

wall pro\'ide effective heat gain. Distribution of heat gain in
the building through a connective loop that utilizes the
stairwell as a means of distributing heated air
Double-glazed windows with proper sealing to minimize
Insulated RCC diaphragm walls on the north to prevent heat

Temperature check
for Shimla


(see Append ix IV)


Solar chimney
Specially designed solarium on south for heat gain
Careful integration of windows and light shelves ensures
effective daylight distribution
Solar water heating system and solar photovoltaic system









Add the checks

Multiply by 8.33% for % of year





Himach al Pradesh State Co-operative Bank , Shimla

Architect Ashok B Lall

.or's remarks


Innovative combination of solar passive and active systems for a predominantly day-use building to cut down heating needs during winters

'ion of

f to prOVldf'

tly day use

cold a~d

T his multi-storeyed RCC (reinforced concrete cement) structure is located

in Shimla. Oriented at 10 degree west of south, the building has a long narrow profile in plan. The narrow south face has access to light and air from the
adjacent lane while the east face has no access to light and air as it abuts
another building.
Since Shimla experiences good sunshine during winters and plenty of sun
falls on far,:ade of the building) a considerable amount of solar heat could be
collected from this fa~ade. The bulk of energy consumption in the building
was on two fronts) one for lighting the deeper spaces in the centre of the
building and the ocher for heating the building during winters.

Soutl1facJr1 heat collector wall w th

~ dark wal l behind The heated alf from

tile sur ace of UHS Troml) wall I" dr;cwn

out at the top of the staircase tower
and c nut d throlJgh ducts to the
central workspaces.

ergy-s avi ng

Design temperature
The design temperature was taken to be 18C for winter, considering that it
is customary to be warmly dressed while working.

Limiting conditioning to work-spaces only

It was decided that passages, lobbies, stairs, toilets, and stores need not be
conditioned. Only occupied office work spaces are to be conditioned .


Himachal Pradesh State Co-operative Bank, Shirnla

The balconies adjacent to rooms on the
southern face are converted into glazed
sunspaces . These act as winter gardens and
heat collectors for the adjacent rOom thereby
reducing glare, enhancing views, increasing
comfort, and also livening up the main

Heal collector wall

Second floor

Heated air -1---l!I~

MS walkway


First floor

(ramed glazing
Ground floor

The remaining south-facing surface was

designed as a heat collecting wall by placing a
continuous glass fa~ade on the outer face of
the building. The wall is to be clad with darkcoloured slate and ceramic mural, which
would be visible . The mural would get lit at
night as an advertisement of the bank. The
heated air from the surface of th is wall is
drawn out at the top of the staircase tOwer.
The cool air from the main banking hall gets
heated through convection by the wall.

Roof collector



Section of the building with heat

A roof tOp so lar collector has been installed.

This has been angled at 45 degrees to receive
the \",'inrer sun. The collectOr warms up air,
which is circulated into the spaces with a
blower. An insulated air handling room is
located below the attic space.

collector wall highlighting flow of

heated air through Ihe building

Details of air heating panels on roof for space heating

An electric back-up heating system is linked with the solar passive heating
system. This electric bank is thermostatically con.t rolled and switches on
progressively on demand--during mornings and prolonged cloudy weather.

Roof-based air heating system ......


Himachal Pradesh State Co-operative Bank, Shimla

_ -+

17.15 m,


Airtight ~

3290 C/C



in slab

C: ::::J











3290 CIC


C =:J










in slab
--------------------- - -


\ I


in slab
(600, 900)


. . r-. Ci rculation fan

Supply air
3530 C/C

I +11.5MI

5000 C/C
.. _ - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --



Dim ensions in millime re unless otherwise mentioned

.......... Rooftop detail for solar collector (plan and sectIOn)

T he system is switched on at 9.00 a .m ., electrical back-up covers till about

11.00 a .m. when solar heating takes over. The system is designed for 10%
fresh air supply, return air goes back [0 solar air pane ls, and supplies hot air
to three halls.

Double-glazing and tight-fitting open able panels for windows have b een
installed for cir culation and infiltration control. On [he top floor, th e n orth
and west walls and the ceiling are insulaTed.


Himachal Pradesh State Co-operative Bank , Shimla

Daylighting and artificial illumination

Two light wells against east-side of the building were suggested at
strategic locations, for the dual purpose of ensuring sufficient daylight into
the banking hall and main office floor, arid return air ducting, However, these
wells could not be provided due to the high priority accorded to floor sp'ace
util iza tion .
The artificial electric light system has been planned in a manner such that
the lights could be switched on as a supplement to [he available daylight. This
arrangement would not incur any extra cos!.

User feedback The system provides thermal comfort during winters (saving significant
amount of electriciry and money). The interior of the building is quite warm
in winters. Temperamre rise of about 5- 10 "C is achieved through incorporation of solar passive features.
Ample daylight is available due to sunspaces. The performance of the
building has been monitored during winters. An annual savings of about
200 000 rupees in space heating has been achieved in one heating season of
6 months by adoption of energy-saving techniques (Energy cost of about
160 000 rupees was incurred in one heating season for running the back-up
system as against an estimated energy cost of about 370 000 rupees if conventional heating system was used).




Design features

Project details

Sunspaces on the southern

Solar wall on the southern

Location Mall Road, Shimla , Himachal Pradesh

Building type Office building

Client/ Owner Himachal Pradesh Co-operative Bank

Architect Ashok B Lall
Climate Cold and cloudy

Solar heat collector on roof

top with duct system for

Local Architect C L Gupta

supply to various rooms

Energy consultant S S Chandel , Principal Scientific Officer and Coordinator, Solar House

Double-glazed windows
Air-lock lobby at the main

Action Pia Himachal Pradesh, State Council for Science, Technology, and Environment.
Year of start/completion 1995-1998
Built-up area 1650 m2 (about 35% is heated
Total area of solar air heating panels 38 m2

b~' solar air

heating system)

Cost of entire system Rs 1.1 million (includes AHU, electrical back-up, blower, ducting
Electrical back-up 3 x 15 kW (in 3 stages)
Blower 4000 cfm (constantspeed)
Brief specifications The external walls are 23-cm thick masonry construction with 5-cm thick

glass wool insulation. The total window area is about 155 m2 which are double-glazed and
openable. The roofing is made of corrugated galvanized iron sheeting
Total building cost Rs 22 million (including solar passive and active features). The initial cost of the
bank building without incorporation of passive solar measures was Rs 12 666j m2 which was
increased by Rs 680jm 2 to Rs 13 346jm 2 thus resulting in 5.6% Increase in cost due to
incorporation of passive solar measures


Temperature check
for Shimla

Himachal Pradesh State Co-operative Bank, Shimla


(see Append ix IV)













Add the checks

Multiply by 8.33% for % of year





Residence for Mohini Mullick, Bhowali , Nainital



small family cottage

is a unique example of
traditional hili architec-

Architect San jay Prakash

Traditional hill architecture maximizing the use of solar energy for meeting
energy needs

ture that maximize the

use of solar energy to

meet needs of thermal

comfort water heating,
and food warming. Use
of local materials for
construction reduces

transportation energy.

A rchitect Sanjay Prakash believes that minimum damage to hill ecology is

done when you build as little as possible. For the cottage) she planned to live
in after retirement, Ms Mohini Mullick carefully honed her brief to match
her requirements-lOO m 2 in two levels of 50 m 2 each, set into the hill. On a
steep south slope, the entry to the house is from the north at the first floor
level where the living room and kitchen are located, and one climbs down for
the bedrooms that are thus tucked into the hills. The structure is a loadbearing construction with a timber-framed roof.

---- f-@



._. -

CD ._ -


All dimensions are in millimetres

Features of the

Grou nd floor plan sho wing bedrooms with Trombe wal l 0/1 the sou th

The cartage is oriented due somh to maximize solar gain, and its compact
shape reduces heat loss. The lower floor is provided with an earth cover, as
the cartage is set partly into the hill. Direct solar gain is ensured in living/
dining round and kitchen, which are (he day-use spaces, by large sourhfacing glazed area, including inclined south-glazing. In addition to sourhwindows, a Trombe-like wall has been included on the south wall of the lower
floor for indirect solar gain for bedrooms, being night-use spaces. The
cotrage is zoned so that all day-use spaces are on the upper floor and get
more direct solar gain at the cost of some night losses.

Residence for Mohini Mullick, Bhowali , Nainital


. . A view of the house showing

south-facing glazed surfaces for
the day-use spaces

. . A view from inside the living

spaces showing glazing for direct
solar gains

The walls of the house are thick random rubble made from rubble available n ear the site . The joints are in cement mortar but kept very lean so as to
give the look of dry rubble masonry. On the south side, this masonry provides a dark-coloured mass to store daytime heat, which slightly warms the
bedrooms behind the south wall in the night. On the north, the house is sunk
into the hill by an entire floor and this earth cover provides stable temperatures. On the east and west, the wall is left uninsulated. Insulating it from the
inside would have drastically reduced the thermal
mass of the building and insulating from the
outside was aesthetically unappealing.
The entire roof is insulated with
rock wool and the house is entered from
the north through an air lock. There
are a few openings on the east and
west sides, and none on the north
side of the cottage. The buffer spaces
(lobby, stairs, etc. ) are on the north.

able energy There is a 100 litre-per-day roof

systems integrated th ermosiphonic solar hot
water collector system with the tanks
located in the attic spaces. A wallintegrated counter-top operated solar
food warmer/cooker is provided for the

Axonometric view 01 the house shOWing south

glazing and integrated so lar water heater on
roof and wall-Integrated solar food warmer


Residence fo r Mohini Mullick. Bhowali. Nainital

User feedb ack The owner is satisfied with [he thermal comfort provided by the cottage. The
problems were largely due [0 (he quality of construction, such as indifferent
plumbing, leaking external walls, or shrinkage in timber, which needed
attention over a long span of time. These problems persist in construction in
the hills, especially due [0 lack of skilled man power.
190 . 300 mnllVooden frame
35 " 75 mm wooden shutter
12 12 mm wooden beading


White glasswool
Poly-urethane based
impermeable layer

3 mm thick glass

35 35 mm
wooden .M_"------,
=1=*=iFm*~ mm thick GI sheet
6 mm thick GI sheet

Sectional detail showing

Integrated "olar iood cooker
and Trombe-Ilke wall for indirect
gam In bedrooms

4 mm thick
toughened glass panel


50 50 mm wooden frame+f-----I/-'
19 mOl thick wooden shutter++---li

L -_ _


10 mOl thick plaster

iron sheet

50 ' 31 mm wooden balli - + + - - - ilit+- - - - - ,

19 mm thick wooden plarlk--t-ic---it-+----,
19 mOl thick wooden plank
19 100 mm wooden


All dimensions are in millimetres

Proj ect details

Project description Post-retirement cottage
Location Bhowa li. Nainital. Uttar Pradesh
Architect SanJay Pra kash
Construction type Load-bearing structure (stone). with timber roof
Projecr period 1991-1995
Size 100 square metre covered area in a plot of about 200 m'
Client/owner Mohini Mullick
Builder/ contractor Local contractor(s)

Design features

Entry from north to give maximum solar exposure on south

Entry through air lock

Earth berming for lower floor by setting the cottage partly into hill
Direct solar gain for living/dining room and kitchen by large south-facing glazed areas

Indirect solar gain for night-use spaces

Zoning to maximize solar gain for day-use spaces at the cost of some night losses
Minimum openings on the east and west and no openings on the north.

Ren ewable energy systems

Building-integrated solar hot water system and solarfood cooker/warmer

MLA Hostel, Shimla

Architects Himachal Pradesh State Public Works Depart ment,
,. or's remarks " ' " Siddhartha Wig and Sanjay Prakash
ostel buildings
een designed to

m um advan"

_ )l e

Solar passive and active heating systems for a hostel building complex in

sun . Innova-

of solar passive
Ie measures
negates the need
tional space-

Jning system .

aCing food

f orm a unique

e of t he building.

T he MLA (Member of Legislative Assembly) Hostel is situated in close

proximity to the Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha building in Shimla, the
state capital of Himachal Pradesh. Located in the cold and cloudy climatic
zone, the design has to primarily cater to the difficult winter months. Heating
and dayJighting have been mainly considered while designing. Use of certain
energy-efficient and renewable energy devices has also been suggested [0
increase the overall efficiency of the building.
The hostel is supposed to provide residential accommodation to the
MLAs during assembly sessions . The whole complex comprises four blocks.
The blocks are regular RCC -framed (reinforced cement concrete-framed)
structures with brick in-fill walls. The blocks are oriented south ( 15 degrees).

Site plan showing solar ~

entatio n of the MLA hostel


Solar chart 31 0 N

At the time when Sanjay Prakash and Associates were appointed as l:iolar
architects for the project, work on Block 1 had already commenced and so
the changes suggested were of retrofitting nature only. Since the design for
Block 2 had also been done, the changes for that did not include major design
and planning changes. The suggestions given helped evolve a more energyconscious approach towards the design of blocks 3 and 4, rather than a
retrofitting approach as had happened in the case of the earlier blocks. The
state PWD (Public Works Department) has imbibed some of the passive solar
design values, and this is apparent from the designs of blocks 3 and 4.


MLA Hostel. Shimla

Categorization of

All the proposed concepts have been categorized into three_

1 Concepts for brirlging up the specijiuilion. from a low level to the normal
level These were considered a standard part of normal building and these
changes were not subjected to a cost-benefit analysis. (Examples of such
concepts include providing a 9-inch thick brick wall instead of 4.5-inch
wall for an external wall.)
2 Concepts for mproving the thermal pel:formance of the buildings These formed
the bulk of the passive solar suggestions and required a thorough cost-benefit
analysis to gauge them for d1eir efficacy. At times, these related to furnishing
work, but mostly these related to civil work or services.
3 Concepts to enhance "he hjeseyle of the inhabitants Most of these were in the
form of appliances and required a cost-benefit analysis. These suggestions
are mostly environmentally sound options.

Energy-savi ng

An attempt has been made to lower the amount of conventional energy being
used in running the buildings. Since cooling is not really a requirement, most
of the suggestions are for heating or daylighting.
Fundamentally, the concepts kept in mind were
orientation and compact planning
solar gain and heat storage
insulation, mass, and colour
heat distribution and air movement
use of energy-efficient and renewable energy devices .

1 Layoul - orientaUon
2 Mrlock at staTrcas e entrance (not done)
3 rhickness of exte,nal wall
4 Overlapp ing cu rtains

5 ca rpeted floor
6 Smo t! O'Ycrnongs
7 False c;;lITng insulation
8 l'ialii nsu lation
9 I,ombe wall below ",indo," (no: done.)

10 Sunspace (not done)

11 Reduction of north glazing
'12 Double glazing
13 Timber frame
14 Glazed atrium (not done)
16 Remote heating of north bedroom
17 Better weather proofing
18 Food warmer

Blocks 1 and 2 of
he MLA Hostel
leatu res fo r
Impro Ing thermal

Solar chart 31 0 N

Passive solar details

For (his kind of climate, the design has to cater to the difficulr winter months .
Keeping (his in mind a passive heating strategy has been devised. Use of
certain energy-efficient and renewable energy devices has also been sugge~ (ed because [hey increase the overall efficiency of the building and add to
its character as an energy-conscious building.


MLA Hostel, Shimla

The following is the list of suggestions, not all of which have been implemented, bur has helped in improving the thermal efficiency of the building.

Revised layout The buildings are oriented due soutb 15 degrees for direct
solar gain. They are spaced apart so as (0 eliminate shadows of one building
falling over the other, even for the longer wimer shadows. It was proposed that
all bedrooms be south-facing to avail of the benefit of south exposure.
I Layout orientation !.lS'S
2 Airlock al siaircase entrance (nol done)
4 O.e ~ app l ng curtains
5 Carpeted floor
6 Small overhangs
Halse ceilin g insulation
8 Wall insulation
9 1rombe wall below window
10 Sun space
11 Reduction 01 north glazing
12 Double glazing
13 Timber frame
14 Glazed atrium (not done)
""'_",I~"" 15 Roof-top heating
17 Better weather proofing
18 Food warmer

3 and 4 of the ~
osed MLA Hostel
;; ng fe atures for
proving therma l

Key plan

SO ' Sou th

Solar chart 31 N

S eparate air-lock after staircase landing Separate air-lock would have

prevented heat loss, and decreased rhe rate of infiltration . This suggestion
could not be followed for lack of space at the entrance.
Thichening of external wall The exisring external wall was changed to at
least 9-inch brick wall or 12-inch stone wail as the existing 4 .5-inch brick
wall (Block 1) was inadequate for weather proofmg.
Overlapping curzains \'Qell-sealed heavy curtains were used to act as
thermal mass and to prevent heat loss.
Carpetedjloors Carpeted floor provide insulation and improve the general
level of comfort. They should preferably be of dark colours when adjacent
to south windows.
Small overhangs Small overhangs helped to increase the amount of sunshine entering the building, while ensuring that no summer overheating
took place . The primary purpose of the shades was rain protection . A 23cm overhang can adequately protect a 1.2-m high south-facing window in
peak summer while providing adequate rain protection .
RooJ-insularion Roof insulation helped to preserve remperatures inside
the building and prevented heat loss from the top floor. Rockwool insulation was provided above false ceiling .
Wall insulation Wall insulation could be either insulation or a cavity wall
and would help as in roof insulation. Eventually, the rockwool blanket/
thermocole sheet was used in the walls behind panelling. Insulation was
suggested on all walls except south because it was found out that the
north, east, and west walls are net losers of heat.
Sunspace The existing balcony can be made into a sunspace resulting in
increased heating especially during the win ter months. This suggestion
could not be incorporated in blocks 1 and 2 because of prior structural
limitations, but has been introduced in blocks 3 and 4.


MLA Hostel. Shimla

Reduction of nonh glaz ing Since solar heat gain through norrh-facing
windows is negligible, glazing on rhe nonh increases hear loss ro the
ambient. This is rectified by reducing (he amount of glazing in the north,
and providing double glazing in the essential windows.
Double glaz ing There is the inherent problem of condensation in badly
executed ,double glazing , which can be seen in some earlier buildings in
Shimla . This is overcome by providing two separate sets of shutters with
glazing that allow cleaning. Alternatively, hermetically-sealed doubleglazing with a d esiccant strip or vacuum-sealed windows can be used but
they are expen ive.
Plam'cJlimberji'ames Since plastic and timber have a lower conductivity
than steel it is advisable to use them for joinery to reduce conductive heal
loss ro the olltside . Steel would aid heat transfer and would work against
auempts to retain heat inside the building.
Gla zed arr i lllll over staircase Since the staircase is on the nonh side this
\o\Iould have helped to improve the generallevei of lighting in the staircase
well. This co uld not be incorporated because oflack of space on the ground
adjacent to the staircase (blocks 1 and 2).
RemOTe hearing of north bedroom This idea was proposed to cap heat on the
south \\Tall and transport it ro the north bedroom. Small Trombe walls
below and on the sides of the kitchen window trap the heat, which is
conveyed through a duct to the north bedroom . A small fan can be used to
assist air movement.
Betler weather proofing These measures at the openings helped to reduce
infiltration . Rubber stripping at the junctions of shutters and frames and
below doors helped in sealing of all cracks. Keeping windows closed, and
immediately replacing broken panes especially during winter months
would help to considerably reduce infiltration.
Food warmer in kitchen This is a feature to use solar heat to keep food in
the kitchen warm . Food warmer has been provided outside the window of
kitchen towards southern side,

Renewable energy system

Solar water heaters
These can be mounted on the roof and used to tap the sun to heat warer. The
solar water heaters are now in the process of installation.

Low wattage electrical radiating panels

These can be used to augment the available heat during peak winter. Also
they would form an integral pan of the heating strategy in the apartments
that do not receive any sunlight (Block 4) where some mutual shading takes
place . This is not a building-related suggestion and can be done by the inhabitants themselves.

Performance results

Performance monitoring has been carried out by Technical Cell; State Council for Science and Technology and Environment, Himachal pradesh in this
building. In February 2000, the inside temperatures range between 10 DC
and 26C corresponding ro ambient temperatures between 4.5 C and 7C .
The food warmer temperature goes up [0 32 DC during this period,


Users' feedback

MLA Hostel, Shimla

The food warmer is a useful device. The residents use it regularly, hence
'saving the conventional energy (electricity or gas) to warm food.
Electrical convectors are required in winter, but their use starts much later
(from October or November instead of September).
The provision of a small office/visitors ' lobby is very much appreciated .
The view outside is restricted, which is a major drawback in a place like Shimla.
There is no place for drying clothes in the apartment, nor any common
space provided for this in the hostel.

South side of Block 3 of MLA Hostel highlighting the solar f od

warmers Integrated with the building


a g lo lo!\c

.eet detai Is
';-e of the project MLA Hostel , Sh imla
- are Cold and cloudy
:-~-r 9ters Technical Project Management Cell, State Council for
5cience, Technology Gnd Environment, Shimla
~:r of completion


_ ~"fown er Government of Himachal Pradesh

. 3: The initial cost of Rs 10 723/m2 increased to Rs 11 178jm 2

;: e to incorporation of passive solar measures. Thus, there
as a 4.2% increase i1 overall costs overthe initial estimates

_ ; gn team
:: ; architects Sanjay Prakash and Siddhartha Wig
__ .al architect B P Mal hotra , Chief Architect, Himachal
Q'adesh Publ ic Works Department; Surinder Kumar, Senior
~rchjt ect , Himachal Pradesh Public Works Department

Design features (proposed although some were not

executed due to various constraints mentioned
elaborately under each head)

Solar orientation
Air-lock after sta ircase landing to prevent heat loss and

Enhanced thickness of external wall

Heavy curtains and carpeted floors to add to thermal
Adequately sized overhangs to maximize solar access in

Roof and wall insulation

Trombe wall and $unspaces at appropriate locations
Appropriately sized and detailed glazing system
Glazed atrium over staircase
Innovative heating systems using solar water and air
Better weather stripping to re duce infiltration
Integrated food warmer with the structure
Roof mounted solar water heater
Low wattage electric radiating panels for back-up heating


Temperature check
for Shimla
(se e Append ix IV)


MLA Hostel, Shimla









Add the checks


Multiply by 8.33% for % of year




Degree College and Hill Council Complex, Leh

:ditor's remarks

g'l ed for the cold

of Leh, these

Architects Arvind Krishan and Kunal Jain

Sun to give warmth to the occupants of these buildings in the cold
desert of Leh

'lgs promise to give

and visual

JudicIous use

L ocated at Leh at an altimde of 3514 m above mean sea level in the

' upper' Himalayas, the Degree C ollege and the Hill Council Complex have
been designed and built in a cold and sunny cJimate zone experiencing a
large number of sunnv davs .

_ture theatre in ~
c block with
,u north block
~Ide designed to
_u ar penetration for
eating and daylight

Lying in the cold and sunny climate zone, Leh has a fairly long wimerOctober to March, almost well into April. The severe co ld spell lasts about
two months (minimum dry bulb temperature - 30C ) and there is very
little precipitation throughout the year. June and July are quite pleasant.
Although lhe region can b e described as dry, recently there has been recorded incidence of increasing precipitation . The region has good regime of
sunny da ys with h igh radiation level s.

Degree college
The site

The site for the Degree College is an elongated rectangle with the land
sloping towards south at a gradient of 1 in 30. The site is characteristic of
th e cold dry desert condition of Ladakh-by and large bar ren wirh no
vege[3rion. It gives an excellent view of the snow-capped mountains that
s urround the site on all sides.

- a- of the Degree College showing location of lecture theatres. hostel blocks. library. laboratories. etc. with respect to the camJUSplar

Degree College and Hill Council Complex, Leh


Passive solar features

Lecture theatres, laboratories, and library in the academic block have been
designed with the building section optimized for both heat and daylight
penetration. The north side of the comp lex has been designed with solid
walls in each building to eliminate heat loss, while the south side has
been designed to maximize solar penetration for heating and daylight
distribution .

A section of the lecture theatre showi1g solar ~

access and dayllghtmg deSign
< " ( - - - - Winter morning sun




g lonce

Project details
Site Elongated rectangle with the lie of the land sloping towards south at a gradient of 1 in 30
Building type Institutional
Climatic zone Cold and sunny
Status Ongoing (Final project to comprise academic and administration block for approximately

1000 students, hostel complex for 400 students, library, multipurpose hajj, sports track,
canteen. etc., with a total bu ilt-up area of 63 100 m2 in a site area of 9030 m2).
Built-up area 8250 m2
Completion 1998 (Phase I)
Contractor local

Design features

Building section optimized for both heat and daylight penetration

North side designed as solid walls to reduce heat loss

South side designed to maximize solar penetration for heating and daylighting


Degree College and Hill Council Complex, Leh

Hill Council Complex

The site

The site for [he Hill Council Complex lies on a southernly sloping land
with an average gradienr of 1 in 12. High snow-capped mountains surround
the site on all sides, with the Leh Palace form ing the backdrop.

~ Ac.omputer-generated view of the Hili

, Council assembly building at Leh

- sive solar features

Passive solar heating

Both plan and three-dimensional form of the buildings allow maximum
penetration of sun, that is both solar heat gain and daylight are maximized.
While heat gain is maximized, its absorption in the judiciously distributed
thermal mass provides heat in the spaces during the diurnal cycle. Airheating panels, designed as an integral parr of the southern wall, provide
effective heat gain through a dose connective loop.

Features to minimize heat losses

Good insulation and minimum fenestration on northern exposure prevent
heat loss. Infiltration losses are minimized through ..veather-proofed (i.e.
with no thermal bridges) wooden joinery. Double-glazing helps conrrol
heat loss from glazing without creating condensation.

e'-generated section ~
- assembly hall of the ,
_ assembly building


Degre e College and Hill Council Complex. Leh


Since solar heat gain may raise the internal ambient tempera t ure (as per
simulation prediction) above comfort range in summers, ventilation is an
effective strategy for summers to dissip a te internal heat build-up. To
optimize ventilation, the convective loop is coupled with cross-ventilation
through eastern/western fenestration. Consequenrly, [he insIitU(ional
building requires no electrical energy for heating, lighting in daytime, and for
hot water since this can be achieved through a solar water heating system.
Ventilation is achieved through the convective lo op activated by buoyancy. This building can, therefore, be described as a 'zero energy consuming' building during daytime, the normal hours of operation.

Project details

Design features

Building type Institutional

Climatic zone Cold and sunny

Plan and three-dim ensiona l form of the building

maximize solar he at gain and daylight

Location Leh. Lada kh

Area 24001112

Air- heating p,ln els provide effective heat gain through

a close connective loop

Completion 1998 (Phase I) Fi nal project to comprise

assembly hall, offices for the main administrative body

Good insulati on and maxi mum fenestration on northern

exp osure

of the Hill Council of Ladakll and conference facilities

Infiltration losses mi nimized through wooden joinery

with total site area and built-up area of 29 600 m2 each .

Contractor Jammu and Kashmir



Temperature check
for Leh


(see Appendix IV)





Cross-ventilation during summer to avoid heat bui ld-up

Solar water Ileating system

Zero energy consumption during normal hours of





Add the checks

Multiply by 8.33% for % of year




Airport and staff housing colony, Kargil*

Architects Arvind Krishan and Kuna l Jain
An airport building and staff housing colony designed for maximum solar
advantage in the cold sunny climate of Leh

Airport terminal complex

T he Kargil Airport Terminal Complex has been designed to meet the
requirements for a smaller airfield within the remote region of Kargil. Facilities provided for are the arrival and deparcure lounge, waiting hall, office,
and VIP lounge and ancillaries.

Passive solar

p'oposed plan of the


A computer generated form of the airport at Kargil The form

maml1um solar access

11as been developed to give

Direct and indirect solar gain

The building has been designed for maximum solar penetration in all spaces
during the critical periods with the major spaces being heated with solar energy
by use of both direct gain as well as indirect gain. Further, the building has been
optimized for uniform and glare-free light distribution in the office areas.

o project is currently under way, no editorial comments are pro~ide<l


Airport and staff housing colony, Kargil

lvlaximum solar exposure is achieved by large double-glazed surfaces on the
south face. The SOO-mm thick composite walls (300 mm stone outer veneer
+ 50 mm insulation + 150 mm cement concrete hollow block on the inside
veneer) on the other three directions increase the thermal lag and insulate the
interior from the harsh outdoor environment. This section has proven very
effective for thermal performance in this climate .

A section of the airport shOWing change In solar access due to specially designed roof openings. The
spaces are all designed to be daylit thus reducmg the need for artificial lighting

Earth berming
The waiting halls and earth berming on the east face further act as insulation

Roof details
The clear stOrey glazing at roof level on the south maximizes solar heat gain and
daylight to all inner spaces with adequate penetration of sun. The roof angle has
been designed to prevent mutual shading during the critical periods. Adequate
eye level light and view is achieved by the west fa~ade (airfield side) .

The building is an innovative articulation of local O13,terials (stone, mud,
wood) and elements (brackets, motifs) with modern materials (reinforced
cement concrete, steel, glass, etc.) and seismic-resistant structural systems
(steel A-frame support system with an intricate steel space truss roof).

:;/\+ a 91


Project details

he so uth face
;; s on he other tnree

Building type Airport

Location Kargll, Ladakh
Architects Arvind Krishan and Kunal Jain
Climate zone Cold and sunny
Contractor Local
Status OngOing
BUilt-up area 1320 m2


Airport and staff housing colony, Kar'gil

Airport staff housing, Kargil

The airport staff housing provides for 14 individual residenrial units: 2 threebedroom units, 4 two-bedroom units, and 8 one-bedroom units. Designed in
a cluster-like compact form that maintains the individuality and privacy of
each unit, maximum solar penetration has been provided in all main spaces
during the critical periods.

ng plan showing a cluster

ouses in the staff housing




Clusters have been designed around a centra l open space with maximum
southern expOsure . Terraces and glazing on the longer side have southern
orientation for direct solar gain and m inimum openings on (he north-wall
prevent heat loss.

- Jroposed view of staff

housin CO lony


Airport and staff housing colony, Kargi l

All north-side entrances have been provided with a double airlock and all the
service spaces - kitchen, [Oilets, stairca ses - are placed on (he north while the
living spaces face south.

The composi(e wall sec tion of con crete b locks, insulation layers and stone
has been used to inc rea e therm al lag .

Design features

Clustered ar(lund central open spaces with maxim um

Project details

southern exposure.

Sol d 'lgype Residential

Terraces and glazi ng on th e longer side have southern


orientatio n IN direc solar gain

Arch teels

Minimum ope nings on the north wall prevent heat

North -si de entrances provided with double air lock.

Service spaces are placed on the north and the living

Composite wall section of concrete blocks, insu lation

Ka rgil ladakh

nd Knshan and Kunal Jain

C/rmale zone Cold and sunny

Status Proposed
Site area 4492 m2
Built-up area 1003 m2



spaces face south.


layers, and stone used to increase thermal lag.


Temperature check
for Kargil
(see Append ix IV)










Add the che cks

Multiply by 8.33% for % of yea r



LEDeG Trainees' Hostel, Leh

or's remarks

Architect Sanjay Prakash

Solar passive hostel in cold and sunny climate with a variety of indirect heat
gain systems

ng hostel for

s and trainees,
dmg uses vanous
f direct and

eat gam
The performeach system has
mtored and the

elp the designer

e the right kind
f or new

L EDeG (Ladakh Ecological Developmenr Group) is a well-known nongovernment organization operating out of various centres in Ladakh. This
project is located in LEDeG's Chans'pa Cenrre, in Leh.
Leh's characteristically cold and sunny climate (temperatures below 30 C and has over 320 sunny days in a year) makes it a testing ground for
solar technologies despite its small population. It is also a region where
harnessing solar energy can lead [0 great human welfare at very little cost.

o ns

. . . The south fa"ade with Trombe walls caters to heating needs of the rooms

The LEDeG Hostel provides sleeping accommodation for ' 24 persons,

with toilet, laundry, and study facilities all inregrated into the building. The
hostel is two-storey with 12 double bedrooms and ancillary spaces. It is set
in the northern parr ofthe Chans'pa campus, on a slightly south-facing
Traditional techniques have been modified and adapted for use in the
building. The load-bearing walls of the ground floor are made in rubble
masonry with mud mortar. The upper floor uses load-bearing sun-dried
mud bricks (adobe) in mud mortar. Partition walls are also executed in
adobe. The intermediate floors and roofs are timber-framed, with poplar
wood joists covered by twigs, grass, and earth. In order to combat a rising
local fear of increasing leakage in such construction, a small slope has been
given to the flat roof so as not to create a sag in the middle.


techniques, and

Plan showing sola r orientation of


LEDeG Trainees' Hostel, Leh

South orientation
The building was oriented south in the sense that every habitable room has a
liberal south exposure. Only corridors, toilets and staircases are without
direct south orientation. The 12 bedrooms and the laundry and study rooms
all have large south exposure for wimer hea t gai with almos t no overhang.
Almost all winter heating needs can b e met y th e outh exp osure. There is a
slight play with the exact south orientation . :
a t me two \\ings of rooms
are slightly angled (0 each other, th ere' .. em :1 a-- g that solar orientation need not be interpreted in a st r ic o r - _ ogona~ _r id layo ut, and can allow
some latitude for variations in orie a.i on.


A OImenSIO Sare in metres unless otherwise mentioned

CB stands for cu pboard

A - ':_e ;::e:! -;e
build ing is a south- approached air-locked entrance
:e-.1~~.:: :0 t!:e wdy roo m . Above this is another smdy room. Either of these
,n ~ e t: ;::\..2sh, nally use d as a dining space. Since these spaces are used at
d2;' ..1.:".- :1:Y, -he ~- are heated by south-glazing tilted at 60 degrees (0 the
orizo2 _aJ. Th ~ dire ctly gained solar heat is stored in the mass of the building an . :h e war m th can remain for a few hours after sundown .

Trombe wall
T he bedroom have been provided with a mix of windows and glazed walls.
So me a the -e are the classical Trombe walll:ype design with vents for con\. ctive loop fo rm ation. Others are provided without vents so as to compare
their behaviour, especially as hea( is not required in the bedrooms ntil early
in the e\-ening . T hese mass walls are made of rubble (ground floor) and
ad obe fi rst floor).

Insulation and mass

The thick earth in walls and roof provides both insulation and mass.


LEDeG Trainees' Hostel. Leh


HoI water tcnk

,------1--_ Hot water tank


./ Solar

O.3-m thick
adobe wall

1-.+-_\--_O.3-m thick


adobe 'Nall

O.3-m thick
stone wall
Earth berm



pit latri ne




O.3-m thick
stone wall
Section 8-B


-,sjons are in metres


Absorbing finish

ii2:tJon showing
o' renewab le energy
:0 the bui lding. Also
t Trombe wall and

The south walls are painted black to provide better heating. This colour,
along with maroon, has been used to embellish all openings. The local
traditions have been respected while providing for better energy efficiency.

All openings have cork-based weather-strips at [he edges


seal them tighL

Solar hot water

A flat-plate thermosiphonic collector system is provided on the roof of the
building. At an angle of 60-degree tilt, it provides year-round hot water.

Composting pit latrine

Two sets of sloping pits with vent pipes, attached to the building, provide a
dry latrine at the first-floor level. Cleaning is possible at ground-floor level.
This feature is important in that it can reduce the incidence of frostbite that
is common in Ladakh, partly because the people need to go out to the field or
an external pit latrine for their morning ablutions_

All spaces in the building are properly lighted with natural light in (he day.

Future provision of photovoltaic charging

It is -planned that the building shall be fitted with photovoltaic cells to provide most of the night lighting.


The thermal sysrems worked extremely well in winter, eliminating the requirement of double quilts altogether. The temperatures inside the sleeping
rooms stayed above 8 C during a moderale winter when outside temperatures dropped to -17C.
Hot water systems have worked well. Pit latrines have not worked welL
The vent pipe is probably not large enough to eliminate the smell in the
thawing season of spring. The pits being placed on the north of the building
also remain cold, adding to the problem_ Other variations in design are being
tried out.


LEDeG Trainees' Hostel, Leh

The hostel at LEDeG's centre in Chans'pa (,Shanti Stupa' Centre) is used

for students and LEDeG employees who reside outside of Leh, but are
staying in town for training or work. It has 12 rooms and uses four different
passive solar heating strategies. These include two half-Trombe walls, four
unvented Trombe walls, four full vented Trombe (no backflow prevention)
walls, and two direct gain (glass) rooms.
The performance results ofthe rooms for the month of January 1997 and
for a week in July 1997 are summarized .

Summary of solar thermal evaluations *

All of the rooms remained above 0 C at all times in January, even when the
temperature outside fell to -17C. However, the winter of 1997 was particularly warm, and performance will differ in colder years.
A summary of the performance of the four rooms in January 1997 is given
in Table 1. These data show that the unvented and vented Trombe walls had
very similar performance. They both stayed quite warm throughout the
month, and the temperature in the rooms was stable . The unvented Trombe
was more stable than the vented Trombe, and it also has the advantage of less
maintenance, as less dust collects on [he blackened Trombe surface due to
, the lack of vents.
The half-Trombe was more stable than the direct gain room, and it stayed
slightly warmer at night. However, the improvement in performance is only
marginal. The main benefit may be that it does not get quite as warm during
the daytime, due to increased thermal mass, while still allowing a significant
amounr of light into the room .
The reason for the low temperature during the night is probably due to
heat loss through the tOP of the window (the half-Trombe wall is on the
bottom, with the window going up to the ceiling at the top). The half-Trombe
and the glass room also have more heat loss than [he full Trombe walls, as
they have three exterior walls, instead of JUSt one.

Table 1 Passive solar heating performance data for January 1997


temperature (0C)

temperature (OC)

temperature ( 0C)

Unvented Trombe
Vented Trombe
Direct gain
Outside air

- 8 .3



S u mm er performance of the passive heating technologies is also imp oran - esp ecially with regard to overheating during the day. The performance
e rooms for a week in July is given in Table 2. These data show chat all of
"-:e :-00 ;]1 - are qui te warm in summer. Again, the full Trombe walls are the
- - 0: 3:ab:e; with greater variations for the halfTrombe and direct gain
=5 T-:e ::-oo ms h ad people staying in them during the January and July
:'.=. .:. : __ ~c:: o _
eriod presenced here. The lower minimum temperature for
r::' e ' 19. 1 C) in July is probably due to the occupants leaving
:-~::. ~o ."eep cool.

, = .'

Ruouru Data Cotiecrion in Ladakh. India (A summary of data


__ ;::::e;:;: Group, Le-h. L adakh, August 1997.


LEDeG Trainees' Hostel , Leh

Table 2 Passive solar heating performance data for one week in Ju Iy 1997


temperature (OC)

Unvented Trombe
Vented Trombe
Direct gain
Outside air

23 .6

temperaWre (0 C)

temperature (0C)

20 .4

26 .1




A decision about which of these room designs is the most appropriate is a

subjective one depending on the preferences of the user. If the summer
temperatures for the rooms seem too warm, then cooling strategies such as
overhangs that shade the glazing (glass) in summer, but not in winter, should
be used. Passive ventilation strategies can also be useful to prevent overhearing in summer.
For winter performance, again the decision mus[ be made according to the
tastes of the user. The unvented Trombe presented here heats the room
successfully, mailHaining a sIable and warm temperature throughout winter
without any additional hearing. The other rooms also provide passive heating
to different degrees. If a stable temperature is the most important criteria,
then an unvented Trombe wall is recommended. Direct gain rooms are
probably more appropriate for spaces that are for daytime use only (such as
offices) , while rooms that are to be kept warm throughout the night are best
served with a Trombe design. In addition to residential bedrooms, the
Trombe design should be considered for power houses for diesel and hydroelectric equipment, battery rooms, and other places \vhere equipment should
be kept warm .

In Ladakh this type of architecture could be called modern accepted practice, hence its cost was lower than the normal construction due to better
management and use of local construction techniques. The payback period
of even the expensive components like glass is as low as one winter season.
The building llses a negligible amount of artificial heating by bukharis today,
whereas it would have typically consumed over 6 tonnes of firewood to heat
every winter.


a glaJt\ce

Project details
Project description Hostel bLliiding for trainees in appropriate technology
Architect Sanjay Prakash
Climate Cold and sunny

Consultants Inhouse
Project period 1994-1996
Size 30011)2 covered area in a small campus
Client/Owner LEDeG (Ladak1 Ecological Development Group)

Builder/ Contractor Owner-managed construction


LEDeG Trainees' Hostel , Leh

Design features
Traditional materials and methods of construc iOIl have been modified and adapted to
achieve energy efficiency

Predominantly south exposu re with no overhangs for maximum winter gains.

Entrance lobby designed as a solarium on the SO Util sid e.

Bedrooms provided with various types ofTrombe wa lls (halfTrombe, unvented Trombe,
vented Trombe) or direct gain systems for pa ssive heating.


Temperature check
for Leh

(see Appendix IV)











Add the checks

Multiply by 8.33% for % of year




Sarai for Tabo Gompa, Spiti

s remarks

the cold
!nate of Spiti,
ng focuses on
~31 matenals

Architect Shubhendu Kaushik

Located in a climatic zone where the temperature ranges between 35C
and - 25 C, this small building for the Tabo Compa is a low-energy, low~cost
building using various passive techniques for winter heating

ods of con'l corporation

- 'Hssive features
Plmal and
art to the

The skylight of Tabo Sarai for daylight integration and solar gain The Inset shows
the view of the Trombe wall

Passive solar

Trombe wall, light welf/sunspace and thermally massive


The Sarai, located in the Spiti sub-division of Lahaul and Spiti district, is

VI ~ w through

meant for heat

an institutional building for the Tabo G o mpa . Due to site constraims, the
building had [0 b e oriented to fac e east and weSL The somh wall has been
designed as a Trombe wall. However, in order to make th e Trombe wall
aesthetically pleasing, the frame has b een painred in vibram colours.
Two intermittent counyards, which are covered by glass, act as s unspace
as well as light weBs. These sunspaces provide heat and light for the nonhern
depth of the building.
The nor th-east and west walls are thermally massive construction made of
2-feet thick rammed earth. The west wall, which is on the windward side, has
Glass-covered courtyards

- mm thick: intermediate floor slab is 125mm thick; flooring is in rubble-rammed and consolidated and then topped
~e n flooring


Sarai f or Tabo Gompa. Spiti

minimum possible openings to protect from the cold ,,-'

The north and east walls also have minimum openings amost openings are towards the sunspace courtyards or i ..
the Trombe wall. The openings in the walls have been
planned as double glazing with wooden shutters openil '"




Materials and methods of construction


Foundations up to
the plinth level have
been made of random
rubble stone masonry
in mud mortar ,,,,,hile
rammed earth is used
for the walls. The
r oofing is tradiTional
Spi ti mud-roof on
wooden framework.
The flooring is done
with either mud or
wood. Mud plaster
with an external
coating of lime wash
has been used. Local
water resistant mud
' Tooah' has been
used on exterior
walls and exposed

-i s


A schematic vIew of the bUilding plan showing

arrangement of rooms around central courtyards


S:lUtll wall of the Saral for Tabo Gompa

hlghllghtln th aesthetically designfd TromlJe





e,Project details
Building/project name Saraifor Tabo Gompa

Locatioll Tabo village. Spiti sub-division of Lahaul and Spiti District

Climate Cold and sunny
Building/construction type Predominantly rammed earth construction
Building category Institutional
Ar:llitect Shubhendu Kaushik
Year of start 1994
Sponsor Tabo Gompa and Government of Himachal Pradesh

Design features

Unfavourable orientation due to site constraints

Trombe wall on the south

Minimum openings on north, east, and west walls

Thermally massive construction

Centrally located cou rtyards covered by glass for heating of inner rooms
and daylighting

Residence for M adhu and Anirudh , Panchkula

Edit or's remarks ~

small residential
ocated In the
oSlte zone uses

Architects Anant Mann and Siddhartha W ig

A small residential house in the composite zone that uses simple economically viable solutions to respond to climatic needs

e cost-effective

entlons for achlev ergy efficiency

T h e city of Panchkula lies in the plains at the foot of the lower: Himalayas,
within a composite climatic context .

nterventions aim
re other resia innovate and
eh techniques at

n stage itself so



g IS oriented due II..

ulated west wall ,.

dn be seen . The
miley and light
~ sou th windows
are also visible

Panchkula experi ences wide climatic swings over the year, i. e . very hot and
dry period for almost two-and-a-half months (maximum DBT [dry bulb
temperature] 44C) and quite cold period for a shaner duration (minimum
DBT 3 C). The hot dry period is followed by a hot and humid monsoon

Section of the building

~ showing centralized
evaporative cooling
system for the rooms.
The air movement IS
assisted by the solar


oI 2

4 6 B !O fe et

1 - EnlIance porch: 2 - Entrance lobby; 3 - Dini ng room ; 4 - Kitchen:

5 - Family room; 6 - Toilet: 7 - Puja room; 8 - Solar Chimney; 9 - lott:
10 - Cool water tank; 11 - Solar panels: 12 - Opening tor cooler



Building plan showing . . .

angular design of the house in
order to give southern
exposure to most of the rooms


for Madhu and An irudh, Panchkula

period of about two months (maximum DBT 38 C

and maximum relative humidity 90%), with intervening periods of milder climate. The demand on
building design, therefore, is [0 respond to the
extremes: eliminate (minimize) heat gain in hot and
dry period, maximize ventilation in hot and humid
period from zones/areas designed as heat
1 Entrance pOlch
2 Entrance lobby
sinks, and maximize heat gain in cold
3 living 100m
4 Family study room
This is a small residential
5 Dining room
6 Kil el1en
on a rectangular plot
7 Bedroom
8 Froni yard
245 m 2 and opening
9 Puja room
10 Toilet
on to the south-west. The
11 Walk in closet
12 Court
rooms are placed around a
13 Backyard
courtyard with the master
bedroom and the study/family
(A) Insulated west
room facing [he south .
(B) Solar chimney
The living room faces
north while the second
bedroom on the ground floor
61~ ~ $ ~ tOfeet
opens on the north and gets
direct s unlight from the court. The d ining
room is also ad jacent to the courtyard. The
structure is load-bearing brick with RCC
slab. The woodwork in doors and windows is
in sheesham wood and the floors are brick and
polished stone .

