Introduction To The 6 Basic Audio Measurements

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A p p l i c a t i o n a n d Te c h n i c a l S u p p o r t f o r A u d i o P r e c i s i o n U s e r s

2700 Series
APx500 Series


Introduction to
the Six Basic Audio Measurements

About this Technote

Technote 104 discusses methods of making a set of basic
measurements using an Audio Precision 2700 Series or
ATS2 audio analyzer.
Much audio testing is concerned with a small number of
performance benchmarks, which we call the Big Six mea
surements. These are
Frequency Response
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
In Section 1 well start out by looking at what testing is
required for different audio devices, and well choose a de
vice to test and a signal path. Section 2 discusses basic setup
considerations. In Section 3 well look at each of the six
measurements in detail and make each of the measurements
using analyzer reading meters and one frequency sweep.
For simplicity, well make all the measurements in the
analog domain, and well test a common audio device. The
concepts and approaches shown here can be extended to the
digital domain, to cross-domain measurements and to other
types of audio equipment.

by David Mathew

1: Device Under Test and Signal Path

The equipment you want to test may be a receiver for a
home theater, an audio power amplifier or a DVD player, or
one of hundreds of other devices that require audio testing.
When discussing a measurement, we refer to the equipment
to be measured as the Device Under Test, or DUT.

Signal paths, connections and more

Different DUTs may require different signal paths. Lets
look at the signal paths associated with the three types of
devices mentioned above. For example:
A home theater receiver has many inputs and outputs,
and you must choose which you are going to test. Both
the inputs and the outputs may be analog or digital.
An audio power amplifier has both inputs and outputs.
The inputs may be analog or digital, and the output is
invariably analog.
A stand-alone DVD player has no audio inputs, only out
puts. The audio outputs may be carried as analog audio
or as digital audio.
For the examples in this technote, we will use a home
theater receiver as a DUT. This receiver has many inputs and
outputs, and we have chosen to test the path from the CD
Left and Right analog inputs to the Left and Right power
amplifier outputs. See the illustration on the next page.
In most cases, DUTs with different signal paths will be
tested using very similar techniques, simply re-connecting
cables or using the digital domain generator or analyzer.
Playback-only devices (such as a stand-alone DVD player)
require discs or other media with pre-recorded test signals
and external sweep or external source measurement tech

w w w. a p . c o m

Connecting the DUT to the analyzer

Most professional, industrial and broadcast audio devices
use balanced analog inputs and outputs; consumer analog
equipment is typically unbalanced. Whether or not your DUT
has balanced or unbalanced inputs or outputs will determine
your selection of generator and analyzer connections and
the type of cables you must use. Our home theater receiver
has unbalanced inputs, but its power amplifier outputs are
balanced. This is not always the case, but power amplifier
outputs are often balanced, even in consumer devices.

Using terminating loads

Certain DUTs must have their outputs terminated in a
specific load impedance to perform as designed or to match
specified measurement conditions. An obvious example is the
power amplifier, which in use must deliver its output voltage
at the current drawn by its load (the loudspeaker). For ampli
fier measurement, the loudspeaker is typically replaced by a
power resistor of the specified resistance, usually 8.

Choosing a measurement level

Most audio equipment has a nominal operating level within
a few decibels of 1 Vrms. Specialized equipment such as mi

crophone preamplifiers or high-power amplifiers are designed

to operate well below or above this range, and certain tests
may require very low or very high levels.
Our home theater receiver has the typical 1 volt nominal
input levels, and power amplifier stages that can deliver up to
100 Vrms at each speaker output.

Choosing DUT gain and effects settings

Some DUTs have no settings at all, just input and output
connections. Others may have gain controls, equalization
or bass and treble controls, even surround and reverberation
effects accomplished using internal digital signal processing
(DSP). These settings will affect the measurements you make,
so you must be careful to set them properly for testing (usu
ally by disabling them). The gain or volume control is typi
cally set to a nominal operating level, and other effects and
controls are set to their OFF or NEUTRAL positions. Other
gain settings may be specified or necessary for certain tests,
and in rare cases there may be a reason to set other controls or
effects to ON. See Gain considerations for level measurements on the next page or more information.
We will connect our DUT as shown here:

