Decentralised Distributed Generation: Biomass Gasification

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Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Decentralised Distributed Generation


Biomass Gasification

New Delhi

Ashok Chaudhuri

19th Aug., 2009

Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Renewable & Distributed Generation

Resource / Technology Choices

Solar Photovoltaics & Solar Thermal

Mini Hydro
Bio Energy Options

Bio Diesel
Biomass Combustion
Biomass Gasification

Hybrids using combinations of the above.

Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Renewable Resource / Technology Choices

Some Relevant Considerations
Each resource / technology option has its own
important niche as well as large contribution
Effective utilisation strategies need to take into
account the very nature of the resource/technology
while selecting the relevant niche applications.
Some of these considerations include daily and
seasonal variations, geographic constraints etc.

Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


Relevant Considerations


Solar PV & Solar Thermal

Daily & Seasonal variations

Daytime only nature leading to low PLFs
Current high initial investments


Large seasonal variations

Site-specific nature

Mini Hydro

Seasonal nature

Biomass Combustion

Plant Complexity
Scale economies - Relevant for larger ratings
Biomass Management issues for large plants

Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Biomass Gasification (and Biogas)

Almost Universal Applicability

Built-in Storage, so very high PLFs
Round-the-clock or on-demand operation
Equally relevant for captive/stand-alone and grid-connected
Very high overall conversion efficiencies
Wide range of output ratings from a few kilowatts to
megawatts, with only marginal economies of scale
High overall efficiencies even with small ratings
Ability to use wide range of feedstocks

Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

What is Biomass Gasification?

Basic Process Chemistry
Conversion of solid fuels into combustible gas
mixture called producer gas (CO + H2 + CH4)
Involves partial combustion of biomass
Four distinct process in the gasifier viz.


Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Biomass Gasification Relevant Feedstocks

All types of firewood, forest waste, tree prunings and
plantation wood.
Bamboo and Bamboo waste.
Coconut shells, groundnut shells and various other
Rice husk, mustard stalks, soya dunnage, maize cobs etc.
Many other agricultural and agro-industrial residues with
appropriate fuel preparation.

Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Indicative System Schematic

Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

GAS-250 at AIMS

Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Leading Tea Multi-National in Uganda

From top left to right Exhaust

Cooler, Remote Radiator, Gasifier,
Engine Genset modified to operate
on Producer Gas

Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Large Rating Biomass Gasifier Systems in

Ultra-Clean Gas Mode

Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

MW Level Tail end Power Plants

An Exciting Opportunity
Almost all rural grids have 1-2 MVA capacity
Rural areas / grids feel the power shortage pinch the
most are the first ones to be off-loaded
Appropriate capacity tail-end power plants (0.5 2.0
MWe) based on biomass gasification could alleviate/
totally eliminate this problem
And can lead to the realisation of the dream of equitable,
round-the-clock quality electricity supply to Rural India

Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

The never-ending list of why such a strategy makes tremendous sense:

Biomass management at one megawatt level presents no

complications for rural areas
Tens of thousands of megawatts can be added very, very
quickly as gestation periods are of the order of six months

Appropriate policy facilitation can lead to immediate and full

private investment
Large number of rural entrepreneurs are waiting for such an

Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Will lead to rural prosperity and empowerment

Almost 80% of the cost of power generation will go

back to rural community in terms of cost of biomass
residues and manpower employed
Large scale creation of wealth from waste will take
Large scale employment will be generated both
directly and indirectly

Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd.


Rural areas will indeed become net producers of

power and will be supplying power to
urban/industrial enterprise and will therefore be
privileged and will get preferential treatment
Rural prosperity will ensure reduction in
migration to urban areas

Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

How do we get there?

Launching in a mission mode with clear targets for
capacity addition
Single window / automatic clearances
Attractive buy-back tariffs (even Sri Lanka is doing
much better than us what to talk about Eruopean
countries?) as most of the revenues will flow back to
rural communities.
Power feed at 11 KV (automatic as all rural grids are
11 KV)

Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Thank You

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