Bio Vision01 Kamble Drip Rate
Bio Vision01 Kamble Drip Rate
Bio Vision01 Kamble Drip Rate
During intravenous (IV) infusion of fluid, the flow
rate is obtained as the product of the drip rate (fluid
drops per minute) and the drip factor of the tubing
(number of drops / ml). The drip rate is set by regulator
on the tubing, and it is monitored by visually counting
the drops over 15 or 30 seconds to work out the rate per
minute The rate set by the nurse may change due to
several reasons. It is affected by dilation or contraction
of the patients veins as they warm up. Tissue forming
in the needle may block the flow. As the fluid volume in
the bag reduces, the pressure due to gravity decreases
and it results in a decrease in the drip rate. Every 15 to
20 minutes, a drip has to be checked to make sure it is
flowing at the correct rate.
The drip chamber is generally transparent and a
photo-sensor assembly clipped around it can sense the
drops falling in it. A drip rate meter that senses the
drops in the drip chamber and displays the drip rate is
very useful for setting the desired drip rate as well as for
monitoring. The meter may be a hand held device that
the nurse uses for checking and setting the drip rate. For
given tubing, each drop is of the same volume, and
hence the instrument can monitor the total volume of
fluid that the patient has received, or the fluid volume
remaining in the bag. The instrument can be designed to
give an alarm if the IV drip rate remains beyond the set
limits of tolerance beyond a certain time, or when the
fluid volume in the bag decreases below a set value.
Display Subroutine:
Check mode control pin P1.2.
If low, go to Flagre.
If high, clear the status flag and check overflow flag.
If overflow flag = 0, convert contents of Stop watch display buffer to BCD form and send it to port P1.
If overflow flag =1, display OL.
Set status flag.
Check the contents of rate display buffer (3dh). If value is greater than 100, display OL else convert
the contents of rate display buffer (3ch) to BCD form and then send it to port P1.
Fig.4. Algorithmic description of the display routine