Tectonics, Structures, Petroleum Systems Indonesia Cases STTNAS (Awang Satyana, 2014)
Tectonics, Structures, Petroleum Systems Indonesia Cases STTNAS (Awang Satyana, 2014)
Tectonics, Structures, Petroleum Systems Indonesia Cases STTNAS (Awang Satyana, 2014)
Awang H. Satyana
(Executive Advisor, SKK Migas)
2002-2012: BPMIGAS, sequentially as: Manager Geology for South Sumatra & Java; Manager
Geology for Kalimantan & Eastern Indonesia; Sr. Manager Geology, Sr. Manager Exploration
Assessment & Resources Management, Sr. Manager Unconventional Hydrocarbons, Sr. Specialist
Nov. 2012- Feb. 2014: VP Management Representative SKK Migas for Pertamina EP ,
Chief Specialist SKK Migas
Since 24 Feb. 2014: Executive Advisor for Planning Control, SKK Migas
Publications: 343 publications (90 papers for conferences, 45 articles for journals/others, 24 book
chapters, fieldtrips books/notes, 100 invited presentations and/keynotes, 45 guest lectures, 39 course
Instructor for professional courses on: (1) petroleum geology of Indonesia, (2) petroleum geochemistry, (3)
petroleum system analysis, (4) tectonics and structure , (5) interpreting biomarkers
Awards: 2001 (Pertamina), 2002 (IAGI), 2003 (IPA), 2006 (IAGI), 2007 (IAGI), 2008 (HAGI), 2009 (BPMIGAS),
2010 (Pertamina), 2011 (IAGI)
Awang Satyana
Tectonics/geotectonics: a branch of
geology dealing with the broad
architecture of the outer part of the
Earth, that is, the regional assembling
of structural or deformation features,
a study of their mutual relations,
origin, and historical evolution.
Bates & Jackson (1987)
Hall (2012)
Plate tectonic
sections across
Western Indonesia
Katili (1981)
Basin classification
Basins are
according to
either their
position within a
plate, or
according to
their structural
/tectonic origin.
passive margin
active margin
tectonic origin
Morley (2006)
Morley (2006)
Hall (2007)
Middle to late Eocene timing for initial basin rifting and associated fluviolacustrine fill, including the main source rocks.
Transgression from the middle Oligocene through to the middle Miocene with
fluvial reservoirs being succeeded by the main deltaic and carbonate reservoirs in
the late Oligocene to early Miocene, and regional seals being deposited in the
middle Miocene at maximum transgression.
Although there are gross geological similarities between the Western Indonesia
basins, there are also significant geological differences. These are primarily
controlled by basin position on the Sundaland promontory in relation to presentday and Cenozoic subduction of the Indo-Pacific plate northwards beneath
Stratigraphy between
western and eastern
margins of Sundaland
structure and oil
field distribution
for the Central
Sumatra Basin
Netherwood (2000)
Gravity Tectonics
Gravity/ vertical tectonics hypotheses attribute folding and thrusting to gravity
sliding from the tops and flanks of vertically rising fault blocks, structural arches,
mantle diapirs, and like phenomena (Meyerhoff and Hull, 1996). Consequently, the
term gravity tectonics commonly is used in place of vertical tectonics (de Jong and
Scholten, 1973)
Ott (1987)
Tarakan Basin
Total Indonesie
Collision occurs across
a converging plate
margin when two
masses that are too
light to sink meet at a
subduction zone. The
boundary between the
two masses is called a
suture zone.
Collision in Papua
Hall (2007)
Arafura Sea
Stratigraphy of NW
Shelf of Australia
Tectonics controlled basin formation and its petroleum
system, including structure that may hold an accumulation
of oil or gas. There are four groups of tectonics resulting in
proven petroleum systems in Indonesian basins:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Awang Satyana