The winoe
door of the
area face ih;;
bedroo rT' ,
southern e,:
fro l e

Passive solar The main building was oriented due south to have better control of the sun .
features Properly designed south shades coupled with light shelves d etermine the


........ SectiOn of th e solar chi mney fo r


south facade. The courtyard ensures good lighting in the dining and the rear
bedroom. The orientation ensured winter sun (while keeping the summer u out) and adequate daylight in the rooms. The adjacent building keeps the
east sun om while the west wall is
insulated with 50 mm of
Light shelves and white
ceilings in the rooms allow
for enough daylighting in the
rooms. There is a central
evaporative cooler above the
staircase well. This air current is augmented by a solar
chimney which extracts air
South elevation
Brick vault
from the front room. Louvres in the doors ensure air
circulation even if the doors
are closed.
Wintef sun
The sloping slab above the
stairs allows for architectura l
integration of solar water
heating panels or solar photovoltaic panels as [he case may
be. The north face of this well
Window elevation
SectiOn through the Window
catches more light and carries
........ Windows allow winter sun and cut off harsh
it down the stairs.
summer sun


Residence for Madhu and Anirudh. Panchkula

Design features

eet details
- eel description Residence
-. '. adh u and Anirudh
-a-ed at Panchkula
:ects Anant Mann and
- artha Wig
.= ~


period 1999

Dr Madhu and
t'I Kh ullar

Orientation to catch winter sun and keep away summer sun

Proper shadi ~ g and daylighting

Solar chimney for ventilation

Insulation on wesl wall

Installed systems
The evaporative cooler with a 24-inch (an size and 2.5 m' pad area would provid e central
evaporation cooling

Renewable energy systems

Provision fOf solar hot water system

Provision for solar photovoltaic system


Additional costs of orienting the building have not bee~ assessed since they are difficultto
Additional costs of west wall insulation, solar chimney, and insulated pipes constitute less
than two per cent of the building cost

Since only the future provision for solar hot water and photovoltaic panels is provided. their
coslhas not been assessed

PEDA office complex, Chandigarh*

Architects Arvind Krishan and Kunal Jain
Solar architecture in an urban context with rigid architectural controls

The climate

The PEDA (Punjab Energy Development Agency) office complex is located in Chandigarh, on a practically square site that lies on flat land with n
major topographical variations. Chandigarh experiences wide climatic
swings over the year, i.e. very hot and dry period of almost two and a half
months (maximum DBT [dry bulb temperature] 44C) and quite cold
period of a shorter duration (minimum DBT 3C). The hot dry period is
followed by a hot humid monsoon period of about two months (maximum
DBT 38C and maximum relative humidity 90%), with intervening period_
of milder climate.

South elevatJon Showing domical roofs and vertical roof glaZing systems for daylight integratIon and ventilation

Design response

The site

The demand on building design, therefore, is to respond to the extremes:

eliminate (minimize) heat gain in the hot-dry period, maximize ventilation in
hot humid period from zones / areas designed as heat sinks and maximize
heat gain in the cold period. Within the context" of the radical experiment that
is Cbandigarh, the PEDA building has been designed with an ethos: design
with nature. The physical context althougb unique in itself, i.e. the urbanity
of Chandigarh, offers yet another challenge for design.
The site is located on a major road intersection and lies on the edge of a
residential area with other proposed office buildings on tbe other edge.

-As this project is currently under way, no editorial comments are provided .

A sectIOnal elevatlo
showm IntegratIOn
of passive and active
solar systems In the


PEDA office complex. Chandigarh

~ .........-... -11!r--11
: -._
1 1 _u.LL.!Ll Ii mt
..I~I II I ~III I ~d~~-I
---II11I-I 2
II=- - ~...!!..
I 1


erconnected volumes of space to enable passive space conditioning of entire volume of building

Scale form

While the three-dimensional form of the building has been developed in

response to solar geometry, i.e. minimizing solar heat gain in the hot-dry
period and maximizing solar heat gain in me cold period, the scale and form
of the building responds to its urban context as well. Whereas, expression of
the building on the two main roads of the intersection bears the character
and scale of an office building, the building responds to the residential
context on the south/south-east edges by gradually scaling down in mass and

_Ii mate responsive Light wells, solar chimneys, and wind towers
building form To achieve a climate-responsive building, an innovative concept in architectural design has been developed. In place of the 'central loaded corridor' plan
stacked on top of each other to make various floors, which has become
virtually the generic form for an office, the PEDA building is a series of
overlapping floors at different levels in space floating in a large volume of air,
with interpenetrating large vertical cut-outs. These vertical cut-outs are
integrated with light wells and solar-activated naturally ventilating, domical
structures. This system of floating slabs and the interpenetrating vertical cutouts is then enclosed within the envelope of the building. The envelope
attenuates the outside ambient conditions and the large volume of air is
naturally conditioned by controlling solar access in response to the climatic
swings, i.e. eliminating it during hot-dry period and maximizing its penetration in cold period. The large volume of air is cooled during the hot period by
a wind tower, integrated into the building design, and in the cold period this

.... A computer generated

Image showing sectiona l
view of the domical roof for
ventilation and claylightlng


PEDA office complex, Chand igarh

volume of air is heated by solar penetrarion through the roof glazing, gene
ing a convective loop. The thermal mass of the floor slabs helps ancn u at :.diurnal swings.
\XThile thermal performance of the building is a major parameter of d es:;adequate distribution of daylight within the entire working zone of the bUL':'ing is a major criteria for design. This has been achieved through the domic Strucrures designed above the light wells, which are evenly distributed
throughout the building. Consequently, the design is thermally responsive i
its climatic context and good daylight distribution is achieved, thereby
minimizing the consumption of electricity.


The building is under construction and hence no performance results are

available .

Energy park

Exhibilion office

Exhibition hall

Parkillg for two buses

ExhibiUon hall

. . Site plan of PEDA office complex, Chandigarh


PEDA office complex. Chandigarh

The PEDA office complex is located in Chandigarh on a practically sq uare site with no major
topographical variations. The structure is designed to achieve a climate-responsive bu ilding with a
seri es of overlapping floors at different levels with interpenetrating large vertical cut-outs.

Project details

Design features

BUilding type Commercial (office building)

Floors interconnected volumetrically to

enable passive space cond itioning of t he

BUilt-up area 7000 m2

Client/owner Punjab Energy Development


Large cut-outs for light and ventilation


Building-integrated solar photovoltaics

and solar water heating

Winter heating by direct solar gain

through roof glazing

Summer cooling through wind tower

Climate Composite
Architects Arvind Krishan and Kunal Jain

entire volume of the building

Contractor Amarnath Agarwal and Sons,

Completion (expected) December 2001
Cost Not available

Thermal mass of floor slabs moderates

diurnal swings

Bidani House, Faridabad

Editor's remarks ~

Architects Arvind Krishan and Kunal Jain

A residential building that responds to climatic needs to provide comfort

an urban context,

with constrained site

size and fixed ollenta
tlOn, the Bidanl House

V ery oft en it is stated that it is possible

to design climatically responsive
buildings on a larger site, btl[ in most
urban situations where the sites are
constrained by their small size and
fixed orientation, it is not possible
(0 develop such a design.
The Bidani House is a
project that demonstrates
a situation where a climateresponsive form and
design was achieved in
an existing urban situation "vith a
... Clil11ate responsive form to ma~lmize heat 10
fixed site size and orientation .
summer and heat gam dUring II Inter
Faridabad, located in the
' composite climate' zone, has large
climatic swings over the year, i.e . very hot and dry period of almost two and
half months and a colder period of a shorter duration. The hot dry period is
followed by a hot humid, monsoon period of about two months with intervening periods of milder climate.

demonstrates a climate-

responsive design, which

provides visual and
thermal C'omfo-t round
the yeal

The site

Located in Faridabad, near New Delhi, this house has been designed and
bujlt in the 'composite climatic context'. The site of about 1000 m 2 had a
plan area in the rati.o of 1: 3 with the shorter side facing the road and oriented
north .

... Ma()lIlUrr. e~poSUle to south east for livlllo spaces and buffer spaces on ttle southwest to ellnllnatp heat gains during SlImmel


!n ning in response
to cl imate

8idanl House. Fandabad

The demand on building design was to respond (0 the extremes: eliminate

(minimize) heat gain in hot dry period) maximize ventilation in hot humid
period from zones/areas designed as heat sinks and maximize heat gain in the
cold period. This has been achieved in this house entirely through the form
and fabric of the building. A courtyard facing and opening ooro nonh-east
has been designed as a heat sink. The entire house form has been developed
around [he courtyard with all the main living spaces wrapping around j[ and
having maximum south-east orientation that is the ideal exposure for this context. A large volume living space designed as a double height space is wrapped
around the courtyard. Buffer spaces like the (Oilets and stores are located on the
overheated south-western exposure to eliminate heat gain in summers.

- ::..: off
':: a 'on

Louvres cut off

unwanted radiation

.... Courtyard as a moderator of
Internal climate
Ground cooling

Heat gain by
direci radiaiion

Winter 10.00 a.m.

Ground conduction

The three-dimensional form of the building is generated (0 eliminate or

allow solar penetration according to seasonal changes. Large volume spaces
and their coupling with the courtyard also allow good ventilation from the
courtyard (the heat sink). The plan and three-dimensional form of the building has, therefore) been developed entirely in respons e to solar geometry.


Bid ani House, Faridabad

~ Double-helgl1

space for Ie

Diurnal swings in temperature are attenuated by judicious design and

placement of thermal mass} utilizing local stone as the major material of
The resultant building provides a comfortable environment with th e
temperatures} humidity, and airflow levels remaining in the comfort zon ~
during all seasons of the year.

Project details
Project name Bidan i House, Faridabad
Site area 1000 m2
Climate Composite
Building type Residential
Architects Arvind Krishan and Kunal Jain

Design features

House form developed around courtyard (acts as heat sink)

Large volumes of spaces coupled with courtya rd for ventilation

Buffer spaces located on the overheated south-western exposure

Form of the building allows solar penetration according to seasonal changes

Pergola and louvres cut off unwanted radiation

Local stone used as major construction

tion of diurnal swings in temperature

mat~rial ,

whi ch provides thermal mass for atten ua

Transport Corporation of India Ltd r Gurgaon

Architect Ashok B Lall

~d jtor's remarks ~
office building


An experience of all seasons as an aspect of a work environment


1posite climate of
gaon with a climate
')onslve built-environ-

T he corporate office building of the Transport Corporarion of India has

been designed to meet the demands of a modern office, with high level of
environmental comfort, integration of systems to support information
technology, with flexibility and adaptability for growth and change.
The building sits on a rectangular plot in an institutional area close to
Delhi. Three stories of offices and a basement surround the central court.
The basement houses building services and some work spaces .

It to take advantage
_ .asons and thereby
attng reduction in
-y consumption

... A view of the building highlighting the combination of mass and vOid. which has been carefully deta iled
out for catering to ventilation and daylightlng

The building opens towards its entrance through a planted and shaded
forecoun with a water pool. The orientation of all the interior spaces is
towards the central coun with the exception of the managing director's
suite, which enjoys its own garden terrace on the top floor.

ural concept

The basic design strategy is inspired by the traditional inward-looking

haveli plan . The central fountain courtyard acts as an environment generatOr for the office spaces opening towards it. The external skin is treated as a
solid insulated wall with peep windows for possible cross-ventilation and
higher windows for daylight. Selection of materials and systems of environmental COntrOl is prioritized in favour of sustainability and efficiency in
energy consumptIOn.


1 Entrance court
2 Fountain court
3 Lobby
4 Reception
S Conference

Transport Corporation of India Ltd, Gurgaon

61nformaiion technology
9 Meeting
10 Server

13 Pantry
14 HTpanel
15 Transformer

16 Fuel ~ torage yard

17 Parking
18 Guards' room

orI - - "S-1IIIIII!10 cg

... GrOl,llc1 tloor plill1 of the 1ranspon Corporation of India, Gm1i1on

Energy-savi ng Exposure
features Being situated in a composite climate with climatic extremes, the building
adopts a compact rectangular form and minimum height above ground (0
limit exposure to the external conditions. Openings on the external walls
are designed for two separate functions: small peep windows at seating
height provide for possible cross-ventilation and views out; larger window
at ceiling level are designed to distribute glare-free daylight across the
office floor. Taking the daylighting function into account, the window area
is minimized to 18% of the external wall area.
Both the entrance forecourt and central fountain court, towards which
the building envelope opens out with greater transparency, have a structural framework which would provide support for shading screens [0 be
stretched according to seasonal demands. The planting scheme along the
edges of the site with tall evergreen (Silver Oak) trees provides another
protective layer for the building.

The orienta(ion of [he building is determined by the site. The small peepwindows, due to the deep reveal in which they are set, allow insolation in
winter, cuning out the mid-summer sun by the shade of the reveal on to the
glass. The large daylight windows house adjustable Venetian blinds in a
double-window sandwich. The blinds are to be adjusted seasonally (thrice a
year) by the building maintenance staff to control direct insolation and to
reflect light towards the ceiling for distribution into the office spaces. The
large glazed areas towards the central court and the entrance court rely on


Transport Corporation of India Ltd, Gurgaon

screens that will be s[recched and gathered seasonally. The scructural

frameworks enclosing the courts provide the necessary sUppOr( systems for
[he screens. It is planned that the screens would be works of art in themselves, which play upon opacity, translucency, reflection, and colour as
ways of accentuating the experience of seasonal change.

Heat transfer
In principle, the building is a heavy mass construction insulaced from [he
outside. Wall insulation is a 25-mm thick polyurethane foam protected by a
dry red-stone slab cladding system. The roof insulation is 35-mm thick and
has a reflective glazed tile paving cover [0 minimize sol-air temperature on
(he roof surface. The daylight windows provide insulation by way of tightsealed two layers of glass with a Venetian blind installed between the two
The glazing panels around the inner courtyard, however, are single
glazed; it is anticipated that with the tall water fountain working, the courtyard temperatures would shift substantially towards wet-bulb temperature.
This would considerably reduce heat load from the courtyard side during
summers, and during spring and autumn would act as a heat sink. The
choice of single glazing here evidently means savings in capital expenditure, considering the year-round operation of the fountain coun.

Fountain court
The fountain court is an environmental device that seeks to combine the
principles of physics, perception, and cultural psychology to produce an
aesthetic language in which nature is reinstated as a beneficient force in


Of ice






i nt rnal III I roclimate. It acts as a large

O.ative section of fountain court helps in ~
o ba ement reas


Transpor t Corporation of India Ltd, Gurgaon

The fountain is designed as a visible object in which water can b e _ ~ _

and heard from all levels of the building, catching the light from above _in a variety of forms of movement. The gentle play of water and the po -'
conveys a sense of peace and tranquility. The use of white-textured cOr!crete of the columns and white marble of the pool establishes its stanL . association with tradition, as a work of art.
The founta in is a recirculating system in which a large body of water
flows over extensive surfaces to maximize evaporation . The tall solid co-
crete columns of broad diameters over which the water trickles down tbe
height of the courtyard, and the thin sheet that overflows the sides of th
pool at ground level create a large heat sink and a body of air close to \';e:bulb temperature. The white marble sides of the tank reflect the courry~~
light into the basement work areas.

Interactive strategy for an air-conditioned building

Recognizing that climatic conditions range on both the cold and the h Ol
sides of the comfOrt zone, building systems are designed to draw upon the
external environment to supplement the air-conditioning system. Insulation is clothed on the outer surface of the building envelope giving a hig!:.
thermal mass imeracting with the interior spaces.

Building se ..
througl1 Of
and rounta


The air-handling system has provision for 100% filtered fresh air imake.
CoolIh can be stored in the building mass by night flushing during spring
and autumn. Similarly, during early and late winter, when internal heat is t
be rejected, fresh air would be drawn in, replacing the function of the chilling plant.

Absorption technology for air-conditioning

After a careful cost-benefit study, an absorption system chilling plant has
been installed . Apart from not contributing to ozone depletion, the plant
results in red uction of the capital expense of the electrical system, particularly its electricity generation back-up. This is of critical value in a state like
Haryana, where due to acute electricity shorrage the electricity generation
back-up must carer to 100% of peak load. The absorption chillers run on a
diesel-fired furnace. Electricity generation provides for illumination, office
machines) and mechanical equipmem .


Transport Corporation of India Ltd. Gurgaon

Air distribution
Each of the office floors is served with two air-handling units. The allocation of areas handled by each unit is designed to balance out peak demands
on each unit. This is done by responding to the orientation exposure of the
building sides to the sun so that peak morning and afternoon loads are
shared by the air-handling units even as the loads shift from the easTerly
faces of the building in the morning towards the westerly faces in the afternoon.

Control on air-conditioning loads

The primary-level control on external gains has been described under
exposure and heat transfer; and internal gain is controlled by minimizing
internal lighting loads. Air-conditioning standards are set according to the
acceptance level of the office staff, rather than by any international norms,
thereby resulting in significant energy saving. The system is designed based
on the following parameters.

Summer 43.5 C dry bulb temperature, 24 C wet-bulb

temperature (ignoring peak temperatures)
Summer 24 C dry bulb temperature ( 1 C)

Also, circulation passages and ancillary function rooms have no airconditioning. Toilets and pantries expel air to the outside at a minimal rate
drawing relief air from neighbouring conditioned spaces.

Daylight is the primary source of illumination. All work spaces receive
adequate daylight, the maximum distance of a workstation from the daylight source being 5 m. The high windows on the external walls are designed
to throw daylight deep into the office space. This is varied seasonally by
adjusting Venetian blinds installed in the window sandwich to control glare
and to modulate distribution. On the courtyard side, fabric screens would
be stretched over the structural frame to respond to each season.
Artificial illumination is on the ceiling grid with compaCt fluorescent
luminaries at 5 W/m" of floor area. Most of the office work is done on computers and working hours are generally limited [0 daylight hours. The
illumination leveJ offered by this system supplements daylight when necessary, and is comfortable for shorr working homs. It has been agreed that
task light desk lamps will be provided on desks for elderly people and those
who have late working hours. To provide visual interest and a feeling of
brightness, occasional spot lights are provided to light up wall surfaces with
paintings and other artwork.
Control of ceiling lights is in the hands of the building management staff.
The control circuits for ceiling lights are arranged in zones running parallel
to the daylight source so that they can be switched on progressively to
compensate for variation in and/or falling daylight levels. It is proposed
that these will be controlled by automatic timer switches with riming set
for each season (with manual override for unusually cloudy weather).
A significant feature of energy saving is the economy of the building
envelope .


Transport Corporat ion of India Ltd. Gurgaoll

Structural system and floor-fo-floor height

A flat-slab system is adopted for floors and roofs. This minim..;:
required for accommodating air-conditioning and other ser !
clear ceiling height for office spaces at 2.65 01, the .f1oor-to-flo ;the building is 3.5 m. This compactness of height means m inin:
transfer through vertical surfaces of the external skin .
Restricting the building height to three stories was a de li bera;:,
With maximum ground coverage, this pattern of p lan nin g c o n su~
roral permissib le floor area ratio with the least possible buildi ng
The major advantage is that the energy consumed in transpo rt 0 to h eights during construction is minimized . Similarly the energy _
sumed in conveying water and diesel for the air-conditioning p lan:
roof is minimized. A major gain is being abl e to eliminate the nece<
lifts. Only one 6-passenger elevaror is provided for disabled or ill p
and for special guests.

Embodied energy
It is in the deployment of finishing materials of the building th at so
gains are affected by conscious choice . The criterion for choice f m.:.
was tha t within the constraints of perfo rmance specifications dem an.:=..
the surface, the material should be chosen from the nearest possib le
an d should call for minimum processing towards converting or ins tfu.,::, .
The external cladding is undressed split red Agra sandstone with pre
concrete and terrazzo cills and jambs. For office areas,t1oors arc. p reished granite from Jhansi (the nearest source to Delhi) . For service ar
is Kota stone. The use of glass and aluminium is kept to the minimum

Monitoring and automation

For the present, automation in the air-conditioning system is limited t
solenoid control valves and thermostats to regulate the flow of chilled
water to the air-handing units and the switching on and off of the absOf tion chiller units; and for artificial illumination, the use of switches on
timers . More sophisticated computerized automation systems were foun.:
to be beyond budgetary provisions and of doubtful cost-benefic Howeve-.
it is proposed to install a simple monitoring system for illuminarion an d
air-conditioning to help in rationalizing [he systems management routin e"
for the daily as well as the annual cycles of building use .

Performance survey and user feedback

The bui lding is the corporate headquarters of the Transport Corporation l :
India. The air-conditioning requirement of the buildin g is met by [\\10 62. 5
tonnes of refrigeration chillers. The space-conditioning requirements of th
building are met by operating a single chiller for major part of the year. Tw
ch illers are operated from mid-April through September only. The average
electricity consumption is about 330 kWh per day. The office areas including th e basement areas are very well daylit an d anificial lights are not
required to be switched on during the daytime. Water conservation is
practised by using foun tain and cooling tower discharge for gard ening.


Transport Corporation of India Ltd, Gurgaon




Project detai Is

Design features

( e address No. 69 , Sector 32 , Institutional Sector,

Inward-looking compact form, with controlled exposure

Two types of windows designed: peep windows for
possible cross-ventilation and view, the other being for

Gu rgaon, Haryana
'chitects A B La ll Architects
:; (mate Composite
'~a r

The courts towards which the building has more transparency have structural framework to provide support for
shading screens

of start/completion 1998 / 99

: ent/ owner Transport Corporation of India Ltd

--::al built-up area 2750



nfrastructure (electrica l, plumbing,

Rs 24 mill ion

HVAC, lift, fuel oil tank, pumps and

tu bewells)
Civi l, false ceil ing, strong rooms, steel Rs 30.7 mill ion
pergola at entrance
_an dscaping
Rs 0 .35 million

landscaping acts as a climate modifier

The window reveals of the peep window cut out summer
sun and let in winter sun
Adjustable Venetian blinds in double window sandwich to
cut off insulation and allow daylight
Polyurethane board insulation on wall and roof
Fountain court with water columns as environment

Building systems designed so as to draw upon external

environment to supplement the air-conditioning system

Eco-friendly absorption technology adopted for airconditioning

Careful planning of air distribution system

Air-conditioning standards set by acceptance level of
office staff and not by international norms
Energy-efficient lighting system and daylight integration
with controls
Optimization of structure and reduction of embodied
energy by use of less energy-intenSive materials

Co ld

perature check
or Gurgaon


;ee Ap pe nd ix IV)








Add the ch ecks



Ju ly


Multiply by 8.33% for % of year




I Comfortable




50S Tibetan Children's Village , Rajpur, Dehrad u

Editor's remarks ~


nanCe construct on

Architect Ashok B Lall

Innovative use of passive solar techniques, with carefully detailed ou t
building envelopes and components for a low-cost children's village

deSigned to ward off

harsh winds and facili-

tate solar access and

ventilation, Simple
construction techniques
have been adopted to
provide insulation at a

T h e site for this residential campus measures 14 300 m 2 and is locate

Ra jpur in the Mussoorie foothills . There are 15 family cottages that p rO\._
home and education to 225 children, residences for the directOr and coworkers, community facilities and a place of worship. The hilly site, a pa:-which was a mango orchard, slopes generally towards the south.

minimal cost Landscape

planning has been
carefully done to provide
shelter from co ld winter
IHlnds and access


winter sun

05 10

Tile site has a slope toward soutll , whicl1 allows solal


20 3-;-:orn c&

rientatlOlI of tile cottages

The emphasis is on simple low-cost, low-maintenance construction . The

primary strategy is to provide protection from harsh winds from the northeast and to provide solar access. The outdoor, used extensively by all the
residents, is also designed as 'habitable' space.

~ HabltalJle outdoor Spo


50S Tibetan Children's Village. Rajpur. Dehradun

Outdoor spaces

The planning and plantation schemes are combined. The large playground is
in a wind-sheltered zone with clear winter sun access, while the existing fruit
orchard doubles as a shaded playground. Smaller pockets between buildings,
benches under the shelter of trees and low walls to sit or slide on are also
planned as places for informal recreation.

Building plans

All buildings are adjusted to the terrain and face sourh. Where buildings are
two-room deep, the section is stepped and the plan joggled to allow the
access of some winter sun from the northern
side. Similarly, when buildings are located one
behind the other on a slope, their levels are
adjusted to receive winter sun. All the homes
have an outdoor terrace on the south, designed
as a natural extension to the franc verandahs
and function as adjacenc ourdoor living spaces.
The toilet block that occupies the north-east
corner of the family home building acts as a
buffer against cold winter winds.
The sections of the buildings provide for
clerestory windows that allow some winter sun
from the north and also provide for crossventilation in the summer.

e adjusted to terra III and face towards south . The cler story
g vlnter sun to th room at b ck




.- "

" " ' "





, .. . .






\.-~ .......... ..... .. .

-""'1_ _ _- -


Plan of the village facilities

h a building showing solar orientation

10 m


Building fabric

50S Tibetan Children's Village, Rajpur, Dehradun

Three simple measures are incorporated to improve the thermal perform aof the buildings .
The 100-0101 thick RCC roof slab is clad with hollow terracotta riles l
provide some insulation on the ollter side of the thermal mass . This improves the thermal dampening characteristi _
the roof.
The walls are finished with light-coloured st :aggregate plaster. This reduces sol-air temper-tures on the wall faces.
The bedrooms have solid timber board shu n ~
on the inner side (instead of curtains). Thes
shut during winter nights and summer afternoons to improve insulation and
ward against infiltration. All window shutteL
are designed with a double rebate to reduce
infilrra tion.

Roof tiles fixed in cement mortar over

waterproofing layer

Pebble dash


with hollow clay tile

Cement mortar
Waterproofing layer



External roof insulation With 11OIIow terracotta tiles to

Improve thermal dampening characteristics of the roof

Glazed shutters ----..

Window detail for be moms ~

Bedroom window: inner side of glazed window has t.imber shutters. These provide
elrective insulation and reduce infiltration for winter night and suo afternoons. No curtains

Project details
Site address SOS Tibetan Children'SVillage, Rajpur, Dehradun, Uttar Pradesh
Building type Institutional
Architect Ashok B Lall
Year of start/completion 1997-1999
Climate Composite
Client/Owner Tibetan Homes Foundation, Mussoorie
Total project cost Rs 45.8 million

Design features

Aims to protect houses from harsh winds and to provide solar access
Building plan and section maximizes solar access during winter and ventilation in summer
The toilet block in north-east corner of family homes acts as buffer against cold winter winds
Roof insulation by hollow terracotta tiles
Sol-air temperature on the wall faces reduced by light-coloured stone aggregate plaster
Bedrooms with solid timber board shutters on inner side for insulation
Windows with double rebate to reduce infiltration



Temperature check
for Dehradun

SOS Tibetan Children's Village. Rajpu(. Dehradun







(see Append ix IV)









Add the checks


Multiply by 8.33% for % of year







1 Comfortable

Redevelopment of property at Civil Lines, Delhi

Editor's remarks

This cluster of foul

residential units



Architect Ashok B Lall

Passive devices and innovative construction methods are a winning combination in these residential units

high density area of Deihl

demonstrates that site
constraints do not deter
incorporation of passive
solar measures and these
constraints can be
effectively tackled by
innovative pJanning and

T he large open plors ofland with bungalows that constituted Delhi's Civil
Lines are now being sub-divided and redeveloped to provide more upper-midd:
income hou sing. The resultant urban structure has the nature of a close-graine
texture with low-rise, high-densi ry housing. Tn some ways it can be seen as a
mutation of the North Indian city form . This project explores the possibility of
responding more deliberately to climatic factors in a dense setting.

detailing Interactive


a novel

concept, wh ich can be

used in a composite

Traditional sVeetscape : lOw "

rise high density housing

which can be seen as a
mutation of the North Indian
city form

The project consists of four residential units built-ro-edge on a street. The

houses on the north face of the street are courtyard houses leading rowards
gardens on the south side. The houses on the south side of the street have
their gardens on the north side and are linear. These are all large single fami l.
houses, two to three stories high . This enables the sections of the buildings to
be designed integrally for enjoying the winter sun . The passive devices that
interact with the external elements are given a central place in the architecturallanguage of the buildings .

Passive solar

The general orientation of the buildings is east-west, making most of the
window openings fall in the north and south faces . The courtyard houses,
because of their rather square proportions in plan, have faces tOwards the
east and west as well. The windows onmese faces look into narrow protected
alleys or the small courtyard between the two houses . Retaining the wall of
the original double-storey building which had lined the street shades (he
alley space on the west.


Redevelopment of property at Civil Lines. Delhi



.. ....lffi

1 Kitchen

2 Dining
3 Living
4 Toilet

5 Study
6 Bedroom
7 Pooja
8 Lobby
9 Verandah
10 Terrace
11 Service
12 Bath
13 lounge
14 Dress

For the linear houses on the north side, the wid-h of the driveway that
separates the two rows of houses is just enough to enable wimer sunshine
enter the first-floor windows. The sections of these houses are designed with
a cut-out such that the winter sun is brought into the living/dining space the heart of the house - on the ground floor. Terraces on the second floor
have skylights that again admit winter sun into the first-floor rooms on the
north side of the house.

Roofs are finished with broken China mosaic. The roof construction sandwich
contains 30-mm thick polyurethane board insulation above the RCC slab.
For the courtyard houses, the western wall of the upper floor, the e.ast and
west walls of the courtyard roof, and the water tank \""al1s are insulated using
an innovative construction sandwich. Insulation board is pasted on to the
outside of a IIS-mm thick brick wall and held in position with panels of
rerracona ja/is whose cavities are rendered with cement sand mortar. Their
resuhanr construction expresses the special nature of the wall as a decorative
textured surface.


Redevelopment of property at Civil Lines, Delhi

The courtyard roof

The main climate-responsive device
is the roofed courtyard of the two
courtyard houses. The hipped steel
frame roof is clad with a sandwich
panel of fixed frosted glass with a
tinted film for the most part with a
small south portion through which
the sky is visible . This is underslung by a pair of razais (quilts)
which can be pulled across to cover
the underside of the roof (for insulation) or allowed to hang down
vertically (to allow heat transfer).
Above the roof is another frame in
chics (bamboo severs), which can
similarly be opened to shade the
roof or rolled up to catch the sun .
The ridge of the roof is a channel
from which water overflows on to
the thin roofing membrane of stone
Continuous shading deVices on SOUlh wall
and glass. Some water would evapoWindow protect south wall and wmdow 1
rate and excess water is collected at
direct Insolation dUring sum
the foot of the slope and
Intel active courLyard roof ior
recirculated. This makes the roof a
climate control of the entire
large evaporative cooler over the central space of the house. All rooms comhouse In all seasons
municate directly with this central space. This method of evaporative coolin:,
will supplement a conventional evaporative
cooler. And in the hot-humid period oOuly to
Chic foiled up
August, this would give considerable cooling,
when the conventional evaporative cooler is no
longer effective.
The operation of the roof component (chic,
water, and razaz) is to be adjusted from winter to
summer and for day and night.
The roof provides for (I) shading from outside
insulation from inside, (2) roof evaporative
Ralai dOW~. _. ' \ , /
cooling, and (3) direct (through clear glass) and
- - -siring
indirect (through frosted glass) radiation. The
Razai down
glass also acts as a night radiator in summer albe:a rather inefficient one .
The dominant portion of the roofed courtyards
~ r.~~~~~~~
with their quilts of mirrors and colourful cloth, the
chics and the possibility of visible monsoon and
0 .15 .5 1m
night sky would become a strong aesthetic experi.os
ence respond ing to the rhythm of seasonal cycles.
~ I



, \

, \.

All windows communicating with {he outside art
designed with double rebates. So are all external doors with the traditional
chowkhal (four-sided frame) . This controls infiltration of both coldlhot win d~
as well as dust, which is a major household maintenance concern.


Redevelopment of property at Civil Lines, Delhi


The office basement is supplemented by a 5 TR (coones of refrigeration)

'split' air-conditioning unit (to condition an area of 120 m 2 ), which is used
for approximately 60% of the working hours from May to Augusr.

=:0 nvention al

A conventional mosquito-proof evaporative cooler is housed on the roof

blowing through the sidewall of the courtyard roof. This is an ideal system for
the hot-dry season and for night flushing during the humid season as well as
during autumn and spring.

rative cooler

Wind-driven The West House takes advantage of the prevailing north-westerly hot winds
orative cooler that blow during the hot-dry seasons. A vertical screen tower is built on the
west wall with evaporative khus pads on its outer surface fed by a water pump.
The inner side has adjustable windows opening into (he adjacent rooms. The
natural wind pressure will drive air through the wet khus pads into the adjacent rooms.

evaporative cooling

HOi westerly wind

..... V I tical


ower ullt on h
\ t! 1 Wlit


klll/~ i. v. pUla

11"t! 011 It 01,1 r

~o~--- Telracota jali

lQlus wettlng pad





erl hy .



The basements are designed as multipurpose spaces with adequate natural

light. The basement of the west courtyard house is being used as an architect's office. The artificial illumination is largely by way of compact fluorescent desk lamps.
These houses are non-air-conditioned buildings. However, [here is a provision for installing room air-conditioners in the bedroom. And there is a 5-TR
air-conditioner for the basement office (120 m2). The design strategy is not
directed to predictably control the thermal performance of the indoor
spaces-rather it is to integrate some features in the buildings that would
shift its performance substantially towards comfort.
The buildings are just completed and [hey will be tested for performance
over [he year. The courtyard roof is a crucial element of [he buildings and a
lot depends on its effectiveness .


Redevelopment of property at Civil Lines, Delhi

With correct operation of the quilt during winters, night-time comfon .

18C minimum, can be ass ured in all rooms.
For the basement offices, the air-conditioners were switched on 15 M a:
2000, and over the summer months (he air-conditioner was used for abo u:
60 % of office time . For the ground and first floors, comfon can be o btain.: _
during the dry-hot season and during spring (March-April) and autumn
(September- October) using a combination of direct and roof evaporative
cooling with ceiling fans. During the monsoon season (July-August) ro of
evaporative and cross- ventilation will give moderate comfort during dayti,
and c omfort at night . But in [he pre-monsoon hot-humid season (June-J u~ _
with little breeze, murky sky, high humidity and temperature, one will h aw
resort to air-conditioning for comfort.



91 e\l'\

Project details
The project explores the possibility of respond ,i ng more deliberately to climatic factors in a
dense setting,
Building type Residential
Climate Composite
Location It is located in the Civil Lines area of Delhi where large open plots of land are being

subdivided and redeveloped to provide mo re upper-middle income housing

Architect Ashok B La ll
Built-up area 1687


Year of completion 1999

Design features

Orientation of the building to cut off solar insolation during summer and let in winter sun

Design of sections to let in winter sun into tne first -floor rooms on the north side of the house

Terraces with skylights that admit winter sun

Insulated walls using innovative construction sandwich

Sunshading reduces heat gain

Courtyard design
Roof finished with China mosaic and is insulated using 30mm thick polyuret hane board
insulation above the RCC slab

The courtyard roof is the main climate-responsive device acting as a large


cooler overthe central space of the house. All rooms communicate with this space

Conver.tional mosquito-proof evaporative cooler housed on the roof

External windows are designed with double rebates

The west house has a wind-driven evaporative cooler


emperature check
for Delhi

Redevelopment of property at Civil Lines, Delhi








see A ppendix IV)









Add th e checks

Multi ply by 8. 33% fo r % of year






Integrated Rural Energy Programme Training Ce

Editor's remarks

Architect Manmohan Dayal

A building in composite climate where the room temperatures in ~ _
are lower by 6-7 dc, and the winter temperature is raised by ab o ,J ~
than in a conventional building.

This budding provides

comfortable working
conditions round the
year, primarily due to a
biociimatlc approach to
design. judicious use of
advanced passive condition techniques, and
renewable energy

S ituated off the GT Kamal-Delhi road in Bakoli village, Alipur b loc Delhi, the (raining centre constructed for the IREP (Integrated Rurai
Energy Programme) is located on a 2_5-hectare sire. Originally an agn_
turalland, rhe site was being used as a brick kiln_


The guest house at IREP with the energy p rk in front

The plan of the main office ~
block of the IREP showin use
of courtyards as micro climate
madill r Also shown IS tile
net'l, ark 01 earth air tunnel

'/Slem . A 2 5-m wide and

1.2 m high earth berm runs
round the building, which
helps 111 moderating internal

1 - Lecture room ; 2 - Laboratory; 3 - Library ; 4 - Staff room ; 5 - Director; 6 - Dy Director ; 7 - Computer:

8 AdministJation: 9 - Multipurpose hall; 10 - Records; 11 - Stote ; 12 - Toilet

*Thc source of this chap(er

IS / jrcill/iullre

+ Desigll, Volume IX (Number 3), May-June, J 992 pp. 30-32


Integrated Rural Energy Programme Training Centre, Deihl

The general objectives of the project were

integration of advanced solar passive architectural sysrems
simplicity of operation and maintenance
integration of climatic consideration in the form of the building, construction, and landscape.
The initial requi-emencs were for four lecture theatres of 40 m 2 each, a
library, an auditorium (having a capacity of 300 seats), a laboratory and
computer room, administrative offices, and hostel facilities for 50 persons.
Further, residential accommodation was provided for employees . Lacer, a
guesthouse was also included.

Passive solar

The several measures adopted to reduce the thermal heat loads in the
complex are outlined below.

Controlling penetration of direct solar radiation

The south side is protected by chajjas (overhangs) of appropriate depth,
which prevent the heat of the summer sun from entering, yet allow the
winter radiation to penetrate within. A combination of horizontal and
vertical louvres prevents the heat from the south-eastlnonh-west sun, and
at the same time provides adequate cross-ventilation.

Reducing heat conduction through roof and walls

The amount of beat conducted into the structure through the building fabric is
dependant on the thermal resistance of the material and its heat storage
capacity. Discomfort is caused by solar radiation, which is absorbed by the
outside surface and :ransmirred through the roof or walls rothe inside surface .
The following steps have been taken to minimize conduction.

T he complex is built around 3 courtyards with 75 % wall area shaded by
2.1 -m-wide corridors. A further 10% of this is nonh-facing (which is mostly
shaded). Deciduous trees on the periphery of the building along the east
and west orientation provide further shade . Creepers along the walls add to
the insulation and help in evaporative cooling.



All dimensions are in millimeires


Ith sectron

Louyre design of north wall typical plan .

All dimensions are in millimetres

Louvre c1esign of . outtl-east \\ all

typical plan



Integrated Rurral Energy Programme Tr<.ining Centre, Delhi

It is essential [0 insulate the roof as it receives as much as 50 %
tion in summer. A traditional cost-effective system has been used ,. entire roof is covered with densely packed inverted earthen pot la!.:
mud phuska. This arrangement provides an insulation cover of ti l'
the roof, which impedes heat flow within the building .

.----Lime concrete gala

Bitumen felt waterproofing
Earthen pots for insulation

Ear then pois tor Ins_

Airflow GoDling

Terracotta tiles over mud phuska

15% heat radiation Inside

Roof inSUlatiOn "


Thermally massive wall and cavity wall

Designed for daytime use, the T raining Centre has 345- mm thick xp
brick walls that have a time lag of about 8 hours, and an overall heat
fer coefficient (U-value) of 1.9 W/m2 cC. Cavity walls (230-mm brick
35-mm cavity + I IS-mm brick wall) envelop the computer centre to gl'
additional air gap insulation of 35-mm (V-value 1.2 W/m 2 C and a tim
of 12 hours).

Earth berming
Direct contact with (he earth creates better comfort levels than evap r_
cooling, as it does not increase the humidity within the rooms. While i.
not possible to build a totally earrh-shelrered building, an earth berm, .::: :;
m wide and 1.2-m high, runs along the external periphery of the struCtt.:
The induction of earth mass to the thermal mass of [he building red uc
fluctuation in the thermal load besides acting as a form of shading an d
ins ula tion.

Control of ambient temperature and micro climate

The excavated areas of the site are converted to a water body, which a
a collection centre for raim.v ater and surface drainage. Hard surface. ha .
been minimized to roads and the rest of the area is landscaped. \X-'ith in -....
Training Centre, [he landscaped courtyard with a tree each in the smaLe
courtyards and a fountain in the larger, help in reducing the ambient tC:T perature. Narrow passages between each room act as a low-pressure ar
forcing more air into the neck thereby improving the airflow within.

Exploitation of wind and earth for cooling

The temperature of the earth 4 m below ground level remains constant
throughout the year and is equal to the mean annual sol air temperatu re
earth. The earrh can be used as a heat source or a sink for heating/cool ing
air in underground pipes as the earth-air heat exchanger system utili zes I!:.
stable [emperarure and large thermal capacity of the earth. Air that is


Integrated Rural Energy Programme Training Centre. Delhi

~~_ _ _


V l b - - - Galvan,zed iron metal holder


12-mm diameter fan


'" IS of dueting of earth

ln el

passed through the pipes 4 m below ground

level is cooled in the summer and heated in
the winter. The amount of heat exchanged
between the air and the surrounding soil
depends on various parameters of surface
area, the length of pipes, velocity of air, etc.
In the Training Centre, a SOO-mm diameter
pipe of length 50 m connects the wind
tower ftxed with a blower to the 300-mm
diameter ring pipe. The connecting pipes
(of 2S0-mm diameter) enter the rooms at
below-sill levels from under the berm.
Initially, it was proposed [0 use small blowers/
fans of 300-mm diameter to blow air into the
room. Unfortunately, the blowers could not
suck sufficient air because of lack of space
behind them. Finally, a 7.5-kW blower was
fitted in the wind tower-a poor substitute,
because the diameter of the pipes proved [0
be inadequate for the volume of air being

Wooden mullion

Concrete roof



Wire mesh -

etlOn of wind tower ~


Galvaniled iron holder -~!II--'~"""~





- - Filter


Main tunnel
(500 diameter pipes)

All dimensions are in millimetres

pushed in at high velocity. The earth-air tunnel. is sparingly used during May
and June and is not effective due to its design limitations.

_ led renewable
e gy systems in
uildings and in
e energy park

A 300-W roof-mount solar photovoltaic plant with battery back-up powers

the computers in the building. Solar water heating requirements in the
hostels are met by solar water heating system. The energy park within the
complex has demonstration units for various renewable energy systems.


Integrated Rural Energy Programme Training Centre, Delhi

A greenhouse, solar still, solar refrigerator, smokeless chulha, gasifier l!:and a biogas unit have been put up for demonstration. The biogas gen-:-ated from the biogas plant is used for cooking in the hostels. The so lar
refrigerator cools dr inking water during summers. A solar pump ha s ab
been put up for water pumping purposes.


Although no data have been collected by the Delhi Energy Develop mc!"
Agency on the performance of the various passive systems used in im p
ing the thermal comfort level, it can be safely said that the summer d ay:
room temperatures within the Centre are lower by 6-7 C, and the w i n:~
temperature is raised by about 5C compared to a conventional build i:: _
The users are comfortable round the year and do not feel the need for
additional space-conditioning during summer Or winter.

;At {..\

Design features

Project detai Is
Projec t Integrated Renewable Energy Programme Training

Control the penetration of direct solar radiation by propE



Location Delh i
Climate CompOSite
Architect Manmo an Dayal
Energy consultants N K Bansal and Muthu Kumar
Contractor Mis Bhagat Ram And Sons
Built-up area 7766 m2
Approxima te cos t Rs 20 million
Date of completion March 1990

Reduce heat conduction through roof and walls by

insulation and earth berming

Control ambient temperature and micro climate by


Exploit wind and earth for cooling by earth-air tunnel


Meet partial power and hot water requirements Ihrough

renewable ene rgy systems in the building

Energy park with demonstration units for several renewable energy systems

Temperature check
for Delhi








(see Appendix IV)



Add the checks





Multiply by 8.33% fo r % of yea,


Tapasya Block (Ph ase 1), Sri Aurobindo Ashram,

Ed itor's remarks

s hostel building for

E ashramites, reqU lr1l1g

-"d'u m-Ievel equilib:l

New Delhi
Architect Sanjay Prakash
Application of passive solar techniques and renewable energy systems in a
building with medium level of equilibrium

In terms of thermal
visual comfort, uses

Ie but effective
ve solar architec-

mterventions _ Use


water heating
11 IS

an II1novative


techniques, and

T he Aurobindo Ashram Trust (Delhi branch) is a charitable society doing

pioneering work in various fields, notably education, philosophy, and culture. The use of non-conventional energy techniques for various purposes is
both economically and spiritually important for the philosophy of the
Ashram. There was a large degree of participation by the ashramites for the
This is the firsI phase of an unusual building complex which shall grow to
form offices, swimming pool, library, dining, meditation, and residential
facilities. In the first phase, it is planned to house around 80 people - Students, visitors, and ashramites - in a hostel-like block.
The rooms are laid out around 3 hexagonal courtyards. The building as it
grows will enclose one large courtyard around which there will be 12 such
small duodecagonal blocks . The planning grid is a space-filling grid composed of squares and equilateral triangles . The courtyards are surrounded by
overlooking corridors, around which the square grids are divided inco two
rooms and the tria n gles divided into two seIS of toilets and dressing areas.
Except on ground floor, each room gets a balcony on the outer faces .

Rough white finish

The building is finished in a permanent white slate, which is rough and,
therefore, has good emissivity. Being light in colour, the absorptivity is poor.

.&. The plan of the hostel is duodecagonal in shape centred around

hexagona l courtyards. The

courtyards along with carefully deSigned ventilators and windows aid in cross-ventilation


Tapasya Block (Phase 1), Sri Aurobindo Ashram, New Delhi

~ light-coloured


finished walls have

emissivity and poor

p recessed wi nd
solar alns

Deep recesses
Though the building is not oriented because of its multifaceted geometry . .
has been provided with deeply recessed large openings on each room to\\" the outside.

