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February 10, 2010 Issue

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Daily Herald the Brown

vol. cxlv, no. 11 | Wednesday, February 10, 2010 | Serving the community daily since 1891

Postdocs clarify policies

and build community
By Nicole Friedman on to careers in academia or other
News Editor industries.
This in-between space is often
In the ongoing effort to improve poli- poorly defined at universities, and
cies, communication and outreach for compensation and benefit policies
the University’s postdoctoral com- for postdocs differ from institution to
munity, sometimes the little things institution, said Cathee Johnson Phil-
can mean a lot. lips, executive director of the National
“Right now, there’s no P for post- Postdoctoral Association.
doc” on the A through Z menu on At Brown, postdoc advisory
the University Web site, said Susan boards and administrative commit-
Alex Bell / Herald Rottenberg, postdoctoral program tees have collaborated for several
President Ruth Simmons, Provost David Kertzer ’69 P’95 P’98 and Executive Vice President for Finance and and data manager for the Office of years to clarify existing policies re-
Administration Beppie Huidekoper discussed budget cuts.
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. garding benefits and compensation

U. details plans to cut millions from budget

But there soon will be, she said, and and create standards where none
“that’s a big deal for communicat- existed. The Postdoctoral Advisory
ing.” Panel continues to work with several
By Alex Bell for athletics. recommendations will be reviewed The University is currently home University offices to strengthen the
Senior Staff Writer Much of the discussion focused by the Corporation at its meeting to 211 postdoctoral fellows and re- postdoc community and address
on the report that the ad hoc Or- later this month, said Executive Vice search associates in 41 departments, concerns.
The Brown University Community ganizational Review Committee re- President for Finance and Adminis- according to data from the Human
Council met Tuesday night to dis- leased last week. According to the tration Beppie Huidekoper. Resources Department. Having al- Clarifying benefits
cuss plans for the University to align report, the ORC sought to identify Provost David Kertzer ’69 P’95 ready received doctorates, postdocs Postdocs are divided between fel-
its operations with economic reality, “opportunities for improved effi- P’98, who presented the annual are neither students nor faculty — lows, who receive external research
including consolidation of services, ciency and cost reduction through they have come to Brown for extra
layoffs, tuition increases and funding administrative restructuring.” The continued on page 3 research and training before moving continued on page 2

RISD junior Bank CEO Moynihan ’81 started on rugby field

touched by By Fred Milgrim In December, Moynihan was and the current director of Brown at Brown,” he said.

Haiti quake Sports Staff Writer

The men’s rugby team at Brown is

named the CEO of Bank of America. rugby, said he wasn’t surprised by
From his beginnings as a Providence Moynihan’s successes. The two have
lawyer and local rugger — after get- maintained a friendship ever since
Moynihan, who played football his
first fall at Brown, was approached
by former football players who had
By Sarah Forman technically a club, but those who are ting his J.D. from Moynihan’s gradu- switched to rugby. When they asked
Contributing Writer more intimate with the team know Notre Dame — he Sports ation. him to play that spring, he came out
that the rugby program is not your joined FleetBos- “He has what and never stopped.
After losing her father in the Jan. average college club team. Rugby is ton Financial Corporation in 1993 has appeared to be a meteoric rise, “It was a great group of team-
12 earthquake in Haiti, Nathalie a way of life, and for Brian Moynihan and worked his way up through the and he’s always had that drive, am- mates,” Moynihan said, “many of
Joliver t decided to retur n to ’81, it was the first stepping stone on merger with Bank of America. bition, fire and energy to achieve,
Providence. The third-year stu- his way to a prolific career. Jay Fluck ’65, his former coach and that was readily apparent back continued on page 5
dent at the Rhode Island School
of Design will take on a full load
of architecture classes when RISD
commences its spring semester
Feb. 22.
Band hits 40 years on ice
Jolivert was interning in Haiti By Anna Andreeva game who chose to remain in their
during the ear thquake with her Contributing Writer seats for an extra half hour were treat-
father, an engineer, and working ed to the Brown Band’s first alumni
to design flexible of fice space The first few notes of the Brown ice show in honor of the anniversary,
that could be easily conver ted fight song rang out in Meehan Audi- featuring alums from each decade
into apartments. She is studying torium as the last of the Brown and since the ’60s.
to become an architect, she said, Harvard hockey teams exited the rink After a round of Paul Simon’s “You
to build up her native countr y. last Friday. Students stood on seats Can Call Me Al,” the announcer called
“I do spend a lot of my free time and cheered for the past and current out the names of returning alums in
trying to promote Haitian culture,” members of the Brown Band — some between lines of the Brown fight song.
Jolivert said. Brown Band Alumni Liasion Andrew
She and her younger sister left FEATURE Leber ’12 said the ice show was mod-
Haiti in 2005, a little more than a eled after the band’s performances
year after a coup d’etat removed brandishing trumpets, others weighed during football games, with the band
President Jean-Bertrand Aristide down by enormous sousaphones, and forming a “B” on the ice at the end of
from power. She said she and her almost all on skates — making their the performance.
sister left Haiti while her parents way around the ice. This is not the first time alums
stayed behind because conditions On Feb. 5, the Brown Band cel- have returned to play with the band,
on the street had become ver y ebrated the 40th anniversary of its but it is the first ice show to feature
dangerous. Since then, she has or- first show on ice skates. The group an alum performance as its center-
ganized numerous volunteer trips is the only ice skating scatter band in piece, said President Max Mankin
to Haiti, both as a high school and the world, according to the group’s ’11, a trombone player. Herald File Photo
college student. Joliver t helped Web site. The Brown Band claims to be the only ice skating scatter band in the
The spectators at Friday’s hockey continued on page 4 world.
continued on page 3

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hot for teaching First year Strength Weekend weakness Sexier than yale?
Teach For America is Despite women’s hockey With the Gate’s closing, BlogDailyHerald looks at
as popular as ever with losses, first year players Mike Johnson ’11 wants a recent Yale sex survey to
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Page 2 THE BROWN DAILY HERALD Wednesday, February 10, 2010

C ampus N EWS “There are actually a lot of negatives.”

