Cult of The Black Sun
Cult of The Black Sun
Cult of The Black Sun
The following is an excerpt from my upcoming book Black Sun Rising, an expose of the
connections between National Socialism, the New Age Movement and the current Progressive
While we hear much about the connection between National Socialism and the occult, we rarely
hear about the continuing legacy of Nazi occultism and its spread in our modern world. This
peculiar brand of occultism is known as Esoteric Hiterlism or as I prefer to call it, the Cult of the
Black Sun. While its roots are certainly found in the almost fanatical devotion to Hitler himself,
which was a key point of National Socialist dogma, it branched out beyond fidelity to a mere
political leader, lending Hitler an undoubtedly divine status. National Socialism, for the staunchest
supporter, was not simply a political philosophy, despite Hitlers statements to the contrary. It was
an entirely occult worldview that encompassed politics, science, race, ecology, religion, and family.
And the ultimate goal was to establish a Pan-Aryan world of National Socialist paganism. While
many would assume that occult dream died with the destruction of the Third Reich the truth is that
this cult has continued to exist even to this very day. Strangely it gained renewed strength through
the efforts of a woman of Greek heritage. No other figure of National Socialist history has done
more to promote this religion of Hitler than a European born Indophile who assumed the name
Savitri Devi. She is infamously known as Hitlers Priestess and the Priestess of the Black Sun.
Racist Occultism
What is the Black Sun? The term itself comes from the German Schwarze Sonne, and variably
known as the Sonnenrad (Sun Wheel). It is an occult symbol connected to the German NeoPaganism of the time of Adolf Hitler that was by its very nature racist to the extreme. Much of the
occult influence on the National Socialists came from the Thule Society. It appears that the Thule
Society was obsessed with the supposed secret origins of the Aryan race. This organization also
appears to have been a precursor to the SS in many ways, including the requirement of Aryan purity
for membership. New members of the Thule Society had to sign an oath that included the
The signer hereby swears to the best of his knowledge and belief that no Jewish or colored blood
flows in either his or his wifes veins, and that among their ancestors are no members of the colored
This certainly echoes the subsequent requirement of SS members to demonstrate pure Aryan
blood going back to the early 16th century. Thule members also believed that the Aryan (a term
stolen from Hinduism and as used by Thule and the National Socialists always a racist occult term
for Germanic) race came from the lost land of Ultima Thule, said to be the capital of Hyperborea,
believed by Nazi mystics to have been a lost land mass near what is now Greenland or Iceland.
Thule members also considered this to be the same place as Atlantis. This belief, as well as others,
connects these racial occultists to Helena Blavatsky, who picked up the very same ideas from Thule
sources and employed them in Theosophy. She in fact made subtle mention of Hitler as an adept in
her writings, as we will see later. The Thule Society attracted large numbers from military, military
veterans, and radical political activists. Some estimates places their numbers at 2000 in Bavaria
alone. Most members were more interested in promoting anti-semitism and fighting Communism
than they were the occult elements of the society. This propelled its members to seek to overthrow
the government. In December 1918 they attempted and failed to kidnap the socialist Prime Minister,
Kurt Eisner. Then in April 1919 the Bavarian Revolution began, after which Thule members were
accused of infiltrating the government in pursuit of a coup. Also in 1918 the society purchased a
newspaper which would become infamous. The Munchener Beobachter (Munich Observer) served
as the official newspaper of the Thule Society, eventually becoming the Volkischer Beobachter
(Peoples Observer), the main National Socialist newspaper in Germany. On January 5th, 1919
Anton Drexler, a Thule Society member, formed the German Workers Party. It was this party that
Adolf Hitler joined and became the leader of by February 1920, renaming it the National Socialist
German Workers Party. Soon other members of the Thule Society joined the National Socialists,
such as Dietrich Ekhart, Gottfried Fedder, Hans Frank, Hermann Goring, Karl Haushofer, Rudolf
Hess, and Heinrich Himmler.
Thus the connection to folkish occultism is undeniable in the history of National Socialism. This
pagan dream of an occult New World Order has not died. It continues to live today in various
According to former SS member Wilhelm Landig, the Black Sun symbolizes a substitute swastika
and mystical source of energy capable of regenerating the Aryan race. This is the very same
symbol found in Wewelsburg Castle, the mystical enclave of the SS and home of Heinrich Himmler.
Around this symbol strange rituals were performed, which we still know nothing of their contents
today. This is the symbol of the Cult of the Black Sun, which today serves as a symbol of the rise of
the Fourth Reich- a New World Order.