8 non-inductive
power resistors

Right Speaker Output

Left Speaker Output

Right CD Input

Left CD Input
Analog Output A Analog Output B



Pin 2: BAL+ or UNBAL HI
Pin 3: BAL- or UNBAL LO

Analog Input A


230Vpk MAX


Pin 2: BAL+ or UNBAL HI
Pin 3: BAL- or UNBAL LO







Pin 2: BAL+ or UNBAL HI
Pin 3: BAL- or UNBAL LO











10Vpp MAX















5Vpp MAX


230Vpk MAX




10Vpp MAX



Pin 2: BAL+ or UNBAL HI
Pin 3: BAL- or UNBAL LO


Analog Input B


192 k



5Vpp MAX




Making Basic Audio Measurements



3: The Big Six Measurements

So, lets set up our home theater receiver. We will use this
setup (with one minor change for input/output phase) for
making all the measurements.

This section provides step-by-step instructions to make the

Big Six measurements using an Audio Precision analyzer and
our home theater receiver DUT.
The instructions are written assuming the use of a
SYS2722 audio analyzer. Where instructions for the ATS2
differ, notes are added in [brackets].

Connecting the DUT in the measurement

signal path
We have chosen to use the CD inputs in the measurement
signal path for our receiver. These are unbalanced RCA jacks,
and were assuming they have a typical nominal operating
level of 1 Vrms. We will connect these to our instrument
generator unbalanced analog outputs.
We will measure our DUT at its power amplifier outputs
(speaker connections), using the left and right channels.
These are available as spring clips for connecting speaker
cable. For our test we will ignore the surround and subwoofer
channels. We will connect the left and right outputs to a pair
of 8 power resistors as a terminating load, and will also
connect parallel lines from the resistors to our instrument
analyzer balanced analog inputs.

Setting the DUT controls

Turn the DUT ON.
Turn the DUT Volume control to minimum.
Select CD. (Our signal path choice).
Set DSP to OFF. (In our DUT, other choices were
Stadium, Theater, Club, etc. These all add processing that
would adversely affect measurement.)
this bypasses surround processing for a stereo input).
Set BASS and TREBLE to 0.

Setting up the analyzer control software

Turn on your Audio Precision analyzer, and launch the
AP2700 or ATS control software.
If you have already been working in the control
software, open a New Test (this step ensures that all the
analyzer default settings are in place).
Double-click the title bar of the Analog Generator panel
to open the larger panel display.
Set Configuration to unbalanced.

Making Basic Audio Measurements


About Level measurements
Each DUT may have a number of level measurements that
are of interest. You must choose which level you are seeking.
Target levels include
an input level that produces a given output level, such as
1 volt, or 1 watt, or unity gain (see below for a discussion
of DUT gain);
an input level that produces a certain output distortion,
such as 1% THD+N;
a level that provides good noise performance with com
fortable headroom, often called the operating level;
an input or output level specified in a testing document.
Any of these levels may be used as a reference level on
which we can base further measurements. Frequency re
sponse measurements, for example, are expressed relative to
the level of a mid-band frequency; THD+N measurements
are made at specified levels, which should be reported in the
Gain considerations for level measurements
The ratio of a DUTs output voltage level to its input volt
age level is the voltage gain of the DUT. For example, in a
DUT with a gain of 2, an applied input of 2 volts will produce
an output of 4 volts. A gain of 1, where the output voltage
equals the input voltage, is called unity gain.
Some DUTs offer no gain adjustments, and are said to have
fixed gain. The gain may be fixed at unity, or at some other
Measuring level in variable gain DUTs
A DUT with a volume control or other setting that affects
gain is a variable gain device. When setting and measuring
level, it is essential to consider whether or not the DUT gain
is variable (not only volume controls, but tone controls and
other settings can change gain), and, if it is, how to set the
DUT controls for the desired test results.

Making Level measurements

We will make level measurements using three different
methods that produce results that are commonly used in audio
With a 1 Vrms applied signal, we will set the volume
control to the position that produces 1Vrms at the speaker
outputs (actually, across the 8 terminating load resistors).
Then we will readjust the volume control to produce 1 W in
the load, and then we will drive the amplifier into distortion
to find the level in watts at 1% THD+N.

Observe the Level meters on the Analog Analyzer

[ATS-2: Analyzer: Audio Analyzer], and slowly increase
the DUT volume until you have a reading of about 1V.
Since our input is 1Vrms, this volume setting produces
unity gain.