— Sharon Furtak, postdoctoral fellow in psychology

Navigating gray area creates challenges for postdocs

continued from page 1 actually a lot of negatives, and I think The University imposed a salary
the University realizes that,” she said. freeze on all employees last year, but
grants or fellowships and make up 75 “You’re losing your life benefits, you’re postdoctoral fellows were still slated
percent of the postdocs at Brown, and losing retirement benefits, you’re los- to receive a stipend increase, as man-
research associates, who work as Uni- ing the ability to have your health care dated by federal law. To maintain salary
versity employees. pre-tax.” equity between fellows and research
As Brown employees, postdoctoral Some universities treat postdoctoral associates, Thompson said her office
research associates receive health care fellows as consultants, allowing them to requested that the University find a
and retirement benefits through the receive health care pre-tax, but modify- way not to freeze research associate
University. Since 2004, all postdoctoral ing the policy at Brown is “kind of that salaries.
fellows have been able to buy Univer- gray area no one wants to talk about,” Top administrators “identified the
sity health insurance with the portion Furtak said. funds that would allow all the postdocs
of their grant stipends designated for The University cannot change how at the University to get increases” this
training-related expenses — after they fellows’ benefits are taxed, according fiscal year, Thompson said.
have paid income taxes. to Associate Dean for Graduate and While this issue mostly affected
“That’s probably the biggest prob- Postdoctoral Studies Nancy Thomp- postdocs in BioMed, according to
lem,” said Melissa Maginnis, a post- son, due to the federal requirement Senior Associate Dean of the Faculty
doctoral fellow in the Department of that postdoctoral fellows not be Uni- Carolyn Dean, “the need to ensure eq-
Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and versity employees. To compensate, uity is one of the few conditions under
Biochemistry and member of the Post- the Division of Biology and Medicine which a salary may be raised” in the
doctoral Advisory Panel, where she asks professors to provide bonus funds current freeze.
serves on the benefits subcommittee. for research associates who receive Another key issue on the postdoc
When Maginnis and her husband were external funding, she said. Half of radar has been the lack of a maternity
both postdoctoral fellows last year, they Brown’s postdocs work in BioMed leave policy. Until now, maternity leave
each paid taxes on their health insur- departments, according to Human has been determined on an individual
ance costs. Now that her husband is a Resources. basis between postdocs and their men-
research associate, Maginnis receives Brock Christensen, a postdoctoral tors, with “nothing written or under-
pre-tax University health care benefits research associate in the Department stood ahead of time,” Furtak said.
Courtesy of Nancy Thompson
through him and can use more of her of Community Health and the Depart- “I don’t think there’s any disagree- Non-academic gatherings, such as this September networking event in
stipend to fund travel and lab equip- ment of Pathology and Laboratory ment that we need to have one,” said Andrews Dining Hall, provide opportunities for postdocs to meet.
ment. Medicine and a member of the advi- Associate Provost Nancy Dunbar, who
Despite the prestige of receiving sory panel, said that fellows are mo- recently convened a panel of adminis- munity across departments through in 2004, the issues they have addressed
a research grant or fellowship, the tivated to seek bigger grants to cover trators to draft a policy. social events and communication. are not specific to Brown, she said.
inequity in benefits gives research their expenses, but associates have The new maternity leave policy, “We didn’t even have a listserv,” “I think the challenges that we have
associates at Brown little incentive to less reason to do so. which includes language on medical Christensen said, until one was cre- with postdocs are not any different than
apply for external funding, said Sha- “Why would I do that, if it would leave and vacation time, is “really wel- ated at the end of last semester. “You any other universities,” Dunbar said.
ron Furtak, a postdoctoral fellow in mean that my status would change?” come,” Thompson said, and will be would think that something like hav- Postdoctoral appointments are
the psychology department who also he said. “All I know is, I’m thankful to posted online soon. She added that ing a listserv is trivial and can’t really becoming increasingly common and
serves on the advisory panel’s benefits be a research associate.” the need for a maternity leave policy make a huge difference, but in fact, necessary for graduate students hop-
subcommittee. Research associates is because of the growing number of disseminating the right information to ing to advance to academic or profes-
who are awarded an external grant Ongoing adjustments female postdocs — 43 percent of post- the right people” has helped postdocs sional careers in many of the sciences,
become postdoctoral fellows ­— and The Postdoctoral Advisory Panel docs at Brown are female. meet one another and gain a bigger Phillips said. While these extra years
thus lose health benefits — when the and the administrators that work with presence on campus, he said. of research allow postdocs to grow as
funding begins. postdocs have also made efforts to im- Communication and community The Postdoctoral Advisory Panel independent researchers and publish
“Instead of having incentives to prove salary equity and create policies Brown has had postdoctoral re- has also helped postdocs “have a more independently before applying to long-
bring in your own money, there are for maternal leave and leave-taking. search associates and fellows for years, active voice on campus,” Furtak said, term positions, Phillips said “only 20 to
but until 2004, those titles had little adding that administrators have been 30 percent of postdocs will acquire a
sudoku consistency or meaning, said Dunbar, responsive to their requests and con- tenure-track position.” She added that
who convened the Ad Hoc Committee cerns. the longer someone remains a postdoc,
on Postdoctoral Researchers in 2004. Postdocs have more opportuni- the more difficulty they have reaching
“There was tremendous confusion on ties to meet each other and network a faculty position.
a lot of fronts,” she said, adding that at professional development events, as But the current economic climate
the committee worked with postdocs well as in non-academic get-togethers, suggests that “the group of postdocs
to provide “greater clarity on their ap- Maginnis said. here at Brown and nationally prob-
pointments, on their benefits, on sup- Still, it can be hard for postdocs to ably will continue to grow,” Maginnis
port for them, on to whom they should make connections outside of their labs said.
go with various questions.” or departments, especially because Though postdocs are a “small com-
Many of the administration’s efforts they don’t take or TA courses. “You munity here,” the fact that 75 percent of
to improve the postdoctoral experience don’t always feel like you’re part of the them secure external funding for their
have centered on making information Brown community when you’re on a research is “good for the University,”
more widely accessible. University satellite campus,” Maginnis said. Furtak said.
Web sites now provide information Postdocs “are increasingly impor-
specifically for postdocs through the National perspective tant to the University and the research
Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral While statistics on postdocs are mission,” Dunbar said, a reference to
Studies, the Human Resources Depart- hard to find, “it appears that the number the ongoing goals of President Ruth
ment and the Resources for Graduate is increasing” nationally, said Phillips of Simmons’ Plan for Academic Enrich-
and Postgraduate Parents Web site. the National Postdoctoral Association. ment to expand Brown’s stature as a
Adding a postdoc category on the A Her organization lobbies on behalf of research university.
through Z list will create a “common postdocs for funding increases and Improving the postdoctoral experi-

Daily Herald
entry point” where postdocs can access improved benefits and policies. ence at Brown and responding to their
the Brown
information, Dunbar said. Though the postdoc experience concerns “academically, professional
On top of that, postdocs have was less than ideal when Dunbar first and socially” is in the University’s “best
Editorial Phone: 401.351.3372 | Business Phone: 401.351.3260 stepped up their efforts to create a com- convened the committee on postdocs interest,” Thompson said.
George Miller, President Katie Koh, Treasurer
Claire Kiely, Vice President Chaz Kelsh, Secretary
The Brown Daily Herald (USPS 067.740) is an independent newspaper serv-
ing the Brown University community daily since 1891. It is published Monday
through Friday during the academic year, excluding vacations, once during
Commencement, once during Orientation and once in July by The Brown Daily
Herald, Inc. Single copy free for each members of the community.
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010 THE BROWN DAILY HERALD Page 3

C ampus N EWS “That’s the wake-up call for us.”

