EXHIBIT 010 A - Fictitious Conveyance of Language

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Point 010 A.

Affiant has no record or evidence that Libellee(s) have not used "Fictitious
Conveyance of Language" against Affiant, leading to various and many connected
interlocking directives founded, propegated, brought forward, and executed in the fraud
to Affiant's pain and injury.
ADMIT - Libellee(s) admit to the truth and guilt of utilizing, as a device, against Affiant,
"Fictitious Conveyance of Language" to Libellee(s) (potential) unjust gain and to Affiants
pain and injury.

EXHIBIT 010 A - NOTICE of Fictitious Conveyance of

NOTE: This NOTICE, with its several points is written in "event continuum" format to
bring clarity to the various Points in dispute, displaying the fact that one point leads to
another and the end issue is connected to the beginning issue. Points shall be "set off" in
brackets "[ ]".
If an organization, corporation, or other entity, uses false conveyance of language, we call
it "Deceptive Trade Practices"; acts and actions of such are often harmful to the intended
victim and bring "ill-gotten gain" to the treasuries of such corporations.
Bear in mind that all governments are corporations and all legislative court systems are
for profit "Also Trades As" corporations with very few safeguards in place to protect the
private man. The corporate beasts' prime directive is to instill fear in the minds of the less
fortunate persons of involuntary servitude; and the most common device in use by such
fear-mongers is false conveyance of language.
All organizations within the government are required by 26: C.F.R.: 601.72(a)-1 to
publish how the organizations are organized, and the nature of the organization. In most
cases, there is plenty of evidence pointing to the fact that there is a lack of public
disclosure concerning the true nature of the organization that is demanding monies, fees,
fines, penalties, licensing, or prosecuting us. We have further evidence that the courts
organization is just as fraudulent, since they all are organized as legislative foreign
fictions, using subjective interpretation, legal fictions, and the like.
We also know, according to court records, that the judicial system has been manipulating
job titles to confuse and dominate the proceedings. What are the consequences if we
accept and act according to these fraudulent definitions? We find that we do not know to
whom we are speaking, and what authority he is exercising at any moment, whether the
person we are talking to is acting in his capacity as a clerk, judge, legislator, or whatever.
In the court, are we talking to a judge, legislator, bailiff, banker, or a clerk when we are
talking to the guy on the bench in the black robe?

Lack of full disclosure combined with the use of verb language (versus truth language,
noun language) allows Libellee(s) to be charged with breaching Title 18, section 1001,
for their [Point 010 A - a] false statements and Title 18, section 1002, for their [Point 010
A - b] false papers against us. The organizational structure of the system, the false
statements and false papers are designed to place us at a legal disability. So we claim our
handicapped status of Title: 29: U. S. A. Codes: 706(8)(a), and charge them with
breaching Title: 29: U. S. A. Codes: 701(C)(2): the Policy for the [Point 010 A - c] rights
of the handicapped, since the government is obligated in Title: 42: ch: 126: 12182(2)(A)
(iv) to make efforts to eliminate communication barriers that hinder the handicapped.
If the opposing party uses all uppercase styling of our names, they are intentionally
addressing their pleadings to the fictional strawman, and are using Title: 18: U. S. A.
CODES: : 1342: [Point 010 A - d] Fiction names against us to Title: 18: U. S. A.
CODES: : 1341 [Point 010 A - e] cause a Fraud and Swindle. By not using upper and
lowercase lettering, with punctuation, they are in breach of F.R.C. P. RULE:10(a): [Point
010 A - f] proper name of the Party, and in breach of F.R.C. P. RULE: 17, [Point 010 A g] since only the real party of interest can be sued in the admiralty.
For what purpose would a person knowingly (title 42 1986) do such a thing? For
whatever reason, to hold their beloved system together, they are committing: Title: 42:
1985(3) [Point 010 A - h] Deprivation of our Rights. Therefore, they are engaging in a
Title: 18: 1961 [Point 010 A - i] Racketeering-activity, for their Title: 42: 1985(2) [Point
010 A - j] Obstruction of the Justice, causing a Title: 42: CH. 21: 1983 [Point 010 A - k]
Personal Injury, and a Title: 42: 1983: NOTE: 39 [Point 010 A - l] civil Deprivation of
the Rights, by their Title: 42: 1983: NOTE: 319 and NOTE: 337 [Point 010 A - m]
Custom & Policy of their Title: 18: 241 [Point 010 A - n] Conspiracy, under the Color of
Law, causing the Title: 18: 242 [Point 010 A - o] criminal Deprivation of the Rights,
Title: 18: 872 [Point 010 A - p] Collusion/ Coercion, for the Title: 18: Ch.73:: 1512
[Point 010 A - q] criminal Obstruction of the Justice, ending with a Title: 28: : 1359
[Point 010 A - r] Loss of the Jurisdiction by their Collusion, all under the Title: 4: : 3
[Point 010 A - s] Desecrated flag.

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