Selective cross-ventilation
Each room is provided wirh an operable ventilator above the door on the
'inside' and large operable glazed and opaque shU[rers on the outside. B have fixed insect-netting wirh inward opening glazing. The sills are low i _
height to be able to get good air flow even at the level of the bed . This fea l_
has worked well, and fan s are nor required until April. The rooms can b e
opened up in the summer nighr and closed up with shutters and heavy cu,rains during the day to create remperatures, which average slightly IO\\ter ~
ambient condition.

Lowering of temperatures is also made possible by the densely vegetated
surroundings of the campus in which this building is located. The selec ti\cross-ventilating air is drawn from rhe grassy and vegetated areas.

The inside courtyards are small and interlinked to encourage both crOS$venrilation in rooms as well as ventilation between rhem.

AIl rooms have an upper fixed glazing to encourage 'daylight-only' usage durO - _
the day. Small rabie-level windows are provided on study desks. BuLt-in \\- ic dow reading benches are placed below the main windows on the outer face 0:-ground floor rooms (which do not have balconies or rerraces) .


Installed system

Tapasya Block (Phase 1), Sri Aurobindo Ashram, New Delhi

Architecturally integrated hot water system

Four thermosiphonic flat-plate solar collector systems for hot water are
provided. There is no electrical back-up. The total capacity is 2400 litres/day
(about 30 htres/person-day). Two systems, feeding the north-side rooms, are
optimally tilted at 45 degrees. The other two systems, feeding the south-side
room, are vertically mounted on the parapet wall facing south or 30 degrees
east or west of south. The building section especially at the terrace level was
partially determined by solar hot water constraints. All systems are masonry
integrated and mounted on walls or RCC (reinforced cement concrete) slabs.
All tanks are neatly placed over toilet pipe shafts within room-like structures.
This reduces balance-of-system costs while providing better aesthetics in
comparison to retrofit systems. Further, the vertical systems display lesser
dust collection (important in a polluted city like Delhi), lesser glass breakage
and complete freeing up of terrace space, thereby offsetting the 25 % lower
performance for unit area over a
winter season. The terrace is used for
washing and drying of clothes. This
systen. can be adapted to multidwelling multistorey buildings
without the need to use terrace

Palapet wall Wl!ll Jnleglated solal hot water

p .nel ,Als s eo 15 the structllre Wl'llf h!1 u es
the hot water tanK

Mai n RGC

12 Piuesuse<i I~mporarll, as spacers

13 Glass to glass folnt in slilcone rubber
14 Cu obsorbe' panels wilil 12.5 mm NB risers
15 Cu feed pipe wi01ln C<lliector insulaoon 25 rnm NB
with 50 n\m glass WOOl lnsulat\'o" where exposed
16 Cu loote, pipe 01 base of absort>er25A mm NB
17 Cu ,etum pipe wi!/lln collector insulaUon 25.4 mm N8
"">1/150 mm glass ""'OOII",,,JaUon wf\ere e.'1l<"e~
18Cu he.derpipe anop of absorber, 25.4 mm NB
19 Geld waterlmers
20 Hot water distribuiJo" pipes with 50 mm glass wool fns,ulation

21600 live hot "atertank, inn.,8OO.1200 hI. will>

22' 100 mm wtlfte glass wool insulafion
22 300 ... 300 '" 300 presstJre break tan\!. wiUl float ','atve
2~ Mild steeliSA 8{)" 80 ' 6 grouled InUlwalis
2t. \fern pip!)

2{; Parapet wall

21 Mild steel 1ST 40 40 ' 611rolded to M S sh 1top, and grouted
into parapet ~nd shaft walls (or support
28 Ml[dsleellST 40" 40 ' 6 bas.<! planter,tfUClure groullld Inlo
parapet and termce for S(Jpport

All dimensions are in millirn etres

.... Details of architectura Iy Integrated solal water ileatlng system (type B) Various detailS hlgillighl
integration of solar hal water collectors With parapel wall, 110i water tank details. aod pIping details

(Se the next rlgure for furthe/ delaJis,)


Tapasya Block (Phase 1). Sri Aurobindo Ashram . New Delhi



Detail at ' C" 1:2.5



Detail at "A" 1:2.5

+ 1015




Main building
layout grid line



Section first 1:25

All dimensions are in millimetres


Electricity is sparingly provided all over, with low voltage corridor lights, two
lights, and one fan per room with three lights in the attached toilet and dressin~
areas. No 15 Ampere sockets are required. Even with incandescent lights, the
overall installed power load is to the tune of lOW/m l , nearly all of it as lights a. :
fans. Electrical energy conservation is partly due to the time table of the residents matching daylight patterns . The clothing and food habits also reduce th
amount of cooling that is required. No power is used for cleaning, hot water,
washing of clothes, toilets or any other function except (cold) water pumping.


Tapasya Block (Phase 1), Sri Aurobindo Ashram, New Delhi

Load-bearing The three-storey building was designed in load-bearing brickwork and was
structure without beams and columns, reducing the consumption of concrete and steel.

The solar hot water system has worked extremely well. There is no back-up
electrical use for heating water. However, the large glass covers do break
occasionally due to thermal expansion. Therefore, integrated collectors
should also be made in small packs and further have a ledge in the front for
ease of repair in case of problems. Both these changes are being incorporated
in the next building of the Ashram.
The thermal behaviour of rooms is satisfactory for the lifestyle of the
Ashram dwellers and the building uses no devices other than ceiling fans .

Eco nom ics

The use of self-managed construction and use of load-bearing construction led

to cost reduction by about 20%. The hot water system was additional though it
would pay for itself in about two winter seasons even without grants.
Vertically-mounted collectors can thus be expected to give (for approximately 12% increase in capital costs) architectural integrated solar hot water
systems along with great aesthetic gain, free terrace, less dust addition, less
glass breakage, less maintenance cost.

Table I Effect of architectural integration on the econom ics of so lar hot water system tor
New Delhi (winter solar water heating - passive mode l)

Coll ector area required
1 Collector costs (x)
2 Balance of systems costs of passive
systems at half of normal collector costs
3 Cost savings due to collector integration
as a percentage of collector cost
(reduction in back cover and supports)
Total costs (1 + 2 - 3)
Increase (decrease)%

Normal system
(optimum tilt)

Integrated system
(optimum tilt)

integrated system


A. c

4/ 3 Ac



50 .0

6 (@6%)

14.6(@11 %)



Project details
Site location New Delhi
Project description Institutional hostel
Climate Composite
Design team Sanjay Prakash , Anop Singh Rana, and Manoj Joshi
Consultants C L Gupta and Atam Kumar (solar hot water)
Project period 1990-1993
Size 3000 m2 covered area in a large campus
Building/construction type Load-bearing fired brick structure with RCC slabs, finished in white slate
Client/owner Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Delhi Branch Trust
Sponsor Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources (hot water system) and Sri Aurobindo
Ashram, Delhi Branch
Builder/ contractor Owner-managed construction

Tapasya Block (Phase 1), Sri Aurobindo Ashram, New Delhi


Design features

Rough white finish on the building exteriorfor high emissivity and poor absorptivity.

Deep recessed window offset the negative effects of rooms that are not oriented as ps

Properly designed windows and ventilators and interconnected courtyards aid in cro'<:,
venti lation

Dense vegetation modifies ambient conditions

Window design encourages only use of daylighting in the rooms during daytime

Bu ilding integrated solar water heating systems

Load-bearing structure reduces embodied energy by reduced consumption of concrete ~


Temperature check
for Delhi






(see Appendix IV)







Add the checks

Multiply by 8 .33% for '.,.







Residence for Sudha and Atam Kumar, Delhi

-. s remarks ~
or the composof Delhi, this

ouse demon-

Architect Sanjay Prakash

A residential house in a composite climate responding to varying
seasonal needs and maintaining comfort levels without any energy-intensive

e of passive
aJ techniques

ng t hermal and
fort in all
ch itectural
of renewable
"'v ces is an
design feature .
ed electrical
ave also been

T h is is the inaugural project in a series of EASE (environmentally appealing and saving energy) houses. EASE is a concept promoted by Cdr. C P
Sharma CRetd) as a commercially viable method to propagate energyefficient houses. T his panicular project was sold to a solar energy device
manufacturer and consultant, who, interestingly, was also the energy consultant for of the building.
The house is a duplex structure with a living room, kitchen, three bedrooms, and a study. There is an outhouse with a servants' unit and office .

l osen so that
" 'equires
erlergy for its

Materials, techniques, and methods

Site selection
in the

within the overall development, the site selected had a road IO irs
and west. The longer side o f the plot faced south . The road on the
was the wider one, reducing possibilities of shadows from the south
future .

South elevation of tile building witil large 5haded open in 5 and solar chin1fleys as predominan t
architectural teature. Solar water heating collectors are integrated with the south facade


Residel1ce for Sudha and Atam Kumar. Delhi

Planning of built volumes

The house was planned as a duplex [0 further reduce its footprinl
plot and was shifted as far north within [he site, to the extent feas i
allow for a large south open area.

South orientation
The hOllse was oriented south in the sense that every habitable room liberal south exposure. Only entries, [Oilets, and sraircases are with ....
direct south orientation. The three bedrooms and the living room a ~_ large south glazing for winter heat gain with proper overhang pro :ecri ~
prevention of summer heat gain. The south overhang soffit level is hl",(han the window lintel level so as to ensure that even a part of the \\ in ...
is not sbaded in winter. All winter heating needs can be met by the .

Insulation and mass

Expanded polystyrene (25-mm thick) insulation is provided near the _
surface of tbe walls so as [0 retain the mass of the wall acting in tandem \\-the internal space. Likewise, asbestos powder (40-80-mm thick) insul a[,
provided over the roof slab. Both these provide for a highly inert h ouse
with high thennal mass and high insulation .

Reflective finish
The walls are clad in white sandstone providing a textured and reflecn _
fin ish. The roofs are finished in white terrazzo making for good terra e _
sit out on as well as excellent reflection characterist.ics.

Recessed jambs
All windows have an indented lintel, sill, and jambs, creating space for
hanging the curtains wbile at the same cime ensuring that when the eu;,
are drawn, they fall in a way that creates a reasonably dead air gap ben \-~_
the curtain and the glass, improving the insulation characteristics.

Evaporative wind tower

A multi-directional wind tower fitted with evaporative cooling pads t
the stairwelL Outside air, cooled by flowing past. the pads kept wet by
circulation pump, falls down this well and enters the rooms through p er::;
nent ventilation openings above the doors. These openings may be cia
with shutters if required .

Solar chimneys
South-facing thin-walled and dark-coloured shafts assist air exhaust in th =
summer days. The shafts are topped with fibn::glass chjmneys. Internal
shutters cut out this exhaust when required (in the winter).


d ng section highlighting
allon of solar passive
-CLive systems Wltll the
building envelope

Residence for Sudha and Atam Kumar, Delhi

Opening provided
for pads filled with
230 brickwork

Duct conneetingsola,
chimney and house



ii~iiii"'iiiiiiiiiii";;;I-l( SOla~ollector

S rage for gas cYlindefs


All dimensions are in milimetre.s


60 mm plain cement concrete

100 mm brick bats

Rammed earth

enewable energy Architecturally integrated solar hot water

syst ems

A 200 litre-per-day hot water system is architecturally integrated with rhe

house. A solar wa(er heater panel is mounted vertically on the south wall
above the kitchen. This non-standard mounting angle reduces the problems of dust accumulation, endemic to Delhi. It reduces chances of breakage due to hail or cats, etc. It also frees up terrace space and is a technique
(hat could be used in mulri-sroreyed buildings to provide individual hot
water systems withom using rhe roof. A rooftop insulated hot water tank
collects the solar heated water, which is then available to all the toilets and
kitchen. A sensitive thermostat activates the back-up low-wattage electrical element on the evening of cloudy days, but only if manually activated by
the residents. An independent 100 litre-per-day vertically mounted solar
hot water system is provided for the omhouse.

solar cooking

A sliding solar cooker is built in to the sou(h wall of the kitchen. The pans
can be accessed from inside the kitchen and come out at counter level for
ease of use. Balance cooking is done with conventional fuel.

te recycling and
er conservation

Compost pit
Two pits in the garden can ensure (he composting of kitchen wastes . The
kitchen, in turn, is provided with ample space below the counters to ensure
separation of paper, organics) and other waste and recycling of the first two

Low water flushes

The house is fitted with flush valves and without any cisterns.



Residence for Sudha and Atam Kumar. Delhi

All spaces in the house are properly lighted with natural light in the -=_

Low energy lights

All lamps and luminaries are based on warm colour CFLs (compact
cent lamps) so as to reduce electrical loads to the maximum.

Overall rationalization of loads

Including fans, lights, refrigerator, and a water circulation pump for
cooling (Ower, the running loads of the house work out to about 400 \y
Adding a TV/computer or water boosting pump (not running simulta n~
ously), [he running load of the house is about 800 W. If one heavy ap :.ance (electric iron, washing machine, etc., not running simultaneously
added, the house can be run at under 2000 W peak all the time. Ther :need to use electricity for space heating and cooling, nor for water hea: Using a careful selection of devices, '15 A circuits can be eliminated frothe house altogether.

Inverter and future provision of photo voltaic charging

The house has a central inverter and a battery bank that can provide fohours of emergency usage. It is planned that as soon as affordable, the
house shall be put on photovoltaic charging and progressively made les_
dependent on the grid .


The thermal systems generally worked very well in winter, eliminating :.requirement of heavy quilts altogether. The dry summer season perforr::ance was good except for slight droplets of water spilling over from th e '
pads of the cooling tower into the staircase area. Monsoon comfort is
dependent on strategically closing or opening the windows.
Renewable energy systems have worked well. Electr:ical systems are sa L,factory, but highly stressed due to erratic power supply and extreme vo.: __
fluctuations in the area .

Design featu res

Project details
Project description Plotted house for a

Architect SanJay Prakash
Climate Composite
Consulta nts Atam Kumar (energy) Sunil

Arora (structure)
Proj ect period 1995-1996
Size 160 m2 co ered area in a plot of 450 m2
C1ien Owner Ata m Kumar
PrOfT1o :er Cdr. C P Sharma (Retd)
BJllder Con raC lOr Asian Townsville
Farms ,- d

The house has been oriented to face south so that every habitable room has a
liberal solar exposure. Shading has been carefully designed to prevent solar

ga -:

duri'lg summer and allow the same during winter

Externa l wall and roof insulation help the thermal mass to act in tandem with the
inner space
Reflective finishes of wall and roof for heat reflection
Multi-directional evaporative wind tower atop stairwell,for cooling of house due - 5
dry summer
Sou th-facing solar chimneys assist air exhaust during summer
Architectural ly integrated solar water heating system and solar cooker
Compost pits in garden fo r composting of kitchen wastes
Low water flush valves without cisterns
All rooms adequately daylit and artificial lighting is provided with low energy lig' :.:
Overall rationalization of loads done by careful device selection
An inverter and battery bank back-up has been provided wi th provision for photovoltaic cha rging in future


m perature check
for Delhi ,


Residence for Sudha and Atam Kumar. Delhi






see Append ix. IV)







Add the checks

Multiply by 8.33% for % of year





Residence for Neelam and Ashok Saigal, Gurga

Editor's remarks ~

Architect Sanjay Prakash

This residential un it

A small residence in the composite climate of Gurgaon uses cost-

10 . ated In Gurgaon useS

effective passive techniques for achieving thermal and visual com for :

simple passive architec-

tural intel venbons to

achieve thermal comfort

all sed!>ons and

uniform daylight The

architect has translated
the traditional cOllrtyard
to a tropical skyl lght'-

T h is house seeks [0 translate the traditional courtyard house of inn er to an updated lifestyle of today. While remaining within the legal fram e
which is based on the model of the semi-detached house for plots such a .
these, the design seeks to convert the small patio often given for light in
proud centrepiece of the house, a status that it once commanded in the
traditional house.

an Innovative design

response to compos ite

climate ThiS concept
performs all functions of
a traditionul co urtyard
and yet provides complete protection from
rain and insects

Front view of t 1e Salgal

no se bedrooms have
adjOining garden courts

The house is a ground-floor unit with a living/dining room, kitchen, and

three bedrooms. The central dining area is built like a roofed courtyard an d
can al10w the next floor [0 be made in the future without compromising the
privacy or working of the space below.

Materials, Planning of built volumes and south orientation

techniques, and The footprint of the house was shifted as far north as possible. The two
methods important bedrooms were placed towards the front, south side, with the
largest possible open area on the south, even though it would have been
normal1y frowned upon since it is usually expected that the living rooms get
an attached garden .

courtyard and covered courtyard

The design pattern for this house is based on a pattern of nine squares .
Taking inspiration from the traditional courtyard, the central space was


an of the Salgal house

ert planning with spaces

Residence for Neelam and Ashok Saigal, Gurgaon

Guest bedroom

Ized around the central

cO'lered with a tropical

: Dining under :
: tropical :
: skylight :



Living room


designated [he 'courtyard' despite the paradox that the house is a semidetached quasi-bungalow. The plan that finally developed, in fact, contained
two courtyards: the central (covered with the 'tropical skylight', see plan)
court forming a permanent dining area and the next area a true temperateweather patio.

..... The dining area with th

tropical skylight

The house is entered past the controlling kitchen window and almost from
the rear due to the planning of built volumes. It :s entered from a multifaceted space where the future staircase can be . No rooms require anificial


Residence for Neelam and Ashok Saigal . Gurgaon

light even during the cloudiest of periods. The focus of the living a ~ .:.
central dining space, which ordinarily would have been the darkes r r
the house, but is converted by the use of the ' tropical skylight' int tl:e
brightest space.

Tropical skylight




o 0 0 0 0
000 0 0




Central evaporative cooling

Dining room

Section through tile tropical

skylight shOWing the r1enum
space for evaporative cooling
systelll Th advanta e of the
skylight IS that the constructron of
first floor would not deter

The central dining space was notionally thought &.

courtyard. However, neither insects nor rain nor:ern lifestyle would have allowed this feature ro b .. _
ally used from traditional models. Therefore, it w roofed over with what has come to be called the 'u skylight' _ This is a skylight suitable for atria in tfO:-' _
climates. It consists of the glazing being placed \-e:- "
cally, facing north and south, and covering the roo.
that direct summer solar gain is avoided while wim streams into the space. The proper design of overb
and glazing allows this geometry to be adapted to ll_
tropical climates, and can be recommended inSleac.
the horizontally glazed skylights which are an attra .
but an unsuitable design feature for OUI" climate.

Along the rim of the 'tropical skylight' are plenums

reach cooled air from an adapted desert cooler to c \-e:room in the house. It is an extremely simple affair, \\ _
two evaporating pads, a downward facing fan, and a pump.

Fixed meshes
Fixed netting was installed inside the window and the glass windows ope:.
outwards, operated by a winch pulley-type arrangement. The hard.ware
failed miserably, but potentially is a real space and cost saver.

Reflective roof and insulation

The roof is reflective white (and mixed colour) broken China mosaic ove r
50-mm thick expanded polystyrene insulation. This makes the otherwise
meagre cooling system very effective.

Optimization of structure
In order to achieve cost savings as well as reduce embodied energy, the
concentra tion was on the structural design of roof slabs . The spans were
limited to about 4 m, and the planning allowed a layout without a single
beam Or column. In fact, the house could have been roofed over with ston e
slabs (as has been done for the window overhangs). The total amount of
reinforcing steel was reduced to as little as under 9 kg/m 2 (less tban half
of usual) \.vhile the reinforced concrete volume was restricted to under
0 .12 m 3 /m 2 total.


Performanc e

Econom ics

Residence for Neelam and Ashok Saigal, Gurgaon

The thermal systems. generally work well in winter, eliminating the requirement of all artificial heating, barring the occasional use of the fireplace. The
performance during dry summer season is good. Monsoon comfort is dependent on strategically closing or opening the windows, but is still sufficiently uncomfortable so that a window air-conditioner was placed in the
master bedroom for this season, with the children and parents using the
room together at that time. Central cooling system is satisfactory, but requires maintenance a bit more often than usual window coolers .
The initial cost of the project was t he same as conventional. In fact, the use
of self-managed construction an d optimization of st ructura l design and
spans led (0 cost savings so the ho use was made for about 10 % lower than
the prevailing rates in that area at that time. The running cost is now in th e
form of electricity for the cooler (mostly) and air-conditioner (sometimes),
and liquefied petroleum gas in the kitchen .

C\ 91C\~ce

Project detai Is

Design features

. _ _ct des cription Plotted house for a couple with three

: ildren
ate Com posite
:ect Sanjay Prakash
5Jitants In-house
~ I period 1994
- 110 m2 covered area in a plot of 450 m2
- -: owner Ashok Saigal
:::::r 'contractor Owner-managed construction

erature check
r Gurgao n



e l\ppendix IV)

Southern orientation ot important bedrooms

Courtyard planning as a climatic response

Central courtyard covered by 'tropical skylight'

Centralized evaporative cooling for dry summers

Root insulation
Optimization of structure to reduce embodied energy











Multiply by 8.33%for %of year

Add the checks



Dilwara 8agh, Country House for Reena and

Ravi Nath, Gurgaon
Editor's remarks

This country house in

the composite climate of



a good

Architects Gernot Minke and Sanjay Prakash

A country house in the vicinity of Delhi uses traditional Indian arch ite c~
principles and methods of construction to provide updated requirem e .... _
an international lifestyle

example of cllmate-

responsive architecture
designed and constructed uSing traditional
materials and methods

of construction. The
adoption of passive
architectural principles

T he Dilwara Bagh (the country house) merges (he traditional Indian

courtyard house with the western 'prairie house' (0 meet the updated requirements of an international lifestyle. The house is a ground-floor unil
a living room, a dining room, kitchen, and three bedrooms. There are arr:;
verandahs and gazebos. The dining area is a small courtyard with pool. Tr-_
is an outhouse. for guests and garages, four huts for servants and services.

completely null ifies the

use of energY-intensive

techn iques

. . A south view of the house With Windows for Wlnt r ga inS

The roof o\"e rhan s proVide snad l1g for ovel comll1g summer gams

techniques , and

The lake
The flat agricultural land was transformed into an undulating garden. The
earth for edge berms and other mounds was taken by forming a lake. This
lake acts as a central visual element of the landscape design as well as a
microclimate modifier. It stores the water of the monsoon and is topped up
in dry season with a tube well, which was required in the first instance for
irrigation. The lake is sealed with a clayey soil. The bank is designed and
planted [0 allow the water level to fluctuate within a range of 0.6 m.


Dilwara Bagh. Country House for Reena and Ravi Nath. Gurgaon

The vegetation
adobe in-fill walls with natural
en colour gives the feel of a

village house

The drive up to the house takes the visitor through a playful series of views of
the house and the lake contrasted with closed spaces with dense vegetation.
A few ocher major trees accentuate some of the other shady areas where one
can rest. The selection of the tree and shrub species is made keeping in view
the practical requirement for obtaining a variety of fruits
and getting natural compost.

Planning of built volumes and south orientation

The single storeyed house is mostly set into the earth
berms towards the north of the lake. The south side is
exposed to the winter sun and shaded in the summer
with overhangs and louvres.

The rooms are arranged around a central patio with a small
pool with plants. This enables cross-ventilation for all
rooms and cooling by evaporation.

Low energy structure

The plan was generated by a pattern of octagons and
squares. The structural frame consists of load-bearing
SIOne columns, which support beams and stone slabs to
form slightly domical enclosures over all rooms, reminiscent of some of the temples in Dilwara in Rajasthan
(hence the name ofthe house). The in-fill waIls are from
adobe blocks (handmade mud bricks).

g plan

is a traditional ~

I'ouse with a central

'3"<1 flanked by rooms


Dilwara Bagh, Country House for Reena and Ravi Nath, Gurgaon

..... The building open:

south for winter ga

South elevation

..... Northern facade


earth bermed for OJt


North elevation

Insulation and shading

A conical, light-coloured stone roof above the domical slab creates an a::cavity and also provides reflection of solar radiation, besides shading th e :below. Wherever th e berms cover the external face , an air cavity is form
an inclined stone slab resting against the wall. All external surfaces of rh :::
building have either air cavity or summer shading by overhangs and lou\": _

The stone louvres are designed to take over the function of a usual steel
security grille and at the same time provide sun shading and reflect the
daylight into the rooms, acting like smal1light shelves .

Earth tunnel system

Additional cooling in the summer months is provided to each room by a
earth tunnel system. The distance from th e 2 kW fan to the building is at _
60 m. The section consists of two masonry ducts at an average depth of : ::below surface . The maximum air velocity is kept to 6 m /s.

Wall section shOWing earth ...

berming and earth illr tunnet

Shrubs to deflect wind

Earth berming
Stone panel
Air caVity for thermal insulation
Ughtstone plates for sun reflected and
weather shelter
Bituminous roof sealing
Ught sandstone louvres for shading and
light reflection
Exposed soil block masonry for heat storage am:
balancing indoor air humidity
Climatization by earth tunnel system




Dilwara 8agh. Country House for Reena and Ravi Nath. Gurgaon

The orientation works well in winter, and in combination with the tunnel
system, eliminates the requirement of all artificial heating. The dry summer
season performance is good. Monsoon comfort is dependent on strategically
closing or opening the windows.
This earth tunne l system is probably the longest in personal use. The
coefficient of performance has been studied to be as high as 20 at various
seasons. The only problem reported is the absence of sufficient air circulation sometimes. This is because ceiling fans were not installed in order to
appreciate the domical ceilings better. Floor-mounted fans are not very
effective .
The initial cost of the project was high, though not necessarily due to the
essential features but due to the complicated sourcing of stone and craftsmen. The tunnel system eliminated the need for central air-conditioning
(which could have been afforded by the owners) by accepting a system with
lesser control. The running cost is now in the form of 2 kW of electricity for
the tunnel system and liquefied petroleum gas in the kitchen .

- details

Design features

_ cescription Country house


.: ' oup le with two chi ldren

Gernot Minke and Sanjay


ea rth berms
shading by overhangs and louvres
shading by vegetation (trees and creepers)

:: Com posite
~- :s


-e od 1992-1996
: '"TI2

covered area in a plot

__ : 16000 m2


Reena and Ravi Nath

-: .. actor Architect-cum-

-'anaged construction

Reduction of heat gain by

air cavity in walls and roofs

Increase of heat loss by

cooling through evaporation by water surfaces and plants (except during monsoon)
cooling through earth tunnel system

Increase of heat gain by
direct gain through windows
underground earth tunnel

Reduction of heat loss by

air cavities
compact building form

All seasons
Balancing of temperature through thermal mass of walls and floors
Balancing of indoor air humidity by earth wal ls (a dobe)
Increase of daylight by reflecting stone louvres in all windows
Balancing of microclimate through water and vegetation







(see Append ix IV )







Multiply by 8.33% for % a

Add the checks

Dilwara Bagh , Country House for Reel'la and Ravi Nath, Gurgaon


Temperature check
for Gurgaon

- -






RETREAT: Resource Efficient TERI Retreat for

Environmental Awareness and Training, Gurgaon
Editor's remarks

TERI has taken a major

step by creating a model

Arch it ects Sanjay Prakash and TERI

A powerful and effective combination of modem science and traditional

sustainable buildin g
omplex, called REREAT This budding
auld not put any
essure on the earth's
gde ecosystems and,

fact, actually regenerwhat bas been lost

ugh neglecl or
use of nature's
ty. The bUIlding
s high level of visual
hermal comfort
n'Jn mal environ
I footprint and

part or




RETREAT (Resource Efficienr TERl Retreat for Environmental Awareness and Training) is TERI's vision realized-the vision of building a sustainable habitat, which is not just the first of its kind in this part of the world, but
also one that inspires many such habitats to be created in the future, Springing from TERl's deep-rooted commitment to every aspect of sustainable
development, RETREAT demonstrates effectively what a clear vision, sincerity of purpose, and sustained effort can accomplish ,
Rising Phoenix-like from a swampy, degraded wasteland, the 36-hectare
TERl campus at Gual Pahari, Gurgaon, today is a lush green, living and
throbbing habitat, where RETREAT holds a place of pride. RETREAT is a
pan ofTERI's Gual Pahari campus, about 30 km south of Delhi, in the
northern state of Haryana. Built as a model training complex, RETREAT
demonstrates efficient utilization of energy, sustainable, and integrated use of
both natural resource-s and dean and renewable energy technologies, and
efficient waste management,
Constructed over three years, and with a built-up area of 3000 m\ [his 30room training hostel boasts of conference facili ies for 100 people, dining
space and kitchen, recreational area, computer room, and a library, What
makes RETREAT unique is its toral independence of the city's grid system
and near-complete freedom from city services and infrastructure. Interestingly,
energy planning in the building has led to a reduced load of 96 kW (peak) from a
conventional 280 kW (peak), showing a saving of 184 kW (peak),
RETREAT is a combination of technology and architecture in a manner
that the beholder's understanding of the environment, energy, and buildings
deepens, An integrated design element, the solar passive architecture, renewable sources of energy, conventional and non-conventional heating and


RETREAT, Gurgaoll

cooling and energy-saving features-all stand out in an astonishing bl <the traditional and the modern.
Basically, three important things were considered in the creation of th
complex. Firstly, the functionality of the building, and trying to see h ow
energy is used in it. Secondly, the design of the complex minimizes demar_
of energy in the building by architectural intervention through passive c -cepts like solar orientation, latticework for shading, insulation, and lan d~::_
ing. Thirdly, the space-conditioning and lighting demands are met thro u:=energy-efficient systems whereas the electric energy demands are fulfille
renewable energy sources .

Passive designing for

load reduction

Various passive design concepts have resulted in reduction of space conditioning loads by 10%-15 %. Building envelope efficiency, which result in
lowering of space-conditioning loads, was achieved by adoption of variotL
passive techniques as listed below.
The roof is insula ted by using vermicuJi te concrete and China mosaic
white finish, Walls are insulated by using expanded polystyrene insulat i Part of the building is sunken into ground in order to take advantage of
ground storage and thus stabilize internal temperature.
Shading devices and fenestration have been adequately designed to cu t
summer sun and to let in winter sun.
Glare-free daylight has been adequately provided in the conference hall
library, and recreation hall through use of specially designed skylights.
Landscaping has been adequately designed so that wind directions are
favourably altered . Deciduous trees are used in the southern side of the
building to shade the building during summer. During winter, the trees
would shed their leaves thus letting in winter sun.
The building is oriented along the east-west axis so as to have maximum
exposure along north and south. Architecturally, the building is consciously freed from the confines of a strict orientation in order to demon strate that though energy-conscious architecture needs to be somewhat
oriented, the orientation need
....." ........
not be rigid and interesting
patterns can be formulated for
architectural purposes. In
RETREAT, the north block is
made slightly concave towards
the front, while the south block
forms a hybrid convex surface
f"f !l"lJ r rT[1" -,.
facing the winter sun . The
points of the south block
.. ..
-...broadly fall on the surface of
large imaginary cones that
generated the slightly free
geometry and this allows the
architecture to break away from
the grid iron approach that is
associated with 'solar architecture' normally.



Ensuring a
sustainable supply
of energy

TERI's Gual Pahari campus is

intended to serve as a model of
sustainable habitat based on new and
clean technologies. Therefore, it
makes full use of the most a.bundant

A. Schematic diagram shOWing use cf passive 50 a

architectural principles. use of rerewable ene g:
sources and waste and water management Ir ~


RETREAT, Gurgaon

source of energy, namely the sun, by tapping the sun's energy in different
ways, both directly and indirectly. Some of the innovative ways of tapping
solar energy and using energy more efficiently at RETREAT are (1) solar
water heater, (2) PV (photovoltaic) panels, (3) gasifier, (4) underground
earth tunnels, and (5) waste water recycling.

Solar water heater

An array of 24 so lar water heaters
forms a part of the parapet wall of
the living quarters. The system can
deliver up to 2000 litres of hot water
(at 65C) every day. In wimer,
when the days are short and the sun
less intense, gas derived from burning twigs, dry leaves, etc. serves as a
back-up source to heat the water.
The heat given off when the standby generator is running is also
collected and utilized in the solar
water heater, as a back-up source.

... South ~I ~w of the bt Ildtng showing solar water

heating panels and solar chimney

... The SLn is lhe pO ..... l!rlng

force of RETREAT. w,"ere
solar panels are used to
form a solar roof"

Photovoltaic-gasifier hybrid power plant

The building is powered by a PV-gasifier hybrid syStem. Firewood, dried
leaves, twigs, and crop residues after the harvest and such other forms of
biomass fuel the 50 kW gasifier. The 10. 7-kW (peak) roof-integrated PV
system generates power from solar energy. The power available from both the
gasifier and the systems is managed and controlled with the help of a building
management system. The excess power generated from the sources goes to


RETREAT, Gurgaon

charge the battery bank.

During the night, the loads
are met by the 900 amphours1240 V battery bank.
The external lights and water
pumps are powered by independenr stand-alone PV
MosT of the external lights
located oUtside the building
are powered by independent
panels. Each light has its own
pair of small PV panels
(roughly a metre wide and
half a metre tall) and is thus a
self-sufficient 'stand-alone'
unit. The water pump is also
powered by a PV panel.


The underground
earth tunnels

dUring the day

The living quarters (the south block) are mainrained at comfortable [emperatures (approximately between 20 DC and 30 DC) round [he year by
circulating nat" rally conditioned air using earth air tunnel system, supplemenred with a system of absorption chillers powered by LPG (liquefied
petroleum gas) in humid season and air-washer in dry summers. Underground structures are not exposed to the sun and thus do not heat up as
much. Secondly, the surrounding earth insulates them, which helps in maintaining a more or less constant temperature. Temperatures recorded at
roughly 4 m below the surface show that they are
stable and reflect the average annual temperature
of a place.
However, the cooler air underground needs to
be circulated in the living space. Each room in the
south block has a 'solar chimney'; warm air rises
and escapes through the chimne.y, which creates an
air current: the cooler air from the underground
tunnels rushes in to replace the warm air. Two
blowers installed in the tunnels speed up the
process. The same mechanism supplies warm air
from the tunnel during winter.

..... Pa lVe s ace.conjjtlOnlng uSing earl air

tunnel system


RETREAT. Gurgaon

Absorption chillers
A set of eco-friendly chillers, which run on LPG and require minimum
electric"ity, provide extra cooling when needed. LPG being a non-renewable
source of energy, efforts are under way to run the chillers on producer gas
generated by the wood-based gasifiers.
The conference centre, which accommodates up to 100 participants, is
conditioned by means of the ammonia-based absorption chilling.


RETREAT uses the energy-efficient compact fluorescent lamps in residential quarters, corridors, lobby, and toilets. Energy-efficient tubelights with
electronic chokes are used for conference halls, recreation room, computer
room, dining hall and in administration areas. The conference rooms enjoy
glare-free daylight through strategically placed skylights.
Time-based controls switch off lights at preset time. Key tag system is
installed in the rooms for energy conservation.

Waste management

Waste waler recycling by root zone system

Waste water from the RETREAT is recycled using the root zone technique. It
is a natural waste water treatment process based on aerobic and anaerobic
decomposition of the coments in the roots of the reeds (phragmytes) and microbial organisms. The process is natural, economical, and efficient and gives quality treated
water. This water is used for irrigation. The
entire area is proposed to have water harvesting
and watershed management.


Monitoring the system

" waste management system

The RETREAT building is an outcome of

TERI's relentless research in sustainable
building design. It is also an evolving experiment : the information gathered on how well
the building really performs under varying
ambient conditions - in winter and in summer, on bright days and on cloudy days, at
varying levels of occupancy, and so on - will
help design better systems, at Gual Pahari
and elsewhere. The elaborate, extensive, and
sensitive network of sensors, linked to a
central station, monitors every heartbeat of
the system 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The extensive building monitoring system
logs in all relevant temperature, humidity"
and power data. Thus, the facility is also a
first-rate source of immense quanriries of
scientific data that can power many more
experiments and indeed influence the design
of other such facilitie s the world over.


RETREAT, Gurgaon

Performance The wimer temperature in the rooms heated by solar gains and

ea r~

tunnel systems was recorded to be 22C (average night-time cond;

when the ambient temperature was about 10C. In the dry sum m :-of May, room temperature (in the rooms cooled by earth air tunn el _
bined with evaporative cooling system) of 28C (average daytime - 1,; with 45%-50 % relative humidity was recorded when the ambient te-;ture and relative humidity were 40 DC and 30% respectively. In the h ... summer months, room temperamre (in rooms cooled by earth air tun: _
supplemented by ammonia absorption chillers) of 30 C and 65 % rc __ humidity were recorded with the ambient condition being 38 C at -;relative humidity. The conference rooms cooled by ammonia abs orpt. chillers maintain an average temperature of 25 C at 55% relative hur:: ~
The building being only partially loaded as yet now consumes a ma. n:_
40 units of electricity per hour. The average units generated by the P\- '"
is 55 units per day on a sunny day.

Concl usion

A great de.al of thought and planning have gone into the construction 0:
RETREAT, but it is not just a facility: it is a concrete reaffirmation d TE
faith in its research and ofits commitment to sustainable developmentTERI's gift to humankind in the 21 st century.

Project details
Building/project name RETREAT (Resource EfficientTERI Retreat for Environmental Awareness and Training)
Site address Gual Pahari , Gu rgaon
Building type Institutional
Architects Sanjay Prakash and TERI
Contractors and system suppliers Confoss Constructions Pvt. Ltd (Civil) ; Janus Engineering Pvt. Ltd (Electrical) ; Pyrotech
Electronics Pvt. ltd (BMS); Suvidha Engineers India Ltd (HVAC); Shiva Furnishers (Interiors); Thermax (HVAC and Root zone sys ,, -'
Tata BP Solar (Solar Photovoltaics); Jain Irrigation (Solar hot water)
Year of start/ completion 1997-2000
Client/ owner Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi
Covered area 3000 m2
Cost of the project Civil works - Rs 23 .6 million ; Electrical works - Rs 2.5 million
Cost of various technologies Rs 18.54 million
Earth air tunnel
Solar chimney
10.7 kW Solar photovoltaic sysrem
Stand-alone PV slreetlighting system
Root zone system
Solar water h~ating system
Building management system
Ammonia absorption cooling system along with gas bank
Air-conditioning system (HVAC)
Total (cost oftechnologies)

Rs 1.68 million

Rs 0.28 million
Rs 7.40 million
Rs 0.28 million
Rs 0.85 million
Rs 0.25 million
Rs 2.30 million
Rs 2.40 million
Rs 18.54 million


RETREAT, Gurgaon

Design features

Orientation. insulation, and des ign of the building

Wall insulation with 40-mm thick expanded polystyrene and roof insulation using vermiculite concrete (vermiculite, a porous
material, is mixed with concrete to form a homogenous mix) topped with China mosaic for heat reflection.

Building oriented to face south fo r winter gains; summer gains offset using deciduous trees and shading.

South side partially sunk into the ground to reduce heat gains and losses.

East and west walls devoid of openings and are shaded .

Earth air tunnel for the south block

Four tunnels of 70-m length and 70-cm diameter each laid at a depth of 4 m below the ground to supply conditioned air to the

At a depth of 4 m below ground, temperature remains 26 DC (in Gurgaon) throughout the year.

Four fans of 2 hp each force the air in and solar chimneys force the air out of rooms.
Assisted cooling by air washer in dry summer and a 10 TR dehumidifier in monsoon.

4mmonia absorption chillers for the north block

Gas-based system with minimal electrical requirement (maximum 9 kW).

Chloroflurocarbon-free refrigerant (ammonia).

P'j-gasdier hybrid system

50 kW gasifier and 10.7 kWp solar photovoltaic

Generates producer gas (containing methane) which runs a diesel generating set with 70% diesel replacement.
1 unit of electricity produced needs 1 kg of biomass and 90 ml of diesel.

900 amp-hours batteries at 240 v.

36 kVA bi-directional inverter.

_o ad manager controls and manages loads

a /Jot water system

.:.,: solar water heating panels (inclined at 70 degrees instead of 45 degrees) integrated with parapet wall.

-6ntlng load 9 kW (reduced from a minimum of 28 kW in a conventional build ing).

g9-ing provided by compact fluorescent lamp, high efficiency fluorescent tubes with e!lectronic chokes.
_ e -lOg controls to reduce consumption (timers, key-tag systems) .
~o< a t i ve

daylighting by means of skylights.

ater management system by root lone system

:a~s vaste water (5 m3 /day) from toilets, kitchen, etc .
- '''.J of reed plants (phragmytes) treat the water and the output is used for irrigation.

- ,,: ants take up nutrients from the water and thrive on the same, in the process cleaning the water.

anagement system
- Y S building parameters (temperatures, humidity, consumption , etc.)

electricity generated from each source

. es on loa d-sharing and load-shedding to optimize energy usage

s at regular intervals


Temperature check
for Gurgaon

RETREAT, Gu rgaon







(see Appendi x IV)






Add the checks

Multiply by 8.33% for % of year








Water and Land Management Institute, Bhopal

Editor's remarks

The low-rise Institutional

b uilding, which merges
Ith the landform, has

Architect Sen Kapad ia

This landscraper is being built on the conviction of providing maximum
human comfort, without relying too much on conventional energy consuming system

sed simple yet innovave passive solar techIques to reduce space_..... '1 dltlonmg loads
tormly dayllt round

year and with

vourable orientation,
ding form , af1d
ailing, this building is
rque example of
cl imatic architecture


A vie" of the WALMI building. The flowing form overlooks a water body Wllich 11as t een used
to advantage for modification of the micro climate

W ALMI (Water and Land Management Institute) was established in

Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, under the central government aid, with a desire
increase the effectiveness of irrigation projects . The Institute conducts research and training programmes both in built facilities and on fields.


The site is located on a flat top hillock adjoining the Kaliasote dam just
15 km away from the new market. The si-e offers an undisrurbed view of (he
water body, down [he northern slopes and experimental farms , down southern slopes of this 30-m high hillock.

esign , materials,
an d techniques

WALMI is vieVv'ed largely as an environmental planning apparatus. The

Institute functions in a low profile but highly nature-sensitive atmosphere.
The life here is self-sufficient in work, recreation, living and socio-cultural
activities amidst lush landscape lhal at once provides natural beauty and
microclimatic control.

Planning and built form

The 230-m-Iong institutional building ofWALMI is planned as a
'Iandscraper' . If built vertically, it would be a 60-storey 'skyscraper'. The
building exploits the north-south orientation for user comfort. The WALMI


Water and Land Management Institu te , Bhopal


1 Classroom
2 Bridge
3 Cafe lounge
4 TOilets
5 Hydrolo&'llab
6 Computer room
7 Ubrary

. . Part plan of WALMI as <I 'Iandscraper Tile bUilding is oriented along east-west
nor tr and south

aXIs With

8 Courtyard

9 Snack bar
10 Audiovlsual room
11 Auditorium lobby

12 Auditorium
13 Faculty room
14 Store

maximum expusure on If e

administration and hostel buildings follow the contours of the hil on wh _

they sit, \ovhile the long horizontal plan ensures a rural character and sim ~
construction. This also affords all users to enjoy the landscape at a person_
level as opposed to gardens seen from a higher floor as a visual mass .
The long east-west axis determines an axial plan. As can be seen fro m
plan, tills provides an advantage of giving strategic locatjon for main buil ing; secondary location for hostels; and quiet, secluded area for resident ial
units, with area for expansion.
This master plan is integrated with landscaping plan to provide a < ha b i~
able landscape' rather than buildings, roads, and gardens. This is a new
heightened blend of architecture, nature, and people in cooperative exis tence. A large pan of the site has been developed as 'green zones' of indigenous trees that require minimal maintenance.
The plan envisage a:.
integrated development of indoor and outdoor spaces in total harmony WIL
the local landscape .
Usage of narural building materials and indigenous plants ensures appr _priate aesthetics.

Trees are planted primarily IO be effective for cooling, reducing the dust :u:glare, and acting as natural shields against hot and cold winds. Trees like in
ancient times provide inspirational contemplation spots .

Water as a microclimate modifier

Water has also been a central and sacred feature of human settlement since
Vedic period. The presence of water in the form of stream, cascades, and
pools is thus a significant element of the WALMI plan. Planning carefully
avoids European and Ntoghul traditions of vast sheets of formal reflective
stagnant water bodies. Instead, a moving water body is at once alive and free
from mosquitoes. Additionally, water within the campus make a meaningful
visual and physical dialogue with the reservoir of Kaliasote dam.
Water is pumped up from Kaliasore reservoir and stored in overhead water
tanks located on top of buildings . Cascading water is extensively used to


Water and Land Management Institute, Bhopal

plcal eet on sl10wlng

oSSlve solar features 01


North ..-r-.~~

1 Ground cover

2 Water sprinkler
3 Insulated roof
4 Shading trees
5 Water troug/1

provide coolam to air-conditioning plams, and for sprinklers provided on

rooftops. Eventually this water is recycled to landscaped zones. All this has
been detailed as a showcase for demonsrrarlon of a natural element. in true
harness and as an appropriate modifier of the microclimate. This along with
land formations effectively suggests creative interpretation of WA LM I.
The essent.ial elemen t of this project is the modular unit. The 25 x 7 metre
unit is developed for easy adaptability for research laboratories, library, and
administrative functions as it constitutes the main bulk of the built form. As
the Institute progresses, modular units will combine to generate a gently
curvilinear building that responds to the natural comours of the hiUock and a
spectacular view of the lake.

Pedestrian circulation is given prime importance in this plan. Meandering
pathways through different spaces aligned with flowering and fragrant shrubbery provide pleasant atmosphere while commuting to differem zones.


Deep and single-loaded corridor on the somh ensures cross-ventilation, and

ting, and roof avoids heat and glare in all rooms. Window openings are oriented on the

north side to allow abundant daylighting of all rooms.

Using natural materials, most areas of buildings are built with standardized elements such as lintels and storage units. Flooring employs local natural stones.
The building, largely located on the east-west axis, enjoys extensive north
exposure. This aIlows induced cross-ventilation and abundant narurallight
without any heat gain, as west side exposure is minimized and the roof is also
insulated. This helps energy savings by reducing electrical consumption for
lights and fans. Rooftops are fitted with water sprinklers that cool through
evaporation. The roof is also insulated with 2 .5-cm layer of thermocole over
RCC (reinforced cement concrete) shell and topped with stone tiles. Appropriate trees are placed judiciously to cut the glare and heat gain, while builtin desert coolers ensure pleasant environment at a reduced energy use.