— President Ruth Simmons, on funding shortages for sports

Brunonians continue to flock to TFA From Haiti to RISD, with

By Alicia Chen they can give back to the commu- at Princeton. Its mission was to end
stories and sorrows to share
Senior Staf f Writer nity, she said. educational inequity by bringing
Baichorova — a TFA alum her- talented college graduates to teach continued from page 1 she wants to complete her stud-
As the Feb. 19 deadline to apply self — said for many people, the some of the country’s most at-risk ies as quickly as possible, so that
for Teach For America looms, this program is a transformative experi- students for two years. plan an alternative spring break she will be able to begin build-
year’s graduating class, as those ence. Before becoming a recruiter, Since its inception in 1990, TFA trip that was supposed to go to ing projects in her home country
before it, is applying in force to the she was a third-grade teacher in the has grown into a large force within Haiti this year, but has been can- when she graduates from RISD’s
two-year teaching program. Bronx. When she started, her stu- the educational community — over celled because of the quake. five-year architecture program
Fourteen percent of the class of dents were performing well below 7,300 corps members are current- Joliver t also spent her win- in 2012. “I want to be prepared,”
2009 applied to the highly competi- grade level, but in a year, she was ly teaching in public schools all ter vacations in Haiti, where she she said.
tive program, according to regional able to bump them up three grade around the United States, and over worked directly with her father Jolivert said that she has felt
TFA recruiter Anasstassia Baicho- levels, she said. “Seeing them excel 60 percent of alums remain in the in previous years. But because support from the RISD communi-
rova. Forty of those students are in other people’s classes was very field of education. her duties this Januar y involved ty and that both the Office of Mul-
in their first year of teaching with rewarding,” she said after visiting But TFA has not been greeted staying in the of fice, she was ticultural Affairs and counseling
TFA now, she said. her students recently. with open arms by ever yone, ac- not with him when he went to a ser vices have made themselves
She said she believes that TFA TFA alum Sarah Saxton-Frump cording to Professor of Education school directly on the fault line available to her.
is able to attract such interest on ’07 echoed the sentiment. “I had Kenneth Wong. “I think the educa- to begin planning renovations. “There is no normal process
campus because “its mission reso- an incredible experience in Teach tion community is somewhat di- The building collapsed during for students who lose a parent,”
nates with students” and because for America. I was humbled, chal- vided about Teach For America,” the quake, killing him and 200 Damion Vania, a counselor at
of the personal approach that TFA lenged and inspired by my stu- he said. Some “professional educa- students and teachers, Jolivert RISD’s Student Development and
takes toward the recruitment pro- dents, the community, the Teach tors feel it is important for anyone said. Counseling Services, said. “We’re
cess. for America staff and my fellow in a classroom to get some formal “We didn’t know until the just available.”
Baichorova also thinks that “the corps members,” she wrote in an training” in pedagogy, but TFA’s second day,” Jolivert said of her He explained that RISD, unlike
change in political climate, with e-mail to the Herald. approach is more focused on core father’s death. “It was hard for Brown, offers its students unlim-
Barack Obama’s call to action,” has TFA was created by Wendy us to find him.” ited counseling sessions and has
inspired students to examine ways Kopp as part of her senior thesis continued on page 4 It wasn’t until Jolivert’s old- no waiting list for appointments.
er sister called her father’s cell Jolivert expects to continue de-
phone — and a nun answered to voting herself to relief and build-

Council discusses tuition, athletics

explained what happened — that ing efforts in Haiti, and plans to
Jolivert learned of the collapse. return to the country this summer
“Trying to find his body was through a cousin’s architecture
another problem,” said Joli- firm in New York.
continued from page 1 vert. “There was no real time to She said the support for Haiti
vices will come consolidation of staff be the aspect of the plan most likely mourn.” from both Brown and RISD has
report of the standing University as well, Huidekoper said. to make headlines, Huidekoper re- Jolivert’s mother, a physician, helped raise her spirits.
Resources Committee that he chairs, “The goal here is to minimize the sponded that “there’s obviously a eventually located the body at a “It was surprising to see how
said his committee instructed the number of individuals at Brown who concern about athletics” because morgue, but she had to leave active the community has been,”
ORC, which formed last spring, will lose their jobs,” she said. “But “it makes the news.” Haiti before his funeral ser vice Jolivert said. She warned against
to assume 20 percent less funding that doesn’t mean it will be zero.” “It’s been a painful realization was held. thinking about the crisis in the
coming from the endowment this One way she said the University that our budget for athletics is abys- Joliver t and her mother — short term and instead advocated
year than last year when making its will minimize that impact is through mally lower than that of our nearest who broke her foot during the working on longer programs to
budget recommendations. its voluntary retirement program, competitor,” President Ruth Sim- earthquake — went to Florida make substantive, enduring im-
“We’ll have something like $20 which about 139 employees will mons said. “What we’re trying to the week after the disaster and provements in the country.
million less to spend than we had take advantage of before the end do in athletics is very ambitious, stayed there for seven days. “All “I think there is a big need of
to spend this year out of the endow- of the year. but very under-funded. The conse- the week before coming here, collaborating,” Jolivert added.
ment alone,” he said. “We have to “A number of those 139 positions quences of that perhaps are obvious, I was mostly taking care of my “I’m afraid of politics going into
generate savings somewhere, and we will have to refill, but not all of and that is that our students might mom,” Jolivert said. it.”
that is where the Organizational them,” Huidekoper said, adding have a less satisfactory experience She returned to campus Jan. Even though she’s back at
Review Committee comes in.” that those who leave will receive in their sport than their peers at our 29. But because RISD is still in school, Jolivert is still tr ying to
Huidekoper said the ORC, of generous severance packages and competing institutions.” winter session, she will not begin come to terms with her father’s
which she is a member, recognized outplacement support. Simmons said deliberations classes until Feb. 22. death, but she said in some ways,
Brown’s sense of community as a Kertzer said he would not yet about cutting sports will go into “I know that I need to be ready it is easier to be at RISD while
“ver y valuable asset” and hoped make public details on compensa- next year, and no decisions have to go back. The faster I can get she goes through the grieving
the community members present tion or next year’s tuition increase, yet been made. my education, the more ready process.
would let administrators know if the saying “it would put the Corporation “If we’re going to offer a varsity I’ll be,” said Jolivert, explaining “It’s actually harder when
recommendations of the report have in a very difficult position” if he re- support, we should do that cor- why she had decided to return you’re not doing anything,” she
“hit the right balance” in optimizing leased that information before the rectly, with all the protections that to school immediately. She said said.
services. Corporation met. students should have for competing
“We know it’s going to be a little He said last year’s modest tuition in a sport,” Simmons said. “That’s
bumpy along the way, but we re- increases were “at the bottom of our the wake-up call for us, to face up to
ally want to hear from you, as our peer group,” but the University has the fact that we simply don’t have the
community council,” she said. The not actually increased its net tuition resources to mount the number of
council met in Salomon 101 instead dollars in recent years because of team sports that we offer.”
of its scheduled location in Hillel steady increases in the financial aid BUCC member and Vice Presi-
with the hope of fostering a more budget. dent for Campus Life and Student
active debate with members of the Kertzer said URC members were Services Margaret Klawunn said a
community in the larger space, Hu- “painfully aware” that though the proposed fee for athletes would help
idekoper said. University has “some of the most lav- the University not make “deeper
The 22-page ORC report, assem- ish financial aid in the United States,” cuts” as it considers how large of an
bled by about 150 members of the compared to Brown’s limited peer athletic program it can support.
community divided into 12 teams, group, “ours was not as generous Professor of Africana Studies
calls for wide-ranging reforms of as a few — Harvard, Yale, Princeton Anthony Bogues also reported to
University structure that aim to being almost off the charts, partic- the Council on the status of Brown’s
reduce expenses by $14 million to ularly for relatively upper-income, Haiti relief work. He called the im-
offset the decline in endowment middle-class kids.” mediate food and medical relief com-
payout while making services run Kertzer also recommended ex- bined with strategies for long-term
more smoothly, according to Hu- panding enrollment to raise revenue. help a “Brownian” way of responding
idekoper. He said the URC’s recommendation to the crisis. He praised the Univer-
“We expect to see no detriment to accept about 50 additional trans- sity’s “very alive” Web site, which
in the quality of the services,” she fer students would not cause the contains information on the com-
said. “In fact, if anything, there will types of problems for introductory munity’s efforts and dispatches from
be improvements in how we are classes and freshman dorm situa- community members in Haiti.
supporting our students through a tions that enrolling more freshmen Bogues also highlighted a pro-
more coordinated set of work pro- would cause. gram planned for Feb. 19 that will
cesses.” When a BUCC member asked draw scholars on Haiti and relief
But with the consolidation of ser- what administrators thought might workers to campus.
Page 4 THE BROWN DAILY HERALD Wednesday, February 10, 2010

