Newsleer For The Weekends - 23rd/24th May & 30/31st May 2015

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Our Lady of Good Counsel

& Guardian Angels Parish

54 Harvey Street,
Elton, Bury BL8 2RD
Tel: 0161 764 1630

Email: olgcga@b

Parish website:
Parish Twier: @olgcga
Diocesan website:

Newsleer for the weekends - 23rd/24th May & 30/31st May 2015
Feast of Pentecost & The Most Holy Trinity (Year of St. MarkYear B)


Bro. Nicholas Hutchinson,
David Lindley, Dominic Gamble,
Eileen Cock, Margaret Reilly,
Elaine Hardman, Ray Fitzwalter,
James Scanlon, Jody Turon,
Austin Sweeney, Michael
Dewsnap, Phyllis Daly, Maurice
Berry, Joan Grimshaw, Margaret
Reilly, Sean Reilly, John Cullen,
Joan Hearle, Phillip Bailey, Alan
Radcliffe, Mary Hanson, Joyce
Greenhalgh, Maddie Clayton,
Paddy Harrison, Larry Hindes,
Lillian Graves, Alex Riley, David
Saulius Balsys, Bridie Dunne,
Barry Irving.
Anthony Early
P J Molloy
Ken Byrne
Sheila Gudgeon
Bill Crossley
Alice Irving
Frank Greenhalgh
Nora Roberts
Kathleen Carr
Mike OKeefe

First Reading: Acts 2: 1-11 As
on Sinai, the Lord descends in
fire and wind
Psalm 104: Send forth your
Spirit, O Lord, and renew the
face of the earth.
Second Reading: 1 Cor 12:3b7, 12-13 The Spirit calls the baptised to ministry for the common
Gospel: John 20:19-23 On the
first day of the week the risen
Christ imparts the Holy Spirit.

To include someone on the prayer list

please give their name to Fr. Paul, put
it through the letterbox of the Parish
Office, call the Office on: 0161 764
1630 or e-mail to
[email protected]
Please use the White Mass Intention
envelopes for Mass intentions which
you will find in the porches. Thank
When adding the name of someone
sick please ensure that you have their
permission (or the permission of their
family). The list is updated each week.
and because of space the names of the
sick will be removed
from the list after four
weeks. You can ask for
them to be added again.

Trinity Sunday (31st May)
1st Reading: Deut: 4:32-34, 39-40
Psalm 32
Second Reading: R omans 8: 14-17
Gospel: M atthew: 28: 16-20
Corpus Christi (7th June)
First Reading: Exodus 24: 3-8
Psalm 115
Second Reading: Hebrews 9:11-15
Gospel: M ark: 14: 12-16, 22-26

St Theresa of Lisieux
For the week beginning Sunday
24th May 2015 we pray for the
parish of Holy Family, Kirkholt.
For the week beginning 31st
May we pray for the Parish of St
Josephs & Our Lady of St Paul,
Heywood, and their priests:
Fr Paul Daly, Fr Andrew Starkey
& Fr Alf Rebello.
Question for the week:
How might I facilitate the spirit
leading me into all truth by reading a scriptural commentary, or a
new publication in liturgy, spirituality, or the Churchs social
justice teaching?


Saturday 23rd May: Pentecost Sunday
7.00 pm: Mass
Sunday 24th May: Pentecost Sunday
8.45 am: Mass
10.30 am: Mass
Monday 25th May: St Bede the Venerable
9.15 noon: Eucharistic Service
Tuesday 26th May: St Philip Neri
7.00 pm: Eucharistic Service
Wednesday 27th May: St Augustine of Canterbury
9.15 am: Eucharistic Service
Thursday 28st May:
9.15 am: Eucharistic Service
Friday 29th May:
9.15 am: Eucharistic Service
Saturday 30th May: The Most Holy Trinity
7.00 pm: Mass
Sunday 31st May: The Most Holy Trinity
8.45 am: Mass
10.30 am: Mass
Monday 1st June: St Justin
9.15 am Eucharistic Service
Tuesday 2nd June:
7.00 pm: Mass
Wednesday 3rd June: St Charles Lwanga &
9.15 am: Mass
Thursday 4th June:
9.15 am: Eucharistic Service
Friday 5th June: St Boniface
9.15 am: Mass
Saturday 6th June: The Body & Blood Of Christ
7.00 pm: Mass
Sunday 7th June: The Body & Blood of Christ
8.45 am: Mass
10.30 am: Mass: Mayors Sunday.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 23rd May: at 6.00 pm
Saturday 30th May: No Confessions
Saturday 6th June: at 6.00 pm
The Rosary (for the sick and peace)
7.00 pm each Monday
Please note that due to Fr Paul & Sharon leading the
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Auschwitz and Krakow from
Sunday 24th MaySunday 31st May, the Parish Office
will be closed (from 4.30 am on Sunday morningthe
time we leave!) - opening again on Monday 1st June.