The sprinkler ystem

Water and Land Management Institute, Bhopal

IS ~

Int ~rated with the roo ThiS

reci lices he t gain by
Rvaporatlve cooling (lu ring dry


All passive systems are self-induced solutions based on ongoing clinical

research. The building has been designed to be cooler by 10 C with refere.. ~_
to ambient eXlernal temperature. The aim is to provide effective human
comfort and reduced load on air-conditioning.


Electrical supply
Although electricity will be supplied at the site, investigating the use of
photovoltaic based local generation of power is recommended. Buildings art
planned to virtually eliminate electric lights during daytime .

Sewage management
There is no municipal disposal on site and this is being managed by the two
gobar gas plants. These plants not only effectively manage waste disposal but
also yield fertilizers and methane gas.

Performance The architect does not have any performance data of the building. However,
the architect feels that bioclimatic consideration of the building design along
with thoughtful incorporation of passive measures would ensure thermal and
visual comfort in the building round the year with minimal energy usage.


Taking advantage of a unique site, away from constraints of a city, a master

plan ofWALMI is created as a special but appropriate material embodiment
of an institute's desire to harness bounties of nature.
Plan and architectural details vastly differ from conventional plans, only to
economize the expenses and create harmony with nature. As an extension of the
sponsor's - the EPCO (Environmental Planning and Co-ordination Organization) - desire to create exemplary architecture, the WALMI plan strives to
answer physical needs with creative integration of planning, landscaping, and
appropriate technology. When applied in lOtality, the resultant cost-effectiveness and its aesthetic value are a natural consequence in this passive solar
archi tecture.


Water and Land Management Institute. Bhopal

Proj ect det ails

Project name Water and Land Managemenllnstitute. Bhopal
Building type Institutional
Architect Sen Kapadia
Year of start/completion 1983-87
Climate Composite
Built-up area 10 800 m2 (when fully constructed)
Owner Water and Land Management Institute. Bhopal

Design featu res

The building is oriented along the east-west axis to have north-south exposure. This reduces
solar gain as well as glare, Simultaneously. there is maximum advantage of natural

Use of high bulk local stone walling adds to thermal mass.

Adjoining areas with soft ground cover and drip irrigation avoid all reflected heat and glare

The rootis insulated with 2.5-cm layer ofthermocole over Rec shelll and topped with slone

On the lower floor, the air is admitted through a built-in trough of water ensuring higher

tiles, Additional water sprinklers on the roof allow cooling through evaporation
humidity and coolth during dry hot summer months

The surroundings are suffused with dense planting of evergreens and water bodies

Baptist Church, Chandigarh

Editor's remarks

1 his religious building,

located In Chandlgarh,

Architects Surinder Bahga and Yashinder Bahga

An environment-responsive design attitude specific
opposed to western inspired hybrids

to local culture

has been designed in

response to the climate.
Several solar passive
measures have been used
to reduce Its energy

demand .

T he Baptist Church, Chandigarh, represenrs an environmenr-respon:,~ _

design attitude specific to the region and local culture and is opposed
to the western inspired hybrids. The Church building has an identity o f : ~
own and stands out amidst box-type architecture of nearby housing
colonies .

... A south -wes- view of the Baptist Church . Chane loarh

Building has been designed within a fixed volume of 11.3 x 32 x 11 m

and several other strict by-laws of Chandigarh Administration . Entrance
verandah, prayer hall for 250 persons, musical rehearsal hall, stores, and
toilets are in the ground floor. The first floor houses a seating balcony for
100 persons, office, priest's residence, baptism tank, and changing room .
The second floor comprises a fellowship hall, office, library, toilets, and a
guest accommodation.

Design materials
and methods of

Various measures were taken while designing the building to make it energy
conserving. An integrated approach for bOth the economic and physical
parameters resulted in evolurion of building form, which by itself helped in
minimizing the quantum of energy used in construction, maintenance, and


Baptist Church, Chandigarh

Materials and finish

Heat gains are prevented by providing cavity walls in the north-east and
south-west. Minimum use of glass, provision of cavity walls, and whitepainted barrel vaults in roof, which reflect sun rays, contribute a lot in
maintaining cool and comfortable interiors in summer. The external surface
has been plastered with 2-cm thick layer of white chips mixed with white
cement and ordinary portland cement for adding reflectivity to the roof.

A number of Ashoka (Polj)althia conglfolia) trees on the site boundaries
considerably modify the microclimate and provide shading.

Day/ighting and cross-ventilation

Lighting and ventilation, if well
planned, contribute to the quality of
life by increasing comfort, safety, and
performance. Fenestrations are
planned to ensure good cross-ventilation which helped in reducing the load
on cooling devices in summer. The
cool air that enters from the lower
windows becomes warm and exits
from top, maintaining airflow. Windows are deeply recessed in the walls
to provide adequate shading from
direct sunlight. Natural light is provided to all spaces as far as possible.
So no artificial lighting is required
during the day. Interiors are plastered
and painted white to get better reflectivity. Energy-efficient lighting equipment are provided to minimize energy

coloured finishes on the walls and roof, deep recessed

ows are some of solar passive measures adopted in this
ch bUlldi1lg


Baptist Church, Chandigarh

Section A-A

-..,... ...


...... ; ,
: ,,'



: '

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_'. __.. .. ----.----.- ..... _-- 1 .-_.0

-.......... .
Fellowship hall

~_..Jf\,-_ _~



'j .~





_ _

_ _ __ _ __ _

...... ..... _--,'........._--_._----

? ~:



Second floor

First floor


Ground floor




A diagram showing plan and secliolls of the bUilding

The building remains cool during summers and is able to provide thermal
comfort condition without the need for additional air-conditioning. Adequate cross-ventilation is ensured and fans provide the desirable comfort
conditions. The building is welI lit round the day and eliminates use of
artificial lighting during daytime.
Five per cent of the total project COST was incurred additionally in order
to incorporate energy-efficiency measures.


Baptist Church, Chandigarh

Project details

Design features

Building/project name Baptist Church

Site address Sector 44-C, Chandigarh

Building type Religious

Climate Composite
Architects Surinder Bahga and Yashinder Bahga

Year of start/completion 1987-1989

Client/owner North-West Indian Baptist Association,
Plot area 755 m2
Covered area 900 m2

Cavity walls on the north-east and south-west minimize

heat gains.
Strategically located trees provide shading and modify
micro climate.
Deep recessed windows cut direct solar gains.
Light-coloured finish of walls and roof reflects heat.
Proper fenestration design ensures natural lighting and
adequate cross-ventilation.
Optimized use of glazed surfaces minimizes heat gains.
Use of lighting eqUipment that are energy-efficient.

Solar Energy Centre, Gual Pahari , Gurgaon

Editor's remarks ~




lV\;, 1"1

Architect Vi nod Gupta

Demonstration of passive and active solar systems and use of inn
fenestration design to achieve thermal and visual comfort







o mall,te~a 1 e probth rool ev p' r ttve


Img sy')terr WhK

des'gned a prnvtd

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c! till I ad t higher
r ,du..J t mpera1u (
") vir

11Il? I

eq' at

H igh quantity of energy is consumed for providing lighting, ventila:

and thermal comfon in buildings. By proper planning and design, the
teet has made it possible to reduce, and in some cases totally elimi naenergy wastage in lighting and space conditioning. The buildings of . _
(Solar Energy Centre) have been designed to make full use of on-site c
for providing environmental comfort. The complex is located in th e c
ite climate of Gurgaon, about 35 km south of Delhi. The buildings in r:
complex has been divided into three groups.
The technical and administration block comprising administration, lib. ~
cafeteria, laboratories and resting areas, and (he solar simulator section
Workshop building and electric sub-station, etc.
The guest house building.

1 AdminiSIraUon
2 labs
3 Equipment room
4 Auditorium
5 Couriyard
6 Meeting room
8 Officer
9 Computer
10 Future expansion
11 Solar simulator hall
12 Raw material
13 Store
14 Finished goods
15 Design section
16 Office
17 Prototype worl<shop

Technical and
blocks: materials,
methods, and

Passive solar features

Roof and wall treatment
This double-stOrey research centre is located in a suburban setting measuring about 200 acres. The site constraints being minimal, the architect had
freedom to determine an appropriac.e form and, rherefore, the building was
conceived as a low spread-our structure, arranged around courtyards,


Solar Energy Centre, Gual Pahari, Gurgaon

maximizing the use of a roof surface evaporative cooling system with automatic controls. For comfort
cooling, the straregy used was to reduce ingress of heat
by using hollow, concrete block walls, properly shaded
windows, and a reflective finish on the roof surface.

. . A view of workshop building

Windows for daylighting

Special, openable louvred shutters were designed for
[he east- and west-facing windows . Aluminium windows were used in preference to steel windows as this
gives tighter fitting windows with lesser infiltration.
The windows were split into two parts, one located at
the normal height and the other just below the vaulL
The lower windows provide ventilation and view and
some daylighting close to the window. The upper windows ensure daylighting
deep inside the work space even if partitioned . To provide dayl ighting in all
work areas, and to ensure that artificial lights are nor used during daytime, all
deeper office rooms have been provided with windows
on two different sides. This provides better disrriburion of daylight and
eliminates contrasting illumination levels. The windows have been properly
shaded to reduce glare from the sky.

Typical cross-section of workshop block

Section through mezzanine and workShop


Singly loaded


Earth berm

Section through courtyards, administration and technical blocks

Lou.res on
south window
Louvres on .)E/ Wwindow


Jute matting and spnnkler

~-+--+++t-HOliow concrete



Technical block

Section through building block, administration and technical block

... A section of the technical and administration blocks showing detail of ventilation and dayllghtlng and
roof evaporative coolin system

This is a group of buildings primarily for day use. Most of the SEC staff
work here and thermal comfort is hence an important issue. Some of these
buildings also house special laboratory equipment and computers requiring
humidity and temperature control. The design strategy for these buildings
has been carefully chalked out.
For the winters, all rooms have been provided with windows so that they
would receive sunlight for at least half the day. The monsoon season merits
special consideration, as evaporative cooling does not work during this
period. In these buildings, cross-ventilation has been provided in allrhe


Solar Energy Centre, Glial Pahari, Gurgaon

Mechanical air-conditioning has been provided for special equip men: only. The roofs of such rooms have been specially insulated to reduce - _
cooling load on the air-conditioning plant.

Artificial lighting
F lu orescent lights, which consume only a third of the energy cons u me.: ordinary incandescem lamps, have been provided in all the office are a:
These would be used only in the evenings and on especially dark day

Workshop building

Passive solar features

Ventilation and daylighting

SectIOn of the ~
workshop building
use of natural
lighting and

T hese buildings will house more machines and few humans. Since a greadeal of heat would be generated within the building itself, the building cr
section is designed to facilitate removal of warm air. Permanent ventil at -:have been placed on the south side, the roof is insulated and two-level wi!:dows have been provided for good ventilation. To prevent heat gain throu;
the roof, it has been given a
reflective white finish . The
White reflective
emire building is daylit and ,.
tiled roof
artificial lighting would b e
required during normal wor' ~
hours. This building has an
interesting system of
Typical cross-section
daylighting. The building h a. _
stepped cross-section with a
reflective finish on the roof
surfaces. Daylight is reflecte d
from the lower roofs into th e
building providing glare-free
even lighting. The drawing
offices have deeply recess ed
SecUon through mezzanine
windows with baffles, which c
out glare.

The workshop bUIld ing is ~

dayli t using innovative
window design


Guest house
bu ilding

Solar Energy Centre, Gual Pahari, Gurgaon

Although this was the first building to be completed in the campus of the
SEC, it has been put to use sparingly.

of the guest 110use showing ~

predominant nortl1-soutl1
onentation of the rooms

Passi ve solar featur es

Ile guest house

g earth-bermmg, rooi
o ar Ingress, roof

solar water heaters

Earth berming
The south slope facing an artificial water body was chosen for this building.
It has a white painted reflective finish on the exterior and is mainly oriented
to 20 degrees east of south. Earth shelter is the main cooling system and [he
guest rooms are partially sunk into the ground. The roof has a terrace garden,
which is watered during the summer months facilitating evaporative cooling.
A special section is used to ensure cross-ventilation of each guest room.
Specially designed windows for winter heating
Windows are provided with an arched sunshade, which allows
the winter sun to come in even through the top part of the
glazing. The windows have been designed to reduce infiltration of ours ide air.
Solar water heating
Solar water heaters integrated with the architectural design
have been provided for each toiler. They have been deliberately placed in a highly visible location so that their state of



-1-~~" 1\~

_ Y


A '/lew of the Solar Energy Centre guest house, which 15 partially ea(th-bermed .
The solar watel heaters form an Integral part 01 tile bUilding


Solar Energy Centre, Gual Pahari, Gurgaon

disrepair (dust accumulation, leaks, and breakages) can be mo nito:-_.:

Back-up water heating is provided in the form of an outline ele ctric ::_
located inside the [Oiler and not as a heating element built into the ~
tank. The latter is a waste of electrical energy. A sunny terrace for 0.2.:cooking has been provided near the kitchen.
This building will be used at all times of the day and comfort reql!l:-__
a higher order. Because of the variety of activities in it, the energy c o~ __
tion potential is the greatest in this building. Since this building woU:.:
be used at night, extremely efficient artificial lighting has been pro\- id .:.
Bedrooms are equipped with small discharge lamps, while fluoresc en: =have been used at all other places . No air-coolers or air-conditione r 1':2 .
been used here.

Project details

Guest house

Site 200 acres of land in Gurgaon

Climate Composite
Building types Institutionalj residential

Architect Vinod Gupta

Building/project name Solar Energy Centre
Year of start/comoletion 1984-1990
Client/owner Solar Energy Centre, Government of India
Covered area 6943 m2
Cost of the project Rs 15.5 million (excluding cost of
renewable energy technologies)

Design features

Built on the south slope of an undulating site, and

partially earth-bermed from three sides. Ground
coupling is an effective means of improving the indoor
thermal com fort.
Terrace garden is watered during the summer months.
The evaporation of water modifies the microclimate
and also absorbs a major part of the cooling load in
A special section of the roof provided with manuallydriven ventilators to ensure cross-ventilation of each
guest suite.

External surfaces of the building finished with white

reflective pa int to reduce the absorption of the
incident sola radiation on the exposed portions of the
vertical walls.

Hollow concrete block walls to reduce heat gains
Properly designed windOWS and shading devices
Provision for rooftop evaporative cooling

Windows pro ected by arched sunshades (overhangs

and sidewalls) of predetermined dimensions to avoid
the entry of direct sunlight into the building during
summer, but to allow it during the winters .

Insulation for air-conditioned blocks

Techn ical and administrative block

Courtyard plan ning with single-loaded corridors for

ventilation anc landscaped courtyard to modify

Workshop building

Building section developed for ventilation and


Heat gain by the roof minimized by insulation and

reflective roof finishes

Solar water heaters integrated with the architectural

design have been provided for each bathroom.
A sunny terrace provided near the kitchen to facilitate
solar cooking.


Temperature check
for Gurgaon

Solar Energy Centre, Gual Pahari , Gurgaon








(see Appendi x IV)








Add the checks

Multiply by 8.33% for % of year






National Media Centre Co-operative Housing

Scheme, Gurgaon
Editor's remarks
I. la

I sp.nSII!' b

m fu

h . u'lng


Architect Vinod Gupta

Aims to achieve resource conservation in a group housing SOCiety with
varying requirements and finances

letv with 180

dwellmf,s each having

varytng reqlJlrements

and finances Innovative

waste d 1d Nater manage-

ment techniques are

employed to achieve


C o-operative housing societies in Delhi suffer from many problems. T h -~

have to be designed within the limits imposed by the zoning regulation ,
which prescribe the total built area and the ground coverage . When these
are combined with fire regulations, they result in a very inflexible and uni nteresting development. The alternative to group housing is plotted devel o ment, which starts and ends with a layout plan within which house owners
build according to their needs and designs .The result is lack of architectur
coherence and an excessive emphasis on individual buildings at the expens
of overall environment. However, there are traditional examples of urban
design that allow for individuality within an overall design framework like i
the old city of Jaipur where buildings retain their identity withom damaging
the context.

A view of the group housing ....

from the approacll road ,..

Th e how:;ing scheme for the NMC (National Media Centre) at Gurgaon

consists of 180 houses. The members are journalists, artists, medical practitioners, and teachers. The project began as a group housing scheme that was
later converted to plotted housing, which created an unusual situation where
members wanted all the advantages of a group housing scheme in the plotted
development. All NMC members wanted complete houses and not just plots,
even though their requirements and finances varied considerably. There were
those who wanted a very small unit of 70 m 2 while others were not satisfied
with 300 ro 2 This called for a system of design and construction where
individual requirements could be accommodated.



Ise IS q Ipped with ~

' f hl'llIlPY \ he;re
Vi:lpOlatlvt: cnoler

r d t>y


National Med ia Centre Co-operative Housing Scheme, Gurgaon

Perhaps the most interesting part of the

scheme is the separation between pedestrian and
vehicuJar traffic. The ring road is designed for
cars and car parking and the houses themselves
are approached from cul-de-sac roads. This
has resulted in a very safe environment for
young children while allowing vehicular
access [Q every house.

,"1m I luctln!;

n Ire hall e 15 CJuled

Apart from the attempt at creating houses
suited to the individual owner's needs, the
project addresses several other problems.
The houses are designed to be thermally
comfortable and energy efficient. Roofs are insulaced
with earthen pots laid in mud phuska. The buildings are oriented along the
favourable north-south axis but with sufficient variation so as to avoid
monotony. Windows are protected with appropriately designed sunshades
and west-facing walls are shaded by trees. Every house has a sunny and a
shaded side for winter and summer use.
Each house is equipped with a chimney
where an evaporative cooler can be fined with
very little ducting; it is possible for tbe entire
house to be cooled by the cooler. All houses
have plumbing for fitting solar water heaters.
There is no municipal water supply in the
area and all colonies depend upon tube wells
for their water supply. The underground water
table is threatened by overuse and poor recharge. Buildings and roads surfaces do not
allow rainwater to percolate into the ground .
At NMC the impervious hard paved areas have
been minimized. Parking areas and service
lanes are paved with open jointed bricks which

U I,

or'leL ed til foe

rhe arouod


National Media Centre Co-operative Housing Scheme, Gurgaon

allow percolation, To compensate for the buildings and the roads, the per
tion capacity of the green areas has been enhanced by providing a series of \._
pits connected to the drainage system. This system of rainwater harvesting :
effective that most of the rainwater is absorbed within the site and even afte .,
heavy downpour there is little outflow from the colony. It is hoped that this
system will preserve the underground water supply of the colony.
In the absence of a system of municipal garbage collection, garbage d l>
posal poses a challenge. A place has been provided for vermiculture wh er
the garbage from the colony is deposited . It is hoped that the residents \\;.
put into a place a system of sorting garbage into biodegradable and non biodegradable materials within the house itself.
The power supply in the area is erratic and a standby source of power
supply is needed . The wiring in each house has been done in a manner thamakes the installation of an inverter easy.
Maintenance of open spaces in housing is a problem because these ar
public spaces) highly susceptible to encroachment. This is easily resolve d !;
this scheme by planning them such that they remain private and accessibl
the residents only.

User feedback The houses are thermally comfortable and users do not have to use fans ri ..
mid-April when the mean ambient temperature is around 25 DC, the max!mum day temperature being about 35C .



Project details
Project description This cooperative housing project consists of 180 houses on individual
plots. The prOject attempts at creating houses suited to the needs of the individual owner.
Location Gurgaon
Owner National Media Centre Co-operative Housing Society Ltd
Climate Composite
Design team Vinod Gupta, L P Singh, Anita Narula, Harvinder Singh, Alka Arora
Co nsulta nts
Structural Kirti Consultants
Plumbing R K Gupta & Associates
Built-up area 35000 m2

Electrical Electrical Consulting Engineers

Landscape Parivartan
Project cost Rs 170 million

Complerion 1996

Design features

Choice in housing where people's requirements are matched to their house plans
Houses designed to be thermally comfortable and energy-efficient
Roofs insulated with earthen pots laid in mud phuska
Eaeh house equipped with a solar ch imney where a single evaporative cooler can be fitted
by minimal dueting, the entire house can be cooled
All houses provided with plumbing for fitting solar water heaters
Garbage to be sorted within the house into biodegradable and non-biodegradable matter
and the organic matter is to be composted by vermiculture and the inorganic matter sold
The wiring in each house has been done such that an inverter can be easily installed
Installed renewable energy systems and waste management techniques include rainwater
harvesting, solid waste recycli ng. and solar water heating


National Media Centre Co-operative Housing Scheme, Gurgaon


Temperature check
for Gurgaon





(see Appendix IV)







Add the checks

Multiply by 8.33% for % of year







American Institute of Indian Studies, Gurgaon

Editor's remarks ~
With an Impression of a
small single-storeyed

Architect Vinod Gupta

Ethos of traditional Indian architecture reflected in the design of a modern
building to achieve energy efficiency and environment-friendliness

structure from outside ,

the building opens up
Into a series of functiona I courtyards,
gardens, pavilions,
which have been traditionally used as climate
modifiers in Indian
architecture. Earth
berming, proper orientation, and fenestration

T he AilS (American Institute of Indian Studies) is a cons onium of American universities that provides scholars with facilities for research in Indian
art, architecture, and music. The new building houses the administrative
offices of the Institute and the research facilities, archives, and libraries of tb
Centre for An and Archeology and the Centre for Ethnomusicology_ From
the ourset, the building was planned to be energy-conserving and environment-friendly.

design are a few ~assive

solar techniques used to
reduce air-conditioning
loads. Innovative spaceconditioning techniques
and use of renewable
energy systems further
reduce the pressure on
grid electricity.

... With an exposed brick finish , the bUilding has staggered walls and the walls proVide mutual
shading . The building has an appearance of a small single-storeyed structure from the
outside and holds the visitors by surprise as one travels across the Interior spaces

The concept-fusion
of traditional
architecture with

One of the differences between traditional Indian architecture and

European-style buildings is in the diversity of functional spaces that an
Indian building provides in the form of gardens, courts, verandahs,
pavilions, and passages in addition to the normal enclosed rooms. In
contemporary Indian architecture, these elements are often used merely
for their formal effect. Non-functional chhalris in air-conditioned buildings top the list of misused architectural forms. Open and partially
covered or enclosed spaces are of special significance in traditional
Indian architecture. Gardens, courtyards, pavilions, and verandahs
allow people to be comfortable at those times when they don't feel the
same in the fully enclosed rooms. The AIlS building follows this tradition of using spaces with different thermal characteristics.


American .Institute of Indian Studies, Gurgaon

...... Section of building showing partial sinking of the building into the ground to take advantage of the
thermal storage capacity of the earth

Passive solar

Courtyard planning and terrace garden

As the AIlS was set up to conserve Indian art, architecture, and music, the
building design refers to traditional Indian way of building without trying to
be monumental. From outside, the building appears to be a small singlestoreyed structure . As cine moves in from the lobby, the building opens up to
reveal two sunken courtyards with vegetation and water. The sunken courtyards provide an element of surprise to the visitOr and bring adequate daylight
into all areas of the building including the basement and are designed for holding small meetings in summer. The architect has attempted to restOre to the
courtyard its original function of being an internal climate
modifier rather than being simply a light well.
The terrace garden with its modern pavilions is suitable
for larger gatherings, which usually take place in winter.
The breezy central verandah is ideally suited for the
monsoon period. The first court is ornamental with a
water pool and fountain while the second one has plants
and sitting areas. The diagonal placement of two courtyards, with the second one being open-ended, has immensely increased the air circulation within the building.

Earth contact

: : as a climate modifier and daylight

_ ;; the spaces

Studies in various parts of the world have shown that

the feeling of comfort or discomfort depends on people's expectations much as it depends upon the actual
indoor temperature . So it was desirable to have the feel
of a naturally cooled building with evaporative cooling
installed as an extra rather than the feel of a fully enclosed modern building in which the air-conditioning is
yet to be installed. Since it is difficult to cool a multistoreyed building by passive solar techniques, in the
new design, the building was limited to basement and
ground floors. The workspaces are arranged around
(wo sunken courtyards with water and plantation.
The passages around the courtyards form a thermal
transition zone between the outdoor temperature and
the controlled indoor temperature, modulating people's


American Institute of Indian Studies, Gurgaon

expectation of thermal com fan as they move from one space to another. :building form emulates [he peaceful internal environment of a tradition
courtyard building while maintaining the modern standards for natu ral
lighting and ventilation.
The archives have to be maintained at a temperature of 18 degrees an .
need to be air-conditioned anyway. Some of the associated technical area"
require air-conditioning. To reduce the cooling load, these special area a::
the libraries are located in the basement. The work areas located at the gr :o_
floor are protected by specially insulated (expanded polyethylene) extern a
walls and cooled by a terrace garden .

The building fa~ade is staggered at 45 degrees to the site boundary which
allows north- south orientation for the windows thus reducing heat gain
through windows.

Building plan hawing

walls angled at 45
degrees to the site

boundary. which
allows north-south
OrientatIOn for tile
walls thus reducing
heat gain through

Fenestration and shading

The windows have adequate sun-shading to reduce direct solar gains. On the
east-west faces, small slit-like openings are filled with glass brick to let in light
without heat and to improve the distribution of light within the room. L ight
shelves, in the form of white ceramic tiled surfaces, on top of the sunshades
and below the ventilator, increase light penetration into the interiors by
reflecting the external light on to the ceiling. Long Corbusian louvred slits on
the internal wall of the director's room increase air circulation and light. All
these devices ensure that no anificiallight is needed during the day.

Water heating Solar water heating for 250 littes per day has been provided for in the cafeteria
and the staff quaners.

Innovative space Gurgaon has a composite climate like that of Delhi and evaporative aircooling concept cooling is effective only for about two months in a year. In this climate, passive
solar architecture cannot provide the kind of thermal comfort that air-conditioning does. When the initial design of the building was costed, the estimated


American Institute of Indian Studies. Gurgaon

cost ofRs 30 million rupees exceeded the financial resources of the Institute
by a factor of two. By red ucing rhe built areas, it was possible to reduce the
cost to Rs 25 million rupees and no further. To build the area required within
the available money required drastic changes in design and this is where
energy-saving techniques were found to be useful.
It was found that air-conditioning was a major cost element not only as
direct capital cost of air-conditioning plant, but also as the cost of electrical
sub-station equipment, generators for standby power, and the built-up space
required for the air-conditioning plant, and electrical equipment. It was
calculated that if air-conditioning was replaced by evaporative air-cooling,
the total connected power load of the building could be reduced to about
60 kW. At this level of power demand, the electrical sub-station would not be
required and a small generator would suffice for the standby power requirements. The cost of (he entire project could then be reduced to less than
Rs 20 million rupees. However, the change to air-cooling, which adds humidity, is not generally acceptable for archives unless some special measures
are adopted. Therefore, a combination of both passive solar architecture and
a special two-stage evaporative cooling was adopted .
The first stage provides normal direct evaporative cooling in which air is
cooled by addition of moisture. In the second stage, air is cooled indirectly by
passing it over a heat exchanger carrying cooled water, without (he addition
of humidity. By controlling the operation of these two stages, it is possible to
achieve cooling with some degree of humidity control. Ducts carrying cooled
air run over the passages around the courtyards and blow cooled air into the
work areas.

- aditional flavour to

The traditional flavour of the building continues in the interior design also.
The teakwood furniture looks traditional but is designed for use with computers. Traditional crafts are visible everywhere. Terracotta relief done by a
master craftsman have been used as decorative elements in the courts. Textiles from various parts ofIndia have been used as decorations. The decorative mOIifs used in the flooring, the railings, and in some of the furniture are
all derived from traditional Indian designs . Even the large sand-cast relief of
the sun god, created by P Daroz, a modern artist, has the appearance of
traditional crafts. The building is finished with exposed brick of terra cotta
colour interspersed with beige firebricks. The domes over the entrances are
clad with green and black glass mosaic.

Post construction The archives, libraries, conference areas, and some of the office areas needed
scenario and air-conditioning for maintaining temperatUre and humidity round the year.
performance However, the loads of these areas have been substantially reduced by carefully locating these areas in the basemen[ or by providing sufficient insulation .
The building uses directlindirect evaporative cooling system for dry
summer (excepting in the archives where air-conditioning is used round the
year) and switches over to air-conditioning partially (about 60% of the area
has provision for air-conditioning) during humid summers. The building is
primarily a day-use building with a five-day working week, with the archival
spaces air-conditioned throughout day and night all round the year. The
(Otal installed capacity of the building is now 139 kVa. The building consumes about 12 500 units of electricity per month during peak summers and
7500 units of electricity per month during peak winters. \X'elliit round the
year, the building rarely uses artificial lights during daytime and the unconditioned spaces are also comfortable round the year, according to the occupants of the building .


American In stitute of Indian Studies, Gurgaon


. / "' .




.- ,..

Design features

Project details
The AilS is a consortium of American universities that
provides facilities for research in Ind ian art, arch itecture,

Build ing fa<;ade staggered at 45 degrees to the site

boundary allows north-south orientation for the windows

and music

thus reducing heat gain,through windows

Adequate shading for north-south windows to reducE direct
solar gains, Small slit-like openi ngs on the east-west faces ,

Building type Institutional

Location Gurgaon
Climate Composite
Architects Vinod Gupta, L P Singh, Amrita Sharma, Koheli
Banerjee of Space Design Associates, New Delhi
Floor area 1500 m2
Year of completion 1998
Cost Rs 20 million

filled with glass brick to let in light without heat and to

improve the distribution of light within the room
Light shelves, in the form ot white ceramic tiled surfaces, on
top of the sunshades and below the ventilator to increase
light penetration into the interiors by reflecting the external
light on to the cei ling
Courtyards as microcli mate modifier and for daylighti ng

Structure YNDiwan
Mechanical Gupta Consultants
Elecrical Engineering Consulting Services
Plumbing R K Gupta
Landscape Kavita Ahuja

Roof garden over the work areas to reduce space-cond itioning loads
Expanded polyethylene as wall insulation for external walls
Earth shelter moderates internal temperatures
Two-stage evapor& tive ai r-cool i ng for su mmer with mi nimum air-conditioning fOf the critical areas requ iring

Main contractor Parshotamsol1s Construction

Furniture Sharma Construction

Temperature check
for Gurgaon


::;1' --./._.=:.


humidity control
Solar water heating in the cafeteria and the staff quarters






(see Appendi x IV)









Add the checks

Multiply by 8,33% for % of year






Indian Institute of Health Management Research,

Editor's remarks

An architectural expression Insp ired by the

traditional al ts and

Architect Ashok B Lall

Expressions to seek modernity in an evolving traditional culture and to
express dignity and richness through deployment of very simple, energyefficient and economical means

crafts of Jalpur, the

bUilding maximizes use

of local resources to
effect economies in
costs on the one hand,

and reduces transportation energy on the other

Use of passive architec-

tural principles sUitable

tor hot, dry climate of
Rajasthan further adds
o energy efficiency.

T he building of the IIHMR (Indian Institme of Health Management

Research) in ]aipur has been inspired by the traditional arts and crafts ofthe
city. The architectural vocabulary is derived from the use of a variety of
stones for masonry, paving, coping, flooring, and pergolas in conjunction
with slender precast concrete elements.
Located near the airport at Sanganer on the outer reaches of ]aipur, this
Institme, the only one of its kind in India, is devoted to research and training
in the management of health systems. The IIHMR project was the winning
design entry of a closed competition held in 1988.

..... Entrance forecourt with fountain The fountain acts as a modifier of

micre climate and moderates ambient conditions in the hot dry climate of Jaipur

Site planning The natural topography ofthe land provided the rationale for the site planning of the institutional and residential components. The seasonal drainage
channel was visualized as a leisure valley. Courtyards and terraces were to
ride the slopes and retain continuity with the land beyond the site. Low-lying
and less water-starved land was to become parkland and [he residential and
institutional buildings were placed across it. The leisure valley was thought of
as the primary focus for informal interaction for the entire community with


Indian Institute of Health Management Research. Jaipur

1 Court
2 Scholars' garden
3 Causeway
4 Electric substation
5 Monsoon water course
6 Academic block
7 Hostel block
8 Dining

...... A s>nes olllw>rlinked courtyards Illlhe IIHMR COlllpact planning with a senes of Interlinked COlli
understood langllage to convey the 30\;lal and ftJnctlOnal :>!Illcture ,,,!thln [he cilmpu~ commun t

provides a W II

stepped ghats, shade, and flowers. A bridge at the centre of the site crosses
the valley between the two sers of buildings, while a causeway at the eastern
edge of the valley acts as a dam to impound rainwater. This helps in recharging the water table apart from adding (0 the environmental character of the

Courtyard planning of individual clusters

A second characteristic element-was the compact planning of the buildings
around linked courts. The nature of these couns resulted from an analysis of
the primary activities of the Institute, which were seen (0 consist of study and
interaction. It was by structuring these tWO activities into a programme of
work that (he lnstiture's further objectives of research, training, and dissemination are served.
In the competition scheme, the courts were planned with their own inclividual characters. A study court forming a community of scholars links to a
college co un expressing interaction (lectures, workshops, etc.) within the
Institute by encouraging contact between various groups. This, in turn, was
to be linked to a public court formed Out of the spaces where the Institute
communicates with the world at large through exhibitions, films, conferences, and the like.


Indian Institute of Health Management Research, Jaipur

Precast chajja

op hung window
.....ith friction hinge
for cool air ouliet
and for air~4l n ditioners where
called for


Demountable cabinets

Faculty court - typical wing

Blue precast lerra120

plank as permanent
Ochre IPS floor and

The ventilator below the Window

sill serves a dual purpose: It is an
~ adjust ble outl et for the air that
~ is distributed to each space by
the ev par tiv cooling system
and can also house a window airconditIOning unit without

blocking out light and view

RCC pipe corner post

Precast concrete jali

Typical hostel room for junior trainees

As it happened, the requirements were greatly curtailed. The courts were

reworked as a 'faculty court', which brings together research and administrative functions, and an 'academic court' around which the training functions
are organized_ Further reductions in area led 10 only three sides of the court
being taken up as Phase I.
Each residential courtyard expre.sses a community. The two hostel courts
planned so far provide accommodation for long-rerm trainees around one,
and for visiting faculty and senior training participants around the other. The
trainees' hostel accommodation is in the form of flats. In each flat, three
small study-cum-bedrooms share a common lounge and toilet facilities.
The organization of the faculty court allows a modular variation in rhe size
and number of the rooms with removable partitions_ Similarly, the classroom
spaces in the academic court are designed on a grid, which permits the
formation of a variety of classroom sizes.


Ind ian Institute of Health Management Research , Jaipu r

Window design
The pattern of fene stration is also coordinated
with the planning grid. The windows are des ig:-: =
to reduce glare, and yet ensure adequate natur2
light for all workspaces. The small high-level
glazing panel supplements window light by
throwing more daylight at the back of the room. :
give a fairly even illumination level across th e
depth of the rooms. The ventilator below the
window sill serves a dual purpose: it is an adju- :able outlet for the air that is distributed to each
space by the evaporative cooling system and car:
also house a window air-conditioning unit without blocking out the light and view.

Space cooling

. . Picture showing de Ign of

The cooling plant and service cores are designee

to ensure a noise- and draught-free air cooling
system. With the exception of a few air-cond itioned rooms, all workspaces are served by a built-in evaporative cooling
system. Jaipur being a hot, dry area, this system provides a high level of
comfort at very little cost.



The essence of the expressive qualities of the Institute is found in the stone
used here . And it is here that we can begin to unravel some of the interaction
between design thought and its implications when applied in practice . The
competition design report sets out some design concerns. As Jaipur possesses
one of the finest traditions of the craft of building, using locally available
skills and materials, while being inherently economical, would also serve the
import ant objective of preserving and strengthening a fine build ing tradition .
The structure was, therefore, largely based on load-bearing masonry construction. There was a conscious effort to select construction methods and
techniques that exploit the characteristics of stone construction . Irs expressive qualities of colour, texture, and exposed finish were harnessed to give
character to the building. Ir is also a low-maintenance finish.
The architects made a rapid survey of the skills available to them. They
identified stone quarries, local craft-based workshops such as jab-makers
and other construction-based resources such as a precast concrete workshop
of a good standard. Stones available in the quarries were identified. Using
different kinds of stone as tradition (on the basis of their individual workability) was considered. Clearly, one can observe and appreciate how a larger
framework of aLLitudes towards economy of means, appropriateness, and the
preservation of an ancient building tradition guided the architect; whose
experiences in applying these notions in this project are of interest.
First, a sample stone was built on site before tenders were awarded. Contractors quoting for the work would; therefore, see the standard and quality required.
Second, the precast concrete jali work and terrazzo shelves were to be
awarded to the workshop selected by the architect as a nominated subconrractor on rates agreed upon. Such steps ensured that difficulties faced by
(he conrracrors could be overcome to meet design intentions .


Indian Institute of Health Management Research, Jaipur

To take just one example, the stone chosen, an attractive pink quartzite
selected at the quarry for its colour and expressive quality, was normally
handled by less-skilled masons. This was because the stone was considered
too 'coarse' to attract the more-skilled artisans. The contractor's masons had
to be trained to build to the standards set. The polygonal stone masonry was
disciplined by course-lines at designed intervals. Also of note is a controlled
irregularity in texture and colour.

Energy conservation

Energy is sought to be conserved on many fronts. Load-bearing construction

reduces the use of steel and cement in the building structure. The massive
construction provides thermal dampening for both summer and winter. All
workplaces receive adequate natural light during clear days. Each building
wing has a built-in evaporative cooling system, which provides thermal
comfort at low energy costs. Courtyard with fountains modifies the

Project details
Project Indian Institute of Health Management Research, Jaipur
Building type Institutional
Climate Hot and dry
Area 5500 m2
Cost Rs 20 million
Yearofcompletion 1991 (Phase 1)
Client Society for Indian Institute of Health Management Research, Jaipur
Design team Ashok B Lall, Rakesh Dayal, Aditya Advani, Sunita Sharma, Sujata Kacker, Neha Kulkarni, Vineeta Gothaskar
Consultants Engineering Consultants India (structural). Spectral Service Consultants (electrical and HVAC)
Deolalikar Consultants (public health), M R Mehendale (Quantity surveyor), Deepak Hiranandani (landscape)
Contractors Gurbaksh Singh (civil), Anita Electricals (electrical), Suvidha Engineers (HVAC)

Design features

Interlinked courtyards help in increase of heat loss by ventilation , which also form functional spaces for the facilitY

Landscaped courtyardS used as a modifier of microclimate

Most of the spaces are air-cooled using centralized evaporative cooling system, which provides a high level of
comfort in hot dry climate at very little cost

Windows are designed to reduce glare and ensure adequate natural light for the entire room

Use of local materials and skills reduces costs and also reduces transportation costs
Interconnecting walkways between various blocks, shaded using natural vegetation cover provides a cooling effect
Innovative window shading using concrete jali as side fins, provides shading and yet does not impede air movement


Tempera ture ch eck

for Jaipur

Indian Institute of Health Management Research, Jaipur







(see Appen dix IV)







Add the checks

Multiply by 8.33% for % of year





Sangath - an architect's studio, Ahmedabad

Editor's remarks

A bioclimatic response to hot, arid climate

ngath - spatial

Architect Balakrishna Doshi

uonal and

dc;cape resporbe tc
hu and dl Y
t of Arm"dabad


passive sol

It 'c1ural technique..,

been dopted 0
Ih mpact ()f

T he relative organization of form elements, layering of spaces, controlled

interiors and transitions to outside, the interruption of the skyline through
varying outlines ihat break the
sun into shadow, and open the
roof into the night sky are
themes that respond well to the
hot and arid climates. At
Sangath, the architect's design
studio, these responses are at
their best. The architectural
studio comprising reception
areas, design studio, office
spaces, workshop, library,
conference room, and other
ancillary spaces has been designed to naturally manage the
A vie'", of China !l10~aIC clad VClultpd roots 01 SCln~ath
forces of nature . There are
spatial, constructional, and
wfllcll reflect heat, reduGlIlg Ileal gam to IIltelllal ~p,'lce~
landscape responses to combat
the vagaries of nature in the hot dry climate. In Ahmedabad, the summer
temperature reaches up to 45 DC and the heat is very intense . It is the heat
rather than breeze that becomes critical. Natural comfort conditions can be
achieved by protecting spaces from the heat and glare of the sun.

Crazy pattern broken

China mosaic finiSh - - ,
Glass bricks
em crazy pattern
ina mosaic finish

thk water proofing

thk cement concrete
Ceramic fuses

A section through Sangath shOWing subterranean spaces With vaulted roof creating

surface/volume ratio thereby optlmilin mat8rta Quantities


Design responses to
hot dry climate

Sangath - an architect's studio, Ahmedabad

Subterranean spaces
The building is largely buried under the ground to use earth masses for
natural insulation.

Storage walls
External walls of the building are nearly a metre deep but have been hollo\\- out as alcoves [0 provide storage that becomes an insulative wall with efficiency of space (for storage functions).

Vaulted roof form

The roof form creates
efficient surface/volume
ratio optimizing material
quantities. The higher space
volume thus created provides for hot air pockets du e
to convective currents (hat
keep lower volumes relatively cool. The ventilating
window at upper volume
releases the accumulated
hot air through pressure

Laying of locally -made clay ~

fuses over concrete slab
dUring the sandwi h vault
construction stage. The clay
fuses entrap air thus
f rmlng a non-conductive
layer. This vault has then
een topped uSing broken
CI1ina mosaic tiles, wh lcl,
reflect heat and retard heat
transmiSSion .

Sandwiched construction of vault

The vaulted roof is of locally-made clay fuses over the concrete slab, which
provides a non-conductive layer. The top finish of China mosaic glazed tiles
further enhances insulation by being white and glossy to reflect sun and
being of clay to retard heat transmission.
The ground-floor plan

1 Lounge
2 Receptlon
3 Conference room
4 Peon room

5 Ladies' loilet
6 Gents tOilet
7 Painter
8 Architect's office

9 Secretary
10 Studio
11 Engineer
12 Model workshop

13 Photocopier
14 Model room
15 Accounts
16 Library

17 Vaslu ShiJpa foundation

18 Record room

1~5m 0


Sangath - an arch itect's studio, Ahmedabad

..... Water IS a nlajOr modifier of

the microclimate. Rainwater
and overflow of rool tank are
harnessed through rool

channels and reused Water

also moderates the harsh

ambient conditions near the


Indirect/diffused light
Sun light brings heat and haze wim it. To maximize daylight (intensity of illumination) and to diffuse heat and glare, [he light is received in indirect manner by
diffusing it. There are three ways by which narurallight is drmX/Il wirhin.
By upper-level large openings towards north direction, which is cool, and
consistent light is reflected off the clouds
Skylights, which are projected masses from the roof, reflect the light on
the white inner wall surface, which funher radiates lighr in the room .
Innermost spaces are lit up through small cutouts in the roof slab, which
are then filled with hollow glass blocks that take away the glare and transmit diffused light

Microclimate through vegetation

Lawn and vegetation cover all around create favourable microclimate by absorbing solar radiation and providing cooler passage of air through humidity.

Water channels
Rainwater and overflow of pumped water from (he roof tank are harnessed
through roof channels [hat run through a series of cascading tanks and water
channels to finally culminate in a pond from where it is recycled back or used
for irrigating vegetation. Water cascades also provide interesting visual

Exposed natural finishes

Concrete of slab and wall surfaces are kept bare unplastered as final visual finishes,
which provide its own natural look and save on finishing material quantity.

Use of secondary waste material

Paving material is a stone chip waste while roof surface is glazed tiles waste,
which are available as waste material from factories at no cost. These have
been creatively hand-crafted and integrated in design by fully using waste
material. The application is also skill-oriented and involves as well as promotes craftsman and Ollr tradjtional heritage.

ance of the

The above measures have ensured excellent climate control within in terms
of keeping inside coo and increasing time-lag for heat transfer. There is a
d ifference of about 8 C between interior and exterior of the roof skin temperatures.


Sangath - an architect's stud io, Ahmedabad

The time-lag for heat transfer is nearly six hours. The natural elements a:-.
harmoniously blended with the buill environment and water recycling and
waste material reuse have ensured cost economy as well as environmental
The exposed surfaces have saved nearly 10% of the project cost usuall )
spent on finishes . Water recycling has been most rewarding economically (
keep lawn areas possible . Natural daylight ensures minimum electrical
consumption ~or artificial light and all insulative measures have resulted in
nearly 30% to 50 % cost reduction in cooling energy.

