Career Counselling Definition
Career Counselling Definition
Career Counselling Definition
The above will then be clarified using some additional exercises and enable us to
create a Job Template which is a summary of the key elements we must have in our
work life. After taking assessments, we will work collaboratively with our counsellor to
understand and utilize the results of our assessments in our career search. Perhaps
it is more than one thing and we need to know this to better assist.
2. Exploring Careers
The second step in career planning process is to gain knowledge and increased
understanding about available career options. This stage includes further testing and
exercises, but also involves exploring various careers. The clarity provided in the first
phase will have put us in an ideal position to begin to explore ideas for our future.
These could include:
Different roles
During the meeting with Career Counsellor, we will first ensure that our Job Template
(what we must have in a job) is as accurate and specific as possible, so that we can
pass the employer test. In other words, we will be able to answer clearly a
prospective employers question: So what is it you are wanting from a job?. This
phase can help us to develop a much clearer vision for our future. We can find out
about careers, the world of work, and career descriptions through websites,
informational interviewing by talking to people in the fields that interest us, make use
of internships and volunteer experiences to help us become exposed to various fields
of interest. By learning about different careers, we can narrow down our choices to
those that are a good fit. We may meet with a career counsellor for help in narrowing
down our choices.
3. Career Decision
The third step in the process is to make a career decision includes final career
research and to devise a plan of action. After our earlier ideas meeting, we will
need to carry out extensive research and talk to potential employers and
organisations as well as any contacts who know about our area of interests.
Counsellor will give us exercises to assist us in assessing the suitability of different
options, and to help us decide on the best fit. They will also help us to set realistic
goals and devise small and relevant action steps to achieve them. Counsellor will
help us create a visible plan with target dates for completion, evaluate our progress
towards meeting our goals, and make adjustments if needed to achieve the chosen
career. We can also assist with resumes, cover letters, interview and job search skills
as needed. During this final phase, the counsellor will also work with us to develop
realistic Action Plans and at the end of this phase we will also have gained a toolkit
for decision making which we will be able to use again and again.