Pentecost Sunday
24th May 2015
If you wish to contribute to the View from the Pew,
please contact the Parish Office. These are anonymous
comments from parishioners.
All the readings today concern the presence of the Holy Spirit in
our lives and what a difference that can make. The apostles went from
scared people hiding in one room to fearless evangelisers of the good
news to all who were in Jerusalem at the time. St Paul reminds us of the
variety of gifts the Holy Spirit can give us and in the Gospel, Jesus
breathes on his apostles and gives them power over sin. In Evangelii
Guadiam Pope Francis calls on all of us to be spirit filled evangelisers
fearlessly open to the working of the Holy Spirit. Wow. That is a lot
to live up to, and we wont even get the open sign of a flame of fire
over our head to help us. The question for me today is just how am I
going to make the flame of the Holy Spirit deep in my heart spill over
into my everyday life so that I too can be a fearless evangeliser? Can
my life be a channel through which the joy of the Good News is evident
in all that I do? Let us pray for the Spirit to fill our hearts and kindle in
us the fire of love.

Trinity Sunday
31st May 2015
Commandments of Love
Without rules and regulations in our lives, everyone would do
whatever they liked and it wouldnt take long for chaos to prevail.
Without direction in our lives, we tend to wander aimlessly and are in
danger of losing our way. In the Old Testament, God gave the Ten
Commandments to his people, to help them to know the difference between right and wrong, and to live in his love and friendship. In the
New Testament, Jesus gave us new commandments of love to complete
the ones we already had. These are the foundation blocks on which to
build our lives as his disciples today.
Jesus commanded us to love God and to love our neighbours as
ourselves; but sometimes we might ask, Who exactly is my neighbour? Every person created in the image and likeness of God is our
neighbour. We are given the opportunity to do for others what we
would like to do for God; to put our love into living action by loving
every other human being. Jesus said, Whatever you do to the least of
my brothers or sisters, you do to me. Lets give it a try.
To receive our Parish Newsletter by e-mail each weekend, simply
e-mail the Parish Office on:
[email protected] with the tag line newsletter and we will
add you to the list. Follow us on Twitter also @olgcga for reminders
and updates on parish events.
Follow the Department for Evangelisation: @SalfordDFE
The Offertory Collection for:
For the weekend 16th/17th May was:
Envelopes: 832.39 Loose collection: 264.70
Total: 1097.09
Thank you for your generosity.
If you wish to join the Gift Aid scheme please see Fr Paul at the back of
Church after Mass. It only takes a couple of seconds!


Each year we are asked to host a Mission Appeal for a different
Religious Order. This weekend at all the Masses Fr John Leahy
will be making an appeal on behalf of the Congregation of the
Sacred Heart. They are involved in mission work in the Philippines, Africa, Japan and India.
I know that you will be as generous as you can be and usually
are. Thank you in advance. Fr Paul.

Dont forget that we have the Childrens Liturgy of

the Word at both Sunday Masses now. We still have room
for more leaders at both Masses, so if you are interested
please have a word with me, and we can sort it out. Im
delighted that we have now been able to get it up and running at both of the Sunday Masses nowso please do support it and take advantage of us being able to offer this.
Fr Paul
The New Eucharistic Ministers & Readers Rotas
are now available to collect from the
Welcome & Information Centre.

Saturday/Sunday 23rd/24th May
Annual Mission Appeal at all the Masses
Sunday 24th MaySunday 31st May
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Auschwitz and Krakow
(N.B. Parish Office Closed for the week)
Tuesday 26th May
Tuesday Club: Bingo2.00 pm
Thursday 28th May
7.30 pm Baptism Preparation MeetingWalsingham
Tuesday 2nd June
7.30 pm Our Lady of Lourdes Full Governing Body Meeting
Sunday 7th June
10.30 am Mass: Mayoral Sunday Mass
10.30 am Mass: Presentation & Welcome for Baptism
After 10.30 am Mass: Baptism Preparation Meeting (1)
Thursday 11th June
7.30 pm Guardian Angels Full Governing Body Meeting
Saturday 13th June
10.00 am 1.00 pm: Sacramental Programme Family Day
Thursday 18th June
St Gabriels H S Full Governing Body Meeting
7.30 pm: Seeking Christ Group Meeting re: Quiz Night
Sunday 21st June
8.45 am & 10.30 am Masses: First Communions
Friday 26th June
Quiz NightParish Centre (see page 4 for full details)

