Angels of God
Angels of God
Angels of God
And Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him. And when Jacob saw
them, he said, This is Gods host: and he called the name of that place Mahanaim.
Genesis 32:1-2
And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be
with them. And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he
may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and,
behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.
II Kings 6:16-17
And it came to pass that night, that the angel of the LORD went out, and smote in
the camp of the Assyrians an hundred fourscore and five thousand: and when they
arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses.
II Kings 19:35
The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and
delivereth them.
Psalm 34:7
Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be
heirs of salvation?
Hebrews 1:14
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D. The Bible is filled with much evidence of angels and their involvement in the affairs of men.
1. The singular word angel occurs 194 times and the plural form angels 92 times for 286.
2. But there are also hundreds of uses of host, hosts, host of heaven, heavenly host, army of
heaven, sons of God, morning stars, living creatures, seraphims, cherubims, chariots of
God, horses and chariots of fire, chariot of Israel, horsemen, spirit, spirits, saints,
watcher, watchers, man, men, holy ones, archangel, principalities, powers, authorities,
thrones, might, dominion, man of God, Gabriel, Michael, etc.
E. As any topic, we want the crown of the road, hating ditches on any side (De 5:32; Pr 21:16).
1. There is the ditch of Catholicism and others that exalt angels too high and worship them.
2. There is the ditch of Sadducees and such that neglect or reject reality of angels (Ac 23:8).
3. Some have tried to show their voluntary humility by exalting creatures lower than God,
yet we must avoid intruding into subjects like angels beyond our ability (Col 2:18-19).
4. Paul chose to defer detailed explanation of the cherubims on the mercyseat (Heb 9:5).
5. We choose with David not to exercise ourselves in things too high for us (Psalm 131:1).
F. Yet, we admit and honor the frequent mention of angels and their activities recorded for us.
1. God has chosen for His own reasons His own glory to create angels and employ them.
2. We know by revelation that seeing our salvation turns to His glory (Eph 3:10; I Pet 1:12).
3. Anything angels do, God could do it more easily, but He chose to employ angels to do it.
4. Is safety of the LORD (Pr 21:31) or by the angel of the LORD (Ps 34:7)? Yes! and glory!
5. Do angels punish men (Ezek 9:1-11) or is the Lord by chastening (I Cor 11:30-32)? Yes!
6. Did angels take Lazarus to heaven (Lu 16:22) or does the Lord take spirits (Ac 7:59-60)?
7. God chose to use angels we should see them unmentioned in the Bible and in our lives.
G. Consider a little military history from the Bible that West Point grads know nothing about.
a. There were more angels protecting Elisha than Syrians surrounding him (II Kgs 6:16-17).
b. One angel easily killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers surrounding Jerusalem, and God sent
this angel after Hezekiah reminded the Jews of Elishas event (II Kgs 19:35; II Chr 32:7).
c. A prophet gave us a glimpse into heaven at an angelic strategy meeting (I Kgs 22:19-23).
d. Think four empires Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome (Dan 2:36-40; 7:3-7; 8:3-8,20-22);
yet few know that angels bad and good influenced those empires (Dan 10:13,20-21).
f. Nebuchadnezzar learned God ruled in the army of heaven the angelic host (Dan 4:35);
he also knew it was angels watchers and holy ones that judged him (Dan 4:13,17).
H. As New Testament Christians in the kingdom of God, we are in close fellowship with
countless angels, who were created to be our servants (Heb 1:7,14; 12:22-24; Dan 7:26-27).
a. Children have angels; we worship with angels; angels will carry us in chariots to heaven.
b. They describe themselves as our brethren, though not of our nature (Rev 19:10; 22:8-9).
c. You are part of the largest megachurch in the universe general assembly (He 12:22-24).
I. God is the LORD of hosts in the Bible, for He is supreme Lord and King of angelic armies.
a. Note LORDs host (2), LORD of hosts (235), God of hosts (39), and Lord of Sabaoth (2).
b. Consider a few places (Pr 24:10; Is 6:3; 8:13; 37:16; 54:5; Jer 32:18; Zec 1:3; Mal 1:14).
c. When God hides us in His pavilion, you should be able to see the army that surrounds it!
d. LORD of hosts from Hebrew to Greek to English is Lord of Sabaoth (Rom 9:29; Jas 5:4).
