(NEGO) PNB Vs Quimpo
(NEGO) PNB Vs Quimpo
(NEGO) PNB Vs Quimpo
pictorial report presented by said witness, found a marked difference in the second "c" in Francisco as written on the
questioned signature as compared to the sample signatures, and the separation between the "s" and the "c" in the
questioned signature while they are connected in the sample signatures.
Obviously, petitioner was negligent in encashing said forged check without carefully examining the signature
which shows marked variation from the genuine signature of private respondent.
In reference to the allegation of the petitioner that it is the negligence of private respondent that is the cause of the loss
which he suffered, the trial court held:
The act of plaintiff in leaving his checkbook in the car while he went out for a short while can not be
considered negligence sufficient to excuse the defendant bank from its own negligence. It should be
home in mind that when defendant left his car, Ernesto Santos, a long time classmate and friend
remained in the same. Defendant could not have been expected to know that the said Ernesto Santos
would remove a check from his checkbook. Defendant had trust in his classmate and friend. He had no
reason to suspect that the latter would breach that trust .
We agree.
Private respondent trustee Ernesto Santos as a classmate and a friend. He brought him along in his car to the
bank and he left his personal belongings in the car. Santos however removed and stole a check from his cheek
book without the knowledge and consent of private respondent. No doubt private respondent cannot be
considered negligent under the circumstances of the case.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED for lack of merit with costs against petitioner.