Adjust DUT for 1 W

Hint: making very small level adjustments

Our DUT has a stepped volume control, with steps of a few
decibels. Very fine adjustment is not possible. To find the pre
cise level where the DUT clips, we use a Bar Graph control in
the AP software to make small adjustments in Generator level.
Heres how: first find the highest distortion less than 1%,
using the DUT volume control. Then set up a Bar Graph to
control the generator level, using very small steps.
Create a bar graph by right-clicking in the Amplitude setting
field. Then set the Increment to 1mV in the Bar Graph Setup
dialog. Slide the bar control with the mouse, or click in the bar
to engage the keyboard arrow keys. Click the arrow keys to
adjust the level in these small steps until you find the highest
THD+N reading you can get that is less than 1%.

Initial Setup
Start with the DUT and control software setup instructions
listed in Section 2.
Adjust DUT for Unity gain
Turn the Generator outputs ON. With the default New
Test settings, this will output a 1kHz sine wave at a level
of 1Vrms.

On the Analog Analyzer [ATS-2: Analyzer: Audio

Analyzer], drop down the units menu for each of the Level
meters, and select the watts units.
Observe the Level meters on the Analog Analyzer
[ATS-2: Analyzer: Audio Analyzer], and slowly increase
the DUT volume until you have a reading of about 1W.
Adjust DUT for 1% THD+N

Double-click the title bar of the Analog Analyzer [ATS2: Analyzer: Audio Analyzer] to enlarge the panel, drop
down the Function Reading [ATS-2: Measurement Func
tion] menu and select THD+N Ratio.
Observe the Function Meter and slowly increase the
DUT volume until you have a reading of about 1%. You
may find that the distortion jumps suddenly from some ra
tio just below 1% to a very high ratio of distortion. This is
caused by the onset of amplifier clipping. Find the volume
that produces the highest distortion that is below 1%. For
our DUT, this output level was about 97 W (about 28Vrms
in 8). This level is often called Maximum Output Level,
or MOL.
CAUTION: At this level, the amplifier will be producing its greatest undistorted output. Depending upon
the design of the DUT and its output rating, this
condition may stress the amplifier, and may heat the
amplifier heat sinks and the terminating load resis-

Making Basic Audio Measurements


tors. Be sure that your load resistors are designed

to safely handle the rated output of your DUT, and
that they are well ventilated. Leaving the amplifier at
its maximum output may damage the amplifier, the
load resistors and may be a fire hazard. Generally,
you should make maximum output levels tests brief,
and be sure you turn the generator OFF and / or
the volume control down as soon as you have your

Setting a reference testing level for

subsequent measurements.

First we have to decide on a level. We could make the

sweep at a very low level, but we might see noise or other
spurious signals in our response. We could make it at a very
high level, but there is the possibility of amplifier distortion
affecting the response.
A common level for frequency response in a power ampli
fier is at the 1W output level, and thats what we will use
Initial Setup

Once you have found a useful level using one of the above
methods, you can set it as a reference in the 2700 or ATS-2
memory. To set the current Analyzer input levels as a refer
ences, select Edit > Set Analyzer dBr Ref or press F4 in
the control software. Separate references are set for analyzer
input channels A and B, called dBrA and dBrB. To set the cur
rent Generator output level as a reference, select Edit > Set
Generator dBr Ref or press F3.
Since the DUT gain setting affects level, you should note
the DUT volume setting as a reference as well.

Frequency Response
About Frequency Response measurements
A frequency response measurement reports the output lev
els of a DUT when stimulated with different frequencies of
known level. The simplest of all frequency response measure
ments consists of only two or three tones, the first near the
middle of a DUTs usable frequency range, and followed by
a tone near the higher extreme of the range and sometimes
a tone near the lower extreme. Assuming the tones are all
generated at the same level, the DUTs output levels describe
its response to these different frequencies.
Full-range frequency response measurements can be made
by a number of different methods, the classic being a sweep
of a sine wave from the lowest frequency in the range to the
highest, the results plotted on a graph. A flat response de
scribes the shape of a graph where the DUT responds equally
at all frequencies, producing a trace with a slope of 0 and
with minimal variations.