Savitri Devi
Savitri wasnt German as one might expect of such an ardent Nazi, but French, and of Greek and
English parentage. She had become obsessed with the National Socialist Party in the late 1920s as
well as the Indo-European myth of colonization of India. She moved to India to immerse herself in
the culture, which she saw as the earliest manifestation of Hitlers Aryan race and the potential
model for the coming Aryan Golden Age. She viewed the most rigid application of the caste system
as being the natural manifestation of Aryan survival and the height of its culture. She spent the
entirety of the reign of the Third Reich and of World War II in India hoping for an Axis victory,
after which she and her Brahmin husband (more on him to follow) hoped to assist in the
establishment of a racially pure National Socialist subcontinent. During these years she developed
her own peculiar religion. In essence the cult she developed is very much akin to Theosophy, being
a synthesis of Hinduism, Nordic mythology, and National Socialist racial theory that included the
mythological polar origin of the Aryan race, the Vedic cyclical view of human history, and the
centrality of the incarnation of Kalki, whom she viewed to be Hitler. She regarded the Third Reich
as the holy land of the west, the stronghold of regenerate Aryanism. Oddly enough, this virulent
racist married Dr. Asit Krishna Mukherji, perhaps Indias only true National Socialist. Mukherji was
well versed in National Socialist philosophy and political theory, and from 1935-1937 he published
the pro-National Socialist paper The New Mercury. Mukherji openly praised the Thule Society
and its influence on National Socialism and may have helped his wife form many of her mystical
ideas. Savitri began writing her book on the Pharaoh Akhenaton during the war years, and even
chose him as her personal deity to whom she rendered worship. Eventually she developed her own
trinitarian divinity which included the Pharaoh, Genghis Khan, and Adolf Hitler.
When the Third Reich collapsed she became a National Socialist apologist throughout Europe. At
one point the British occupation forces in Germany arrested her for promoting National Socialism
by distributing pro-Nazi leaflets and literature. While in prison for three years she became friends
with many Nazis who were unrepentant. After her release from prison she made even more friends
from among those committed Nazis hiding in the underground such as Hans Ulrich Rudel, a much
decorated Nazi fighter pilot, and the Nazi commando leader Otto Skorzeny who played a key role in
maintaining a global Nazi support network. She met with many Nazis fleeing Germany to Spain,
Egypt and the Middle East and was a founding member of the World Union of National Socialists in
the 1970s. She was embraced by these unrepentant Nazis because her writings added renewed
strength to the National Socialist underground by transforming what many felt was a now dead
political philosophy into a spirituality of race, mythology, deep ecology, and deification of Hitler.
For Savitri and other members of this cult Hitlers words in his last will and political testament were
It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the world
will know I was right.
Savitri might have simply faded into the shadows of a terrible neo-Nazi history if not for the work
of notorious Holocaust Revisionist Ernst Zundel. In 1982, this notorious Nazi published and
promoted Savitri Devi and her teachings. Her writings promoted a National Socialist metaphysic
that encompassed her strange mystical ideas and connections between Hitler and Akhenaten, animal
rights, and Green ideology (with a decidedly National Socialist slant), vegetarianism, and as
noted earlier, Hitler as the avatar Kalki. Kalki is an avatar of Vishnu, who in Hinduism is believed
to be the final coming avatar who will destroy confusion and ignorance. Interestingly, Savitri stated
that the only problem with this avatar was that he was too compassionate. In other words, in her
view Hitler should have been more brutal. Essentially, she built around Hitler a mythological
tapestry drawing on a variety of religious symbols that appealed not only to racist groups, but some
sections of the New Age Movement, particularly those dedicated to traditional Theosophy. Her
ideas actually do much to reveal the very real and deep shared connections between the spiritual
background from which National Socialism sprang and the New Age Movement itself.
She viewed humanity in relationship to nature in a very impersonalist way. Nature in her view is a
constant struggle of violence in which humanity had no special rights or exalted place. She stated:
I worship impersonal nature,which is neither good or bad, and knows neither love nor hatred.
- The
Oddly enough, much like Hitler, she demonstrated a very special love for animals, while exhibiting
contempt for non-Aryan humanity, the weak, and the handicapped. She shares this in common
with Himmler and Alfred Rosenberg as well, both of whom loved animals but viewed segments of
human society as unworthy of human life. Once the crimes of the Third Reich came to light and
the world learned of the Holocaust Savitri had this to say:
A civilization that makes such a ridiculous fuss about alleged war crimes acts of violence
against the actual or potential enemies of ones cause and tolerates slaughterhouses and
vivisection laboratories, and circuses and the fur industry (infliction of pain upon creatures that
can never be for or against any cause), does not deserve to live.