At a


Project details
Building/project name Sangath -an Architect's Studio
Location Ahmedabad
Building type Institutional
Architect Balkrishna Doshi
Climate Hot and dry
Year of start/completion 1979-1981
Client/owner Balakrishna Trust
Site area 2346 m2
Covered area 585 m2
Cost of the project Rs 600 000 (1981)
Design features
Underground construction
Thermal storage walls
Vaulted roof form to create efficient surface/volume ratio . The vault induces convective air
movement thereby cooling internal spaces
Vaulted roof of sandwiched construction with an insulating layer of locally made clay fu ses
sandwiched between two concrete slabs
Use of broken China mosaic glazed tiles from local factory as top finish for the vault to reflect heat
Daylighting by north-glazing, skylights, and roof cutouts
Microclimate modified by vegetation and water bodies
Rainwater and roof tank overflow water harnessed tor recycling and reuse

Temperature check
for Ahmedabad








(See Appendix IV)






Add the checks

Multiply by 8.33% fo r % of year





Torrent Research Centre, Ahmedabad

Editor's remarks ~

Architects Nimish Patel and Parul Zaveri

In a world where devel-

An attempt to find, technological solutions to the power problems that the

oped societies with their

country faces

-ustamed focus on
creasing importance of
dlvlduals have caused

cesslve consumption ot
ct Ilcal energy for

ling rnternal spaces,

Torrent Re earch

trE' IS a welcome
Iment It demons that innovative
ologlcal solutlom

ally cut down

ondltionrng 3.nd
I liohtmg loads in

19 without
Ismg either on
levels 01 thewlal

I comfort or on
-: ded Indoor air

presses the
racter of
[flons and

Imposing and

ng to the
quality of

Inthis project, architects at Abhikram have attempted to extend the use of

natural light, ventilation, and cooling for human comfort to large-scale
pro jects-an approach that was accepted by the clients . The clients were
convinced that the experiment, if successful, would be a major step forward
in the direction of energy conservation . When rhe proposal was initially
mooted, the clients were skeptical, but it became increasingly interesting and
even challenging .
The TRC (Torrent Research Centre) is a complex of research laboratories
with supporting ancillary facilities and infrastructure located on the outskirts of Ahmedabad. The complex comprises almost all the disciplines. of
pharmaceutical research with their range of areas- the cleanest requiring
Class 10000 atmosphere, to the dirtiest emitting obnoxious gases. The 30acre relatively flat site is located in the vicinity of major institutional buildings. The brief was well defined with the need to op timize overall project
costs so as [0 achieve a balance between all the needs, with the worth of the
money spent fluctuating within five per cent.
The architects anempted to use innovative approaches that strike a satisfactory balance between the varied requirements without compromise. The
design, therefore, maximizes the use of locally available natural materials,
minimizes the use of artificial light, and attempts to minimize the
use of conventional air-conditioning with the introduction of the PDEC
(passive downdraft evaporative cooling) system . Further, the aesthetic
language represen ts the inherent character of the building.



Torrent Resea.rch Centre, Ahmedabad

1)1 Iii blllitJlIIg ~










The TRC is the result of the efforts of Abhikram which starred with the
involvement 0 Brian Ford & Associates for the design of the typicallaboratory building, After going through several solutions, including the ground
cooLing, the present section of the typical laboratory block was joimly
evolved by them, Consequently, [he adm inistrative block and the laboratOr y
core block were designed by Abhikram bU[ vetted for their sizes, heights, an d
volumes by the Solar Agni International, Pondicherry,

Passive The design was aimed at integrating spaces requiring highly controlled
downdraft conditions with those requiring less-controlled conditions while minimizing
evaporative cooling the presence of dust in the imernal environment. Passive cooling is atsystem tempted through a system of designated inlets and outlet shafts.

... Plan ilnd ecllOll of adrnlilistl allon blod

The shafts as a consequence of their locations, sizes,

heights, and their complex but simulated and in-depth
researched configuration generated the required movement of air in different spaces without using any mechanical or electrical energy. Thus the buildings have a
climatically-sealed environment with only designated
inlets and ourlets, with air cooled at the point of enn'y
using a fme spray of water.
The buildings have been under observation since they
were first occupied and will continue tjIJ 2001. Observations so far indicate that in the three principal seasons
(summer, monsoon, and winter) since occupation,
human comfort conditions have not been compromised.
Further observations include the following.
In the summer of 1997 when the outside temperamre registered 43-44 C, the inside temperature
remained at 29- 30 C- a 13-14 C drop.
Six to nine air changes per hour ",vere noted on different floors, including in a chemistry laboratory.
Temperature fluctuations inside the building have
not exceeded beyond 4 C over any 24-hour period.
At the same time, the temperature fluctu ations
outside were as much as 14- L7 C .
Very rarely did the inside temperature fluctuations
cause any level of discomfort [0 occupants .


techniques, and


Torrent Research Centre, Ahmedabad

The RCC-framed (reinforced cement

concrete-framed) structure, with brick infilled walls, has glossy enamel paint on
cement/vermiculite plaster on the internal
surface, and textured cement plaster on
the exterior. Flooring and other finishes
have been selected on the basis of functional requirement. To minimize the
collection of dust and cobwebs at junctions and corners, internal plastered
surfaces are either curved on the inside or
[he outside corner edges. Greater du st and
cobweb control has been achieved by
eliminating dow'n-turned beams from
clear spaces, using hollow concrete blocks
on flat form work forming voids in which
the RCC coffered slab is caSL Vermiculite
is extensively used for insulation in roof
and cavity walls, along with cement brickbat-based water-proofing technique.
. . Daylit internal cOrridor of tile
This will help achieve the required
Torrent Research Centre
R-values and reduce the chemical disharmony of adjacent materials. Half-rounded ceramic pipes on the outer face of
the inlet and exhaust shafts of the PDEC system create local turbulence, thus
reducing the entry of large dust particles. Other dust reduction mechanisms,
provided for but not executed, include universal louvres and insect screens.
Motor-operated shut-off louvres were provided for dust storm conditions,
but were removed later.
The economic viability of the proje.ct is demonstrated by the following
indicators projected for the total project on the basis of results from buildings under observation .
The additional cost of civil works including insulation is about 12 %-13 %
of conventional building.
Saving on air-conditioning plant and equipment is about 200 TR (wnnes
of refrigeration)-about 65% of the additional cost mentioned above.







300 ' 450 mm




lSO-mm dill halt

I mund ceramic pipe



65 " (3




?Ian air inlet Shaft


V- B~


fl,1;ed louvre;s
(Not provided now I

Sliding Insert SCfe:e n

100 ""ng~1 naow (oraccess ~



C;)t 'Nal~

Lo""", 1


- - -

"'----. ReC par~i

f - - 150.mm hal.






clarity 01diagram

~-"----- Seafire Willer


Section air inlet shaft

. -ee p. 158 for details

th ~s

Screen detail not

shown inelevaton for

ReG paris

/ L50mm h. Ifround

~-B~~;~~i~; mOs.aIC
I L,O.mm Wide drop

l/' ceramfc pf
SI,o"giose<;t scceen
',._-, --rr-~" - Fixed 10 u\'re
, I
(not provide




~1icr~nilers to SPT~)~~t.c~
. mist "~


~i I

mte C ~ Indif


Torrent Research Centre, Ahmed abad

Turbulence created through

halfround pipes helps drop
the heavy sand particles

150dia half-round ceramic pipes

clamped at top and bottom
with cleats to 70_._70_m_m_g_a_
IV_an_iz_e_d _+_ +--+-+-_-+_-+_ _
MS secUon

65656 MS





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<t 1


r~' J75

I '"




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Sliding insert screen




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Details of 'B from

the prevIous figure

Cumulative capital cost of civil works and air-conditioning plant is approximately Rs 5 milJion more than that of conventionally designed buildings.
Annual savings in electricity consumption including savings on account 0 non-use of arrificiallighting during the day will be approximately
Rs 6 million .
Payback period of the total capital cost from the saving of electrical consumption alone will work out to about one year. The payback period for the
cost of the entire complex from the saving on electrical consumption as well
as plant replacement costs will work out to around 13 years.

Area catagories vis total building area






Natu ral





PDECs ystem

Chart A - Var In controlled conditions

80000000 -


40000000 - I - - -

20000000 - I - - -

Conventrona l


Energy costs in Indian rupees per year





60000000 - I - - Cil}11


1204800020080000 Plant

AirAirconditioni" Mr conditioni ng

40% fans

cost in Indian rupees










PDEC system

Chart B - Capital cost In Indian rupees

ChartA shows analysl Jf areas, which are

Chart B shows net ncrease of Rs 4 840 00 In
shifted to PDEC system from condttionlng system the capt tal costs If CIVil workS and AC plants by
Without compromlsng the human comfort level
adopting PDEC system





Chari C PrOjected energy consumption yearly

(cost in Indian rupees)

Gilar t C Shows the prOjected net energy

S Vin s of Rs 5 920 000 per yeal by uSing
PDEC system

Note Ecofnendly app oach to deSign has saved energy cost by R 5920 000 wiltioul sacflficlog the hum n comfort: 10 our energystarved
nation, maKing thiS energy available to other aleas of the '!Gonomy has a iar greater and Immediate, Direct and Indirect, Impact on the


Torrent Research Centre, Ahmedabad

Scientific The TRC complex has been under observation; using elaborate procedures
observations of the of recording the data. Some of [he data have been reproduced here to explain
building's behaviour the depth of the attempts to understand the behaviour of the building under
Chart A shows analysis of areas that are shifted to the PDEC system froUl
the air-conditioning system without compromising the human comfort level;
Chart B shows net increase of Rs 4.85 million in the capital costs of civil
works and air-conditioning plams by adop ting the PDEC system; Chart C
shows the projected net energy savings of around Rs 6 million per year by
using the PDEC system_

Project details
Project description The Torrent Research Centre is a complex

Materials, techniques, and methods

of research laboratories with supporting facilities and

infrastructure located on the outskirts of Ahmedabad .

RCC-framed structure with brick in-filled walls, with glossy

rchitects Nimis/1 Patel and Parul Zaved, Abh ikram,

enamel paint on cement/vermiculite plaster on the internal

~(j ergy consul/ants

Design maximizes the use of locally avaiilab!e natural

materials and avoids the use of synthetic materials.

Brian Ford , Brian Ford and Associates,

All internal plastered surfaces are either curved on the

London, UK (for tile typical laboratory block in all aspects); C L

inside or curved on the outside corner edges to minimize

Gupta, Solar Agni International, Pondicherry (for the rest of

dust collection and cobwebs at the junctions and corners.

i he blocks, vetting Abhikram designs)

='oject period 1994-1999

For greater dust and cobweb control, the downturned

beams are eliminated from the clearspaces, through a

: mate Hot and dry

system of constructing :he RCC slab , using holjow concrete

: em/Owner Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd

blocks on the flat form work, forming voids in which the ReC

- ::e Built-up area of approximately 19 700 m?

: _ Ider/ Contractor Laxma1bhai Constructions (India) Pvt.
I.. d: M B Brothers Ltd ; Shetusha Engineers and Contractors
:JVL Ltd; Materials Corner; J K Builders

coffered slab is cast.

Vermiculite, a natural mineral, is extensively used forthe insulation in roof and cavity walls to achieve the required
Rvalues, along with cement-brickbat-based waterproofing
PDEC system has been designed and adopted for space co nditioning of the build ing.

Daylight integration has been made for reducing energy us

Innovative use of half-round ceramic pipes, onthe outer face of
the inlet and exhaust shafts of the PDEC system, to reduce the
entry of larger dust particles by creating local turbulence.

- -"e proposal was initially mooted we were sceptical but decided to listen to what our architects had to say. As the story unfolded ana
. iiS made, it became more interesting and even exciting to think of a system that would use little energy and yet provide comfort for
-9-10 months in a year. We had nothing to lose; the additional cost of the construction versus the saving on O&M of plant and
ent for a ~ most 200 TR (tonnes of refrigeration) of cooling Vias attractive.
"Jer 011997 was the acid test of one of the buildings and the results were very gratifying. We r ad held up placement of fans in the
- owthe reactions. T1ere were no complaints. No onefeltthe need for one. The labs were comfortable to work in without fans. They
_- 5'uffy or smelly as most chemistry labs are, even when air-conditioned. This was the added advantage.
500n, as expected, 'Nas not so comfortable, the labs were muggy and we had to install failS to provide comfort for these 2-3
-here was some reverse flow of air from the exhausts to the inlets on days that were windy.
,,'again has been comfortable as I am sure summer would be too, The first experiment has worked well and hopefully this
~ I for the Torrent Research Centre.
Director, Torrent Research Centre
February 1998


Torrent Research Centre , Ahmedabad


Temperature check
for Ahmedabad



(See App endix IV)












Add the checks

Multiply by 8.33% 'or % of year





Residence for Mahendra Patel, Ahmedabad

Architect Pravin Patel

Editor', remark,


ompact planning.


Here is one house that depends on solar energy to a great extent. Minimally
relying on the grid for power, the architect has also integrated the house with
an automation system for the purpose of saving energy

, ppropriate materials
construction. wall and

_c' !nsulation . and

uble glazing have
dsttcally reduced the
ace-conditioning loads
his residential buildPart of the building
IS met by JudicIous
o renewabJe energy
ms Use of building

at ion further
ces energy savings
b uilding

. . The east faGade. which happens to be the front. IS shaded by large overhangs The
overha ngs also act as service ducts and thus serve two pu rposes. The wh ite texture of
the louse reflects incident radiation

Building design

T he residence of Mahendra Patel (client), located in the hot and dry climate of Ahmedabad, was required to be fully air-conditioned as per the
requirement of the client. However, the client was extremely concerned
about the energy usage in the building and wanted to achieve an energyefficient design along with optimized use of solar energy for meeting a part of
its electrical requirements and water heating needs. The architect has tried to
minimize the air-conditioning load by applying passive solar design interventions . Judicious use of solar energy systems has been made to meet a part of
the energy demand in the building load .
Ahmedabad is loca ted in the 'hot dry' zone where rhe summer temperature
goes up to 45C . Natural comfort conditions can be achieved by protecting
spaces from the heat and glare of the sun. The si te of about 755 m 2 is oriented east-west with the shorter side facing the road .
The house is designed in such a way that all the private spaces on the
ground and first floor are connected to the entrance hall through individual
doors. This helps in reducing passage area and joss of air-conditioning. The
double height of the entrance hall gives a grand look. Though the width of
the plot is less, the rooms do not look small because of bay windows and
angled walls. The verandahs play an important role in the Ahmedabad climate. Hence, the house has been provided with two big verandahs.


Design, materials,
and construction

Residence for Mahendra Patel, Ahmedabad

Building envelope
The building has adequately designed windows with overhangs on south
wall. Thermally massive stone floors and thick masonry walls moderate
diurnal variations.
East and west walls
are protected by a
series of extended
terraces developed as
building elements ro
shade walls . Double
glass shU[ters reduce
heat gain.

~ Hie ground -flO




(L to R) for Illsulatlon,
waterpro fm , all COildltlolllng
ducts, service ducts underSide til
11a(1111 el ments, window frames
and electrical box protection


In this building, an attempt has been made ro reduce the annual spacecooling requirement by nearly 30% with high level of insulation . The airconditioning load was reduced from 36 to 26 tonnes of air-conditioning. F I:ash bricks, were used for masonry work. At every stage of the construction ,
plasticizer is used to decrease voids in the mortar. All the terraces and slopi ;;
roofs are finished with white China mosaic and insulated with 50-mm thick
expanded polystyrene and sand cement plaster. All the external walls are
insulated with 40-mm thick high-density thermocole . These thermocole
sheets are adhered over the first coat of plaster by an adhesive (bitumen) .
Over these sheets, galvanized expanded wiremesh was anchored before
application of the second coar of sand-faced plaster. All the walls are externally fmished with white paint, which reflects most of the sunlight.


Residence for Mahendra Patel, Ahmedabad



1.2-m wide projections all around the building also work as service ducts to
carryall the utility services like electricity, water supply, fan coil units of airconditioning, etc.) in addition to shading the walls. These projections are
finished at the top by white China mosaic and covered at the bottom by
aluminium false ceiling, which can be opened.

Indoor air quality

A major issue with a super-insulated, air-tight house is the quality of the
internal air. In a poorly designed system, the low air change rate can lead to
persistent odours,. high humidity level, and even fungal growth. Problem of
light and air quality is eliminated in this house by provision of north light and
fresh air unit at the top of entrance hall. This acts as a light shaft, and also
aids in the ventilation of the house .

... A section of the bUilding

~ shOWing integratIOn (If
solar photovoltaic

~5t"~~~=2~~ I~..ii~~

Solar panels
Service OUCIS-,.

panels. location of
battery room. service
ducts, north light , and
Insulated walls

walls and

ar photovoltaic The solar PV (phorovoltaic) system is both technically and economically

_l1d solar water suitable for household electrification in the long run. Once the decision was
- eati ng systems made to design a house with PV system, two years of electricity bills from the
client's existing residence were studied to work OUI estimated consumption
of energy per day. It was concluded that a connected load of about 18 kW is
required [0 fulfil the client's need.

The south ta<;ade With solar

photoYoltaic panels mounted on
tile parapet wall .


The 6-kW peak solar photoYoltaic

system and the 400 litres per day solar
water heating system


Residence for Mahendra Patel, Ahmedabad

The installed PV system has a battery bank capacity of 600 Ahl 120 V
nominal. The charging is accomplished during daylight hours by the 6-kW
solar modules. The charging of ba[[ery bank is controlled by power condi- P
tioning unit to prevent excessive discharge or overcharge.
The hot water requirement of the building is met by a 400-litre-per-day
solar water heating system.

Building automation

A building automation system is integrated with the electrical system to

reduce energy wastage. The system hardware consists of various input sensors such as
occupancy sensors and temperature sensors for overall utility management
lux sensor for measuring ambient light levels
water sensors for monitoring and controlling underground and overhead
tanks ' water levels
breakglass, smoke detectors, and magnetic contacts for security applications.
The inputs from various sensors are processed by the PLC (programmable
logic controller) and it controls their allied output systems according to the
programme fed into it. The outputs that are controlled by tbe PLC are light
fixtures, fans, 5-amp plugs, pressure pump, softening pump, air-conditioning, and security and fire-alarm system.
The hardware is fully interactive in nature-inputs from a parricular
sensor will not only activate its directly related output device, but also other
relevant output systems.
A project of this nature not only extends the architect's responsibility (0
perform as a technocrat, but also supports newly developed systems.
Mahendra Patel's house is a good example of a functional solar house with
automation system.

Project details
Building/project name Residence for Mahendra Patel
Site address 15, Kairvi SOCiety, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad
Building type Residential
Climatic zone Hot and dry
Architect Pravin Patel
Year of start/completion 1996/97
Client/owner Mahendra Patel
Built-up area 550 m2

Cost of the project Rs 21 million (This includes construction

work, finishes, solar systems, electrical works, security
systems, air-conditioning systems, and interior work)

Design features
A connected load of 18 kW is used to fulfil the client's need
without compromising on any comfort
Air-conditioning load reduced from 36 to 26 tonnes by passive
solar interventions
Fly ash bricks are used for masonry work
External walls and roof are insulated
Windows are with double glass shutters
Walls are finished with white paint, which reflects heat
There are 1.2 metre projections all round the building that
work as service ducts to carryall the utility services like
electricity, water supply, fan coil units for air-conditioning,
and also as a shading device
Problem of air and light quality is eliminated by provision of
north light and fresh air unit at the top of the entrance hall

Solar photovoltaic and solar water heating systems are used

Building automation system is used to mini mize energy


Temperature check
for Ahmedabad

Residence for Mahendra Patel , Ahmedabad








(see Append ix IV)









Multiply by 8.33% for % of year





Add the checks



Solar passive hostel, Jodhpur

Editor's remarks ~


Architect Vinod Gupta

A solar passive building for the hot and dry climate

hE' hot and dry

climate of lodhpur, this

building uses massive


structure, IIlsulatJon

solar hostel was pm up as part of the research project undertaken by

the Centre OC Energy Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Although energy conservation was stated as the objective, the design attemp tec
to test and demonstrate suitable methods of providing thermal comfort in
the hot and dry climate of Rajasthan.

proper orrentaIlon, and

a wind tower for moder-

atmg internal diurnal

temperature vanahon

Water shortage pre-

vented use of an elaborate evaporative cooling

system, which would
have been very effective.

A view of the solar passive


Design, materials,
and techniques

Tbe building had to be designed ro house 14 double room suites for married
srudents. The two-storeyed building has seven suites on the ground floor and
seven suites on the firs t floor. Each suite is provided with a toilet (about 4 m 2
floor area), one lobby, and a small courtyard. The ground floor tbat has
seven double rooms is partially sunk into the ground to take advantage of the
earth's thermal stOrage and insulation effect. The wind tower, erecled over
the lobby of the first floor, is connected to the ground floor through the
staircase and supplies cool air to the seven units. The hot room air exits by
means of smaller chimneys over each room.
The protection of the roof and its treatment is important because it is a
major source of summer heat gain. The roof has been insulated by providing
small inverted terra cotta pots over the stone slabs and filling up the intervening spaces with lime concrete. Stone masonry has been used for walls because it is a local material and can provide good thermal mass to balance out
diurnal temperarure variations . The waH thickness varies from 0 .30 m to
0.45 m. Wind tower helps to ventilate the heat out of the room during late
evenings and nights.


Solar passive hostel, Jodhpur

~ Plan for the solar passive hostel,


The design of the building has a set of rooms partially

underground. This did not pose any major construction
problems in Jodhpur because of its low water level. Toilets
were also placed at the same level as these can be drained to
the sewage system or decomposition tank/pit as the case
may be. The partially underground configuraIion has a
moderating influence on the temperatures, reducing the
solar heat gain on the walls and cooling like a basement,
which are also traditionally built.
For this building, an improved design of wind rower was
made with built-in evaporative cooling [() lower temperatures. Higher airflow rates and the evaporative capacity of
the new wind lOwer can be fully utilized at night in summer
to cool the building mass to lower remperarures.

f irst-liOor plan

Ground-Iloor plan

Passive solar
feat ures

The air being very dry, evaporative cooling in summer can prove to be very
effective in Jodhpur. Unfortunately, as water is a scarce commodity in summer in Jodhpur, any system. that depends upon water for cooling is bound to
fail. The design, therefore, uses a favourable orientation, a massive structure,
and air gap in the roof for insulation, reflective external finishes, deep sunshades, and finally a wind tower for making use of the cool \vinds. An experimental evaporative cooling system using wires for warer distribution has also
been installed on the wind rower.

Wind tower
The prevailing direction for cool winds in Jodhpur is me south-western. W indow apertures are difficult to provide in this orientation, as it is the least favourable from the point of view of solar radiation. To overcome this problem, a wind
[O\ver concept was used. The tower facing the wind direction has been located
over the staircase, thus minimizing costs. Cool air is provided to each room from
this tower and normal windows or smaller shafts (towers) facing the lee of the
wind have been provided to distribute
the cool air throughout the building.
The rower catches only the cool
wind from the south-west,
avoiding warmer air from
other directions.

A VI8\\ of the

wilid lOwer

and solar

Willer he<ltlng system of the hostel



Solar passive hostel, Jodhpur

Roof insulation
The commonly used building material in Jodhpur is the local stone. Bloc.-of this light-coloured stone have been used for walls in the building. Large
slabs of stone have been used for roofing, staircases, partitions, and lintels ow:
windows. The roof has been insulated by providing small inverted terracotra
pots over the stone slabs and filling up the intervening spaces with lime concr : ~
Since very few manufactured materials have been used, this is a low embodie energy building.

Window design
Since the university is normally on vacation during the worst summer
months, winter comfort is as important as summer comfort. South-facing
windows have been provided in most of (he rooms. To prevent hear loss
during night, solid timber shutters have been provided in addition (0 glass.


The monitoring results in various rooms of the hostel show that internal
temperature remain nearly constant round the day without much fluctuations on a typical summer and winter day, while the ambient temperature has
large diurnal variation.

Temperature (0C)

Temperature (OC)
~ Room 1
..... Room 2
..... Room 3
...... Room 4
.... Room 5
.... Room 6

Ambient temperature



" Ambient temperature


-Room 1
......... Room ::;
-Room 4
...... Room 5









10 12 14 16
TIme (hours) ------+





HOUrly variation of room temperatures for a typical day of the month

of June

10 12 14 16
Time (hours) ------+





Hourly vanation of room temperatures for a typical day of the mont h

of February

Project details
Project description Hostel containing 14 suites for married students, located at Jodhpur
Architect Vinod Gupta
Energy consultants N K Bansal and M S Sodha
Project completion 1984
Client/ owner University of Jodhpur
Installed renewable energy system A common bank of solar water heaters has been installed
to meet a/l hal water requirements.

Performance results are avail able with Prof. M L Mathur, Universiry of Jodhpur, Jodhpur and Dr N K Bansal, Professor, Centre of
Energy Studies, Indiao Institute of Technology, New Delhi


Solar passive hostel, Jodhpur

Design features

Temperature check
for Jodhpu r

Favourable orientation
Low embodied energy by making minimal use of manufactured materials

Heavy construction to balance out diurnal temperature variation

Roof insulation by air gap

Light-coloured building to reflect heat

Wind tower with evaporative coo:ling for summer cooling

Building partially sunken to moderate internal temperature

South-facing window with deep sunshades to cut off summer sun and to let in winter sun

Solid timber shutters in addition to glass shutters to prevent heat loss during winter nights.







(see Appendix IV)



Apri l









Add the checks

Multiply by 8.33% for % of year






Residence for Mary Mathew, Bangalore

Editor's remarks


At a time wnen human

Architects Nisha Mathew and Soumitro Ghosh

This residence-cum-office building in the moderate climate
uses solar energy to optimize comfort and heat water

0 '


relationship with the

"round and sky IS cut off
y multi-storeyed highse energy guzzlers the

athew house makes a

e for the urban house
a trddltlonal garden
determined by

at ons of space,
abd ty, and climate

T he city of Bangalore is located in the moderate climatic zone with ann ual
mean maximum temperature of 28.8 DC, annual mean minimum temperature of 18.4 DC, and the annual range of mean temperature being about
10.4 dc. The relative humidity varies between 30% and 80%. Climatic
conditions being generally within a favourable range, the building designs do
not require any special interventions to provide thermal comfort. Provision
for reduction of direct solar gain and heat transfer to interior, and increase in
heat loss by ventilation helps in achieving thermal comfort conditions. The
south and south-west sides are protected and northward orientation of the
bedrooms is favourable.
Determined by the constraints of space, ways of life, and affordability, the
Mathew house makes a case for a urban house with a traditional garden
court. The house abuts the road on its 9 .1S-m front and goes in 26-m deep .


lan ning as a
atic response


The southern faGade With minimal openmgs and

proVide a lhermal bamer alnst heat gain


the s



The architects have attempted a formal response (Q the climate by the creation of a 'thick wall' along the south-west; thus a block is perceived along the
main road approach to the house. The idea was (Q create a conceptual 'wall'
on the sourhern/sourh-western side, which comprised largely the masonry
surface within which services such as toilets, pantry, kitchen work space, and


Residence for Mary Mathew. Bangalore


servants' room were located. The depth of the south-w e~~

wall was used to shield the beat and provide pockets fo r
openings located on this ' wall' to pull in south-west bre ez. _
The courtyards \vere located in the north-east and n ortl west to provide a comfortable outdoor hving space.
Only as one moves through the the house is the begin n' -_
of a perforated configuration realized and the sequential
arrangement of spaces revealed. The emphasis on the em'lronment as a backdrop is evident in the ucatmenr of spa c e~
The 'verandah' and the garden coun fonn focal poims
around which the interior spaces revolve . The garden co ur:
formally defined by [he water tank's pivotal position at its
corner. The sO\.uh-west waH flanks the verandah, which in
differing 'densities' encloses the service spaces and shield
the garden court from the sun.
The private chambers are accessed through a sequence 0 :
galleries on the ground and the upper level as transition. T \-::
morning sunlighr penetrates each of these spaces. Open
spaces of a small scale are attached to the upper chambers
and extended from the study as \velJ.

low embodied energy

As an effort wwards reducing embodied energy, the archirec
has used low-cost, low- energy cOnstruction methods to
complement the austerity of the spaces. T he structural
system of load-bearing walls and jack arch roof slab with
reinforced precast area wi th minimal reinforcement was
used. It became a guide for the articulat ion of spaces, fenestration, interior surface; and exterior fapde with a bay width
of1.18 m.

1 Te,ra cotta lJfe flooring

2 Half weatherproot tUe (WPT) copIng

-3 'Aoor base
4 COncrete jack arct\ slab

5 Precast concrete jtlck arch slab beam

6 P,ecast WPT j8cl<arch panel

7 Edge waterProofing

Plas~er drip


9 Single dre.ssed granite Ilotel

10 Groove painted wire ~ut brick

11 Plastered window eiIJ

11 In SItu grBY cement .skirting
i3 Eaft/l
14 Concrete plinth Beam

15 Grallite cobble foundation

.. Innovative construction methods for walls , ro of,

and foundation pw.ide energy and resource
efficie ncy

Axonometric view showing ~

progressive construction


Residence for Mary Mathew, Bangalore

Roof insulation
Roof insulation was provided by using a roof
system of precast hollow terracotta curved
panels with nominal G I reinforcemenr. A
nominal layer of concrete of only 2-inch
thickness at the crown of panel was poured
into place. The hollow terracot(a layer works
as heat-resisting layer.


is extensively used in the

_ orth-east and north-west by hollowing out
.::ourtyards, which become permanent sources
. . . View of well daylit dining, living, and pantry areas
.)f light and ventilation. Slabs made of local
~ : one in place of concrete fins provided [he slit
White is the primary colour of the interior and exterior spaces revealing textures of rough, rugged, and
::1 oth surfaces and adding to heat reflectivity of the wall surfaces. The house is characterized by the
hi tects' vivid articulation of spaces and the exploration of [he garden court theme.

Installed renewable energy systems

Solar water heating panels and back-up
geysers are used almostthroughour the year
and is the only source of water heating.


ery to master bedroom . Stone chapti slit windows

Jral lighti ng

No air-conditioners are being used in the

Natural ventilation, solar access, and
narurallighring are good.
Electricity consumption in summer is
approximately 240 units per month. In
monsoon, the consumption is approximately 255 units (kWh) per month and in
winter, it is approximately 160 units per
month_ This power consumption is inclusive of pumping water for garden (twice a
day in summer) and house from borewell,
in view of absence of corporation water
supply for The home ~nd office. However, the
consumption figures showed marginal
increase after computerization of the office.
None ofthe lights are used during daytime
other than during cloudy monsoon days.
Maximum artificial light used is 2.4 kW'h
per day, of which daily night peak usage is
about 0_9 kWh-I. 1 kWh, which is a bit
high due to the location of the house in
isolated area and lack of streetlighting.
Lights are not used before 5.00-5.30 p_m.
in winter and 6.00-7.00 p.m. in summer.


Residence for Mary Mathew, Bangalore

Project details

Design features

Building/project name Residence for Ma ry Mathew

Site address 2 Temple Trees Row, Viveknagar Post
Bangalore - 560 047
Building type Residence-cum-office
Climate Moderate
Architects Nisha Mathew and Soum itro Ghosh
Year of start/ completion August 1995 to June 1996
Site area 237 m2
Ground floor area 149 m2
First floor area 87 m2
Total floor area 236 m2
Total cost Rs 1.1 million

Temperature check
for Bangalore



Natural lighting is extensively used in the north -east and

north-west by hol lowing out courtyards, which becom e
permanent sources of light and ventilation .

Roof insulation was provided by using a roof system of

precast hOllow terracotta cu rved panels with nom inal GI
reinforcement. A nominal layer of concrete of only 2inch thick at the crown of panel was poured into place.
The hollow terracotta laye r works as heat-resisting layer.

A thick 'wa ll' on the southern/south-western side, which

comprised largely masonry surface within which were
located the services su ch as toilets, pantry, kitchen work
space, and servants' room. The depth of the south-west
wall was used to shield the heat and provide pockets for
openings located on th is 'wall ' to pull in south-west


(see Append ix IV)







Multiply by 8.33% for % of year





Add the checks







TERI office building-cum-guest house, Bangalore

Architects Sanjay Mohe and V Tushar
Editor's remarks

An energy-efficient, eco-friendly office building with minimal environmental


propmed TERI

'Jouse has been

ned In response to

t -- - - ---&;.s - --

- ---.-- -----&.:....- --

.,..-----,ote/Iltilal of selling an example

,.... ?ftreating waste water as is done
- \/. '-In Osho Ashram, Pune


site constraints .

t lve use of on-site

s nd sinks in this
would set an

flowing over
carrying foul air
_ - -_ _ Butter lone

or many such

or the future

The site and the


Site analysis showing evolution of design in response to site conditions

T h is project is designed to house an office block with approximately 75

workstations and a small guest house attached to it. The nature of work of
TERI (Tara Energy Research Institute) personnel demands interaction
spaces, conference rooms, library, laboratory, etc, The dining hall and recreation area are shared by the office and the guest house.
The site is located at Domlur, about 3 km from the Bangalore airport. It is
a long and narrow site with roads on the easteTn and nonhern sides. The
western side has an open ground and the southern side has an open drain
about 9 m wide . This drain, with its foul smell, dictates the design development, as wind comes from the south, bringing in the foul smell into the site_

Entry to the building is from the road on the northern side, which is less
busier, as compared to the one on the east. The office block is kept towards
the east, close to the main road for high visibility and the guest house is
located towards the quieter western side_ The open space between the office
and the guest house can be used for future expansion of either the office
block or the guest house.

17 8

Design response

TERI office building-cum-guest house, Bangalore

Reclamation of nallah
The first reaction to the design problem was to improve the condition 0 :drain and make it a pleasant landscaped element on the line of Nallah P a r
next to the Osho Ashram in Pune. This would be done by using plams th a
absorb impurities as well as wi th th e h elp of basic filtration and aerati on . ~
would be a major civic project and \vould involve undertaking a longe r ~ tr~
of the. l1allah .
Though this would be an ideal long-term solution, the architects had I.:
respond to the present site conditions and design a building, which can
eventually open up tOwards the drain (when it rurns clean) .

Fresh air

Minimize air-conditioning

BUilding designed to deflect foul breeze and use

pressure to pull in fresh air from the north-east
Environmental impact

Replacing ground cover on roof lessens

environmental impact
Courtyards and terraces also
enliven building space

Extra thickness reduces heat gain from root

Form developed to naturally ventilate the elltJre bUilding thus minlnliling alr-conditlOl1ing

reqUirements The seClion /las been develolJed to iackle Lile negative Impacis of [he nallah

Passive ventilation techniques

The building opens towards the northern side, taking advantage of glare-free
light. The wall rowards the south (nallah side) .is made into a blank wall,
allowing the breeze to flow over the building, \vhich, in turn, creates negative
pressure and srans pulling fresh air from the nonh into the building. The
sections are worked out in a way to allow hot air to rise towards the top and
make the building breathe . The s outh \vall is made into a double viall, firsely
to provide insulation from the southern sun, and secondly, [0 heat up the void
between the two walls creating negative pressure, thereby enhancing the '
convection currents. Additional earth berms. are created towards the drain
side as a huffer.
The sections are naturally ventilated with the air flowing from the ground
floor to the terrac e because of the open nature of the volumes . The ventilation
is also enhanced by the use of solar chimneys and vents. These are effective
on both sunny and windy days .


TERI office building-cum-guest house. Bangalore

.nhygienic foul breeze flowing from south (high pressure lone)

from solar rays falling on the sou th-west wall
-~ ectional current rising up due to heating of air in
~ ,ity wall (low pressure lone)

4 Cool breeze drawn in by convectional ClJrrent system

to equalize pressure
5 Day lighting

-fa t

A Working of the bUilding day lighting and ventilation systems

Day/ighting design
There was a derailed daylighting smdy and the fenestrations have been
designed so that requirement of artificial lighting is minimal during daytime .
By creating atrium spaces with skylights, the section of the building is designed in such a way that natural daylight enters into the heart of the building, considerably reducing the dependence on artificial lighting. Also the
skylight roof is proposed to be made of semi-transparent solar photovoltaic
panels. Energy-efficient lighting using efficient lamps, luminaires, and control strategies have been planned.

Rainwater harvesting
A scheme of rainwater harvesting, which would be used to water the plants,
has been worked out. Water run-off from the roofs and from the paved area
will be collected at various levels in small open tanks on the terraces and in a
collection sump below. This water will be used for landscaping.




. e roof

~" J

Naturally ventilated section

Rainwater harvesting


Collection tank for

watering plants, etc.


TERI office bUilding-cum-guest house, Bangalore

Roof garden
The ground cover, which is disturbed due to the building of this structur
will be replaced on the rooftop, in the form of terrace gardens, giving ins u: -tion to the building and reducing solar radiation. The ground-covered roof
provides good thermal insulation and moderates fluctuations in temperature.

Renewable energy systems

A 5-kW peak solar photovoltaic system has been planned, which would be
integrated with the roof skylights. The photovoltaic roof would provide
daylighting and generate electricity as well. A solar water heating system
would meet hot water requirements of the kitchen and the guest rooms.
The other features planned in the building are an effective waste and water
management system, a centralized uninterrupted power supply, and a coole:kitchen that seek to reduce internal heat. The materials come together ro
form a building with low embodied energy.

... A section through the nallah and the building

Thus, the proposal addresses not only thermal comfort but also visual
appeal and environmental issues. An integrated approach to building and
system design has been adopted.
The design conveys a dextrous interplay of natural elements with the built
form, which reduces energy demand at end-use . Use of natural elements is
exemplified by:
sun for water heating, electricity generation, creating stack effect by use
of solar chimneys, etc.;
sky for daylight and also as heat sink;
air to create convection currents within the building through windinduced vents, use of venturi effect}
earth for roof gardens and earth berms for insulation; and
water for rainwater harvesting, roof ponds, and fountains for humidification.
There is an attempt to create this building as a test model, which will demonstrate the conservation of energy through post-occupancy monitoring and
further develop and perfect the system.


TERI office bUilding-cum-guest house, Bangalore




Project details

Design features

Site Domlur Stage II, Bangalore

Client Tata Energy Research Institute, Bangalore

Innovative treatment of south wall to cut off foul smell from

adjoining nallah and induce ventilation

Climate Moderate

Architects Sanjay Mohe and V Tushar

Year of onset 1998
Built-up area 2450 m2

Naturally ventilated building reduces air-conditioning


Roof gardens as roof insulation

Consultants SEMAC and TERI (PV and other systems)

Rainwater harvesting
Daylighting and energ\'-efficient lighting
Building-integrated solar photovoltaic panels to generate

Status Ongoing

Solar water heating for hot water generation

Cost Civil, sanitary, and plumbing costs tendered at

Rs 21.9 million

Provision to treat nalla,1] in the future

Temperature check
for Bangalore





(see Appendix IV)







Multiply by 8.33 % fo r % of year








Add the checks




Nisha's Play School, Goa

Editor's remarks


5 Play


the warm

Architect Gerard de Cunha

An innovative school design with low embodied energy and maximized use
of natural ventilation and daylighting

lim tf' of Goa,

f10vatJve bulldmg
nd d tclliln to

N isha's Play School practises the playway method of education. In this

method, each classroom had to have spaces for formal teaching, informal
work, and a separate dolls house where children interact with each other.

hb f Us' .f
!Iv/' n tenals and
d of C0'15 tnlct,on
n ent Of th

1\ vie\'. of the front fa~ade nlF rJlIlIc1mg npens

ur <15 It


behlnn to fa II 0,0; the na\l1ri11 r10wrw rd lope

e planning and
uil ding design

The plot has a frontage of 20 m and a depth of 40 m (area 800-m 2) and

slopes down from the road at an angle of 30 degrees till half the depth and is
then flat. It is located in a valley at the edge of the forest and has a lot ofrree
cover, making the site rather dark and poorly ventilated. It falls imo the
' warm humid climatic zone' and the trees offer shelter from solar radiation
to a great degree, but retard the movement of air and cut off light considerably. The introduction of narurallighr and the need to induce natural
ventilation (preventing a build-up of humidity) were the two prime determinants in the architectural design.

Site planning
As the flat area ..vas completely covered by trees, it was left as the playground
and it was decided to build on the slope exactly balancing cut and fill. It
meant accepting the fact that little children would have to walk lip and
down. The side set backs used were 3 m on the west and 5 m on the east,
which helped (0 retain all the trees.


Nrsha's Play School, Goa



Domer lor

pint line

site line

~ Balancing cutting and

filling was very important

1 Paper store
2 Kiderga rte~
3 Nursery classroom
4 Dollhouse
5 Store room
A longitudinal section showing detailing for
ventilation and daylighting

0.51 2



1 Entrance pavilion
2 Road
3 Playground



~ The site plan of the bUilding

Tile rrregular sllaped t atures

on the roof mark [)Osition of the skylights for dayllghtiog

. . SeeM!!


the s hool FloOls have oean

staggered so that eacn level has contact WLt

the extenor roof from whlcl1llght IS broughlln
from cut-outs or dormers and air IS also

naturally extracted rhrough these tlpenmgs

Building form
Besides building on a slope and the need to keep trees, the intake of natural
light into [he building, inducing breeze and the need to maximize the usage of
space greatly determined the final form. it is within this rigid form that the
architect went about creating variety and spatial experience . The building
revolves around a circular core, which has [he stairs, the chute, and the belL

The roof has five cut-outs and five dormers (refer roof plan) for the purpose
of day lighting and ventilation. The induced ventilation aspect of the design
has been most successful and fans are hardly used. Around Christmas, some
of the teachers wear sweaters, which seems verY 'strange for Goa. Using a
filler slab with he filler being thermocole packing or empty bottles has
reduced the heat intake from the RCC (reinforced cement concrete) roof.
Perfora ted concrete jalis below roof slabs also help in cooling the rooms by
inducing ventilation. There are many air intakes at floor level ensuring that
the whole building gets ventilated.

Embodied energy Another aspect was the low level of energy consumed in the construction of
the building, with naIUral stone as an important ingredient of the building .
All windows and doors have been recycled and all forms of plaster eliminated. Waste tiles have been used for many floors. Filler slabs have been used
for roof construction.


Nisha's Play School, Goa

Empty b ttle fill

The'moco (' ----=___--v

pacl<"lg filler

1 - -- - Cut-oUl f'

'M~"",c---- LIGr


r Ilg


Toys fa Id t,
he p themse e,

... Th toddlers' class with filler slab roof (thermocole

and liquor bottles area us d as fillers) Th roof cut
outs admit daylight

Viewed in its basic form, the building derives its design from climatic
considerations, but within this framework, an attempt has been made to have
each classroom as one of a kind, which stimula tes the creativity, and imagination of children. Elements such as window grills are being used as teachi g
aids. Children in Nisha's Play School tend to come in early and leave late ,
part of it being due to the friendliness of its architecture. The materials and
construction techniques used in the building are given below.

Structure and building material Load-bearing structure with vertical and

horizontal RCC bands for earthquake protection
Foundation/retaining walls Random rubble laterite masonry in cement
Superstructure Exposed 9-inch brickwork to maximize space and random
rubble masonry where space was not a constraint


Nisha's Play School, Goa

Roofinglimermediate floors RCC with various fillers- bottles, thermocc .

packaging, etc.
Doors and windows Mostly recycled old doors and windows, steel gril L.
brick jalis
Flooring Red oxide with inlay in black in classrooms / circulation spac
China mosaic in doll houses and open area
Dado 'slroilel floors China mosaic waste with inlay of waste mirrors.
Shelving Polished Cadappa embedded in brickwall

Project details
Name of the projec t Nisha's Play School
Address Nisha's Play School, Torda, Savador Do Mu ndo,
Bardez, Goa
Climate Warm and humid
Design team Gerard Da Cunha, Annabel Mascarenhas, Lisa
Thomas, Nirmala D'Melio
Structural consultant Madhav Kamat and Associates
Area of project 480 m2
Cost of project Rs 1.6 million
Year of completion January 1997

g lo l'\ce
Design features
The building design and form evolved out of demand to
maximize daylighting and induce natural ventilation
Use of locally available materials, waste materials, and
materials with low embodied energy.

Office building of the West Bengal Renewable

Energy Development Agency, Kolkata
Architect Gherzi Eastern Ltd
" tor's remarks " ' "

bbildl is

e" pJ.S5lve

An integrated approach to building design to achieve energy efficiency


lUra! principle,>

and humid

Well lit and

e year, this
Iso boasts of a

ea k grid InteracphotovoltalC

T he enormous amounts of energy consumed in office buildings are a cause

for great concern. For this reason, the WBREDA (West Bengal Renewable
Energy Development Agency) decided to incorporate energy efficiency
measures in the building design and [0 use appropriate non-conventional
energy systems . To facilitate such energy efficiency measures, the building
has been designed using the basic concepts of solar architecture . The building layour, internal planning, and selection of material have been carefully
considered in order to reduce energy consumption .

... The south fa~ade with light shelves for daylightlng. The west faGade
fenestration to prevent direct gain .


devOid of


The concept The site is a rectangular plot longer in the ea!>t-west direction. Kolkata heing
in the warm humid zone, the evolution of the design was based on the following determinants.
East, west, and south side muSt be protected from direct sun.
Ground surface must not reflect and radiate heat.
In warm and humid climate, natural ventilation must be of highest priority.
There should be ample provision of cross-vemilation.
Natural elements like vegetation and water musr be utilized to moderare


Design strategies

I;\'olillion ,on

p 0

g de

Office building of the West Bengal Renewable Energy Development Agency, Ko

A study of Kolkata's climate shows that from April to September during .--_
year, mechanical cooling of the building is required in order to provide
thermal comfort. Various strategies have been incorporated, as oudined
below, to cool the building, where an effort has been made to use the o n- ~:' _
- heat
--... sources and sinks to allow the heat exchange between the building an the surroundings. The energy consumption would be dras tically reduced
to these design strategies.
The building has been formulated as a rectangular structure of 26.7 x 1m . The cotal built-up area is 2026 m 2 with ground plus three stories of office
spaces. In addition to the office spaces, the office building has provision for
exhibition, conference, library, and documentation. The basic design of the
building has been conceived with following main features.

Drive-Nay ;s shielded
(rom direct sun

Low height
trees not to
n~tu ral




AC looe placed
on north side to
reduce heat gain

Ground surtace
ShOuld be green
Low air p-essulO lone
to minlmi2e healgaint c
- - - -[-



L_ _

It _[-fl oor

I n hlgllllghllng he
on the

nortll Side


should be on
north side to
avoid heat gain ~..:





:lIf conditio n ed spac'~



Wind d,/ectlon ,

have exposure to
prevailing- wind di"ction

High air
S tone is





by plan -



:~:rbOdY ~

provlded fo f!



blllbitioo space is s~i el ded Irom

west and east sun by stafrCClse and
store respectively_Sun is Cill olf
by large overhang on sou1J1ern side


Thick vegela tion

10 cut elf dlre.cl sun

Space planning




Air conditioned area
North light

Administratlve-cumoffice building for West

South breeze

Development Agency

Bengal Renewable Energy

The form of building plan has been conceived as a rectangle. Shorter sides of the rectangle are facing east and
west to reduce heat gain. Air-conditioned areas are kept
on northern side of the building. The walls on east and
west face are devoid of fenestration. The areas, which are
not us ed frequently, like store, staircase, and toilets, are
placed on the eastern and western sides as buffer against
d irect solar heat.