C ampus N ews “Instruments were freezing to people’s faces.”

— Max Mankin ’11, president of the Brown Band

Year after year, alums Forty years old, Brown Band skates on
Teach for America
continued from page 1 Keeping up tradition ice. “Two years ago, one player wiped
For Mankin, the ice show was an out … her instrument split into sev-
“I have probably been back a half opportunity to trace the band’s his- eral different pieces,” he added.
dozen times,” wrote Christopher tory through the stories of alums. Weather is another concern for
continued from page 3 relying on the traditional way of Maden ’94 in an e-mail to The Her- “It was really exciting, because band members. At a performance
filling teachers for the last 100 ald. the band has a lot of quirky tradi- two years ago on Yale’s campus, “the
content knowledge, he said. years,” Wong said. “And for the To prepare for the ice show, alums tions,” Mankin said. “Reconnecting football game fell on a weekend when
While some have criticized last 20 to 30 years, we have seen a like Maden were e-mailed scans of the with all these alumni sort of illumi- hurricane Noel and the Nor’easter
TFA’s teacher training program, persistent problem in low-income songs ahead of the performance, Leb- nated where (the traditions) came were coming in — we got pum-
Wong said, TFA is actively work- areas. I think we need to continue er said. “Most of them still do play or from.” meled,” Mankin said. “Instruments
ing to address the issue by part- to try new strategies, including practice in some capacity,” he said. These legacies include adding were freezing to people’s faces.”
nering with colleges and uni- partnering with TFA.” The Brown Band was founded in verses to their chants, Brown Band
versities to provide continuous Teachers’ unions in other areas 1924 by Irving Harris ’28, and donned mascot Elrod Snidley — who reput- Traveling and camraderie
training. Wong said he hopes to have also expressed concerns that ice skates for the first time in Febru- edly nearly won a 1970s Undergradu- Friday’s ice show brought back
“have a conversation to explore TFA’s two-year contract promotes ary 1970 — the same year that women ate Council of Students presidential fond memories for the alums. “Com-
that possibility” with the new TFA high turnover. However, Saxton- were allowed to join the band. election — and the famous Brown ing back, I enjoyed reconnecting with
branch in Providence. Frump, who originally intended The band performs to a script read Band buttons. other alums,” Sloan wrote. “I also re-
Some teachers’ unions have to go to law school after teaching aloud by the commentator, though “I am the ‘inventor’ of the Brown ally enjoyed seeing how old traditions
publicly criticized TFA. Last year, for two years, wrote that her TFA acoustics can sometimes pose a prob- Band Button,” wrote Kenneth Sloan have survived and new ones created
the Boston Teachers’ Union wrote experience in the Rio Grande Val- lem, Leber said. Designated members ’69 in an e-mail to The Herald. Sloan in the same spirit. I’m very proud of
a letter to the organization oppos- ley helped her find “a purpose in of the band write the script and hand suggested making the buttons during an ‘institution’ and a tradition that I
ing its entrance into the area, ac- life,” and she now is working as it over to the band’s vice president a band meeting in September 1967, helped create.”
cording to a Boston Globe report. a social studies teacher at a high who then chooses the formations as a promotion during that year’s For Sloan — whose wife Christine
The union said there was already school in Austin, Tex. for the band’s performance. Past football season. Curcio ’72 was one of the original
a surplus of professional teachers When asked what she would formations have included a goblet, Sloan ordered the first buttons — three Pembroke band members —
in the area. tell a student considering joining Pac-Man ghosts and Pac-Man himself, which read “Jam the Ram” — from the social aspects of the Brown Band
But others do not see this as a the program, Saxton-Frump wrote, he said. his cousins’ company, he wrote. Sloan were the most enjoyable. “I was active
“zero-sum game,” Wong said. By “I would pass on the same advice The band can be spotted playing knew the buttons were a hit when a in writing shows for football games,
inviting TFA into their schools, given to me by Seth Magaziner at Brown’s Homecoming, most home delegation from the football team was an early member of the Hockey
districts are widening the pool of ’06. Do it, but you have to want it and away football games, and some la- asked for their own. Pep Band” and also was one of the
potential applicants, allowing the to be hard. This is not something crosse and hockey events. They have founders of the band’s ice show, he
best possible candidate to be hired, to be undertaken lightly. This is also played at A Day on College Hill Not all fun and games wrote.
he said. “It is not a jobs program. not something you do because it and at Ben and Jerry’s Free Cone The status of the world’s only ice Maden’s favorite parts of being
It is a human capital investment looks good on your resume. Do Day, Leber said. Members of the skating scatter band does not come in the Brown Band were traveling
strategy,” Wong said. it because you want to spend two Brown Band often play in the Brown without challenges. “The most dif- and the camaraderie with the fellow
Wong said TFA represents a years of life in service to others. Do Commencement Band, along with ficult thing was getting everyone to band members. “Much of what the
creative means of improving the it because you believe education musicians from other Brown music stop in the form,” Leber said. “When Band does is part of a modern folk
education system. “We have been is crucial.” programs. we’re doing forms in the football field, tradition,” he wrote. “More than a few
it’s one thing. When we’re ice skating, of the songs they sing can trace their
people start holding onto others and origin back hundreds of years.”
sliding into position.” For Leber, one of the great re-
Not everyone was on skates on wards of being part of the band is
Friday night since “everyone is at “being able to do something that no
different levels” of ice skating ability, one else does,” he said.
Leber said. During this show, “the Mankin said being part of the
conductor was skating backwards” band “is like hanging out with 50
while “some people were shuffling,” of my best friends. There’s a collec-
Leber said. tive enthusiasm toward the sporting
Mankin said certain instruments event, but more importantly toward
are too unwieldy to be played on the making band fun for everybody.”
The Brown Daily Herald

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 | Page 5


Two strong performances, but without a win Tough end

By Andrew Braca
Assistant Sports Editor
and pull off an upset.