J. The angel of the LORD protects and delivers believers who fear Almighty God (Psalm 34:7).
K. But more than much, we want to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ as Head of the angelic armies.
a. After ascending to heaven, Jesus was promoted over all angels (I Pet 3:22; Eph 1:20-22).
b. They were created by Him and for Him, and they worship Him (Col 1:16; Rev 5:11-12).
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L. Not everything called an angel in the Bible must refer to the created spirits of this study.
a. The pastors of the seven churches of Asia were referred to as angels (Rev 1:20; 2:1; 3:1).
b. Angels are sometimes referred to metaphorically or hyperbolically for comparison (I Sam
29:9; II Sam 14:17,20; 19:27; Psalm 78:25; I Cor 13:1; Gal 4:14).
12. The captain of the host of the LORD was an angel, for (a) he appeared as a man that did
not intimidate Joshua, (b) he is distinguished by himself and by Joshua from the actual
LORD of hosts, (c) Joshuas worship is not stated to be of the angel directly, (d) so
closely representing God was this angel that the ground was holy by His presence, and (e)
this situation compares well with Moses learning Jehovahs name through the angel in
the burning bush, which is stated to be an angel, though it was the voice of the LORD
that did the talking (Josh 5:13-15 cp Dan 10:1-21; 12:1; Ex 3:1-6 cp Acts 7:30-35).
13. We humbly do not exercise ourselves in matters too high, so we limit study (Ps 131:1).
14. We avoid exalting angels too high, intruding beyond ability, purpose, or value (Col 2:18).
15. When God wants us to distinguish Himself, He tells us (Col 2:18-19; Rev 19:10; 22:8-9),
but otherwise we will under the word angel, capitalized or not, as a created spirit.
16. There are some difficulties requiring study, but we understand angels to represent God,
not theophanies or Christophanies or other inventions contradicting the Holy Spirits
choice of referring to the appearances as angels or men e.g. Ex 3:1-4 (Acts 7:30-35);
23:20-21; Josh 5:15; Judges 2:1-4; Gen 48:16; Is 63:9; Dan 3:25; Mal 3:1; I Cor 10:4,9.
17. Though Paul wrote Corinth about Christ the spiritual meat, spiritual drink, and spiritual
Rock with Moses in the wilderness, we do not understand that of an angel or of a man or
of any other material or actual presence of Jesus, but rather of a symbolic participation in
Christ. For much more on this point
C. Angels and their ministry must not be confused with the Holy Spirit of God and His ministry.
1. It is very clear that the angels were created and assigned to be our ministers (Heb 1:7,14).
2. But they do not provide what the Holy Spirit does in the way of personal, divine comfort.
3. In the great chapters about the Holy Spirit as Comforter, there are no angels (John 14-16).
4. The great gift at Pentecost was the Holy Spirit, not any angels (Acts 2:33; John 7:38-39).
5. The Spirit is key, not angels (Eph 1:13,17; 2:18,22; 3:5,14-19; 4:3-4,30; 5:9,18; 6:17-18).
6. Gods great love is for sinful men, not any angels, and the Holy Spirit sheds it (Rom 5:5).
7. Spiritual fruit is by the Spirit not of or by angels (Gal 5:22-23; Eph 3:9; Rom 15:13).
8. Angels were and are mainly if not exclusively for practical aspects of Gods providence.
9. There is no prayer for angelic help, but much for the Holy Spirit (Luk 11:13; Ep 3:14-19).
10. A short outline of the Holy Spirit should help
4. The eternal fire of the second death was prepared for Satan and his angels (Matt 25:41).
5. Those that did not leave their first estate are reserved in holiness (I Tim 5:21; Rev 14:10).
6. The elect and holy angels are those that hearken to Gods word (Ps 103:20; Matt 6:10).
7. No wonder angels are curious about salvation! Though greater, they lost out (I Pet 1:12).
Angels have NAMES. They are not impersonal spirits, but have their own wills and names.
1. Gabriel was a messenger to Daniel, Zacharias, and Mary (Dan 8:16; 9:21; Luke 1:19,26).
2. Michael the archangel is one of the chief rulers of the elect angelic host of heaven.
a. Archangel. An angel of the highest rank. Michael is a chief prince (Dan 10:13,21).
b. Michael the archangel cannot be Jesus for several reasons, so he must be an angel.
