Qs Frictionloss

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Calculating Friction Loss

Standard: NFPA 1002, Standard on Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional

Indication: The Driver Operator needs to be able to calculate friction loss in fire hose in
order to produce an effective fire stream.
Procedure: In the field, Palm Beach County Fire Rescue calculates friction loss in 3 hose by
using the Q2 method, and friction loss in 2 hose by the 2Q2. Friction loss in 1 hose is
calculated by memorization.
Maximum Efficient Flow in Fire Hose
The maximum efficient flow, also referred to as critical velocity, is the maximum amount of
water that can be put through a fire hose before the fire stream breaks up and becomes
ineffective. The table below lists hose sizes with the associated flows. Keep in mind that
these flows are conservative in that more water can be supplied if needed but this table should
be used as a guideline.
Hose Size

Critical Velocity


200 gpm
300 gpm
500 gpm
1200 gpm

Friction Loss
Friction loss is pressure used to overcome resistance while
forcing water through fire hose, pipes, and appliances. To
calculate the friction loss, it is necessary to know the

The volume or quantity of water flowing (gpm)

The size of the hose
The length of the lay

There are many ways to estimate the friction loss in fire

hose. Methods like the old hand, new hand, drop 10, and the condensed Q are just a few
that you may have learned. Conceivably, the most accurate method to determine friction loss
is to conduct your own tests. By doing this you will know, with almost exact certainty, the
volume of water flowing at specific pressures. Additionally, this enables us to have
consistency in friction loss calculations department wide.

The attack hose (hand lines) used by PBCFR is of two sizes: 1 and 2. It is manufactured
by Angus called Hi-Combat, and is readily identified by the green and white stripes. Several
tests were conducted on this hose to determine the actual friction loss. Here are the findings
of those tests:
Friction Loss in 1 Hi-Combat Hose
(Average coefficient was determined to be: 10.8)


Friction Loss in 100

12 psi
24 psi
36 psi
40 psi

Calculating Friction Loss in 3 Hose

An easy and accurate way of calculating friction loss is to look at the table below. Take the 1st
digit of the flow (gpm) and multiply it by the 1st
digit of the next number immediately below it.
The result is friction loss per 100 of 3 hose.
For example, if the flow is 200 gpm, take 2
and multiple it by 2 (the 1st digit of the next
number down the column). The answer is 4,
which is the friction loss in 100 feet of 3 hose.
Lets try a flow of 350 gpm, 3 x 4 equals 12,
which is the friction loss in 100 feet of 3 hose.
This method is known as Q2 or condensed Q.

(Average coefficient was determined to be: .72)


Friction Loss in 100

1 psi
2 psi
4 psi
6 psi
9 psi
12 psi
16 psi
20 psi
25 psi
30 psi
36 psi

Calculating Friction Loss in 2 Hose

The process of calculating friction loss in 2 hose is accomplished by figuring the friction loss
as you would for 3 hose and then doubling the result. For example, if the flow in 100 feet of 3
hose is 300 gpm, then the friction loss is 9 psi per 100. Next, double 9 to obtain the answer of
18 psi per 100 feet.
(Average coefficient was determined to be: 1.68)


Friction Loss in 100

2 psi
4 psi
8 psi
12 psi
18 psi
24 psi
32 psi

Appliance Loss
Friction loss in small appliances (double males, double
females, reducers, wyes, and siamese) is negligible, and
therefore, will not be calculated. Add 25 psi for friction
loss for the deck gun when mounted on the engine
(Freightliners only) and 15 psi when used as a ground

Friction Loss in 1 Hose

The maximum efficient flow of 1 hose is 150 GPM. Typically, the only apparatus that still
utilizes 1 hose is brush apparatus where friction loss is generally not an issue and therefore
not calculated.

Flow of Less Than 100 GPM

NFPA requires a minimum flow of 95 GPM for a handline. This minimum flow rate is to ensure
sufficient water is flowing for Firefighter safety. Generally, the friction loss of flows of less than
100 GPM in any size hose is negligible and therefore not calculated.

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