Office building of the West Bengal Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kolkata

The ground that faces the southern and eastern side of the building would be
covered with grass or water to minimize heat gain [rom the surroundings.
Use of vegetation and water bodies has been encouraged to modify the
microclimate .

Non-air-conditioned areas are located on the southern side to take advantage
of the prevailing wind during hot and humid period. For better cross-ventilation, a portion of the roof has been raised and used as solar chimney. Southern face of the wall has been protected by overhangs. These overhangs have
been designed to function as light shelves for even distribution of daylight.

Hollow roof with

concrete precast
section (proposed but
not implemented)

Operable glass

Insulated false ceiling

(proposed but not .------+---+implemented)

... ghlevel window
:.0 allow more
oM ligllt
~ ad better

Horizontal breaker
to reduce direct
sun and light shelve

for better daylight


r - - - - -........--Water body

Green surface

Air-conditioned area
North light
South breeze

Proposed administrative-cum-office building for the West

Bengal Renewable Energy Development Agency.
However in the final design, two more floors were
added above the first floor

of th e WBREDA office bu ilding shOWing ventilation strategies

The building is virtually divided into two parts: north and south blocks
serviced by a corridor in between. To best utilize the prevailing south breeze,
a water body has been created in the southern part of the building at the
ground level, which has, in turn, increased the aesthetic value of the concept.
The south breeze blowing over the water body gets trapped atrhe bottom of
the building and the same is vented through the building with suitable cutours, ventilators, windows, so that the cool south breeze can blow up to the
deepest portion of the building. The calculated opening provided act as vent
shaft taking care of (he cross-flow of south wind and taking our the hot air
from the non-air-conditioned areas. The raised roof covered by lowe-glass acts
as a solar chimney and creates draft for the ventilation of the spaces.



Daylight integration
and energy-efficient
fighting design

Office building of the West Bengal Renewable Energy Deve~opment Agenc y. Kc ~

The basic requirement of any lighting installation is to provide sufficien t

light in the right place at the required time.
The lighting scheme for the WBREDA office building has been designe.:
to provide the desired quality, and the recommended quanti ty of light as -.:
lSI standard. While providing a good colour rendition (cool daylight ap p.:.::ance), illumination levels provided in different areas of the proposed o (fi e
are as follows.
Entrance h all and reception area - 150 Lux
Conference room and privare offices - 300 Lux
Open plan office - 300 Lux
Stairs -100 Lux
Corridor- 70 Lux
The following lighting equipment were recommended for the office buildim;
Linear tluo rescent lamps (36 W high dficacy tubelights) to illuminate theinterior work zones
Reception areas, entrance and elevator lobbies, corridors, sraircase, an d
other public areas to be fi tted with compact fluorescent lalnps
1\11irror optic luminaires
Good quality ballasts for control of all discharge lal11,ps

T he windows provided on the north and sou th fa~ades are adequately sized
1:0 provide sufficient daylight for most of the day and through o ut the year,
except during the monsoon period. T h e sizes of shading d evices in the form
of fixed louvres (overhangs, side fins) have been optim ized on the basis of
solar geometry. The entry of daylight into the work areaS is enhanced b y
providing a light-shelf in the sOllth \vindows .
All the circulation spaces like staircase, lobby, and corridors are naturally
lighted by way o f raised roofing.

Lighting control
Recommended lighting control strategies for the WBREDA building are
time-based connol,
occupancy-linked control,
daylight linked contr ol, and
localized switching.
These controls are yet to be installed in the building.

Budgetary constraints prevented use of insulation in the building. However.,
conduction beat gains would have been reduced by increasing the thermal
resistance of the envelope, mainly by the use of thermal insulation in the roof
and walls. The insulated walls and roof not only lower the en ergy consumption but also alLow lower mean radiant temperature (effective temperature of
room surfaces) [0 provide bener thermal comfort. The insulation would have
reduced the air-conditioning load by 40 % .


Office building of the West Bengal Renewable Energy Development Agency. Kolkata

Glazing system
Air-tight double-glazed windows in the air-conditioned areas and singleglazed windows for non-air- conditioned areas were recommended to check
the unwanted heat gains through infiltration throughout the building, and
through conduction in the air-conditioned areas. Double-glazed windows
were expected to reduce the mechanical cooling load by about 12%. However, double-glazed windows could not be provided due to lack of funds.
The raised roof acting as a solar chimney has a lowe-glazing system ro
reduce heat gains.

Use of renewable energy system

The client has assured that there would be no hot water demand in the
building. Although the solar hot water systems would be installed outside the
office for demonstration purposes, these systems have not been considered
for integration into the building.
At present, a 2S-kW roof-mounted grid-interactive solar photovoltaic
system meets major part of the building electrical load .

The roof of (he solar chimney IS of lowe glass. A 25-kW peak solar photovollalc
system has been Installed un the roof

Test beds for experiment on renewable energy systems

A test bed has been provided at (he south side of the plot in the open space of
an approximate area of 167 m 2 All vehicular movements have been restricted
by providing the drive-way in the north and east parts of the building, while
the south parr is kept free for the demonstration of renewable energy systems
and other R&D activities of the WBREDA.


The building has just been occupied and no monitoring results are available.
However, the architect observes that the building is well lit during daytime
and does not require artificial illumination . The ventilation strategy also
works well, says Mr Pramanik, one of the principal architects for the project.


Office building of the West Bengal Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kol a:


a 91ance

Project details

Design features

Building type Commercial (Office building)

Space planning done so as to reduce air-cond itioning loads .

Location Kolkata
Climate Warm and humid
Architect Gherzi Eastern Ltd
Energy consultant TERI (Tata Energy Research
Institute), New Delhi
Year of completion 2000

Ground surface facing southern and eastern sides of the building t o

Use of vegetation and water bodies to be encouraged as a modifier

of microclimate.

Office spaces naturally lit by way of raised roofing with lowe-glass

and light shelves.

Client/owner West Bengal Renewable energy

Development Agency
Plot area 10 895 m2
Built-up area 2026 m2
Total project cost Rs 16.3 million, excluding the
cost of solar photovoltaic system and

Proper design of shad ing device to cut off direct gains and let in

Removal of internal heat by incorporating ventilation device.

Temperature check
for Kolkata


be covered with grass.



Energy-efficient lighting witl, integration of daylighting.

25-kWp grid-interactive solar photovoltaic system for meeting major

part of the building load




(see Appen dix IV)

Add the checks

Multiply by 8.33% for % of year







Office-cum-Iaboratory for the West Bengal Pollution

Control Board, Kolkata

Editor's remarks ~
~"is otfice-cum-I aboraDry bui lding is an

Architects Ghosh and Bose & Associates

An office building in a tight urban setting that uses innovative planning and
detailing to achieve energy efficiency

:: ergy and resource~

'1scious architecture of
"tern India. Efficient
'1 ning, proper fenes-


and shading

_sign have brought

T he building of the WBPCB (West Bengal Pollution Control Board) has

put to use a number of technologies that aim to promote a more sustainable
built environment. The coming years will show which of them we may adopt,
refine, or perhaps even discard.

ut 40% savings over

- nventional building
dar sIze and

. . A view of tile building showing the north-oriented windows of oH,ce spa .:.
laboratOries. The wi ndow sizes and shading devices have been ~orre d
scientific tools 'or fenestration design

Traditionally, the building and construction industry h a. een 3 =-';"

consumer of energy and natura l resources . Hence; at the very ou ' ~
WBPCB and the architects decided that, since the former wa ac
gaged in uplifting the environment, their office building ould '
plary 'environment-friendly building'. The archit ects thus too", 1: challenge to design an energy-efficient bui lding ap plying \'ari __3 ~ - ~-;and resource-efficient building systems .


Office-cum-Iaboratory for the West Bengal Pollution Control Board, Kolkata

.... A conventional plan would have e
large glazed area to south-east, r
east, and south-west. resulting In
unutilizable glare of direct sunllgh_





excessive heat gain







The functIOnal requiremel ~

were broken down into three
basic components.
Fully air-conditioned laboratory wing of abom 1115
m 2 , with state-of-me-arc
A ventilated, non-airconditioned office wing
providing office space of
about 1300 m 2
An ancillary wing housing
entrance lobby, cafeteria,
auditorium, training centre , ,
library, and guest rooms.

Energy-saving The primary strategy of the architects was to achieve enhanced daylighting
features and optimum thermal condition of the building envelope, as the largest enduses in office building are the lighting and air-conditioning systems _The first
intervention to achieve this was judicious orientation of the building within
site constraints.

The WBPCB site was not suitable in this respect, being a long narrow plot
facing norch-west and south-east. A conventional plan would have exposed
large glazed areas to south-east, north-west, and south-west, resulting in
the useless glare of direct sunlight and excessive heat gain . By effective

A tYPical floor plan ~

showing the staggered
plan-form to ensure
maximum dayllghllng
and ventilation and
OllnimUm direCt solar





Office-cum-Iaboratory for the West Bengal Pollution Control Board, Kolkata

architectural design, the key laboratory and office spaces are oriented
north-south for both daylighting, good ventilation, and optimum thermal

Fenestration design
The shading devices, and window size and disposition vary according to the
orientation of the walls. In addition, at the initial design stage, the architects
ensured appropriate depth of the plan to maximize daylight penetration into
the interior.
The highlights of the solar passive features are optimum window disposition and sizing to allow maximum daylighting, while minimizing adverse
thermal effects . However, indiscriminate increase of glazing area to achieve
this is counter-productive of causing glare and over-heating of the building.
The glare from uncontrolled daylight necessitates the use of curtains and
blinds with resultant increase in use of artificial lighting and cooling load.

r--- Most
of the room
needs artificial light

Light shelf reftec\S

daylight deep
into interior

Scienlilically designed
view window with
shading devires to cut
off glare and excess

Gla,e and healin this

portion necessitate
blinds and AC

Conventional window

Window design for daylight

. . Diagram showing a conventional wmdow design and window designed for integration of daylightmg and
to ut off direct radiation

Design optimization
To arrive at an optimum solution, the entire interior was compucer-simulated
to test the light levels (at l-m grid intervals) and thermal performance (with
different window sizes). ~'indow sizes were finalized after this exercise.
Moreover, as the provision of windows in suitable orientation from the
consideration of solar incursion and wind direction was important, maximum glazing was provided in the north-south direction, and minimum in
east and west directions. This provides the advantage of solar heat in winter
while minimizing it in summer. This orientation is also suitable for ventilation, in cities like Kolkata. This exercise had resulted in reduction of cooling
load for air-conditioned laboratory area. The staircase and toiler blocks are
located in that part of [he building, which unavoidably faces west.

Scientific design of shading devices

The shading devices were designed specifically for different wall orientations
to control the glare and reduce the thermal load on the building. For windows facing north, vertical louvres normal to the wall, capped by a horizontal


Office-cum-Iaboratory for the West Bengal Pollution Control Board. Kolkata

member of the same width on top are adequate to provide the required
shading. Windows facing south were generally shaded with horizontal 10
vres. Normany these horizontal louvres should extend much beyond the
window, possibly to other windows at the same level, to avoid sunlight co ..... ~
lng partly from the corners. Hence, instead of extending the horizontal
members to any distance beyond the window on either side, two \'ertical
louvres were provided at the two extremes. For windows oriented east an d.
west, the recommended shading device is a combination of horizontal an .
vertical louvres . The horizontal louvre is normal to the wail but the vertical
louvre is inclined at 30 degree towards the south, away from the normal t C'l
the wall . This has the advantage of letting in the winter sun during early
mornings on the east fap.de and of completely cutting off the summer su n
from morning to evening. The shades are designed so that the summer sun ..
cut off and the winter sun is allowed in . Again, computer simulations were
done to test the efficiency of different shading devices-horizontal louvre .
vertical louvres and a combination of the two. The predicted savings in
energy consumption by doing this exercise has been summarized in Table I

Table 1 Consumption and savings on one typical floor







Conventional window/
Final design







Conventional window/
Final design







Conventional window/
Final design





Conventional window/
Final design







SOllth -faCing

Office block

One typical



33 .9

24 .7

24 .7


Source TER I. 1996. Design review of West Bengal Pollution Control Board Building at Salt Lake, Kolkata
New Delhi : Tata Energy Research Institute ITERI report 1995RT65).

The consumption (lighting, HVAC, and toral) is predicted annually

assuming nine working hours per day and five working days per week.
The toral saving (approximately 39.8 %) is achieved by controlling window
sizes/shading devices . Solar passive techniques with respect to orientation
and depth of plan have led to a saving of abot\[ 2.6 % over a conventionally
designed building. Hence, due to a combination of correct orientation, depth
of plan, wi ndow, and external shading, it is anticipated that the designed
pollution control board building at Salt Lake will save approximately 41.5 %
energy annually over a conventionally designed building of tbe same size.


Energy~effi cie nt


Office-cum-Iaboratory for the West Bengal Pollution Control Board. Kolkata

Switching circuits and automation

To utilize fully the benefits of daylight in the interior, it is important to
ensure that the electric lighting is turned off when daylight provides adequate
illumination. This is achieved by the use of appropriate lighting controls and
involves some degree of automation.
The switching circuits for lights have been designed based on a compUter
simulated lighting grid. Areas with similar light levels are to be located on the
same circuit. The lights will be time~programmed to be switched on or off,
based on ambient light levels.

North-facing laboratory

north-facing labor tory ....


aillitclallightmg levels

In a grid oi 1 1 m al a

218 263
247 307 333 326 288
__1------t-J1c-----!--j 2_

kplane height of 0 . 9 m
ficlallightmg has been
for an average level of

I 210I



367 -:J2~250










359 352


__+--I--fI - r-

with tWin-lube mlllor

--t--------1J------1r--------l- I- r

tures with 36-W high

cv tubelights and high
equency ballasts. rle
daylrghung levels and
Ightmg levels formed
- 0 control strategies
for lightllg




254 332

I I l-j---+-

2. 5~
---+--2t1~t8 2ls Its

Cut-outs allow free

movement of air thus
enhancing ventilation
within the built-environment

T----r-1-2'! ! _+--+-..
340 367 360 317
224 319 313 276 205





l-:Sw;tt~ing circuit 1
2- :Switt~ing ci(cu~ 2

Efficient lighting equipment

Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) are used in place of incandescent lamps.
Comparable light output may be obtained from CFL for only 20%30% of wattage required for incandescent lamps. Maintenance costs are
reduced due to long rated life (about eight times more). In the case of fluorescent lamps, 25 mm diameter slim tubelights of 36 Ware used in place of
38 mm diameter 40 W lamps, consuming eight per cent less electricity with
approximately same output. Optimized use of halogen spotlights for accent
lighting and metal halide lamps for external lighting completes the range for
an energy-efficient lighting solution.


Renewable energy
systems and waste

Office-cum-Iaboratory for the West Bengal Pollution Control Board. Kolkata

Solar photovoltaics
Solar passive systems are buiir in to the design of the WBPCB building_
Computer simulated models have shown a 40% saving in energy consumption over a conventionally designed building of same size and function.
Furhter, it is proposed to install a 2S- kWp solar PV power plant on the roo ;
Tbe aim is to fulfil the basic electricity requirement for lighting through th
use of solar photovoltaics _

Treatment of waste water

The WBPCB and the forest department buildings, which are located in th e
same complex, are estimated to reclaim 22 500 Htres of water per day_Thi
will be used for flushing toilet cisterns and gardening, as requirement of
water in the complex for flushing and gardening is 27 000 liues a day.
Rainwater in the site will not be allowed to run off but will be collected in _
water body in the complex. Creation of a water body and sufficient plantations will not only have a cooling effect but also control dust to create a
unique and attractive ambience _

Project details
Project description Partially conditioned office building on a busy traffic intersection in Kolkata.
Building/projecr name Office-cum-Iaboratory building for West Bengal Pollution Control Board
Climatic zone Warm and humid
Building type Office-cum-Iaboratory building
Architects Ghosh and Bose & Associates Pvt. Ltd
Energy consultant TERI (Tata Energy Research Institute), New Delhi
Year of start/ completion 1996-1999
Client/ owner West Bengal Pollution Control Board
Built-up area 4500 m2

Design features

Optimum orientation of planform

Solar passive features include optimum window disposition and sizing to allow maximum
daylighting, while minimizing adverse thermal effects

Switching circuits for lights have been designed based on a computer-simulated lighting

Energy-efficient lighting techniques have been adopted

Shading devices are specifically designed for different wall orientations to control the glare
and also reduce the thermal load on the building
Techniques evolved to treat waste water

Silent Valley, Kalasa

or's remarks ~
ne madding


Architect K Jaisim
A unique example of a sustainable habitat, which puts minimum pressure on
the environment

Sdent Valley

Dod example
Jole hJbltat



tpr rnt Conser-

ce resources


ary objec

P ositioned on the eastern slope of the Western Ghats of Karnataka and hugged
all round by tall mountains is the Silent Valley, a resort near Kalasa, on the way to
Kudremuk. The spraw'ling resort spread over an area of 1.31 hectare houses
conages, rents, a conference hall, and other ancillary facilities. The built
environment is beautifully merged with the natural landscape and responds
[0 the human requirements by use of resource-efficient eco-friendly solutions. Efficient use and reuse of various resources was the primary objective
ofthe architect. The scenario is indeed breath taking and has the
effect of taking one's imagination to unbelievable heights .

.A. A view of the cottages WIth roof made of countr, tiles and walls of local mud block

, ?J59/3
anning and
materials of
"on struction

The cottages are partiaHy sunk into the ground to take adv'anrage of the
thermal storage capacity of the earth. Wit h the objective of designing a
sustainable habitat, th e architect has used several innovative teclmiques.
Efforts have been made to retain all the existing mature plants and trees .
The buildings follow the existing contour and interplay with the natural
landscape. \X'alls are of solid mud blocks, pillars are of local waste timber, and
roof is made of locally available country liles. Insread of indiscriminately
chopping of trees to give way to construction activity, the mature plants have
been rerained and made a part of rhe building itself. The roof also allows light
to permeate and illuminate the rooms, rhereby reducing lighting needs
during daytime. Natural tree canopies provide excellent shading for the


Silent Valley, Kalasa

'-\ 0I / '"


~~",,! I \

~ lnlfort IflIlOViiIIVr;'



duty wastage and u e of local


Natural light and ventilation in abundance

No artificial or mechanical control of
microclimate required E



Boulders from
fiver side used
in the trenC1
to consOllda!e_ /
Conage merge
and get hidden with
the natural scale

,. . - - Channel with
pebble paving,
which collect
the waler

Cottages are hidden (subterranean).

The natural landsca e is a teature

houses. The natural Contours have been retained and used effectively to
minimize effects of vehicular pollution as well as for protection against stron:
winds. The restaurant of the resort, which is a multi-deck structure, follows
the natural contour and is designed without the conventional wall; the hills
are its walls. The roof made of translucent sheets admits daylight round the
daytime . The buildings of the resort predominantly uses local materials and
labour, which is one of the primary components of sustainable architecture.

The restaurant with ~

translucent 'oof Ilas

I1l1ls as Its walls

Water conservation

Nature plays an important role in the scheme of things here. Streams that flow
through become an important ally of modern technology. Water harvesting is
one of d1e major areas d13r needs attention in the present-day scenario of scarce
resources . The lined channels around the cottages of the Silent Valley guide the
rainwater flow, which gets collected in a tank and is used for irrigation.


Silent Valley, Kalasa

Water loss restricted.

Channels to guide water to
the tank below

Site- Avalley with heavy rain fall

Design concept ~ to use local material

and labour 3nd to merge or hide the
structure with the landscape

Water harvesting and collection for use in the plantation,
treating of sewage and converting them into manure by dispersion,
using dry leaves and twigs, etc. to heat water for conages

~,ailability at materials on

site (local)
- bamboo
. country tiles
. mud with good clay contents
- boulders and pebbles from riverside

.... Rainwater harvesting and reuse

a key feature oi the rsort

Climate cond ition:

- very high ra infall
- high daytime temperature
- steep slope
- terraced and bunded all
along the valley
scattered mulberry, jack trees

''';; asa

-- ;






~ -:: ~:.="




\ -"'-~~ ~
a'la ~pl.e.._ . _ / - - ~j ~
"" ouse
'-....---- ~ a '::amaj Society Val1e~ Location plan


1--- - - - - - , __ J






- -l

r- I



Section (through site)


I Changing
I room



1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

__ 1

Translucent finoram sheetS


Unobstructed view

Wp.;;..;.;.JI;;;"'--i of valley
Section (restaurant)

Overflow channel

.... Detailed plan and section of restaurant. Site plan also hi hhghts location of the restaurant



Waste treatment

Silent Valley, Kalasa

The disposal of waste is a major national issue, as it proves to be hazardo_

for everyone's health. However, at the Silent Valley, the waste matter no ;ishes the tall trees that abound the area. Mulching of leaves provides nU L.tion for the plants. The waste from the corrages is passed through a septic
tank; the outflow is passed through a bed of dispersion channels consisrin;
eucalyptus trees.

Biomass healer

Proximity of heating
system minimizes heat loss

Water movement around

the cottages collect around
the bottom oflhe valley to be pumped
back and used for plantation

Sewage treatment
Only soil waier

Boulders packing

+ + +

Trees mainly used are


+-----1 +


Grease trap

No pollution to the ground

water as treated waste is
converted to manure used
by the trees

Dispersion channel

A Use of Innovative waste treatment and water harvesting leads to maximum resource conservation


heaters heat water for the cottages

In stalled systems

Feed back

As mentioned earlier, nature has been given prime importance by (he architect, thereby minimizing the need for conventional technology. There is no
provision for air-conditioning. Here, (he benevolence of nature is evident
everywhere. Minimum electrical load is required, primarily for reading,
security, and communications. Loads are nominal during daytime, as light
infiltrates through the dexterously designed roofs. Natural tree canopies help
shade the area in a remarkable way.
A centrally located biomass water heater uses dry leaves and twigs to heat
water for the cottages. The centralized location of the biomass heater reduces
heat loss.
'As architects / ecologists, we are thrilled,' chime the architects at Jaisim
Fountainhead. 'This is a place that truly houses people from all walks of
life-the rich businessman, an average family, children, rl1e adventurous
trekker, the philosopher and the artist.'


Silent Vall ey, Kalasa


a glaV\ce

Project detai Is
Building/project name Silent Valley - Resort - Kalasa
Site area 1.31 hectares
Built-up area 1600 m2
Building type Resort
Architect K Jaisim

Year of start/ completion 1997- 1999

Cost Building cost is Rs 2800/m 2 (inclusive of civil , electrical, and sanitary cost), and the total

project cost is Rs 6000/m 2 ,

Design features
Cottages partially sunk into ground
Use of locally available materials and does away conventional wa lls, roof, floors, doors, and
Merges with nature instead of trying to modify natural landscape to suit the building needs
Does away with energy-intensive space-conditioning and lighting systems; makes ample
use of daylight
Waste water used to nourish plants that provide excellent shade
Biomass heater for water heating
Water harvesting

Vikas Apartments, Auroville

Editor's remarks

f ':'O Lirce efficiency and

community participation
<I I e

Architect Satprem Maini

Architect Satprem Maini designs residential apartments with a holistic
approach for a collective of clients

key to energy effl-

ncy It has been aptly

demonstrated In this
budding. which ha, used
buildmg design and
elements, appropr ate
bUilding technologies
renewable energy technologies, and waste

management techniques.

EffiCiency IS being maintained at end-use by

conscious use of various

habitat is wider than a house and includes the surroundings, the neighbourhood, the infrastructure used for the welfare of all, the environment,
etc., and also deals with social relations and patterns. Thus the aspiration of
a few friends to live a lifestyle related to the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo and
Auroville culminated in this building with 23 residential apartmenrs housing
50 people, and common facilities . Apart from the specific spirituality, the
creation of the community aimed to share the financial resources - (0 build
for everyone and not relate the finished product with the financial participation. Constructed in phases, the building makes exclusive use of appropriate
building technologies (earth and ferrocement), renewable energy (solar and
wind), and ecological water managemenr (water harvesting and waste water
treatmenr) .

resources and systems.

Vegelable garden

Vikas: part plao aod ancillary ~

facilities. Building oriented so ,.
as to catch the summer day
and night wind. Oriented
longitudinall y alon east-west
axis with shaded openings
along north-south for crossventilation and reducing
summer gains

architectural design

The building is orienred to catch the summer wind. Natural cross-ventilation is

improved by increasing the wind velocity with the help of pier walls oriented at
45 degrees to the predominanr wind direction. Solar chimneys are inregrated
with the building structure to create a narural draft that is specially refreshing at
night. The basement floors, being only 1.2 m underground, receive a lot of
daylight and at the same time remain cool in the summer.


Appropriate building

Vikas Apartments, Auroville

Vikas apartments are built with

stabilized rammed earth foundations (with five per cent cement)
and CEB (compressed earth
block) (with five per cent
cement) walls, vaults, and domes.
Some walls have been built using
stabilized rammed earth with five
per cent cement. The soil for
building has been extracted from
Do~ Jd.4 2O CI!)~p;," !IOc m /tt.e
the waste water treatment pond
and the garden tank, while in the
....... Section shoWlllg innovative roof construction for
third apartmenr building with a
natural d' aft by a solar chimney
basement floor, the excavated soil
is used for building. Ferrocement roof channels have been used for some floors
while doors and shelves are of ferrocemenr . Concrete,
glass, steel, etc. have been sparingly used.

Renewable energy


The apartmenrs employ renewable

energy sources and conservation techniques. The collective kitchen has a solar
water heating system that caters to the
cooking needs of the community kitchen.
Lighting needs of the aparrmenrs are met
by solar photovoltaics (installed capacity
2.04 kW). Alternative pumping using
two solar pumps and a windmill (for
pumping water from depths of 32-35 m)
caters ro the needs of 100 people who use
the water with care .
photovoltaic for lighting

ater management


e no west Irrt...

ce heat gain ,.

The carefully designed landscaping aims at a zero run-off of the monsoon

rains. The overflow of the windmill and the solar pumps is used to water the
garden. Biological waste water treatment is done with the help of an aerobic
process, called lagooning. The sun and aquatic plants do the treatmenr and after
eight days the treated water can be used for gardening (not for drinking) .
Till today, the developmenr ofVikas apartments has been exclusively
based on appropriate building technologies, renewable energies, and ecological water management. Beyond this allernative material implementation was


Vikas Apartments, Auroville

the alternative funding and construction process. From the

ourset, a common fund was created that allowed the buildin"'
the common facilities. Later people shared resources with an
aim to build for everyone-those who could give more paid fi_
those who could not. Interestingly, the apartments were allocated according [0 the needs expressed as opposed [0 [he
amount contributed . In the early stages, people also willingly
participated in the construction work, with a few working on t::
site, others doing accounts, supervision, etc. Vikas apartment were designed with a view to create an eeo-friendly habitat th a:
not only create facilities for everyone but also create a synergy
that leads to a different kind of lifestyle .

...... V ~d bulidlllg pier walls and solar chimney to

au rn nt natural IIflow In tl1e building


Installed renewable energy systems and waste

management techniques
Solar photovoltaics for lighting (57 panels of different
capacity, totall ing 2040 W for 23 apartments)
The solar water heating system provides hot water only to the

About 0 .6 (00.8 kWh of renewable energy is consumed per month in the bachelor's accommodatiOi .
The residents are satisfied with the thermal comfo!"
and fmd that summers have rarely been too hot.
However, they do find that daylighting is inadequ3 P
at times and there is a necessity to augment it.

Design features

Water pumping using a windmill

and reducing summer gains. Pier walls oriented at 45 degrees

Solar water pumping with submersible pumps

Waste water recycling using lagooning

Solid waste management with Auroville Eco Service

The buildings are oriented longitudinally along the east-west

axis with openings along the north-south for cross-ventilation
to the predominant wind direction furtller aid cross ventilation

The buildings are partly sunken with adequately daylit

basement fl oors (1.2 m deep) that are cool in summer
(earth stabilizes internal temperature)

To maintain this eco-friendly habitat, the architects have
issued guidelines to all the residents for the appropriate

Soil excavated for construction has been used in making earthblocks for the buildings thus reducing the embodied energy

usage of renewable energy equipment installed in the

SolarchimnfYs are integrated with the buildingstructures

creating a natural draft that add to the ventilation

apartments. A checklist of items that demand periodic

checking and maintenance (daily, weekly, monthly, and

yearly) has also been given to the reSidents. It,


remains to be seen that the residents are not tempted in

future to change their style of living in Vikas, which would
disturb the harmony and resource sharing, which are the
remarkable and essential features of the project.

Fenestration with overhangs have been adequately designed

to get enough daylight and cut off direct gains

Terrace gardens and creepers on the west faGade reduce

cooling loads

Energy-saving compact fluorescent lamps of 9 Wand 6 W

have been used for lighting

Space conditioning is achieved through natural crossventilation

Project details
Project description 23 residential apartments housing 50 people,
and common facilities
Building type Residentia
Climate Warm and humid
Built in area 1420 m2
Owners/ clients Col lectiva of clients
Architect Satprem Maini
Period of construction 1992-1999

Pier walls and solar chimney for cross-ventilation .......


Temperature check
for Auroville

Vikas Apartments, Auroville






(see Appendi x IV)







Add the checks

Multiply by 8.33% for % of year




La Cuisine Sol aire, Auroville

Editor's remarks

fillS collective solar



an e ample of

Arch itect s Suhasini Ayer Guigan and Anita Gaur

A collective solar kitchen demonstrating use of solar energy for commucooking and use of appropriate technologies

reducmg strain on
conventional energy


buildmgs by efficIent

deSign. reduc-

mg use of energy-inten-

sive budding matenals,

and use of appropriate

technologies for construction . The solar kitchen

demonstrates the innovative use of solar thermal

energy for cooking meals

for 1000 people. thrice a


Solar dish made of prefabricated

ferrocement sections assembled
In situ and grouted . The resulting
structure IS then plastered to
achieve a smooth finish on which
mirrors with the quality of float
glass are ........

Use of appropriate
technologies and
passive solar

T his project was built (0 demonstrate the use of solar thermal energy in
steam generation in cooking meals thrice a day for about 1000 people. Th ~
project also demonstrates the appropriateness of compressed earth block_
and ferrocement roofing
channels supported by an
innovative channel truss
beam .
The project will th us
support organic farming
within Auroville and in
local villages by being the
main purchaser for their
products used for meals
prepared in the kitchen. At .
a later stage, the steam will
also be used for food
~ A view of 1I1e south-western facade shOWing solar one
processing and laundry
service .
Steam is generated using a bowl that is a 60-degree section of a sphere of
lS.65-m diameter. The rays of the sun are concentrated on a boiler that is
sllspended fro~ an arm that is pivoted at the centre of the sphere. The
boiler contains a coiled metal pipe that will carry thermic fluid.
which will, in a heat transfer chamber, convert water (0
steam. This boiler moves with the sun, raking into
account both the daily movements and the seasonal
shift in the position of the sun. However, unlike
solar photovoltaic energy, the performance drops
drastically in the case of clouds. Therefore, the
system is designed as a hybrid system> which mean
that it is coupled with a conventional boiler in case
of temperature drops in the solar bowl.
The solar bowl is built llsing prefabricated
ferrocement elements shaped as sections of the sphere (like
the segments of an orange) that are assembled in situ and grouted.
The resulting structure is then plastered to achieve a smooth finish on whkh
mirrors with the quality of float glass are stuck.
Built on a grid of 2.5 x 2.5 01, this 1700-m2 building is built with compressed
earth blocks and is a load-bearing structure.

The composite foundation technique comprises three layers. Trenches were
dug to varying depths depending on the load of the building-between 0.75-m
depth for the store rooms and 1_25-m depth for the kitchen_ The first layer,


La Cuisine

Solaire, Auroville

with a depth of about 20-25 cm, was composed of sand and pebbles in a dry mix
compacted using a hand-held rammer. The second layer is of blue rueral of size
40-45 mm mixed with stabilized earrh mortar and compacted. The third layer is
of granite blocks of 300-350-mm size in random rubble masonry with stabilized
earth mortar up to ground level. Above ground level and up to the plinth, blocks
are used for construction.

All walls and pillars are in compressed earth blocks (cement stabilized with
five per cent content) manually manufactured using the Auram 3000 block
maker. The external wall surfaces are treated with a water repellent paint and
internal surfaces are painted with a cement-based paint of the required colour.

Several roofing systems have been used. The roof, spanning 10m, over the
main kitchen area is of long-span ferrocement channels prefabricated at site
and installed manually ar 4.5 m above the floor level. The dining hall has
doubly-curved shell roofing where the prefabricated ferrocement shells are
used as lost shuttering.
The store rooms and auxiliary areas have the normal ferrocement channels
up to 6.5 m span. Solar chimneys have been incorporated in the kitchen and
dining hall to enhance natural ventilation . The vents provided for solar
chimney also provides diffused daylight.
The roof, spanning 10 m, over the main kitchen
area, is of long-span ferroceme -,t channels
prefabricated at site with solar vents above lintel
incorporated to create a natura updraughl to
ventilate the kitchen and dining hall


......... Doublycurved shell roofing for

dining room

Openings are cast in situ RCC (reinforced cement concrete) using
ferrocement prefabricated elements as lost shuttering thus saving on finishing plaster. The windows are recessed into the pillars where the lintel acts as a
sunshade. Above these lintels, solar vents have been incorporated to create a
natural up-draft to ventilate the kitchen and dining hall. All the windows and
doors are of steel grills with wire mesh and sliding glass shutters.

The flooring in the dining and kitchen areas is in Shabad srone while other
areas have coloured cement flooring.

21 2

La Cuisine Solaire, Auroville

Roof insulation and waterproofing

First, a thermal insulation layer of broken bricks mixed with lime is laid 0 \' the roofing channels, This is treated with a fermented solution of jaggery a:- ~
Tenninalia chebula (Kaddukai) nuts which is poured over the brick lime jell,
and beaten using wooden mallets. Reject tiles in cement screed are then lai
as a waterproofing layer.

The main spiral staircase is in prefabricated RCC with elements designed ~
be assembled on site, Staircases within the building for office or roof acee.
are also prefabricated in RCC, inserted during construction.

These are incorporated in the lintel by recessing the openings . The lintels,
therefore, have an L profile and the wall moves outside above the iintellev I.

Waste water recycling

The soil was excavated at site for making compressed earth blocks for wall
construction and the resulting hole used for the waste recycling pond of the
root zoning technique. \Xlaste water is recycled using an imhoff tank and
baffle reactor with a polishing tank to reuse the water for gardens.

Project details
La Cuisine Solaire demonstrates that a solar concentrator can produce enough steam to cook
for 1000 people a day.

Architects Suhasini Ayer Guigan and Anita Gaur

Consultant for the bowl Chamanlal Gupta , Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Contractor/ builder Local labour trained and managed by the architect
Covered area 1700 m2
Project duration 1994-1997
Approximate cost Rs 12.5 million (inclusive of cost of the solar concentrator)

Construction techniques for the building

Composite foundations comprising three layers

All pillars and walls are of compressed earth blocks stabilized with five per cent cement
The roof over the main kitchen area is a 10 m long-span ferrocement channel prefabricated on site
The dining hall has a doubly-curved shell roof where the prefabricated ferrocementshells
are used as lost shuttering
The store rooms and auxiliary areas have the normal ferrocement channels
Solar chimneys have been incorporated in the kitchen and dining hall to enhance natural
Openings are cast in situ RCC using prefabricated ferrocement elements as lost shuttering
thus saving on finishing plaster
Thermal insulation is in broken fired bricks mixed with lime treated with a fermented solution
of jaggery and local nuts

Waterproofing is done with reject tiles in cement screed

Sponsors The Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources for the solar bowl and the hybrid
system, Housing Urban Development Corporatio for the dining hall section, the Fo ndation
for World Education (USA), The Stichting de Zaieer (Holland), and the Auroville Foundation.


Tetnperature check
for Auroville

La Cuisine Solaire, Auroville







(see Appendix IV)






Add t he checks






Multiply by 8.33% for % of year


Kindergarten School, Auroville

Editor's remarks



tillS IlI1dergarten

Architect Suhasini Ayar Guigan

Eco-friendly low-cost construction techniques and simple passive sola r
features for a Kindergarten School in warm, humid climate

cl1ooll<; d ow-cost lowenergy blllidm


deslglled roof tiles

. dopted for dayllghtlng

and ventilation ale

unlqlJe to thiS small

school budding

T he Kindergarten School has been designed for Sri Aurobindo International Institute of Educational Research for approximately 60 children
between the age of 3 and 6 years. Funded by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India, the school has been design ee.
to create an ideal learning environment through play spaces.

Recessed wmdow" e~t n ed roof for shading walls Jnd Windows ventilated roof by niP-nOS
of special tiles deSigned for escape of 11M ilil

Passive solar features

The classrooms have load-bearing walls of earth and left with a natural
fmish. However, the lintels, which is a shading device-cum-beam to support
the tile roofs, are painted in different colours thus enabling the children to
identify with their group space. The colour of the rooms is in relation to
their location in terms of the movement of the sun. The rooms are painted
either in cool or warm colours depending on the cardinal direction and how
much of the retlected or direct sunlight enterS each classroom. For example, the kitchen/dining space is in cold blue as it is not in direct sun when it
is used at mid -day. But as it is also the hottest time of the day and the
children would be tired after a whole morning, this colour is more refreshing [0 the senses than a warm colour. There are a number of multipurpose
rooms for craft, theatre, and music, besides classrooms, that open onto the
gardens that are roofed to provide shade. Creepers and plants provide
shade in the tr ansitional spaces. Recessed windows provide sun and rain
protection as well as cosy window seats for the children. The roof is made
of burnt clay tiles on an understructure of prefabricated reinforced cement
concrete beams. Special glass tiles and ventilator tiles in the roof allow hot
air escape and at the same lime provide an interesting play of light.



Kindergarten School. Auroville

The building has rammed earth foundations. As the soil was not of sufficiently good composition, the earth excavated from me trenches was mixed
with cement (five per cent) and with sand. The plinth is in CEBs (compressed
earth blocks) with a DPC (damp proof course) of 1:3 cement mortar.



lID J\9

ert plannmg around a

I IInll, with classrooms

pellpllery The central
enfllatlflg tiles 111 roof



hy ililowing hot (Ir to

and forcrng In cooler
h ell! air through t'le
lassroom windows



f'rYlL-ll !:

natural ventilation




- :-t

Teacher's room
Dining space

ill r-------J












Kindergarten - floor plan

All the pillars and waIls are in CEBs, which are cement stabilized '"vith five
per cent cement contenr. These were manufaCTured manually using the
Auram 3000 block maker. The soil used was excavated On site and the
resulting hole is used to hold the rainwater from the roofs and the site.

Wall finish
Both the external and imerna! wall surfaces are left natural without any
paint and water repellent finishes.


Kindergarten School, Auroville

The pyramidal roof is of Mangalore riles with an
understructure of p refabricated RCC rafters manufactured on site and assembled in situ with grouting of tb
joints using a combination of ferrocement and RCC
poured in situ.

All the openings of [he buildings have an RCC elemerc '
that is a combination of three things - lintels, overhangs, and gutter - for the channelling of {he rainwat e ~
from the pyramidal tile roofs.

Doors and windows

All the windows are made with steel grills with glass
fixed on them. The doors are a combination of
teakwood recycled from demolished houses in
Pondicherry and welded mesh . The cupboard doors
have transparent glass fixed in wood frames.


~ speClal glass tiles for an

interesting play of light, and
ventilator tiles to allow hot
air to escape

The overhangs are [he limels and the ring beam as

earlier mentioned. These hold [he RCC rafters that have been given a 'U'
profile to also act as a gutter.

The internal flooring is cement coloured with red oxide laid on a cement
screed of 1: 10 . The toilets have ceramic tiles both for flooring and as dado.

The tile roof because of its slope does not require any further waterproofing but the I-m-deep overhangs-cum-lintels have a waterproofing plaster in
cement mortar with waterproofing compound.

External paving
The garden paths and the sit-outs are paved using CEBs.

User feedback

The vemilarion inside the classrooms as such is good with the airflow being
sufficient for comfort. These rooms have ceiling fans installed but they are
rarely used, as the school is operating only between 8.00 a .m. and 1.00 p.m .
In rhe late afternoon, it becomes a little uncomfortable. There is no problem with daylighting even in the dark monsoon period as enough window
and skylights have been provided. The children have been happy with the


Kindergarten School. Auroville




Project details

Design features

=>foject Kinderga rten School . Aurovi lle

Eco-friend ly energy-effici ent construction techniques:

- rchi tect Suhas in i Ayar Guigan

Use of rammed earth foundation s

;] nth area 560 m2

-= mate Warm and humlid

Pillars and walls us ing five per cellt cement stabilized

compressed earth blocks

~ c-'l i rac tor

Mangalore clay tile roof with an understructure of

prefabricated RCC rafters

Doors of teakwood recycled from demolished houses

Local labour trained and managed by building

ce ntre, Auroville
::'~je c t

duration 1991-1992

-;s : Rs 1.5 million (approximately)

in Pond icherry and welded mesh

External paving using compressed earth blocks .

Specially designed roof tiles for daylighting and ventilation

The excavation pit left after excavating soil for making of
compressed earth blocks was used for rainwater harvesting

erature check
r Auroville


Coo l

Colour schemes as per room location with respect to solar

path .






Appendix IV)





Add the checks







Multiply by 8.33% for % of year


Visitors' Centre, Auroville

Editor's remarks
s Cer



beer) hullt


This bUilding demonstrates use of appropriate building technologies and

methods of construction, land reclamation and afforestation, renewable
energy technologies, and water and waste management techniques.

gy COil er latlon

by u

of varlou,> '1fJ,:J 0


e, hrlologlcs In

Architects Suhasini Ayer Guigan and Serge Maini

omtructlofi SpeCial

(mphasl" has [wen l<lld

on dd.yli~hling dnd
ventilation tpchnlqucs tl)
reduce energy consump-

tion at end use

T h e Auroville Building Centre CAV-BC) is a research-cum-training organization in appropriate building technology that forms part of the na tional
network of building centres set up with HUDCO's (Housing and Urban
Development Corporation' s) assistance. The AV-BC specializes in earth and
ferrocement technologies and also produces a whole range of prefabricated
ferrocement elements. The Auroville Visitors' Centre has been designed and
built by [he AV-BC as a demonstration project for alternative technologies.


..--- ..

=== ="~:::~ = ==:





The entrance arcade of the VISlto

Centle IS spanned by arclles In
C Illpressed earth blocks

The project is located in the southern Indian township of Auroville and is

the reception centre for hundreds of visitors who visit Auroville everyday. It
is a demonstration complex for alternative technologies such as appropria te
building technologies, land reclamation and afforestation, renewable energy
technologies, water management, and waste recycling techniques.
This building acted as a training site for the local villagers who built it,
rhus learning soil block construction, ferrocement roofing techniques, earth
cOllStru(;[ion rechniques such as arches, domes, and building techniques .


Visitors' Centre, Auroville

Aims Various types of people use chis building. Thus it had to be inviting for
visirors who would be drawn to explore the space and become aware of the
possibilities offered by various appropriate technologies. The building has an
information office, exhibition spaces, restaurant, video-room, shop for
handicrafts, conference facilities, toilets, and an open-air amphitheatre, the
last serving as a focal point .
In order to reduce the cost and simplify the construction, a grid pattern of
4 x 4 m was adopted in which the pillars are load-bearing and all openings
are arched or corbelled.






.ted which 10 ':, un 1 r n ~

[1\' rprluces !Iucturil l
, ;,uld t'le CO'ls(ru : 1I0n
d so h

s thereby leen

aterials of

=: ting and
_P'\til ation

The locally available fired bricks are of poor quality but the soil is suitable for
making blocks. The built-up area is about 1200 m 2 . Soil stabilized blOCKS are
used ro build the pillars and arches. Some spaces are covered with domes
constructed with soil stabilized blocks (24-cm thick), which at times has a
first floor above it. Other spaces are covered with prefabricated ferrocement
channels that have a first floor above it at times . Timber has not been used in
the building because of its high cost, vulnerability to termites, and contribution to reducing national forest cover.
Special emphasis is laid on natural lighting and ventilation as the building
taps only renewable sources of energy and is not connected to the grid of the
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board.


Visitors' Centre. Auroville

The climate is warm and humid. Therefore, natural ventilation is nec (-~
sary for comfort. However, during the hottest part of the year when there
almost no breeze, an integrated solar chimney causes wind draft in the ro
below. This is a demonstration passive solar vemilation technique (refer to
chapter 'Energy efficiency in architecture: an overview of design concepts an
architectural imerventions' pp. 1-18) . Built using low-cost techniques to redu .
the cost per square metre, the building creates a viable alternative to conventional construction techniques.
The energy-efficiency in this project is governed by the choice of rna te ria
and construction techniques.

Space planning and


Spatial planning
The spaces have been planned in a modular grid of 4 x 4 m and are of shallow
depth to aid uniform daylighting. The modular grid of 4 x 4 m has reduced
structural costs significanrly and the construction process has been simplified.
The pillars are load-bearing and in CBBs (compressed earth blocks). All open ings are arched or corbelled thereby reducing structural costs.

Composite foundations comprising three layers are used due to the clayey
soil conditions. Trenches were dug up to the same soil type everywhere
(which meam (hat they were of unequal depth). The first layer of about
20-2S-cm depth was composed of sand and pebbles in a dry mix, compacted
using a hand-held rammer. The second layer is blue metal of 40- 45-mm size
mixed with stabilized earth mortar and compacted. The third layer comprise:
granite blocks of 300- 350-mm size laid in random rubble masonry in stabilized earth mortar up to ground level. The plinth is in dressed granite block '
with a damp proof course in bitumen.

All pillars, arches, and walls are in CBBs, which are cement stabilized with
four or five per cent cement content as required. These were manufactured
manually using the As[ram maker. The soil used was excavated on site and
the resulting hole used for the waste.:recycling pond.