If you cannot fulfil your rota duty, please arrange a swap
with another team. Thanks.
This weeks team: Pat & Sue Moriarty
Next weeks team: Marcia & Lawrence Cook
Week after: Pat & Sue Moriarty
Spaces on the Minibus: We cur r ently have some spaces
on the minibus for the 10.30 am Mass minibus run. If you
or someone you know would benefit from this fantastic
service please call the Office.
Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to
volunteer or for more information.

The Clusterers
Sunday 24th May 2015
Leader Jeff Smith: 764 7269
N.B. 9.30 am departure from GA Car Park

Music and Singing in our Liturgies

Awaken Your
Catholic Faith
Sometimes important
things get away from us
things like faith.
Is this you? Too busy?
Not been to church in a while? Children asking questions
about faith that youre not sure how to answer? Looking for
an opportunity to explore your faith? Were you baptized and
then not confirmed or didn't make your first communion? Do
you know people who are in this position?
Awakening Faith will be just right for you. This is a
six week programme which includes topics such as
Spirituality Can I Accept Gods Mercy? Can the Mass
Make My Life Meaningful? and The Church and Me. You
can learn and ask questionsall in a friendly and confidential
setting with other parishioners.
Please tell other people about this six week
programmethey will all be made most welcome.
If you would be interested in attending or would like
more information about it, please call the Parish Office on
0161 764 1630 or e-mail us on: [email protected].
If you would like to join us, please complete the form below and return to the Parish Office, and we will be in
touch with you.

Thinking of
becoming a
Seeking Christ is a programme aimed at people who want to look at the Catholic
church, who have either been baptised in another Christian
tradition or never been baptised.
Initially there are eight sessions in the programme to
help welcome and engage those who are thinking of possibly
becoming a Catholic. There is of course no obligation after
completing the eight week programme, but if people decide
they would then like to move forward to becoming a catholic
we can then help them to move forward.
If you know of people who might be interested in this
programme please let them know about it. If they want any
further information they can contact the Parish Office on
0161 764 1630 or by e-mail on [email protected]
If you would like to join us, please complete the form below and return to the Parish Office, and we will be in
touch with you.
I am interested in attending Awakening Faith or
Seeking Christ
Name: ..
Address: ..

Why do we have music at Mass?

Music has always played a key part in peoples worship.
Whether sung or instrumental, its task is to serve and support the prayer
of the people as they give thanks and praise to their God.
When we sing as a congregation during the Mass we are drawn
together. We are united both in the action of singing and in the belief
that our song expresses. Our songs express the faith of the Church.
They help to nourish and strength this faith.
Within the celebration of Mass, music can heighten the liturgical
texts so that they speak more richly and fully.
The joy and enthusiasm which music adds to a communitys
worship of God cannot be gained in any other way. So St Augustine
was right when he said: One who sings well prays twice.
Here in our Parish we have three Sunday Masses. This means
that the Mass each person comes to is their Sunday Mass. Over recent
months the attendance at our Masses has been steadily increasing
(which is wonderful!). We must ensure that each Mass is as enriching as
the other two Masses. Having recently started the Childrens Liturgy of
the Word at the 8.45 am, we seem to be getting more people at this
Mass also.
For the 7.00 pm Mass and the 8.45 am Mass we have been very
fortunate that John Cullen has, for several years now, played at both
Masses each weekend. Unfortunately at the moment John is in hospital
and has been for the past few weeks. This means that at the moment we
have unaccompanied singing (led by mein the hope that I dont pitch
it too high or too low!). In a parish of our size, with good Mass attendances we probably have people in the benches who are able to play
musical instrument, or help lead the singing, but have never thought
about offering to be involved in it at any of the Masses.
There are other occasions when (aware that many people are
working) it would be very helpful if there were people to help lead the
singing, such as at funerals. We always have an organist for funeral, but
so often it is almost a duet (me and the organist) when it comes to singing the hymns! So, lets all have a think about what we could do !
If you would like to be involved in the music and singing in Church
please fill in the form below (ticking the relevant boxes) and return it to
the Parish Office. We can then see how we can move forward into the

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I would like to be involved in the music and singing at

Church. (Please tick the relevant boxes)
I could be involved at :

I can:

7.00 pm Mass
8.45 am Mass
10.30 am Mass

Play a musical instrument

(instrument ...)