Freshmen and the future

to season
The women’s hockey team lost a pair
of games over the weekend to No. 5
Despite the pair of losses, this
weekend shows how strongly the for Bears
Harvard and Dartmouth, but the fi- freshmen have performed. Farrer
nal scores of 4-1 and 4-2, respectively, and Smith said the adjustment to By Sahar Shahamatdar
don’t tell the whole story. collegiate hockey is a challenge, Contributing Writer
Facing both Harvard and a Big both citing stronger and faster op-
Green squad locked in a fierce battle ponents than those they faced in Men’s swimming and diving
for the final ECAC Hockey playoff prep school. The men’s swimming and diving
slot, the Bears (2-18-4, 0-15-3 ECAC) “Usually, considering my size, team finished the regular season
rallied to tie the score in both games last year I was able to push girls after two tough losses last week
and remained close until the waning around a lot easier and move them to Yale and Cornell, 161-137 and
minutes of each game. with my body,” Farrer said. “This 166-134, respectively.
“I think people get caught up year, it’s definitely a battle whenever The team started off the Yale
in the wins and the losses, but I’m I get up in front of the net or stuff meet by winning the 200-yard
proud of the way my players con- like that, because these aren’t really medley relay by just 0.01 seconds.
tinue to battle through really tough little girls. Yale swimmers took first in the
circumstances,” Head Coach Digit “Especially being four years next three events and picked up
Murphy said. Jonathan Bateman / Herald file photo younger than a lot of them, they momentum that lasted through-
Alena Polenska ’13 is one of many first-years who have been bright spots
First-years shined for Brown on the women’s hockey team, which remains winless in the ECAC. just have a lot of experience, but out the meet.
in both games. Victoria Smith ’13 it’s good because that makes me There were many close races
scored the first goal of her career on shot quickly to elude a defender. Faltering late have to play better and quicker and in both dual meets, but Brown ul-
Friday against Harvard, and the fol- With Farrer screening the goalie, Both games went south. Harvard move faster.” timately came up short of enough
lowing day, Erica Farrer ’13 scored the puck slid into the net. answered Smith’s goal 1:48 later to Smith said it takes a positive at- gold medals to win either.
twice. First-years keyed the offense, “When I saw the puck go into take a 2-1 lead into intermission. titude to thrive as a freshman. The Bears will return to the
taking nearly half of the team’s shots the net, it didn’t even hit me that Brown lost Sasha Van Muyen ’10, “Understanding that you’re com- pool on March 4 to compete for a
in each game. And Katie Jamieson I had scored until I looked at my who had assisted on the goal, to ing in here one of the youngest play- title at the Ivy Championships.
’13, who made 39 saves against the teammates, and they were all cel- a concussion late in the middle ers, you need to impress the coaches
Crimson and stopped 32 Big Green ebrating,” Smith said. “It was a great frame, and both she and blueliner and impress your teammates,” she Women’s swimming and diving
shots, “did a really good job keeping feeling, especially to score against Samantha Stortini ’11 would sit out said. “You have to show that you’re The women’s swimming and
the score pretty close,” Smith said. Harvard.” the Dartmouth game. The Crimson willing to work really hard and do diving team ended the regular
“I’m really proud of the growth Saturday’s game in Hanover, scored on a quick transition early in anything to play.” season 2-8 after losing to Yale,
and development of the freshman N.H., began with a Brown goal less the third and tacked on a power-play Murphy said it takes an entire 191-107, and Cornell, 160-135,
class,” Murphy said. than four minutes in, when Farrer goal with 32 seconds left. team to develop a key group of fresh- this past week.
capitalized on the rebound off a “It was a lot closer than a 4-1 men. In the last home meet of the
Starting strong shot by Jenna Dancewicz ’11. After game,” Murphy said. “Jamieson’s been a stalwart all season, the Bears battled Yale
Smith said the Bears came into Dartmouth answered with two goals, On Saturday, Dartmouth an- year, and (Alena) Polenska (’13) and in a tough dual meet. The Bears
the weekend ready to give their op- Farrer tied the score 5:51 into the swered Farrer’s second goal within (Laurie) Jolin (’13) on the power play had many second-place finishes
ponents a fight. third period. 14 seconds, and tacked on the final … we’ve really seen them play key but only one gold medal in the
“We knew they were going to be “Nicole Brown (’10) did all the goal with under four minutes left. roles in our wins, but it’s not just 400-yard freestyle relay.
hard games, but we knew that if we work, rushed at the other team and “It was 2-2, we silenced the crowd, them,” Murphy said. The team then traveled to
worked hard, they weren’t going tapped it across, (leading) the de- and then … we let them back in and “People like Stortini and (Erica) Ithaca, N.Y., to race against Cor-
to expect a team that was going to fender and giving it right to me to be they scored,” Murphy said. “That Kromm (’11) and Erin Connors (’10), nell on Feb. 6. Kristen Jackson
come out and give them a run for able to shoot it in,” Farrer said. was very frustrating.” those players are actually kind of ’13 and Kristen Caldarella ’12 led
their money,” she said. The Bears appeared to have the This weekend the Bears will play dragging people up, so it’s kind of Brown to five victories, but they
Bruno came out sharp on Friday momentum. at Meehan Auditorium for the final the growth and maturity of the whole were not enough, as the Bears
in Cambridge, Mass., taking just a “Everyone was really positive,” time this season, hosting Cornell team together that helps the fresh- fell to Cornell.
single penalty before the third pe- Farrer said. “We thought we had a (11-8-6, 10-2-6) on Friday at 7 p.m. men get better,” she continued. “The Brown will have a three-week
riod. Facing a 1-0 deficit with un- good chance of winning it and just and Colgate (9-17-4, 5-9-4) on Satur- team is connected in a different way. break before heading to Princ-
der four minutes left in the second, got unlucky at the end.” day at 4 p.m. Farrer said the Bears I think that bodes well for the future eton for the Ivy Championships
Smith got the puck at the point and hope to sneak up on an opponent of Brown women’s hockey.” on Feb. 25.

Before banking, he played the field SKIING

Team finishes strong, looks

continued from page 1 Journal. “Athletically, he wasn’t an im- And it was with his team that he

whom I keep up with today.”