Such was her cold concern for fellow human beings that animals were considered of more value in
her philosophy.
Her book The Impeachment of Man (1959) was a manifesto against the Judeo-Christian
worldview. In fact, she actively worked as an anti-missionary in India. She toured tribal villages
and engaged in arranged debates with Christian missionaries and was reportedly very successful in
her efforts to keep people from converting to Christianity. This wasnt because she held some deep
conviction of the truth of Hinduism, but more a reflection of her hatred for Christianity as a Jewish
religion, and really as an act of deception. Commenting on this she said, From the racist Aryan
viewpoint, it was necessary to give the most backward and degenerate aborigines a false Hindu
consciousness. For her, keeping these people Hindu meant that they would eventually be easily
assimilated into a National Socialist society as a slave class. A repugnant opinion at best. She
eventually took to traveling across Europe, speaking at gatherings of white supremacists and
National Socialists, extolling the virtues of Aryan purity, dedication to Hitler as the man against
time (a phrase denoting his divine authority to defy the ages), and the Nazi mantra of blood and
soil. Finally in 1982 the priestess of the Black Sun died in the home of a friend preparing for a
speaking tour of National Socialist groups in America. But this was not to be the end of the cult for
which she was the primary apostle. It would continue to grow and gather followers.
Many astute researchers have noted the connections between Theosophy, the New Age Movement
and National Socialism. These cannot be ignored or overlooked since it is a fact that each of these
movements share the same occult worldview, and in fact promote many of the same socio-political
ideologies. This is not to say the average New Ager who loves his or her quartz crystals and
meditates daily is a Nazi. That isnt it at all. However it is to suggest that the leaders of the New
Age subculture are certainly complicit in promoting social and political programs that are patently
occult oriented, scientifically rooted in eugenics, and on a governmental level clearly fascist. Many
of these leaders are also leaders of the radical left, and some the so called radical middle, such as
Dennis Kucinich.
The Green Movement, very much an appendage of the New Age socio-political subculture, is
simply a continuing of the Wandervodel in Germany from 1900-1933. These Wandervogel were
deeply interested in communal life, Eastern mysticism, German folk occultism, and a hatred for
cities and industrial advancement. Interestingly, these precursors to the hippies identified with the
political left, and found a perfect home in the National Socialist Party, to which they flocked
enmasse due in no small part to the National Socialist acceptance of the very same Green Principles
and political theories. In the west history has been distorted so that our view of National Socialism
is limited to its cruelty, crimes and brutality. What is lost, perhaps by the design of leftist
educational institutions, are the patently leftist and liberal policies of National Socialism. Forgotten
are the National Socialist strong beliefs in radical Green policies, nature spirituality, state paganism,
a fascination with matriarchy, and ecological concerns that demanded every member of the state
live with a consciousness of the human connection with the planet. The entire mood of National
Socialism was what can only be called a New Age consciousness, shaped and informed by Hitler,
Himmler, Rosenberg and other National Socialist mystics. Albert Speer wrote in his diary how
Germans who supported Hitler desired a close contact with nature. And much like the New Age
ecologists of today he wrote that they were escaping from the demands of a world growing
increasingly complicated. They sought purity, a sense of spirituality and connectedness to their
universe just as the New Age adherent does today. This of course demands the rejection of a modern
society and capitalism, which is yet another commonality between National Socialism and the New
Age Left. One major example of the appeal to those with a Green mindset of the National Socialist
Party is the case of Leni Roefenstahl. Her radical environmentalism is what drew her to National
Socialism. In her 1935 propaganda film Triumph of the Will made sure to highlight this
ecological side of National Socialism when in one memorable scene, rather than focus on the armed
military, she focused on uniformed men with shovels over their shoulders who shout out We plant
trees! After the war she continued to defend her role in National Socialist Germany while at the
same time becoming a vocal environmentalist. She carried on the National Socialist tribal mentality
by shifting her attention to a Sudanese tribe known as the Nuba. Her work for the Nuba was simply
a transferral of her former National Socialist reasoning. As a Nazi she was protecting and defending
the racially pure Aryan from Jewish Communism and the evils of capitalism. Now for the Nuba she
was protecting them from the corruption of capitalism and a technological world gone wild. The
same leftist ideas in a different setting. It should come as no surprise that she eventually became
involved with Greenpeace before her death in 2003.
Posted by Fr. Jack Ashcraft at 6:15 AM