Corrosion Science: Gang Kong, Lingyan Liu, Jintang Lu, Chunshan Che, Zheng Zhong
Corrosion Science: Gang Kong, Lingyan Liu, Jintang Lu, Chunshan Che, Zheng Zhong
Corrosion Science: Gang Kong, Lingyan Liu, Jintang Lu, Chunshan Che, Zheng Zhong
Corrosion Science
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Article history:
Received 5 November 2009
Accepted 20 January 2011
Available online 31 January 2011
A. Rare earth elements
B. Polarization
B. Erosion
C. Passive lms
a b s t r a c t
Rare earth conversion coating is one of the most promising substitutes to the toxic chromate coating. The
corrosion resistance of lanthanum conversion coating modied with citric acid on hot dip galvanized
(HDG) steel was investigated in aerated 1 M NaCl solution by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polarization measurements. Equivalent circuits were subsequently
developed from the measurements to elucidate the corrosion behavior of the coating. The surface morphology of the lanthanum conversion coating was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM),
and the chemical composition of the coating was characterized by energy dispersive spectroscopy
(EDS). The results showed that the corrosion process of the modied lanthanum conversion coating consisted of three stages. The overall corrosion resistance of the coating was excellent.
2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Chromate passivation has been used extensively in surface
treatment of metals until recent decades when the toxicity of
Cr(VI) came under scrutiny in increasing number of countries. It
is now generally accepted that the chromate solution, although
an excellent corrosion inhibitor, will eventually be phased out from
manufacturing processes [1].
The research on the chromate replacements for zinc and zinc
coating started in the late 1980s [210]. Molybdate, silane, silicate,
rare earth (RE) and phosphate salts have been studied extensively
as alternative to toxic chromate for the corrosion protection of zinc
and zinc coating.
In the past decade, most research activities focused on single cerium conversion coating [1116] and Ce compound coatings obtained
using single or multiple step processes [1721]. Those works reported the use of cerium salts for corrosion inhibition on different
metals and alloys and proposed a cathodic mechanism to explain
the formation of the RE oxide lm. Recently, more attentions were
paid to the modication of RE conversion coating with organic and
inorganic inhibitors due to the simplicity and low cost of such modications. One of the successful inhibitors used for the modication
was citric acid, which is renewable and non-toxic. Tizpar and Ghasemi [22] reported that citric acid acted as a good corrosion inhibitor
for the lead alloy exposed to sulfuric acid. Tselesh [23] employed
potentiodynamic technique in his study on the anodic behavior of
tin in citrate buffer solution and revealed that the passive layer
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Kong).
0010-938X/$ - see front matter 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
formed on the anode surface effectively inhibited the further corrosion of tin. There were, however, few studies on the application of
citric acid on the corrosion protection of galvanized steels.
Extending a prior project on the subject [24], the present study
aims to characterize an environmentally acceptable La conversion
coating modied by citric acid on Hot dip galvanized (HDG) steel.
The corrosion behavior of the coating in aerated 1 M NaCl solution
was investigated by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and by the polarization measurements. Equivalent circuit was also developed to study the corrosion process of the
conversion coating.
2. Experimental
Cold-rolled mild carbon steel coupons in the size of 40 mm
30 mm 2 mm were successively degreased, pickled, uxed and
dried before they were dipped in a molten zinc bath at 450 C for
1 min. Coupons were withdrawn from the zinc bath at a controlled
slow speed and were then immediately quenched in water. The
galvanized steel coupons thus obtained were used as the substrate
of the samples. The thickness of the galvanized coating measured
by STH-1 thickness gauge was about 50 lm. Consistent with a
procedure developed in a prior study [12], the passivation solution
was prepared by mixing analytical reagent grade of 20 g/L
La(NO3)36H2O, 10 mL/L 30% (v/v) H2O2 and 10 g/L citric acid
(H3Cit) in aqueous solutions. The HDG samples were immersed
into the passivation solution for 30 min at 70 C and then dried
in air. A modied La-based conversion coating was thereby
obtained on the surface of the hot dip galvanized samples.
The electrochemical behavior of the HDG samples with or without La conversion coating in an aerated 1 M NaCl solution was
evaluated by potentiodynamic polarization and the results are
shown in Fig. 1. Compared to the untreated HDG sample, the presence of a La coating on the HDG sample led to signicant changes
in both anodic and cathodic responses. The tting results obtained
from potentiodynamic polarization curves in Fig. 1 were listed in
Table 1. As seen from Table 1, the corrosion potential Ecorr, as measured from Fig. 1, was 1.062 V(SCE) for the untreated HDG sample and 1.116 V(SCE) for the sample with a La conversion coating.