posing guy, but he was very smart and
he was deceptively fast,” Fluck said.
won the Ivy League championship his
junior year, in the midst of a string of
forward to championships
And his love of the game, the play- What made him excel was his un- dominant Brown rugby teams.
ers and the organization has remained derstanding of the game, his ability to After having recently seen the film By Ashley McDonnell cus on skiing fast and finishing”
strong, playing a crucial role in the teach himself and to set an example for “Invictus,” Moynihan recalled one of Contributing Writer the race, Consigilio said. “I think
continuing success of this storied others, according to Fluck. Now at the the greater opportunities that being in terms of going on to nationals,
club. When Brown approached the head of arguably the most successful on the team afforded him. The ski team finished the regu- we just need to finish.”
team about building a new rugby field bank in the country, Moynihan’s days “We hosted a team of black South lar season last weekend with an- The championships will be
to give the team its first true home, as a leader on and off the field have Africans. It was the first team that ever other first-place finish in giant held the weekend of Feb. 20 at
Moynihan stepped up. He, along with translated into what he does now. left the country,” Moynihan said. “It slalom and a fifth-place finish in Waterville Valley Resort in New
other friends and alumni, raised just “The lessons of leadership do trans- was quite fun.” All this, almost 15 years slalom. Hampshire, where the Bears
under $1 million to build the Brown fer — how to motivate people, how to before Nelson Mandela’s release from In giant slalom, captain Krista came in ninth in giant slalom on
Rugby Field in 2004, according to try to get people to do more than a prison and the end of apartheid. Consiglio ’11 came in second over- Jan. 24.
Fluck. team can do apart,” Moynihan said. But probably more remarkable all, followed closely by Emily Sim- Coach Michael LeBlanc said
Moynihan said many students find “He probably understood the game than any of his athletic or academic mons ’12 in sixth place and Kia the team’s previous performance
college sports rewarding. “I think the as well or better than most,” Fluck accolades, is that he was just a normal Mosenthal ’12 in eighth. at Water ville Valley “had noth-
ability to provide avenues for people said. “He was one of the leaders of Brown guy. Despite the team’s dominance ing to do with the hill.” Consiglio
to spread themselves is tremendous, the club, he had the respect of all his “He was a real guys’ guy,” said in giant slalom, it struggled in sla- added that the giant slalom at
and rugby is one way they can do that. teammates.” Fluck. “Very bright, extremely ener- lom — one skier crashed and none Waterville Valley had been short-
It’s a great sport. It’s a great chance for “You can only win in rugby if you getic, extremely ambitious in all as- of the Bears managed to make it ened that weekend due to “snow
people to travel and stay involved,” play as a team,” Moynihan said. “I pects of his life. He was always busy into the top 15 in that event. issues.”
During his playing days, Moynihan mean, every person has to carry the and always active. You saw that in his In preparation for the upcom- Regardless of the Bears’ past
— who played fly half and inside center ball, every person has to tackle, every rugby.” ing ECSC Championships, “we issues at Waterville Valley, LeB-
— was under six feet and about 175 person has to pass the ball, so you have — With additional reporting by just really want to do slalom train- lanc is “positive they’ll get it done
pounds, according to the Wall Street to work as a team.” Dan Alexander ing in the next two weeks and fo- at regionals.”
Editorial & Letters
The Brown Daily Herald

Page 6 | Wednesday, February 10, 2010

l e t t e r to t h e e d i to r

Banner needs to fit values of

New Curriculum
To the Editor: protecting at great expense. At other
colleges, the curriculum seems like
I’m writing to thank Pacifica House an afterthought; at Brown, it is the
for their thoughtful analysis of the ef- centerpiece. Brown is also unique in
fect that Banner course registration that our curriculum is the product
has had on Brown students’ enjoy- — and as a result, the dominion —
ment of their curriculum. I was lucky of the student body. No action that
enough to find myself on campus might affect the curriculum should
this weekend, and I got a chance be taken without consulting students
to look at the special report that and alumni, and considerable defer-
they tucked into copies of Friday’s ence should be given to their views.
Herald. I hope the discussion that Frankly, if an administrator “can’t
they’ve started will develop into a understand what all of the fuss is
productive dialogue among students, about,” it is most likely a reflection
faculty, and administrators. of his or her own incomplete under-
The concerns raised by Pacifica standing of the curriculum.
House are not new. Rather, these Luckily, we have in President Sim-
very same concerns were the subject mons a head administrator who is
of a UCS resolution (full disclosure: (from what I can tell) an unabashed A le x Y uly
I was a co-author of the resolution) believer in the New Curriculum —
and discussions between students but her job is to run a major research
and administrators at the time of university, not to tend to the nitty-
e d i to r i a l
Banner’s implementation. At the gritty administration of the college.
time, the Provost’s office suggest-
ed that Banner’s implementation
I hope that in the future, we’ll make
sure that more of the other admin-
Building BIAP
wouldn’t have any substantial cur- istrators “get it,” either by virtue In last Monday’s report on the growing popularity of that the BIAP program is too important to scale down.
ricular consequences, and the Office of having attended as undergradu- unpaid internships, The Herald cited an increasingly For this reason, we are appealing to alums, parents
of the Dean of the College suggested ates or by demonstrating a genuine competitive job market and a depressed economy as and companies who might be looking for a way to
that the effects might actually be understanding of the curriculum two major causes. For students, an internship can give back to the University. Endowing a BIAP award
positive. It seems that neither view during the hiring process. provide an opportunity to explore a field or career, is a great way to connect with students, and help
has panned out. gain practical work experience, network with profes- students explore their interests and get a head start
The New Curriculum at Brown Matt Gelfand ’08 sionals and apply knowledge gained at Brown in a in their careers. Individuals, families and companies
is sacred and, in my opinion, worth Feb. 7 new context. But not everyone can afford to take currently endow general BIAP awards, as well as spe-
an unpaid internship and forgo the chance to make cific awards for internships related to the arts, labor
money during the summer. Internships also impose relations and politics. There are many opportunities
costs, especially if the intern must arrange his or her for expansion. We urge potential donors to contact the
own housing and transportation. Career Development Center, which is responsible for
This is where the Brown Internship Award Pro- overseeing the awards.
gram comes in. BIAP provides $2,500 in funding for In addition to easing financial burdens, we believe
students to take unpaid summer internships. Its sister that BIAP can increase the quality of an internship.
award, formerly known as the Aided Internship Award Financial support can legitimize the internship in the
Program and now named the Summer Earnings Waiv- eyes of the employer, and may even lead to students
t h e b r o w n d a i ly h e r a l d er, eliminates up to $2,800 of the summer contribution being given more responsibility. Further, having a
Senior Editors
Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Deputy Managing Editors for students on financial aid. The awards are funded by supervisor connect with Brown — even just at applica-
Chaz Kelsh Sophia Li Ellen Cushing
George Miller
Seth Motel private donations — gifts from parents, alums, faculty tion time and after the internship has finished — will
Emmy Liss
Joanna Wohlmuth and companies — and Brown’s endowment. push employers to think about the intern experience
Business The Herald noted that last year, the number of both generally and in the specific case of the Brown
General Managers Office Manager
Anne Speyer Arts & Culture Editor Claire Kiely Shawn Reilly
students applying for BIAP awards increased by 30 student currently employed.
Suzannah Weiss Arts & Culture Editor Katie Koh percent to 235. Given the economic climate and the In an ideal world, companies and organizations
Brian Mastroianni Features Editor
Hannah Moser Features Editor Directors growing popularity of unpaid internships, we imagine would be able to pay student interns for the work they
Kelly Wess Sales
Brigitta Greene Metro Editor
Matthew Burrows Finance this number will only rise. However, despite elevated do. But since that is not the case, we appreciate that
Ben Schreckinger Metro Editor
Margaret Watson Client Relations demand for both internships and financial assistance, the Career Development Career can pick up some of
Sydney Ember News Editor
Christiana Stephenson Alumni Relations
Nicole Friedman News Editor the supply of awards will decrease this year. Citing the slack. Ultimately, the main problem facing BIAP
Dan Alexander Sports Editor Managers funding issues, the Career Development Center has now is that demand is up and supply is down. If you’re
Andrew Braca Asst. Sports Editor Arjun Vaidya Local Sales
Han Cui Asst. Sports Editor estimated that they will only be able to fund about 40 reading this and looking for a way to give back to
Marco deLeon National Sales
Graphics & Photos Aditi Bhatia University Sales students this summer, compared to 50 last year. For- Brown, please consider the BIAP program.
Stephen Lichenstein Graphics Editor Jared Davis University Sales tunately, the number of available Summer Earnings
Alex Yuly Graphics Editor Trenten Nelson-Rivers Recruiter Sales
Nick Sinnott-Armstrong Photo Editor Alexander Carrere Special Projects Waivers will remain constant at 25. Editorials are written by The Herald’s editorial page
Max Monn Asst. Photo Editor Kathy Bui Staff We understand that times are tough, but we believe board. Send comments to editorials@browndailyherald.
Jonathan Bateman Sports Photo Editor
production Michael Fitzpatrick Opinions Editor
Kelly Mallahan
Jordan Mainzer
Copy Desk Chief
Asst. Copy Desk Chief
Alyssa Ratledge Opinions Editor correction
Marlee Bruning Design Editor Editorial Page Board
Anna Migliaccio Asst. Design Editor Matt Aks Editorial Page Editor
The editorial in Tuesday’s Herald (“Newsworthy,” Feb. 9) said a proposed $33,000 cut in spending would represent
Julien Ouellet Asst. Design Editor Debbie Lehmann Board member one-fourth of one percent of the total amount that the University Resources Committee plans to cut. In actuality,
Neal Poole Web Editor William Martin Board member this statistic applies to the total amount the Organizational Review Committee plans to cut.
Melissa Shube Board member
Post- magazine Gaurie Tilak Board member A photo accompanying an article in Tuesday’s Herald (“RIC prof’s story hits the big screen,” Feb. 9) was
Editor-in-Chief Jonathan Topaz Board member
Marshall Katheder misattributed. The photo was courtesy of Thomas Cobb.
Marlee Bruning, Katie Wilson, Designers
The Herald regrets the errors.
Jordan Mainzer, Kelly Mallahan, Carmen Shulman, Copy Editors
Alex Bell, Sydney Ember, Sarah Mancone, Night Editors
C O R R E C T I O N S P olicy
Senior Staff Writers Ana Alvarez, Alexander Bell, Alicia Chen, Max Godnick, Talia Kagan,
Sarah Mancone, Heeyoung Min, Kate Monks, Claire Peracchio, Jenna Steckel, Goda The Brown Daily Herald is committed to providing the Brown University community with the most accurate information possible. Correc-
Thangada, Caitlin Trujillo tions may be submitted up to seven calendar days after publication.
Staff Writers Shara Azad, Nicole Boucher, Kristina Fazzalaro, Anish Gonchigar, Sarah C ommentary P O L I C Y
Julian, Matthew Klebanoff, Anita Mathews, Kevin Pratt, Luisa Robledo, Emily Rosen, Anne The editorial is the majority opinion of the editorial page board of The Brown Daily Herald. The editorial viewpoint does not necessarily
Simons, Sara Sunshine, Dana Teppert, Connie Zheng reflect the views of The Brown Daily Herald, Inc. Columns, letters and comics reflect the opinions of their authors only.
Senior Sales Staff Katie Galvin, Liana Nisimova, Isha Gulati, Alex Neff, Michael Ejike, L etters to the E ditor P olicy
Samantha Wong
Send letters to [email protected]. Include a telephone number with all letters. The Herald reserves the right to edit all letters for
Design Staff Caleigh Forbes, Jessica Kirschner, Gili Kliger, Leor Shtull-Leber, Katie Wilson
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Photo Staff Qidong Chen, Janine Cheng, Alex DePaoli, Frederic Lu, Quinn Savit request anonymity, but no letter will be printed if the author’s identity is unknown to the editors. Announcements of events will not be printed.
Copy Editors Nicole Boucher, Sarah Forman, Claire Gianotti, Christine Joyce, Sara advertising P olicy
Luxenberg, Alexandra Macfarlane, Joe Milner, Lindor Qunaj, Carmen Shulman The Brown Daily Herald, Inc. reserves the right to accept or decline any advertisement at its discretion.
The Brown Daily Herald