(1) The Word of God was never one of the chief princes (Dan 10:13). He is King!
(2) Jesus did not exist for Daniel or Moses (Dan 9:25; Jude 1:9), but Michael did.
(3) Jesus rebuked the devil as his Lord (Matt 4:7), but Michael did not (Jude 1:9).
(4) The Lord will return soon with the voice of the archangel Michael (I Thes 4:16).
3. Angels are sometimes called the sons of God in scripture (Job 1:6; 38:7; Daniel 3:25,28).
4. Angels are sometimes called saints holy ones (Deut 33:2 cp Acts 7:53; Hebrews 2:2).
5. This last fact leaves saints open to interpretation in places (I Thess 3:13; Jude 1:14), for
Jesus Christ will return with believers and angels (Mark 8:38; I Thess 4:14; II Thess 1:7).
Angels are INVISIBLE. One cannot be seen with natural vision unless he reveals himself.
1. As spirit beings, they have no material composition for our senses to contact and know.
2. God opened Balaams and Elishas servants eyes to see (Num 22:22-35; II Kgs 6:13-18).
3. Christ made all invisible things that are in heaven and earth, including angels (Col 1:16).
4. They sometimes take to themselves physical bodies or their appearance to contact men.
Angels are IMPRESSIVE. When seen as other than mere men, they usually evoke great fear.
1. The appearance of the living creatures in Ezekiel 1:4-28 is definitely an impressive sight.
2. They appear as chariots of fire (Ps 68:17; II Kings 6:17; II Kings 2:11 cp Luke 16:22).
3. Their appearance shines like gold or white lightning (Ps 104:4; Dan 10:5-6; Matt 28:3).
4. The impression of an angel in glorified form leaves an inferiority complex (Daniel 10:8).
5. Their appearance is terrible (Judges 13:6; Matthew 18:1-8; Luke 1:11-12; Acts 10:4).
Angels are IMMORTAL. They do not die bodily as we do: they are spirits without bodies.
1. In the resurrection we shall be glorified like angels without ability to die (Luke 20:36).
2. God has independent immortality; men and angels depend on God (I Tim 6:16; Ex 3:14).
Angels are CELIBATE. They do not marry nor have sexual distinction to consider marriage.
1. Jesus taught that in the resurrection we shall be like angels not marrying (Matt 22:30).
2. Angels did not marry women in Genesis 6:1-2; the sons of Seth married pagan daughters.
3. There is nothing about a human female that would attract an angel in any way at all.
4. Eve was created from Adams rib, and she was made a help meet for him, not an angel.
Angels are MASCULINE. Whenever they do appear in scripture, they appear as young men.
1. When two angels visited Sodom, the dogs in town surely knew their gender (Gen 19:1-5).
2. Gabriel, the messenger angel, is described by Daniel as the man Gabriel (Dan 9:21; 8:17).
3. When the women went to Christs tomb, the angel they met was a young man (Mk 16:5).
4. Manoah and wife referred to the angel about Samson as the man of God (Judges 13:6,8)
Angels are LOCATIONAL. They are not omnipresent as God with presence in many places.
1. God fills heaven and earth, but angels come from heaven to earth (Jer 23:24; Luke 2:15).
2. Angels move about from place to place (Daniel 10:13; Luke 1:19; Job 1:7; John 5:4).
3. God may call them to His presence for general meetings (I Kings 22:19; cp Job 1:6; 2:1).
4. They usually dwell in heaven in Gods presence (Matt 18:10; Luke 1:19; 2:15; Rev 5:11).
5. The angel of the Lord encamps around those that fear Him (Psalm 34:7 cp II Kings 6:17).
6. A great number of angels may be together in a small place a mans body (Luke 8:30).
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K. Angels are FAST. They are not omnipresent as is God, but they are able to move very fast.
