Tectonics, Structures, Petroleum Systems Indonesia Cases STTNAS (Awang Satyana, 2014)

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Jurusan Teknik Geologi

Guest Lecture, 21 June 2014

Tectonics, Structures, Petroleum Systems:

Cases from Indonesia

Awang H. Satyana
(Executive Advisor, SKK Migas)

Awang Harun Satyana

Education: Geology, University of Padjadjaran (S1, 1989)

History of Affiliations & Positions:

Status : 15 June 2014

1990-2000: Exploration Geologist Pertamina for Kalimantan, Sulawesi,

Papua areas
2000-2002: Sr. Review Geologist, Pertamina Management Production Sharing

2002-2012: BPMIGAS, sequentially as: Manager Geology for South Sumatra & Java; Manager
Geology for Kalimantan & Eastern Indonesia; Sr. Manager Geology, Sr. Manager Exploration
Assessment & Resources Management, Sr. Manager Unconventional Hydrocarbons, Sr. Specialist
Nov. 2012- Feb. 2014: VP Management Representative SKK Migas for Pertamina EP ,
Chief Specialist SKK Migas
Since 24 Feb. 2014: Executive Advisor for Planning Control, SKK Migas

Professional Organization: IAGI, IPA, HAGI, AAPG

Publications: 343 publications (90 papers for conferences, 45 articles for journals/others, 24 book
chapters, fieldtrips books/notes, 100 invited presentations and/keynotes, 45 guest lectures, 39 course

Instructor for professional courses on: (1) petroleum geology of Indonesia, (2) petroleum geochemistry, (3)
petroleum system analysis, (4) tectonics and structure , (5) interpreting biomarkers

Field trip instructors for several areas in Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi

Associate Editor of AAPG Bulletin from 2006-2007

Awards: 2001 (Pertamina), 2002 (IAGI), 2003 (IPA), 2006 (IAGI), 2007 (IAGI), 2008 (HAGI), 2009 (BPMIGAS),
2010 (Pertamina), 2011 (IAGI)

Contact: ph. +62 812 1056 320, [email protected], [email protected]

Awang Satyana

Some Basic Terms

Tectonics/geotectonics: a branch of
geology dealing with the broad
architecture of the outer part of the
Earth, that is, the regional assembling
of structural or deformation features,
a study of their mutual relations,
origin, and historical evolution.
Bates & Jackson (1987)

Some Basic Terms

Structures: the general arrangement

or relative positions of the rock
masses of a region or area,
consequent upon such deformational
processes as faulting, folding, and
igneous intrusion.
Bates & Jackson (1987)

Some Basic Terms

Petroleum System: a natural system that

encompasses a pod of active source rock and all
related oil and gas and which includes all the geologic
elements and processes that are essential if a
hydrocarbon accumulation is to exist . The essential
elements include: a petroleum source rock, reservoir
rock, seal rock, and overburden rock. The processes
are trap formation, the generation-migrationaccumulation of petroleum, and preservation of
(Magoon and Dow, 1994)


Regional Tectonics of Indonesia

Introducing Petroleum System
Tectonics and Indonesian Basin Formation
Petroleum from Rifted and Inverted Sundaland Basins
Petroleum from Areas with Gravity Tectonics
Petroleum from Collisional Terranes
Petroleum from Australian Passive Margins


Regional Tectonics of Indonesia

Introducing Petroleum System
Tectonics and Indonesian Basin Formation
Petroleum from Rifted and Inverted Sundaland Basins
Petroleum from Areas with Gravity Tectonics
Petroleum from Collisional Terranes
Petroleum from Australian Passive Margins

Physiography of Indonesia: Tectonic Responses

Physiographic relief of Indonesia: Tectonic Response

Indonesia: A Geological Beauty and Tectonic Complexity

van Bemmelen (1949): The East Indian (Indonesia) Archipelago is the
most intricate part of the earths surfaceThe East Indies are an
important touchstone for conceptions on the fundamental problems of
geological evolution of our planet

Hamilton (1979): Indonesia represents an ideal level of complexity for

analysis within the framework of available concepts of plate tectonics.

Hutchison (1989): a complex and fascinating region

Hall and Blundell (1996): SE Asia is probably the finest natural geological
laboratory in the world...

Sukamto (2000): Indonesian regionhas proved to be very attractive to

the earth scientistsMany earth scientists have attempted to explain the
various unique geological phenomena by theories, hypotheses and

The major tectonic plates

Hamblin & Christiansen (2009)

Hall (2012)

Present Tectonic Setting of Indonesia

Plate tectonic
sections across
Western Indonesia

Katili (1981)

Indonesia: Collision of Terranes

Ingram et al. (2004)


Regional Tectonics of Indonesia

Introducing Petroleum System
Tectonics and Indonesian Basin Formation
Petroleum from Rifted and Inverted Sundaland Basins
Petroleum from Areas with Gliding Tectonics
Petroleum from Collisional Terranes
Petroleum from Australian Passive Margins

Magoon and Dow (1994)

Magoon and Dow (1994)


Regional Tectonics of Indonesia

Introducing Petroleum System
Tectonics and Indonesian Basin Formation
Petroleum from Rifted and Inverted Sundaland Basins
Petroleum from Areas with Gliding Tectonics
Petroleum from Collisional Terranes
Petroleum from Australian Passive Margins