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 | Page 7

Let us eat cake… please?

options on campus are the Ivy Room and Jo’s. feeling fairly stranded by the administra- pay those workers to staff the V-Dub.
Friday nights? We’re left with just Jo’s, a nice, tion. In this time of crisis, it seems that the Chefs are unnecessary, as the Ratty makes
Mike Johnson scenic 15-minute walk through the frozen needs of the Main Campus population are more than enough food that sits in warming
tundra that is this current winter. held more dear than those of the estranged ovens until it is served. Pop a few of those
Opinions Columnist
Friday’s Morning Mail included a brief Pembrokers. trays into one of those snazzy Brown Dining
statement regarding the Gate’s closing and My fellow members of the New Pembroke Ser vices vans constantly cruising around
attempted to reassure us by claiming, “All Fourth Estate have compiled a list of “Rights campus and bring them up to sit in the V-Dub
In the aftermath of the horrifically burst other dining facilities remain open and ready of Brunonians,” and right at the top of the warming ovens.
steam pipe under the Gate, the University to serve you.” While ostensibly true, in real- list is opening the V-Dub on weekends until Students will be so happy that the V-Dub is
has decided to close the eatery indefinitely ity, this statement is false. All dining facilities this calamity passes us by. If this demand open that they won’t complain about the lack
until the pipe can be repaired. While fairly are not open to us: the V-Dub is still closed isn’t met, I’ve heard rumors of methodically of variety. (Those that would complain are
understandable from a safety point of view on weekends. forcing every Main Campus resident to stand probably the sort to walk all the way to Jo’s
(who really wants their paninis with a side in the first place.) Far from being a wasted
of scalding hot steam?), the decision leaves gesture, the V-Dub would be swarmed by
Pembroke campus with a definite lack of hungry students who don’t have the time to
dining options. break their studies to walk to Main Campus
As all Brunonians know, and as many for a sandwich.
freshmen figure out the hard way, the V-Dub There must be a way to temporarily open the So in an effort to prevent needless preg-
is closed on weekends. On weekdays, the nancy and dropouts at the hands of the Pem-
Gate provided those on Pembroke campus a
V-Dub on weekends. broke seal, I make a humble plea for the
convenient alternative to the usually crowded temporary opening of the V-Dub until the
lunch environment of the V-Dub. On week- steam pipes can be repaired underneath the
ends, the Gate was the only thing on this Gate. It won’t be a permanent addition to
side of campus and usually had a constant the dining calendar, unless, of course, BDS
flow of students. True, this is an issue that students have firmly on the Pembroke Seal, until the V-Dub decides it wants to be extra generous (hint,
But as of Friday, this is no longer the case. seemingly griped about for ages. But in an unbars its doors and releases the convenience hint). Think of it as a trial run, to see what the
On weekends, all those who are hungry will interesting turn of events, Brown Dining held prisoner inside. demand would be like. It’s a commonsense
be forced to walk to the Ratty for meals, an op- Services and the Undergraduate Council of There must be a way to temporarily open solution to a devastating problem that would
tion that many find leaves a bad taste in their Students actually came to an agreement over the V-Dub on weekends. There are many ser ve the dual purpose of being the right
mouths. Now, while it is obviously physically something, providing a terrible precedent. students who are out of work at the Gate thing to do and making students happy. Who
possible for students on Pembroke campus While the extension of V-Dub breakfast was a while it’s closed. I’m sure they’ll be happy can say no to that?
to get themselves to the Ratty, it’s gosh darn long time coming, once they finally let a “yes” to work at the V-Dub until the Gate reopens.
inconvenient. out into the world, all crotchety columnists Even if part of the union contract stipulates
This lack of choice is even worse for those will be free to make outlandish demands for that non-student workers have priority at the Mike Johnson ’11 can be reached
of us who may want dinner later than 7:30 convenient dining options. V-Dub, then with the money saved on student
at [email protected].
p.m. on weekdays, in which case the only In the aftermath of the Gate disaster, I’m salaries from the now-closed Gate, BDS can