1. Gabriel flew swiftly from God to Daniel during the course of his prayer (Daniel 9:21).
2. An angelic being that Ezekiel observed moved about as a bolt of lightning (Ezekiel 1:14).
L. Angels are INTELLIGENT. They have their own intellectual capability: they are not robots.
1. Consider the various suggestions angels offered to get Ahab into battle (I Kgs 22:19-23).
2. The wise woman of Tekoah said Davids wisdom was like an angels (II Sam 14:17,20).
3. However, they are not omniscient as is God: they knew not Christs coming (Matt 24:36).
M. Angels are POWERFUL. They have much greater strength than men, but far less than God.
1. Scripture describes them as mighty and excelling in strength (II Thes 1:7; Psalm 103:20).
2. How many of Adams descendants ate of the tree of life? Do you know why (Gen 3:24)?
3. When being solicited by Sodoms dogs, they struck them with blindness (Genesis 19:11).
4. The angel of the Lord killed 185,000 Assyrian solders in a single night (II Kings 19:35).
5. The angel of the Lord in Davids time used germ warfare to kill 70,000 (I Chr 21:12-30).
6. Angels are much more powerful than men, but they do not abuse the power (II Pet 2:11).
7. A good angel closed lions mouths (Dan 6:22), and bad angels confused swine (Mk 5:13).
8. When Zacharias did not believe Gabriel, he removed his power to speak (Luke 1:19-20).
9. Satan was able to move the body of Jesus Christ around rather freely (Matthew 4:5,8).
10. They can use human armies (Job 1:15,17), lightning (Job 1:16), and tornadoes (Job 1:19).
11. They can inflict diseases on men (Job 2:7), and they are able to heal diseases (John 5:4).
12. Many of the afflicted and diseased had spirits of infirmity (Mark 9:25; Luke 13:11),
which cause us to wonder how many of the insane or ill have problems with spirits.
13. Angels can communicate in dreams, as Jacob and Joseph (Gen 31:11; Mat 1:20; 2:13,19).
14. The angel of the Lord caused an earthquake and rolled a great stone away (Matt 28:1-10).
a. This is a great combination of power that struck the Roman sentries as dead men.
b. Notice that the angel of the Lord carefully distinguishes himself from Jesus Christ.
15. They operate supernaturally or naturally Peter (Acts 12:5-11) or Herod (Acts 12:20-23).
N. Angels are INNUMERABLE. Gods angels are not just a few thousand or million, but many.
1. Elisha comforted his servant that there were more with them than the army around the
city, and Hezekiah comforted Jerusalem with the same thought (II Kgs 6:16; II Chr 32:7).
2. This could easily be what David had in mind about many being with him (Psalm 55:18).
3. Jesus spoke of twelve legions in Gethsemane 72,000 by Roman standards (Matt 26:53).
4. Daniel saw indefinitely more than 100 million before the Ancient of Days (Daniel 7:10).
5. John wrote of seeing a host in heaven indefinitely larger than 100 million (Rev 5:11).
6. Bildad described Gods armies as being without number (Job 25:3 cp Daniel 4:35).
7. Paul said the kingdom of Christ includes an innumerable company of angels (Heb 12:22).
8. When God is called the Lord of hosts, as He is many times (see above), it is referring to
Him as the King of this glorious army of mighty angels, in a similar way that human
generals were called the captain of the host (I Kings 16:16; II Kings 5:1). Glory!
O. Angels are ORGANIZED. They have authority and a hierarchy; they are not created equal.
1. They are called principalities and powers, referring to their appointed authority and ranks.
a. Consider the use of these designations (Ephesians 3:10; 6:12; Colossians 1:16; 2:15).
b. Principality. In general, the position, dominion, rule, or government of a prince over
a territory. In scripture, the angelic princes with great authority among the angels.
c. Power. One with authority, rule, or government. Angels with control or government.
d. These spiritual rulers are far above any flesh and blood humans we know, for Pauls
point is that we are not wrestling against flesh and blood in this conflict (Eph 6:12).
e. They are called princes, which indicates their princely authority (Dan 10:13,20-21;
12:1; Matthew 9:34; 12:24; John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11; Ephesians 2:2).
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2. Michael the archangel, a chief of the angelic princes, aided a weaker angel (Dan 10:13).
