Archangel Metatron The Ascension Is Life Lived From Joy
Archangel Metatron The Ascension Is Life Lived From Joy
Archangel Metatron The Ascension Is Life Lived From Joy
light held by the physical cells is keyed to the level of Light Body,
and the higher the level, the less dense the body. The more light you
hold in your physical body, the greater the level of spirit you can
contain within the body. Toward the end of the Light Body process,
just proceeding the shift into ascension, you will merge completely
with your Higher Self. The descensions of spirit are the mechanisms
used to bring in, or turn on, the spiritual gifts of the masters. Light
Body has twelve levels or steps, and as each step is completed the
changes that have occurred physically must be integrated in all
areas of the life and the spirit.
Light Body is designed to bring up all your human issues as you
progress, and each higher level brings up a deeper layer to the
issues than the layer before it. This is to assist you in becoming
clear mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. As the issues
emerge, you have the choice to allow Christ's redemption to
transmute it for you - or to clear it using the light technologies that
have become available over the past two decades (N.L.P., bodywork,
rebirthing, body electronics, etc.). There is a void space at the end
of each Light Body level that we call ego death, and it may manifest
as depression or a sense of nothingness. This void is to be used as a
rest stop before you continue your journey. This void is an energetic
place where nothing exists, and you are able to build a new picture
of yourself and your life before you move to the next step. The void
is an integration chamber, or perhaps I could describe it as a
cocoon, where you can rest and form the beautiful butterfly you are
to become in your next step.
The first six steps of Light Body were structured for gradual change
at all levels with regular spiritual awakenings interspersed with the
physical, mental and emotional changes. From seventh level
through tenth level Light Body the progress changes and is focused
on one area of your experience at a time.
For example, in seventh level most of you experienced your first
descension of spirit, and a noticeable spiritual awakening with it. You
may have manifested clairvoyance, clairaudience, or a kinesthetic
awareness of energy with the awakening. I am discussing this level
in the past tense, because currently the planet is shifting into the
beginning of ninth level. It is a very painful experience to be at a
lower vibratory rate than the planet you exist on, which is the case
for those who are below eighth level. Because you are reading this
article, I am certain you would be somewhere between the void of
late eighth level, to eleventh level in the Light Body progression. You
would not have an interest in spiritually oriented literature if you
were in the lower levels.
Your guides will try to assist you by turning up the volume and
frequency of the audible light code until they see a response from
you. The light code as a hum, can become very annoying and even
physically uncomfortable. If you are experiencing this symptom,
"ask" your guides to turn down the volume and calibrate the
frequency so it will not be irritating or debilitating for you. These
eighth level changes can take up to two years for a human. It has
taken three years for the planet.
Ninth level is about integrating the spiritual changes from seventh
level and the physical changes of eighth into your physical life. In
ninth level, relationships are your focus, for it is through
relationships that you test yourself and the changes that have been
wrought within you. You may find that any relationship based on
control or manipulation becomes intolerable, and many relationships
end during this phase. You may also find that your work in the world
changes as you integrate your new identity. The void of ninth level
Light Body can be very painful, for after so much focus on
relationships, this void requires you to ultimately be alone with
yourself. After all, the relationship you have with yourself is the most
important relationship you have, is it not? Ninth level ends (and
sometimes begins) with fairly massive descensions, giving you yet
another relationship to integrate as a part of your process.
At the beginning of tenth level, life feels new, and you may feel
newly born and very tender. Tenth level is the beginning of the
spiritual awakening that will lead to your mastery of the abilities
that mark the spiritual masters and adepts. These abilities, or gifts
of the spirit, will become stronger as you become energetically
clearer. In tenth level the focus will be on manifesting these spiritual
gifts, and then integrating the gifts fully so they are usable in your
physical, everyday life. Your greatest natural spiritual gift will be the
first to manifest in tenth level, and your other gifts of the spirit will
open later in a gradual way. You will be required to live by your
spiritual gifts. If you are clairvoyant, for example, you must make
decisions by what you perceive clairvoyantly - not by what you
perceive physically.
Your clairvoyance will literally overtake your physical sight during
tenth level. You may notice one day that you are very clearly seeing
three curbs and sidewalks. Deciding where to place your foot may
be very confusing. You will be seeing the physical curb and sidewalk,
the etheric curb and sidewalk, and the fourth dimensional curb and
sidewalk. If you rely completely on your clairvoyance, not the
physical sense of sight, you will know where to step. If you use the
physical sense of sight you may trip a few times in a public place.
Eventually you will learn how to process this type of vision. The
process of becoming clear is one of releasing stored energy from the
emotional body and the mental body, and relocating that energy to
the spiritual body where it becomes usable, through which miracles
are created.