The blllldHlg demonstrates

energy efficiency bv chOice 01
low energy ma.enals and
Gon~tructlon techniques U e of
arches to span operllngs IS a
predominant feature of the


Visitors ' Centre, Auroville

Wall finish
The external wall surfaces are left without any paint or protection. The
internal surfaces are given a rendering with cement-based paint of [be required colour.

There are two types of roofs. The domes over all the rooms are made with
CEB tiles (24 em thick) manufactured with the Auram block maker. These
domes are built without using any centring and they are a section of a spbere.
The corridors and the other such spaces are roofed over with prefabricated
ferrocement channels, which were manufactured at AV-BC.

The openings are either arches or corbels in CEBs. The arches were built
using a centring in steel. The centring was removed immediately on completion of each arch. The pec corbel stone used at the base of the arch was needed
only because the design ofIhe arch was too flat (for aesthetic reasons).

Doors and windows

All the windows and some doors are made of steel grillwork with either wire
mesh or glass fixed on them. Doors that are exposed to wet areas are made of

The two spiral staircases are of prefabricated reinforced cement concrete
designed to be assembled on site.

Overhangs are of prefabricated ferrocemenr installed on brackets built into
the wall with scaffolding poles at the time of construction so that the overhangs do not crack with the settlement in the building.

Outdoor pa ving
The paving in the entrance of the building is a combination of waste
rerracotta roofing tiles, Cuddapah stones, and granite slabs . The paving in
the courtyard-cum-amphitheatre is done by CEB tiles, similar in thickness to
the ones used in the dome construction, with the same stabilization as the
wall tiles.

Internal flooring is done by unpolished CUddapah stone tiles of green colour
while railets and other wet areas have ceramic tiles .

The waterproofing over the domes is done on an insulation layer made of
broken fired bricks mixed with lime. This is treated with a fermented solution
of jaggery and Terminalia chebula (Kaddukal) nuts which is poured over the
brick lime jelly and bearen in Llsing wuod~n l11<1ll~LS . OIl Li1is, a pla~;Ler of shell


Visitors' Centre, Aurovilie

lime is done and a final rendering of lime wash is given. Flat roofs on
ferrocement channels have an insulation of brick jelly lime, laid to a minimum thickness of 3 inches, over which there is a waterproofing plaster of
lime-cement finished with crazy mosaic of broken ceramic tiles.

Site location Auroville

Climate Warm and humid
Covered area (plinth) The approximate covered area of the project is 1200 m2
Sponsors The main sponsors of the project were Housing and Urban Development Corporation , Foundation
for World Education, Stichting de Zaieer (Holland), Indian Navy, United Nations Centre for Human
Settlements (Nairobi) , Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources, and Auroville Foundation
Consultants Centre for Scientific Research (Renewable Energies)/ Aureka / Ray Meeker/Craterre, France
Contractor/ builder Local labour were trained and managed on site
Project duration 1989-1992
Approximate cost Rs 3.5 million

Spatial planning has been done in a modular grid of 4 ~ 4 m, reducing structural costs and aiding
Use of alternative and innovative construction techniques has reduced embodied energy immensely.
Some of these are stone foundation , walls in compressed earth blocks, roof in compressed earth tiles,
and ferrocement channels, prefabricated RGG staircase, ferrocement externa l doors, etc.

Use of solar chimney for ventilation, suited to the warm and humid conditions of Auroville
Excavation pit left after excavating soil for making of compressed earth blocks and tiles used for waste
water recycling pond

Tempe rature check

for Auroville





I Hot


(see Appendix rv)



Add the checks






Multiply by 8.33% fo r % of yea r


Computer Maintenance Corporation House,


Editor's remarks ~




he Lilt C)rm 0



ceeded II c!pslgnlflg an

gy-e+fIClerl ard
ellrger:t bLlldrnt by
L ghtful integration ,)f
111 eel ure WI h 11terJor

An energy-efficient, intelligent, hi-tech building in the busy metropolis

of Mumbai

{W ~

. we' r the arch tpct


Architects Vin od Gupta an d Rasik Bahl

d "('rVIC~~

T he CMC (Computer Maintenance Corporation) building at Bandra,

Mumbai, is an intelligent, hi-tech, and energy-efficient building. Architec[Ure, interior design, and services are integrated to achieve these objectives .
The basic requirements of the building emerged from a series of meetings
between the designers and the 'users committee' of the CMC, regarding
office space organization, the designs of the library, meeting rooms for
interaction with visitors, a reception area, museum-cum-art gallery, cafe and
recreational facilities for the staff, besides parking and services, which are
located in the basements .
To encourage informal interaction
among the staff, who would be seated
on different floors in the building, it
was decided to create small work
modules of 10 to 25 persons, each
arranged around an atrium. These are
arranged in the form of helix, resulting
in a building in which floor divisions
have disappeared and communication
is enhanced, without losing privacy
and spaciousness. It even encourages
people to take the easy-going stairs
instead of the elevator.
All the public spaces such as the
reception and meeting rooms , art
gallery, computer room, and demonstration room are located at the lower
levels, leaving 'six floors' of continuous office space topped by the staff
facilities. Car parking and various
services are provided in the basement.
The form of the CMC building
was d etermined by the prevailing
zoning regulations, which called for a
building of 22 x 25 x 30 m dimen sion .

A view of the CMC building.

'II1II Mumbal


Computer Maintenance Corporatton House. Mumbai

Design details The architectural concept divided

each floor into four levels connected by short flights of stairs.
Three of these levels are office
spaces while the fourth is the
service module with the elevators
and the main staircase. The main
circulation route is placed around
the atrium in the form of a helix,
which creates an interesting
spiralling space.

Artificial lighting scheme

Typical Ooor plan

........ Seh maliC plan showing cemral ilr I' r

arrangement of ottlce space around l

Building systems

Lighting system
The thoughtfully designed lighting system provides a uniform general illum~
nation in the range 175-200 Lux in the entire working area using low wattag.
and high efficiency sources such as CFL or fluorescent lamps (40 W) with
high frequency electronic ballasts, mirror optic reflectors ) and parabolic
louvres. Since the work surfaces require higher illumination (-300 Lux), tas .
lighting has been provided with the help of 9 W CFL PL cask lamps. Together, these require no more than lOW of pow'er per square metre of office
space . The on/off and dimming of artificial general lighting is controlled by a
microprocessor that responds to the available daylight. The lighting of computer areas required special attention in order (0 avoid glare on the computer
screens. Special fixtures with metallic parabolic mirror louvres solved this
problem without sacrificing the efficiency of the luminaries. A more uniform
level of lighting has been achieved by using closely spaced single-tube light
fixtures instead of the common twin-tube fixtures .

........ Section through tile CMC Hous'"


Computer Maintenance Corporation House. Mumbai

Air-conditioning system
Four independently controlled unitary AHUs (air-handling units) are located at each floor allowing flexibility in use of the building. When the building is not fully occupied (over a weekend for example), it is possible to cool
only those sections which are in use.
The HVAC (hearing, ventilation, and air-conditioning) plant is located in
the basement and mix-matched to allow variable capacity with high efficiency. The entire operation of the plant and the AHUs is controlled by a
microprocessor. Apart from providing efficient control over the operations,
the microprocessor control system also ensures automatic load management
when the buildin.g is to be run on a stand-by power generator andfuU plant
operation is not possible. In the event of a fire, unitary AHUs will be switched
off, ventilation fans will be started, and lift lobby will be pressurized.

Interior design

Special features

In addition [0 the functional and aesthetic requirements, the materials used

in the interior design were carefully chosen with environmental conservation
in mind; the tradition of the CMC of using handcrafted natural materials in
preference to synthetic materials has been followed.
An open plan landscape office concept has been used all through . In order
to reduce noise in the open office, sound absorbent ceiling, partitions, and
flooring have been used. The furniture itself is made out of the waste wood
from rubber trees, processed to produce a durable and aesthetically pleasing
material. The modular sound absorbent dividing screens incorporate a
suspension system that allows various modules like table tops, side racks, and
storage units to be attached to them. Electricity, telephones, and computer
communication cables are integrated with the screens, flooring, wan panels,
false ceiling, and also with the furniture. Specially produced coir mat with
latex backing has been used to provide a durable and inexpensive floor
covering in office.

Integration of daylighting with the lighting system

Windows located on the periphery are unable to transmit daylight deep into
the working areas (11-13 m in the case ofthis building). A central atrium
with circulation routes around the
atrium introduces daylight at all
floors and effectively reduces the
depth of working areas to 9 m .
The double-glazed peripheral
windows are split in to two parts-the
upper half is used for daylighting and
the lower half for view. The upper
window incorporates small light
shelves in the form of reflective
(mirror coated) venetian blinds
opera ted by microprocessor-contro lIed motors which tilt the slates at
The daylit atrium at the ..
angles in response to
CMC. Mumba l .,
the angle of incidence of sunlight on
different faces of the building. The
motorized louvres are designed to be
automatically adjusted, to reflect
sunlight on to the ceiling, which has
white painted flat and angled panels.


Computer Maintenance Corporation House, Mumbai


Reflective glass

~ View

SectiOn ot tile r
spal,;e WIUI 11 t I


Reflective glass

This method provides more light deep inside the office space and improves
daylight distriburion near the windows. The lower half of the window is fitted
with reflective glass and ordinary venetian blinds, which people can adjust
according to their needs. For better maintenance, the blinds are enclosed
between the outer and inner sheets of glass. The net effect of these measures
is that during daylight hours, practically no anificiallighting is needed.

Insulation for
reduction in heat

To reduce the cooling load, thermal insulation was provided in aU exposed

wall and roof surfaces and double-glazed. The windows are sealed to reduce
infiltration losses. To allow more efficient plant operation, the air-conditioning load was determined by the more commonly occurring ambient conditions in preference to the normal practice of using the worst combination of
ambient factors which might occur on one or two days in (he year. The total
air-conditioning plant capacity thus worked our (0 about 17 m 2 of cooled
space per TR (ronnes of refrigeration), which is much better than the
Mumbai norm (-10 m- perTR)

Intelligent (h i-tech)

Integration of compurerized management and control in the building design

is not just to manage normal building functions bm also to achieve a higher
level of efficiency. The system controls air-conditioning, lighting, security,
and automatic maintenance of equipment and communications. The computers also make the building respond to [he outdoor weather cond.itions to
optimize energy use in the building. Compmers are also used here w allocate
seats to field workers on a day-to-day basis, and for informing the EPABX of
the location of the worker. This enables the company to optimize the seating
capacity of the building and other facilities.

Energy conservation
in the CMe House

The designers provided (hefirs( estimates that the CMC building consumes
about 25% less energy than the traditionally designed offices in Mumbai.
Since the controls for lighting, venetian blinds, and the air-conditioning
plant were pan of the Building Automation System developed in-house by
the CMC itself, it is difficult to give authentic estimates for the additional
cost incurred in designing this system and other energy-saving features. The
cost of the automation system was 6.5 million rupees and the savings in
reduced installed capacity of the HVAC plant were abom 3 million rupees.
The microprocessor for controlling the movement of the louvres was
installed in some parts of the building only and in most of the building the
blinds work no different than in any other conventional building. These
blinds are now controlled by a manually operated electrical switch.


Computer Maintenance Corporation House, Mu mbai

Project details
Project name CMC House, Mumbai
Building type Commercial office
Climatic zone Warm and humid
Client/ owner CMC Limited
Architects Vinod Gupta and Rasik Bahl
Project management Stup Consultants
Structural S V Damle
Electrical Electrical Consulting Engineers
HVAC Gupta Consultants
Plumbing S G Deolalikar
Mechanical G P Khungar
Lighting Ashok Gadgil
Automation CMC Limited & Space Design Associates
Interiors Carl Christiansson & Space Design Associates
Energy Vinod Gupta
Start/completion 1989-1992
Total area 5800 m2
Total cost 80 million rupees
Cost of automation system 6.5 million rupees

Design features

Temperature check
for Mumbai

Energy-efficient lighting

Daylight integration with artificial lighting

Use of eco-friendly materials for interior design

Double-glazed windows and wall insulation to reduce building cooling loads

Intelligent control of air-conditioning, lighting, security, and EPABX system






Add the checks

Multiply by 8.33% for % of year





(see Appendix IV)











Explanation of the temperature check charts provided in the book

Energy-efficient glazings
Product and services offered by various companies

Commonly used software packages in energy-efficient

analysis and design



A pplicalions


Skylights, daylighting, commercial buildings

Daylighting, lighting, whole-building simulation, commercial buildings
Home energy rating systems, home energy, residential modelling,
Heating, cooling, and SWH (solar water heating) equipment, commercial buildings
Thermal design, thermal analysis, energy simulation, dynamic simulation,
system simulation
Buildings, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning), simulacion, energy
Solar shading, awnings, overhangs, side fins, windows
Envirorunenral performance, green buildings, life-cycle assessment, life- cycle
costing, sustainable development.
Building simulation, energy, daylight, thermal analysis, indoor climate
Design, residential buildings
Design, daylighting, energy performance, prototypes, case studies, commercial
Energy simulation, buildings, courseware, self-learning, modelling,

_-\nalysis Platform

.-\ vn Shade
uilder Guide
3.lilding Design Advisor
_llding Energy Modeling
n d Simulation - .
elf-learning Modules
IF Comply
'-Whole House
--:.e:-gy Audit
~~\'i or

-=_ ProfiJer Online

-;:- Scheming

. ding Advisor

Windows, fenestration, product information, thermal characteristics

Whole-building performance, building incentives
Energy performance, design., retrofit, research, residential and commercial buildings
Energy audit, residential buildings, retrofit, economic evaluation, DSM
(demand-side management)
Online interactive training, online multimedia training, sustainable commercial
buildings, lighting, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning)
Online, energy usage, load profiles, bill estimation
Design, residential buildings, commercial buildings, energy efficiency, load
Design, residential, and small commercial buildings
Sustainable design, green buildings, life-cycle analysis, environmental impact
Energy simulation, environmental performance, commercial buildings, residential
buildings J visuaHzarion, complex buildings and systems
Energy performance, design, retrofit, research, residential and commercial buildings
Lighting, retrofit, commercial buildings
Airflow, heat transfer, simulation, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning),
Illumination, daylighting
Renewable energy, retrofit opportunities
Sustainable design, green building, energy, water, environment, health, indoor air
quality, efficiency
Heating and cooling loads, heat balance, energy pertormance, design, retrofit,
residential and commercial buildings
Internet-based energy simulation, residential buildings
Contin.ued. , .



Appendix I


Energy performance, design, residential buildings, energy simulation, passive solar

Energy simulation, houses, residences, space-conditioning
Solar architecture, passive solar, residential buildings, primer, introduction,
educational, reference
Thermal comfort, load calculation, energy
Airflow, passive cooling, energy simulation, mechanical ventilation
Daylighting, early design stage, user-friendliness
Thermal transmission, water vapour, building envelope
H ea ting energy, energy simulation load calculation, standards
Shading factors, solar shading, building geometry
Life-cycle cost, economics
Lighting retrofit, audit, lighting design, existing buildings
Lighting Boy
D esign, light commercial buildings, heating and cooling loads, HVAC (heating,
Load Express
ventilation, and air-conditioning)
Load calculation, energy cost analysis
LoadCalc Plus
Passive simulation, load calculations, na tural ventilation, evap orative cooling, enerf,'Y
Wall thermal transmission, U-value
Overhang Design
Solar, window, overhang, shading
PC-Solar 2,0
Solar shading, external shading, internal shading, solar incidence
Photovoltaic, facade, yield, electrical
Pbotovolraic design; tracking systems, solar, electrical design
Lighting , daylighting, rendering
Fenestration, energy performance
Shading calculations, sun modelling, solar shading
Passive solar, bouse design, building design, building services, design tools
Windows, shading fins, overhangs, daylight
Design, residential and small commercial buildings
Thermal performance calculation, solar architecture, residential buildings, design
Solar water heating, thermal processes, alte.rnative energy, simulation
SolarPro 2,0
Design, solar thermal, solar hot water, solar heating plants, solar d esign
Sombrero 2,0
Solar shading, solar radiation, building geometry solar systems
SUN_CHART Solar Design Sunchart, solar position, sun path, shading
Solar, sun, angle
Solar shading, ins olation
Solar radiation, illuminance, irradiance, luminous efficacies, solar position
Daylighting, lighting, residential and commercial buildings
Solar energy, urban design, visual reasoning
TownScope II
Design, retrofit, research, energy performance, complex systems, commercial buildings
Energy performance, design, retrofit, research, residential and commercial buildings,
indoor climate
Energy performance, design , retrofit, research, residential and commercial buildings
Water conservation opportunities, energy savings
Fenestration, therma l p erformance, solar optical characteris tics, windows, glazing
Solar, w'indow, energy
Window Heat Gain

This list has been compiled from the web site of EREN (Energy Effici ency and Renewable Energy Network) of the
US Department of Energy. The complete tools directory (BTS) describes more than 200 energy-related software
tools for buildings, wirh an emphasis on using renewable energy and achieving energy efficiency and sustainability
in buildings . More informmion on these software may be obtained using the link: hrrp://www,eren.doe,gov/buildings/tools_direcroryl

List of institutions / organizations, architects, and scientists working on

energy-efficient buildings
Institutes and organizations
Anna UniversitY of Technology
College of Engineering, Guindy,
Chennai - 600 025
Building Technology Division
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian rnstirute ofTechnoJogy
Chenoai - 600 036
Central Building Reseat ch Institute
Roorkee - 247 672
Centre for the Application of
Science and Technology to Rural
Areas (ASTRA)
india Instirute of Science
Bangalore - 560 0 I 2
Centre of Energy Studies (CES)
Indian Institute of Technology
Hauz Khas, New Delhi - I 10 016
Development Alternatives (DA)
B-32, Institutional Area
_ -elv Mehrauli Road
_ ' (: \\1 Delhi - 110 016
Energy Systems Engineering
:-r Bombay, lviumbai - 400 076
Gherzi Eastern LUnited
_ . :-'1ahanirban Road
-_lka ra - 700029
- bosh Bose and Associates (P) Ltd
~ arringtOn Mansion
:':0 Chi Minh Sarani
.;;a la - 700 071
- using and Settlements
tanagement Instit:ute (HSMI)
- _-:leO House, Lodhi Road
_ Delhi - 110003

ing and Urban Development

rporation Limited (HUDCO)
Habitat Cemre
_ Roa d, New Delhi - 110003

hie Energy and Energy

e rvation Group
.!lll~-a University, Indore
- En ergy Centre
f N on-conventional Energy

Gurgaon District

Tala Energy Research Institute

Darbari Setb Block, Habitat Place
Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110 003
University of Roor.k ee
Department of Architecrure and
Planning, Roorkee - 247 667
Himachal Pradesh State Council
for Science, Technology and
8 -34 SDA complex, Kasumpti
Shimla - 171 009

Sen Kapadia
104 Oyster Shell
Juhu Beach, Mumbai - 400 049
Arvind Krishan
Cemer for Archilecrure Syst em ,
8 4-103 Safdarjwlg Enclave
'ew Delhi
Shubhendu Kaushik
C-404 Som Vihar Apartments
Ramakrishna Puram
New Delhi - 110 022

Laurie Baker
The Hamler
N alanchira PO
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 018

AshokB Lan
B 25 Chirag Enclave
New Delhi - 110017
2B Ramkisbore Road
Civil Lines
Delhi -- Ii 0054

Centre of Energy Studies (CES)
Indian Institute of Technology
Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110016

Satprem Maini
Auroville Building Centre
Auroville - 605 101

Gerard de Cunha
Architecture Autonomous
House No. 674 (Opp. Nisha 's Play
School), Alto Porvorim
Bardez, Goa - 403 521

Nisha Mathew and Soumitro Ghosh

Mathew & Ghosh Architects
2 Temple.Trees Row
Viveknagar PO
Bangalore - 560 047

Manmohan Dayal
B-3/3552 Vasanr Kunj
New Delhi - 1 10030

San;ay Mohe
M is Chandavarkar and Thacker
Architects (PVl.) Ltd
7, Palace Cross Road
Baogalore - 560 020

Architects and scientists

Balakrishna Doshi
Vastu-Shilpa Foundation for Studies &
Research in Environmental Design
Sangath Thaltej Road
Ahmedabad - 380 054
Chaman Lal Gupta
Solar Agni International
Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Pondicherry - 685 001
Vinod Gupta
S, ace Design Consultants
K-38 Jungpura Extension
New Ddhi- 110014
Suhasini Ayer Gui.gan
Auroville Building Centre
AUr0shilpam, Auroville - 605 101
Jaisim Fountainhead
175/\ Pavilion Road, I Block East
Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560 011

Nimish Patel
15 Laxmi Nivas Society, Paldi
Ahmedabad - 380 007
Pravin Patel
A- 13 Adirya Complex
Opp. Televisioll Station
Off. Drive in Cinema Road
Ahmedabad - 380054
San jay Prakash
Sanjay Prl'lkash and Associates
F- 25 Basement
Lajpat Nagar III
New Delhi - 110024
Anant Mann and Siddhartha Wig
The Elements
279 Sector 6
Panchkula - 134 to.1

Financial incentives by the Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources for the

promotion of solar passive architecture
Solar Buildings Programme
The following are the details of the Solar Buildings
Programme, 1998-99 being implemented by Ministry:

The objective of the $olar Buildings Programme is to
promote energy efficient building designs by optimum
use of available solar energy (and other forms of ambient energy) in building energy management.

Programme components
Research and development
R&D projects are sponsored (0 universities, research
organizations and other insritutions \>,Iith the objecrive of
developing suitable design techniques and concepts,
software packages, materials, architectural instruments,
thumb rules etc. for solar efficient buildings.
Training and education
\X1orkshops and seminars are being organized throughout the country for crearing awareness, generating
public interest and providing inputs about the technology to engineers, academicians, scientists, planners,
builders, students, consultants, housing financing
organizations and potential house owners. Orientation
courses are being organized for architects and builders
to make th.e m familiar with the new developmems and
to motivate them for adopting solar efficient building
design concept.
Financial provision for the training and
education programme
National/model workshopl
Oriemation course
Seminar/v,rorkshop of one day duration
Refresher/Orientation course of3 days
Workshop/Oriemation course of 2 days
duration or a session in international

Rs 100 000 each

Rs 30 000 each
Rs 60000 each
Rs 50 000 each

Awareness programme
This programme envisages creating awareness abom the
technology through publication of popular Ii terarure,
books for architects and designers, general publicity
through various medja etc.

Demonstration progranune
To demonstrate rJle concepr of solar buildings, the
Ministry accepts proposals for solar building project
for construction from government and semi government organizations generally through State Nodal
Agencies. To encourage these organizations for constructing their new buildings on the basis of solar desigLl
principles, the J\{inistry provides the following partial
financial assistance:
a) P)"eparati.on of derailed project J'epons (DPRs)
50% oftlle COSt of DPR of a building designed with
the help of solar building design principles or 1.5%
of the estimated cost of the building with a maximum ofRs 50 000 for each project.
b) Construction of Solar Buildings
Limited to 10% of the cost of the building with a
maximum of Rs .\ 0 00 000 for each project.
Other activities
In addition to the above mentioned programmes,
activities relating to setting up of data base, revie_w of
national building code, development of suitable curriculum for students of architecture etc. are being taken up.

Incentives suggested for private building

Three types of financial incentives are suggested for
increasing [he rate at which energy conserving measure
are introduced in commercial and residential buildings.
These are tax-reducing incemives, low-interest loans,
and rebate programmes. Tax incentives include reduction of income taxes for business owners investing in
energy conservation. It is important {O consider incentives for both new building consuuction and for retrofilting existing buildings.
Another suggestion is to offer accelerated depreciation for energy-efficient lighting, air-conditioning, and
water heating equipment.
It issuggested that at least 10 demonstration projects
be financed every year with low-interest loans. ll1e
financial incentive is necessary to increase t.he rate at
which solar and new technologies penetrate the commercial sector.
In some cowltries rebates are offered to consumers on
purchase of energy-efficient appliances. A rebate is offered
for appliances wit.h an energy-efficiency exceeding a
minimum value. This will lower electricity demand in

*This porri on comprises suggestions and recommendations .. manatee! fr<)m various workshops, seminars, etc. It does nor form a part of (he
Solar Buildings Programme o f the Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources, GOvernmelll ofIndia.


Appendix III

the residential sector by fostering purchases of energyefficient appliances.

A fourth method of increasing the penetration of
energy conservation measures in existing commercial
buildings is to encourage alternative methods of financing conservation. In other nations, energy service
companies have been established in the private sector.
These companies provide energy audits, retrofit capabilities and financing all-in-one package. In order to
facilitate the start-up of such companies, the MNES can
sponsor several seminars to provide information on the
experience of other nations with energy service companies. Tnvitee to such seminars will include engineering
and architectural firms, the iinancial community, and
utility persOlU1el.
Energy service companies audit energy use in buildings to identify the optimal mix of measures for energy
efficiency, then install and maintain these measmes,
often paying for the whole project at no upfronr COSt [Q
(he building owner who is required to pay no more for
energy than would have been the case widlour the
efficiency measures. This type of business arrangement
i called performance contracting.

There are two kinds of pe rforman c '(lniIaC (~ : shared

saving and energy services contract.:: . In a~!1 a e: the
actual energy use of the buildi ng i ' om par u lL1 what it
v.:ould have been without the energy-cons :- -illg measures . Both parties to the comract ha\e tc.: agree on the
methods of comparison including weather orre.: on ,
""hen necessary. In shared savings contra ' . .t' rupee
value of the Il1eaSllred savings is divided by som ontracruaHy agreed-upon formula between [11 eu -wmer
and the energy services firm . If there are no a\iog , the
cusromer pays his energy bill and owes the vt'J1 or
nothing. In an energy services conrrac( the custom .r
pays a fixed amount each month to the energy sen -ice
company. If the actual energy costs are less than rna
amount, the vendor keeps the difference. If the actual
bill is greater than the flat fee, the vendor must pay the
The earnings of energy services companies depend
upon actual energy saved rather than on invesmlent ill
conservation. This represents a significant advantage
compared to using financial incentives based on expenditures on conservation. Additionally, inve tmenr funds
can be provided by source in the private sectOr.

Explanation of the temperature check charts provided in the book

Evaluation of given climatic conditions at a site is
necessary for planning a 'climatically sensitive' layout,
giving maximum benefit from good weather and optimum protection from adverse outdoor conditions.
Checking each month's temperature relative to human
comfort requirements is the first step (Figure l ) .

Inference from Figure 1

How severe are your heating or cooling needs?
92% of th e time in a year you need heating
8% of the time of the year you have comfortable
You do not need cooling at any time of the year
What is 'cold' ? Temperature levels below 17C down to
5 C require permanent mechanical heating and benefit
from the use of passive solar gains during mild wimer
What is 'comfortable'?When temperature range between 17 C and 26 DC, the building should quickly
react to pleasant outdoor conditions for indoor thermal

comfort. Building benefits include energy savings and

improved comfort and utilization of spaces around the
building for outdoor activities.
What is ' warm'?Temperamre periods between 26C
and 32 C could mostly be managed by natural cooling
techniques when summer conditions are not accompanied by high humidity levels.
What is 'hor'?Temperatures above 32C for long
periods require cooling. Depending on humidity level,
sun, and wind conditions, mechanical air-conditioning
will often be the only way to achieve thermal cmnfort.
The building should be protected from [he sun and hot
air to keep cooling requirements low.

International Energy Agency. 1989
Passive and hybrid solar low energy buildings:
design context
Solar Healing al"ld Cooling Programme (Booklet No.2)
Paris: International Energy Agency

Figure 1 Temperature check for Leh















Add the checks

Multiply by 8.33% for % of year



Energy-efficient glazings*
Bibek Bandyopadhyay
Director, Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources, Government of India

\X' indows are an essential architectural element. It

'" tablishes the link of the internal space of a building to
me,world outside and performs several functions, which
illclude ventilation, controlling thermal insulation, and
improving lighting within the building. However, at the
-ame time, it provides the necessary barrier against the
" agaries of narure. The successful design of a window
depends on the optimization of these various factors
in cluding view and privacy. The magnitude of these
;".mcrions vary in accordance with the climatic condi:lOns . Also the type of building, its utilization pattern,
-- e tradition, the social and cui rural environment in
h ich the building exists have profound influence on
- .e above criteria. Windows, however, are poor thermal
::-arners. Conventional windows provide only a mini"1um level of thermal resistance . Hear gains and losses
.... ough windows have a large impact on the interior
:: mfon level, energy use, and electric utility peak
..lemand for (he building. Windows are also sources of
,;hr. Therefore, design criteria for windows can provide
,.' c[ optical advantages and hence have implications
- ene rgy requirement of a building for lighting. The
~<!rgy implications arising out of the above criteria are
~e important in the case of institutional and commer. :;, buildings, which are often space-conditioned and
~ _tion al mainly during daytime.

:; azing is a transparent or translucent material used to
er the solar aperrure. Conventional windows use
_.ll glass as glazing. Essentially, glass sets the optical
- :. :hen nal standards against which other glazing
':erial s are judged. Glasses are partially transparent
;-:aUy 80% to 85%) throughout the near ultraviolet,
~e and near infrared regions that compose the solar
- _:U-Uill, but are practically opaque to longer-wave
' ~al radiation. Today, advanced glazings with
- :.. rive coatings and improved designs are available
~ergy cOllservation. These energy-efficient glazings
_~LLI",e unwanted solar gains in summer and heat
- in winter while maximizing the amount of useful
sht in buildings. The performance characteristic
- -::eters of a glazing from energy conservation point
: ' are defined in Box 1.

Box 1 Performance characteristic parameters of a glazing

Visible transmittance Cf.) The fraction of visible light incident
on the glazing that transmits to the
Shading coefficient (SC)

Describes the ability of a glazing to
transmit solar heat gain relative to

Coolness factor (Ke)

the solar heat gain of a 3 mm clear

single glass pane
It is the ratio of the visible transm it
tance to the shading coefficient of a
glazing, also known as glazing

Heat transfer coefficient (U)

Measure of thermal conductivity

Multiple glazings
Windows may be constructed with multiple glazings
(from two to three), depending on the climate type.
'Illese windows provide a heat barrier through insulating air cavity between glass layers and are known as
IGUs (insulating glass units). The glasses arc held apart
by spacer bar and the air cavity contains a desiccant
Sun is the principal source of heat and light for a
building. The average solar energy received outside the
earth's atmosphere on a unit surface normal to sun's
rays is 1367 W/m 2 This is known as solar constant. The
solar energy when passes through the atmosphere gets
diminished because of absorption and scattering. The
amount of solar energy received per unit area on the
surface of the earth is, therefore, of smaller magnirude .
TI1e energy of the sun is received as electromagnetic
radiation with waves of varying lengths. The solar
spectrum, which is received on the earth, extends from
290 nm to 3000 nm. It can broadly be divided in three
wavelength regions (Table I).

Solar control glazings

The primary objective of these glazings is to control the
enrry of solar heat and light inro the buildings. These

"",,,s expressed in [his article are those of the amher's in his individual capacity.


Appendix V

SpectraJ/y selective low-e glazings

Table 1 Solar spectrum

Wavelength regions

WavelengtlJ ranges

Ultraviolet radiation
Visible light VIBGYOR
Near infrared

290-400 nm
400-770 nm
770-3000 nm

Share in total
solar radiation


nnl (nanometer} ~ lO.9 m

are essentially non-selective metallic films, which are

deposited on glass or polymer substrates. Though these
glazings are one of the earlier developments, bur rccendy new material combinations and coating processes have contributed to the development of unique
products. In these teclmiques, solar control is achieved
either by ab orptive process or by reHective process.

Heat absorbing glasses

The heat absorbing glass is basically an admixture of
metallic (~xides in its composition . Due to its wavelength
filtering properties, which vary according to the quantity of the dopant and the thickness used, these glasses
can substantially reduce the glare and excessive sunlight
to enter into the building. The glasses are known as
tinted glasses. The solar radiation absorbed, however,
raises the temperature of the glass, which then radiates
the thermal energy. This secondary emission contributes significantly to the hear gain of the interior of the
building. This undesirable effect can be eliminatedi
reduced by adding an inner clear glass with the heatabsorbing glass. As the clear glass is opaque to longwave radiation, it would prevent the heat radiation to
flow to the interior of the building. Also the inner space
between the two glasses would acr as an insulating space
offering resistance to heal conduction from the outside.

Heat-reflecting glasses
As the name suggests] these glasses are based on the
reflective property of rhin coarings, which are applied
on the surface of the glass. The reflecting glasses have
microscopically thin couting of pure merullike gold,
silver or bronze benveen the two layers of glasses. The
coating is applied on the cavity side of one of rhe double
glazings of the window unit. Thus it provides low
transmittance of solar energy with high insulating
efficiency. Some glasses have a thin coating of metallic
oxide projected on to the surface of the Hoar glass as
these leave the furnace . These glasses can considerably
diminish the transfer of soJar radiation (both heat and
glare) in a hot climate.

Energy and light control characteristics are uniquely

demonslrated by low-e (low emissivity) type of optical
coatings. These optical coatings are normally applied ro
glass or plastic glazing materials. In order to understand
the role of these optical coatings, we may consider two
typical climate types- the cold and warm . In cold
climate, an ideal "vindow must be responsive to daylight
and solar heat, so it might be rransparenr to the enrire
incidenr solar spectrum from 290 nm to 3000 nm. Also
U1e window, in this climate, must offer maximum
resistance to thermal radiation from inside the room.
This would facilitate using all the solar energy available
to heat the room and at the same time not allowing any
heat ro come our of the room . In warm climate, a
window with glazing must prevent the infrared portion
(770- 3000 nm) of the sola r spectrum to enter into the
building. Tbis is because any entry of heat to the building is undesirable but at the same rjme it must allow the
visible light to come in so that daylight would be available through the window. The e. coatings es entially
reduce the radiative heat transfer either fl'om the outside
of (he building [0 the inside (in hot climate) or from the
inside of the building to the outside (in cold clin1ate)
because of their low emissivity property. These glasses
are comparatively new developments. However, tl1ey
have already captured more than one-third market of
glazing business in Japan, USA, and Europe. The
performance characteristics of a few typical glazings
mentioned above are given in Tabl e 2 .
Table 2 Performance characteristiCS of a few typical glazings

Type of glazing

Shading Visible
Coolness transfer
coefficient transmittance factor

Single glazing
(clear glass)
Double glazing
Heat reflecting




with plastic















2 .27

Tinted glass (green)

Tinted glass (green) +
Clear glass
Low-e coating with
Lowe double glazing



Smart windows
In a varying climate, the requirement of heating and
cooling of a building varies with seasons. Therefore, it



would be desirable if [he window glazings have a dynan"lic property rather than a static property as described above. Research is in progress in various parts
of me world to devise such a window, which would
automatically respond to the climate of the place. Such
I,.vindows are known as 'smart windows' . Essentially
these are chromogenic devices based on e1ectrochromic,
photochmmic or therrnochromic principles. Through
thermochromic devices, changes in optical properties
ca n be achieved when there is a change in temperature
\hi1e such changes in photochromic devices are
ach ieved with the amount ofincidenr radiarion. The
optical properties of these devices vary from a high
rransmittance bleached state (0 a low transmittance
~olo u red state depending on the inpur signal. The
ptical properties ofthe glazings based on
decrrochromic devices change when a current is

applied. The electrochromic glazings hold the greatest

potential for future commercial applications.
With use of suitable energy-efficient glazings, windows can be transformed from energy liability to energy
assets. For a new consrruction, the use of such glazings
would reduce the air-conditioning rating of the building
and thereby related investment. This would not only
offset the higher initial investment for the glazings being
lIsed but would also have a long-term consequence \\'i th
respect to environmental benefits due [0 reduced energy
consumption and use of lower amount of
chlorofluorocarbons. The energy performance of a
window with advanced glazings, however, will depend
not only upon the size and type of the windows bur also
on specific weather parameters (such as solar radiation,
temperature of the interior and exterior spaces, humidity, and \vindspeed) of the projec( site.

Products and services offered by various companies

Engineering and construction
Janus Engineering (P) Ltd
K-55, Jangpura Extension
New DeUli - 110014
Ligluing and elecuical engineering

Con foss Constructions

E-I 08, Greater Kailash Enc1ave-I
New Delhi ~- 110 048
Engineers, contractors, and builders

Equipment suppliers
Acoustic and thermal insulation
Bakelite Hylam Ltd
Regd off.: 7 -2-1669, Sanat Nagar
PB No. 1908
Hyderabad - 500 01 8
Andhra Pr2desh


Thermal insu'lating material

India Gypsum Ltd
Regd off.: S15, Tolstoy House
8th Floor
15- 17 Tolstoy Marg
NeM Delhi - J 10001

Gypsum boards, partitions

India Rockwool Co. Ltd
Regd off.: 1, Ansari Road,
Darya Gani
New Delhi - ] 10 002
Thermal insulating material

Jolly Board Ltd

Regd off.: 501.-, Rewa ChambeJ;s
31, l\1.arine Lines
Mumbai - 400 '020

Decorative electrical switchboards,

decorative laminates, paints, prelaminated particle boards, thermal
insulating maten aJ

ACOllsticr materials, hardboards


Thermal and acoustic insulating

Calcutta Polyurethanes Pvt. Ltd
Regd oiL 13 7
Biplabi Rash Behari Basll Road
III Floor (Canning Streer)
Kolkara -700 001, West Bengal

Teclunark Engineers and

56 - D, DDA Fla[s,
Masjid Moth, Phase Il s
New Delhi - 1 10048

Bricks and blocks

AEC Cements & Constructions Ltd
I Floor, Electricity, Lal Darwaja
Ahmedabad - 380 00 I
Pozzolana cement, flyasb product


Bharat Heat Insulation and Refractory Industries

Regd off.: 271, GIDC
l'v1akarpura, Vadodara - 390 0 I 0
Tel. 5743450/573 5816/578 8208

Toshniwal Sensors Pvt. Ltd

Makhupura Industrial Area
Ajmer - 305 002

Kitply Industry Ltd

Regel oif.: Rungagora Road
Tinsukia - 786 125
Lloyd Insulations (India) Ltd
Punj House
M-13, Connaught Place
New Delhi - 110001
Chemicals for waterproofing, thermal
insulation material

Air curtains

Asoka Brick Industries

Regd off.: 250, Poonamalee High Road
Chennai - 600 029
Tamil Nadu
Clay bricks

Bawa Enterprises
Mangalore - 575006
Bricks, burnt clay hollow blocks,
ridges, tiles

Hindustan Tiles
3rd Street, Shukla Colony
Ranchi _. 834 002


Air Devices Corporation

12/A, Bombay Shopping Centre
Race Course Road
Baroda - 390 005

Insulation material, polyurethane cast


Jet India.

Hydratech Projects

218, Allied Industrial Estate

Off. MMC Road Mahim (W)
Mumbai -400 016

8/3, Gandhi park,

Caprihans India Ltd

'D' Block, Shiv Sagar Estate
Dr Annie Besant Road, Worli
Mumbai - 400 018, Maharashtra
Decorative laminates, plasticized film,
PVC products

Chauh.a n Insulations and Packaging

Regd off.: 50, Ponnappa Cherry Sa-eet
Chennai - 600 003
Tamil Nadu

Air-flow meters
Air Devices Corporation

12/A, Bombay Shopping Centre

R C Dutta Road
Baroda - 390 005

J N Marshall Systems and Services

P.B. No.1, Mumbai-Pune Road
Kasarwadi, Pune- 411018


AC pipes, cement paints, cement

waterproofing compound, concrete
blocks, mosaic tiles

Pvt. Ltd

Opposite Moeli Hospital, Hauz Rani

New Delhi - liD 017
lnterlocking masonry blocks

Kalinga Concretes
Subodh KU Sahoo
Mansil1gh Patna
Fly ash bricks

24 1

Mechno Bricks Pvt. Ltd

307-308, Magnum House II,
B-3, Karampura Complex
New Delhi - 110 015
Clay bricks and tiles
Nagarjuna Bricks
Ameena Complex
Oppo ire Survey of India, Uppal
Andbra Pradesh


Hollow cement bricks and mosaic

~ags on

& Co.

-l 1, Tumkur Road, Yeshwanrhpur

Bangalore - 560 022

. rna taka

Cement hollow blocks and bricks

' am ha Fly-ash Brick Manufacturing & Construction Tech Pvt. Ltd

~ \: 0. 44/ 1, Mattur POSt
. ~-n oga Ta luk & Dist
' o3taka - 577 20~
3ncks and blocks
. . em Ceramics and Industries Ltd
. H usc, 16 Business Centre
.mgal Raya
~ ' \: D elhi - 110046

Append ix VI

Bricks and b locks

Suman Concrete Block Industries

No. 3/2/ t , I Cross,
Behind Vijaynagar Telephone Exchange
lv1C Road, Vijaynagar
Bangalore - 560 079
Karna taka

Cemem bricks

Tara Nirmall Kendra

Regd off.: B-32, Tara Crescent
Qutab Institu tio nal Are.l
N ew Mehrauli Road
New D elhi - 110 0 16
Bricks and blocks, ferrocement
products, micro concrete roo ting ril es
The Baliapatam Tile Works Ltd
PO Pappinisseri, Cannanore Dis t
Pappiniserri - 670 56 1
BLU'lH clay products . )'Ocessed
rubber wood


Environment-friendly and energysaving equipment

Auto Door Industries
C-37, lnderpuri
NewDelhi-ll001 2


::ramic tl oor tile ill spectacular

- ,'gns and shades

'lini Flyash Brick \\lorks

, 1. 28, SIDCO Industr ial Estate
. Ipuram, Valadw.ore Dist
2 - 659643
- '\:adu

Aluminium doors, au(O light, urina l

flushers, ga tes-compound, rolling
shuuers, taps

AJankar Etched & Stained Glass
3/ 14, jv\ahalaksbmi Mansion
I Main Road, Gamihi Nagar
Chennai - 600020, Tamil Nadu

' . b ricks fi nd blocks


P las t (India) Ltd

man 1arg, Tilak Nagar .
~ :2 004
, 'S

- ;;.nd til s

Plywood Manufact\lrers Ltd

irapur - 26100 1
"ned wood producTs

. Enterprises
. Peenya I Stage NearTVS
~tri al

"1)0 058

Stained and Etched Glass

Continental Float Glass Ltd

rn FloO!', Pragari Kendra
Kapoorrhala Commercial Complex
Aliganj, Lucknow - 226020
Uwu' Pradesh

Float glas

Croda Polymers
13 24, DB Gupta Road, Karol Bagh
New D elh i - 110005

Glass, Glass fibres polymers

Fibro Style
1486, Wazir N agar, Kerb J'v\ubara kpur
(Neal' Hope. Hall School)
Opp Defence Colony
New Delhi - 110 003
FRP products, Wrinkle glass panels
FloatGlass India Ltd
10411 08, Keshava, I Floor
Bandra- Kurla
Commercia l Complex, Bandra (E)
Mumbai - 400051
Prod ucts

Clear and ti m ed floar glas

Gujarat Borosil Ltd

Khann a Constru ction House
44 , Dr RGThadani Ma rg
Wadi, Mumbai - 400 0 18, Mahal'ashtra
P rod/lcts

Clear sheet glass

Gu;arat Guarctin Ltd

State Highway o. 13, Kondh Village
Bharuch Dist
Gujarat - 393 001

Float glass

GlIrind India Pvt. Ltd

" Tew D elhi - 110 00 1

Glass products
Harrison Window
Onida Arcade
Opposite Mahaboob C ollege
RP Road, Secwldl'abad - 500 003
Andhra Pradesh

Mahaveer Mirror Industries
3, Devraj Mudali Street
P3rk To~vn

Chennai - 600003, Tami l Nadu

H eat reflective glass (exterior)
Marvel Glass Pvt. Ltd
' U tkarsh'
I Floor;l ithal road,
Valsad - 396 00 I, Gujar3t

Prodll CIS
G lass
Mon santo Enterprises Ltd
T he l.etropolitan BuiJding
West Wing, 5th Floor
Band ra- Kurla Complex, Bandra (E)
Mumbai - 400 051

Lam inated architect ural glas


Prime Time Industries

27, Shanti bldusrriaJ Estate
Ground Floor
Sarojini Naidu Road, M.1I1und (W)
Mumbai - 400 080
Decorative and stained glass

The Indo-Asahi Glass Co. Ltd

3, Hungerford Street
Kolkata - 700 Ol7,Wesr Bengal

Vijay Industrial Engineering

16!7128, Keyaralla Road , 1 Floor
Near Nazrulmanch
Southern Avenue
Kolkata - 700 029
West Bengal

Jvletal products , stained glass, steel

sections - light gauge
Vishwas Industries
663, Mallapa's New Market
Bangalore - 560 053
FRP rooting sheets, glass

HVAC equipment suppliers

AC Humidification Engineer:s Pvt.
Regd office: A-33129
Hanee!a Complex Guru Nanak Pura
Vikas lvlarg , Shakarpur
New Delhi - 1.10 092
Air purifiers
Amtrex Appliances Ltd
Regd off.: "Rachna" PO Bombay
Shahibaug Road
Ahmedabad - 380 004, Gujanlt

Appendix VI

Blue Star Limited

Block 2-:\, DU Corporate Park
DLF Qutab Enclave, Phase - 111
Gurgaon - 122002

Air-conditioning and refrigeration

systems and products
Carrier Aircon Ltd
Kherki Daula Post, Nasingpur
Gurgaon - 122 001
Air conditioners and heaters
Caryaire Equipment's India Pvt.
A-10, Sector 59
Noida - 201 301
Air distribution products for ceiling
and wall application, double skill air
treatment units using efficient fans,
industriall commercial evaporative
coolers, modularVAV systems from
acuilier m, USA, sowld arrenuators,
centrifugal fans, inline fans, duct
insulation materiaL

Fedder'S Lloyd Udyog Co. Ltd

Regd of1". : Punj House
M-l3-A Conl1aught Place
New Delhi - 110001

Godrej and Boyce Manufacturing
Co. Ltd
Regd off.: Pirojshahnahar
Mumbai - 400 079
Air-conditioners, locks, panels and
angles, partitions, doorknobs, doors,
kitchen cabinets

Kirloskar Copeland Limited

1202/ 1, Ghole Road
Pune - 41 1 005




Energy-efficient power Slash CR6

compressors for airconditioning

Arctic India Engineering Pvt. Ltd

20, Rajpur Road
Delhi - 110054
Air purifiers, Desiccant-based drying,
energy recovery and cooling, indoor
air environment comrol system.
Beacon Engineering (India) Ltd
Regd off.: 1206, Surya Kiran
19, KG Marg, New Delhi - 11000 I
Air cunains, elevators, insect killers

LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd

Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate
Mathma Road, New Delhi.
Air conditioners

MEC India Ltd

Regd . Off. Kanchenjunga Building
18, Barakhamba Road
New Delhi - 100 00 I


Suncontrol Airconditioning Co.