3. By Michaels action prior to the crucifixion, Satan was a greater angel than he (Jude 1:9).
4. What thrones or dominions are invisible in heaven and earth, but the angels (Col 1:16)?
5. A Roman legion included ten cohorts, thirty maniples, and sixty centuries (Matt 26:53).
P. Angels are MEEK. They do not seek or allow their own worship, but they only worship God.
1. Manoah asked an angels name to do him honor, but the angel refused (Judges 13:15-18).
2. Paul warned specifically against voluntary humility and worship of angels (Col 2:18).
3. Observe the response when John tried to worship the angel of prophecy (Rev 22:8-9).
Q. Angels are RESPECTFUL. They are very aware of different positions and level of authority.
1. Michael the archangel did not bring a railing accusation against Satan himself (Jude 1:9).
2. Angels do not even bring railing accusations against evil men before God (II Peter 2:11).
5. The angel of the Lord delivered the three young Hebrew men from the fire (Daniel 3:28).
6. Angels comforted Jesus after his temptation and in the Garden (Matt 4:11; Luke 22:43).
7. The angel of the Lord comforted Paul while aboard a ship in a storm (Acts 27:23-24).
5. Out of the ranks of millions came one angel that said he would persuade or entice him.
6. The LORD of hosts asked how this certain angel thought he could accomplish the task.
7. The certain angel said that he would be a lying spirit in Ahabs prophets to deceive him.
8. The thrice-holy LORD Jehovah promised the angel success and ordered him to the work.
9. Micaiah then explained that Zedekiah and his ministerial association were all deceived.
10. The LORD Jehovah had purposed evil against Ahab, and all his prophets were helping it!
What may we conclude from this history against those who cannot grasp such precious truth?
1. Jehovah is absolute sovereign and decrees wicked as well as righteous events, yet He is
perfectly free and pure from sin, for man sins freely (Is 10:5-15; Acts 2:23; 4:28; etc.).
2. More of the dominion of God
3. This need not be a devil or Satan, for Micaiah and God deceived (I Kgs 22:15; Eze 14:9)!
4. God deceiving men
5. God through Micaiah gave Ahab every chance to be saved by telling him the whole truth!
What may we conclude from this history for the profit of our souls in things bad and good?
1. God is absolutely in charge of all angels and all events in the affairs of men of all time.
2. Gods angels, committed to His service, are directed by Him under the whole heaven.
3. Ahab had already chosen evil, so he got what he wanted
4. Ahab was warned with great detail, yet he chose his own way
May we conclude God so directs angels in positive actions for the blessing of His people?
1. Absolutely! with nothing but the sovereign dominion of God as our proof (Daniel 4:35)!
2. Absolutely! With nothing more than the everlasting love of God for them (Rom 8:28-39)!
2. Thus, every positive act of an angel or angels to benefit saints was by His supreme order.
4. They do not operate on their own but rather are ready to fulfill His will (Ps 103:20-21).
5. Satan had to ask leave from God and so did the Legion (Job 1:9-19; 2:4-10; Matt 6:6-16).
6. Jesus taught His apostles that child believers have their angels before God (Matt 18:10).
7. Daniel was not the least confused as to the source of his rescuing angel (Daniel 6:16-24).
8. When Daniel began serious prayer, God sent an angel to explain things (Daniel 9:20-23).
9. Why would Jesus suggest twelve legions of angels rather than God Himself (Mat 26:53)?
What are the historical facts around this fabulous view of strategic headquarters of heaven?
