Previ Perú
Previ Perú
Previ Perú
by Tomeu Ramis
In 1965, the Peruvian Government and the United Nations invited British
architect Peter Land to design a strategy for mass housing as an alternative to the
massive informal settlements that were dramatically taking place in Lima during
that period. In 1966, informal discussions began with the Peruvian Government
about the PREVI (Proyecto experimental de vivienda, Experimental Housing
Project), and its initial form consisted of four different pilot projects (1). For the
first pilot project (PP1) Peter Land proposed the organization of an international
competition to design 1,500 housing units(2) on a deserted 40-hectare site north
of Lima's downtown. Thirteen international architects (3) were invited to take part
in the competition, and an open national competition was organized for architects
in Peru to obtain the same number of competitors (4). The international and
national sections were implemented simultaneously, and the PREVI competition
for 26 selected competitors was announced in 1969.
The competition brief was based on a series of experimental principles (5):
1. A neighborhood and design based upon the high-density, low-rise concept, a
module and model for future urban expansion.
2. A growing house concept , with integral courtyard.
3. Configurations of housing clusters within the neighborhood master plan.
4. An entirely human-scale pedestrian environment in the neighborhood.
5. Improved and new house-building methods with earthquake resistance.
6. An overall neighborhood landscape plan.
The jury (6) met the same year in Lima and, having chosen the six winning
projects (the international groups selected were Kikutake-Kurokawa-Maki,
Herbert Ohl and Atelier 5), resolved to start working on the construction of the 26
proposals chosen for their very high quality and progressive design. Due to
political and economic circumstances, instead of the 1,500 dwellings initially
envisaged, the pilot scheme comprised 500 homes, with Peter Land's team
drawing up a collage of 20 housing units per architect within a Master Plan
defined by him. In a second phase, the best proposals were to develop 1,000
dwellings, but this phase was never implemented. Finally, 24 of the 26 proposals
were successfully built. Two projects, by Herbert Ohl from Germany and
Takahashi from Peru, were not built due to their technical and material
The PREVI was designed as a platform for expansion and the gradual adaptation
to changing family needs over time. Its evolution and subsequent changes were
essentially anticipated in the original design, but 40 years after its construction,
the inhabitants have radically transformed the dwellings in programmatic and
formal terms. The transformation of the PREVI is the reflection of a dynamic,
consolidated, cohesive neighbourhood that is highly relevant today, in the context
of the current crisis.
(1)Pilot project 1(PP1); housing design and construction through a national and
international competition/ Pilot project 2(PP2); urban renovation and restoration/
Pilot project 3(PP3);plot and services planning/ Pilot project 4(PP4);research o
self-building systems in zones affected by earthquakes. Extracted from "Time
builds,Ed.GG/ 2008,Bcn.
(2)One or two storeys patio house that could be expanded up to three storeys
high, based on a modular design. The built area would be fixed between 60 and
120 square meters.
(3).International participants: i1.James Stirling, i2.Knud Svenssons,
i3.Esquerra-Samper-Saenz-Urdaneta, i4.Atelier 5, i5.Toivo Korhonen, i6.Herbert
(6).The jury was composed by: Eduardo Barclay (Peru), Jos Antonio Coderch
(Spain), Halldor Gunnlogson (Denmark), Carl Koch (USA), Peter Land (ONU),
Ricardo Malachowski (Peru), Alfredo Perez (Peru), Manuel Valega (Peru), Ernest
Weissman (USA), Daro Gonzalez (Peru) and Alvaro Ortega.