Ebola - Reading Exercise

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Battling Ebola: Two doctors for a county of 85,000

By Elizabeth Cohen, Senior Medical Correspondent September 25, 2014

1Monrovia, Liberia (CNN) -- Meet Dr. Gobee Logan, the county health
director for Bomi County 2 in Liberia. You have now met half the medical
team in Bomi County. There are two doctors in 3 the entire county. I don't
mean two doctors to treat Ebola patients but two doctors, period.

4 Two doctors to take care of Ebola patients, plus the 100 patients in their
general hospital,
5 plus the rest of the county. That's two doctors for
about 85,000 people. Logan doesn't
6 complain, even though he's
been working around the clock since June, when the first Ebola 7 case
appeared in this agricultural county.

8 He would, however, like an actual Ebola treatment center. He's been

taking care of patients 9 in a holding facility, which has only 12 beds.
Sometimes they have nearly double that
10 number, and patients
overflow onto mattresses on the floor. He can't send these patients 11 to
real Ebola treatment centers because they're all full.

12 Logan has been begging the federal government for more than a month
for an official
13 Ebola treatment unit, one with more beds and a
quarantine area for people who've come 14 in close contact with Ebola
patients but aren't sick. My team and I saw firsthand Tuesday 15 night just
how much he needs a real hospital.

16 About 7 p.m., an ambulance arrived at Logan's facility in Tubmanburg

with five people
17 who, the day before, had washed the bodies of a
mother and daughter
18 who had died of Ebola. After they'd done the washing, their community
kicked them out, 19 Logan told us. Now the five relatives -- three adults, a
13- year-old and a 5-year-old -- were 20 in the ambulance in Ebola limbo.
They couldn't go back home, and they couldn't go into the
21 facility
because they might get infected.

22 By the light of a single bulb outside the facility, it was decided they'd
look for a government 23 building of some kind where the family could
spend the 21-day quarantine. The county
24 health department would
feed them and take care of their needs. But they weren't going 25 to find a
place until the morning. The five relatives would have to spend the night in
the 26 ambulance. Logan put in an order for a second ambulance so they
could stretch out and 27 sleep more comfortably.

28 Logan and his staff are doing a heroic job of taking care of Ebola patients
under difficult
29 circumstances. He's strict about infection control -- no
health care workers have died on his 30 watch -- and he resourcefully tries
different drugs to save his dying patients.

31 Here's what I don't understand: With the millions upon millions of

dollars spent in West 32 Africa on Ebola, why doesn't this man get his
treatment center? These centers are the
33 single most important way
to prevent the transmission of the disease, since they isolate 34 the

1. Assinale as alternativas que apresentam aspectos denunciados

pela autora, ao longo do texto, em relao ao atendimento aos
pacientes infectados pelo vrus Ebola:
a. ( ) Falta de alimentos.
b. ( ) Falta de infraestrutura.
c. ( ) Falta de remdios.
d. ( ) Falta de direcionamento adequado de recursos financeiros.

2. No contexto relatado pela jornalista, dentre as diferentes

necessidades para melhoria no atendimento aos pacientes, qual a
prioridade do Dr. Logan?
a. mais remdios para o tratamento de ebola
b. mais funcionrios para auxiliar no tratamento de ebola
c. Uma unidade oficial para o tratamento de ebola

3. Identifique se as informaes que seguem so verdadeiras ou

falsas, de acordo com o texto. Marque V ou F:
a. ( ) Dr. Logan trabalha exclusivamente com pacientes contaminados pelo
vrus Ebola.
b. ( ) At o momento, nenhum integrante da equipe de trabalho de Dr.
Logan morreu, em consequncia do vrus Ebola.
c. ( ) Os pacientes em quarentena necessitam permanecer em isolamento
por 40 dias.

4. Em relao ao episdio presenciado pela equipe de jornalistas,

complete as informaes:
a) Motivo pelo qual os pacientes foram enviados ao Dr. Logan
b) Motivo pelo qual os pacientes no puderam deixar a ambulncia durante
a noite
c) Soluo indicada para a situao

5. Por que Dr. Logan no consegue enviar seus pacientes aos

centros de tratamento de Ebola?

6. Na sentena hes been working around the clock (linha 6), o

que a expresso sublinhada permite inferir?
a. Ele est trabalhando durante o dia
b. Ele est trabalhando ao redor do relgio
c. Ele est trabalhando noite e dia
d. Ele est trabalhando aos finais de semana.
7. A quem ou a que se referem as expresses destacadas no texto?
a) which (linha 9) ___________________
b) who (linha 17) ___________________
c) where (linha 23) ___________________

d. them (linha 18) ___________________

8. Traduza a seguinte frase:
Logan and his staff are doing a heroic job of taking care of Ebola
patients under difficult circumstances. He's strict about infection
control -- no health care workers have died on his watch -- and he
resourcefully tries different drugs to save his dying patients.

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