Islam PDF
Islam PDF
Islam PDF
The word Islam is derived from the Arabic word
Salam, which means peace. In the religious sense, the
Islam means submission to the will of Almighty God and
obedience to his law. Anyone who submits his or her will
to Almighty God is called the Muslim. Many people have
a misconception that Islam is a new religion, which was
founded by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). In
fact, Islam is there, for time immemorial since man first
put foot on earth. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon
him), is not the founder of the Religion of Islam.
In fact, Quran says:
And to every nation and to every people have we sent
a guide
(Surah Raad, Verse 7)
That means, there were messengers and guides, send to all
the nations of the world. But by name, only 25 Prophets of
Almighty God are mentioned in the Holy Quran. For
example Adam, Noah, Moosa, Abrahim, Isaac, Ismail,
Dawood, Suleman, Isa, Muhammad (Peace be upon him),
Basically there is only one religion in the world ISLAM,
Only Islam is acceptable Deen in the sight of Allah (swt) as
it is mentioned in Quran
Supremacy of Islam
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. It is just
because that Islam is the only true religion which not only
emphasize on the morality, humanity and social problems
of mankind, but it also shows a path how to achieve success
by eliminating all evil deeds from the society.