Start with the DUT and control software setup instructions

in Section 2.
Make a Frequency Response sweep
Open the Sweep panel.
Set Data 1 to Anlr.LevelA [ATS-2: Analyzer.Level A].
Set Source 1 to Gen.Freq [ATS-2: Analog Generator.
Turn the Generator ON. With the default New Test
settings, this will output a 1kHz sine wave at a level of
On the Analog Analyzer [ATS-2: Analyzer: Audio
Analyzer], drop down the units menu for each of the Level
meters, and select the watts units.
Observe the Level meters on the Analog Analyzer
[ATS-2: Analyzer: Audio Analyzer], and slowly increase
the DUT volume until you have a reading of about 1W.
Start the sweep by clicking the GO button on the Sweep
A frequency response graph will be plotted, as shown

Making a Frequency Response measurement

As mentioned above, it is possible to make a basic response
measurement using only two or three tones. However, the
expectation is usually a full sweep across the audio spectrum,
and thats what well do here.
We will set up a level versus frequency sweep and view a
graph as the output.

Making Basic Audio Measurements


of all of the harmonics measured in the DUTs bandwidth.

Why THD+N? Why not just measure THD (the distortion)
and N (the noise) individually?
Well, at first glance it makes sense. However, in the preFFT days of audio measurement it was difficult to measure
the THD by itself, without the noise, but it was relatively
simple to measure the THD and the N together. So the accept
ed techniques handed down from years past specify THD+N,
because thats what was practical. In addition, THD+N is a
convenient and telling single-number mark of performance,
widely understood and accepted.
Bandwidth and THD+N
The measured THD+N of a device will vary with the mea
surement bandwidth. You will almost always want to restrict
the measurement bandwidth using high-pass and low-pass
filters, and you must include the bandwidth used when you
state the result. THD+N is typically measured and reported in
a 20Hz20kHz bandwidth.
For a more useful display of the same data, you can set the
Analyzer dBr input reference to your 1W level. This will
display 0dB at the center frequency of 1kHz, if you set the
Sweep units to dBrA. You can also adjust the graph axis
scales for a more useful display. Since our DUT is quite flat,
we can narrow the view to just a few decibels above and
below the reference.
Here is the graph with units set to dBrA and range set to

Level and THD+N

The measured THD+N of a device will also vary with level
and the frequency of the applied signal. Audio THD+N is
typically measured and reported at a mid-range frequency
(1kHz or so) at the either the devices nominal operating
level or at its maximum output level (MOL).

Making a THD+N measurement

Weve already done this in Adjust DUT for 1% THD+N
in the Level topic above, but well go through the procedure
again here.
Initial Setup
Start with the DUT and control software setup instructions
in Section 2. We have decided to make this THD+N mea
surement at the 1W output level. The frequency setting for
THD+N is typically 1kHz, which is what we will use.

About THD+N measurements
THD+N stands for Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise.
Harmonic distortion is the unwanted addition of new tones
to the audio signal. These tones are harmonically related
tones to the original signal. When the signal is one sine wave
of frequency f1, harmonic tones are f2, f3, etc., integral multi
ples of the original tone. Total harmonic distortion is the sum

Making Basic Audio Measurements


quency-domain FFTs or a dedicated Harmonic Distortion

Analyzer (as found in AP2700 and ATS) can reveal details of
the individual distortion products.

About Phase measurements

Turn the Generator outputs ON. With the default New

Test settings, this will output a 1 kHz sine wave at a level
of 1 Vrms.
On the Analog Analyzer [ATS-2: Analyzer: Audio
Analyzer], drop down the units menu for each of the Level
meters, and select the watts units.
Observe the Level meters on the Analog Analyzer
[ATS-2: Analyzer: Audio Analyzer], and slowly increase
the DUT volume until you have a reading of about 1W.
On the Analog Analyzer [ATS-2: Analyzer: Audio Ana
lyzer], drop down the Function Reading [ATS-2: Measure
ment Function] menu and select THD+N Ratio.
In the two BW filter fields, set the high pass and low
pass filter selections to define the measurement bandwidth.
THD+N measurements should be made in a limited,
defined bandwidth, typically about 20Hz to 20kHz. This
measurement bandwidth must be stated with the distortion
result. We will use the built-in Audio Precision filters at
22Hz and 22kHz. [ATS-2: 22 Hz and 20 kHz LP.]
Observe the THD+N Ratio reading on the Function
meter. Our DUT reads 0.04223%.