10. There is every reason to think this type of activity was also carried out against Corinth.
11. There is every reason to think this type of work occurs today against nations/churches.
12. For much more about this chapter
3. Elisha saw the event, so he received his request of Elijah twice the spirited mans spirit!
N. Gods army of angels saved ELISHA and his servant from the Syrian host (II Kings 6:8-18).
O. An angel saved three HEBREW MEN from Nebuchadnezzars fiery furnace (Dan 3:19-30).
1. The appearance of the fourth man as the Son of God was Nebuchadnezzars imagination.
2. Even Nebuchadnezzar explains just three verses later that God had sent an angel to them.
3. To think this is some pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus Christ is ludicrous and heretical.
P. Michael the archangel was assigned to ISRAEL and oversaw Jerusalems ruin (Daniel 12:1).
Q. An angel helped JOSEPH about Mary, who turned up pregnant while engaged (Mat 1:18-25).
R. An angel helped JOSEPH take Mary and Jesus to and from Egypt for safety (Matt 2:13-23).
S. Angels came and ministered to JESUS after His temptation by Satan (Matt 4:11; Heb 1:14).
1. We do not know how they ministered, though it could have been food (I Kings 19:5-8).
2. In Gethsemane, an angel from heaven strengthened Him, so these might have (Lu 22:43).
3. There is strength in simple encouragement, like Jonathan did for David (I Sam 23:16).
T. Twelve legions of angels would have saved JESUS if He had asked for them (Matt 26:53).
1. The best estimate for a Roman Legion is 60 centuries, or 6000 soldiers, 72,000 in total.
2. This is precious knowledge, knowing the angels would have had zeal for Gods Son!
3. Thus, the song, Ten Thousand Angels, is an excellent song for communion preparation.
U. The angel Gabriel told ZACHARIAS of John Baptists birth and ministry (Luke 1:11-20).
V. The angel Gabriel appeared to MARY about giving birth to the Son of God (Luke 1:26-38).
W. Fallen angels afflicted A WOMAN with curvature of the spine (Luke 13:11; many more).
X. The angels of God rejoice when SINNERS repent and are converted to God (Luke 15:1-10).
Y. An angel strengthened JESUS in the Garden of Gethsemane for His crucifixion (Luke 22:43).
1. Loneliness produces weakness, and while the apostles slept, an angel encouraged Him.
2. Think how Jonathan strengthened Davids hand in God while in the wood (I Sam 23:16).
3. Jesus had a human nature that was subject to all the weakness of our nature without sin.
Z. An angel stirred water for the DISEASED to be healed in the pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-9).
1. From this activity we can and should presume that they are involved in physical health.
2. To the contrary, we also know fallen angels, devils, afflict and steal health (Mark 9:17).
A. Two angels informed the APOSTLES that Jesus would return physically again (Acts 1:9-11).
1. They know about His literal, bodily return; they know we should be about His business.
2. When Jesus Christ does return, Michael the archangels voice is involved (I Thess 4:16).
B. An angel delivered the APOSTLES from prison to preach the gospel again (Acts 5:17-25).
C. The angel of the Lord told PHILIP where to find the eunuch for his baptism (Acts 8:26-40).
1. Think about this sincere man far from home seeking truth but confused by Isaiah 53.
2. While we deny the miraculous movements of Philip, we should not the direction to us.
D. An angel commended CORNELIUS and told him to get Peter (Acts 10:1-6,22,30-33; 11:13).
E. Gods angel rescued PETER from prison and death during a prayer meeting (Acts 12:5-11).
F. The angel of God told PAUL he and all passengers would survive a wreck (Acts 27:21-26).
G. Jesus Christ sent an angel to JOHN to signify future events of prophecy (Rev 1:1; 22:16).
H. Michael and his angels EMPTIED HEAVEN of the devil and his angels (Rev 12:1-11).
They can open eyes Hagar, Abraham, and Elishas servant (Gen 21:19; 22:13; II Kgs 6:17).
They can close eyes the men of Sodom and the Syrians at Dothan (Gen 19:11; II Kgs 6:18).
One can find spouses as the angel did with Rebekah for Abrahams servant (Gen 24:7,40).
One can kill 185,000 in a single night as the Assyrians outside Jerusalem (II Kings 19:35).
They can praise gloriously, as at Christs birth and ascension (Is 6:1-4; Lu 2:13; Re 5:11-12).
They can speak to men in dreams, as they did to Joseph regarding Mary (Matthew 1:18-25).
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They can open doors, even doors of locked jails or prisons (Act 5:17-20; 12:5-11; Mat 28:2).
They can deceive or lie, as one of them did to Ahab via his false prophets (I Kings 22:19-23).
They know hedges, like Satan knew the nature and security of Gods good hedge around Job.
What can angels not do? What does the Bible teach they cannot or will not do in the world?
1. They do not know details of the future, for that is Gods own secret counsel (Matt 24:36).
2. They do not know the mind of the Lord; they cannot add to His wisdom (Romans 11:34).
3. They cannot taste death or reconcile us to God like Jesus did (Hebrews 2:6-11; Col 1:20).
4. They do not use railing charges against Satan or civil rulers (II Pet 2:10-12; Jude 1:8-10).
K. Angels do not have to be mentioned each time they are involved, so we may assume activity.
1. They marked men for slaughtering angels (Ezek 9), so why not at Corinth (I Cor 11:30)?
2. They carried beggar Lazarus to heaven (Luke 16:22), so why not Stephen (Acts 7:59-60)?
3. If we extrapolate examples to us, which we must to fulfill the Bibles description of their
current activity, we should be sober about their judgment and thankful for their help.
