Lesson Plan Example

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Name: Stephen Readyoff

Date: 2/13/15
School: James Wood Middle School
Time: 10:00AM Concert Band

Grade Level/

6th and 7th grade percussion

Optional: metronome/ gock block

National K-12 Music Standards: (Cite Content & Achievement Standards)

2. Content Standard: Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied

repertoire of music

Achievement Standard:
c. perform music representing diverse genres and cultures, with expression
appropriate for the work being performed
Virginia Standards of Learning:

The student will demonstrate ensemble skills at a beginning level, including

5. maintaining a steady beat at various tempos in the music literature being


The student will begin to use articulations, dynamic contrasts, and phrasing as
means of expression.


As a result of this lesson students will know/identify:

(facts, terms)


As a result of this lesson students will be able to: (observable skills)

1. Accurately play concert repertoire at a consistent tempo

2. Use expression markings to enhance musicality

2.c., MIB.14

Reinforced Content & Skills

This lesson will review & reinforce the following:

Expression markings (accents, dynamic markings), style

Pre-Assessment: (What do students need to know/be able to do before starting this lesson? How will you
determine if students have these skills?)

Students should be able to use appropriate grips on the instruments they are playing, and
be able to read any notes and rhythms in their music.

Informal/Formative Assessment

Informal assessment: Are students playing the noted articulations and expression
markings? Are they keeping a steady tempo?

Post-Assessment: (Documentation of individual student achievement. How are the objectives

assessed? WHAT, HOW & CRITERIA?)

Assessment Type: Performance

Assessable Components:
Assessment Statement:

Assessment Type: Creating

Assessable Components:
Assessment Statement:

Assessment Type: Responding

Assessable Components:
Assessment Statement:



Steps in Teaching: (Detailed description of the teaching-learning process including questions
and auditory/visual/kinesthetic experiences for each class period.)

Day 1
A. Have students take out Infinity March, identify who plays each part
B. Discuss march style, how the piece should feel
C. Play through the piece, identify where tempo begins to drag behind
D. Ask students where they think the tempo issues lie, help them correct it
E. Repeat with Fire Dance, paying new attention to the style and how
instruments should be played to produce the best sound.

Accommodations to make the experience accessible; modifications of the content to meet student needs

Q = Questioning Depth Varied

G = Grouping/Peer Tutoring
M = Multimedia/Graphic Aids
R = Guided Reading/Read Aloud
H = Higher Level Thinking

A = Assistance by Teacher
C = Content Adapted
T = Time Frame Adjusted
S = Student Choice
P = Differentiation of Product

Changes for Next Time: (Always have this blank before the lesson and filled after the lesson!)

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