The only difference between an avatar and an ordinary man
is the location of the energy held within the energy bodies.
An ordinary man has all his energy "locked-up" in stored
emotions and memories in the emotional body, and beliefs
and thoughts in the mental body. The ordinary man has a
flat spiritual body, for there is no energy to spare from the
demands of the emotions and thoughts. An avatar has clear
emotional and mental bodies. All the energy held within an
Avatar's subtle bodies, is stored in the spiritual body. For a
master, the energy associated with emotion flows into the
emotional body from the spiritual body IN THE MOMENT, and
is released to the spiritual body once the emotional stimulus
has ended.
The energy associated with a thought flows from the
spiritual body to the mental body, and then is released to
the spiritual body as the thought is completed. This leaves
an Avatar's energy free, to use according to his will. The
spiritual energy is available to an avatar because it is not
consumed by thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and memories.
This is the energetic structure each of you must create in
your energy bodies, during tenth and eleventh level Light
Body. This will allow each of you to perform miracles such as
manifesting thought into physical reality.
Eleventh level of Light Body is a natural progression from tenth, and
many times the transition is so easy, the shift isn't noticed. The
spiritual abilities continue to grow, and the physical body begins to
change in appearance. Your physical body becomes luminous,
glowing, and appears very beautiful. You might have friends and
acquaintances suddenly remarking that you look younger, or that
you have changed in some way that is indefinable. Eleventh level
brings deeper levels of processing on your emotional issues. At this
level you must deal with all your beliefs and thought forms around
death and loss.
You might create disillusionment, or even find you are creating your
deepest fears within your physical life so you can clear them
completely by experiencing them. Any stored energy held in the
emotional or mental body after tenth level is completed must be
released to the spiritual body in eleventh level. If you do not deal
with those issues while you are in tenth level, you will manifest
them in your lives within the eleventh. But, you truly have nothing
to fear but fear itself when you are at eleventh level Light Body.
planet, for the planet is physical, and the entire basis for sustenance
of your physical life. As you become a being of light the planet also
changes. The planet is becoming a sphere of crystal and light. When
the Light Body experiment began in 1988, the planet was shifted
into third level Light Body.
The planet shifted into a higher level each year after; fourth level in
1989, fifth level in 1990, and sixth level in 1991. The planet entered
seventh level on Jan. 11, 1992 with the 11:11 gateway, and
remained there until the next gateway opening which was 5/5/92.
This gateway initiated the beginning of eighth level Light Body for
the planetary process, and with that level of Light Body, earth
changes were most probable. Planetary shifts have always been
ushered in by a series of technologies I call gateways. Gateways are
energetic conduits opened from a higher dimensional universe to
this one. These conduits bring through the energies necessary to
pattern mass consciousness, change planetary vibrations, and to
change dimensional frequencies. A gateway requires the assistance
of the space brothers and many beings on higher dimensional
frequencies to create it and to refine the energies for the specified
The purpose of a gateway, and its timing is the domain of the Light
Councils, or Karmic Board, and the Great White Brotherhood. These
councils oversee the progress, and assist when needed. The 5/5/92
gateway purposes were to forestall probabilities around cataclysmic
disasters, which were most likely as the planet began losing density.
The greatest probable disaster was a pole shift. The 5/5/92 gateway
began the shift between the inbreath of God and the outbreath of
God. The shift between an expanding Universe and a contracting
Universe. This gateway, 5/5/92, signaled the still time between the
two directions. This still time continues until 2012 when the
exhalation begins. This physical Universe has been expanding,
fragmenting out into individuation. When the contraction begins it is
the merging of the fragments into oneness.
As this gateway signaled a change in energetic direction, it was an
appropriate gateway to use in shifting the grid structure around the
planet. The etheric grid around the planet creates a blueprint for the
ley lines, or energy rivers, within the planet. The grid is an energy
organ of the planet, and can be compared to the nervous system
inside and outside your body. The grids are structured and
programmed for specific purposes at specific times, and they are
changed regularly. Since the time of Atlantis, the grids for economic
power were located over the Western Hemisphere, and the grids for
spiritual power were located over the Eastern Hemisphere, but were
dormant. These grids were turned on with the beginning of
There were great technologies in use, at high levels to direct all the
energy produced by these grids into United States governmental
power. This supported the evolution of a super government. With
this grid shift things have changed. The high level technologies used
to direct the energy into government power still exists, except the
grids have changed in purpose. These spiritual power grids are
bringing a great spiritual awakening and full spiritual empowerment
to the people. This will initially begin at governmental levels. Any of
you who have awakened the ability to channel energy or to manifest
from thought, are the leaders of the silent revolution. Wherever you
direct the energy, or thought, is where the changes will first occur.