Shiv Krishna Daw Lane

Kolkata -700054
Air-condi rioners
Tecumseh Products India Ltd
Balanagar Township
Hyderabad - 500 037
Energy-efficient compressor
Thermax Limited
Absorption Cooling Division
Pune - 4lI01.9
Videocon International Ltd
60'4:, Bhikaji Cama Bhawan
Bhikaji Cama Place
New Delhi - 110 066
Air-conditioners, water coolers
Voltas Limited
19, J N Heredia Marg
Ballard Estate
Mumbai - 400 038

Voltas has a proven track record and

expertise in the manufacmre of room
air-conditioners, industrial airconditioning and refrigeration

Infrared heating system

LitelInfrared System Pvt. Ltd
J-284, MIDC, Bhosari
Pune - 411026

Ughting products
Ankur Lighting
2, Gagan Vihar
New Delhi - 110051
Lights and luminaires

Baja; Electricals Limited

15/ 17, Sam Savta Marg
Rea)' Road
Mumbai - 400 010
Crompton Greaves Limited
(Lighting Division)
Dr E Morses Road
Munlbai - 400 018
[)econ Lighting Pvt. Ltd
5, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market
New Delhi- I 10 003
Luminaires and accessories

Dyna Lamp & Glass Works Ltd
35, Nungambakkam High Road
Ponipati Plaza, III Floor
Chennai - 600034, Tamil Nadu



Sylvania and Laxman Ltd

68/1-3, Najafgarh Road
PO Box 6224
New Delhi - 1 10015

Tara HoneyweU Ltd

917, International uade Tower
Nehru Place, New Delhi - 1100 I <;I

Relative humidity meters




Electric t1ttings and accessories,


ECE Industries Ltd

ECE house
28A, Kaslurba Gandhi Marg
New Delhi -110001
Electric meters, elevators, lights,
power and distribution transformers,
resin cast dry type distribution
transformers, switchgear

Elemech Group
E-2-3-4, Manish Nagar
Jay Prakash Road, Andheri (W)
lv!.umbai - 400 053

Elecrrical installarions

GE Lighting
_\'taker Chambers Ill, 1" Floor
Jamanalal Bajaj Road
~e wDelhi - 110015
Indo Asian Fusegear Ltd
Lighting Div.
_\-39, Hoisery Complex
hase-II, Noida
:Jislt. G.B . Nagar
L- u ar Pradesh - 20 I 305
~di a


C FL lamps, luminaires, and

'ontrols gears.
Legrand Luminaries Pvt. Ltd
~ -1 22 Naraina Villar
ew D elhi - no 028
C h okes, luminaires

sram India Pvt. Ltd

.. 5 ,\1.arker Road,
:;.i Veer Singh Marg
, J..' Delhi -110001

:...amps and chokes

. ' ps India Ltd

- - . Taratolla Road
-".ala - 700 088
dua '

FL la m ps, lumanaires and control



Roshni Ltd
,a Tower - I
, -:dra Place
elh i - 110 008



Lel- -

.....:inaires, steel products

Wipro Lighting
Tulsi Chambers, Opposite S t. Francis
Jalna Road, Aurangabad - 461 00 I

Electric accessories, luminaires

Lux meter (for illuminance

Conin Prakriti Instrumentation
16, Rajendranagar Industrial Estate
Post M.ohan Nagar
Ghaziabad 20 J 007, Utlar Pradesh
Research Instrumentation

Naraina Industrial Area, Phase - 1

New Delhi - I 10 028

Occupancy sensors / controls /

building automation

AiIDiI Ltd
Naimex. House, A-S
l'v\ohan Co-operatjve Industrial Estate
Ivlathura Road
New Delhi - 110 044

Digital promoters (India) Pvt. Ltd

50S, Vishal Shawnn
95 , Nehru Place
New Delhi - 110019
l.u.strUluent Research Associat.es
PB No. 2304, 228
Magadi road
104, Brahmanwadi
K A Subramanian Road
Mumbai - 400 019

Recuperator for waste heal


Encon Thermal Engineers (P) Ltd

308, Race C ource lowers
Race Cource Ci.rcl e
Building automations and con yol
,;--Baroda - 390 015
- c.1 T

If ,

Johnson Controls (Indo", ,pYt. Ltd
B-37. R VHollSe
Veer; Desai Road
:: (
Off L
. ink Road, Andher ~
Mumbai - 400053







(rol systems

Philips India Ltd

M 38-1 Middle Circle
Connaught Pl;;ce
New D elhi - 110001
Pyrotech Marketing and Projects
Pvt. Ltd
412, Shakuntala Apanmems
59, Nehru Place.
New Delhi - I i 0 019
ShlvaJ.il<;.a Proenergetics Ltd
A-116) lvladhuvan, Vikas tvlarg
ew Delhi - 110092
Tata HoneyweU Ltd
55-Al8 & 9, Hadapsar Ind . Estate
Pt1!1e - 4 11 0 I 3
H eating venrilation and air conditioning conuol system, lighting control
system, elev<'l tot control system,
sanitary and plumbing control
system, eleclTical m onitoring and
control sysrem.

Soft. sfarters with energy saving

Allen-Bradley India Ltd
C-l1 'Industrial Area
Sim - 4- Sahibabad
Ghaz iabad - 20 I 0 I 0
Bharat Bijlce Ltd
Industrial ElectJonics Division
501-502, SW3stik Chambers
Cbembur, Mumbai - 400 023
Crompton Greaves Ltd
Tndust.rial Electronic Division
71 i72, MIDC industrial Area
Satpur, Nashik - 422 007
Jeltron Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd
Bag No. 49, 6-3-9912
Vaman Nayak Lane, Umanagar Colony
Begumpet, H yderabad - 500' O! 8
Siemens Limited (MDA Dept.)
Electric Mansion
1986, Appasaheb Mara the M.arg
PB . o. 191 I, Prabhadevi
Mumbai - 400025


Solar photovo/taic and solar

water heating systems
Aditi Impex Ltd
G- 13 Shreeji Palace
PO _ avjivan, Ahmedabad - 380 014

Importers or pv modules, solar water
pump , trackers, iDvcrre rs and
products perraining to solar energy,
PV module mounting systems.
Aditya Online
_ o. 44 1, 8th Cross
Mahalakshmi Layout
Bangalore lndia - 560 086

Solar garden lights, solar electric

power systems, solar outdoor lighting
systems, solar water pumping
sys tems, Solar Lanterns, Solar
Lanterns with A1VVFM radio, Solar
Caps, Solar Fan .
AJ Electronics
Pl'crana, 21 Amar Society
44/2, Erandwane, Pune - 4 1 I 004
Amar Urj"l Ltd
12-Shivpuri, Bulandshahar,
lndia - 203 00 I
P 'odl.ICls

Ph oIOvoltaic systems, solar o utdoor

lighting system s solar electric power
ystems, solar garden lights, D C ro AC
power inverters, solar roofing systems.
Arnmini Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd
Industrial Estate Pappanamcode,
Thiruvananrhapuram, India - 695

Compact flu orescent lighting fixtures
and ballast'S, photovoltaic systems,
solar outdoor lighting system s, solar
garden lights, remote home power
systems, solar lamern, solar homelighting system s
Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies (P) Ltd
'Ankur', Near Old Sarna Jakata Naka
Vadoda ra - 390 088

Solar water heating system

Autoville Energy Products
Auroville- 605101

Solar electTic power systems, phorovoltaic systems pbotovoltaic modlIles, wind energy systems (small) ,
wind turbint:s (small), renewabl e
energy system batteries.

Ap pendix VI
Bhalat Heavy Electricals Limited
Siri Fort Road
New Delhi, [ndi a

PV modules, solar water hearing
ystems, wind en ergy systems (small),
solar outdoor lighting systems.
Britto Energy Engineers
34, Daattani Trade Centre
Chaudawarkar Road
Opposite Railway Stati on
Bori\ iii (West)
Mumbai - 400 092
Solar water heating system

CASE Pvt. Ltd

45 8, UdyogVihar, Pha e V
Gurgaon - 122016
solar water heater , solar wate r pumping systems, solar cooking produc ts.

Centre for Energy Initiatives

No. 6, 7 and 8, [Vth ' N '
Block, Ra jaj inagar Entrance
Dr Rajkum a r Road
Bangalore - 560 079
Solar water heating systems, energy
efficient appliances, biomass e.nergy
systems, remote home power systems,
solar electric power systems, hydroelectric turbines (small).

Deep Engineers
C-4/ 132, Secor-6, Rl.1hini
Delhi - 110085

Solar phorovoltaic system
EcoSolar Systems (India) Ltd
I 7/iV2 Puoe-Sinhgad Road
Pune - 4 11 030

Phorovoltaic cells, phorovoltaic

modules battery chargers, hydro
energy systems (small <50 kW), solar
air heating systems, solar electric
power syStems, solar water heating
systems, solar PV lanterns and other
solar PV and thermal applications.
EcoSolar Systems (India) Ltd
117JN2 Pune- Sinhgad Road,
Pune - 4 11030, India
Phorovoltaic cells, phOtovoltaic
mod ules, battery chargers, hydro
energy syslems (small <50 kW), solar
air healing systems, solar electric
power systems, solar water heating
syStems, solar PV lanterns and other
sular PV and Lhel'm al applications

Emvee Solal Systems

No 253 5th Mai n Road, lOth Cros
Vasanthappa Block
Bangal rc - 560 032
Prodll cT

Solar water hearing system

Ensemble Systems
6/6, Sinchan Nager
Pune - 41 1 020 , India

solar water hea ters, cllstom olar

energy systems.
ERENA Technologies (Indi.a )
N o. 52, Dodanna Industrial Estate
Near Peenya 2nd stagc
Bangalore - 560 091, [ndia
Produ cis

Solar air heating systems, so la r

cooking sy tems, solar water heating
systems, solar tracking systems, hydro
energy system components (large),
biomass energy systems
Enertech Marketing Services
417, 41s1 Cross
Jaya nagar 5th Block
Bangalore, India - 560 041

PhotOvoltl1ic modules, solar electric
powe r systems, solar outdoor lighting
system s, solar water hearing systems.
11 4 Kathalipalya
6t h Floor, Vi Block, KoramangaJa
Bangalore - 560 034

Solar photOvolrak system

Gitanjali Solar Enterprises
P114, Kasba fndustrial Estate
Phase l, Em Bye Pass
Kolkata - 700 054

Solar PholOvolraic sys tem
Hitech Engg. Works

4-51B, Ancillary Indt. Area

PO Haria
Ranchi - 834 003
Solar photOvoltaic system

Hot Hold Systems Pvt. LTD

474 I st floor 1st main 3rd Block
Basaveshwar N agar, Bangalore,
I ndia - 560 079
Solar water heaters, solar cooking

Ibex Electronics
175/54, Tathl1 a Vilasa Road
Bangalore - 560 004


Solar pborovoltaic system

Jain Irrigation Systems India Ltd

Jain Plastic Park
PO 72,Jalgaon - 42 5 001
'Jain Sun WaH' Solar Water Heating
System ; PVCIPC Sheets for roofing,
domes, interiors, furniture'S, false
ceilings, partitions etc.; plastic foot
valve used for lifting water from openwells

Jash Projects Pvt. Ltd

30/384 Tclang Road
Mumbai .- 400019
Solar water heaters, solar pool heating
systems, waste tre.atment systems,
energy efficient lighting, photovoltaic
systems (PV systems, solar electric

Kayoes Energy Systems

Belagola Food Industrial Estate Metagalli
Mysore, Karnataka - 517016
Pho[Qvo\taic modules , photovoltai c
systems, ,olar ourdoor lighting
systems, solar lanterns, solar domestic lighting system s solar water
heating systems, solar garden light

Kaushal Solar Equipment (P) Ltd

76717, Necl-Kusum
Deccan Gymkana, Pune
\lississippi India - 4 1 I 004
Photovolmic systems, solar electric
power systems, solar garden lights,
solar pool hearing systems, solar
water heating systems solar water
pumping sysrem's, solar lamerns, solar
garden lights, solar PV mini-kits
wind -PV hybrid systems

. a ushal Solar Equipment (P) Ltd

7, Ned-Kusum
_cca n Gymkana, Pune
sissippi India - 41 1 004

-~ -

. ho tovoltaic sy~tem~ . solar elecrri c
;:>owe r ystems, solar garden lighLS,
-ular pool heating systems, solar
te r hearing systems, solar warer
~..Jmpi ng sysrems, solar lanterns, solar
; -- den lights, solar PV mini-kirs,
nd-PV hybrid systems.

. Urja Private Limited

lO th Cross, IV - phase

Industrial Estate
India - 560 058

~.gal o re

olar water heating systems, solar air
-eati ng systems, solar outdoor

Appendix VI

lighring systems, solar pool heating

systems, solar garden lights, solar
crop dryers, solar safe drinking water
systems, solar home- Lighting systems

Machincraft (Pune) Pvt. Ltd

15/4A, Vasudeo Estate
Opposite Shankar Maharaj Temple
Pune Satar Road, Pune- 411 043
Solar Phorovoltaic system

Navkar Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd

NR: Guptanagar Bus Stand
Gupranagar, Vasna
Ahmedabad, India - 380 007
Solar water hearing systems, solar
pool heating system componcnrs,
tankless water heating systems, solar
air hearing systems, solar water
hea ting components, solar ",,'ater
heating sy tems

Neptro Renewable Energy (India)

3' Floor, Gupta Towers
5011, Residency Road, 1st Cross
B:mgalore - 560 025
Sol ar water heating system

Novel Energy (P) Ltd

550, Mandakini EJ}cl ~\le, Kalkaji
N ew D elhi - 1 10 0'1 9

Solar water hea ing system

Planters Energy Network

17 1/2, MK University Road
R ajambadi, Madurai - 625 021
Solar water heating system

Prabhu Energy Systems (P) Ltd

Product types: solar water heaters
Address: Hameed Complex Alake
Mangalore, rndia - 575 003
Prabhu Eoergy Systems
2nd Floor, Hammed Complex
Kuloor Ferry Road
Mangalore - 575 003
Solar water he.aling system

Premier Solar Systems (P) Ltd

41 & 42, Sri Venka teswara

Co-operative Indl. Estate, Balanagar

Hyderabad - 500 037

Solar photovoltaic system

Professional Lighting Pvt. Ltd

25, Singh Ind Estate No 3, Ram Mandir
Rd, Goregaon (W), Mumbai
Mumbai - 400 104

Back-up power systems, DC lighring,
portable power systems, sola r
outdoor lighting systems, UPS, solar
electric power systems, emergency
photoluminesce nt wayfindillg

Punjab Power Packs Ltd

B-98, Phase vnr
SAS Nagar (Mohali)
Chandigarh - 160 059
Sola r photovoltaic system

Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited

2, Kanakpllf3 Industrial Area
Sirsi Road, Jaipllr - 302012
Pl'Odu ct.S
Photovoltaic modules, photovoltaic
system s, solar water pumping
systems, solar electric power systems,
cathodic protection systems, solar

Reliant Solar Systems Pvt. Ltd

54, Vinobha Puri (Basement)
Lajpat Tagar
New De lhi - I 10024
Solar water heating sysrems, solar
cooking systems, solar pool heati ng
systems, tankless water heating
systems, solar air heating system "
solar garden lights, solar lanterns,
photo vol taic panels

R~newable Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd

0-52, Phase V
Industrial Development Area
Hydera bad - 500 855
Solar pholOvolraic system

Ririka Systems Pvt. Ltd

B-279, Okhla Industrial Area
Phase I
New Delhi - I j 0 020
Solar phmolioltaic system

Savemax Solar Systems Pvt. Ltd

Jayaprabha, Jadhavnagar
Vadgaon BK, Pune - 4 I I 041
Solar Hat plate collectors, solar waler
heating systems, solar cookers, sola r
lanterns, solar homelighring system

Shiv Shakti Electronics Pvt. Ltd

F-274, Flatted FactOries C omplex
Okhla Industri al Area
ew D elhi - I 10 020
Solar phOlOvoltaic system


Survey No. 2/ 1, Ghorpuri
Pune - 4 I I 001
Air-heating system components,
renewable energy system barreries,
solar air heating systems, solar pool
heating systems, solar water heating
SD Solar Systems India Pvt. Ltd
11, Shahajanabad
Bhopal - 462001
Solar water beating system
Soladur Energy Systems Pvt. Ltd
6-3-354115, Hindi Nagar
Ranjara Hills
Hyderabad - 500 034
Solar water hearing system
SU 155 i, Sector 7-i
Chandigarh - 160 019
Solar water bating system
Raghubar Niwas
Gurudwara Colony
Lohegaon , Pune, India - 411 04 i
Solar air heating systems, solar
cooking systems, solar electric power
systems, solar ol1Cdoor lighting
systems, solar pool heating systems,
solar water heating systems
Solker Industries Limited
3i, Jayalakshmipuram
1 st. Nungambakkam High Road
Chennai - 600 034
Solar Phowvolraic system

Solchrome Systems India Limiied

61, Secraf-5, Parwanoo
India - 173 220
Solar water heating systems, solar
water heating components.
Sudharsan Industries
5, Jijamara Colony
Aurangabad - 431 001
Solar water heating system
Sun Power
Suit 2E 52B, Shakespeare Sarani
Kolkata -700017
Solar Pbotovoltaic system

Appendix VI
Sunlit Enterprises
9, Shamsundar Hsg Soc
Near Mhatre Bridge
Pune - 411 030
Solar water heating system
Suryodaya HI-Tech Engineering
Pvt. Ltd
1-10-68/4 Chikoti Gardens
Secundrabad - 500 016
Solar waler heating system
Su Solartech Systems (P) Ltd
SCO 184, Opposite Sports Complex
Sector 7-C, Chandig<lrh - 160019
Sunbeam Solar Thermal Co.
1114i 11 University road, Pune
India --41 1 016
Solar warer hearer, solar cooker
Sunline Solar Systems Pvt. Ltd
1836, Sadashiv Peth
DeshmukhWadi, Pune - 41 1030
Solar water heating systems, solar
pool hearing syStems.
Suntime Energy Ltd
E-3 Lajpat Nagar
New Delhi, India
Solar water heating systems, solar
electric power systems, photovolraic
modules, solar water heating components, solar cooking system

Surya Shakti
739, lndusuial Area Phase-II
Chandigarh, Indja - 160 019
Solar water hearing systems, solar air
hearing systems, solar cooking
systems, solar pool heating system
components .

Tat.a BP Solar India Ltd

Plot No. 78, Electronic City
Hosur Road
Bangalore - 561 229
Solar PV and solar thermal systems
The Energy Pool
34, Friends Colony, Chamba Ghat
Solan - 1i3 213
Solar photovolraic system
Thermosol Equipment
55-G, (NP_, SIDCO Industrial Esrate
Ambaltir, Chennai - 600 098
Solar water hearing system

Udhaya Semiconductor (P) Ltd

[/482, Avanashi road
Coimbatore - 641 014
Solar Phorovoltaic system
UP Hill Electronic.s Corporation
A-I /26, Vishwas Khand II
Gomati Nagar
Lucknow -- 226 010
Solar Photovoltaic system

Webel-SL Energy Systems Ltd

Plot NoN 1, Block -G P, Sector V
Salt Lake Electronics Complex
Kolka ta - 700091
Solar phorovo\taic system

Sun control films

Garware Plastics and Polyster Lcd
Western Express Highway
Vile Parle
Mumbai - 400 057

Temperature monitors /
controllers / sensors

Suryodaya Hi-Tech Engineering (1))

1-10-68/4, Chikoti Gardens
Tndia -5000 16

Aimil Ltd
Naimex House, A-8
Mohan Co-operative Industrial Estate
Mathura Road, New Delhi - 1 10 044

Solar water heating systems, solar
water heating components, solar flat
plate collectors, solar parabolic
trough collectors, solar selective
cO:lted fins, solar electric power
systems, solar air hc::aring system
components, solar garden lights, solar
water healing systems, wind turbines

Digital Promoters (India) Pvt. Ltd

505, Vishal Bhawan
95, Nehru Place, New Delhi -110019
lnstronix India Pvt. Ltd
3E ( 12, Jhandewalan Extension
New Delhi - 1 10 055
Masibus Process Instruments (P) Ltd
B/30, GfDC Electronic Zone
Gandhinagar - 382 044

Toshniwal Sensors Pvt. Ltd
E 19-20, Makhupura industrial Area
Ajmer - 305 002

Time / control switches (timers)

Escol Electromech Pvt. Ltd
. ipalani ES[are
Sa ki Vihar Road
\tnmbai - 400 072
lndo Asian Marketing Ltd
.-\-59, Okhla Industrial Area
Phase II
~ e\V Delhi - 110020
Jayshree Enterprises
_\\a rkering D ivision)
.V 1, Prabodhan Apartment
04 9, Erandwane
?une - 411 004
Larsen & Toubro Limited
PO Box No. 8901, Powai
_ lum bai - 400 072

Appendix VI
MDS Switchgear Limited
314-317, Shah & Nahar Road
Off . Dr E Moses Road
Mumbai - 400018

Time swirches

Variable speed drives

Allen Bradley India limited
A-5, Second Floor, Kailash Colony
New Delhi - 110048
Asean Brown Boved limited
Guru nanak Foundarion building
15-16, Qutub Instirutional Area
New Delhi - 110 067
Crompton Greaves Limited
lndustrial Electronic Division
71/72, MIDC industrial Area
Satpur, Nashik - 422 007


l2;s9f 3

L&T Static Control

(Electronic Conlrols Division)
Larsen & Toubro Ltd
PO Box No. 8901, Powai
Mumbai - 400 072
Jeltron Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd
Bag No. 49, 6-3-99/2,
Varnan Nayak Lane, Umanagar Colony
Begumpet, Hyderabad - 500 018
Kirloskar Electric Company Ltd
Uuit IV, BeJawadi InduStri al Area
Mysore - 570005
Siemens Limited (MDA Dept.)
Electric Mnnsion
1986, Appasaheb Mararhe Marg
PB No. 1911, Prabhadevi
Mumbai - 400025
The General Electric Company of
India Ltd
Electronics Unir, DA 21
Salt Lake CilY
Kolkata - 700 064

E J6S'01

Ol<:re b' ~ ~fJ





absorption chillers, RETREAT,
Gurgaon 115
absorption technology, TCI Ltd,
Gurgaon 72
active solar imerventions, application of
Mahendra Patel 161
Sangath HI
TRG 155
AIlS (see American Institute of Indian
cavities within walls 8
distribution, Tef Ltd , Gurgaon 73
panels for space heating, HPSCB,
Shimla 26
monitOring system forTCr Lrd,
Gurgaon 74
property at Civil Lines, D elhi 83
air-handling ~mits, TCI Ltd, Gurgaon 73
air-heating system, roof-based 12
Airport' and sraaohousing colony, Kargil
airport staffhotlsing, Kargil 47
ambient temperature, control of, IREP
TC, Delhi 88
American Institute of Indian Studies
(AlIS) , Gurgaon 138
architectural d esign , Vi.k as, Auroville 206
architectural integration, effect ol~ Sri
Aurobindo Ashram, New Delhi 95
cu:chitecUlral imerventions 1
artificial iIlwlljnatiol)
HI'> State C o-operative Bank, Srurula
Tel Ltd, Gurgaol1 73
SEC, Gurgaon 130
Kindergarten School 214
La Cuisine Solar 210
Vikas Aparnnems 206
Visitors' Centre 218

and system design, TERI) Bangalore
automation system, Mahendra Patel,
Ahmedabad 164
behaviour, scientific observation of,
TRC, Ahmedabad 159
design, Nisha, Goa 185
envelope 4
fabric, SOSTCV, Dehradun 78
materials, energy coments of 6
orientation 4
plans, SOS TCV, Dehradun 77
systems, CMC House, M.umbai 224
technologies, Vikas, Auroville 207

ceiling lights, control of, TCI Ltd,
Gurgaon 73
central evaporative cooling, Neelam and
Ashok Saigal, Gurgaon 104
Baptist Church 124
PEDA office complex 62
c1imare in Shi mla 21
climate-responsive building form ,
PEDA, Chandigarh.63
climate-responsive des,gn, Bidani
house, Faridabad 66
climate-responsive device, property at
Civil Lines, Delhi 82
climate, Chandigarh 62
climatic response, Bangalore 173
CMC (see Computer Maintenance
Corporation House, M.umbai)
Computer Maintenance Corporation
(CMoC) House, Mumbai 223
concept of
MLA. Hostel, ShjmJa 34
SOSTCV. Dehradun 76
constructiorr techniques 5
Kjndergarren School, Auroville 215
Nisha, G oa 187
Visitors' Centre, Auroville 220
convenrional evaporative cooler,
property Go[ Civil Lines, Delhi 83
courr:yard planning, AilS, Gurgaon 139

Mary Mathew 173
TERl office building-cum-guest
house 177
Baptist Church, Chandigarh 124
Bhopal, WAL1\11ll9
Sidani Hotl e Faridabad 66
::-ioclimatic approach to d esign, [REP
T C, Delhi 86
;:-ioclimatic architecture, example of,
WAUvU, Bhopal 119

distribution, Himurja, Shimla 22, 23
integratio~, \"' BREDA, Kolkata 192
and cross-venrilation, Baptist
Church, Chandigarh 125
and heating, liimurja, Shimla 22
and ventilation, Visitors' Ge ntre,
Auroville 219

design, TERI, Bangalore 179

effect of 17
HP SCB, Shimla 28
Mary Mathew, Bangalore 175
SEC, Gurgaon 130
DC HCC (see Degree College an H '
Council Complex, Leh)
DC HCC, [he site for 41
Degree College and Hill Council
Complex (DC HCq , Leh 41
Debradun, SOS TCV 76
Delhi, residence of S~dha and A ta
Kumar 97
concepts 1
derails, CMC House, Murnbai 2_ -1
elements 2
features, AIlS, Gurgaon 142
design features
Airport and staff housing colon\o.
Baptist Church, Chandigarh 12
Bidani house, Faridabad 68
C iv iC House, MtlInbai 227
DCHCC, Leh 44
Dilwara Bagh, Gurgaon 109
Himurja, Shimla 24
HP SGB, Shimla 28
UHMR, laipur 149
IREPTC, Delhi 90
Kindergarten School, AllfoviJle 11 LEDeGTrainees' Hostel , Leh 54
l\rtadhu and Anirudh, Panchkula 61
i\t{ahendra Patel, Ahmedabad 164
Mary Mathew, Bangalore 176
ML\ HI stel, Shimla 37
N ee!am and Ashok Saigal, Gurgaon 10S
Ni ha, Goa 188
NMC CBS, Gurgaon 136
PEDA, Chandigarh 65
proper~ at Civil Lines, Delbi 84
RETREAT, Gurgaon 117
Sangath, Ahmedabad 154
SEC, Gurgaon 132
Silent Valley, Kalasa 205
SOSTCV, Dehradun 78
SPH, Jodhpur 169
Sri Aurobindo Ashram, New D eIhl 96
Sudha and Arum Kumar, Delhi 100
Tabo Gompa, Spiti 56
TCI Ltd, Gurgaon 75
TERl, Bangalore 181
TRC, AJm1edabad 159
\iikas, Auroville 208
Visitors' Centre, Auroville 222
WBPCB, K olkata 200
\VBREDA, Kolkata 194
WALMI, Bhopal 123
design optimization, \XTBPCR


design response
PEOA, Chandigarh 62
TERI, Bangalore 178
design strategic'
WBREDA, Kolkata 190
TCl Ltd , Gurgaon 69
SPH, Jodhpur 166
Sangath, Ahmedabad 152
Dilwara Bagh (see Dilwara Bagh,
Country House for Reena and Ravi
Nath, Gurgaon)
Dilwara Bagh, Counu'y House for
Reena and Ravi Nath, Gurgaon 106
direcr heat gain 10, 11
dust and cobweb comrol,TRC,
Ahmedabad 157

....... .


.. .

. ........ .

air runnels 15
contact, AIlS, Gurgaon 139
for cooling, exploitation of, IREPTC,
Delhi 88
efficient urilization of energy, RETREAT; Gurgaoll 111
energy, efficient utilization of, RETREAT, Gurgaon III
embodied energy, Mary Mathew,
Bangalure 174
energy conservation
CMC House, .l'v1umbai 226
rrHMR, Jaipur 149
energy consumption, HP SCB, Shirnla
energy efficiency in architecture 1
energy-efficient design
Mahendra Patel, Ahmedabad 161
NMC CHS, Gurgaon 135
energy-efficient glazing system, writeupon 9
energy-efficient lighting
design, WBREDA, Kolkata 192
systems 1
Sudha and Aram Kumar, Delhi 100
RETREAT; Gurgaon 115
WBPCB, Kolkata 199
energy gains, Tel Ltd, Gurgaon 74
energy-saving features
MLI\ Hostd, Shimla 34
TCI Ltd; Gurgaon 70
WBPCB, Kolkata 196
energy saving strategies, HP SCB,
Shimla 25
evaporating cooling 16
evaporative cooler, properry at Civil
Lines, De.\hi 83

Faridabad, Bidani House 66
fenestration 4


fenesU":.nion and shading 8

AIlS, Gurgaon 140
fenestration design 8
WBPGB, Kolkata 197
fenestration pattern, lIH.lViR, Jaipur 148
fountain COurt, TCl Ltd, Gurgaon 71

garbage disposal , N M.C CHS, Gurgaon
glazing systems 9
WBREOA, Kolkata 193
Goa, Nisha 's Play School 185
guest house building, SEC, Gurgaol1

AIlS 138
Dilwara Bagh 106
residence for Neelal11 and Ashok
SEC 128
TCI Ltd 69

collecting wall, HPSCB, Shimla 26
condition, lREPTC, Delhi 87
gain, distribution of, Himurja, Shimla
transfer, TCI Ltd, Gurgaon 71
Hill Council Complex, site for 43
Himachal Pradesh State Co-operative
Bank (HPSCB), Shimla 25
Himurja office building, Shimla 21
hOt water system, Sri Aurobindo
Ashram, New Delhi 93
HP SCB (see Himachal Pradesh State
Co-operative Bank, Shimla)

Mahendra Palel, Ahmedabad 162

Neelam and Ashok Saigal, Gurgaon
SEC, Gurgaon 130
Sudha and Aram Kumar, Delhi 98
WBREDA, Kolkata 192
Integrated Ru.ral Energy Programme
Training Centre (IREP TC), Delhi 86
internal heat build-up, DCHCC, Leh 44
TREPTC (see lnregrated Rural Energy
Programme Training Centre, Delhi)

Jaipur, lIHMR 145
Jodhpur, SPH 166

Kalasa, Silent Valley 201
Kargil, Airport and sraff housing colony
Kindergarten School, l\uroville 214
West Bengal Pollution Control Board
West Bengal Renewable Energy
Development Agency 189

. . ....... . . . . . . . . ..

La Cuisine Solar, Auroville 210

landscaping 2
W1BREOA, Kolkara 191
LEDeGTruinees' hostel, Leh 49
LEOeG Trainees' hostel 49
lighting system, integration of
daylighting with, CMC House,
Mumbai 225
louvres 9

ILHMR (see Indian lnstirute of Health

lVianagement Research, Jaipur)
monitoring system for, Tel Ltd,
Gurgaon 74
source of, TCl Ltd, Gurgaon 73
Indian InSLituLt: uf Heallh Mallagelllt:11l
Research CIlHMR), Jaipur 145
indirect/diffused light, Sangath,
Ahmedabad 153
property at Civil Lines, Delhi 81
and shading, Djlwara Bagh, Gurgaon
and window design, Himurja,
Shimla 23
of the roof, lREPTC, Delhi 88
CMC House; Mumbai 226

Mary Mathew, residence of, Bangalore

materials of construction , Tabo Gompa,
Spitj 56
methods of consu'uction, Tabo Gompa,
Spici 56
microclimate, control of, fREPTC
Delhi 88
MLA hostel, Shimla 33
Mumbai, Computer Maintenance
Corporation House 223




. . .

'. . . . .



Nainital, residence of Mohini Mu.llick 30
National Media Centre Co-operative
Housing Scheme, Gurgaon (NMC
CHS) 134

New Delhi, Sri Aurobindo Ashram 91
Nisha's play school, Goa 185
NMC CHS (see National Media Centre
Co-operative Housing Scheme,

. . . ,. . .. . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . .

outdoor spaces, SOS TCV, Dehradun


overhangs 9

Panchkula, residence for Madhu and
Anirudh 59
passive architectural interventions,
Neelam and Ashok Saig~J, Gurgaon
passive architectural principles
adoption of, Dilwara Bagh, Gurgaon
IIHMR, Jaipur 145
p assive architectural techniques 2
Sudha and AmID Kumar, Delhi 97
passive condition techniques, lREPTC,
Delhi 86
assive cooling system, TRC,
Ahmedabad 156
;:>assive cooling techniques 13
passive designing for load reduction,
RETREAT, Gurgaon 112
;:-assive downdraughr cooling 16
:cassive heating techniques 10
-assive solar concepts
IREPTC, D elhi 87
La Cuisine Solaire, AUTO'vilie 210
-a ive solar features
CHCC, Leh 42, 43
Kindergarten School, Auroville 214
\ \adhu and Anirudb, Panchkula 60
_ roperry at Civil Lines, D elhi 80
- EC, Gurgaon 128, 131
~ EC, Gurgaon 130
_PH, Jodhpur 167
:-lbo Gompa, Spiti 55
,,\'1: solar interventions, application

e solar reclmiques 2
. - . Gurgaon 139
EC. Gurgaon 128
-ll..'vIJ, Bhopai 119
~ ventilation techniques, TERl,
-.=>alore 178
""\ office complex, Chandigarh 62
.mgacil , Ahmedabad 153
H, Jodhpur 168
- _' . T Cl Ltd, Gurgaon 74
_ ry at Civil Lines, Delhi 83
:~ ai c-gasjfier hybrid power
RETREAT, Gurgaon 113

project details
AIlS, Gurgaon 142
Baptist Church, Chandigarh 127
Bidani house, Faridabad 68
CMC House, Mumbai 227
DCHCC, Leh 42, 44
Dilwara Bagh, Gurgaon 109
Himurja, Shimla 24
HP SCB, Shimla 28
IIHMR, Jaipur 149
lREPTC, Delhi 90
Kindergarten School, Auroville 217
La Cuisine Solaire, Auroville 212
LEDeG-Trainees' hostel, Leh 53
MadIlu and Anirudh, Panchkula 61
Mahendra Patel, Ahmedabad 164
Mary Mathew, Bangalore 176
MLA H ostel, Shimla 37
Neelam and Ashok Saigal, Gurgaon
Nisha, Goa 188
Nl'vlC CHS, Gurgaon 136
PEDA, Chandigarh 65
property at Civil Lines, D elhi 84
RETREAT, Gurgaon 116
Sangath, Ahmedabad 154
SEC, Gurgaon 132
Silent Valley, Kalasa 205
SOS T CV, Dehradun 78
SPH, Jodhpur 168
Sri Aurobindo Ashram, New Delhi 95
Sudha and Atam Kumar, Delhi 100
Tabo Gompa, Spiti 56
TCl Lrd, GUIgaon 75
TERl, Bangalore 18i
TRC, Ahmedabad 159
Vikas, Aurovill e 208
Visiwrs' Centre, Auroville 222
WBPCB, Kolkata 200
WBREDA, Kolkata 194
WALlv1!, Bhopal 123
property at civil lines, Delhi 80

:R." ...... " , ....... .

rainwater harvesting
NMC CHS, Gurgaon 136
TERr, Bar<galore 179
reflective roof, Neelam and Ashok
Saigal, Gurgaon 104
renewable energy systems
Sudha and Atam Kumar, Delhi 97
lREPTC, Ddhi 86
Himurja, Shimla 23
lREP TC, Delhi 89
Mary Marhew, Bangalore 175
Mobini Mullick, Nainital 31
Sudha and Atam Kumar, Delhi 99
TERI, Bangalore 180
use of 1
Vikas, Auroville 207
\'(' BPCB, Kolkata 200
WBREDA, Kolkata 193

renewable energy technologies,

RETREAT, Gurgaon 111
renewable sources of energy, RETREAT, Gucgaon 111
residence for
Madhu and Anirudh, Panchkula 59
Mahendra Patel, Ahmedabad 161
Neelam and Ashok Saigal, Gurgaon
Sudha and Atam Kumar, Delhi 97
Mohini Mullick, Nainilal30
RFrREAT, Gurgaon 111
rod based air-heating system 12
roof garden, TERI, Bangalore 180
roof insulation
and water proofing 212
Mary Mathew, Bangalore 175
SPH, Jodhpur 168
roof treatment, WALMI, Bhopal 121

Sangath, Ahmedabad 151
Sarai forTabo Gompa, Spiti 55
SEC (see Solar Energy Centre,
sewage management, WAIJvU, Bhopal
shading devices 9
WBPCB, Kolkata 197
shading, lREPTC, Delhi 87
climate in 21
Himurja office building 21
MLA hos tel 33
Silent Valley, Kala a 201
sire of Bidani House, Faridabad 66
site planning, Nisha, Goa 185
sire, PEDA, Chandigarh 62
solar active heating systems
MLA Hostel, Shimla 33
HPSCB, Shimla 25
Solar Energy Centre (SEC), Gurgaon
solar energy, use of, Mahendra Patel,
Ahmedabad 161
solar hot water system
Sri Aurobindo Ashram, New Delhi 95
Sudha and Atam Kumar, Delhi 99
solar passive architecrure, RETREAT,
Gurgaon III
solar passive heming systems, MLA
Hostel, Shimla 33
Solar Passive Hostel (SPH), Jodhpur
solar passive systems, HP SCB, Shimla

solar passive rechniques, incorporation
solar photovoltaic ystem
lREPTC, Delhi 89
Mahendra Patel , Ahmedabad 163


solar photovoltaics WBPCB, Kolkata

solar radiation 7,11, 12, 15
controlling of, lREPTC, Delhi 87
solar thermal e.val uations, L EDeG
Train ees ' Hostel, Leh 52
solar ware.r heating system
RETREAT, Gurgaon 113
Himurja, Shimla 23
M.a hendra Patel, A.hmedabad 163
solarium 13
Himurja, Shiml.a 22
LEDeG Trainees' Hostel, Leh 50
SOS TCV (see SOS Tibetan Children 's
Village, Dehradun)
SOS Tibetan Children's Village (SOS
TCV) , DehradUll 76
south oriemation, Sudha and Amm
Kumar, D elhi 98
space cooling
concept, AIlS, Gurgaon 140
IIHMR, Jaipu[ 148
space planning, VisitOrs' Centre,
Auroville 220
space-controlling loads 161
SPH (see Solar Passive Hostel Jodhpur)
Spiri, Sarai forTabo Gompa 55
srructuraJ system,TCI Ltd, Gurgaon 74
structure optimization, Neelam and
Ashok Saigal, Gurgaon 104
sunspaces 13
surface-to-volume ratio 3
habitat, model of, RETREAT,
Gurgaon 112
supply of energy, RETREAT,
Gurgaon 112
use of natural resources, RETREAT,
Gurgaon 111

Tapasya block, Sri Aurobindo Ashram,
New Delhi 91
TCI Ltd (seeTranspon Corporation of
India Ltd, Gurgaon)


temperature, diurnal swings in, Bidani

House, Faridabad 68
TERl office building-cum-guest house,
Bangalore 177
terrace garden, AIlS, Gurgaon139
r.bermal efficiency improvement, 1\11...1\
Hostel, Shimla 35
thermal insulation 5
thermal performance, A.irpon and staff
housing colony, Kargil46
thermally comfortable design, NMC
CHS, Gurgaon 135
Torrent Research Centre (TRC),
Alunedabad 155
flavour, AIIS, Gurgaon 141
hill arcil.itecture, Mohini Mullick,
Transp ort Corporation oflndia Ltd
(TCl Ltd), Gurgaon 69
TRC (see Torrent Research Centre)
Trombe wall 11
tropical skylight, Neelam ancl Ashok
Saigal, Gurgaon 104

. . ..

" ...


. ..

. ..

underground earth runnels, RETREAT,

Gurgaon tl4

SEC, Gurgaon 130
\'\lBREDA, Kolkata 191
\XlALMI, Bhopal 121
Vikas Apartments, AuroviUe 206
Visimfs' Centre, Auroville 218

waste managcmenr technique~s
NMC CHS, Gurgaon 134
WBPCB, Kolkata 200
Silent Valley, Kalasa 204 I,

wasre material use, Sangath,

Ahmedabad 153
waste recycling, Sudhu and Arum
Kumar, Dellii 99
waste water recycling
La Cu.isine Solaire, AuroviUe 212
RETREAT, Gurgaon 115
Water and Land Management lnsri!ut.<::
(WALMI), Bhopal 119
bodies, location of 3
channels, Sangarh, Ahmedabad 153
conservation, Silent. Valley, Kalasa 202
conservation, Sudha and Aram
Kumar, Delhi 99
management. t.echlliques, 1 t\1C
CHS, Gurgaon 134
manageomem, Vikas, AurovilJe 207
wall 12
\vBPCB (see Wesr Bengal Pollution
Control Board, Kolkata)
WBREDA (see West Bengal Renev.'able
Energy Development Agency,
West Bengal Pollurion C omrol Board
(\XTBPCB), Kolkata 195
West Bengal Renewable Energy Developm cmAgency (\VBREDA), Kolkata 189
wind for cooling, exploitation of, TREP
TC, Delhi 88
wind tower 14
SPH, Jodhpur 167
wind-driven evaporative C( oler, properry at Civil Lines, Delhi 83
window design, SPH, Jodhpur 168
windows for daylighring, SEC, Gurgaon
\,\lALMl (see Water and Land Management Insti!.ure, Bhopal)



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A lamp that consumes 80% of white and yellow light. From

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Time Switches, from MOS Legrand, are auto- switching devices ideol for compound lighting and garden lighting in

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Time Switch

Time Switch

Time Switch



Tilne l o 9 Swit(h




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kW/TR. This, in turn, leads to an average 30%
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VSD also acts as a soft starter and results in starting
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BLUE STAR LIMITED, (Aircondltloning Projects Division)
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Buring an AC!

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Congratulations TERI!!
We are proud to be a part of this movemen t of
Energy Efficient Building Systems.

Janus Engineering is an electrical

contracting firm with a large portfolio of
very prestigious projects such as:
RETREAT (Resource Efficient TERl
Retreat for Environmental Awareness and
Training) in Gurgaon;
Biogas-based, Grid-interactive 2.7 lVIW
power plant for SOM Distillery, Bhopal;
Fertilizer Jetty at Port Rozi for Cargill
India Ltd
Office interior electrification for


National Power

Citi Bank

Electricite De France

Castro I India

For further information, please contact

Janus Engineering (P) Ltd.

K-55, Jangpura Extension, New Delhi - 110014
Tel. 431 5806 E-mail [email protected]

eng i.neets. C01'dtlle:tO'tS So B tUJ.de,tS

Civil, Sanitary, Electrical, etc.
Housing projects



High-tech buildings

High-rise buildings


Industrial projects

Roads, culverts, landscaping

and other a&sociated civil works

Resource Efficient TERI Retreat fOI Em' jlonmental Awareness and Training, Gual Pahari, Gurgaon

he construction of RETREAT (Resource

Efficient TERl Retreat for Environment
Awareness and Training) building and technology is one of the major achievements of our
organization. Our 15 years of experience in
different fields of construction has made us to
make a model building forTERl. The building has different feattIres apart from normal
building construction activities such as
earth air tunnel 4 metres below ground for

space-conditioning, insulation of external

walls by thermocole, vermiculite on roof with
China mosaic for insulation of roof and reduction in temperature, solar chimneys for outlets
of hot air, gasifier building, and so many
The skill of engineering is used in construction of India's first solar roof at a height of 7
metres (high Atrium) at RETRET is one of
the best achievements.

~ l8-storeyed resi de ntia l



During the construction period, specialized

tools and plants along with skilled workers
and quality-minded engineers were deployed.
The shuttering and casting of SPIRAL Sf
CASE in the lobby were typical. The civil and
allied works of the root zone system (for recycling of waste water) were also carried out by us
as an associate ofTHERMAX.

The RCC road and culvert along with

typical rubble masonry done in landscaping
was done with modern technology. The building has been made to the entire satisfaction of
the clients.
We are thankful to TERI for creating a
unique model - RETREAT - and giving us a
chance to complete the project.

For further information, please contact:


OfJIn/o-sS OfJInstruetltms
&ngin.eets, {)o-n.ltaetMs & Builders

E-108 , Greater Kailash Enclave-I, New Delhi-11 0048

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Fax 91116464823 Cell 9811070358
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Accelerated urbanization imposes immense pressure

on the dwindling energy sources and fragile
ecosystems. Yet, the resource crunch confronting
energy supplies can be alleviated if we design and
develop future buildings by incorporating sound
concepts of energy efficiency and sustainability.
Covering 41 projects from India's various climatic
zones, this book provides thorough insights into the
context, techniques, and benefits of energy-efficient
buildings. The projects highlight design responses to
varied climatic conditions, appropriate materials and
construction methods, implementation of energyefficient systems, and effective utilization of renewable
energy to reduce pressure on grid power.
This book will inspire architects, designers, urban
planners, engineers, and students to build for a better



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