The decrease of Ecorr may be attributed to the effects of the La coating on the cathodic reaction. The corrosion currents icorr decreased
Fig. 1. Potentiodynamic polarization curves for the hot dip galvanized steel without
and with La coating.
Fig. 2. EIS spectra obtained on the samples without and with La coating after
20 min of immersion in 1 M NaCl solution.
Table 1
Electrochemical parameter obtained from potentiodynamic polarization curves in Fig. 1.
ba (V vs SCE)
bc (V vs SCE)
Ecorr (V vs SCE)
Rp (kX cm2)
La coating
ba, bc are Tafel slopes for the anodic and cathodic reactions, the accuracy of the Tafel slopes is 1 108. icorr = (ba bc)/[2.3(ba + bc)Rp].
Fig. 3. SEM micrograph of the La coating, (a) low magnication, (b) high magnication.
Fig. 4. EIS results obtained for HDG sample with La coating immersed in 1 M NaCl solution during 20 min144 h, (a and b) Bode plots, (c and d) Nquist plots.
Fig. 5a. It contains three time constants. The time constant in the
high frequency domain is associated with the presence of the outer
layer of the coating, the second constant in the intermediate frequency accounts for the presence of the inner layer, while the third
constant in the low frequency corresponds to charge transfer reactions occurred on the substrate.
In the equivalent circuit of Fig. 5, the resistive elements Rs, Rf1,
Rf2 and Rct represent the resistances of electrolyte, outer layer, inner layer and charge transfer, respectively. The capacitive elements
Cf and CPEf describe the properties of the protective layer, while Cdl
corresponds to the double layer capacity. The errors involved in the
tting procedures were under 10%. Constant phase element (CPE)
is used most often to describe the frequency dependency of
non-ideal capacitive characteristics [25,26]. The impedance of
CPE is given by:
where j is the imaginary unit, x is the angular frequency, Q corresponds to the pseudo capacitance of the coating and n is the depression angle (in degrees) that evaluates the semicircle deformation.
The factor n, dened as a CPE power, is an adjustable parameter that
Fig. 5. Equivalent circuit for the La coating at the rst stage of corrosion process in 1 M NaCl solution (a) and experimental and tted impedance spectra of the sample with
20 min immersion (bd).
Table 2
Fitted parameters for La coating with different immersion times using the equivalent circuit in Fig. 5a.
Dipping time
Rs (X cm2)
Rf1 (X cm2)
Cf (lF cm2)
n (CPEf)
20 min
18 h
Fig. 6. Equivalent circuit for the optimal La coating at the second stage of corrosion process in 1 M NaCl solution (a) and experimental and tted impedance spectra of the
sample with 36 h immersion (bd).
Rs (X cm2)
Rf (X cm2)
C (lF cm2)
n (CPEdl)
W-R (X cm2)
36 h
72 h
144 h
Fig. 7. Equivalent circuit for the optimal La coating at the third stage of corrosion process in 1 M NaCl solution (a) and experimental and tted impedance spectra of the
sample with 144 h immersion (bd).
always lies between 0.5 and 1. When n equals unity, the CPE describes an ideal capacitor. For 0.5 < n < 1, the CPE describes a distribution of dielectric relaxation times in frequency space. When n
equals 0.5, the CPE represents a Warburg impedance with diffusional characteristics. Fig. 5bd displayed the tting results in direct
comparison with the experimental measurements shown earlier in
Fig. 4 (20 min immersion time). The excellent agreement validates
the model and the underlying corrosion mechanism.
The detailed parameters used in the tting are listed in Table 2.
It is apparent that with increasing immersion time, the coating
resistances Rf1, Rf2 and Rct initially increased and then decreased,
whereas the opposite trend was observed for the capacitances Cf
and Cdl. The changes in these physical properties reect the
changes taken place at the electrolyte/electrode interface during
the immersion. In the initial stage of immersion (1 h), the gradual
coverage of the corrosion product on electrode surfaces led to increases in Rf1, Rf2 and Rct values. As the immersion time increase,
ions in the electrolyte such as the chlorine ions inltrated the La
salt conversion coating through the micro-holes and other defects,
and created more active points and defects in the process. The electrolyte inltration facilitated the charge transfer process and thereby reduced the coating resistance. As a result, Rf1, Rf2 and Rct values
decreased with increasing immersion time.
As the electrolyte permeated through the inner layer of the conversion coating and eventually reached the substrate/lm interface, the exponents of CPE, n, gradually decreased to a value
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