This silent revolution is going to restructure the government of the
United States, releasing most of its control to the individual states.
The silent revolution will bring about equality for all, restructure
taxes, welfare, health care, and bring about a reinterpretation and
new understanding of the constitution of the United States.
It will realign the government to more clearly reflect the will of the
people. Remember the government of the United States is only a
manifestation of the collective consciousness of its citizens. The kind
and quality of government manifested, is a clear picture of the mass
consciousness in this society. That mass consciousness is changing
drastically as the silent revolution progresses. As it changes, the
government will have no choice but to change as well, for it only
reflects what the will of the people truly is. The Silent Revolution is a
shift from one set of values to another, by the people. The values of
power and winning at all costs are shifting to values of community
and joy. Higher levels of consciousness which are necessary to
manifest the ascension, either personally or for the collective, will
be brought through as a product of the silent revolution.
Other changes due to occur as a result of this revolution, will be
changes in the way the legal system is administered, changes in
economic policy, and changes in other governing decisions, such as
those regulating alternative medicine. Policies such as those
decisions resulting in secrecy about government projects and
research, will be altered, moving toward full disclosure. The greatest
changes should be occurring at the 5/5/96 gateway. The energies to
support this have been coming in very strongly from the ship, The
New Jerusalem, since the 5/5/95 gateway, and will be complete with
the May 14, 1996 celebration date. The policy making and
governmental changes may not be realigned for some time after.
Expect this to be an ongoing experience.
It is time for all Americans to understand that their government and
their society are clear reflections of how they, as a collective, thinks
and what the collective values are. As the inner - so the outer. If
each individual makes an effort to clear his energies and begin living
arrive at a place where they are secure and without fear, and have
the attitudes that this is the time of peace, let us welcome it. If you
can do these things it will be of great assistance in shifting the mass
consciousness on these issues. It is of interest that on the macro,
people are willing to do away with nuclear arms. Destroy them,
dismantle them, make their use illegal. But on a personal level, they
will cling so tightly to their own firearms. Divine law is - as the inner,
so the outer. It must happen at the personal level first, then it will
manifest internationally. If you truly want to outlaw nuclear arms,
begin within your own lives. Normally, before the energy realigns
itself in a balanced way, the pendulum will swing very far from side
to side. The hope is that this issue is just a pendulum swing before
the attitudes balance themselves.
Other movements you are seeing politically are to create reforms in
the Welfare system. These shifts are the result of the gateway that
opened one year ago on 6/6/94. That gateway was one of selfempowerment. But along with self-empowerment comes the
requirement of self-reliance. This gateway brought through a new
model for a self empowered-female. The archetype of the goddess
Athena is something each female carries within her consciousness.
An activated model of this archetype of an empowered female was
beamed through the gateway from the ship Athena. This opened up
a remedy for many social ills in the Western world, for how can you
have an ascending planet or species, if over one half of the
population is in a "less than" position? Many females are treated as
less than, earning less than, less opportunity, less education,
relegated to welfare, relegated to poor circumstances and unequal
opportunities. To change that, females must also step into their
The energy to support the female is available, and has been since
the reawakening of the forces of nature at the 12/21/91 gateway.
The changes that are coming into the welfare system, and the
revising of it are to enforce the theme of full self-reliance. These
changes will be ongoing over the next six years. The females who
are a part of the welfare system are those who have contracts with
the collective for dependency and support. Those contracts will be
completely fulfilled by early 1997, and this completion will mean
that these individuals MUST move into their work in the world and
full self-empowerment. Their dependency status will no longer be
appropriate. Largely, as the majority consciousness shifts in
accepting these new ideas and programs everyone will shift. It is
similar to the changes in mass consciousness that eradicated polio.
Polio was not eliminated by the vaccine, for in reality the vaccine is
either ineffective or it will create illness. It was the mass
consciousness belief in the vaccine that did away with polio.
Because the majority of the population believed they could not get
polio, they didn't. Welfare is a similar situation.
The "system" that has become the Federal Government has begun
breaking down, and will continue to do so. It has peaked as far as
structure, and size, and its foundation can no longer support its size.
This breaking up process of the government at the Federal level is
positively supported by the silent revolution. It is also being created
by the individuals looking for a new bogey man. All attitudes
eventually work for the highest good of all. That restoration of power
to the states is for the highest good of all, and it creates more of an
advantage to the individual. There will continue to be shifts with
many services being terminated at the Federal level, and
responsibility for those services coming from the state level instead.
