Health and Safety Policy 17 09 PDF
Health and Safety Policy 17 09 PDF
Health and Safety Policy 17 09 PDF
Tel: +44 (0) 1753 217 800 Fax: +44 (0) 1753 217 899
1. Policy Statement
Reckitt Benckiser is committed to: the health, safety and welfare at work of its employees;
complying with applicable health & safety legal requirements; and, the continual improvement of
its health & safety control arrangements and performance.
Specifically, the Company is committed to providing and maintaining:
control of the health & safety risks arising from work activities
arrangements for the safe use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances
necessary information, instruction, training and supervision to protect safety and health at work
We consider the health, safety and welfare at work of our employees to be an essential part of being a
responsible and productive company that manages business risks and delivers long-term shareholder
2. Objectives
Reckitt Benckisers overall health & safety objective is to prevent accidents, injuries and
occupational ill-health at all locations under Company management control.
Specifically, it is the Companys objective that the following minimum control arrangements are in
place at all Company locations:
employee access to and basic understanding of this OHS policy document
documented responsibilities for H&S at work
up-to-date H&S risk assessments and fire risk assessments
the provision of necessary H&S information, instruction and training
the provision and use of necessary personal protective equipment (PPE)
arrangements for emergency response / evacuation, first aid and occupational health
documented procedures / safe systems of work, where necessary to establish and maintain a
safe and healthy working environment
H&S control arrangements for contractors and visitors
communication and consultation with employees on H&S issues
monitoring, investigation and reporting of any incidents, accidents or occupational ill-health
corrective and preventative actions where any incidents, accidents or occupational ill-health
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3. Responsibilities
Everyone is responsible for health & safety.
to take reasonable care for the health & safety of themselves and others who may be
affected by their acts or omissions
to cooperate with colleagues, line management and the Company on health & safety matters
not to misuse or interfere with anything provided in the interests of health, safety and welfare
to report any health & safety concerns to their line manager and / or the site H&S Coordinator
/ Manager
implement this OHS policy document in the area(s) under their responsibility / control
ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the minimum control arrangements (items a)
k) in section 2 above) are in place, understood and implemented in the area(s) under their
responsibility / control
make adequate resources available for the management of health & safety at work
Site-level Responsibility
At all locations where Company employees work or to which they report (e.g. factories, warehouses,
research & development centres, offices and any associated field or home-based employees), the
management of health & safety at work is the ultimate responsibility of the senior manager at that
location. Day-to-day responsibility for the management of health & safety should be delegated
through the line management structure, as outlined above.
Group-level Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of:
the Senior Vice President, Human Resources and the Vice President, Sustainability to
establish and maintain this policy document and other Group-level OHS control
arrangements as defined below
Executive Committee members to implement this policy document within the geographical
areas / functions under their responsibility / control
the Board to undertake an annual review of sustainability and corporate responsibility issues,
including OHS policy, control arrangements and performance; the Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) is the Board member with specific responsibility for sustainability and corporate
responsibility policies and performance
September 2008. Executive Committee Policy Owner: Simon Nash
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the Vice President, Internal Audit to periodically review the Companys OHS control
arrangements and performance, and to report on these to the Boards Audit Committee
4. Control Arrangements
Group-level Control Arrangements
Reckitt Benckiser shall have in place and shall maintain a Group Occupational Health & Safety
Management System (OHSMS), comprising:
this policy document and its definition of OHS Objectives, Responsibilities and Control
Group Health & Safety Key Items, an OHS Manual / Guidelines, and Safety Standards
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