Other THD+N techniques

The method just described provides a quick, single-number
result for THD+N, and is often the method of choice. How
ever, other techniques can provide much more information
about a devices distortion performance. A THD+N versus
frequency sweep or a THD+N versus amplitude sweeps will
show how a DUT performs under varying stimulus. Fre

Making Basic Audio Measurements


In audio engineering, phase measurements are used to

describe the positive or negative time offset in a cycle of a
periodic waveform (such as a sine wave), measured from a
reference waveform. The reference is usually the same signal
at a different point in the system, or a related signal in a dif
ferent channel in the system. This choice of references defines
the two most common phase measurements: device input/out
put phase, and interchannel phase.
Phase shift varies with frequency, and it is not uncommon
to make phase measurements at several frequencies or to plot
the phase response of a frequency sweep. Phase is expressed
in degrees.

Making an Interchannel Phase measurement

Once again, we have to decide on a level. Phase measure
ments are not particularly level-sensitive, as long as we are
above the noise and below distortion. We will make our test
at 1Vrms, with the DUT set for unity gain. These steps as
sume a DUT like our home theater receiver.
Initial Setup
Start with the DUT and control software setup instructions
in Section 2.
Adjust DUT for Unity gain
Turn the Generator outputs ON. With the default New
Test settings, this will output a 1kHz sine wave at a level
of 1Vrms.
Observe the Level meters on the Analog Analyzer
[ATS-2: Analyzer: Audio Analyzer], and slowly increase
the DUT volume until you have a reading of about 1V.
Since our input is 1Vrms, this volume setting produces
unity gain.
Observe the Phase meter on the Analog Analyzer [ATS2: Analyzer: Audio Analyzer]. At our default 1kHz setting
we read +0.05 degrees.

Making an Input/Output Phase measurement

The other common phase measurement compares the phase
of the signal at the input of the DUT to the phase of the same
signal at its output. A simple way to make this measurement
for the Left channel in our DUT is to select GenMon as the
Channel A analyzer input and then connect the left channel
DUT output to the Channel B analyzer input.

Phase between channels often varies with frequency.

Experiment by changing the Generator frequency to 100Hz,
and then to 10kHz. The results varied slightly in our DUT:
+0.02 degrees at 100Hz, and +0.51 degrees at 10kHz. To
view a complete phase response, a sweep measurement
plotting interchannel phase versus frequency is often made.
Reconnect the connector cable for the Left channel and
set Channel A to GenMon on the Analyzer panel. [ATS-2:

8 non-inductive
power resistors

Right Speaker Output

Left Speaker Output

Right CD Input

Left CD Input
Analog Output A Analog Output B



Pin 2: BAL+ or UNBAL HI
Pin 3: BAL- or UNBAL LO

230Vpk MAX


Pin 2: BAL+ or UNBAL HI
Pin 3: BAL- or UNBAL LO




10Vpp MAX

230Vpk MAX



Pin 2: BAL+ or UNBAL HI
Pin 3: BAL- or UNBAL LO


Analog Input B


192 k

















10Vpp MAX



Pin 2: BAL+ or UNBAL HI
Pin 3: BAL- or UNBAL LO














5Vpp MAX


Analog Input A


5Vpp MAX




Making Basic Audio Measurements


Analog Input panel.] See the illustration on the facing page

for the cable reconnection.
Notice that we now show a phase difference of +179.17
degrees at 1kHz. Results at 100Hz and 10kHz are similar
( +187.50 and +163.73 degrees, respectively). This indicates
that the output of our DUT is out of polarity with its input
(180 degrees out-of-phase at all frequencies) with some ad
ditional phase shift at the frequency extremes.
NOTE: Be sure to re-connect the cables for further


Turn on the generator, but only on channel A. Read the

crosstalk in the Channel B Function reading meter. Our
DUT reads 50.661dB.

About Crosstalk measurements

In audio systems of more than one channel, it is undesir
able for the signal in one channel to appear at a reduced level
in the output of another channel. This signal leakage across
channels is called crosstalk, and in practical devices it is very
difficult to eliminate. Crosstalk is expressed as the ratio of the
undesired signal in the unstimulated channel to the signal in
the stimulated channel. Crosstalk is largely the result of ca
pacitive coupling between channel conductors in the device,
and usually exhibits a rising characteristic with frequency.

Making a Crosstalk measurement

NOTE: If you are testing a power amplifier using

terminating resistors, be aware that your resistor connections could add capacitive coupling between the
channels, increasing the measured crosstalk.

Other Crosstalk techniques.

The method just described provides a quick, single-num
ber result for crosstalk, and is often the method of choice.
However, a crosstalk versus frequency sweep will show how
a DUT performs across its operating bandwidth.

