Monera Virus Quiz 07
Monera Virus Quiz 07
Monera Virus Quiz 07
Multiple Choice
6. Which kingdom would not have organelles such as mitochondria, golgi bodies, or an ER:
a. Monera b. Fungi c. Plantae d. Protista e. Animalia
7. This kingdom has a nucleus, a cell wall, no chloroplast, and contains ribosomes:
a. Monera b. Fungi c. Plantae d. Protista e. Animalia
10. Streptococcus pyogenes killed the Jim Hensen (The Muppets creator). What did they look like:
a. Rod shaped bacteria in chains c. Spherical shaped bacteria in chains
b. Rod shaped bacteria in clusters d. Spherical shaped bacteria in clusters
11. Viruses with RNA and a complex replication cycle are called:
a. archaic viruses b. capsid c. bacteriophages d. retroviruses
14. .What does algaephage mean: a. algae that infects viruses c. bacteria that infects virus
b. virus that infects bacteria d. virus that infects algae
Multiple Choice III
15. Scientists study bacteria located in the soil around the roots of a tree. They notice that it
produces a stinky gas called methane. This is an example of:
a. E-coli b. Eubacteria c. Salmonella d. Archaebacteria e. Streptococcus
16. A newly found species captures another organism and using it for energy. The organism is:
a. Saprotrophic b. Phototrophic c. Heterotrophic d. Autotrophic e. Homotrophic
17. A bird on a zebra’s back helps pick off insects by eating them. This keeps the zebra from being
annoyed by pesky insects. This is an example of a ______________ relationship:
a. Mutualism b. Commensalism c. Parasitism d. Heterolism e. Afrotism
18. A paramecium (A) is introduced into the environment of paramecium (B). When both interact,
paramecium (A) produces a toxin that paralyzes paramecium (B), causing paramecium (B) to
either not be able to eat or become susceptible to predators. This is an example of:
a. Mutualism b. Commensalism c. Parasitism d. Heterolism e. Afrotism
20. This virus lies dormant then later expresses itself: a. Lytic b. Lysogenic c. Lysolic d. Lytonic
21. Which organism’s niche is to convert atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen compounds:
a. bacteria b. protists c. fungus d. viruses e. plants
24. This scientist stated that germs cause infection. He discovered the germ theory:
a. Flemming b. Pasteur c. Koch d. Redi e. Spallanzani
25. This scientist stated that air didn’t cause broth to grow organism, but instead was the particles
and germs living in the air that caused the growth in the broth.
a. Flemming b. Pasteur c. Koch d. Redi e. Spallanzani
26. This scientist said that meat did not turn into flies:
a. Flemming b. Pasteur c. Koch d. Redi e. Spallanzani
27. This scientist said that preventing broth from air exposure would inhibit the growth of germs
28. This scientist studied fungus and from it discovered the antibiotic called penicillin:
a. Flemming b. Pasteur c. Koch d. Redi e. Spallanzani
29. Salmonella causes food poisoning if meats aren’t properly cooked. What type of bacteria is this:
a. Eubacteria b. Bacteriophage c. Archaebacteria d. Retrobacteria e. Cyanobacteria
30. Why aren’t viruses considered living organisms:
a. They are ineffective in transferring their DNA c. Doesn’t require oxygen to live
b. They don’t have a nucleus d. Requires a host cell to reproduce
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