A skeptic’s response to Oscar the cat

New England Journal of Medicine,” so it I suspect that an actual study would find Dosa has yet to publish a study showing
must be true. that Oscar cannot predict deaths, as this the amount of time that Oscar spends with
David Sheffield It turns out that the “article” is actually an looks like a typical case of confirmation bias. near-death patients as compared to other
essay, a narrative of a day when Oscar spent Confirmation bias is caused by the tendency patients.
Opinions Columnist time by a dying patient. The important differ- to remember evidence that confirms one’s Dosa’s essay claims that Oscar visits nu-
ence is that an essay presents no evidence to hypothesis while forgetting evidence that merous patients throughout the day. It is
support its claim. The physicians and staff disconfirms it. therefore unsurprising that Oscar would
Human interest stories are an easy way for of the nursing home believe that their cat One of the classic examples of how visit a dying patient at some point before
newspapers to fill space. They appeal to read- possesses the ability to sense when a patient confirmation bias works is the myth that death. The staff remembers those visits
ers without having journalists spend much is near death, but that does not mean that it emergency rooms get more visits during while they forget the visits to patients who
time with pesky fact checking. Especially as is so. All we are given is an anecdote. full moons. This results from emergency continue to live. Supposedly, the difference
newspapers and other organizations lay off Many of the 2007 articles contain com- room staff experiencing a busy night and between those uneventful visits and the ones
science journalists, it is increasingly clear mentary on why a cat would be inclined to then discovering that the moon is full. Be- where Oscar predicts the patient’s death is
that entertaining consumers, rather than get- the length of time that Oscar spends with
ting the facts right, is what is important. the patient. However, Dosa gives no definite
A good example is the case of Oscar the length of time at which Oscar’s visit turns
cat. In 2007, David Dosa, an assistant profes- from friendly to grim. Nor is there a fixed
sor at the Alpert Medical School, wrote an es- Before even bothering to speculate on the cause amount of time between when Oscar stays
say in the New England Journal of Medicine with the soon-to-be-dead patient and when
describing a day in the life of Oscar. He and of Oscar’s ability, we should first know whether the actual death occurs. This means that it
the staff of Steere House, a Providence nurs- the effect is real. is easy for staffers to retroactively fit Oscar’s
ing home where the cat lives, believe that behavior with what they expect to happen —
Oscar has the ability to predict the deaths of perfect fodder for confirmation bias.
patients. News agencies worldwide picked There is some good speculation on how
up this stor y in 2007 without considering Oscar could be predicting deaths, but without
whether there was scientific validity to it. a systematic study to demonstrate Oscar’s
The articles might have contained some stay near a person just before his or her cause this is an interesting coincidence, ability, the frailty of human memory provides
token skepticism in an attempt to show bal- time of death. This, however, is premature. they tend to remember it more than other a much better explanation for what is hap-
ance — the false proxy of objectivity. They Before even bothering to speculate on the nights throughout the month that were just pening in Steere House. Until such a study
did not. cause of Oscar’s ability, we should first know as busy. When staffers think back to when is done, it is irresponsible for articles to
The Herald now has its own article on whether the effect is real or whether the they were the busiest, they are more likely propagate unfounded stories like those of
Oscar, which repeats the unfounded claim staff of Steere House is mistaken. Anecdotes to say that it was around the time of the Oscar the cat — even if only to entertain.
as credulously as anything from 2007. The might be useful for indicating new areas of full moon. But when systematic studies are
piece, “Prof’s book tells the story of a cat’s research, but they are worthless for actually done, relying on records rather than fallible
eerie sixth sense” (Feb. 2), tells the stor y determining whether an effect exists. In this human memory, there is no correlation with David Sheffield ’11 is a math-
of Oscar and of Dosa’s newly released book. case, the staff’s observations and Dosa’s es- the moon’s phase.
physics concentrator from New
Dosa’s claims of Oscar’s abilities are taken say are cause for looking into this further, The same effect has likely caused the staff
as fact and uncritically examined. After all, but they cannot be used to support the claim of Steere House to believe that Oscar has
Jersey. He can be reached at
“Dosa published an article about him in the that Oscar has any unusual abilities. abilities that he does not actually possess. [email protected].
Today 3
to day to m o r r o w
Brown students join TFA en masse
The Brown Daily Herald

Swim teams face tough losses

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
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e d i to r ’ s n ot e
The Feb. 5 Herald included a four-page addition that was inserted by
an individual familiar with The Herald’s production process without
The Herald wants YOU!
the knowledge of the Herald staff. Its content was neither reviewed nor
approved by an editor. The Herald has revised its publication process to
ensure that a similar event cannot occur. We regret any confusion that
Info session TONIGHT!
may have been caused.
8 p.m., 195 Angell St. between Brook and Thayer

reporters, designers, sales, finance, copy editors,

photographers, bloggers, post-, artists

questions? e-mail [email protected]

c a l e n da r comics
Today, February 10 tomorrow, february 11
Cabernet Voltaire | Abe Pressman
5:00 P.M. — Timothy Patrick Moran: 4:00 P.M. — NSGP Seminar: Dr.
Unveiling Inequality —A World-Histori- Jeffrey Macklis, Harvard University,
cal Perspective, McKinney Conference Sidney Frank Hall 220
7:00 P.m. — 1st Annual Environmen-
6:00 P.M. — Hoops for Haiti, Pizzitola tal Activities Fair, Salomon Lower
Center Lobby

Sharpe Refectory Verney-Woolley Dining Hall Dot Comic | Ethan Mitra and Brendan Hainline

Lunch — Vegetable Enchiladas, Beef Lunch — Hot Ham on a Bulkie

Tips with Curry, Polynesian Ratatouille, Roll, Pizza Rustica, Italian Marinated
Raspberry Sticks Chicken, Raspberry Sticks

Dinner — Chicken Tikki, Vegan Chana Dinner — Italian Meatloaf, Stuffed

Masala, Fresh Vegetable Melange, Af- Spinach Squash, Jamaican Pork and
rican Honey Bread Apricot Saute, Apple Oatmeal Crisp

Excelsior | Kevin Grubb

Fruitopia | Andy Kim

Hippomaniac | Mat Becker

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