Signal-to-Noise Ratio

Initial Setup
Start with the DUT and control software setup instructions
in Section 2.
Crosstalk A into B
Set the Analog Generator amplitude and the DUT
volume for the reference level you would like for your
crosstalk measurement. Unity gain, 1Vrms output or 1watt
are typical choices.
On the Analog Generator panel, Set the frequency to
On the Analog Analyzer [ATS-2: Analyzer: Audio Ana
lyzer], drop down the Function Reading [ATS-2: Measure
ment Function] menu and select Crosstalk.
Turn on the generator, but only on channel B. Read the
crosstalk in the Channel A Function reading meter. Our
DUT reads 50.959dB.

Making Basic Audio Measurements

Crosstalk B into A


About SNR measurements

How much noise is too much? That all depends on how
loud your signal is.
Signal-to-noise ratio (or SNR) is a measure of this differ
ence, providing (like THD+N) a one-number mark of device
performance. The signal is usually set to the nominal oper
ating level or to the maximum operating level of the DUT.
When SNR is made using the MOL, the result can also be
called the dynamic range, since it describes the two extremes
of level possible in the DUT. (Dynamic range in digital
devices has a somewhat different meaning). SNR is usually
stated in decibels, often shown as negative.
Using traditional methods, SNR requires two measure
ments and a bit of arithmetic. First you measure the signal
level, then turn off the generator (and often, terminate the
DUT inputs in a low impedance as well, to fully reduce the
noise in the device). Then the noise level (often called the
noise floor) is measured, using filters to restrict the measure
ment bandwidth. The ratio between the two is the SNR.

Making SNR measurements

Since SNR is the relationship between two measurements,
first we measure the value at a specified signal level. For
convenience we will store the value as analyzer input dBrA
and dBrB references.
Then we measure the noise in the channel, using the dBr
references as the units reference. This result is the SNR.
Initial Setup
Start with the DUT and control software setup instructions
in Section 2.
Measuring and calculating SNR
Set the Analog Generator amplitude and the DUT vol
ume for the reference level you would like for your SNR
measurement. We are setting our test up for MOL.
On the Analog Analyzer [ATS-2: Analyzer: Audio Ana
lyzer], drop down the Function Reading [ATS-2: Measure
ment Function] menu and select Amplitude.

in the Level measurement.

Set the analyzer dBr (F4) to capture this reference.
Turn the Generator OFF. In the function meter for
Channel A, set the units to dBrA and read the SNR. Our
DUT reads 92.651dB.
In the function meter for Channel B, set the units to
dBrB and read the SNR for that channel. Our DUT reads

Ensuring low noise measurements

Getting the best noise measurement depends upon connec
tions and the electromagnetic environment. For best results
you should use
high quality shielded cables and test jigs
keep your analyzer, your DUT and measurement cables
away from magnetic and electrical fields
be sure that the mains power to your analyzer and your
DUT is clean of interfering signals
connect a large gauge ground strap between your ana
lyzer and your DUT.

In conclusion
Weve looked at easy ways to make six basic audio mea
surements on a home theater receiver using Audio Precision
analyzers. We worked in the analog domain, and confined
our testing to two channels using meter readings and a simple
The methods practiced here can be transferred to other
types of audio devices and digital domain and cross-domain
testing. While these basic approaches will often be all that is
required, understanding their principals will provide an excel
lent framework for working with faster and more informative
techniques such as FFT analysis, multitone testing and the
continuous sweep (log chirp) method used in the APx Series
of analyzers.

In the two BW filter fields, set the high pass and low
pass filter selections to define the measurement bandwidth.
SNR measurements should be made in a limited, defined
bandwidth, typically about 20Hz to 20kHz. This measure
ment bandwidth must be stated with the distortion result.
We will use the built-in Audio Precision filters at 22Hz and
22kHz. [ATS-2: 22 Hz and 20 kHz LP.] For noise measure
ments, weighting filters are often used instead of band
width-limiting filters.
Turn the generator ON and adjust the DUT volume for
the desired level, in our case the MOL level we established


Making Basic Audio Measurements



Making Basic Audio Measurements



2007 Audio Precision, Inc. All rights reserved.

pn 0055.0103 rev 0

5750 SW Arctic Drive, Beaverton, Oregon 97005 | 503-627-0832

w w w. a p . c o m

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