4. They arranged preachers for Cornelius and a eunuch, so why not for you and me? Glory!
5. They healed at the pool of Bethesda by moving the water, why not by directing radiation?
6. What about the cover at Dunkirk, the folly of Midway, and Hitlers foolish gambles?
6. Gods word is more sure than His voice, how much more than angels (II Peter 1:16-21)?
B. Angelic activity still occurs, but it is of a different sort than it was at any time previously.
1. Angelic activity is documented in the Bible from the patriarchs past Pentecost (see Acts).
2. The supernatural was visibly displayed during this entire period as well with miracles.
3. Since God finished His written word, visible phenomena is unnecessary and distracting.
4. There was a time of reformation, in which Gods dealings with man changed (Heb 9:10).
5. Our mature age does not need angels and visible exhibitions (I Cor 13:8-12; Ep 4:11-16).
C. Angel activity, roles, or importance has changed and is less visible, but still part of our lives.
1. The kingdom of God includes our connection to Gods angels (Hebrews 12:22-24,28-29).
2. Paul warned Corinth women and Timothy as a bishop about them (I Ti 5:21; I Co 11:10).
3. They still rejoice over one sinner that repents, which should provoke so (Luke 15:7-10).
4. They still come with chariots to carry the spirit/soul of believers to heaven (Luke 16:22).
5. The devil and angels are still very active (I Pet 5:8; II Cor 11:13-15; Gal 1:8; Matt 24:24).
D. Both Jacob and Jesus had ladders of angels (Gen 28:12-22; John 1:51; I Tim 3:16), which we
should believe we have as well as the sons of God and brethren of Jesus (Heb 1:14; 2:9-18).
Check on Angels
A. Angels must be checked by the word of God as any other source of revelation like dreams.
B. We do not care at all what anyone has seen, heard, felt, or experienced, which many
emphasize; if they speak contrary to scripture, it is a lie; if they agree with scripture, so what!
C. Satan and devils transform into angels of light or ministers of righteousness (II Co 11:13-15).
D. Paul warned that an angel preaching a gospel different from his was to be accursed (Gal 1:8).
E. Whether false prophets or false spirits, they are to be tried by the apostles words (I Jn 4:1-6).
F. We have a more sure word of prophecy even over Gods voice from heaven (II Pet 1:16-21).
G. We value the word of God above any dream, no matter what angel is involved (Jer 23:28-29).
H. We do not pray to angels or regard them by name, for we only pray to God in Jesus name.
Faithfulness on earth will cause Jesus to confess you before the angels (Rev 3:5; Luk 12:8-9).
There is every reason to claim Psalm 34:7 and Psalm 91:11-12, yet without any visible show.
There is every reason to believe Matthew 18:10 is still true, though without any visible show.
They will come with Jesus Christ for us (Mat 13:40-43; 25:31-33; I Thess 4:16; II Thess 1:7).
They will gather the wicked for judgment (Mat 13:40-42,48-50; II Thes 1:8-9; Jude 1:14-15).
The elect will judge the fallen angels with Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 6:1-3; Rev 19:11-21).
Though already incarcerated in several respects, Satan will soon be thrown in the lake of fire
for eternal torment at his formal sentencing (II Pet 2:4; Jude 1:6; Matt 25:41; Acts 20:10).
H. We can overcome Satan in the meantime
1. If you do not have a true and sincere relationship with Jesus Christ, then angels are not your servants.
2. If you do not fear God, then the angel of the Lord is not encamping near you to deliver you at all.
3. Understanding angels should deliver us from fear of danger and provoke us to greater righteousness.
4. Remember that your older Brother, Who died for you, has absolute and final rule of heavens armies.
5. You were made a little lower than the angels, but you have now been adopted higher than the angels!
6. If they are curious about your salvation, you should appreciate it so much more (I Pet 1:12; Ep 3:10).
7. If they rejoice in heaven over one sinner that repents, then you should also rejoice (Luke 15:7-10).
8. If they are totally dedicated to obeying and pleasing God, then we should do so also (Ps 103:20-21).
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