Help to lead the singing

I could help lead the singing at Funerals:


Name: ...
E-mail: ....
Tel: No: ...
(or e-mail the office on [email protected])

Tel No: .
E-mail address: .

Please return to the Parish Office.

Having your child baptised at Guardian

If you are planning on having your child baptised,
please pick up a leaflet from the Welcome and
Information Centre, which outlines our baptism
preparation programme.
Please note that the first thing that parents have to do is contact the
Parish Office (telephone on 0161 764 1630 or call in) to book onto
the First Meeting, held on the first Sunday of each month. Please do
not just turn up for the meeting without first booking in through the
Parish Office. This means that our Baptism Preparation Team have a
workable number of people each month.

Planning on getting married in 2016

at Guardian Angels?
Please remember that all couples are required to
give at least 6 months notice (by Diocesan Law) in order to
marry in the Church. So, if you are planning on getting married in 2016
and have not yet made contact with us and booked in your wedding,
please do so as soon as possible.
Please telephone the office (0161 764 1630) to make an appointment for an initial meeting with Fr Paul, so that the availability of the
Church can be checked and details can be put in the Parish Diary.
Last Sunday we celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation with some of
our younger members of the parish community. The children all did so
well, having research the life of the saints whose names they were taking
in confirmation. A very big thank you to everyone involved in making
the two services last Sunday afternoon so special for the children.

Friday 26th June 2015

The 11 new members of the Church, who were received at the Easter
Vigil are organising a Quiz Night for the Parish. They are organising it
to firstly express their thanks to the Parish for the warm welcome they
have received, and secondly to raise some funds for the parish.
The group met on Thursday evening to discuss details etcso, here they
Starts at 7.30 pm in the Parish Centre.
5.00 per person (under 12s free)
Includes a meat-less supper
(i.e. cheese & onion pie & vegetarian pasties)

Tickets are on sale after all the weekend Masses from this
weekend onwards.
Flowers on the Sanctuary.
If you would like to have the flowers on the
sanctuary in memory of someone or something special just
let Fr Paul or Sharon know and they will arrange it, or you
can simply put all the details on an envelope, and put the donation in the
envelope and pop it through the office letterbox.
The flowers on the sanctuary this weekend are in memory of Bob
Hindle & James Roscoe, whose anniversaries occur around this
time. Please remember them and their families in your prayers.

You are now able to access the weekly parish newsletter from our
twitter feed (@olgcga

Proclaim 15 is being launched to

support, inspire and encourage new
expressions of parish evangelisation.
A project of the Bishops Conference of England and Wales, it is designed to affirm the good work that
is already being done by the Catholic
and to provide resources and events to profile and develop new expressions of Catholic joy and missionary outreach. In July this year there is a National Catholic
Evangelisation Conference. Taking place. Obviously as
a National Conference places are very limitedbut to
enable parish communities to take part in the project
as a whole, materials have been produced for 3 parish
We are hoping to have these meetings very soonso
watch this space! (more details soon!)
Please submit all items for inclusion in the newsletter to the
Parish Office no later than Wednesday evening.
Either pop them through the Office letter-box or e-mail them
in. Anything received after Wednesday evening cant be guaranteed to make it into the next weekends newsletter.

A big thank you to all our agents, and to everyone taking part
in the 10 Week draw. The second draw will take place this
Sunday in Parish Centre Tea and Coffee after the 10.30. Come
and join us.


Week One Results:

No: 140
Alice McKeen
Bill Lowry
No: 371
Emma Garrity
George Ponka

Dont forget we have Tea and Coffee in the

Parish Centre after the 10.30 am Mass each
Sundaycome and join us!
Congratulations to Stella and John
On Wednesday of this week, Stella was
elected and installed as the new Mayor
of Bury. John will be her consort. On
behalf of their fellow parishioners I
would like to offer them our warmest
congratulations. We look forward to
Sunday 7th June, when Stella will have
her Mayoral Mass here at Guardian Angels (10.30 am), to ask
Gods blessing on her Civic year of service. Everyone is invited to attend the Mayoral Mass.

An astonishing Lent
At the end of our Lenten Appeal we
have wonderful news, CAFODs Family
Fast and the Lenten Appeal has raised over 4.5 million
through the generosity of people in our parish communities
across England and Wales.
Thanks to matched funding from the government, this will be
doubled to 9 million! An amazing amount that will support
those most in need around the world.
Thank You so much. CAFOD Salford.

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