The councils in the higher dimensions view these changes as
The grid shift no longer energetically supports a large, all-powerful
Federal entity. Breaking up that power into smaller chunks, and
giving it back to the people at the level of state and local
government is appropriate. Of course it reinforces the requirement
for self-reliance, and self-empowerment, for there won't be a
government program to take care of everything any longer. This
breaking up of the Federal entity will reduce government costs, and
allow for massive tax restructuring. You may find in the future, that
political parties become a thing of the past, as the polarity of
opposing ideas disappears into oneness. How soon this will come
into physical being is not predictable, but it is a strong probability.
Changes in the health care field will be similar to the issues around
the arms build up and welfare reform. For this area, has also locked
up tremendous resources making the energy unavailable for
research into alternative fields, or energy available to eliminate
disease. The health care field has reached a peak in what it can
provide. It has, of course, priced itself out of the market. The
economy can no longer support this expense, and of course the
health care system will experience a reversal. You will see drastic
revisions coming because of the silent revolution, and yes, these
changes will be similar to socialized medicine.
The changes supported by the silent revolution will be the changes
involved in living from wellness, and the point of view will be that
there is no more illness, suffering, or disease. This point of view will
be due to the ascension progression. The mass consciousness has
already created an attitude change. The mass consciousness
perceives traditional medical care as expensive, invasive, and
ineffective. Things that were not mentioned except in a
metaphysical group seven years ago, are now being broadcast all
Create your lives as a world of peace, joy, security, and equality. The
outer world will follow your lead.
This world you are living in is now a fourth dimensional world - an
astral world. It is still a world of polarity, but there is a difference.
That polarity is just an illusion! There are stories from every path of
initiation about "The Guardian of the Threshold," and most often the
Guardian is a terrible monster. When an initiate is developed enough
to travel to the astral worlds, the first thing the initiate will
encounter is the Guardian. The initiate must defeat the Guardian to
make further progress on their spiritual path. This is considered a
test, and the test must be passed, or the instruction of the master
stops. Every Esoteric tradition has it's method of how to deal with
the Guardian, and overcome it. The one universal truth about this
test, is that the Guardian is you. That terrible demon is an astral
apparition of your worst fears. A monster yes, but it is nothing more
than an illusion.
In every tradition the solution is for the initiate to release their fears
and personal demons and then they will overcome the Guardian. It
will just disappear. That is why each spiritual tradition, or path of
initiation, has always had a focus on developing clarity, and
personal qualities such as humility, forgiveness, and love. These
qualities are the only way you can pierce the illusions of the astral
worlds. As in the traditions of old, and in the ascension progression
today, the upper dimensional frequencies are not opened to the
initiate until this test has been passed. In an initiation, there is no
failure. If the test is not passed, the lesson is merely repeated until
the initiate gets it. This is the best metaphor I can give you to
describe the experiences you are having in this dimensional
frequency. Remember, the Guardian is just an illusion, and polarity is
just an illusion. If you release those illusions and beliefs, release
those fears, the Guardian disappears! The world you experience will
recreate itself around your new reality perceptions.
The assistance of all the hosts of heaven is available to each of you,
but you must ask. We cannot violate your free agency, even to
assist you. All the assistance you need to walk through these
changes peacefully and joyfully is available to each of you. This
information is given to you to assure you that all is well. My role is to
shift your fears, to assure you of divine love, and to awaken you to
potentials you may have to assist the collective. Each of you has
only one responsibility in this lifetime, and that responsibility is for
YOUR OWN LIFE. Divine law is As Above - So Below; As the Inner - So
the Outer. When you perceive difficulties, enemies, or bogey men, in
the outside world around you, look to your inner life for they will
exist there as well. If you clear these perceptions from your inner life
you will find that magically, your outer life, your experience, and
perceptions shift. It is divine law.
You can bring about the elimination of polarity very simply - by
working on your own life, and that is all each of you are required to
do. Go forward and create of your life an absolute masterpiece of
joy. The tools are given to you, the power is given to you, and all the
assistance and guidance that you could possibly need is available.
Each of you must actually DO IT, and as you do it you will transform
your world and the larger world as well. You have nothing left to fear
but fear itself - for fear is the last great evil that remains in the
world. Work on your fear, and eliminate it from your mental body
and emotional body, and as you do so you will eliminate it from your
life. Fear is the only enemy left, and that enemy is only located
within each of you.
Blessings to all, for we love you, we honor you, and we only seek to
serve each of you. Truly, the great ones are those who are incarnate
at this time of change. Your initiation is nearly complete. All that
remains is for each of you to pass the tests of Joy.
* End of Channeling *