Basin classification

Basins are
according to
either their
position within a
plate, or
according to
their structural
/tectonic origin.

passive margin

active margin

tectonic origin
Morley (2006)

Basins on an active margin

Morley (2006)

mod. from Pertamina and Beicip (1982, 1985)


Regional Tectonics of Indonesia

Introducing Petroleum System
Tectonics and Indonesian Basin Formation
Petroleum from Rifted and Inverted Sundaland Basins
Petroleum from Areas with Gravity Tectonics
Petroleum from Collisional Terranes
Petroleum from Australian Passive Margins

Hall (2007)

Stratigraphy of Sundaland Basins

Middle to late Eocene timing for initial basin rifting and associated fluviolacustrine fill, including the main source rocks.

Transgression from the middle Oligocene through to the middle Miocene with
fluvial reservoirs being succeeded by the main deltaic and carbonate reservoirs in
the late Oligocene to early Miocene, and regional seals being deposited in the
middle Miocene at maximum transgression.

Late Miocene through Pliocene compressional structuring events and increased

heat flow associated with the collision of the Australian craton and collision of the
Luzon arc with the Asian plate.

Although there are gross geological similarities between the Western Indonesia
basins, there are also significant geological differences. These are primarily
controlled by basin position on the Sundaland promontory in relation to presentday and Cenozoic subduction of the Indo-Pacific plate northwards beneath

Stratigraphy between
western and eastern
margins of Sundaland

Sudarmono et al. (1997)

structure and oil
field distribution
for the Central
Sumatra Basin

Praptono et al. (1991)

Netherwood (2000)


Regional Tectonics of Indonesia

Introducing Petroleum System
Tectonics and Indonesian Basin Formation
Petroleum from Rifted and Inverted Sundaland Basins
Petroleum from Areas with Gravity Tectonics
Petroleum from Collisional Terranes
Petroleum from Australian Passive Margins

Gravity Tectonics
Gravity/ vertical tectonics hypotheses attribute folding and thrusting to gravity
sliding from the tops and flanks of vertically rising fault blocks, structural arches,
mantle diapirs, and like phenomena (Meyerhoff and Hull, 1996). Consequently, the
term gravity tectonics commonly is used in place of vertical tectonics (de Jong and
Scholten, 1973)

Gliding tectonics is also variant to gravity tectonics. Gliding tectonics is

mechanism whereby large masses of rocks move down a slope under gravitational
force, producing folding and faulting of varying extent and complexity (Allaby and
Allaby, 1999)

Deformation by Gravity Sliding-Gliding Tectonics

mod. after Pew (1983)

Parallel Belts of Samarinda

Anticlinorium, Kutei Basin

van de Weerd and Armin (1992)

Ott (1987)

Gravity Sliding/ Tectonics continued into North Makassar Basin,

Makassar Strait in the formation of toe thrusts

mod. after Guritno et al. (2003)


Tarakan Basin

Total Indonesie

Kutei Makassar Basins

Section across Tarakan and Kutei Basins


Regional Tectonics of Indonesia

Introducing Petroleum System
Tectonics and Indonesian Basin Formation
Petroleum from Rifted and Inverted Sundaland Basins
Petroleum from Areas with Gravity Tectonics
Petroleum from Collisional Terranes
Petroleum from Australian Passive Margins

Collision occurs across
a converging plate
margin when two
masses that are too
light to sink meet at a
subduction zone. The
boundary between the
two masses is called a
suture zone.

Press and Siever (1998)

Location of Neogene Collision Zones in Indonesia

Collision in Eastern Sulawesi

Drifting and collision

history of BanggaiSula micro-continent

Pertamina BPPKA (1996)

Cross section across Banggai collision

Collisional Foldbelt of Papua- PNG


Collision in Papua

Hall (2007)

Fields at the Central Ranges of Papua and PNG

Schroder et al. (2000)


Regional Tectonics of Indonesia

Introducing Petroleum System
Tectonics and Indonesian Basin Formation
Petroleum from Rifted and Inverted Sundaland Basins
Petroleum from Areas with Gravity Tectonics
Petroleum from Collisional Terranes
Petroleum from Australian Passive Margins

Northwest - North Shelf of Australia

tectonic history

Arafura Sea

Keep et al. (2006)

Sedimentary basins in Southern Banda Arc

Arafura Shelf NW Australian Shelf
Pertamina and Corelab (1998)

Stratigraphy of NW
Shelf of Australia

Pertamina BPPKA (1996)

Edwards et al. (2006)

Hydrocarbon occurrences of northwest shelf of Australia

Seismic section crossing NW Shelf of Australia to Banda Arc

Barber et al. (2003)

Tectonics controlled basin formation and its petroleum
system, including structure that may hold an accumulation
of oil or gas. There are four groups of tectonics resulting in
proven petroleum systems in Indonesian basins:

petroleum from rifted and inverted Sundaland basins,


petroleum from areas with gravity tectonics,


petroleum from collision of terranes, and


petroleum from Australian passive margins

Thank you for your attention.

[email protected],
[email protected]
Awang Satyana

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